Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 222 The third stage task (for subscription)

Ryan watched the alien warlord coming out of the darkness with a calm expression, without the slightest panic as a prisoner.

The opponent was wearing a heavy red combat uniform, and the traces of war erosion could be seen on his blue face.

There was a determination like a rock in his eyes.

This is an excellent commander.

Even if it is an alien.

But an excellent soul is always worthy of praise.

Ryan has seen the information of the vision, and can naturally recognize the identity of the other party at a glance.

With the appearance of Vision, behind him are several personal guards and some Kroot soldiers wearing the same combat uniform.

Kroot has a bird-like head with a beak and feathers.

The body is tall and strong, the arms are like machetes, and they have very long claws.

They like to devour the corpses of their enemies, steal the genes of the opponent's race, and accelerate their own evolution.

This ability is powerful.

It allows them to evolve quickly and absorb the knowledge of other races.

There is no weak civilization that can survive in the galaxy.

Any slight will only bring a bitter ending.

"Are you the alien warlord who tempted me?" Ryan asked, staring at the vision in front of him.

"Yes, by following the great higher good, you are defeated, human."

Farsighted's tone was full of anger and sadness, and the eyes looking at Ryan were burning with raging anger.

He finally wants to avenge those tragic lives.

Rest in peace, the great and the good, those souls who have suffered so much.

Foresight will avenge you.

"Really?" Ryan smiled.

Yuan Jian felt that something was wrong, but he looked at the opponent's armor that had fallen into silence, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The battlefield analyzer says everything is under control.

The opponent's armor has been paralyzed, and other human soldiers have been lured away.

How did the opponent come back?

Take his head to turn the tables? ?

This tactical foresight is not the first time it has been used.

Every time is perfect, not a single failure.

"You don't think you're captured?" Farsighted raised his voice, his Gothic tongue perfectly standard.

Farsighted stared at the tall, tall Primarch like a small hill.

He felt that he was thinking too much.

Without battle armor, without support, what tricks can the opponent have?

Undoubtedly it was just those threatening words.

I think too much.

So what about the Primarch?

Even a god can make the opponent bleed.

There is nothing to be afraid of a genetically modified body that has been overhyped by humans.

Today, he was going to cut off the other party's head and tell the human empire what would happen if he offended the Tau.

"Alien, I have to admit that among the many aliens I have encountered, you are smarter and more strategic." Ryan said casually, "But your arrogance is the most among them, and they have never dared to approach me like this .”

As soon as these words came out, the adjutants Ju Xing and Ba Jie raised their rail rifles one after another.

The Kroot soldiers on the side are also ready to fight.

For a while, the atmosphere became tense again.

Ju Xing and other Tau elites all put their finger on the trigger.

Once fired, the ion beam and rail bomb will kill the opponent in an instant.

"Don't think about playing tricks, once you do it, you will die." Yuan Jian took a few steps back calmly.

For some reason, just standing in front of the other party made him feel a kind of palpitation.

The terrible pressure made him almost out of breath.

"The sheep trap is a pitiful joke for a lion, and it has no meaning other than burying itself." Ryan mocked sarcastically.

Then he moved.

The black Primarch armor was activated accordingly.

The Imperium of Man is just pedantic, not stupid.

It was an insult to a military empire that the same tactic worked twice.

Mechanical Priests are bound by the rules of Mechanicus, they are not without brains and technological reserves.

After Guilliman abolished various prohibitions, the Adeptus Mechanicus demonstrated a strong ability to innovate.

As the interstellar armor with the most advanced technology in the empire, many mechanical sages have shown interest in improving it.

The Mechanicus is different from other sectors.

Whoever can master more knowledge can get a higher position.

Trash is only fit to be machine slaves and skitarii without self-awareness.

Whoever can design a better armor undoubtedly means that he is better than other colleagues.

Improving the armor of the Empire is a rare opportunity for Mechanicus and the many Mechanic Priests who want to climb the ladder.

Early in the war against the Tau Empire, the Mecha-Priest had already considered electromagnetic interference.

This happened once.

When the Ultramarines killed Vision, their armor was paralyzed, and they had to compromise and leave.

For this reason, anti-electromagnetic interference has also been included in the optimization project.

As the Primarch's battle armor, the issue of how to continue to survive close to the stars has been considered, so how could the anti-electromagnetic interference factor not be considered.

More importantly, even without a battle armor, Ryan, who has awakened the essence of the subspace, can tear the foresight and see everyone.

Foresight's strategy of setting traps and ambushing Ryan was a mistake from start to finish.

He is doomed to fail if he uses the thinking of a normal person to speculate on a Primarch.

The lion drew his sword and struck like a lion.

The speed was so fast that even with the combat assistance system, the Tau people couldn't catch his movements.

The moment the sword tip leaves the scabbard, the cleavage position is activated.

One of the eight elites was cut through by Ryan.

Both the battle suit and personal shield were directly broken.

"Kill..." Adjutant Ju Xing was about to speak.

With a bang, gunshots rang out from the side.

The two Dark Angel fighters who had been in a dead state just now returned to normal at some point, and they raised their bolt guns and started shooting.

Ju Xing's head exploded on the spot, and the fragments of flesh and blood mixed with the fragments of the helmet splashed.

Under the huge impact of the explosion, the headless corpse wearing a battle suit crashed to the side.

The other Tau Fire fighters reacted quickly, and they opened fire on Ryan and the two Dark Angel fighters.

Farsighted pulled the trigger of the railgun in his hand.

The howling electromagnetic bullet hit the opponent's breastplate, rubbing off a piece of synthetic paint.

As the far-sighted personal guard, another soldier selected as the Bajie jumped up and threw a grenade at Ryan and others.

A booming explosion sounded, flooding the battlefield.

Just when Yuan Jian and others breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the other party was killed by the bomb.

Ryan and the two Dark Angels emerged from the flames of the explosion unscathed.

The power of the grenade can't even leave a dent in the opponent's thick power armor.

A Dark Angel warrior poured out his firepower at the Bajie who threw the grenade.

He didn't choose to kill the opponent, but used two bursts to break both the legs of the Ba Jie and the arm that threw the grenade.

This is a blatant humiliation.

Let the other party lie on the battlefield, watching their own defeat, watching the goodness abandon them.

Foresight kept pulling the trigger, but the rail bullets were useless.

Either it was blocked by the shield, or the paint could only be rubbed off.

In just a few breaths, Farsighted lost two-thirds of his bodyguard and Kroot soldiers.

Their bodies lay on the metal floor of the abandoned factory.

Yuan Jian was extremely sad and indignant, and he realized that he was a little wrong.

Rather than exaggerating the Primarch's abilities, the human mythology undercuts its legend.

These guys are called demigods for a reason.

Powerful enough to be hopeless.

If it was the case in the past, he has already won.

Stepping on the opponent's head or corpse declares the greatness of the supreme good.

But now, he was completely defeated.

The Primarch commander hunted him by throwing himself into a trap.

In the face of absolute power and information asymmetry, far-sighted strategies are useless.

"Monster, your opponent is me." Vision roared angrily.

At this moment, the only way to reverse the failure is to kill the original body.

The loudspeaker blared his challenge loudly.

Foresight activated the long sword obtained from the ancient ruins.

It was a very mysterious weapon, obtained by Foresight from a strange world called Moloch.

The surface of Morlock's world is a jumble of thousands of crumbling shrines and strange, faceless statues.

The history of this planet is older than all recorded history of the Tau Empire.

The surface of the planet is fragmented, giving the illusion that the planet died long ago.

There is not even a single green shoot or moss on the planet, only endless desolation.

No living creature has made its home there.

Where there are dense ruins, as long as you walk in, you can hear the whispers of ghosts.

They lurk in the dark.

Tormented by past memories and curses.

There, Farsighted encountered a demon blazing with evil fire.

His technology was useless against that demon.

After a few rounds, he was almost killed by the opponent on the spot.

It wasn't until he picked up the sword from the ruins that he was able to save the fate of failure and killed the big demon.

After the battle of Morlock, Farsight gave the sword to Ovisa, the wisest Earth scientist of the Tau, to study.

It's a pity that even this scientist couldn't tell what the raw material of the sword was, let alone reproduce it.

After that battle, the Blade of Dawn remained in Vision's hands.

He also killed many powerful enemies with this sword.

Yuanjian slashed at Ryan with a sword, and the battle suit had already turned on full power mode.

The huge thrust made the Dawn Blade in his hand even more terrifying.

Ryan blocked Vision's sword, then grabbed the opponent's foot and slammed to the other side.

With a bang, a dent appeared in the metal wall.

Farsighted felt a sweetness in his throat, and a warning message from the combat suit system popped up, with multiple damages.

Too much impact.

Such a huge impact, even through the battle suit, made him vomit blood continuously.

Get up again, correct the battle suit, and turn off those warning messages.

Farsighted, Blade of Dawn in hand, grew wary.

The arrogance that captivated each other in the first place has disappeared without a trace.

Chemicals were injected into his body to repair the damage just now.

The stimulants made his brain go into overdrive.

Farsighted took a deep breath and let the will of the higher good be implemented in his soul.

He turned on the performance of the battle suit to the maximum, and moved at an incredible, ghostly speed.

The Dawnblade hissed.

He slashed at Ryan frantically.

It's like countless phantoms attacking.

Ryan's expression was normal, and he easily dealt with the crazy attack of Vision.

Grasping a flaw, he rotated his body in an instant, swung away all the opponent's attacks, and pierced Yuanjian's chest with a sword.

"No!" Yuan Jian looked at the long sword that easily cut through the combat uniform and pierced into his body, with unwillingness and disbelief in his eyes.

Just lost! !

how is this possible! !

He is a legendary commander! !

The most powerful Tau ever.

How could it be possible to lose here! !

I can not be reconciled! !

I will never surrender to fate.

The cracking force field still quickly destroyed the combat suit and his flesh and blood structure.

When the long sword was drawn out, Yuan Jian's legs softened and he knelt down on the ground.

Ryan swung his long sword, and a head rolled down.

"No!" the surviving Bajie screamed in agony.

He could not accept the death of Commander Vision.

How can I die? ?

After so many battles, why did he die here! !

Do not! This is not true.

When the eight masters were distracted, Boris who rushed over took the opportunity to shoot the opponent's helmet.

During the explosion, the head of the Bajie was shattered into pieces, and the headless body fell from the air like a free fall, hitting the metal floor with a bang.

When the diverted warriors like Boris returned, the battle had already been declared over.

Vision was slain, and the remaining members of the Tau were doomed.

Ovisa chose to kill himself and detonated the underground base.

In this way, the scientist who followed the legendary commander-vision maintained his last dignity and avoided becoming a captive of mankind.

It's a pity that Ovisa's actions only ruined himself.

Ryan and others have teleportation devices on them.

As soon as the explosion happened, they used the teleporter to leave.

Seeing the burning underground base, Ryan crushed Vision's head with one foot, turned and left the battlefield.

He still has one more thing to do, which is to liquidate the human dignitaries on the planet Phetia and promote Guilliman's reforms.

The Tau threat is over.

As long as the Alien Ran Dan who turned into ether is wiped out, this poor race will never have a chance to stand up again.

It's time for these nobles who are like grass on the wall to be liquidated.

When Ryan saw the living conditions of the civilians in the hive capital of Phetia, he understood why Guilliman wanted to liquidate the nobles and those with vested interests at such a critical juncture.

To be able to run an empire like this, killing them is a kind of kindness.

The Glory of Macragge.

Guilliman spent most of his time sitting in his strategy room, studying overall strategy and handling government affairs.

As a man in power, he is well aware of his position.

He avoided going to the battlefield himself as much as possible.

Unless he is really needed to play, he is always on the sidelines.

The story of defeating the devil with a holy sword only exists in anime and novels.

How stupid a devil must be to choose to fight a warrior one-on-one, and then be defeated by a sword.

Divide your army into dozens of teams, run when the warriors come, and burn, kill and loot when the warriors leave.

All the kings, nobles, and princesses who supported the warriors were captured, and whoever dared to support the warriors would be killed.

Killing one every other day is enough to torture a warrior into madness.

If you want to win, you must have your own power and your own basic set.

Guilliman had only one train of thought for any war.

The demon king has an army of one hundred thousand, so the brave must have two hundred thousand, one million.

The operation is good, the resources are stationed, the troops are stationed, and there is no brain A in the past.

Interspersed with such brain-burning behavior does not exist.

What is needed is a flat push of firepower.

Guilliman let the commanders do their thing, let them use mortal minds and wisdom to achieve victory.

For this reason, he rarely took the initiative to participate in the war.

Most of them are coordinating the overall situation.

Of course, Guilliman also has a lot of government affairs.

His personal database is full all the time, and everything is related to the life and death of billions of people, and even the entire star sector.

Due to the backward communication methods, many local rulers had to send messages repeatedly to seek support or help.

Even if Terra helped him share a lot of government affairs, the empire is a huge government with millions of worlds.

Ordinary people are too exhausted to read the reports of these planets.

In addition to these, Guilliman had to pay attention to his overall strategy.

Project Webway, Project Lighthouse, Project Alternate Universe, Battle of the Corridor of Nachmond, the threat of the Necron Norwalk Dynasty, crisis reports on worlds on the edge of the Great Rift, aristocratic rebellion, conservative Mechanicus strikes against reform, and more.

It is conceivable how much government pressure there is.

Enough to happen to a normal person in a few months.

Even if it is a Primarch, facing such a massive amount of information is still a headache, and it takes a lot of time to process it.

Guilliman has been reviewing the reports given to him by various planets during this time.

Assign the fleet of the Indomitable Crusade to save different worlds, suppress rebellions, and drive out aliens and demons.

War is spreading in every corner of this world.

Civilizations were burned and suffering people were tortured.

Astropaths can receive all kinds of desperate messages for help every day, and listen to the wailing of those worlds when they are destroyed.

The only thing Guilliman could do was to get his troops to step up.

Clean up an area and transform it as fast as you can.

Let the people of each planet elect the governor they think is acceptable.

The governor then communicated with the empire, discussed taxation and conscription, and carried out unified reforms in accordance with the existing system of the empire.

Even with all his energy, Guilliman's reputation in many places is not good.

Guilliman was called a tyrant by the nobles. His simple and rude actions made many nobles lose their power and became commoners overnight.

Many people chose to blindly follow the dignitaries who had ruled them for countless centuries, condemning Guilliman together.

The strong inertia made them believe in those nobles who had no power.

They complained indignantly for the nobles, and believed that the imperial regent should not deprive those nobles of their power.

Guilliman expressed helplessness about such things. It is a strange phenomenon in human history that the exploited sympathize with the exploiters.

Slaves justified slavery.

The eunuch defended the emperor.

The workers defended the captive capitalists and officials.

There are always some people who are willing to justify the people and systems that enslave them, thinking that the existence of these systems is the most reasonable.

It never occurred to me that slaves could survive without slavery.

A eunuch can live without an emperor.

The only thing Guilliman can do is to let the Imperial Chancellor Penny speed up the project of universal education and ideological reformation.

Let Mathieu, the apostle of war, control the state religion, let the public opinion machine work for him, and enhance people's sense of belonging to the empire.

Also let the Inquisition review the elections of each world, and any attempt to gain power through cheating will get a bomb.

These actions will slowly change the attitude of the inhabitants of those planets towards Guilliman.

But so far, many planets have hated Guilliman.

Outside the Empire, Guilliman had hundreds of enemies.

Inside the empire, he has at least a billion enemies.

This is also very helpless. Unless he goes to every world in person and makes them swear allegiance with his powerful personality.

With Dorn and the other Primarchs on the scene, Guilliman also cut things to lighten his load.

The daemons of the Glory of Macragge were handed over to Corax, who organized a warp intelligence network for Guilliman.

This kind of collusion with the devil is a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven.

But none of the Primarchs objected, and they all acquiesced that Guilliman's approach was correct.

In this dark and hopeless universe, no method should be excluded.

Any extreme means can be used, no ethics and morality cannot be sacrificed to protect the continuation of the race.

Any dark means can be used to ensure the survival of mankind in the face of adversity.

Losing humanity loses a lot, but losing bestiality loses everything.

It has been a long ten thousand years.

Primarchs who once had a grudge against the Emperor. Eventually it turns out that the Emperor was right about everything.

Eldar, Necrons, and other thinking beings in the galaxy, they are far worse than humans.

The Eldar insist they are more moral and mature.

Yet half of them will manipulate every creature possible to secure the smallest advantage.

The other half cowardly exploited the suffering of innocents to save themselves from the evil god Slaanesh.

What they have in common is the same arrogance.

Unlike the Eldar, the Necrons chose a different path, an even worse one.

The Necrontyr of yore became a soulless being.

They are just echoes of the old days.

When they realized that they were wrong, everything was irreparable.

Now, many undead dynasties claim to be enemies of humans.

Their powerful technology will cause a great crisis to the human empire.

Guilliman's ally, King Sotai Fa, secretly sent a message that the Norwalk Dynasty, which holds the fragments of the Star God, may have major disturbances recently.

King Suotai asked Guilliman to prepare for a counterattack, and hoped that he would not forget the old agreement. After defeating the Norwalk Dynasty, he would hand over the master control agreement to him.

Orcs enjoy war, and they always devote themselves to battles that can be called meat grinders.

The human empire and the orc warlords on the Archimedon battlefield continued to invest in troops, and the war spread to dozens of galaxies.

There are also orcs in other places.

Where they are there is only chaos, war, and killing.

Not to mention the Tyranids.

They are ruled by eternal hunger.

In addition to eating is eating, never think about other things.

It is said that the larger Tyranids are on their way to the galaxy.

At that time, the situation may be even worse.

To some extent, the Great Devourer is similar to the evil god.

Khorne yearns for war.

Slaanesh longs for pleasure.

Tzeentch longed for eternal change.

Nurgle wants all things to live forever.

The Great Devourer wishes to devour everything.

They are all tormented by their core desires.

While thinking about the future, Guilliman dealt with a dozen to-dos that popped up on the screen.

In dealing with government affairs, his talent is the most outstanding among the many Primarch brothers.

The entire empire is under his control.

The power transfer of each planet, the deployment and planning of the fleet, taxation and conscription permits are all in his mind.

He knows every star area and every battlefield like the back of his hand.

Guilliman also received the call for help from the Baal galaxy.

He couldn't just sit back and watch the Blood Angels Chapter and many blood children die in the Baal galaxy.

The supporting fleet has set sail.

They went straight through the corridors of Nachmond to support the Baal system and ensure that the Blood Angels could hold Baal.

[Congratulations to the third stage of the host's industrial capacity requirements, and now meets the requirements for starting the third stage of the task. 】

[The third stage certification task: ask the host to bring all the Primarchs back to Terra. After completion, the knowledge database of the third stage will be opened. 】

Guilliman, who was dealing with government affairs, was stunned for a moment.

Now that the mission of the third stage popped up, he was somewhat surprised.

After taking charge of Terra, he became more and more busy.

The auxiliary elf was also very honest and did not bother him.

Guilliman originally thought that to stabilize the dark side of the empire, the third phase of the mission would only be activated after the empire's major infrastructure plan was launched.

Unexpectedly, it is here now.

"What about all the Primarchs, the traitorous Primarchs?" asked Guilliman.

[It also needs to be brought back. 】

"What about the dead ones?" Guilliman asked a crucial question.

If the dead one has to be brought back, he has to clone one to complete the task?

[Just bring all the existing Primarchs back to Terra. 】

Hearing this, Guilliman smiled.

Bringing back the existing Primarch is almost the same. Although the difficulty is a bit high, it is still within a reasonable range.

If he had to bring back the dead Primarchs, it would be the end of the calf.

Maybe get Fabius out and have him clone a batch of Primarchs before defeating him.

"What technology is in the third stage?" Guilliman asked.

The database of the second stage has made the strength of the human empire advance by leaps and bounds, and the space undead, which originally had a technological advantage, have been evened out.

Create strong interaction material technology used in water droplets.

Two-stage genetic modification technology.

Megastructure technology.

There is also knowledge of subspace psionic materials, knowledge of subspace energy utilization, and so on.

These technologies have brought the empire's control over the real universe to a higher level.

It also gave the empire a preliminary understanding of subspace.

It gave Guilliman the confidence to build network channels and firewalls.

What about the database in the third stage? Guilliman is also looking forward to it.

[The third-stage database should not disclose too much, but the relevant knowledge already involves space and time. The host can use this knowledge to build a small universe independent of the main universe, build a subspace channel, or establish a time node. The third-order genetic modification technology can further strengthen the fighters under the host's command, and have the ability to conquer different universes. After the host completes the relevant tasks, he can unlock the third-stage database and learn about the technological knowledge in it. 】

Small universes, subspace passages, time machines, and assembly lines are used to build different universe troops and unify mankind.

Guilliman quickly grasped relevant information from these words.

It seems that the database in the third stage is also very powerful.

Once the relevant knowledge is obtained, the industrial capacity of the empire will advance by leaps and bounds, and it will become the best in the galaxy, officially heading for the road of expansion to other universes or other galaxies.

The mission of the third phase was to bring the Primarchs back to Terra.

Needless to say about the loyal Primarch, as long as you find them, you will be able to complete this task smoothly.

At present, only the Primarch Jaghatai Khan and the Salamander Primarch-Vulkan with white scars are left.

Most of Sanguinius' soul is in the hands of the Emperor, and all the fragments can bring him back to life.

In the duel between Horus and Sanguinius.

Sanguinius was killed and his soul was shattered.

Abaddon's battleship Vengeful Spirit should have Sanguinius's soul shard.

The traitor Kayan, who was caught in the dungeon of Terra and claimed to be Abaddon's right-hand man, said that the tearful sculpture of Sanguinius can sometimes be seen on the Vengeful Spirit.

In order to get that fragment, he had to find a way to capture Abaddon and capture his Vengeful Spirit.

The Nachmond Corridor is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Abaddon was not aware of changes in human technology.

Today's human beings can already use the lighthouse system to go to the dark side of the empire through the big rift with the help of the deep subspace.

Storms created by the Great Rift can only affect the surface layers of the Warp.

For the deep sea, no matter how strong the storm is, it will not help.

Of course, the deep dangers of the warp should not be underestimated either.

Once lost, it is very likely that there will be no return.

What Guilliman was fighting was poor information. Abaddon didn't know much about the human lighthouse project, which was comparable to the interstellar GPS, and believed that the Nachmond Corridor was the throat of the empire.

As long as Guilliman releases news that he can solve the problem of the closure of the Nachmond Corridor.

Abaddon must have been unable to hold back.

Knowing that cutting off Terra from the dark side of the Empire is the only closest he can get to destroying the Empire of Man.

Once lost, it will be very difficult to have such an opportunity again.

Vengeful Spirit.

"Calgar recovered Dalowa?" Abaddon stared at the wizard in front of him.

The other party nodded, "This is the latest news, the territory controlled by the Dark Mechanicus has also been lost."

"A bunch of trash." Abaddon angrily knocked on the bloody control console next to him.

"My lord, don't worry, the Vigilante has been reversed, no matter how much Calgar does, there is no way to prevent the closure of the Nachmond Corridor." The wizard said.

Abaddon nodded.

In order to close the Nachmond Corridor, he lost a lot of good players, even the star grabber Harken died on Vigilus.

If Calgar managed to prevent the closure of the Nachmond Corridor, what he did would be a joke.

Abaddon swore he would never allow the closure of the Nachmond Corridor.

That was the most important part of his great career.

I have worked hard for this for 10,000 years, and finally pushed the empire into such a mess.

To overthrow the Emperor's empire, the Nachmond Corridor must be closed.

"Gather the troops, let's attack Red Earth." Abaddon said, "This time, we will completely crush the throat of the human empire, and make Guilliman cry like a fart while watching the closed Nachmond corridor. He knows that the Primarch's time is over, and even if they walk the stars again, they can't change anything. Chaos will rule the universe."

Abaddon made his way to the bridge, healed from his wounds on Vigilus.

But the humiliation of being hit by Calgar on the ground with one punch made him unforgettable.

One day, he will have his revenge.

He will use the magic sword in his hand to chop off Calga's head and wash away today's shame.

After thinking for a while, Abaddon decided to activate his strongest trump card, the Planetary Killer.

Abaddon rarely released this weapon.

But this time, in order to be absolutely sure of taking Chidixing, he decided to use this trump card.

The Planet Killer is a ship built around a gigantic energy cannon at its core.

And the firepower of this giant cannon named after the doomsday is enough to tear the planet apart.

The origin of this giant ship is very tortuous.

In 978.M40, Abaddon waged war against the Forge Worlds of the Dark Mechanicus Lord Teknos.

After a successful conquest, it takes over all technological creations and knowledge.

Abaddon ordered the Mechanic Priests to forge a Ruinous Ship using all the dark technology they could get their hands on.

It took more than a hundred years to complete the construction of Planet Killer in subspace.

His psychic consultant even bound more than a dozen demons in the planetary killer, increasing its power and intelligence.

Planet Killer can gather the power of the warp into a doomsday beam and emit it.

Its power is enough to penetrate the crust of the planet and hit the core of the planet, causing the entire world to be torn to pieces in explosions and strong geological movements.

In addition to the doom cannon, it is also equipped with countless lances, artillery, and torpedo launchers.

Its armor is extremely thick, and its void shield is even stronger.

In the Gothic Wars, it was a good rub to hold the Empire to the ground.

Using this giant ship of destruction, Abaddon must destroy Chidixing and completely close the Nachmond Corridor.

Let Guilliman and the Calgar father and son embrace each other, look at the closed corridors of Nachmond, and cry like farts.

Calgar is still running around fighting fires.

The march of the forces of Chaos has wreaked havoc.

Even the news of the successive victories of the empire cannot reassure many planets.

They dare not resist the invasion of Chaos at all.

Abaddon's forces met with formed resistance in only a few areas.

Many times, the Black Legion would simply "liberate" oppressed Imperial worlds from xenos and rebel sieges.

Completely bring the inhabitants of those worlds into your camp.

With the advancement of the army, all kinds of pirate gangs and rebel wargroups have been absorbed.

They brought with them vast quantities of weapons and resources, further strengthening the Black Legion.

Of course, if there were only two forces, the Nachmond Corridor would not be so troublesome.

The unscrupulous spirit pirates are also invading the imperial world unscrupulously, plundering slaves.

Some Chaos warbands who did not want to be ruled attacked the Black Legion and Imperial forces at the same time, causing more chaos.

To make matters worse, many subversives appeared in some imperial worlds recovered by Calgar.

"The trend of chaos is unstoppable, and human beings should learn to integrate with chaos."

"Isn't it normal for a few people to die? The most important thing is to restore a normal life. Every day is to fight against chaos, fight against chaos, when is the end, and blending into chaos is the general trend."

"The Regent of the Empire is the smartest, leading us to fight against Chaos. Why did those rebel Primarchs choose Chaos? Have their brains been burned out? If the Regent of the Empire is the smartest, why didn't the Emperor choose him as the Warmaster? ?”

"Look at those people who have turned to Chaos, they have lived a peaceful life, and the days are getting better, but we believe the lies of the empire every day, and we want to fight against Chaos. Isn't this a crime?"

"Yes, those worlds that accept chaos are in dire straits, and the people are in dire straits. The worlds under the empire are singing and dancing, and there is no disease or disaster. Is it difficult to admit that you are wrong? Chaos has existed for thousands of years, it is not a scourge, people Can live in harmony with Chaos, why can't we?"

Words like this continue to appear, inciting a large number of civilians to attack the planetary government that is being reformed according to Guilliman's order, resulting in many unrest.

Calgar can only strengthen propaganda while suppressing, and at the same time regain those worlds controlled by Chaos and save the survivors.

Jahar Galaxy.

This is a very remote galaxy located in the Darts sector.

Both Jahar 1 and 3 were once a thriving agricultural planet.

The abundant agricultural resources on the planet provide the population needs of more than a dozen nearby galaxies.

With a large-scale fungal farm, a large amount of fungal protein is produced every day.

The stepped agricultural complex produces high-yielding crops.

In addition, there is also a space port called the Gate of Falling Sky.

That spaceport is huge, comparable to a mobile hive.

Essence ships loaded with protein cargo flew from this hive into the sky to meet the waiting trade barges in orbit to deliver their cargo.

It used to be very prosperous here

But with the coming of the Great Rift and the darkness known as the Eternal Inheritance, everything was destroyed.

The galaxy is nearly engulfed by the Great Rift.

Under the bombardment of the terrifying subspace energy waves, several transport ships with a length of thirty kilometers were destroyed.

Debris fell to the surface of the planet, hitting cities and agricultural plains, causing massive explosions.

Fires sparked by fuel tanks destroyed thousands of miles of farmland.

The sudden explosion of the core of the subspace engine also caused a series of subspace anomalies, causing indescribable darkness and terror.

Half the inhabitants were unable to resist the whispers of the Great Rift, transformed into hideous monsters.

The other half of the residents struggled in chaos and despair.

They fight against monsters in the dark alleys.

Scavenge for supplies in a desolate city and survive the apocalypse.

Some heretical religions are also on the rise at this moment, they are performing all kinds of crazy rituals, sacrificing those weird gods that have long been unknown.

The whole world is in chaos.

After receiving the call for help, Calgar came with the fleet, preparing to rescue the survivors first.

Calgar is the positive character.

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