Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 223 The Death of the Blood Angel (Subscribe)

One ship after another leaped from the warp.

Armed crews of each ship run around, armed with weapons and flamethrowers, looking for enemies who might sneak inside the ship.

Entering the physical universe at such a short distance from the Great Rift carries great risks.

The unstable space structure makes the behavior of jumping out of the physical universe full of dangers.

A little carelessness can tear the entire spaceship apart.

When jumping out of the subspace and entering the physical universe, the Geller's force field will also appear unstable.

At this time, we must beware of those demons taking the opportunity to enter the interior of the ship.

Use various weapons to destroy the opponent before it takes shape.

After rushing out of the warp, many small ships rolled continuously, and the crew inside were like shaken sardine cans.

It takes a long distance to recover and straighten the hull.

Only those heavy battleships can hold steady.

Inside the armored hull of the Victory Laurel, Calgar and his heavily armed SS hurried down corridors lit by emergency lights.

The heavy armored body has turned on the self-stabilization function, and the magnetic steel boots are firmly adsorbed on the metal deck. Cooperating with the gravity system, it ignores the inclination of the corridor and the gravity fluctuation of the vibration.

"Have you found any ships from the forces of Chaos?" Calgar asked the intelligence director of the bridge through the communication system built into the battle frame as he walked towards the landing main deck.

"My lord, there are no enemy ship signals. However, we have received many human standard electromagnetic signals for help. All cities in the Jahar galaxy have fallen, and many monsters are raging."

"If the situation is good, I will not come here." Calgar said, "Is the situation in the Nachmond Corridor considered good? After solving the problem here, we have to save Chidixing. It is said that Abaddon is Close there, that damned traitor must be trying to destroy the Red Earth Planet and aggravate the closure of the Nachmond Corridor."

"That insidious and vicious guy, Vigilante counts him running fast, otherwise I will have to kill him. If I meet him next time, I will never go around him."

Calgar was very upset about the battle on Vigilus.

He was just one step away from ending that cancerous empire.

Unfortunately, the other party was rescued by witchcraft.

Calgary suppressed the anger in his heart and issued a new order to the communications director.

"After all the ships entered the low-earth orbit, each department carried out landing operations. The Jahar galaxy has fallen, and the evil power of the subspace is polluting it. It is difficult to save it from the abyss of destruction with our current strength. Let All transport ships are ready to receive refugees, rescue survivors, we will evacuate the surface and abandon this planet."

"Understood, my lord, I will convey your order to all troops."

Calgar cut off the comm and continued to stride forward, toward the landing deck.

There are many crew members along the way, and they are all checking the situation of the Victory Laurel.

Seeing Calgar's appearance, they all saluted him.

Calga responded with a smile, but didn't say much.

The airborne deck is ready.

A group of heavily armed Primaris warriors awaits Calgar's orders.

These fighters are not only Ultramarines,

Space Wolves, White Scars, and the Judgment, Astral Knights and other subgroups also exist.

All are mixed formations, in order to strengthen the cooperation and feelings of different battle groups.

Avoid situations where different warbands hate each other.

Before Guilliman woke up, the animosity between the different Chapters was very serious.

For example, the battle groups such as the sharks and the flesh tearers are discriminated against. Even if they fight for the empire, it is difficult to get any supplies of new equipment. They need to go around to snatch equipment for use, which makes their relationship with other battle groups very tense.

This situation certainly has some reasons for the warband itself.

But it also exposed how bad the cooperation between the various forces of the empire was.

Guilliman broke up the battle group, let them fight together, understand each other, and reduce hatred.

At the same time, some endangered battle groups, such as Star Knights, Wailers, Wolf Brothers, etc., will be re-established, and all the old veterans will be inserted into them, and they will complete the original casting upgrade.

Calgar didn't make any declaration of war. If he talked too much, he was tired, and his brothers were also tired of hearing it.

During the time in the Nachmond Corridor, there were seven or eight battles a month. When entering the subspace, it was sleep, and when leaving the subspace, it was war.

Any manifesto is bullshit.

"Start airborne, open the portal." Calgar directly issued an order, and the mechanical priests also activated the transmission device according to his order, opening a portal for the troops.

The same is true for other starships, which opened the portals one after another and sent the imperial troops out.

The transmission beam of the huge mechanical ark was extremely bright, and a large number of Thunderbird fighters were sent into the beam, as well as a large number of Knight Titans.

Meteor Gate Airport Hive Capital.

Tall buildings can be seen everywhere.

It's a pity that they are all deserted at this time, covered in strange flesh and blood.

Strange black shadows entrenched in those unnoticed corners, whispering strangely.

The squirming limbs left a rustling sound in the dark building.

Everything is so weird and scary.

Absolutely no normal person would want to live in a city like this.

Only a demented person would want to live in such a city.

There was a booming explosion.

The flames illuminated the eerie darkness.

A group of survivors with lasguns and messy armor escaped through an archway.

Run and shoot in the back.

Beams of light pierced the air and plunged into the darkness, causing bursts of angry howls.

The survivors carried a lot of things, food, and some weapons and ammunition.

Each of them had the expression of the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

I wish my parents would have two more legs so that they could run faster.

In the darkness, there was constant roaring, and the shambling walking corpses came out of the darkness, stretched out their hands, and chased after the survivors.

Those walking corpses had relaxed expressions on their faces, and a low-pitched roar came from their mouths, very hoarse, like a low-quality trumpet mixed with sand.

Every one of these restless dead was bloody and bloody.

Viscera were exposed, and green muscles were exposed outside the ragged clothes.

After becoming such a creature, the original flesh and blood tissue can no longer function.

The only explanation is that they are dominated by the evil forces of the warp.

Summoned back from beyond the dead, shaped as monsters, they hunt the flesh and soul of the living.

These dead came after the eternal night fell.

It was a bad day.

The battleship lost control, fell to the ground, and hit the Hive City. Explosions shook the ground one after another. The flames shot up into the sky, and the entire sky was illuminated and turned red.

The fire on the plain burned for days and nights. When the fire subsided, the whole sky was gray with ashes floating, like a dead world.

After the meteorite gate airport nest was hit by a huge starship fragment, it lost its suspension power and fell out of control to the ground.

Many buildings collapsed upon impact and hit the ground, killing more than a third of the people instantly.

The other one-third of the people were injured to varying degrees, half of them died because they could not be cured, and the other half were tortured so painfully that they died at last.

Those who survived were also hard off.

Strange whispers appeared with the arrival of the eternal night, echoing in everyone's ears, like the accusation of a dead ghost or the cry of a desperate man.

Those voices are continuous, without giving people a moment to breathe, tormenting people's brains all the time.

Many survivors went berserk, crying and screaming in nightmares.

They claimed to have seen all sorts of horrible things.

I saw the bloody, cruel and terrifying doomsday scene.

I saw the dark pictures of those horrible monsters enslaving humans and raising them in captivity.

Many people who experienced nightmares also collapsed their fragile minds and became crazy.

Even the sun became weird after that day.

The light is no longer white, but a brilliant iridescence.

This is not a good thing.

This universe is no fairy tale, no fairies flying out of rainbows.

Brilliant colors often represent bad things.

If something is out of the ordinary, it means something more terrible is going on.

Priests of the Techno-Adept say the stars have been swallowed by the Warp.

The evil power pollutes the sun, the symbol of warmth and light, turning it into a twisted being.

Its light no longer represented hope, but a vicious curse.

Exposure to the sun for a long time, it is very likely to be transformed into a hideous monster.

Even gazing at the sun is no longer permitted.

Chances are you'll see something terribly scary.

Men of weak minds can be tortured to the point of insanity.

The night is equally unsafe.

People can always feel that something is watching them at night.

I feel like I'm being preyed upon by some being.

They grind their teeth in the dark, making weird noises, trying to bite themselves.

But when they checked, they found nothing.

Of course, more and more cases of disappearances also prove that their feelings may be correct.

Many spent the days that followed, delirious and delusional, claiming that monsters were peering into their souls.

At first, people thought they were stressed out and talking crazy.

It wasn't until those monsters came out of those screaming people that they realized that it was not crazy talk, but something real.

What's more frightening is that the dead have also begun to come back to life.

First one or two, followed by batches of resurrections.

They got out of the mud, opened their eyes in the morgue, and crawled out of the corpse pit.

As long as the corpse is not incinerated within three days, they will come back and pounce on the living, wanting to get fresh flesh and soul to satisfy their hunger.

Long night falls, and the world turns bad.

The survivors can only rely on their faith in the Emperor to persist and encourage each other.

They put portraits of humans on their chests, telling themselves what humans should look like all the time.

Strive not to have their cognition tampered with by the evil forces of the Warp.

Fight not to become a hideous monster.

Surviving in such a situation is a very difficult thing.

But they are still holding on, hiding in a fairly safe place.

For example, the Emperor's Church, the sanctuary blessed by the priests, struggled to survive.

"Run and don't look back."

Captain Carloso, who was sitting in the troop carrier, yelled for the soldiers collecting supplies to evacuate quickly.

Several personnel carriers all started their engines and aimed their firepower at the walking corpses to buy time for the soldiers to evacuate.

To survive, food and weapons are essential.

But the church didn't have such a thing, so they could only come out to collect supplies.

If it goes well, they can buy a few hours of safe time and take away enough supplies.

If it doesn't go well, as it is now, you will be chased by a group of walking corpses.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, those monsters can't be killed. Quickly, retreat with the supplies you have." Caruso said loudly, "Support them with firepower, everyone get in the car."

There was a roar.

With six human heads, the whole body is bald, without any hair, only those monsters with horrible bone spurs growing from the body appear in front of the survivors.

The personnel carrier turned its muzzle and killed the monster with one shot.

But soon, several hateful monsters ran out of the darkness.

They were unusually agile, running fast along the road, facing the human artillery fire, and rushing towards the retreating humans.

"In the name of the throne, how many monsters are there!!" The gunner locked on the monsters and roared loudly while firing.

"Ghost knows how many there are. I only know one thing, and that is that these monsters are really fucking ugly." Caruso laughed, "If I become such a thing, I would rather die."

After saying this, Caruso took out a small mirror, looked at it, and said sadly, "It's a pity, I have such a handsome face. If there is no such thing as Chang Ye, those noble young women may not know How many tears did you shed for me."

"Can you be normal, sir?" The correspondent on the side looked at Carloso speechlessly.

He admits it looks good.

He has a handsome face and a perfect figure. With short black hair, he has a wild temperament.

"It's the world that's abnormal, not me." Carlos shrugged, "We have to stick to ourselves and not be assimilated by this disgusting world."

The soldiers ran and shot the monsters.

The vehicle that had been waiting for a long time had already started the engine and opened the door.

After all the soldiers got on the vehicle, the personnel carrier roared and rushed out.

The troop carrier that Carlos was in was last.

As an officer, the narcissistic Carloso is still very qualified.

He regards his subordinates as his brothers, not as tool people without emotions.

The walking dead were quickly left behind.

But the monsters kept chasing after him.

Carloso got out of the car and shot the monster with the heavy laser gun.

But the other party's flexibility far exceeded his imagination.

Twirling and moving, dodging the laser beam that was powerful enough to melt steel.

Carlos was stunned and failed to hit a single shot.

"How did you get selected as the captain? Did you enter through the back door?" The observer inside the car twitched his mouth.

I'm sorry for your marksmanship if I don't send you an empire-certified stroke master.

"Don't slander me. I'm an incompetent man like me. You know, I became a captain because of my outstanding personal talent." Carloso said with an upright tone.

"How did I hear that you got this position after staying with the governor's wife all night." The gunner locked on to the monster, pressed the firing button decisively, and a shell directly hit the monster.

Accompanied by a series of wailing sounds, the monster was blown away and fell directly from the road.

The roads in the hive capital of the Meteor Gate are intricately built, connecting the hive capitals of different levels.

Many of them are viaducts, which are very high from the ground.

The monster was bombarded and fell from such a high place. The probability of survival was infinitely close to zero.

"Nonsense, the governor's wife weighs more than three hundred pounds, and she walks like a rock. If you're not a hunk, you'll probably have weak legs when you see her. Only a hunk like me dares to say that you can kill someone." Throwing away the helmet and abandoning the armor. Ma Dan, in fact, I was at a big loss. On the night of the eternal night, we had already agreed to give me a school officer. After the labor and capital struggle was over, I just got dressed. Turning around, the governor’s wife It’s gone, and the governor is gone. The starship debris whized past, and half of the house was gone. I stood at an altitude of more than two thousand meters, alone in the wind, until the rescue team came, I just recovered."

Carloso's tone was depressed. If the governor and his wife died later, he would not be a captain now, at least he would be a major.

"There's a lot of information, the governor is watching you two?" The observer on the side showed an evil smile common to men.

"The nobles are having a good time." Carlos said, "You have never seen how depraved those bastards are!! If it is really written into a book, it will be executed directly by the gang of the trial court."

"I would like to hear more about it," said the gunner. "As a brother who lives and dies together, I cannot let you bear these burdens alone."

"Me too." The observer said solemnly, "In the name of the Holy Emperor, let us share your pain and condemn the depravity of those nobles together."

Everyone in the personnel carrier laughed, and the oppressive atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.


There was a loud bang.

The troop carrier, which was originally running smoothly, rose into the air, but was knocked into the air by a giant monster rushing out of the house on the side of the road, and hit the roadblock beside it.

Caruso and others swayed with the personnel carrier like a sieve in a tumbling sieve cup.

In the narrow body of the car, the head was smashed.

Fortunately, the quality of the personnel carrier is very good, even though it suffered such heavy damage, it did not suffer much damage.

Everyone climbed out along the opened emergency hatch.

An extremely huge, seven-meter-high humanoid monster, like an ancient mythical Titan creature, stood on the road and let out a roar.

The monster's arms are extremely thick and covered with a thick carapace.

When it hit the ground, it made the ground tremble like a cannonball exploded.

Seeing this scene, Caruso swallowed involuntarily.

Fighting against such a behemoth is by no means fun.

If their little arms and legs couldn't bear each other's blow, they would be doomed.

The monster was very smooth all over, without any hair.

There are many eyes on the face, densely packed, big and small, which can kill obsessive-compulsive disorder, and it is very disordered.

The monster stared at Carloso and his party with hunger and thirst in their eyes.

There are also many mouths, growing on the face, shoulders, arms, and stomach.

Those mouths were all full of sharp teeth.

The roar was full of malice.

The monster ran like a moving wall of flesh.

The ground rumbled.

Survivors felt the whole world shaking.

Carloso pulled the las pistol from its holster and fired, blowing out one of the monster's eyes with a lucky strike.

The monster roared in pain and became more irritable.

It suddenly raised its thick arm and smashed it to the ground.

The heavily armored personnel carrier groaned under the load.

The adamantine frame made a moaning sound, and then deformed under the opponent's brutal force.

The driver who failed to escape uttered a final cry of pain.

The gunners on the side yelled frantically, the emperor, and shot the hideous monster.

Suddenly, a huge metal tentacle appeared in the cloudy air and slammed into the artilleryman's chest. He screamed and was lifted up by the tentacle.

Seven or eight crazy red eyes emerged from the darkness, staring intently at Carlos, and split the gunner's body in two in front of him.

The scarlet blood of human beings splashed out and soon soaked the entire ground.

Out came the wriggling monster, which was just as massive.

Like a moving mountain of meat, the waving tentacles are mixed with steel.

The sticky and muddy body rolled with pustules like a human face.

When it swelled to the size of a human head, it burst open with a bang, ejecting those disgusting thick pastes.

There was a roaring sound, and the lingering corpses came out from everywhere, wriggling their rotten green bodies, and walked towards the survivors.

The soldiers who were the closest and couldn't react were thrown down by them.

The shrill screams were drowned in the monster's roar.

They share fresh flesh and blood, greedily chewing the delicious soul of that warrior.

Caruso looked at the two huge monsters and the endless plague corpses, and couldn't help showing despair.

There is no way to fight such a battle.

They are dead.

So did the other soldiers, dragging their weary, battered bodies, staggering to the barricades, or the rubble that would have served as cover.

"May the great Emperor shelter my soul from becoming food for the horrors."

They chanted useless prayers and raised their weapons to unleash puny blows on the vast hordes of monsters.

The huge humanoid monster roared, and it ran again, rushing in the direction of Carloso and others.

Caruso took out his only grenade.

"For the emperor." He pulled out the bolt, kept pulling the trigger of the pistol, and rushed towards the monster, like an ant swimming against the current, about to be crushed by the flood-like monster.

[In the name of the great emperor, in the name of the holy regent, bear the wrath of the Jiaoyang Legion, monster. 】

Along with the loud battle roar, a female voice sounded.

Three fighter jets roared towards them, leaving a gradually spreading white air wave behind them.

The sonic boom caused by the high-speed flight shattered all the glass of the surrounding abandoned buildings.

The fighter plane deformed in the air and turned into a floating heavy Titan. The power spear in his hand pierced through the huge body of the monster in an instant, smashing it to pieces.

Another monster wailed under the thick melting light.

Carloso and the others stared at the God of Titans in the form of fighter planes in astonishment.

They crush all enemies with ease.

Huge, invincible monsters are like ants.

"My dear, when did those engine oil guys come up with such a tall thing." The correspondent was stunned. He has been in the army for so many years, and he has never seen such awesome military equipment.

It can fly, it can deform, and its firepower is so fierce.

This is not enough to teach mechanics! !

Carlos was also stunned.

I can't come back to my senses for a long time.

I drop an emperor! ! This is too powerful! !

There was a roaring sound, and the welcoming vehicles that were running in front just now turned back.

Just when they were curious and wanted to ask about the origins of those titans.

Another female voice came from behind.

"Quickly, the first company goes to the left wing, the second company goes to the right wing, and the others follow me."

Carloso and the others turned their heads to look over.

At some point, a huge light hole appeared on the road behind them.

A huge group of anti-gravity levitation tanks came out from a huge light gate, and there were more than a dozen knight mechas at the side, taking heavy steps to fight with them.

One after another the Sky Eagle flags were planted on those heavy vehicles, and they were hunting.

Hundreds of infantrymen wearing exoskeleton armor and carrying automatic machine guns on their shoulders also followed the tanks and mechs forward, which can be said to be armed to the teeth.

"My dear, the Emperor, this is the ace troop of the Throne World. It's so arrogant." Caruso felt his mind was blank.

Anti-gravity levitation tanks opened the way, knights fought in coordination, and there were all exoskeleton armored infantry.

I have been in the army for so many years, and I have never seen such an arrogant army.

Is this the army? ?

This is a walking pile of gold.

Each of them clearly bears two words, arrogant.

: "Are you the defense force of Planet Jahar? I belong to the 101st Regiment of Cadia, and I came to fight with Master Calgar, and I am responsible for the evacuation of this area."

Minka looked at a group of ragged imperial soldiers standing in the middle of the road, leaning on several old personnel carriers, and asked.

Caruso looked down at the laser gun in his hand, as well as the shabby uniform.

He also looked at the exoskeleton armor on the opponent's body, the exquisite pulse laser gun in his hand, the portable communication, the personal shield generator, and the energy battery.

No comparison! !

We are all one empire.

Why is there such a big difference in weapon generation? ?

Why are you so extravagant that you even have a personal shield! !

"Yes, Captain of the 28th Regiment of the Jahar Defense Force." Caroso felt a little embarrassed to speak.

"Yes, yes. We are ordered to take away all the survivors on this planet, please help." Minka opened the communication of the regiment headquarters, called a medical team, and then looked at Carloso again, "The medical team is already in On the way here, your wounded soldiers can leave early. We don’t have much time, please take us to your camp as soon as possible.”

Hearing Minka's words, Caruso was stunned for a moment.

He looked around blankly.

All kinds of powerful war vehicles dazzled him, far stronger than the antiques they used.

Such power is enough to recover this planet.

"You have such a powerful force, don't you plan to take back this planet?"

Minka shook his head, "No, we must obey the strategic requirements. Half of this galaxy has been swallowed by the subspace. The remaining half is also in danger. As time goes by, the invasion of the subspace will become more and more serious .The empire's military strength is limited, and there is no way to defend every world."

"Maybe you should work hard. Jahar is an important agricultural galaxy, and it can provide the crop needs of twenty-five galaxy residents." The correspondent on the side said.

Minka shook his head, "The order I received was to take you to evacuate, not to recover the world. Lord Calga asked us to complete the work of rescuing the survivors as quickly as possible."

"Does that allow us to stay and continue to fight? This is our homeland. I don't want to just hand it over to those monsters. I hope to stay and continue to fight until this world is taken back."

Carloso looked at Minka and said.

The soldiers next to him showed astonished expressions when they heard what he said.

They knew that Carloso was a qualified officer, but they didn't expect that the other party would say such words to defend their homeland.

This kind of courage is not available to everyone.

In fact, although Carloso used disgraceful means to rise to the position, his ability is also very good.

For Carloso, who was born as a commoner, it is impossible to use normal means to rise to power.

If normal means were used, he would only be an insignificant big shot.

"I would also like to stay," said the correspondent.

"Me too."

"Me too."

"Me too, this is our hometown, we will not give up."

"Just give us some weapons, and we will fight till the end for the Emperor."

Seeing that Carloso had such courage, other soldiers also spoke up.

They hoped that the Imperial forces would stay and help them regain their homeland.

But they also understand that this war is very grand.

It is destined that the empire will not stop for a certain world.

They will fight themselves, to take back what the Warp has taken from them.

"Abandoning one's homeland is painful, soldier." A wolf warrior fell from the sky. He noticed what was going on here, and quickly figured out why everyone was here.

Carloso and the others looked at the emperor's angel.

The opponent's armor and badge both represent his high status and status.

"No one wants to leave their hometown, but sometimes, we have to make a break. The Jahar galaxy has fallen, it is polluted by the evil forces of the subspace, and demons and monsters are entrenched here. You are doomed to stay here I can't see the day when humans will return here, but if you leave with us, your descendants may come back. If every bloodline that wants to come back to Jahar dies here, then no one is doomed Remembering your sacrifices, after more than ten years, no one will remember that there was a planet that fell under the claws of the subspace."

"Evacuation is not weakness, but to better accumulate strength. The empire will come back one day. At that time, we will regain every lost home world. You or your descendants will set foot on this land again, Proclaim that you have never been defeated."

"The emperor's double eagles will eventually soar in every world. Our descendants will witness that moment. What we have to do now is to create conditions for them. Soldier, do you want to ruin the future for a moment of bravery? Don't want to Let your life burn on a more important battlefield?"

The wolf warrior's words made Carloso and the others silent for a moment, and finally chose to evacuate.

In fact, Calgar had already expected this situation and rehearsed it in advance.

Evacuating a homeworld is never a comfortable decision.

Many would rather sacrifice in their homes than flee.

Do not underestimate human courage.

For their homeland, the sacrifices they can make far exceed the imagination of the gods.

But for the situation in the Jahar galaxy, evacuation is a very wise decision.

Humanity needs to concentrate its efforts and abandon those worlds where the benefits are not large enough.

With the slow closing of the corridors of Nachmond corridors.

The invasion of the Great Rift will become more severe

No one can hold on to himself amid endless whispers.

They will all fall in the endless darkness.

If the Nachmond Corridor is irreversible, the number of evacuated will be even greater.

Calgar sent some of the rescued people to Chidi Planet and some of them to Vigilante to consolidate the defenses of these two places.

The Baal galaxy is located in the red scar field in the center of the limit star field.

Stellar activity in the Scar Field is very high.

Overactive star movement bathes planets in those regions in deadly radiation.

The natural environment of these worlds is very harsh.

Only those terrible beings can survive.

For humans, those worlds are not friendly and difficult to live in.

However, relying on their own tenacity, human beings not only survived in the scar zone, but also developed many rich and scarce resources.

With greed and wisdom, human beings have become the masters of those deadly planets.

This situation continued for many years.

Human beings have always occupied the dominant position in the red scar area.

It wasn't until the invasion of the Tyranids that the situation changed.

The Scarfield is on the dark side of the Empire.

After the Great Rift event broke out.

The situation on the dark side of the empire is ten thousand times worse than that on the holy frontier of the empire.

Humanity has lost the guidance of Terra's Astro Torch.

Ships were forced to grope their way through the warp in the dark.

Many ships dare to stay in the subspace for a short time and make short-distance jumps.

Don't dare to stay in the subspace for a long time, otherwise it will be extremely easy to lose your way.

The risk of subspace navigation has increased, and the empire's trade and security defenses have been severely damaged, and the situation on many worlds has become very bad.

The invasion of the Tyranids made the already bad situation even worse.

They sack every world of the Red Scar to satisfy an ancient and never-satisfied hunger.

This invading Tyranid army was labeled by the Empire as Hive Fleet Leviathan.

For Tyron, this naming is meaningless.

Under the control of the Great Devourer, the different Hive Fleets are all one, part of the Great Hive Will.

Leviathan is just one of the limbs, a foot or an arm.

If the will of the hive thinks to some extent that the hive fleet of Leviathan is different from other hive fleets that devour galaxies.

That difference is also incomprehensible to humans.

From the Tyranid point of view, the Great Devourer doesn't understand, and doesn't care what food calls itself.

It marks something special about a galactic biome in an exotic way.

For the hive mind, the galaxy is just a hunting ground.

Full of danger, but also full of life.

It has amazing biological richness.

Here it can get a rich gene pool as well as abundant food.

From a human point of view, the Tyranid Wars have been going on for five centuries.

Dozens of small races were eaten.

Just like the mysterious plague of locusts on the ancient earth.

Tyranids eat everything they come across.

They grow stronger with each feast, absorbing all the genetic material of their prey.

And take the other party's evolutionary fruit as their own.

The biological essence and evolutionary genes of the galaxy were transformed into the materials of the Tyranids, which were integrated by the Great Devourer, and became its weapons and materials.

The Blood Angels fought the Tyranids for a long time, using various methods to destroy them.

Imperial Scholars believe that the Hive Mind is just a complex animal.

is a powerful predator driven by eternal hunger.

Lack of soul.

Just a biological mechanism, a senseless, selfless consciousness.

They are wrong however, the Hive Mind has its own thinking abilities and its own emotions.

But it's too big.

Even the Aeldari are unable to perceive and interpret the emotions of the Great Devourer.

Anyone who dares to peek at that terrible shadow will be swallowed by it and be fused to become a part of it.

The Great Devourer looked towards the dark red Baal galaxy through countless eyes.

It was aware that the Blood Angels had burned its feeding grounds, scattering its fleet and warriors.

It hates its red prey, yet covets their bizarre genome.

Attacking Baal was its revenge and part of its grand plan.

The blood angel's unique genes will help it create a new terrifying beast.

Those new war beasts will be invincible.

The Great Devourer will crush the resistance of those Blood Angels and devour their genes.

There is no force that can stop it from obtaining those precious genes, and there is no force that can stop it from taking revenge and venting its anger on the Blood Angels.

The chapter leader of the Blood Angels Chapter, the legendary hero of the empire, has fought for the empire for 1,100 years, the undefeated myth-Dante.

Wearing the weeping mask of Sanguinius and holding the inactive Spear of Vengeance, he stood on the deck of the Blade of Vengeance, watching the passing ships.

Watch the mechanical priests drag the weapon platform to the designated airspace, and throw a large number of deep space mines into the void.

A terrifying battle that could destroy the Blood Angels and sever the bloodline left by the great Primarch was about to come.

In 999.M41, the Leviathan Hive Fleet invaded the Hades galaxy.

After a series of arduous wars, the Hades galaxy, which has abundant resources and powerful armed forces, inevitably failed in the end.

Thirty million defense troops assembled from the eldest son of Vostonia, Catachan, Cadian and other planets, together with countless people from the Hades galaxy, still failed to stop the invasion of the Hive Fleet of Leviathan.

Hundreds of millions of Tyranids were destroyed, but the cost was the destruction of the entire Hades galaxy.

Now it's the turn of the Baal galaxy.

The children of angels have returned in their entirety.

But this battle made Dante feel uncertain.

He knew the horror of the Tyranid Hive Fleet, and the descendants of the Angels might not be able to protect the Baal Galaxy from such a terrifying enemy.

It is also impossible to evacuate the Baal galaxy.

That would dishonor the Angels and prevent the Blood Angels from holding their heads high before the rest of the Imperium.

"grown ups."

A voice spoke from behind the pensive Dante.

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