Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 192 Deal with Nether Dragon (Subscribe)

After getting permission from Sicarius, Penny tidied her clothes again and walked in.

As Chancellor of the Reich, she also met with Guilliman pitifully infrequently.

The Primarch was very cautious. He kept a distance from all senior officials, creating an atmosphere where no one was trusted and no one was left out.

Guilliman left Terra quietly for a while, and then returned, without the knowledge of the common people.

He did not give any explanation for this journey.

Those soldiers who followed him were also ordered not to talk about it.

Petunia didn't delve into it, she knew very well that as the supreme ruler in control of the empire, the Primarch should have his own secrets.

This kind of thing is inevitable.

The human empire is the largest force in the galaxy, possessing territories and armies that other forces do not have.

But the enemy of mankind is equally powerful.

Especially some enemies that cannot be speculated by common sense.

More importantly, in front of those enemies, human beings are still at a disadvantage.

The mighty human empire was permeated like a broken sieve by those gods.

Humanity is at war with the ancient gods, finding a life in their near-infinite cunning and power.

Being honest with others is a virtue.

But this virtue is not suitable for rulers.

Civilians can pursue the process and pursue the so-called justice.

Rulers can only pursue results.

Justice, sincerity, kindness, and honesty can all be discarded when pursuing results.

Follow the corridor into the hall where the officials who assist the imperial regent are located.

They are very busy, running back and forth.

The affairs of the entire galaxy are handled here, and those matters are compiled into forms and submitted to Guilliman for review.

Don't try to deceive him, even if he doesn't admit that he is a god, his eyes are everywhere.

Any deception is futile, he will guess the existence of lies from the details.

As long as it is a lie, it must have flaws.

There is bound to be a day when someone discovers it.

The Primarch has the ability to detect lies.

It was impossible for mortals to deceive him, and anyone who tried to do so was punished.

The servant standing outside saluted Penny and helped her open the door.

After walking in, the door was closed, blocking out all the sound.

"Prime Minister." Guilliman sat on his seat, motioning for Petunia to sit in front of his desk.

"Master Guilliman." Petunia bowed to him and gave the eagle salute. She tried her best not to be stage fright, and looked bravely into Guilliman's eyes.

The Primarch's eyes are very deep, as if containing the entire starry sky, containing the infinite wisdom of human beings.

Petunia finally gave up the act of looking directly, the wisdom in those eyes was beyond her ability to bear.

Guilliman has existed for over 10,000 years.

Even though he was asleep most of the time, he was still an ancient man from 10,000 years ago.

People of his contemporaries either fell into Chaos or died.

He and his brother led the army and laid the foundation of the empire.

He led the establishment of the imperial system after the Horus Rebellion.

Now, he returns again to save mankind in the dark doomsday.

"You have completed the task I arranged very well. This is a commendable thing. I should have awarded you some more medals or rewards, but your status is already so high, and the rewards will surpass the existing ones. laws and institutions. For that, I can only thank you verbally.”

Guilliman's voice is very gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

As a ruler, he can switch between different styles according to different scenes.

When meeting his subordinates, he couldn't act like he was on the battlefield.

That would be scary.

"This is what I should do. Be in his position and seek his own government," Penny said.

"Well said, there are very few people in the empire who have self-awareness like you." Guilliman smiled. "My duties in Terra are coming to an end, and this may be the last time we talk. If we are lucky, We will meet again in the future, if unfortunately, it will be the last time we see each other in a real sense."

Many people don't have a clear understanding of the huge territory of the human empire.

The human empire spanning tens of thousands of light years has millions of worlds.

If you start from one planet and go to other places to fight, it means that you may never see those familiar people again.

Just like the Astral Army Corps, when they are assembled and sent to other planets to fight, it means that they will never go back to their former home world.

They will fight for decades, and finally forget where they came from. They can only know which planet they are from from the name of the regiment, and other things have long been forgotten.

Family members, friends, and brothers will slowly become blurred, and finally completely forgotten.

Guilliman knew very well that decades, even hundreds of years had passed since the Indomitable Crusade was finished.

How many people can stay here is unknown.

Indomitable Crusade has a lot to do.

Solve the maelstrom dominated by red pirates.

Solve the plague of the empire, the den of those traitors, the Eye of Terror.

We also need to find a way to solve the big rift.

Send troops to support the dark side of the empire and rebuild those ruined worlds.

With so many things done, it will be the year of the monkey.

Just like the Great Crusade launched by the Emperor, the Primarchs set out from their home world and followed the Emperor to conquer the galaxy.

By the time they went back again, hundreds of years had passed.

Many things have changed and are no longer what they knew.

"My lord, you have countless soldiers. Perhaps you should not leave Terra, but should sit here and coordinate the war in the galaxy." Petunia said, the regent of the empire left, and once again invested in the Indomitable Crusade. The people of Terra are a hard thing to accept.

They very much hope that the Imperial Regency will stay.

So is Penny.

When Guilliman stayed on Terra, it always felt very safe.

If he is gone, no matter how many troops there are, it will make people fear that those monsters will make a comeback.

"The war takes place in the mud, how can the ruler sit in the palace and make a choice?" Guilliman's tone became serious, "The empire is burning. Countless worlds are in deep flames of war, and countless people of the empire Devastated. One more day of my stay here means one more day of suffering for those people. The Indomitable Crusade must continue, and I must also return to the front line of the war. Only in this way can those fallen aliens be encouraged And the world of the Demon Hand, tell them that the Empire is still trying to save them. I summoned you this time, just to ask you again, to continue my reforms, and not to let this place return to the way it was before."

"I will, Regent, and I will stick to the laws and scriptures you made to ensure the progress of the reform." Penny said firmly.

"The system and rules are dead, and I don't force you to fully abide by them. The most important thing is to stick to the beauty of human beings. Prime Minister Petunia, don't relax or be arrogant."

"Human beings have many flaws, and these flaws will lead us into the abyss and lead us to destruction. What you are fighting is an invisible war against human greed, selfishness, and depravity. The system is dead, and even I There is no way to make a perfect system, it will inevitably have such and such problems, what you have to do is to observe the deficiencies of the system, and then improve it. You have to listen to the voice of every group, and then distribute their interests reasonably, Use political means and legal means to induce them to take a correct path."

"Remember Petunia, the empire is the empire of all the empire's people. You can't favor any group, whether it's the weak or the elite. You have to ensure that they get enough benefits. Another point is to maintain the upward channel of the real elite, Reject any form of inheritance. Don't pay attention to those who are incompetent but want to be above others, no matter what their background is. What you have to do is absolute fairness and take care of the interests of most people. Only in this way can a stable I don’t want to turn around and suppress the rebellion after defeating the enemy. Remember my original intention, I don’t hope that one day, I will have to point the butcher’s knife at you.”

Guilliman's words were very serious, but also very straightforward.

He swept away the nobles of Old Terra.

The accumulation of those families for thousands of years was shattered by him.

The newly enacted laws are extremely strict, and the new generation of the empire cannot inherit the wealth of their parents. The inheritance tax as high as 90% and the strict transfer law fundamentally prevent the birth of the inheritance family.

The descendants of later generations can only rely on their own struggles to obtain corresponding wealth and status.

This approach is very heartless and cruel.

But if the empire is to be sustained for a long time, it needs cruelty.

Only this kind of cruel practice can ensure that human genius can rise from the mortal beings and occupy an important position to lead the progress of mankind.

Such a cruel practice can ensure that the elites who hold high positions and control the wealth of human society are all elites who have been killed in cruel competition.

Instead of those useless wastes who shouted about thousands of years of accumulation, why should they lose to ten years of cold windows.

What human beings need is a genius with a ten-year cold window, not a waste accumulated over a thousand years.

Kindness to the latter is cruelty to the former.

The tolerance of waste is the torture of genius.

Guilliman's conversation with Petunia also revealed a warning.

If the political system headed by Petunia is in the same situation as the High Lords Council, their fate will not be any different from that of the High Lords Council.

He will also mercilessly clean up the bureaucrats headed by Penny.

"I will never forget your teaching." Petunia made an oath, and waited until Guilliman nodded before bowing and walking out of the meeting room.

Guilliman sat on the table, watching the Imperial Chancellor walk out from behind.

Power is corrosive, and no one can resist its allure.

People always want to leave some capital for their descendants, and over time, the entire social system becomes distorted.

Some people will say that there is nothing wrong with making money in an upright manner and leaving it to future generations! !

But wealth is the product of the cooperation of human society, and the so-called accumulation of wealth is just a flaw in the distribution system.

It is a wrong thing to use the flaws of the system to harvest the overall wealth of mankind.

Using the power of the parents to open the back door for oneself, using the power conferred by the collective to squeeze other competitors, so as to make a fortune, is this also called your own efforts?

It's like a hacker who speeds through the game and claims to be better than those game masters who have worked hard?

Some people will say that if you are cheating, you can count yourself as a skill if you are born well.

But once such a person is faced with a situation where he cannot be hacked, his real ability will only kill the entire group.

Such a person can play tricks in human society, but outside, those aliens and chaos will not be used to him.

This is why many imperial generals and officials are invincible within the empire.

This father Wang, that father Li, and the commoners of the empire looked at these elites inherited from the family, and they all felt that they were so majestic. They were simply the contemporary white-clothed god of war, who suppressed the eternity with one hand.

As a result, when he went out, he was pressed on the ground and rubbed, harvested, and beat until he cried and called his mother, kneeling and shouting for the alien father and chaotic father to lightly beat him.

The reason is that Alien and Chaos don't recognize the cheats of those waste elites.

Anyone who claims that wealth and power can be obtained through their own efforts is, without exception, a liar.

No one can gain power and wealth on the basis of being divorced from society.

Guilliman did what he could, and the rest is up to humans.

The Eternal Wall Airport is the largest port in Terra, where countless airships land and transport goods and people.

All transport boats in the Imperial Palace will take off and land here.

The imperial army does not allow any warships or transport boats to appear above the palace, even the transport boats they use themselves.

Avoid those who want to use warships or transport boats to attack the palace.

The Forbidden Army is powerful, but they are not invincible.

During the Beast Wars, the Harlequin Eldar made their way to the palace, almost to the throne room.

For this reason, the Custodians rejected all actions that might harm the palace and the emperor.

For this reason, if they want to go to outer space, the forbidden army also needs to take a transport boat at the port within the scope of leaving the palace.

Of course, they have their own transport boat and elevator access to make things quicker.

The transport ship to Modo has been prepared.

Valyrian boarded the elevator dedicated to the Custodians and went to outer space.

As the mechanical servant pressed the start button, there was a strong push back.

From the porthole of the elevator, the towering buildings of the spaceport can be seen gradually disappearing in the field of vision.

Elevator engines rumbled through Terra's expanding atmosphere.

The reborn city of Terra became smaller and smaller in the eyes, and the outline of the city became hazy.

The space above the elevator is pitch black, with dots of light flickering in it.

The terminal station of the airport is very far from the ground, and it is already the top of the city.

The central buildings of hive cities extend into the stratosphere, and in the case of forge world hives, even into low Earth orbit.

The low earth orbit is at least 500 kilometers away from the earth's surface. One can imagine how tall the urban buildings of the hive capital are.

Valyrian emerged from an orbital transfer station when the door swung open with a barometric hiss.

Scenes from outer space came into view.

At this time, his position is the back, the sunlight only appears on the edge of the planet, and the rest of the place is dark.

There are lights all over the orbital station, and soldiers are patrolling with weapons and full uniform.

Spider-shaped automatic gunners and sluggish fighter slaves patrolled designated routes.

Turrets stood on the walls of the staging station, spinning with the beeping of the scout array.

There are hundreds of ships anchored in the orbital station, moored in the void.

Most of them are civilian ships, transport aircraft, cargo ships, fuel transportation, food transportation, industrial product transportation and so on.

These ships came from other planets, and they came to Terra through the warp.

Put the goods on Terra, and at the same time take Terra's goods and personnel to other planets.

Like a swarm of bees they maintain the lifeline of the Imperium, as well as the lifeline of Terra.

A battleship adorned with an Imperial double-headed eagle hovers over the harbor.

After confirming the data, Valyrian finally decided that it was to pick up his ship.

After coming out of the Golden Throne, he didn't say anything publicly about his enlightenment, and he didn't tell anyone privately, as if it never existed.

The Custodians did not let him speak out, but made him firmly obey the Emperor's guidance.

Valyrian took the matter to heart.

In the reminders and images given by the Emperor, he had a general understanding of what Guilliman was about to do.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to comment on a madman or a genius.

Among human beings, there is absolutely no existence as arrogant as him.

Even those ancient civilizations were not as crazy as he was.

After boarding the battleship, a group of soldiers went to Modo with him.

They are fully armed and wear the latest equipment.

Full-cover exoskeleton armor, as well as self-locking shoulder cannons, miniature propelled bombs, and equipped with high-energy rifles and magnetic storm grenades.

Their force is not at the same level as the previous troops.

Guilliman made the most of the theory of firepower, even the firepower possessed by an ordinary soldier can be called a fort.

The warship enters the warp from the safety of the solar system's fringes.

Valyrian remained silent from the beginning to the end. At most, he would only act inside the battleship, observe the structure of the battleship, and be prepared to deal with any emergencies.

He even thought about what method he should use to kill them quickly if the friendly troops on the battleship were to mutiny.

If this idea is known to other passengers, it will definitely be frightening.

But this is the code of conduct of the Forbidden Army. They are always on guard against all possible emergencies, and then strive to nip them in the bud.

The battleship re-entered the real space in the outer void of Modo.

It's already under martial law.

From the portholes of the battleship, you can see the huge fortifications being built, as well as the magnificent giant ships of those celestial bodies, which are extremely huge, like floating stars.

Valyrian was amazed at what he saw.

From those troops, it can be seen how much the imperial regent attaches importance to Modo.

The battleship is moored in the port of the orbital station.

There are many ships here, but they all bear military marks, and there are no civilian ships.

This is very unusual.

Even Cadia, a world at war in the Eye of Terror, will have a large number of civilian ships.

But there are none here, all of them are military ships.

Apparently, the entire galaxy has been classified as a restricted military zone.

Valyrian was brought to the surface of the planet Modo by the mechanical priest who had been waiting for a long time.

At this time, countless steel buildings have already stood on the surface, and there are only soldiers and technical experts here.

Valyrian didn't see any of the civilians who originally lived on Modo. After asking, he learned that they were all sent to other planets for resettlement.

In the end, Valyrian was taken by his servants to a large hemispherical building.

Here he saw the person in charge of the military restricted area of ​​the Modo planet.

The other party is also a radical mechanical sage. There is almost no flesh and blood in his body, and he is all composed of machines.

"You are very welcome, Lord Custodian, the experiment is about to begin, and you will be the first batch of lucky ones to witness the future of the empire." The mechanical sage said in an extremely excited tone, "A brand new era is about to begin. Open, the human empire will rule all things."

A big ceremony can be very inspiring.

When Guilliman left Terra and prepared to go on an expedition, a grand welcoming ceremony was held throughout the solar system.

Countless people shouted the name of the Regent of the Empire and watched as the stalwart savior of the Empire embarked on the battleship and restarted his journey.

Before they knew it, they had already burst into tears.

Many people held flowers and candles, gathered around the sculptures in the square or in the open space, and prayed for the victory of the imperial regent.

On Terra some excited souls kissed his path, seeking to walk with his great mind.

Perhaps they will never see the day when the Regent of the Empire sets foot on the land of Terra again, but their children will surely benefit from what this hero has done.

The roaring battleship started under the gaze of the world, and clusters of light appeared in the void.

Countless magnificent war engines are ignited at the same time, and that bright light represents the unyielding will of human beings.

Gods, aliens should never dream of defeating this race.

Accompanied by the expedition order conveyed by the Regent of the Empire, the captains pushed the forward levers of the battleships one by one, and with the help of the contemplative array, they kept accelerating synchronously with other warships.

The huge fleet formed battle groups one by one, and entered the subspace one by one.

Everyone watched the Glory of Macragge sink into the berserk etheric light and disappear into the ocean currents of the warp, and they couldn't help crying bitterly.

The departure of the imperial regent is likely to be a lifetime for them.

Galactic Expeditions take too long.

But they also knew that the Imperial Regent would not stay on Terra.

There are countless worlds in the galaxy that need him, and countless human beings are in the dark, waiting for his redemption.

He is the savior of Terra, and the savior of all mankind.

It would be an extremely selfish idea to keep him on Terra.

The pomp and ceremony for the Imperial Regency lasted until the last expedition ship entered the Warp.

People feel empty and lost.

He came with the glory of redemption, rescued people from endless suffering, and told them how to pursue beauty and how to shape the future.

When he was greeted with applause and flowers and enjoying the fruit, he set off again and went to the most dangerous front line.

We are the eyes in the darkness, helping the great one to see the abominations in the darkness.

We are doomed to have no honor, no rewards, and no one to remember.

Dressed in black, Quimbis took one last look at the homeland that raised him.

Resolutely stepped onto a cargo ship heading to other regions of the galaxy.

The rest of his life has been entrusted with a heavy mission.

There is no end, only death, the moment of eternal silence is the end of the mission.

Human nature is a very scary thing.

It is impossible for any perfect system to avoid the influence of human nature.

Under the entanglement of various emotions, even the best system will eventually become corrupt, and bad money will drive out good money.

For this reason, a supervisor is needed to supervise the world.

On the bright side, there are Assassins and Inquisitions to supervise the empire.

However, no matter how perfect the supervision system is, there may be flaws.

The Assassin Court is controlled by the Grand Mentor, and because of their particularity, the judges have too much power and autonomy.

For this reason, Guilliman still needs another means of supervision to ensure that the imperial system is not corrupted.

That's the man in black.

Their role is to help the supreme ruler watch every place, avoid system corruption caused by deception, and supervise the imperial bureaucracy.

The men in black will not take any orders, nor will they appear in any official files.

They are the shadows of the Empire.

Their task is just to observe and then report.

And they will also be an extension of the influence of the Imperial Regency.

They supervise all departments, including the Tribunal, to ensure that the crimes of those judges or those who try to tamper with the imperial system are punished, and the reform results of the Imperial Regency are maintained.

In order to ensure justice, these men in black will implant soul-level and biological-level thought stamps.

Even if infected by Chaos, these people will be subconsciously loyal to humans and the Empire.

Their bodies have been altered to ensure that nothing they see is forgotten or tampered with.

The devices in the body will automatically upload their data to the nearest imperial database every once in a while, and then send it to Terra.

Quimbis boarded the cargo ship and followed countless cargo and passengers to other galaxies.

He will never allow disgusting moths like the Escher family to destroy the great cause of the Empire's regency.

Those damned, who try to pollute the empire with blood, family, or whatever messed up connections, will be punished.

The men in black are the scissors of the empire, used to prune those idiots who think they are above the law of the empire, to ensure that the big tree of the empire will not grow crooked again.

On Mount Olympus, where there are many steel buildings, Kaur watched the imperial regent go away.

He didn't become one of them.

There are more important missions for him to do.

You can play your role better by staying in Terra.

To him, the Indomitable Crusade was far less important than the things in his hands.

Modo's different universe research plan and the affairs of the Nether Dragon are the top priorities.

War is the business of Primarchs and Imperial soldiers.

Kaul, as an academic, was a little out of place to be involved in this sort of thing.

Watching the expedition fleet led by the Regent of the Empire disappear to the edge of the solar system, Kaul looked away.

Behind him, the mechanical sage Sigma also looked away.

"How are you getting ready?" Kaur asked Sigma, looking at him.

"Already almost ready, we captured a batch of alien creatures from a planet, enough to complete the transaction." Sage Sigma said.

Kaul nodded, "This matter is confidential, and it cannot be discussed at will until the results are released."

"I understand." Sage Sigma nodded, and the mechanical neck hummed.

"Let's go." Kaul turned and set off in the direction of the Sanctuary. The Regent of the Empire had reached a deal with the Nether Dragon. They would exchange their flesh and soul for the knowledge in each other's hands, and at the same time strengthen the relationship of the alliance.

Nether dragons and humans share a common enemy, the Necrons.

The Necromancer's backstab was the reason why the Star God withdrew from the stage.

After all, the Old Sage had already failed at that time, and the Eldar Empire had not yet risen.

In the Milky Way, the Star God is already the proper overlord.

In the end, he was backstabbed by the Necrons and beaten to pieces.

The entrance to the rift where the Nether Dragon is held, the existing sanctuary has been repaired and the security has been strengthened.

After passing through layers of inspections, Kaul entered the interior of the sanctuary.

At this time, more than a dozen suspended rail cars have already parked inside the Sanctuary.

The suspended track car is full of cages, and armed catguards and machine slaves guard the prisoners inside.

Kaur glanced at it and got the data of these prisoners from the personal database.

They are not humans, but an alien race called Andoria.

The Andorians have been active in the Obscure Star Field for a long time, and they are also a newly rising alien race force.

Like humans, they are upright walking creatures.

But there is a big difference between the two.

The racial characteristics of Andorians are very obvious.

In addition to the red skin, one of the most typical features is the two antennae on the head.

According to the research of the mechanical priest, the tentacles of the Andorians can make them feel the warp better, and make it easier for their consciousness to travel into the high heavens.

They have stronger psychic physiques than humans, and even the development of civilization is on the path of psychic technology.

It's a pity that their technological strength is still too weak compared to humans.

In order to get enough souls for the Nether Dragon, Guilliman ordered people to hunt down a group of alien creatures very early on.

Taking advantage of the Great Rift and the empire's external and internal troubles, the Andorians who invaded the empire and enslaved the frontier planets became the best choice.

Facing the fleet of the empire supporting the frontier world, the Andorians once witnessed the cruelty of human beings.

Except for some of them who fled and escaped from the envelope of the star torch light.

The rest were either slaughtered or taken captive to Terra.

Caul opened the Sanctuary again, as the Regents of the Empire had done in yore.

This time, instead of advancing, he called out to Guardian Dalia.

Soon, a suspended train appeared in the deep tunnel, arriving as silently as a ghost train.

Guardian Dalia is on the train.

Seeing the brand-new sanctuary and the many alien slaves taken into custody, she frowned slightly.

"Are you sure you want to do that? The Nether Dragon is not a good thing. Once you trade with it, it may bring very serious consequences, which are not something you can afford."

"That's what Regent means," said Kaur.

"What about him? Didn't he come this time?"

"He has already set off. Messages for help have been sent from many star regions at the same time. The offensive of aliens and demons is increasing. He cannot waste any more time. For this reason, I will fulfill my promise to the Nether Dragon and take the flesh and blood he wants. and souls."

"At first, I wanted to persuade him that the Nether Dragon is not something easy to get along with. If something goes wrong, human beings will suffer catastrophe." Dalia's tone was serious, and she was not alarmist.

The Nether Dragon race is also known as the star vampire, the devourer of souls.

Once resuscitated, humans must become its food.

"Everything in this world is risky." Kaul looked at Dalia. "You have been away from the empire for too long, and you know nothing about the plight of mankind. We have reached the most dangerous moment."

"But your actions will only make the situation of human beings worse, and will not improve in the slightest." Dalia said.

"I have no intention of arguing about this anymore. Time will tell. The gods have invaded reality, and the empire is on the verge of destruction. Even if it is worse, it will not be worse than this. We are ready. If human beings do not exist, the galaxy will be destroyed." There is no need to exist.”

Hearing Kaul's resolute words.

Dalia sighed.

"Come in, I hope you won't regret what you did today in the future."

Kaul didn't argue with Dalia any more, but let people lead the alien slaves into the tunnel.

This time was even faster than the previous one. They escorted the alien captives to the silver cave.

Looking at those silver lights, Kaul knew that it was the will of the void dragon itself.

The entire cave is its body.

"You played a trick." The voice of the Nether Dragon came from nothingness.

Seeing that the sacrifice was not human, its tone was very calm, and it just asked a question lightly.

Having lived for so long, the Nether Dragon is not mentally retarded. On the contrary, it has extraordinary wisdom and understands all conspiracies and tricks.

It has long been expected that human beings will complete transactions in this way.

It doesn't care, as long as it is soul and flesh and blood.

It's so hungry.

After waking up after sleeping for so long, he was locked up by the emperor before he even ate a few on the earth.

Be hungry for tens of thousands of years.

If the eyes could be concretized, the Void Dragon felt that his eyes would have to be red.

My eyes are red with hunger! !

What a crime, even if he was backstabbed by those metal skeletons, he was imprisoned here by humans.

Back then, when he was still in charge of the Star God.

What a wonderful time it was.

Now, the tiger has fallen into Pingyang, and was sent away by human beings with 10,000 souls.

Also take the alien soul.

It's like treating the dignified Star God like a beggar.

"Their flesh and blood are purer, and their souls are more delicious." Kaur said, "We provide what you want, then you provide what we want. This is a transaction approved by both parties!!"

"You are cunning, mortal." The Nether Dragon appeared in front of everyone, just a ball of light emitting a soft silver radiance.

"It's just a deal." Kaul looked directly at the ball of light, "Ten thousand souls are exchanged for the web knowledge in your hands, do you want to go back on your word?"


With the voice of the void dragon sounded.

A streak of silver light interweaves continuously in the air.

In the end, a silver memory chip was formed.

Kaul tested it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"It stores the webway knowledge I have, I hope you will not trap yourself." The voice of the void dragon came from the light group.

Afterwards, that light group turned into countless fine silver rays, sinking into the bodies of those Andorians.

I saw those abnormal red bodies shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, their bodies all turned into sand.

Some Andorians shouted in the language of their own race in horror, beating on the cage.

But the guards on the side remained indifferent, and soon the aliens who begged for mercy fell silent.

All that remained of those cells were piles of sand.

"It's been a long time since I tasted such a delicacy, what a great feeling. It reminds me of the feast provided by the Necrontyr, with trillions of souls and flesh and blood. Maybe you humans should also abandon this useless flesh and blood Soul, it will only make you the prey of the gods. You can take the real mechanical way and obtain immortality by other means."

The Nether Dragon absorbed all the soul and flesh, looked at Kaul, and said temptingly, "Flesh and blood are full of suffering and have limits. Only machinery is eternal and can truly fight against the gods."

"Cauer said, "Humans are not that stupid. Soulless machines are a dead end. Even if they can survive, they will eventually be eliminated by time, just like the Necrons in space. "

"It's up to you, when will the next transaction start." Void Dragon said.

"It depends on the meaning of the regent of the empire. Your technology needs to be verified before you can continue trading." Kaur said.

"Do as you please. Anyway, I have been here for tens of thousands of years, and I don't mind staying here."

The Nether Dragon behaved indifferently.

Use this as negotiation capital.

It doesn't want humans to feel that it really wants to go out, so it uses this matter to keep bewitching it.

Only by taking the initiative can we control the overall situation.

"It won't be too long, there will be a battle between the human empire and the Necrons, and you will get a chance for revenge soon."

"Revenge sounds wonderful. Go, mortal, take my gift and push the gears of fate. I'm waiting for the day when your promise will become a reality."

Kaul shook his head, "This is not a gift from you, it's a commodity traded, don't make you so generous."

"It's all the same. Go ahead, the gears of fate have turned, and I'm waiting for the day when humans declare war on the Necrons. At that time, we will be allies."

The voice of the Nether Dragon came from the light group.

Kaur was silent for a moment, glanced at the light group formed by the Nether Dragon, turned around and walked out with the memory chip given by the other party.

The knowledge of the webway has been obtained, although it is not complete, it can be used.

The Webway project can begin.

In the first stage, you can try to build on unimportant planets while researching to accumulate experience.

If the regent of the empire can obtain the complete webway knowledge from the Eldar, he can quickly absorb and digest it, and integrate it into a webway exclusive to humans.

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