Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 200 Heading towards the Eye of Fear (for subscription)

In front of the church gate of the Lord of Suffering.

The two sides confronted each other with weapons.

The sword was on the verge of breaking out, and the smell of gunpowder was once full.

Alea and Gray are ready for the slaughter.

These human beings who only have weapons from the industrial era are not difficult enemies for them.

They can be killed in a matter of minutes if necessary.

This is not their arrogance, and all those who can be selected into the exploration team are the top elites of the empire.

Being able to face the big demon directly without changing his face, can kill seven in and seven out in the endless tide of demons.

Fortunately, Agman remembered the Primarch's orders.

They came to this different universe to carry out exploration missions.

Colonizing other universes for the empire, collecting experimental data and intelligence, not fighting and killing from here.

Under Agman's instruction, the accompanying mechanical priest spent some time deciphering the language of the foreign world.

The mechanical priests who accompanied the exploration team were also equipped with computing engines, becoming mobile human databases and super human brain computers.

It is not difficult for them to decipher the language.

As long as the corresponding model is established and enough data is collected, the analysis can be completed.

After solving the language barrier, the two sides established a preliminary communication.

In the center of the town, Celestine, who was regarded as the representative of Agman and Valyrian, sat at a huge long table.

The captain of the town's guard and the representative sent by the demon hunter organization composed of traversers sat opposite them.

As the first company commander of the Ultramarines and Calgar's successor, Agman has excellent diplomatic talent.

Perhaps inherited from his own genetic father.

Or it could be his innate talent.

But no matter what, he relied on this talent to get the news he wanted.

This is a polluted world.

Chaos has invaded here.

And there is a group of people in front of me who are also from other universes.

From the words of the other party, Agman judged that they were definitely not from the Human Empire.

In this way, it is indeed proved that the original body's plan is feasible.

There are universes beyond universes.

When the time is right, the human empire may be able to launch another great expedition like it did 10,000 years ago, bringing all those universes under the control of the empire.

Of course, the day when this idea is realized is still far away.

The human empire can't even settle the galaxy.

Wanting to colonize other universes really feels like a dream.

But Agman believes that as long as he is under the leadership of the great imperial regent, that day will definitely come.

"Who the hell are you? Are you the aborigines of this universe?" Qiu Chen, one of the representatives of the demon hunters, looked at the group of people who claimed to be from the empire.

As a traveler from the world of the information age, Qiu Chen can tell at a glance that the armor on these people is the crystallization of technology.

I once thought it was a world of steampunk and weird fog.

It's like the creepy Westworld movie where you wear a cowboy suit and headshot a demon with an exorcist revolver.

From the looks of it now, it was purely because they were weak traversers and failed to develop high technology.

The mechanical priest translated Qiu Chen's words and explained them to Celestine and others.

Language barrier is a big problem.

Even in the empire, the language differences between different star regions are very large.

Not to mention it is in this suspected different universe.

The language systems of the two sides are completely different.

Can only be translated by the Mechanical Priest.

Others are also rapidly learning about the universe of this world.

All but Valyrian have been modified with the most advanced technology of the Empire, with their own battle engines and databases.

Learning a language is not difficult for them.

Several of them became familiar with each other's language after receiving the data given by the mechanical priest.

It's just that they didn't say anything, but pretended that they needed a mechanical priest to translate.

Necessary hiding clumsiness, there may be unexpected gains.

"It's not sure." Agman's answer was very cautious, and he didn't want to reveal too much about the empire's plan to explore different universes.

"Where's your starship?" Another demon hunter asked, "Maybe you can save us from this world, which has been shrouded in mist, and those monsters and demons will swallow everything one day."

Hearing this, other demon hunters also looked at this strange group of people.

They come from different worlds and have different cultures.

The only thing in common is that those worlds have gotten rid of ignorance, entered the industrial age or the interstellar age, and have a certain understanding of the stars and the universe.

Many traversers firmly believe that the place they are in is just a certain star in the universe.

If one day, they can enter space, maybe they can escape from this doomsday-like world.

And the group of people in front of them may be their savior.

"I'm sorry, we don't have a starship, we came here through another way." Valyrian said tactfully, his eyes fixed on the group of people he was negotiating with.

When he was in the palace, he read a lot of books.

There's a section on psychology and microexpressions.

He was able to read the answers he needed from the expressions of these people.

Few were able to fool a scholarly Custodian, and Valyrian could always tell the truth from the minute details.

Hearing that there were no starships, Qiu Chen continued to ask, "Then what is the purpose of you coming here?"

"Explore." Agman said, "Adhering to the will of a great man, the empire needs to explore more areas."

"Are you going to invade here? You want to treat this place as your colony." A demon hunter asked vigilantly. These words made the originally peaceful negotiations more delicate.

"Now, our mission is just to explore." Agman said, "Besides, we have no intention of launching a war. What's more, all humans have the obligation to be loyal to the Empire, and we will bring stability to this world and the future."

"Sorry, we won't be loyal to an empire that doesn't know the details." Another demon hunter shrugged, "An arrogant person builds an empire and then asks all human beings to surrender. This tone is very much like a dictatorial king."

"Respect, stranger, I don't want to get rough with you." Gray, who was standing aside, showed anger. The other party was blaspheming the great regent and emperor, an unforgivable crime.

"A woman, do you think you can beat me?" The witcher lifted up his windbreaker, revealing a huge version of the revolver hanging on his waist. Various runes and a petal were etched on the pistol.

"You can try it, I'm not that pedantic, I'm a man who advocates equality between men and women, so I don't follow the principle of not killing women."

"Get your family ready to cry because they're going to get a dead body," Gray said angrily, raising his bolter.

"Enough." Agman stood up and stopped Grey, avoiding further intensification of the conflict.

The witcher was also persuaded by the other companions.

When this happened, there was no need for the negotiation to continue.

Representatives from both sides have suggested that maybe it is time to calm down.

To be on the safe side, Agman and others took control of the church.

According to the accompanying think tanks, as long as the necessary rituals are performed, they can re-enter the subspace road and embark on the return journey.

Agman and others gathered together, and after a brief meeting, they went around looking for other people, trying to collect more information, or find resources, so that the mechanical priests could start building fortifications.

Each mechanical priest carries a lot of technological knowledge and is a mobile version of STC.

As long as they have enough resources, they can build various facilities and establish outposts that the empire needs.

An outpost would give them more control.

On the other side of town.

The witchers gather together.

"They give me a very wrong feeling." A senior demon hunter said, "They definitely come from an interstellar civilization. And I suspect that they are lying, there must be their warships in the fog of the sky."

"So what!! They don't want to take us away." Another demon hunter said, "This world sucks, and the people who manipulate this world should find my good neighbor-Spider-Man to come here, not Find me."

"They must come here for another purpose. If they can know their purpose, they may be able to make a deal."

"Question, how do you know what they want??"

Many demon hunters chatted with each other with each other.

The world they live in has a lot of anime themes about time travel.

The protagonist is summoned by the gods from another world, leveling up and fighting monsters all the way, beating BOOS violently, marrying the princess, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Life must be much better than the original world.

Every traveler who comes here will have one of the three major illusions in life at the beginning.

That is to feel that you are the protagonist of destiny in this world.

He felt that the guy who traveled in front was just his supporting role.

But in fact, time travel is not a fun thing.

Those stories are deceiving.

No one can kill BOOS with a group of women who can only scream and call Obasan.

Every battle needs to go all out in order to survive.

Only those who do not go to the battlefield will feel that the battlefield is romantic.

Only people who don't time travel will find it a lot of fun to fight against those indescribable monsters with a big sword.

Qiu Chen only felt that this kind of life was terrible.

You have to watch your companions die, and you are in a desperate situation. No matter how hard you try, you can't change your fate of inevitable failure.

Every injury hurts, not as casually as in novels or anime.

When he first time traveled, Qiu Chen also thought he was the protagonist.

But after repeated beatings, he has realized that he is an ordinary person with a little bit of willpower and luck.

He also doesn't have any great ideas for people who dress up weirdly.

Knowing too little information, you know that the other party is from a so-called human empire, and was assigned to this world to carry out exploration tasks.

"Let's observe them first, and we have to send someone to notify the demon hunters in other towns so that they are ready." An elder of the demon hunter stood up and stopped the meaningless conversations of the crowd, doing Out of arrangement.

The elder traveled to this world when he was twenty-five years old, and has lived here for nearly fifty years.

He was nearly seventy years old, his hair was already gray, he was wearing simple linen clothes, his knotted muscles were bulging, clearly visible.

The exposed body basically bears various scars.

They were all left when they explored the danger zone. It can be said to be some kind of meritorious service.

No one objected to the elder's arrangement.

Being able to live in this world for a long time is a manifestation of ability.

Whether it is hunting skills or spirit, they are all top-notch existences.

Those weak chickens will only lose all their sanity in death after death, and then become monsters.

Many traversers have become monsters.

After the weak-willed traveler dies a few times, his sanity will collapse, and then he will become a monster.

The elder arranged the work for everyone, and Qiuchen got a task to report to other towns.

This means that he needs to enter the fog danger zone.

There is constant war in the galaxy.

Guilliman, who set out again, swept all the enemies who tried to stop him with an unstoppable force.

The resistance from those corrupt nobles was negligible.

Easily shattered under Guilliman's invincible fist.

Consider that the enemies in many worlds are not strong.

The huge expedition fleet was divided into several battle groups by Guilliman in order to quickly wipe out those enemies.

And he himself leads an army towards the Eye of Terror.

Kaul sent him a message, in exchange for knowledge of the Webway from the Nether Dragon.

It's part of the plan.

And now, he wants to carry out another part of the plan, which is to find a way to go to the Eye of Terror and get the knowledge of the Eldar about the Webway.

Human beings cannot simply copy the answers given by the Eldar or the star gods.

That would be too risky.

The Eldar are allies at this stage, but there are no eternal allies in the galaxy, and no one knows when this alliance will be overthrown.

Not to mention the Nether Dragon, who regards the flesh and soul of creatures as food.

If he is not careful, all human beings will be eaten by him.

It is necessary to beware of it.

Knowing that Guilliman was about to march on the Eye of Terror, the old prophet Eldrar sent his representative, an Eldar prophet named Natas.

The Eldar prophet claimed that he would guide Guilliman on a safer path to the formerly fallen star of learning.

No matter how careful, Guilliman's entry into the Eye of Terror exposes him to the gazes of several Fallen Primarchs.

A little carelessness, and mankind will lose their savior.

"It's really dangerous what you're doing." Natas sat on a chair in Guilliman's private room, "The Eye of Terror is an absolute nightmare that only Chaos Seekers and madmen enter. "

"I have no choice." Guilliman stared at the projection in front of him, which showed a dead planet. There was a webway on that planet, and that webway led to the Eye of Terror, as long as he could kill that path , you can enter the Eye of Terror.

"I don't know how long my father can last, that power is about to overwhelm him, when he can't control that power, the God Emperor will be born, and a new god will appear in the galaxy. It's a nightmare for everyone."

"My father is an obstacle and the only shield for mankind. I must find a new way for mankind before the shield collapses."

Guilliman's words were sincere, and these were his real thoughts, but not all of his thoughts.

He really wants to find a way for human beings, but the webway is not the way he wants.

The Warp Firewall is the way.

Thought seals are flowing among the loyalists of the empire, human lighthouses are being built, and galaxies are being lit up, weakening the influence of the subspace on the real universe.

All kinds of buildings containing wonderful technologies are taking shape in factories on Mars.

A firewall is a very large and complex project, and the technology required is extremely sophisticated.

If it weren't for the help of the database, Guilliman doubted whether he would be able to obtain the knowledge to build a firewall.

Once this plan is successful, human beings will get rid of the control of the gods.

The premise is to succeed, once it is destroyed, all previous efforts will be wasted.

The Battle of the Nachmond Corridor is a cover, the Webway Project is also a cover, the Lighthouse Locating Project is also a cover, and even the Different Universe Project serves as a distraction for the gods.

The complicated plan concealed the real purpose, and even Kaur only knew that Guilliman had a big plan, but he didn't know the details, nor did he know how he would realize it.

Guilliman had no intention of being open and honest about his Eldar allies.

Natus looked at Guilliman and asked, "You think your father will become the new god after losing control."

"This is inevitable. Human beings have worshiped him for thousands of years and countless souls of warriors who died shouting his name are gathered around him. Faith and heroic souls are strengthening his power, but this power is uncontrollable , the emperor is very powerful, but he can't control the fanatical beliefs and countless souls of a race. The damage caused by Horus and the long ten thousand years have made him fragmented, and the remaining humanity resists His divinity. However, it is impossible for him to resist forever. The divinity is increasing, but his humanity is weakening. Just like the god who destroyed your race, once the emperor dies and the god emperor is born, it It will lure human beings to even more extreme madness."

"When I entered the warp, I had a conversation with him, and he gave me the coordinates of another universe, and told me that he was already exerting influence on other universes. I don't know if it was his counterattack strategy or his For the desire for faith, if it is the latter, then his level of danger will be a little higher, and my time will be less."

"To be honest, I'm curious about one thing, what kind of emperor you Eldar perceive in the subspace."

Guilliman twirled the hologram, answering Natas' questions while assessing the dangers of the trip.

As long as the four gods don't take action in person, Guilliman is still very confident about those few demon primarchs.

Angron was punched, Fulgrim was kicked, Perturabo was hanged, and Lorgar was shouldered.

After mastering Terra, his dominance grew stronger and stronger.

With the blessing of the entire empire, he has reached an unbelievable level, and the ordinary big devil is no match for him at all.

Unless the four gods end in person, Guilliman is still quite confident about his journey through the Eye of Terror.

Natas was silent for a moment before speaking: "To be honest, we rarely perceive Terra. When our souls roam the subspace, Terra is a black hole that swallows everything. Any spirit or other things that enter this Black holes will be swallowed. Even the thread of fate we predicted will be completely swallowed. His existence cannot be peeked at. Some prophets say that he is fragmented. If his fragments can be reassembled, perhaps he will have the power to overwhelm the subspace. strength."

"My Librarian says he is the light, too bright to look directly at. The Astronomican is just a device to guide the will, and they can feel its roar and anger. Whenever they look at the Astronomical, they feel His pain and pain. watch,"

"Maybe it's the difference between our races." Natas said, "He is light to you, but a black hole to us."

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