Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 199 , Traveler (for subscription)

The star-facing side of Mugulas Bay.

The midday sun was bright and scorching.

Innumerable dome-shaped cities of the Tau tribe are undergoing tragic massacres.

Countless drones whizzed past high in the air, their hanging weapons spewed out waves of laser beams, killing the Tau creatures and members of their vassal races.

The screams resounded everywhere.

Those highly intelligent gunships, fighter planes, and battle suits are all controlled by intelligent systems.

Some vehicles and automated turrets have advanced to the point that they no longer need a driver to operate them, and are all controlled by intelligent systems.

They also became one of the main forces of the massacre.

Without battle suits, the vassal races are far more powerful than the Tau.

Humans in the Tau Army and non-Tau members such as Groot, their situation is much better than that of the Tau.

Be able to organize and carry out a certain counterattack.

The Huoshi warriors of the Tau tribe were beaten to pieces, relying too much on the convenience brought by battle suits and smart devices.

With the battle suits unusable and all the smart devices mutiny, the combat effectiveness was greatly weakened.

Coupled with being targeted by the intelligent system, the commander was hunted down immediately.

As a result, their chain of command completely collapsed, and in their panic, they couldn't even organize themselves.

The remnants of Yonglan and Yingyang's troops who escaped from the medical center were able to meet in the abandoned underground tunnel.

It was no coincidence that they met.

Their purpose is the same, that is to go to the military camp.

To enter the military base, one can only enter through an abandoned underground passage.

If they entered from the ground, those drones and automatic turrets alone would be enough to kill them.

"Those damn humans haven't appeared yet, and we have to finish the game."

In the dark underground passage, Yong Lan walked beside Ying Yang.

He holds a lighting device in one hand and a rail pistol in the other.

There were several scars on his body, all of which were left when he broke out from the medical center.

Things have gotten out of hand there.

The crazy drones slaughtered all organic life, and all intelligent systems refused access to the Tau.

Yingyang was silent, she didn't speak, but it could be seen from the despair and grief on her face.

At this time, she was not feeling well either, the Tau Empire had lived in arrogance for a long time.

Know nothing about the horrors of humans.

The Tau Empire defeated the forces of those frontiers, thinking that the entire human empire was like this.

But now, the opponent was just a trap, and the huge army of the Tau Empire was wiped out.

From beginning to end, the other party did not appear.

This made Yingyang feel powerless.

It feels like the two sides are not on the same level at all.

The Duchess didn't speak either, her face was ashen at this moment.

The smile of the Lord of the First Legion lingered in her mind.

The human empire can become the overlord of the galaxy, not by the charity of other civilizations, nor by the concessions of other civilizations.

It is the sharp sword and courage in the hands of human beings.

How foolish she was to think that the Tau Empire was qualified to replace the Imperium of Man.

A Primarch is terrifying enough.

It is hard to imagine how the grand gathering of those Primarchs put pressure on those alien races in the Age of Mythology.

What power in the galaxy can stop them?

And the Emperor silent on the Golden Throne.

Every xenos who learned of Terra's existence would contemptuously refer to the Lord of Humans as the Corpse Emperor.

Their attitude gave people a feeling, as if that one had returned from recovery, and they dared to cut him down again with their swords.

But in his era, among those who dared to contemptuously call the Lord of Humanity the Corpse Emperor, who dared to face his sword? ?

The orc empire was defeated, and the orc emperor died tragically under the sword of the lord of mankind.

The throne world of the orcs was razed by the Mechanicum and became a large square for the emperor to test his strength.

The space necromancers didn't dare to blaspheme lightly, they only dared to hide behind the scenes and make some deals with the Primarch to control the trend of the battlefield.

Even the Eldar had to hide their tracks, hiding on the fringes of the galaxy, keeping their kind from the Emperor's gaze.

The Dark Eldar were killed to the point of throwing away their helmets and armor, hiding in the webway and not daring to retaliate lightly.

The arrogant gods also trembled in front of the Lord of Humanity, and did not dare to act arrogantly until he fell in the battle between father and son.

Today's human beings are just about to enter the age of the long night and step into the abyss of chaos.

The Emperor directly shattered the previous Long Night Era and reshaped the order and civilization of mankind.

When the Emperor is here, the galaxy is silent, the powers are silent, and no one dares to challenge.

Nowadays, everyone says that the Corpse Emperor is nothing to fear and wants to replace humans.

The Duchess was trembling all over at this time. Only by witnessing the most terrifying darkness can one know how terrifying the existence of the Emperor is, and how terrifying the human empire that controls two-thirds of the Milky Way is.

There is no way the Tau Empire can replace humans.

Everything in the Tau Empire is vain, and how can it be possible to go far in the long run if it establishes false prosperity.

The ether disguised by Ran Dan gave them the knowledge stolen from other races through some means, making them think that it was their own invention.

Looking at the many races in the galaxy, Necrons, Eldar, Orcs, and Zerg, each civilization has its own unique technology tree and ability, and there will definitely not be too many shadows of other races.

But the Tau race is completely different, a complete re-enactment of human beings in the past.

The Tau battle suit only needs to be slightly modified to solve the problem of identity verification and can be used by humans! !

Robotic bees, battle suits, and information-based warfare are basically things that humans have used in the golden age, and they have been used to the fullest by biochemical humans and iron men.

A little similarity can be called a coincidence. If the entire technology tree and development path are similar, then there is probably something wrong with it.

The Tau are just thieves who stole human technology.

Even if you change the appearance, you can't change the essence of it.

Now, this bubble of prosperity is about to burst.

Lost intelligence, what is left of the Tau Empire! !

Now, she sees it.

A group of rats who ran away in a hurry, only dared to hide in the sewer.

The so-called Supreme Kindness, the so-called Huo's spirit, and the so-called legendary commander are all just hiding in the sewers and fleeing in a hurry.

Following the abandoned sewer, the group arrived near the military camp without any risk.

There are enough fighters gathered in the military camp.

It is also the only place where resistance is possible.

Everyone went out along the sewer, even though they were mentally prepared, the scene that greeted them still made them feel palpitations and fear.

The entire military camp has been submerged in a sea of ​​flames, and high-speed flying drones are everywhere, scanning the Anxie ruins in search of organic life.

As long as the target is found, it will be killed. It is very cruel and will not accept surrender.

In the ruins of the camp, there were corpses everywhere.

The killing came so suddenly, and it also came from the most trusted drone, many Huo warriors were killed before they had time to react.

Those Huoshi warriors wearing advanced combat uniforms are even more miserable.

The targeting of the intelligent system made them all living targets.

Get killed by headshots one after the other.

Fortunately, not all races are immune to this crisis.

Some vassal races that were not usually regarded as the main force by the Huo clan survived this crisis.

They fare much better than Fire's warriors who have lost their battle suits.

Yingyang and Yonglan found a group of survivors who were still fighting the deranged omnic.

A survivor team composed of Vespas, Kroots and a small number of humans, Fire Warriors.

The Kroots are the most powerful in the team.

The Kroot are an extremely special race. They have the same talent as the Zerg. They can obtain genetic evolution by devouring the flesh and blood of other races.

This special ability allows them to evolve rapidly, much faster than technological development.

For this reason, they are more inclined to biological evolution and are not very interested in physical technology.

They were incorporated into the system of the Tau Empire when the Tau first expanded.

Of course, this process is also accompanied by conflicts.

The Kroot first fought the Tau, and then joined forces to fight the Orcs, and finally the two sides concluded a covenant.

It can be said that it has a lot of origin.

Out of consideration for the future of their own race, the rulers of Kroot did not overuse the smart devices of the Tau Empire, but kept them on the path of biological evolution.

Thanks to the expansion of the Tau Empire, Kroot's path of biological evolution is also on the right track, continuously absorbing the genes of the excellent races in the galaxy, and constantly strengthening himself.

It is this characteristic that allows them to have a certain ability to protect themselves in this omnic crisis.

Not to mention the Wasps, they themselves have the ability to fly, a strong body, and biological armor that can resist bullets.

These unique conditions made them not very dependent on the technology of the Tau Empire.

In addition, Hu Feng people have their own technology.

That is the unique crystal technology.

For this reason, their reliance on intelligent equipment from the Tau Empire is also very low.

After being attacked by the drones, they organized a counterattack immediately and survived.

There are many alien races in the galaxy, but many races have their own paths, and they rarely copy the paths of other races.

Of course, the Tau are unaware of humanity's past.

They firmly believe that smart technology is developed by themselves. Although there is guidance from the ether, everything is obtained through their efforts.

After a lot of twists and turns and fighting, the drones blocking the way were basically cleaned up.

Yingyang, Yonglan and the surviving soldiers were able to join together.

The size of this group of survivors is pitifully small, while the number of machine bees is endless.

Shadowsun knew that Mugulas Bay had fallen, and there was no way she could save this planet, which was controlled by out-of-control machines.

Now, the most important thing is to escape from here.

Send the news back to Dar Iss's family world, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

The Tau Empire's dependence on intelligent technology has reached a shocking level.

It can be said that without the intelligent system, the Tau Empire would lose at least 80% of its combat effectiveness.

Without those battle suits equipped with advanced intelligence systems, the Huoshi warriors of the Tau tribe were no match for human soldiers.

Earth's scientific research will also stagnate or even regress.

We must find a way to solve this crisis.

Yingyang secretly vowed that she would write down this blood debt, and that one day humans would repay it twice.

The survivors united and, after paying a heavy sacrifice, entered a communication room.

The Tau Empire has a spare communication room, which is operated manually.

Human Mechanicism has spread various virus codes, and the Tau Empire knows that human beings can interfere with the communication system.

For this reason, they set up another set of backup communication, which is used in an emergency to avoid communication interruption.

After more than an hour of calling.

The captain of a Guardian-class ship named the Arrow replied to Shadowsun.

"Thank goodness, we thought you were dead, Commander Shadowsun. What happened on the ground, why is the ground communication cut off!! Can you send someone to help us?? Those machines have gone mad and are going to kill us .”

Hearing the words of the captain of the communication A. Luo, Yingyang only felt his eyes go dark, and his body went limp.

If it wasn't for Yong Lan standing by the side with quick eyesight and quick hands, I'm afraid she would just go limp like that.

The fleet was also betrayed.

God! !

What kind of stupid thing did she do.

"How about your casualties!!" Yingyang asked, holding on.

"Many crew members were killed by the automatic defense system. The Arrow was lucky enough to escape because of its low automation. Now, we are all operating manually." The captain of the Arrow said, "From the communication Look, more than 60% of the ships have been controlled by intelligence, and some are still in battle. The warships of the vassal races attached to the Supreme Good have remained intact, and they have all escaped the crisis of being controlled."

The Tau Empire is not only limited to the Tau race, but also alien races such as the Kroot and the Vespa.

The battleship used by Kroot-Kroot's battle ball is very huge, generally equivalent to a mobile void fortress.

The Kroot ball is shaped like a dumbbell for fitness.

Most of this is the living quarters, with the outer areas housing the main engines and maneuvering thrusters.

Due to the large mass of Kroot's ball, it moves slowly.

But in exchange for this shortcoming, the battle ball is so powerful that it can land directly on the surface of the planet.

This is something most void battleships cannot do.

Once they get too close to the planet, gravity will hold them tightly.

Due to the nature of Kroot, Kroot's ball automation is very low, and it has not been affected in this crisis.

"Can interstellar communication be carried out?" Yingyang asked.

"It can't be done, those intelligences have destroyed our interstellar communication first."

Hearing Captain A. Luo's reply, Yingyang's heart sank. Judging from the behavior of cutting off the communication, the mutinous omnic has a big plan and is very cunning.

The Tau Empire must be warned.

Otherwise, once the omnic mutiny spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Can you send someone to the ground immediately, we need to evacuate."

"My lord!! Are we going to abandon the other companions?" the captain of the A. Luo asked in astonishment.

"The ground has also fallen, the machines have betrayed us, and the military forces are almost wiped out. We must warn the Tau Empire and cut off the rebellion here." Shadowsun said.

Hearing this, the captain of the A. Luo on the opposite side of the communication fell into a moment of silence.

Yingyang's words shocked him too.

Thus the Tau Empire failed! !

"Ah Luo, please send a ship to pick us up immediately." Yingyang reiterated the order.

The captain of the Ah Luo came back to his senses, tried to calm down his emotions, and nodded, "I will send a fighter plane to pick you up immediately, please report your coordinates."

Just as Ying Yang finished speaking the coordinates, there was a rumbling explosion.

Several missiles landed near her location, directly blowing up the guarding soldiers of the Tau Empire.

Smoke and dust billowed, and the flames from the explosion instantly flooded several buildings.

Machine bees also roared from all directions, wanting to kill them.

"For the highest good." Yingyang shouted, encouraging the soldiers to fight back.

They rely on the ruins to fight against the enemy, waiting for rescue.

But every minute, there are a large number of drones coming from all directions, trying to hunt and kill Yingyang.

The world of Dar Iss.

"We have already seen humans, and we are engaged in contact combat with them. We successfully destroyed three of their ships, and humans were forced to retreat into the void. Under the command, win the victory, and the glory of the higher good will surely spill over every corner of the galaxy."

The Tau members on the space station smiled as they watched the message from Mugulas Bay.

There are also a large number of pictures in the information.

It looks a bit blurry, and the ships in fierce battle can only be barely recognized.

These pictures all show that the Tau Empire is marching forward to beat the decaying Imperium of Man.

"Finally, the war started. I thought the human beings had already given up." Another member of the Tau tribe glanced at it and smiled.

Human beings dared to invade the Tau Empire, and they did not know how to live or die, and they would have to pay a heavy price.

"Announce this information to the public and tell them that the Tau Empire is about to win another victory." A supervisor also came over, "The people of the Tau Empire now need a victory to consolidate their confidence, and let every member of the Tau Empire know , Those who dare to offend the empire will be punished even if they are far away. The human empire is just a paper tiger, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

With the acquiescence of the high-level, the news quickly flowed into the people.

All of a sudden it boiled.

The news of the previous failures made many members of the Tau clan feel a little bit down.

The Tau Empire's Manifest Destiny has been challenged like never before, and now it's finally elated.

"You should teach mankind a lesson."

"Let them tremble before the great Higher Good."

"It's time for stupid humans to pay."

"Those who commit crimes will be punished no matter how far away they are."

"Let the Supreme Good liberate the human empire."

All members of the Tau Empire were encouraged by the news of humanity's downfall at Mugulas Bay.

With the help of developed communication network.

The Tau members were talking about it.

"We should keep calm and think about what conditions should be put forward to human beings to make up for the loss of war."

"This kind of thing, the high-level ether and the empire will definitely think about it. Let them cut dozens of star regions to make amends, or the human empire will be wiped out."

"Dozens of star sectors? At least let them cut half of it!! If they dare to attack us, they must bleed and let them know that the Tau Empire is not easy to mess with."

"The Tau Empire will rise, we are the hope of the galaxy."

"Yingyang is really a national soldier of our Tau Empire, and strongly demands the establishment of a shrine to worship."

"In front of the Supreme Good Dao, human beings are nothing but ants that can be wiped out with a snap of a finger."

When the people of the Tau Empire fell into carnival, the core codes transmitted with the help of those messages also spread on the smart devices on the planet Dal Iss, and sent similar messages to other worlds again.

Some serious Earth Clan scientists discovered these special codes, but the whole people were immersed in the victory over the human empire, and their voices were very low.

In addition, after so many years of use, the Tau Empire has long believed that intelligence is reliable.

No member of the Tau would have imagined that it would not be long before what they considered a reliable ally would be the cause of the Empire's downfall.

Stone Fortress.

Lion sat on the throne, keeping silent like a hunter hiding in the shadows.

He didn't have much joy at the news from Mugulas Bay.

His real target was not the Tau Empire, but Randan.

This cunning race will always have many opponents, this time, he must completely eliminate them.

At the beginning, he and the other Primarchs carried out extermination operations against Randan's home planet and all the worlds he discovered.

I thought they were completely wiped out, but who would have thought that Ran Dan would appear again now.

Heavy footsteps sounded.

Azrael stepped in and knelt before Lion's throne.

"My lord, we have sent several messages to Terra in a row, but so far there has been no reply. The Navigator claimed that he could not see the Astronomican Torch. According to the data calculation of the Mechanicus, we are currently on the dark side of the empire. "

Ryan frowned slightly, and he had been thrown here when he woke up.

He fought with the Tau Empire without knowing many things about the empire.

It wasn't until afterward that he learned about the situation of the empire from these genetic descendants.

Abaddon, the former first company commander of Horus, took over the position of Horus and became the new Warmaster of Chaos, and continued to launch expeditions against the empire.

Eventually, he breached the Cadian stronghold and caused the Eye of Terror to expand, creating a great rift that tore the galaxy apart.

Countless worlds on the dark side of the Empire lost the guidance of the Astronomical Torch and fell prey to demons, xenos and traitors.

"If you can't contact Guilliman, put it aside for the time being and solve the current problem first, let the astropaths continue to send messages, announcing the return of the Lord of the First Legion to them, and telling them that the empire is currently controlled by Ultramar. Lord Guilliman is the supreme regent of the empire, in charge of all military and government affairs."

As the First Primarch, it was also the white glove most valued by the Emperor in the past.

Ryan is not a fool for nothing.

He knew that what the empire needed most at this time was stability and unity.

Competing with Guilliman for power is a foolish thing that will only delight the gods.

And once you get the supreme power of the empire, it means becoming the number one enemy of the gods.

The last ruler - the Emperor - still sits on the Golden Throne.

The current ruler is running around like a cow or a horse.

As the Primarch, they are destined not to be greedy for enjoyment like those corrupted dignitaries, and can only wipe the ass of human beings again and again.

"Understood, I'll get someone to do it right away." Azrael nodded, "How should the Tau Empire deal with it? What about the released awakening protocol?"

"Wait for a while!! Wait until the Tau Empire is fully in the flames of war, and then harvest them. The awakening agreement was embedded in the switch by my father, and it is not difficult to take it back. Now, the most important thing is to help the dark side of the empire build confidence, Let them know that the Empire has not abandoned them."

"I understand."

Azrael nodded, then stood up and walked out.

Ryan also stood up, looked at the pop-up message, and walked out.

Guilliman left him some members of the Mechanicum who possessed the latest technology.

And those members of the Mechanic Church made a request to him to build a lighthouse not long ago.

The Lighthouse Project was a plan that Guilliman had settled down a long time ago.

Guilliman wants to build lighthouses in every galaxy to reduce the influence of warp storms and dependence on the Emperor's Astronomical Torch.

Mechanics members also go wherever they go to practice.

Lane didn't deny their request

Now, it has been confirmed that he is on the dark side of the empire.

This lighthouse plan should be promoted even more.

Ryan decided to personally check the progress of those members of Mechanics, and let them complete the construction of the first lighthouse as soon as possible.

As long as the first lighthouse lights up, the human fleet on the dark side of the empire will be able to see a glimmer of light in the endless darkness of the subspace, which can calm the fear in their hearts to the greatest extent.

There is no hope in this world.

They also lost hope.

Just a living corpse, waiting to die.

As the gunshots sounded, Qiuchen watched his companion and lover die in front of him, under his own gun.

A plume of blue smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun.

The companion's body fell to the ground, and foul-smelling blood flowed from the wound.

There is no pain in her eyes, only endless hatred and desire.

The once-smooth skin is rotting, covered with sores and smelling disgusting.

There was a penetrating smile on the corner of his mouth.

Teeth become sharp.

A single horn protruded from her forehead.

The once beautiful face became distorted and pervasive.

She is polluted.

Pollution is the official word.

The implication is that both soul and flesh are polluted and become abominable monsters.

Nobody knows how the pollution came about, but they're just so horrific.

Let people become crazy, lose their minds, and become monsters that devour other people's flesh and soul.

Those monsters are forever hungry.

They always want to devour everything and can never be satisfied.

In the foggy world, these polluted people must be executed immediately, monsters and demons are not allowed, so as to avoid a huge threat to the town.

Once monsterized and demonized, it becomes troublesome.

Ordinary weapons cannot cause serious damage to demons and monsters. Only the weapons blessed by the church can be used to kill those monsters and demons.

"My condolences." A guard who rushed over looked at the fallen woman and patted Qiu Chen on the shoulder.

Qiu Chen didn't speak, just looked at the woman's body.

The guard sighed, and waved for his companion's body to be carried onto the cart.

The corpse must be cremated in the church to avoid uncontrollable weird events.

Looking at the leaving car, Qiu Chen felt ashamed.

He looked up at the sky, and there was a scarlet blood sun hanging in the sky with a terrifying smile on the earth, as if mocking the stupidity and painful struggle of the world.

The sun has been polluted by some kind of power, and the scarlet light will make people degenerate, become the carrier of demons and monsters, and become a strange member.

For this reason, there is an unwritten rule in the town that it is forbidden to gaze at the sun.

The strange voice rang in Qiuchen's ears, making him wantonly indulge the desire in his heart and vent his hatred and dissatisfaction.

With strong self-control, he suppressed this thought, turned his eyes away, and stopped looking at the scarlet bloody sun.

At this time, it was noon, but the whole world seemed a little dark.

A scarlet, dim light enveloped the entire world.

Looking up at the town, the surrounding high walls surrounded the town, and the guards were patrolling, alert to the enemy.

Outside the wall is a world shrouded in mist, full of danger and murderous intent.

Those hateful demons and weird monsters can roam freely in the mist area without the help of human body activities.

Only in towns and areas protected by the church, those monsters need to use human body activities, otherwise they will be expelled by the power of the church.

Qiuchen didn't know what had happened in this terrifying world.

He is not a native of this world.

But a traverser.

Yes, a time traveler who always appears in novels.

There are many traversers in this world, all sent from different worlds.

During a trip, Qiuchen came to this world by accident.

As if crossing some kind of space-time tunnel, he came to this world suddenly.

He has no way to go back, he can only find a way to adapt to life here.

Much of the world is shrouded in mist,

Blood suns and crooked moons hang in the sky too often to be gazed upon.

The dark mist is filled with a large number of monsters and unspeakable strange creatures, and is listed as a dangerous area by the town. Only experienced demon hunters with strong willpower and the ability to exorcise demons can enter the dangerous area.

Demon hunters are generally time travelers.

Travelers came in a steady stream.

Become a demon hunter through sacrifices and prayers, and constantly fight monsters.

After a long time, the surviving humans built towns in the misty world, survived tenaciously, and continued the weak fire of civilization.

Qiu Chen numbly walked back to his own room, and there was a small sculpture in his room, such sculptors are found in every household, it is the god enshrined in the church in the shelter town - the Lord of Suffering.

What about this sculpture! !

very strange.

It's a human man holding a long sword, there's nothing special about that.

If there is only this point, it is just a normal sculpture.

In Qiuchen's world, there are also many religious beliefs.

The problem is, this man is wearing a suit of armor that only appeared in the interstellar era.

This is so fucked up! !

In Qiuchen's cognition, it is normal for gods to wear armor from the feudal era.

Wearing a set of interstellar armor is incompatible with the painting style of mythology and religion.

Qiu Chen doubts whether there are high-level civilized humans who have come here and become gods in this world with the help of technology that the world cannot understand.

The man wearing interstellar armor, wearing a laurel wreath, and holding a long sword is honored by the indigenous people as the Lord of Suffering.

And the power of the time traveler to become a demon hunter mainly comes from the Lord of Suffering.

It is worth mentioning that if the traversers offer sacrifices and pray to the Lord of Suffering, they will receive more gifts than the locals.

If you can complete different trials according to the other party's guidance, you can gain even stronger power.

Travelers also have an advantage, as long as their will is not distorted and they are sane enough, they can be resurrected.

Of course, the resurrection time is very long, it may be years, or it may be decades.

It will not be resurrected immediately like online games.

It's a little golden finger.

This mode of sacrifice, trial upgrade, and resurrection is very similar to an online game, but there is no system interface and no clear level.

Qiuchen guessed that the Lord of Suffering might also be the main reason why so many traversers would travel to this world.

According to the local aborigines, in fact, they, and even their ancestors, have never seen the real Lord of Suffering.

A thousand years ago, human beings have been enslaved by monsters and demons in the mist, believing in their masters and working for them.

Someone later got guidance, built a sculpture of the Lord of Suffering, made offerings, and opened up a non-fog area.

After the sculpture was established, the traversers came in a steady stream.

Using the power obtained from the sculpture sacrifice, the natives drove away monsters and demons.

They also built towns here and brought some technology to improve their lives.

The natives cannot be resurrected, but they firmly believe that they will be reborn in the temple of the Lord of Suffering after death.

Therefore, the indigenous people have the spirit of self-sacrifice and dedication, and they are important helpers for the traversers.

Qiuchen sat on the chair in the room, staring at the unturned electric lights in a daze.

The technology here has only entered industrialization.

There was electricity, lights, silent movies, and a telephone.

Because of the fog and all kinds of indescribable weirdness, some incomprehensible things like haunted things often happen here, which can be regarded as a normal state of life.

Qiu Chen just sat in the room like that, looking at the unlit electric lights, tears streaming down his face unconsciously.

He and his lover met in this world.

Both sides have had many adventures.

I just didn't expect it to end like this.

Even if the polluted soul is a traveler, it will not be resurrected and will not be accepted by the Lord of Difficulties.

To die is to die.

After watching it for a long time, Qiu Chen, who was immersed in the sadness of Zi Ah, felt tired and was going to sleep to relieve his grief of losing his partner and lover.

There was a loud noise.

"Quick, something happened to the church."

"problem occurs."

"The monsters are at it again."

Qiu Chen subconsciously jumped up, feeling the anger burning in his heart.

He's had enough of the damn world.

He's had so many things taken from him by those damned demons and monsters.

He didn't want to take it any longer.

If there are demons and monsters invading, then he will make the other party pay the price.

Thinking of this, Qiu Chen picked up the weapon and ran out.

He saw people on the road running towards the church in the center of town with weapons in hand.

That is the church of the Lord of Suffering, and it is also the foundation for the existence of the town.

Only the church can stop the invasion of the fog.

Without churches, towns would cease to exist.

Protecting the church is the consensus of all.

All the traversers and defenders in the town surrounded them.

They carry an assortment of weapons, hand-cranked Gatlings, revolvers, rifles, and more.

Everyone's eyes were filled with vigilance, caution and anger.

Fighting against the monsters in the mist for so long, they lost too much.

Relatives, friends, companions, and so on.

They are full of hatred for the mist, if monsters and those damned demons dare to break in, they will let each other know what cruelty is.

Everyone found their seats, looked at the high cathedral, and waited for the things inside to come out.

Qiuchen climbed onto a house, raised the gun in his hand, and aimed with breathless concentration.

Get ready to unleash your wrath by pouring the bullets of rage on those monsters.

But when the creature in the church came out, he was stunned.

"Get out, get off the road."

Celestine beheaded a demon with a single sword, and turned her head to let the surviving battle nuns follow the others into a gap in a different universe.

The road was littered with the corpses of human warriors.

Time in the Warp is distinct from the outside world.

Celestine and the others only felt that they had traveled countless years in the subspace and experienced battle after battle.

They followed the path of the former Emperor and Horus, and paid a very heavy price.

The gods are sniping at them by all means, preventing their progress.

Once this exploration team enters other universes, the human empire controlled by Guilliman will undergo transformation.

Human beings will become qualified to confront the gods.

Preventing humans from going out is a very important thing for the gods.

However, the Exploration Team also has helpers.

The Legion of the Cursed sometimes joins their ranks, helping them fight against the minions of the gods and guiding them on the right path.

After countless battles, under the guidance of the Legion of the Cursed, they finally found a gap in the warp.

The minions of the four gods are endless, they retreated into the gap one by one, and fled the battlefield.

When the last battle nun retreated into it, Celestine glanced at the endless demons attacking like sea waves. She raised the holy sword, swung a flame, forced back the approaching demons, and jumped into the gap.

The gap disappeared after Celestine entered, and the demons could only vent their anger at the empty air.

The roar of the gods echoed in the depths of the warp, and the storm became mad again.

In the Eternal Battlefield, the gods drive their minions to attack each other more frantically in order to monopolize the way to other universes.

At the same time, the gods also ordered their believers to speed up the offensive against the human empire, making Guilliman fall into the quagmire of war and slow down the development of human beings.

Just like the endless darkness felt when Modo entered the subspace road, Celestine and others also felt the endless darkness after entering the gap.

They didn't dare to stop, they could only rush forward all the way.

When the darkness faded, they appeared in a huge church.

Seeing a group of creatures soaked in blood and wearing strange battle armor suddenly appear, the priest who was praying was startled and screamed, turned around and ran out.

After Celestine and the others inspected the church and confirmed that there was no problem, a group of people holding industrial age weapons had already gathered outside.

They were heavily armed and surrounded the church.

Inquisitor Grey who walked to the church gate was the first to raise the bolt gun in his hand, "Damn primitives, in the name of the emperor, put down your weapons, or you will meet the wrath of the court."

Valyrian also raised his halberd, and power field arcs flickered on the halberd.

Alea shouted in a low voice, the Emperor is above, and also raised the weapon in her hand.

The first company commander of the Ultramarines, Agman, was stunned for a moment when he saw the group of alien humans in front of him, but he still shouted, "Don't be impulsive, they are human, try to talk, don't open fire. We are just here to explore, Not here to start a war."

His words had some effect. Grey, Valyrian and others confronted these primitive people with weapons, but they did not fire.

Many traversers watched in astonishment as a group of people dressed in the interstellar era came out of the church.

Qiu Chen also opened his mouth wide, his mind went blank.

Could it be that these guys are from other civilizations outside the universe? ?

There are their warships outside this planet? ?

The other traversers were also in a mess and bewildered at this time.

In the weird and misty steam industry era, a group of high-tech humans came to the dark world of doomsday survival style! !

Can this world be any more nonsense! !

It is more logical than this to have a group of people with magic weapons.

I searched all day and couldn’t find a suitable fan world, so I’ll just stitch one up, it’s just a transitional one that enhances logic

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