Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 193 Bad Xiami is the best bully (for subscription)

Kaul, who came out of the rift space where the Nether Dragon was imprisoned, did not waste any more time.

He took the memory chip given by the Nether Dragon and entered the sanctuary made of steel and crystal.

For safety reasons, Kaul disconnected the network in the sanctuary from the network of Mars.

All devices that can send radio or electromagnetic waves to the outside are also turned off.

Completely isolate the Steel Sanctuary, forming an isolated island of information that is not connected to the outside world.

Nether Dragons are an ancient race. These ancient creatures possess technology and knowledge beyond human imagination.

In ancient times, they were even revered as gods.

No amount of caution can be overstated when dealing with these ancient guys.

Kaur didn't want Mars to be completely paralyzed by the Nether Dragon.

The ghost knows if this star god who has been imprisoned for a long time is honest.

No one can guarantee that the things given by the other party do not contain virus codes or other waste codes.

After confirming that all external channels were closed and that there was no problem, Kaur put the memory chip given by the Void Dragon into the reader.

Use the latest brain computing core to read it, build a model to analyze it, and strive to be able to master the ancient alien technology of the webway.

The Nether Dragon lived for many years, and the Mechanicus of Mars was founded because of it.

Over the long years, it has also mastered human knowledge and expressive words.

For this reason, it deliberately transformed the knowledge in its own data storage chip into a format that humans could understand.

The memory core is put into the scanning instrument.

The automatic reading device loads the reading system to read all the information in it.

Along with the humming sound, the holographic projection suspended in the hall of the Steel Sanctuary also changed as the reading progressed.

The rays projected into the air flickered and took shape, and then slowly became clear.

Kaul stared at what the data storage chip read out.

In an instant, the entire hall was shrouded in the light of projection lights, and the computing core made a piercing buzzing sound.

Those lights are constantly changing, eventually forming a complex multi-dimensional floor plan.

The emergence of countless data and image models overloaded Kaul's computing core and memory chip.

With powerful computing power, this great sage was able to glimpse the mysterious creations made by the ancient race.

The Star God and the Old Sage have clashed many times, and they are naturally well aware of the biggest trump card that the Old Sage possesses, the Web Dao.

They have conducted many studies and analyzes and made various devices targeting the ancient sage's webway.

He also helped the Necrons develop the special technique of using the Webway, the Tombstone Gate.

The Necrons still use these technologies to this day.

It can be said that all the technologies of the Necromancer have the shadow of the star god behind them.

Among them, the technology about the webway and even the space-time transition comes from the star god.

The predecessor of the Necrons - the first war between the Necrontyr and the Old Ones, ended in the defeat of the Necrontyr.

At that time, the technical level of the Necrontyr was not outstanding, and their pyramid tomb battleship was only infinitely close to the speed of light in the interstellar voyage.

If you have to find an intuitive comparison, their technology is equivalent to today's Tau family.

It looks awesome, but it's actually nothing.

The first war they set off was quickly defeated, and was crushed by the ancient sage, and directly returned to the mother planet, depriving all kinds of lethal technologies.

Then, the Necrontyr and the C'tan reached an alliance agreement, and under the bewitching of the C'tan, they all transformed into immortal soulless machines - Necrons.

In terms of technology, with the help of the Star God, the technology of the Necrons exploded at once, and in a very short period of time, they possessed advanced technology no less than that of the Old Sage.

They were even able to counteract the ancient sage's haunted subspace webway, defeating the ancient sage every day.

In order to defeat his great enemy, the Star God's research on the Web Dao can be said to be very in-depth.

Each webway is made of special materials, which have the function of suppressing spiritual energy and isolating the ether.

Every long traversal in it doesn't have to wrestle with the stormy waters of the Warp.

This is one of the reasons why the Emperor developed the webway.

With the webway, humans can avoid warp storms.

Grand Sage Cawl observes the webway in the projected image.

Conduits are constantly changing in contact with the Warp, and always remain completely immune.

Those pipes are like blood vessels in real space, and some are like arteries that are so huge that they can hold a Celestial-class warship.

Some are tiny blood vessels, which can only accommodate a few aircraft.

These pipelines are intricate and incomprehensible to the human mind alone.

The webway is not just a product of the three-dimensional world, it is designed and created in higher dimensions.

Those pipelines are closed no matter which direction you look at, and they are constantly extending and changing.

Everything is chaotic and seemingly endless.

Kaur looked at the complex code and technical foundation.

Included in this knowledge is the Nether Dragon's knowledge and understanding of the Webway.

The materials used in the webway are very special.

From the point of view of characteristics, it is similar to Black Stone.

It can be immune to subspace and establish an anti-subspace force field.

Conversely, it can also enhance the power of the subspace and strengthen the power of the ether.

That's why Magnus' ignorance ruined the Emperor's plans.

It is because before the demons entered the webway, they were weakened by the webway.

But after they entered the webway, the situation changed, and those demons were strengthened.

As one ebbs and another, the army stationed in the webway will naturally be overwhelmed, and will be defeated by demons and traitors.

In addition to the characteristics of the black stone, the subspace webway also has a weak force field like the spirit bones of the Eldar.

This force field can bless and speed up the ships in the webway, allowing them to quickly go to their destination.

"What a perfect technology." Kaul marveled at that ancient race.

The same is true for the Sage of Sigmar on the side.

No one would have imagined that in the ancient past, there would be such an outstanding race that built such sophisticated and incredible buildings.

"It's a pity that even such a race has been eliminated. One can imagine how difficult the future of the empire will be." Kaur remembered Guilliman's bold words. It is too difficult to win the war against the gods. Difficult.

So many powerful civilizations have been ruined and become ancient ruins, and finally buried in the long river of history, no one will remember them anymore.

"We will succeed, he is better." The sage of Sigma has a little confidence, "The knowledge that can be presented to you and me is enough to prove that the path walked by the Primarch is correct. Humans should learn from those ancient The lessons of the race's defeat are a treasure upon which the triumph of mankind will be laid."

"But no one has ever succeeded, has it!! Those ancient races have all failed, whether it is the Old Sages, the Eldar, or the Necrons, facing the offensive of the gods, they are also at a disadvantage, precarious, and will be destroyed at any time crisis."

Kaur didn't say the last word.

Humans are also likely to be among the losers.

Compared with those ancient races, the only advantage humans have is the possession of Guilliman.

Without Guilliman, the human condition would be unimaginable.

"Worry can't decide anything. Even if we fail, we have to go far enough and protect the seeds of a new comeback. If we don't fight, the situation for future generations will only be worse." Sigma slides the projection to view the network channel A lot of data, "It's useless to think so much. What we have to do is to work together to overcome all difficulties, analyze these network channel codes, and get the construction of the network channel on the right track as soon as possible."

The Ruler Sage Kaul nodded, "Then let's get started."

It takes a long time to analyze the knowledge of the network channel, especially this kind of thing that involves the future of mankind, there is no room for sloppy, any data error is very fatal to the empire.

The Mechanicus must be foolproof, so that they can start building a webway that belongs to humans.

Many sages of Mars were summoned, and they worked together to analyze the chip given by the Nether Dragon, and learn knowledge about the webway from it.

It's a long job and it takes a long time to see results.

Modo star.

Valyrian and others are also urgently preparing for the first journey.

After several tests and tests, the mechanical sage in charge of the Modo experiment project came to a conclusion.

The road is still intact, but you can't deviate from the road halfway, otherwise you will be in danger of getting lost.

In order to repair and widen that road, the person in charge also started another project, that is the research project of the nature of the nuns of silence.

Only a soulless creature like the Sister of Silence, who would devour even the emotional power of the Warp, can build a path in the Warp.

Any creature with emotions will undergo certain changes after staying in it for a long time. Those changes are generally difficult to describe, and can be described in two words: terrible.

The person in charge is going to conduct research on anti-psychic individuals like the Silent Sisters in batches for the repair and maintenance of subspace roads.

There is even a plan to build a road belonging to human beings in the next hundred years.

Let human beings truly go out and embrace a wider world.

After exploration and research, many sages and technicians at the Modo Research Institute believe that the existing roads can still be used by the Imperial Exploration Team.

It is possible to send them to other universes and back.

After getting enough data, the first exploration team is ready to go.

This expedition team consisted of Gray Knight Clovis, Judge Grey, Custodian Valerian, Sister Alea of ​​Silence, and a battle nun headed by Saint Celestine.

In addition, there are Primaris Space Marines led by Captain Agman of the Ultramarines.

As the First Captain of the Ultramarines Chapter, Agman is more low-key than the other frequent Captains.

Since the end of the first Tyrannian War, he has commanded the Ultramarines for more than three hundred years, nearly four hundred years.

He participated in no fewer battles than the other company commanders.

He once had an outstanding performance in the battle of Ultramar.

And always follow the instructions of the scriptures, and learn knowledge that has nothing to do with combat.

Therefore, his combat power is weak.

Compared with the other company commanders, he is a bit of a pickle.

But Agman is omnipotent, knowing a little about everything.

This omnipotent hexagon is exactly what Guilliman wanted.

Agman is the first-in-line successor to Chapter Master Calgar.

Once Calgar is no longer the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines Chapter, Agman will become the new Chapter Master.

Considering the stability and knowledge of the first company commander, Guilliman finally chose him as his spokesperson to join the exploration team.

Compared with the other company commanders, this calm first company commander is more suitable for this kind of exploration mission.

Guilliman felt hesitant to send others.

Sicarius is skilled in swordsmanship, but he can't remember the basics of science and technology.

Not to mention Phikris, a bit of an art lover, but only a little.

Half of Calgar's body had been mechanically transformed, and Guilliman didn't want to guess how much knowledge about technology and basic theory remained in his muscular head.

For this, Agman is the best choice.

Agman has been guarding the Ultramar galaxy since the launch of the Indomitable Expedition, and followed Kaul to Terra in secret.

Now, he is a member of the exploration team.

Phikris and Ventris were secretly transferred back to Ultramar to carry out Guilliman's secret mission in preparation for Mortarion's plague attack.

Under Guilliman's strong fist, the initially established subspace demon intelligence system is "conscientiously" running.

The demons are currently emotionally stable and enthusiastic about their work, and they promise to "do their best for the empire and die."

Although Guilliman could not bring confidential information about the four gods, it could let him know the general movements of several demon primarchs.

this point is very important.

Guys like Fulgrim and Mortarion always launch sneak attacks triumphantly because loyalists can't see what's going on in the warp.

For their whereabouts, they basically seldom concealed.

After all, the empire can't send scouts to the subspace, so they are naturally ostentatious, without any shyness, all they have to do is stick one on their foreheads, I'm going to beat you.

It is estimated that they themselves did not expect that the revived Guilliman would bring out the shameless old Lu spirit to the fullest.

It's fine to bully the demons, and they are required to inform themselves, so as to grasp their whereabouts.

Back then, neither the Emperor nor Malcador used this method.

They have a deep aversion to demons.

Where is Guilliman so unscrupulous.

Feed the demons with aliens, and then coerce those demons to do things for him, and even sign slave contracts for the demons.

Is this something a normal person can do?

It's a slippery use of the four words despicable and shameless.

Regarding Mortarion's plague, Guilliman had no good solution. He could only ask the two company commanders to go back to prepare for the epidemic prevention, and at the same time prepare a big gift for each other.

Agman was transferred to Terra, and then sent to Mordor to explore the warp.

For this dangerous task, Agman did not refuse.

Although his reputation is not obvious, he is also 100% loyal to the Primarch.

Soon, the day to explore another universe will come.

The crowd was transported by a huge transport ship to the gate of the ancient sanctuary.

They use brand-new equipment and receive the best reinforcement technology of the empire.

Clovis received an implant called the Exorcism Battle Engine, which would further enhance his ability to fight demons.

Inside, the Adeptus Mechanicum even planted a module of the Emperor's Wrath for him.

This module evolved from the function of the lighthouse.

Mimics the lighthouse energy structure that transforms faith into the power of the Emperor.

Can transform the faith of the Grand Master of the Gray Knights into the power of the Emperor.

So as to get a stronger exorcism effect.

Not to mention Judge Grey and Sister Alea of ​​Silence, they were already at a disadvantage in battle.

In order to ensure their combat power, they have also undergone strengthening surgery, adding more modules that can enhance individual combat power and brand new armor upgrades.

Only Valyrian, the Custodian, only accepted the upgrade of armor and weapons. He still maintained his old ideas and refused to change the perfect body given to them by the Emperor.

In this regard, many sages of the Modo Research Institute did not insist.

The status of the forbidden army is detached, they are not willing, and no one can force it.

The team is all assembled, there are nearly 300 people, all of them are the elite of the empire.

Covering all the extraordinary forces of the empire.

Primal Space Marines, Battle Sisters, Inquisitors, and Gray Knights are all first-class players.

After gathering, they went deep along the underground gate of a sanctuary.

On either side of the door was a phalanx of hundreds of Primaris Space Marines, with several Gray Knights standing in their ranks.

They were asked to guard the gate here and not allow anything unusual to escape from here.

After passing the gate, they began to go deep into the ground.

The underground tunnels are very complex, full of emperor's shrines and various sacred runes.

After walking for so long, Valerido forgot how many meters he had penetrated.

Daylight is out of reach.

At intervals there is a solitary gate, gaping open as silent as the surrounding rocks.

Soldiers led by the Gray Knights guarded each gate.

The servo skull buzzed, turned on the scanning equipment, and flew freely in the air, scanning every creature it saw.

Valyrian sometimes gazed at the servo-skulls, the suspended necks of which often hung blessed multi-barreled machine guns.

Obviously, what they are wary of is not human beings, but those inanimate people who may appear.

The defense here is extremely tight.

There are surveillance and auspicious detection devices everywhere, and psykers who wear security.

Valyrian pondered whether he could sneak into such a heavily guarded place, and after careful consideration, he came to a sad conclusion.

There was no way he could get into such a heavily guarded place.

It is very likely that he will be discovered before he even breaks through the outer perimeter, and then he will be killed by concentrated fire.

No matter how powerful the Forbidden Army is, it is impossible to withstand such intensive firepower.

Valyrian put his mind away and followed the team to move on.

The instinctive sense of direction made him gradually realize that the complicated road he walked was not always down.

I don't know how many meters from the ground the depths of the ground have already been built into a labyrinth with twists and turns that can confuse people's perception.

It is not a garden entertainment project built by the rich to show off their wealth or a prison for monsters in mythology, but a maze built by combining geometry and occult knowledge.

Commonly seen in temples or halls of pilgrimage in ancient Terra legends.

Valyrian is a sage, and he always reads a book.

Study some ancient and unknown things to enrich your vision and cognition.

In some ancient classics, he saw some special records from the pre-empire period.

Those labyrinth runes with special magical powers are embossed on the floor of the cathedral or etched on the surface.

The pilgrims traced their way through the labyrinths, taking every step until they reached the center of the labyrinth.

The ancient sages called it the path to enlightenment. It means from ignorance to awakening.

There is also such a labyrinth under Terra's palace, which is very mysterious, and it is rumored that it can lead to other planets.

It's just that no one tried it that way.

As time goes by, they go deeper and deeper.

The surrounding environment has also undergone subtle changes.

The number of machines and engines on both sides of the road is increasing.

Some are buried underground, others in undeveloped rock walls.

Those machines and engines have been activated, making a piercing hum, and the ground and walls are shaking.

In some sections of the road, cobweb-like cables and pipes are placed on the ground.

Some pipes are as big as a human head, and the pressure detectors on them are constantly beeping.

Valyrian felt a little surprised. The machinery here was very magnificent, exuding the smell of engine oil. Judging from the paint that hadn't faded, this was a newly built device.

The construction speed of the Modo Research Institute is too terrifying, it can be built into such a huge mechanical equipment in such a short period of time.

Valyrian thought for a moment, and could only attribute it to Guilliman's reforms, which inspired people's enthusiasm.

If it was in the past, within a few years, don't think that it can be built.

After all, those mechanical sages still have to polish the parts by hand, and it has been several years since they polished the parts.

Assembled for another few years.

Going forward, rows of solemn imperial flags stand on the wide underground square.

The crowd marched along a newly opened marble avenue.

This place has been hollowed out and widened, and a large number of machines have been placed here.

At the end of the avenue is a peculiar black gate.

The door is like an oil film, and the waves and waves inside can be vaguely seen.

Countless machines roared, and the electromagnetic circuits were all carved with runes and ancient taboo words.

The crackling ball of electric charge frantically danced its tentacles on the reaction column, but was trapped within a certain range by an invisible force, and it couldn't escape no matter how hard it struggled.

"This is what you are going to do." The person in charge who walked down with everyone walked to the black gate, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you the details until we set off, but this is a matter of necessity. It was so important that we had to do everything we could to keep it from getting out."

"What is this place?" Inquisitor Gray was the first to ask, "Why did you let us come from here?"

"Here is a road, a road to other universes." The person in charge looked at the heroes of the empire and explained to them, "There are universes outside the universe, and there are worlds outside the world. Human beings cannot stand still , for this reason, we must expand outward and understand the situation of other universes, only in this way can we remain invincible.”

"The frog at the bottom of the well is poor. We can't always turn a blind eye to the things outside. If human beings want to survive, they must be prepared to deal with challenges. Your task is very simple. It is to go to the universe of the coordinates, and then return. Report the situation to us, and this mission is over."

Hearing what the other party said, Valyrian froze for a moment.

This task is really no different from what the imperial regent said.

Follow them for a run and come back, and that's it.

The task is simple and easy, without any redundant links.

It's just that the place to go is a bit special.

"Go ahead, we are waiting for your return." The person in charge waved his hand, and the roar of the machine became louder and louder.

The black oil film-like gate rippled like water.

Agman was the first to move forward, and he already knew the details of this mission.

Out of the care of his own heir and the consideration of letting the other party play a leading role, Guilliman told Agman about the plan to explore different universes, explaining to him the importance of this plan.

Agman naturally had no resistance to this. From the day he became an extreme warrior, he had already vowed to dedicate everything to the empire.

Even if it was to take his life, he would not hesitate at all.

And following Agman is Titus, who is Agman's adjutant.

Speaking of this Titus is also an extremely legendary figure.

He was Sicarius' predecessor.

The company commander of Titus had also been his mentor.

The mentor died in a battle, and Titus, who followed the mentor all the way to charge, became the company commander.

Titus has many achievements, but he was accused by the Tribunal in a battle, and finally chose to be taken away by the Tribunal voluntarily in order to prove his innocence, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then.

Thereafter, Sicarius succeeded him as the commander of the Second Company.

It is said that in the Battle of Gallia, the former captain of Titus crushed another demon prince who had ascended to the devil against the subspace storm.

In the course of the battle, the whole body exudes a golden light.

He smashed countless demons along the way, and finally killed the big BOOS with his hands.

This kind of record novel dare not write like that.

Titus did just that.

The fly in the ointment was that after the battle, Titus was examined by the Inquisition.

After Guilliman recovered, the Inquisition could only let him go, and they couldn't find any clues that Titus was contaminated by Chaos.

The father of the family's gene has recovered, and if he doesn't let him go, if someone comes to look for him at that time, it will be a catastrophe.

After Titus returned to Ultramar, his status was somewhat awkward.

His original position as company commander has been replaced by Sicarius.

It's a bit embarrassing to be a soldier for other company commanders.

After all, his qualifications and military achievements are all there.

In the end, he could only be an adjutant under Agman, who had the best qualifications.

Now, he will also follow Agman to explore the path of other universes.

Seeing the Ultramarines walking in one after another, the others didn't delay any longer, and all moved forward, one after another, entering the black flowing gate.

Valyrian clenched his weapon tightly and stepped forward, sinking into the darkness.

The gears of fortune turn here.

The recovery of the Lord of Humanity will also be a foregone conclusion.

Valyrian won't say anything about that revelation in the throne room.

The Emperor's recovery plan cannot afford any surprises.

The more people who know, the greater the risk.

The less people know, the smoother the plan.

My lord, here I come.

Valyrian murmured in his mind, and then he sank into the darkness


On the wild plain.




The cheers of the orc boys resounded through the wasteland.

Ufo, who had successfully ascended to the position, stood on the largest and most popular modified chariot and screamed with excitement.

He was just a little orc warrior, working under the arsonist.

It's a pity that the arsonist was wiped out by the shrimps, and Ufo took a group of boys to build a few boats and ran away ahead of schedule.

Later, he floated in the subspace,

One day, God Mao Mao suddenly appeared in his dream and asked him to go to Vigilus to activate more WAAAGH.

Ufo came to Vigilante following the guidance of God Mao Ershen.

At the beginning, those small cities had protective shields, which were very strong.

Those cowardly Xiami hid inside, not coming out to fight.

Ufo took the orc boys to drive the big black smokers to hit them desperately every day, but unfortunately it didn't have much effect.

One day later, the sky suddenly changed.

The shields of the shrimps are also gone.

Wufu rushed to Xiami's city with his younger brothers and robbed their cars and all kinds of good things.

Of course, Uvor isn't the biggest orc boss on Vigilus.

There are many orc clans coming to Vigilus, and they all have their own bosses.

The strength of those clans is much stronger than that of the orcs like Wufu.

After all, Ufo can be regarded as a bereaved dog driven out of his homeland by Xiami, and there are not many boys left.

As for those orc boys who were still with the arsonist, they were probably killed by Xiami.

Xiami's firepower is much stronger than before, they can't beat them at all, and they can only flee in embarrassment when they encounter them.

Wufo was short of manpower. When he went to fight the eastern mountains, people didn't call him Wufo, thinking he was a weak chicken.

Unexpectedly, when the clan bosses in the Eastern Mountain Range were having fun.

The support of those good shrimps came again, but the bad shrimps were beaten up and all ran away.

The old brains of those clans didn't turn around, and they were all ready for the shrimps.

Uver didn't know this at first, until a group of grits ran towards him screaming, he didn't know that all the clan bosses were surrounded by shrimps in the eastern mountains and killed them.

When the battle was over, Uver took a look at the battlefield.

Those brave clan bosses all disappeared.

The battle scene was once very brutal.

The heads of orcs were hanging on the abandoned chariots and ruins with black smoke.

All the other bosses are dead.

Vigilante is the only boss left in Wufu.

With his own fist, Wufu soon became the boss of all clans.

"Boss, I saw a bunch of bad shrimps." An orc kid shouted in the gust of wind, and the siren buzzed from under the car.

Hearing that it was a bad shrimp, Ufo quickly poked his head out and looked at the place that the orc kid was pointing at.

A group of humans with blood banners and chaos runes on their bodies are marching in front of the orc boy's motorcycle army.

"Do you want to fix it, boss." Another orc kid shouted.

The opponent held a gun with a muzzle bigger than his forehead in his hand, and his tone was very excited.

"Bad shrimp!!" Ufo smiled. "Let's kill 'em, WAAAAGH."

Bad dried shrimps are not a big problem, let alone those good dried shrimps.

Recently, Hao Xiami ate something, and all of them became big and fierce, beating the orcs.

Those cannons were many and powerful.

Every time they beat Ufo, he couldn't find the north. Seeing their legs, Ufo felt scared, and he would come to revenge when he became bigger in the future.

It's really not worth it to fight with those good dried shrimps.

There is no sense of experience at all.

Many of Wufo's brothers died, and he couldn't even touch the corners of the good shrimps. They were all overturned by the opponent's artillery, simply giving away their heads.

As we all know, in a war, you must be close enough to beat Xiami badly.

If you can't go close to beat Xiami, that's the orc kid getting beaten.

After being pressed and beaten by the good shrimps a few times, Wufo didn't like to fight with the good shrimps.

They are so brutal.

The wars are fought so far away, even if they fight the orcs, the orcs can't beat them.

Those prawns have also become ferocious, the orc boy will give away the head when he goes up, and the opponent will not take a breath even after chopping it around.

After much deliberation, it is better to beat bad dried shrimps.

It's close, it's cool to beat.




Hearing that there was going to be a battle, all the orc boys got excited.

The huge convoy all accelerated, the smoke and dust billowed, and the ground shook.

Some fire-breathing boys screamed with flamethrowers, and breathed fire into the sky.

Some fire-breathing boys who couldn't see were still breathing fire on their own people, blowing up a few cars before they even opened their doors.

The Khorne believers who were marching froze for a moment when they saw the orc boy who was so excited that he went crazy.

The desire to fight soon activated these lunatics.

They took out their weapons, shouted the title of blood god, and rushed up to meet the orc boy who started the car.

It has to be said that this approach is very brave.

It's just stupid.

Even with the blessing of the blood god, it is difficult for flesh and blood to fight against the steel locomotive.

After a wave of charge, the believers of the blood god with poor brains were killed and turned on their backs.

It was nothing short of a massacre.

Uver stepped on the gas pedal, and the chariot modified by the mechanic boy rumbled over those idiots who shouted blood god.

Everywhere they passed, limbs and arms were broken, extremely cruel.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice..."

A bad shrimp with red eyes was howling like crazy, and the orc boy who controlled Chug's big machine gun shot him directly, smashing him to pieces.

"WAAAGH." Uver yelled excitedly, it hadn't been so fun for a long time, and he was still bullying and beating the bad Xiami very hard.

Two bad shrimps were caught by the fork on the front of his locomotive and dragged to the ground, howling in pain.

The louder they yelled, the wider Uvor laughed.

Just when Wufu was about to turn around and prepare to do it again.

A shrill scream pierced the night, causing the entire sky to tremble like an angry god howling.

Wufo looked up and saw a golden double-headed eagle shining in the sky, it was a good shrimp.

"WAAAAGH, Boss, do we want to get those dried shrimps?"

"You big stick, that's a good shrimp. Come on, let the orc boys run away, let the good shrimp and the bad shrimp fight, let's not get involved."

Wufo felt a psychological shadow when he saw the golden double eagle.

You can't even touch the corner of your clothes when you fight with Hao Xiami, what's the point of fighting! !

The Ershen Mao Mao just likes the orc boy to fight, and doesn't like the orc boy to give away the head foolishly.

In the roar of Wufu.

The orc boys who had beaten the Khorne believers all ran back to their locomotives or motorcycles, turned around and drove away.

Come and go like the wind.

Only a group of Khorne believers who were beaten into a circle were left, and they still couldn't figure out the grandeur.

Before they could figure out why the orcs retreated, the sonic boom sounded again in the sky.

Under their watchful eyes, the fighter planes in the sky turned into titans, and the rotary cannon in their hands rotated at high speed, and laser beams shot out from it.

The leading believer of Khorne was stunned, and only had time to say, blood god, before he was overwhelmed by the laser light.

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