Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 182 New Plan (for Subscription)

Traveling to other universes had always been Guilliman's plan.

Especially after communicating with the dark watchers left by the ancient civilizations in the monastery of the Dark Angel - the Megalithic Fortress.

It further strengthened his idea of ​​going to other universes.

If a civilization cannot guarantee enough curiosity and continues to expand outward, it is tantamount to taking chronic poison.

The ultimate security of mankind can only come from outward expansion and colonization.

In the ruthless competition of civilizations, only export-oriented civilizations can survive, and conservative civilizations that are settled in a corner will eventually perish.

Now, Guilliman has not completely rescued the human empire, but he must make a plan and plan for the future

Human beings must be prepared to colonize other galaxies and other universes.

Of course, he summoned Kaul and formed a different universe exploration team was just a casual move, reserving enough living space for human beings as a backup strategic plan.

The Empire's current focus remains on fighting Chaos, against traitors and enemies in the galaxy.

The ruling great sage stared dumbfounded at the primarch sitting on the wide chair, such absurd words, when the other party said them, his tone was so serious.

For a moment, he didn't know whether Guilliman was joking or serious.

"Explore other universes?" Kaul said hesitantly, "My lord, please forgive my ignorance, can you tell me exactly, are you joking?"

The human empire is the largest empire in human history.

But it only occupies 2/3 of the territory of the galaxy.

That is to say, human beings have not even been able to completely control the entire galaxy so far.

Let alone talk about going to other galaxies.

Compared with the vast universe, the human empire is really too small to be worth mentioning.

Like a grain of sand in the frenzy of the waves, it is so small that no one cares about it.

Under such circumstances, Guilliman actually wanted to travel to other universes.

In this case, it is like a village boy who wants to be a guest at the home of the richest man in the world without even earning 3,000 a month.

A slightly disrespectful thought came to Kaul uncontrollably.

Primarch, this is too delusional.

Guilliman looked at Caul with a playful smile.

"Does the great sage think that I am a person who likes to joke?"

Caul was also silent for a moment, and then there was the sound of gears and machinery roaring from his neck.

The head covered with metal and precision gear structure shook slightly.

Thinking about it carefully, Guilliman is really not a person who likes to joke.

During the period from waking up to the present, the various plans that Guilliman launched are really crazy.

But in the end, those crazy plans often come true.

Guilliman pushed those plans forward with formidable stamina and intelligence.

Sometimes, many plans seem to be useless, but they will play an amazing role in the future.

They are intertwined, and once you think about it, people are frightened by his vision.

"How do we go to other universes? We can't even go to other galaxies? So far, the empire has never reached other galaxies. Maybe some people have gone to other galaxies, but they have never been able to come back. Such exploration is meaningless. Big."

A robotic arm of Kaul extended with a buzzing sound.

A holographic projection interface pops up on the thick metal arm.

In the projection, countless stars are suspended, moving around the core inside the galaxy.

It is worth mentioning that the positions of the stars in the universe are not less than 10%, and they also move.

The distance of the stars in the first few hundred years is different from the distance in the next few hundred years.

Human beings are too small to feel the movement of the Milky Way.

It's like a person standing on the earth, he can't feel the movement of the ground under his feet.

The cosmic background of the stars is changing every moment, and the solar system is moving with the many stars in the Milky Way.

This is one of the reasons why the warp needs lighthouses.

Without a lighthouse as a point of reference, ships entering the warp could easily get lost in the frenzied etheric currents and be trapped in the depths of the warp.

Once the cosmic coordinates of the stars change, the ship continues to enter that area according to previous cognition.

Most likely it will plunge headlong into the stars, or emerge in the outer void, never reaching the galaxy at all.

"Going to other universes is easier than we imagined, Cawl. Do you remember the Mordor I went to last time?" Guilliman stood up, his tall body cast a shadow on the room, and he walked to the bookshelf. Next to him, he continued to speak: "Moduo is a very special place, it originated from those ancient races."

"In the Stone Fortress. I talked to those Dark Watchers. They told me that before the Eldar appeared, and even their creators did not lead the galaxy, the first civilization war broke out in the universe. The races involved in the war forged these roads to other universes to escape disaster. Ermodor is the entrance of such a road, which is laid along the territory of the gods and extends to other universes."

"Our current work is to explore along this road. In the early stage, we aimed to familiarize ourselves with the roads to and from other universes. Being able to go there and come back is the goal of the first stage. Then there is the second stage of development, as far as possible Familiarize yourself with the technology of making roads, widen the roads, and strive to allow established troops to pass. The third step is to master the road technology proficiently, and mobilize the troops of the empire to colonize other universes. In this way, even if we are defeated here, we can Withdraw to other universes and preserve vitality."

"The original casting technology in the second stage has matured. I need you to sit in Modo, conduct various tests, and equip them with different abilities to ensure that they can enter other universes and return safely."

"It's very difficult to implement such a plan." Even if Kaur has lived for 10,000 years, he has seen any big scenes.

But now, he really can't accept it.

The Regents of the Empire have become so arrogant that they want to get their hands on other universes.

The Primarch was more rampant than his father.

The Emperor only created the webway, he has gone mad enough to build inter-universe roads.

"If there is no difficulty, we must do it. If there is any difficulty, we must do it." Guilliman spread his hands, "You will be fully responsible for this matter in the early stage. After I solve some problems in the empire, I will personally lead this project."

Seeing Guilliman's resolute attitude, Kaul could only nod his head, and continued with the appointment.

After talking about going to other universes, Guilliman sat back on his chair and pointed out a holographic projection covering the entire room, showing the picture of the Milky Way.

Hundreds of millions of light spots appeared in the room, forming a white mist of light.

The fog of light is composed of numerous light spots, each of which is emitting light.

It exudes a faint silver glow.

Guilliman waved his hands and zoomed in on the partial scene.

The little particles all turned into shining stars.

The two seem to be in the Milky Way.

"This is the display of all the stars in the entire galaxy." Guilliman zoomed in as he spoke, and did not stop until he could clearly see each point of light.

The sea of ​​stars composed of hundreds of billions of stars coated their bodies with a faint silver edge.

Carl keenly noticed that there was an area mixed with golden light in the holographic projection.

The light spots made up of gold and silver two-color light only occupy about one-twentieth of the entire picture.

When the starry sky image is not enlarged, it is difficult to notice this detail.

The light spot composed of gold and silver two-color light radiates out thin tentacles to the surroundings. These countless tentacles constitute the intricate links between them, forming an infinitely fine network structure.

"It seems that you have noticed this place." Guilliman said, "This is the area covered by the lighthouse project. Those tentacles are a dense shipping network composed of lighthouse nodes, which can effectively reduce the impact of warp space storms and maintain the Empire. The normal operation of the system does not need to rely on Terra's Astronomical Torch."

Kaur stared at it for a while, feeling a little turmoil in his heart.

For thousands of years since the establishment of the empire, it has relied on the guidance provided by the emperor's astronomical torch.

The State Church and the Council of High Lords have always maintained the doctrine of the sacredness of the Astronomican, viewing it as a strong proof that Terra ruled other regions, representing the legitimacy of the Emperor.

Some people have also questioned whether the human empire is too dependent on the Astronomical Torch. Once there is a problem, human beings are likely to be in trouble.

It's a pity that anyone who dares to question the end result is not very good.

In the presence of the state church and the high lords, this kind of questioning was intolerable to them.

To question the Astronomical Torch is to question the Emperor, to question the Emperor is to question Terra, and to question Terra is to question the legitimacy of their rule.

If you dare to question legality now, you may rebel in a few days.

Only a person with such courage as the regent of the empire can say that it breaks the intricate chain of interests of those with vested interests in the high lords and the state religion, and promotes this kind of lighthouse node.

Decades ago, who would have dared to publicize such a thing, the state church and the trial court would come to the door the next day, and the ashes could not be found on the third day.

"When everything is formed and mixed with Jinhui, it will represent the success of the Lighthouse Project, and humans will no longer be so passive in the face of the subspace." Guilliman said, "The subspace is very dangerous for humans, but It is very important. If the subspace is lost, I am afraid that the human empire will fall apart in a few years. For this reason, we must tame the subspace and let it become our help rather than our doom."

"When you sit in Modo, you also need to pay attention to this matter to ensure the perfect promotion of the Lighthouse Project. This is the most important step for human beings to achieve glory."

Guilliman explained to Caul the importance of the Lighthouse Project.

Once completed, humanity will be rid of the Terra Astronomical Torch, rid itself of inefficient communications, and increase the Empire's control over worlds.

The previous astronomical communication was extremely inefficient.

An astronomical message for urgent help may drift in the subspace for decades before being received by Terra.

It would be decades before Terra would respond and send troops to the area to deal with it.

Such a situation makes the empire's ability to deal with various crises simply unbearable to look directly at.

It can be expressed with the word garbage.

This is the main reason why Guilliman gave the planets democratic autonomy.

Terra really has no way to control every colony, they can only let them choose someone who can represent their own interests, and then let that person fight for their interests.

Moreover, absolute dictatorship, firmly controlling the tentacles, is completely unworthy for the empire, and the cost and benefit paid for this are unequal.

It was a sign of lack of self-confidence, fear that one's power would be eroded and eventually lose everything.

An absolute dictatorship would make officials of all ranks place more emphasis on the interests of their superiors than on the citizens he governs.

When an official can be rewarded regardless of the interests of the people being ruled, then there is no need for the official to protect the interests of the residents.

There is no way to solve the root problem of human selfishness and greed.

Any power that claims to use ideals and beliefs to eliminate selfishness and greed in human nature is all big talk without exception.

If an official wants to achieve a certain position, if it depends on the opinions of the residents in his jurisdiction, then he will inevitably serve the residents in the area and fight for their interests in order to gain support.

Whether an official can be promoted depends on his leadership.

Then he only needs to serve his boss well and please his boss.

In this process, if he is still willing to fight for the interests of the local residents, then he is really a rare good person, a good official, and a saint in terms of ideology, morality and consciousness.


In an absolute dictatorship, fighting for the interests of local residents is a matter of no benefit at all, or very little benefit.

The boss will not praise that person because of this, let alone promote that person's position.

The local residents have no way to benefit that person.

Just dedication without any return, isn't this still a saint?

Guilliman only allowed Terra's centralized power to be concentrated in star regions, sub-star regions, and even galaxies, but not in the field of planets, for this reason.

Once these officials appointed to the planet give up fighting for the interests of the local residents and choose to please the above, then his reforms will lose all meaning.

The higher-ups ordered a task, and the lower-level ones performed even better in order to improve their political capital.

Just squeeze the residents of the planet and force them to complete the task, even if the residents of the planet cannot survive, so what?

The local people die when they die, and the boss's mission cannot be violated. If he violates the hat, he will not be guaranteed.

If you dare to rebel, you dare to kill, and after you kill them all, hide the news.

As long as the boss doesn't speak, even if half a planet's people died for the mission, they will still be promoted and raise their salary.

Terra is tens of thousands of light-years away, and the ghost knows what happened, at most, he saw that person get promoted.

It is even more impossible for Guilliman to check every planet to see whether the officials appointed by Terra are responsible and whether they are good officials who plead for the people.

Human nature can only be guided, not blocked.

Even if the Tribunal has the time and energy to launch a purge again and again to clean up all those officials who are greedy for profit and ignore the people of the empire, more officials will take this road.

When one corrupt official falls, tens of thousands of corrupt officials will stand up.

To curry favor with high-level officials, murder and set fire, violent suppression, promotion and salary increase.

Pray for the people, be fair and honest, be kind to the people, and be a scumbag all your life

Saints are always a minority, and the world itself is mercenary.

Guiding them with interests is the right way.

If the interests lead to bad people, the society will inevitably go to moral decline.

If the interests are directed towards good people, then the society will be fair and honest, and the accounts will not be closed at night.

Taking the planet as a unit, it is very important for the bottom to fight for their own interests and make their own voices heard.

With opposition, those talents dare not act recklessly.

Those officials in high positions will focus more on formulating reasonable plans rather than exerting power.

Only by balancing the interests of all parties can it be possible for the planetary governor to implement it.

Otherwise, if the other party directly throws back the plan, it will only appear that he is incompetent and become a laughing stock.

The governors of those planets will not oppress the local residents too much for the preferences of the above.

Standing in the position of the governor of the planet, pleasing the higher-ups, you can't get a promotion.

It made the people below get angry, and he was about to resign in desperation instead, without any benefit.

Absolute dictatorship is out of the question.

Absolute democracy is even more undesirable. The economy is easily decoupled and becomes a behind-the-scenes existence for manipulating politics. The country will also become a business-based country.

For this reason, the military and economy must be separated from politics and incorporated into the empire's control system, providing the empire with military support and a large enough flow of funds to maintain technology and various military equipment.

Otherwise, the entire empire could easily fall into a vicious cycle of being controlled by large political and economic groups.

Once the country becomes a commercial-based country, the situation will be as bad as falling into an absolute dictatorship, or even worse.

After all, being an emperor has to protect his own regime and benefit the people.

Businessmen can only suck blood, but they don't know how to spend money on people's livelihood.

They will only continue to extract benefits until all contradictions are out of control.

The Lighthouse Project, combined with Guilliman's reforms, can be said to be the best system for the empire today.

It can effectively reduce the possibility of the governor of the local planet doing evil in the case of poor communication, and prevent people from falling into ignorance and ignorance again, and living a life that is worse than death.

Absolute freedom and democracy will turn human beings into little lambs in the mouth of the evil gods, and the power will be dispersed, and all forces will beat their brains out for their own interests.

Absolute dictatorship will turn the empire into another hell, people will lose their freedom of thought, and civilization will regress.

A balance between the two is the best.

"I understand." Kaul bowed slightly, indicating that he knew his mission well.

The two talked again, made a judgment on the current situation of the empire, and added some details of the next plan.

Afterwards, Guilliman let Caul go out and let him go about his own business.

But he stayed in the strategy room and continued to handle the government affairs of the empire.

As long as the time comes to return to Terra and solve some problems, Guilliman will set sail again.

Hand over the affairs of Terra to the bureaucrats headed by Penny.

As the actual ruler of the empire, the new Lord of Humanity, Guilliman will not interfere too much with the operation of the empire.

His character is by no means an ancient emperor.

But the savior of mankind.

There is an essential difference between the two. Those emperors chose dictatorship for their own benefit.

Guilliman chose dictatorship for the overall benefit of mankind.

His duty is to save the empire and lead humanity out of this dark universe.

Dictatorship and dictatorship are just means, not the ultimate goal.

Sitting in the splendid palaces of Terra could not be saved.

He must lead by example on the front line of the battlefield in order to inspire the soldiers of the empire.

Any grand narrative death or injury will always be the bottom layer of those who have faith.

Guilliman had to let them know that the interests of the rulers of the empire were one with theirs.

The next phase of the Indomitable Crusade must begin.

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