Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 238 The Obliterated Calgar (for Subscription)

"I understand, father." Calgar knelt down on one knee and saluted, then stood up again.

Guilliman didn't react much.

He stared at the screen in front of him, which displayed various information of the Vengeful Spirit and the coverage indicator map of the artillery fire.

Of course, if the distance between the two ships is calculated based on each other's speed, it is very close.

It only takes a few minutes to bang together.

On a human scale, however, that's far off.

The distance is tens of thousands of kilometers, enough to circle Terra a few times.

From such a long distance, the Spirit of Vengeance could no longer see any details.

There is only one light point floating on the screen, and the data of the Vengeful Spirit dances beside it.

Guilliman stroked his lieutenant by the throne, thinking about Abaddon's possible counterattack.

During the time of the Great Crusade, Abaddon was merely Horus' first captain.

Compared with Primarchs such as Pitulabo and Fulgrim, their status is completely incomparable.

No one would have thought that this former company commander, who defeated the emperor and empress at Horus, would become the favored choice of the Chaos Gods.

This kind of experience can be called the protagonist of a cool article.

Guilliman had to proceed with caution.

What he was afraid of was not Abaddon, but those guys standing behind Abaddon.

Abaddon is only their spokesman.

Anyone who despises the gods will pay an unimaginable price.

Be careful, it's the best policy.

In order to create the illusion that he is not in the Nakmond Corridor.

Guilliman placed the Glory of Macragge in the Baal system.

It's all about eliciting Abaddon.

Come and catch the turtle in the urn.

Calgar stood up again.

He glanced at his genetic father, who was lost in thought.

Calgar didn't ask any more questions.

The hunt for Abaddon had been planned months in advance.

At this moment, it was his opportunity to perform.

Abaddon suffered a fiasco.

This time, if you dare to take the initiative to invite a battle, you will definitely have someone behind you.

The imperial regent will not act immediately.

He had to force out Abaddon's cards first.

Guilliman would only make a move if he couldn't deal with the opponent's cards.

Calgar turned and walked out of the bridge, onto the landing deck.

Abaddon would pay for his arrogance.

He thought that he could win Chidixing and the duel by virtue of the conspiracy of pulling the tiger away from the mountain.

But the ending is doomed.

This time, all will be lost.

The best Primaris warriors drawn from the various Chapters have been assembled.

All veterans selected for this operation have rich combat experience.

A second Primaris upgrade has been done.

Possessing all kinds of unimaginable fighting abilities, each of them is a powerful figure who can defeat one hundred.

Wear Martian Terminator armor made with the latest technology.

Thousands of technical experts and ordinary crew members are preparing for them.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the munitions train came from the bottom cabin.

Servants studded with mechanical arms unloaded the heavy ammunition and distributed it to their masters.

The priest strode through the gap between the soldiers, listening to the sacred vows of the soldiers.

Waxed oath papers to their armor, sealed with a sacred iron seal with a hissing sound.

Whether it is a mortal or a superman, every member of the battle group is completing their work intensely and efficiently.

Calgar walked along the corridor, his tall and majestic figure was particularly conspicuous.

Seeing his appearance, many original cast warriors all showed a resolute look.

This time, their mission is to raid the Vengeful Spirit.

Everyone knows what this means.

That terrifying battleship.

It has witnessed the glory and sorrow of human beings.

The Emperor once stood alongside Horus on the Vengeful Spirit.

Many Primarchs gathered in that glorious hall.

In addition to these, it also bears witness to the evil plots of Erebus.

Witness the betrayal of Horus.

Witnessed the killing of brothers, the death of Sanguinius.

Witnessed the murder of father and son, Horus was killed, and the emperor was seriously injured and died.

Now, they will create the future.

The future of humanity is lost aboard the Vengeful Spirit.

Now, they want to take it back.

"The flames of war are on fire, and the gods are laughing wildly." Calgar stared at everyone, his voice was low, "Humans have drawn their swords, for the survival of our race, we must not let Guilliman down, kill Abaddon in this battle, and seek revenge soul."

Many soldiers did not speak, only firm eyes.

They had already sworn oaths of loyalty.

Even if you die, you will have no regrets.

They will reproduce the feat of the heroes of the past breaking into the Vengeful Spirit, beheading the enemy and regaining the glory of mankind.

"Transfer, act according to the plan, each team must earnestly complete their tasks." Calgar said nothing more.

These are all elites of the empire who have come out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Death - they have long been commonplace.

Loyalty - has long been engraved in their blood.

Without any words of encouragement, they will die willingly, only for the continuation of the empire, only for the future of the human race.

There was a loud bang from the teleportation platform, and the mysterious teleportation machinery seemed to be singing and shouting.

The whole deck was buzzing with vibrations from those machines.

Those voices mixed together, getting stronger and stronger.

Accompanied by a strong flash, a light door was opened on the deck.

The teleportation technology of the Empire has long since changed.

By distorting the structure of space, the spaces of Vengeful Spirit and Victory Laurel are folded.

This special state is like four dimensions superimposed on three dimensions.

Imperial warriors can jump anywhere on the Vengeful Spirit.

Unfortunately, under the influence of subspace evil power.

This folding doesn't last long, but it's enough for them to complete the teleportation.

The warriors who had already prepared walked into the gate of light.

According to their different tasks, they were sent to different areas.

The power room, arsenal, and energy nodes, while Calgar's landing point is the bridge.

There is protection from evil forces.

He and his men were sent to the Avenue of Triumph.

It was a huge road running through the battleship, with railway tracks and various military facilities laid.

The Spirit of Vengeance is twenty-six kilometers long and nearly eight kilometers high.

It can be said to be a suspended metal battleship city.

The network of material delivery is also extremely large and intricate.

Calgar stood firm on the Vengeful Spirit's triumphal road, and the Primaris warriors who moved with him formed a defensive formation with heavy shields and bolters to avoid sudden attacks.

Vengeful Spirit is shrouded in darkness.

The vision device of the helmet and the superior senses obtained by the primordial upgrade allow them to see in the dark.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Calga showed an ugly expression.

The change in the Vengeful Spirit was like the whisper of a dead nightmare.

Calgar has seen countless battles since becoming Chapter Master of the Ultramarines.

He has set foot on the surface of worlds corrupted by the unclean things of Chaos.

And once glimpsed the abyss of evil in the flesh of the sorcerer's sorcery.

It was hell, a vision of the depths of the warp of eternal terror.

The Vengeful Spirit is a corner of the Warp.

Those distorted flesh and blood, scattered bones, and those weird faces floating on the wall all make people deeply aware of how terrifying this hell is.

The soldiers who followed Calga checked the surrounding environment.

Holding shield and tomahawk tightly, watch out for a possible attack.

A safe and sound signal is broadcast on the shared channel.

Blinding lights shot from the armor.

Illuminated the outline of the inside of the ship.

Jess, the wild wolf priest, showed a dignified expression, and spoke first, "There is a terrifying subspace power hidden here, and it is not easy to cut off its connection with the subspace."

"What we have to do is never easy." Calga said, "Go forward, we need to find that damned traitor. This time, he has nowhere to go."

The Thinker system built into the Power Armor automatically highlights key locations and sources of threats.

Calgar inspected it casually.

The improved brain can process a lot of war information at the same time.

This suit is brand new and has an anchored teleport coordinate inside.

As long as Calgar calls for help, this coordinate will save him.

The Gene Father would respond to his call for help within seconds.

The Kaixuan Avenue has long been changed beyond recognition, and it no longer has the grand and magnificent appearance of the past.

The former glory has faded and is now dominated by deep darkness.

The light emitted from the imperial warriors was swallowed up by the darkness in a short time, leaving only a pale silver edge to the edges of the surrounding objects.

Items within the range of sight are blurred, and details cannot be seen clearly, so that it is difficult to judge the distance.

Fortunately, these fighters have been upgraded by Primal Forge, and their strength and abilities are comparable to those of demigods.

Calgar learned of the Vengeful Spirit's past glory from those ancient tomes.

At that time, the Spirit of Vengeance, the flagship of the Warmaster, could be called the perfect exhibition hall of human art.

Numerous sculptures and paintings by human artists who have devoted their entire lives are lined up on both sides of the avenue.

Today, everything is gone.

Only flesh and blood writhing on the walls, heads and skeletons hanging from the ceiling.

They howl and whisper.

Those heads would open their eyes from time to time, watching these lifeless intruders.

Humans who dared to set foot on this ship either died tragically, or went mad under endless torture.

Calgar walked in front, his electronic prosthetic eyes emitting a faint scarlet light, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark.

The Primaris warriors followed Calgar closely, their minds determined.

In the process of divine transformation from mortal to superhuman to demigod, sublimation is obtained.

Years of training to overcome the effects of fear.

"My lord, we have arrived at the designated location." A voice mixed with weird laughter, screams and electrical noise sounded on the encrypted channel of the communication.

"Very well, according to the plan, Jorn." Calgar responded as he moved.

"I know that the Raven Guard will complete the task perfectly."

"The Vengeance team has also entered the designated place. There are some evil things in the subspace here." Another voice sounded, and the coordinates below the fifteenth deck were displayed on Calgar's personal display.

The communication was mingled with the savage fire of bolters and the roar of melta weapons scorching the air.

"Be careful, Leia, can you reach the energy core area at the appointed time?" Calgar asked.

"The Nova Corps will fail no one, Lord Calga, trust us."

A series of communications came.

The squads soon came face to face with the enemy.

The sounds of slaughter and battle echoed on the comms.

Soon, Calgar also ushered in his first wave of enemies.

They were a group of armed slaves.

Calgar and others easily slaughtered them.

They then encounter beastmen and mutants, as well as the ghosts that haunt the Vengeful Spirit.

The extent to which the Vengeful Spirit was affected by the power of the warp had become terrifying, and the eerie whispers had grown stronger.

Incomparably strange, yet full of malice, it became clearer and clearer.

Even if the original cast warriors turned off the communication, it would still echo in their ears.

The corridor under his feet became soft, like skin, and very sticky and wet.

Those malignant neoplasms are very huge, connected together, like cancer cells scattered in various corridors and cabins.

The tall blast doors had teeth, and the twisted faces screamed.

However, none of this stopped the pace of Calgar et al.

They destroy all evil in sight.

Defeat all the Chaos Warriors who ran out.

Beastmen and mutants all fell under their rage and attacks.

At the end of the corridor, is a hall.

There are traces of profanity.

Those glorious symbols have been wiped out by the Sons of Horus.

There are traces of those traitor masters everywhere.

The statue comes alive in the dark when no one is looking.

What is applied to the painting is not paint.

A strange blue-green flame was burning on the fire plate.

And those decorations were either swallowed into the living carpet, or drowned in the slime oozing from the walls.

The whole ship has changed.

There are sharp edges and spikes on everything you can see.

Many rotting corpses hang from rusty iron hooks here and there, maintaining the painful posture of life.

Abaddon was standing on his throne in the hall when the gate was blown open.

Erebus stood by his side.

In addition, there is a group of warriors blessed by the devil.

They are twisted in shape and powerful enough to destroy everything.

"I didn't expect the two of us to meet so soon." Abaddon looked at Calga who came out of the smoke, showing a mocking smile.

"Today is the time for you to pay the price, Abaddon. You won't have the chance to escape like last time. Today is your end." Calgar looked at the traitors and roared like a lion.

He was still holding a Chaos Warrior who had tried to attack him from the wall just now.

That damned unlucky guy was beaten to death by him.

"Really?" Abaddon's face was full of indifference, and his stern tone revealed confidence, "You are like a fool, Calgar. You were fooled, you thought you walked into the Spirit of Vengeance, and you still Any chance of getting out? Stop dreaming, Calgar. You are doomed to die here."

"But you still have a chance. Kneel down and declare your surrender to the gods. You will have a chance to live."

"I hope you won't run so fast like last time, I can't catch up with a battleship." Calgar said mockingly.

Abaddon's face darkened.

He stood up, the claw of Horus in his hand reflected the cold light in the light, which made people palpitate.

"I hope you can have the last laugh this time."

Calgar stared at Abaddon, "I won't have the last laugh, I will laugh wildly, because only a fool like you would set this kind of trap. The prey set the trap, but it is still the prey."

"Not necessarily." Abaddon jumped up, swinging the Claw of Horus towards Calgar.

Calgar activated the power iron fists in both hands and smashed them violently.

A shock wave of terrifying power was set off, visible to the naked eye, forming a circle and rushing around.

Those weird things are howling, terrifying.

Other fighters also uttered battle cries.

The two sides fought together.

Red Earth Star.

Hong Suo stood on the edge of the battlefield, staring at the human positions protected by the purple-blue mask, with a dignified expression on his face.

Just a little bit.

Only one step away from victory.

"We have invested all the devil's eggs, my lord, but the resistance of the human empire is extremely fierce. We are fighting with them in every street, and the progress is very slow." Hong Suo's right-hand man - Iron Warrior - Samkuan walked Hong Suo's side spoke.

"It's not close." Hong Suo shook his head and said, "The defense of the human empire is like a spring. The more the defense line shrinks, the more we have to pay. They are swearing to defend Chidi Planet, and what we have to do is to use an iron fist Smashing their delusions, everything is over, and it will end on Chidixing."

"We have to step up our efforts. We are only one step away from victory. We must not let this opportunity slip by." Cole Farron also spoke. Those who broke the Imperial Front were left behind.

"Soon, everything will be as you wish. Huron has arrived with Blackstone Fortress and Planet Killer, and soon we will wipe out this planet." Hong Suo said in a calm voice, "The empire will lose in this battle, and they have no any hope."

"Then hurry up, I can hardly hold back the excitement in my heart, victory is calling us." Cole Faron said.

Enter Vengeful Spirit.

The battle between the Carls and Abaddon was fierce.

After the previous fiasco, Abaddon strengthened himself.

However, under Calgar's terrorist offensive, he still retreated steadily and was in a panic.

He was also severely punched in the head by the opponent.

The huge force made him dizzy for a while, his whole head was covered with blood, he staggered two steps, and fell to the ground.

The magic sword in his hand also fell out, making a crisp impact sound.

Drachanian of the Twisted Demon Sword let out a shrill voice, venting his anger at his host's incompetence.

"Die, Abaddon, today is the time for you to pay the price." Calgar roared, his iron fist crackled, and he stepped towards the fallen Abaddon, about to blow the chief rebel of the empire alive.

"You're dreaming, Calgar." Abaddon's eyes were blurred with blood, but he showed no fear, showing a sinister smile, "The time of death has come, Calgar, you will be the first martyr in the human empire."

Calgar didn't speak any more, he took two steps to run up, jumped up suddenly, his iron fist crackled, and the arc surged.

But in the next second, Calgar, who jumped up and was about to launch the final blow, was fixed in the air.

An invisible force seized him.

[Unknown concept target detected, the target has rewritten the space rules, and the host has been fixed]


[parsing failed]

[Requesting more computing power, the analysis program is restarting]

[parsing failed]

[Unable to understand, unable to analyze, unable to resolve]

[This concept reflects light energy, anti-psychic energy, and anti-biological energy, and cannot be analyzed through reality and subspace]

Calgar showed a look of panic.

The piercing voice kept echoing in his mind.

The Emperor's Angels battle engine was analyzing the forces controlling him, but to no avail.

[This concept is rejecting the space-time data of the host, and is establishing a logical confrontation]

[The confrontation failed, the host's space-time data is being erased]

[It is estimated that after 20 seconds, the data will be damaged, and the deleted data cannot be recovered, and the emergency rescue procedure has been activated]

[Support still needs five seconds to enter the battlefield]

Calgar tried to move his body, but found that there was nothing he could do.

Even though he was just a soldier, Calgar had heard and understood some advanced technological knowledge after staying by Guilliman's side for so long.

In the Golden Age, the Ancestors held the technology to erase the data of all things.

Just by using those creations, something can be permanently erased.

Not even the warp leaves a trace.

How could these Chaos traitors like Abaddon master such terrifying power.

"Such a powerful force is simply incredible." Erebus looked at Calga who was under his control.

The powerful and invincible leader of the Ultramarines Chapter was played by himself in applause.

As long as you have a thought, the other party will be completely wiped out.

The power of that god is so terrifying.

No less than those few.

Erebus showed a smile, maybe he can use this opportunity to establish a connection with the other party.

The benefits to him are unimaginable, and maybe he can become the other party's dependent in this universe and master the secret of becoming a god.

"I said, today is your day of death." Abaddon looked at Calga who was under control, and struggled to get up, showing a ferocious smile, "You think, if I let you board the Vengeful Spirit, I will not Will you stay behind? Erebus has sealed the power of an evil god in his body, what are you going to use to fight us, Calgar."

"Today next year will be the day of your death, Calgar. Cry and beg me, maybe I will spare your life, you poor wretch."

He holds the magic sword-Drachanian, ready to use this terrible weapon to absorb the opponent's soul and make him suffer countless tortures.

"Do you think you're the only one with a backup?"

Following Calgar's voice, a strong flash of light appeared in the hall.

Incomparable, the will to shake the stars and the universe came in light.

Countless demons screamed.

They ran away crying, but they were suppressed by that will.

His body was melting like dirty snow under the scorching sun.

Many traitors also made painful voices.

They felt a blue giant star suddenly appear in front of them, and their eyes were burned by the terrible light.

A traitor staggered to the ground in fright, his mouth trembling and muttering strange words.

"The blue...colored sun."

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