Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 147 The Terrifying Holy Nova Cannon

The huge and violent plasma group spilled a large number of plasma particles around, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

Even the Hive City of Erth, which is relatively far away from the plasma cluster, has been affected.

The plasma particles hit the void shield of the hive and rubbed out a blue light.

This causes the Void Shield to become increasingly unstable.


What the hell is Call doing? "

Ron looked at this scene and almost vomited blood.

Even if he was on the ground, he could see the dazzling plasma mass.

Was the weapon out of control, or was Caul trying to do something big by keeping silent?

I'm afraid the oil man is going to destroy his fleet!


On the weapons console of the Dream, Caul excitedly finished charging the main gun, and then pointed the muzzle at the hurriedly turning fleet.

His hand grasped the lever of the launching device and was about to shoot——


Ron's stoppage sound came from the speaker, startling Call.

"Call, do you want to destroy the fleet?

Don’t forget, your research funds are on those ships! "

He made a prompt decision and directly connected to the Dream's communication device to prevent the Nova Cannon from being fired.

Kaur is full of confidence:

"Don't worry, I'm not targeting those transport ships. Nothing will go wrong."

Okay, okay, your IQ is still online, right?

Ron almost laughed out of anger. He had reason to suspect that this bastard was responsible for the previous Nova Cannon power outage incident.

That incident caused the Nova Cannon to go out of control and create a large gap in the red moon.

Fortunately, a blessing in disguise resulted in the discovery of a precious vein of minerals.

But this time Caul had a bigger game and wanted to attack the enemy fleet with the full-power Nova Cannon.

It would be okay if it was a Chaos fleet, but now the target is a human fleet. This is not very civilized and will cause great losses.

After all, his goal was to capture these battleships.

Ron regretted a little. If he had known better, he would not have let this guy sail the boat.

But there is nothing we can do, the situation is urgent.

Under the circumstances, it was most appropriate for the black weapon sage to sail the ship.

I just didn't expect that he would die again.

Thoughts flashed by.

Ron immediately issued an order, depriving Call of his command authority and setting a bottom line for the Fantasy's attack intensity.

The purpose of this battle is to capture enemy ships and does not allow for the complete destruction of large enemy ships.

"Report to the Governor, the main gun has been charged. If it doesn't fire, it will explode!"

Kaur's voice suddenly came out.

At the same time, the Dream's hull trembled slightly, and the plasma mass at the main gun port of the ship's bow became increasingly unstable.

Violent plasma energy spread wildly.

If the plasma mass explodes on the spot, the Dream will be sent away, and even the Eth star will be severely impacted.

Everyone in Ron is numb:

"Adjust the muzzle and shoot out. Anyway, you will be responsible for handling whatever happens!"

Time is urgent. Ordinary crew members may not be able to operate so fast, so they can only let that bastard Kaul handle it.

He may not be reliable, but his ability is still online.

"Promise to complete the mission!"

Kaul happily took over the control of Nova's main gun again. He just wanted to fire a shot.

The Nova's main gun's charge was reaching its limit, and the entire ship's body shook violently.

Kaul operated methodically, and the mechanical arm danced out an afterimage.

Soon he adjusted the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at a chosen lucky position.


He pulled the launch lever.

In an instant, the Dream shook violently.


The huge plasma ball was compressed and turned into a warhead and launched out. It disappeared in an instant, leaving a violent flash of light in the retina.

The void around the Dream was flickering with a faint blue light due to the friction of the plasma warheads.

call out!

The plasma warhead crossed thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye and passed by the enemy's fleet.

The edge energy alone overturned several frigates, and the void shield of the closest cruiser was shattered.

Soon, with the dazzling light, the plasma warhead burned like a small star and exploded in the extremely distant space.

A large area of ​​airspace was covered, and the high temperature destroyed almost everything, making the space slightly distorted.

When the light from the explosion extinguished, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ This thing is too scary..."

Ron wiped the cold sweat, but fortunately it was his own weapon.

The power of the Holy Nova Cannon was even more terrifying than last time.

This shocking attack achieved great results and completely destroyed the enemy fleet's fighting spirit.

Inside the bridge of the giant cruiser.

"With the blessing of the God Emperor, we survived?"

The fleet commander got up in embarrassment, feeling like he had been given a new lease of life.

But his legs were still a little weak and he had to hold on to the podium.

The planet Erth actually has such terrifying weapons, the power of which exceeds the limits of imagination.

This is not a force that he can oppose at all, not even His Majesty the Emperor!

Fortunately, the shot missed.

If the next shot hits the fleet, they and the fleet will be reduced to ashes!

"Evacuate at full speed, hurry up!"

The fleet commander roared as if there was some terrible demon behind him.

He doesn't want to stay in this damn place for a second!

However, the surrounding warships fled faster than his order.

Those warships increased their speed to the limit and scrambled to escape.

This leaves the giant cruiser last.

"What a bunch of bastards..."

This made the fleet commander shocked and angry, and he immediately ordered:

"Turn off all systems except power, run the engine overclocked, and increase the speed to the limit!"

Anyway, I can't fight, and I can't defend myself against the enemy's attack.

It's better to abandon the shield and weapon system and see if you can escape.

Not only giant cruisers, but other battleships also operate in the same way.

Because the commanders of those warships were basically trained by the fleet commanders, they could be said to be superior to their predecessors.

The warships in the fleet began to disperse and fled in different directions.

The next thing is left to fate to see who is more unlucky and gets hit.

They just need to escape faster than the friendly ships.

Generally, in this situation, it will be difficult to capture all the battleships.

After all, the warships that gave up resistance fled very quickly.

However, the Dream caught up at a faster speed.

"Commander, the enemy is catching up!"


The fleet commander was furious:

"Whatever method you use, keep accelerating!"

The adjutant looked frightened and hesitated:

"I...we are already at the top speed, and the engine has reached its limit."


The poor adjutant had a burnt, bloody hole in his head and fell down.

"Trash, a bunch of damn trash!"

The commander of the fleet took a gun and shot several more attendants to death, venting his anger.

But the next second.


The giant cruiser was attacked and shook violently, and the energy lines inside the ship exploded with sparks.

Then the battleship slowly stopped.

"Commander, the battleship was attacked by interference, and the power system was overloaded and shut down!"

With a snap, the reporting crew member fell down.

The fleet commander looked ferocious:

"I know!"

This was a major command error.

But that was not his fault. No one could have imagined that the damn enemy ship would catch up so quickly.

In space, the interference macro cannon on the side string of the Dream fired rapidly, easily hitting those warships that had turned off their shield systems.

This variant of the macrocannon fires a "cannonball" made of highly charged ionized deuterium atoms.

Those particle cannonballs won't cause much physical damage to the target, mainly attacking the ship's internal systems.

Their purpose is to overload and shut down the target ship's energy transport system.

This weapon is particularly useful for ships that need to capture prey intact.

After several rounds of shooting by the Dream, the escape speed of the entire enemy fleet slowed down.

If any imperial fleet witnessed this scene, they would definitely feel ridiculous.

The small battleship actually dared to pursue the entire fleet and subdued them all.

What a miracle!

In the bridge, scarlet warning lights illuminated the gloomy face of the fleet commander.

It seems the situation is beyond redemption.

In this battle, he suffered too much humiliation.

Since there is no way to escape, let him be buried with this ship!

Only in this way can we live up to His Majesty the Emperor's gift.

The fleet commander was determined and issued an order:

"Activate the self-destruct system and detonate it immediately when the enemy boards the ship!"

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