Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 181 The Heavens and Universe Plan (for Subscription)

As the sacred homeland of humanity, the traumatized Terra revealed its tough side after the war.

Despite the invasion of Khorne's demons, Terra quickly recovered from the ruins of the doom.

A large number of new buildings have been re-established through the efforts of the hard-working Terran people.

Everything is new, with new changes every day.

The new Terra political system headed by Guilliman is functioning as originally envisaged.

As the home world of human beings, Terra is rich in resources.

After all, it has the support of the entire empire.

Nowadays, it cooperates with Guilliman's various new technologies.

Terra can be said to be earth-shaking now.

The sea that disappeared for more than 10,000 years also reappeared on the earth.

All kinds of civil aircraft soon spread to every household, which greatly improved people's sense of happiness.

Various magnificent buildings and natural ecological circles appeared on the land of Terra with the assistance of the mechanical priest.

Scales of forest cover the barren desert land.

The Regent of the Empire issued an order requiring Mars to start research and development of environmental modification machines for the human world, so as to comprehensively improve the living environment of human beings in the galaxy.

The strong iron fist in various departments and the various factory emission standards introduced by the chamber of commerce have effectively curbed those factories with high consumption and low efficiency, breaking the old chain of interests.

Environmental protection bills were also passed under Guilliman's authority.

Many efforts have greatly improved the harsh climate and living environment of human beings.

You know, the land of Terra was almost drenched with poison in the past.

No plant can survive in the wild, and the whole world is experiencing a kind of desertification.

The air of the whole planet is a foul and poisonous smell.

People can only live in cities.

The gray sky was also purified for the first time, revealing the azure blue sky, as if washed by water, spotless.

The sacred homeland of mankind is being restored to its former beauty.

Blue sky, ocean, forest.

Words that had long been lost in the mouths of the Sons of Terra reappeared in their mouths.

Confidence and anticipation for the future appeared on people's faces.

Throughout Terra, every citizen of the empire feels full of energy, and an unprecedented bright future awaits them.

There has never been such an ethos before.

After the imperial regency came, everything quickly became better.

Imperial Chancellor Petunia stood on the edge of the balcony garden of the Imperial Senate, overlooking the vast city.

Huge buildings of grand scale sprung up in the cities of Terra like mushrooms after rain.

Green gardens adorn it. The most eye-catching thing is the flying anti-gravity traffic, like the endless stream of fish among the plants on the bottom of the sea.

The sky became clear again, as Terra rotated. As the sun gradually rose from the east, the golden sunlight shone into the majestic and huge urban agglomeration, and was divided into beams of light by the tall cities, coating the traffic in the sky with a layer of golden brilliance.

Facing such a beautiful new world, Penny, as the Prime Minister of the Empire, would always be secretly excited, and sometimes even wanted to cry bitterly.

The feeling of new life permeated every corner of Terra.

Compared with the beautiful present, the past is really an indescribably terrible nightmare.

If Tirian hadn't left, seeing everything now, I'm afraid he would be so excited that he would shout excitedly.

Today's Terra is the idealized human society he once pursued.

Humanity is getting back on track, and they are about to become the most powerful force in the galaxy once again.

The basic education project in Terra has also started.

Of course, this education did little to weaken the Emperor's faith.

From the moment those children entered the school, they learned the Emperor's thoughts and various theories in religion classes.

They are raised to be firm, yet independent-thinking believers.

What they have to do is to complete the rise of mankind and the great revival of the empire, so that mankind can once again move toward glory.

The barbarism and vulgarity of the state religion were weakened and suppressed by the Primarch using many means.

From a rational point of view, religion has many disadvantages.

But it is not without advantages.

It can strengthen people's beliefs and strengthen a group's sense of identity and belonging.

Let the people of the empire tightly unite under the banner of the emperor, declare war on demons, aliens, and those traitors, and avoid meaningless internal friction.

It permeates the hearts of the people of the empire in another way.

The age of belief in science and rationality.

This is the darkest age for mankind. The emergence of the Great Rift has allowed traitors and demons to devour the living space of mankind with impunity.

But this is also the most beautiful era for mankind, and they have regained the leadership of an emperor's own son.

No, Penny apologized for her mistake.

Now it is no longer one emperor's father and son, but two emperor's sons and daughters.

Latest news. Lion Lion, the genetic father of the Dark Angels Chapter, has also returned.

According to the Imperial Regent Guilliman, the Primarch of the Dark Angels is already leading an army against those loathsome enemies, and it is believed that relevant success will come soon.

For the empire that is thriving today.

The return of a primarch is undoubtedly a powerful sedative, which can inspire the world and strengthen the cohesion of the empire.

Humanity regained the protection of these demigods of war, and once again embraced the splendor of technology and reason.

The old era came to an end with the dissolution of the High Lords Council.

For ten thousand years the Empire was ruled by a single body of twelve men and women.

They are responsible for making all the major decisions of the nation and guiding humanity through its many trials and challenges.

There is no greater power in the government of Terra than the High Lords Council.

The high lords from all sides assumed the responsibility of running the empire, running the country and acting as intermediaries between the people and the emperor.

They use methods such as speculative scholarship, prayer or tarot cards to guess the emperor's will and convey it to the world.

Before the Primarch recovered, no one dared to challenge any decisions made by the High Lords Council.

For this reason, their position is firmly rooted.

Everyone would think that this system would run forever.

However, no one expected that one day, the High Lords Council would be banned.

This system that has lasted for thousands of years will be completely smashed by its creator.

After Guilliman recovered, he took all his powers.

became Regent of the Empire.

Government affairs, military affairs, and even technology are all under his firm control.

Many people are well aware that Guilliman has not officially declared himself Emperor of the Empire.

But everyone knows that Guilliman is already the actual master of mankind.

The military, technology, politics, and public opinion are all firmly in his hands.

No one can shake his position at all.

Even a revived loyal Primarch would have difficulty overturning Guilliman's rule.

Penny didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

Judging by the development of Terra, it would be a good thing for all humans to have Guilliman as the new Master of Humanity.

Tyrian's death made everyone see clearly how terrifying the corruption of the Terra government is.

Those high lords have long forgotten their responsibilities, and only cared about enjoying power for themselves, ignoring the interests of the bottom.

Yiertu, headed by the Ministry of the Interior, is even more insane.

As the most powerful and longest-serving elder in the High Lords Council, he insisted that the various basic systems left by the Emperor and Guilliman should not be changed in order to safeguard his own interests.

Conservatives led by him oppose any form of reform.

Every time they face the reformists, the conservatives headed by Iltu claim that the imperial constitution has been proven to be the most perfect legal system for mankind through a deep understanding of history, law and theology.

Any attempt to alter the Imperial Constitution is a betrayal of the Emperor himself. It was also a betrayal of many Imperial Primarchs.

Using the Primarch and the Emperor as a shield, the reformers will be smashed every time they face this issue.

In the past years, no one dared to say that the system designed by the Primarch and the Emperor was no longer in line with the development of the Empire.

Such words are easily regarded by the state religion as blasphemy and betrayal of the Primarch and the Emperor.

If you dare to make such remarks, the ending is often not very good.

For this reason, Tirian and others tried many reform measures, but in the end they all went to abortion under the obstruction of Yiertu and others.

The conservative coalition would never agree to even tentative reforms.

However, when Guilliman woke up, the situation ushered in a dramatic change.

Guilliman, who created the High Lords Council system, took it upon himself to reform the political system of the Empire.

Guilliman shattered the Primarch and the Divine Theory of the Emperor that Iltu and others insisted on.

Those dignitaries who feared that they would lose their rights did not hesitate to plan the Battle of Beta-Garmon.

Unfortunately, their various attempts to retain power were ultimately thwarted by the Primarch.

Most of the Highlords also paid the price for the death of Imperial Chancellor Tyrian.

The highly centralized empire has been twisted into a rope with Guilliman at the center, and they are fighting for a common goal.

That is the rise of humanity, and the great restoration of the Empire.

Every battle that takes place in the empire will be transferred to all the people of the empire through invisible systems such as administration and economy.

Let them clearly realize that the entire empire is one, and they have no way to stay out of any war.

What Petunia has to do is to cooperate with Guilliman, help him coordinate various affairs of the empire, and effectively promote his orders and reforms.

This is not an easy task.

Even if the empire can sail in the star sea, it is a real interstellar civilization.

But the civilian technology of the human empire is a mess, and it is impossible to effectively supervise the people of the empire.

In addition to civilian technology, the empire's illiteracy rate is also extremely terrible.

Even in Terra, 80% of the people have not received systematic education, their knowledge of the outside world is limited to the Hive City, and they have no concept of the huge human empire.

Many worlds are still at the tribal and feudal level of civilization.

The former Terra had no intention of improving their technology, nor their civilization.

On those planets, the sole purpose of those Imperial subjects was to provide the Empire with cheap, exploitable labor.

Of course, such things were not allowed in Guilliman's reforms.

He requires that every planet must have a basic understanding of the galaxy and understand what kind of existence the human empire is.

The illiteracy rate of each planet must be 0. You must master the use of the most basic electronic equipment, understand what your rights and obligations are, and be prepared to fight for the empire.

The old stand of the human empire can be said to be extremely rotten.

One can imagine the pressure to push a policy that would make all worlds dance to the Primarch's footsteps.

Even now, the Regent of the Empire has released many technological restrictions.

Brain engineering, citizen data chips, low-end intelligent mechanical applications, etc.

But Penny still doesn't have much confidence. According to her speculation, it will take at least three hundred years to fully promote the reform of the Primarch within the empire and complete the corresponding goals.

It took such a long time to promote the reform of the Primarch to all planets, allowing the ignorant people of the empire in countless worlds to complete the transformation, reduce the illiteracy rate, and improve the local technological level.

Let every citizen of the empire know how great the human empire they are in is.

This is a very difficult and troublesome project.

Once it is completed, there will be no one in the past, and there will be no one in the future, and the glory of mankind will have to continue.

Among the many races that have risen in the galaxy, human beings are not the most intelligent or the most gifted.

But humans are a very special race.

They are more united than the Eldar, tougher than the Tau, and more tolerant of pain than the Necrons.

Every aspect is not outstanding, but every aspect is not a shortcoming.

In a huge society, mediocrity is precisely the source of human strength and the foundation of their strength.

Only mediocrity can unite.

Only unity is strength.

This power is the power that can destroy everything, everything.

Human beings never pursue a hero to determine the future.

Even the Regent of the Empire has repeatedly emphasized that lone wolfism and heroism will never be the main tone of human beings.

The most common sentence he said about his achievements is, "Those credits belong to those who struggle, not me. I am great because of the world, not because I saved the world."

"We will succeed." Penny watched the traffic in the city and the bustling workers, and said silently in her heart.

Just thinking of Guilliman filled her with hope for the future of humanity.

The human empire will surely go to glory in his hands.

He will unite all mankind and challenge all evil existences that try to hinder mankind.

Humanity will triumph.

The empire will surely go to glory.



After being separated from the Stone Fortress, the fleet led by Macragge's Glory is still sailing towards Terra.

While sailing, Guilliman summoned the Grand Sage of the Ruler, Caul, to prepare for his strategic transfer plan.

Cunning earth and three caves.

The empire must be prepared for both a frontal challenge and a strategic shift.

If you lose your land, you will lose your land.

Lost land saves people, and everyone gains land.

The war with Chaos is destined to be an unimaginably protracted war.

Radicalism of any kind is off limits.

Xiang Yu caused Liu Bang to suffer dozens of defeats, and Liu Bang was able to make a comeback.

And Xiang Yu suffered a defeat, and he was finished.

What's the use of Xiang Yu being good at fighting?

War is about logistics, about supplies, and about persistence.

Being able to fight is just a little bastard, not a problem.

Accompanied by the hiss of the hydraulic device, the heavy metal door of the strategy room opened.

The ruler sage came in from the outside and saluted respectfully.

"Is there anything you need to find me, Lord Regent."

"I have something for you to do," Guilliman said, sitting in his chair.

"whats the matter?"

"I want you to form a team and find a way to go to another universe."

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