Seeing the fleet in the sky aiming its guns at the nest, Ron was still a little panicked.

The brutal tithe and the successive rebellions that spread throughout the hive almost destroyed all the defenses of the hive.

Many important defense areas are still in a state of neglect and dilapidation.

Repairing and renovating the "Dream" required so many resources that he had to suspend the restoration projects in those areas.

Today's hive city is just a flower stand, with no ground defense array to fight back.

Moreover, the void shield of the hive city only lit up symbolically.

It is estimated that within a few rounds of attacks, the void shield will be broken.

Obviously, that fleet also discovered this weakness, so it dared to stop over the hive capital so brazenly.

Boom boom——

Three cruisers and more than twenty frigates used ship-based weapons to launch a round of attacks on the hive.

The ship's macro-cannons and light spears fired a salvo, and a large number of shells and rays hit the void shield.

The violent explosion produced fire, and shock waves rippled across the surface of the translucent energy shield of the void shield.


Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the situation is not optimistic, because the energy layer of the void shield is already unstable, and even swaying can be clearly seen.

The hive's void shield can no longer hold up!

He was very worried:

"Where's that guy Kaul? Where did he die? There won't be any problems, right?"

If there is a problem with the battle plan, the hive will have to be sent.

As expected, the feeling of being manipulated by others is too uncomfortable.

After surviving this battle, he will gradually build Erth into an unbreakable planetary fortress.

In the bridge of the giant cruiser, the fleet commander sneered.

It takes at most two rounds of attacks to break the ground's shield. By that time, the entire planet will be shaking under his feet!


The shining light spear ray strikes.

Several frigates were shot down, hitting the void shield and turning into flames.

Seeing this scene, Ron wiped the cold sweat from his head and felt completely relieved.

The Dream is on the attack!

After discovering the arrival of the fleet, he immediately asked Caul to urgently stop repairs and modifications and hide the Dream.

The ancient device called the "Supreme Sky Curtain" on board the Fantasy can well diffuse and shield the energy signal of the spacecraft.

When a warship shields energy signals and enters low-power silent operation, it is difficult to detect.

Now that the war has begun, there is no need for the Dream to hide.

The sudden attack made the fleet commander furious.

He asked:

"What's going on? Didn't it mean that the ground air defense force was not detected?"

"Attack the enemy warship!"


Sure enough, the fleet commander saw on the scanner that an enemy ship had come around behind the fleet at some point.

"Deal with the air threat first!"

Led by the giant cruiser, the fleet turned and chased the enemy ship outside the atmosphere.

When the fleet approached, through the observation dome of the bridge, the fleet commander finally saw the appearance of the enemy ship clearly.

It was completely silver-white, and it didn't look like an imperial warship at all, and it couldn't be classified.

Judging from the size, it was at most an ordinary cruiser level, one size smaller than his giant cruiser.

Moreover, the enemy ship still has construction machinery hanging on it, and it seems that it has not been completed yet.

Seems a little funny.

The fleet commander frowned:

"Is this how they dare to resist us?"

It's obvious that this battleship was pieced together, and many parts are slightly old.

Are these natives trying to resist his fleet with this piece of junk ship?

Thinking of this, the fleet commander felt ridiculous for the stupidity and ignorance of the natives.

"All attacks!"

The fleet commander issued the attack order.

He wanted to tear the broken ship apart and let the natives know what true despair was.

Of course, that ship is not useless, at least its attack power is pretty good.

But it can never withstand the firepower of an entire fleet!

The fleet commander was undoubtedly cautious. He immediately ordered the fleet to open fire with all its strength regardless of the cost.

Boo hoo hoo.

The fleet's giant artillery shells, light spears, torpedoes and other weapons rained down on the enemy ships like raindrops.

Such an attack would be enough to overwhelm an entire city.

The fleet commander looked at all this with pride.

It was not easy for those poor natives to build this ship.

They may have saved resources for hundreds of years to put together such a ship.

This makes them arrogant.

Unfortunately for him, it only took a few minutes to destroy such a ship.

He couldn't wait to see this patchwork ship reduced to ashes, trampling the hopes of the indigenous people underfoot.

However, the next moment, the fleet commander's expression froze.

He pointed forward and screamed:

"Damn, what is that?"

I saw the enemy ship in the distance suddenly light up, and circles of energy shields spread quickly like ripples.

And each lap is bigger and more dazzling than the previous one.

It's like wearing several big bubbles.

The adjutant also looked shocked. He swallowed:

"Sir, if I read it correctly, it should be a void shield..."

"I know!"

The fleet commander was angry:

"But why does its void shield have five layers?"

Most ships have only one layer of void shield.

Even some extremely luxurious and wealthy top defense ships only have three layers of void shields.

And only very large ships or fortresses can have the energy to support multiple void shield arrays.

How could the eight-kilometer-long battleship in front of me be equipped with multiple void shield arrays?

And it’s an unheard of five floors!

The fleet commander felt deeply uneasy in his heart.

But he still doesn't believe it:

"That five-layer void shield must be fake. How could the natives have such terrifying technology!"


The fleet's attack hit the enemy ship's outer void shield.

Those attacks that could destroy the city only left tiny ripples on the outer void shield.

Another round of attacks followed.

It was still blocked by the void shield, and the color of the shield didn't even change much.

The fleet's consecutive salvos were almost like scraping.

"This...impossible, how can its void shield have such strong defensive power!"

The fleet commander was stunned, the scene in front of him was really unbelievable.

His fleet was firing with all its might, but it couldn't even break the outermost shield of the enemy ship.

How to fight this?

The other commanders of the fleet were equally shocked, and the attack came to a standstill.

The fleet commander looked at the enemy ships and fell into deep suspicion.

Soon he noticed something strange.

The enemy ship stood motionless.

Apart from the initial attack, it didn't seem to have any counterattack behavior.

Is it because the energy consumption of the multiple void shield arrays is too high, causing them to have no extra energy to attack?

The fleet commander's dead heart came to life again.

Those indigenous people didn't know where they found the ancient technology, but they didn't know how to use it.

He looked at the enemy ship greedily.

As long as it can't fight back, he can slowly polish off the void shield's energy and then capture it.

Those ancient technologies belong to him!

When the fleet commander was about to order the attack to continue.

In the bridge of the Dream, everyone was wondering.

Why didn't the enemy fleet attack?

They also want to continue to test the pressure resistance of the multiple void shield arrays.

Kaul was a little impatient:

"Hey, hey, okay, the data collection is almost done, let's quickly test the strength of the weapons."

He excitedly ran to the weapon console and pointed:

"Quick, quick, activate Nova Cannon and blast them!"

He had long wanted to try out the actual combat capabilities of that precious Holy Nova main gun.

After receiving the order, the crew took action, and they operated the console skillfully.

"You guys are not good at this speed, you still need to train more!"

Kaul was dissatisfied with the speed of the crew's operation and directly took over the operation station.

Several robotic arms quickly pulled down row after row of levers, and then pushed the valve sharply to fully increase the power of the Nova Cannon.

He wanted to know if the Nova main gun at full power could kill a fleet.


Nova's main cannon activated, drawing energy hungrily.

The huge main gun muzzle at the front of the Dream lit up with dazzling light, condensing a highly unstable, intertwined and condensed plasma cluster, and then rapidly expanded.

That huge and shining crazy ion cluster, with a diameter of one or two kilometers, seemed to be able to destroy everything!

In the bridge, the fleet commander's eyes widened and he looked at the horrific scene in front of him with horror on his face.

What a terrifying and indescribable power this is!

Fear surged into his heart like a tide and spread throughout his body, making his legs weak.

At this moment, the shadow of death enveloped everyone in the fleet.

The fleet commander tried his best to control his vocal cords that were out of control due to extreme fear, and roared with difficulty:

" away!"

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