Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 239 Everything Evolves

The Spirit of Vengeance, which has been shrouded in darkness and weirdness for thousands of years, ushered in the light.

Those flesh and blood were weeping, and horrible blood and tears flowed from those fierce faces.

Everything was destroyed and collapsed in front of that terrifying light.

Priest of the Wolf - Jace can hear the fearful voices of those demons.

They are crying, screaming.

The squirming flesh and blood retreated to the space where they were born.

The wandering soul let out a shrill scream.

Those inanimate cried out the same name and uttered low cries of pain.

he came.

Like the sun.

Like the beam of eternal light that has never been extinguished since the birth of the universe.

His coming is hope.

His coming is light.

If anyone dared to look directly at the body in the light, they would find that it was a man with an extremely noble face.

Every loyal citizen of the empire offers infinite loyalty in an instant, and is willing to die for him, even if he falls into hell.

His eyes burned like an ancient god revived in the body of the act.

The long sword in his hand was burning with golden flames, distorting the space and burning everything, like the flames of destruction intercepted from the doomsday moment.

The creations of the subspace collapsed in front of him, and those evil forces fled in haste, for fear of being completely destroyed by him.

The daemons that roamed the Vengeful Spirit jumped into the chasm, screaming and fleeing.

The surrounding subspace storm subsided, and the sound of fear echoed throughout the entire sky like a death knell.

Even the wrath of the gods could not obscure Guilliman's light.

"Get out of this universe, this is not your place," Guilliman uttered, echoing like a thousand cannons.

An unbearable radiance lit up on Vengeful Spirit.

Abaddon let out a scream, and Erebus was pinned to his knees.

"It's so possible, how could it have such power." Erebus felt endless fear, how could this god-like power appear in Guilliman's body.

This unscientific! !

Abaddon also looked shocked.

He finally knew why so many Daemon Primarchs failed against Guilliman.

Guilliman's performance no longer belongs to the category of Primarch.

It is so strong that it can be 1v1 with the emperor.

They were all members of the Great Crusade.

Has fought alongside every Primarch's Legion and even the Primarch himself.

Back then, Guilliman didn't have such a powerful force.

During the Battle of Calth, Erebus stabbed the opponent's throat with a cursed dagger, leaving a wound on the opponent's soul.

Why did he wake up from sleep and become so scary! !

"No!" Abaddon roared like a lion, he didn't believe it.

how is this possible! !

How could it be possible to have such power.

Guilliman paid no attention to the two traitors, the light in his eyes sparkled.

His pupils saw infinite worlds, and beyond those worlds something was trying to enter this universe.

The power of the emperor and the power of dominion are flowing in his body, and the voices of hundreds of millions of human beings sound in his mind, becoming a part of his endless power.

The blessing of the people of the entire empire allowed his strength to increase infinitely.

He looked through the Milky Way, through the infinite galaxies, and saw a terrifying existence that came with the ambition of Abaddon and Erebus.

The two lunatics Erebus and Abaddon led Horus on the wrong path, making the galaxy a plaything of the Chaos Gods.

Such a person is a scourge.

Now they are bringing an even worse god into this universe.

The entire universe will collapse because of the arrival of that god.

Going to the endless abyss, the pain and extinction of human beings will become a carnival feast for the gods.

He will never allow this to happen.

Guilliman stood aboard the Vengeful Spirit, but he felt like he was standing in nothingness.

He saw billions of eyes shining in the endless void, each as huge as a galaxy.

The dark night is made up of countless wriggling tentacles, and the light from the eyes reflects this terrifying scene.

He and Guilliman looked at each other.

A light and billions of eyes are looking at each other.

Tiny, yet indestructible.

It has no malice.

But its existence itself is the greatest malice to human beings.

"Very good seed, you can serve me." The existence didn't make a sound, but he could make Guilliman understand what he meant.

"Get out of this universe." Guilliman didn't have any intention of talking, he stared into those terrifying eyes without fear.

"You shouldn't resist me." The existence said, "My existence is beyond comprehension for low-dimensional creatures like you. You are troubled by time and bound by space, but I can ignore everything. Follow me devoutly, You will be saved and gain unlimited knowledge."

"Listen, outsider, get out of here, otherwise, you will suffer the wrath of mankind." Guilliman raised the long sword in his hand, the flames burned hotter and hotter, burning through the barrier between reality and illusion, the scorching The tip of the sword pierced into that unimaginable place, "You may have the power to transcend everything, the authority of omniscience and omnipotence, and the ability to be immortal. But the road of truth has no end, and the pioneer may not always be able to stay ahead. It offends mankind , will be the one thing you regret the most."

"You are very arrogant. A tiny civilization that can't even get out of its own universe is so arrogant that it shouts at an omniscient and omnipotent being."

Guilliman showed a sneering expression, "Don't take me for those stupid guys. The path to truth is endless, and the omniscient will also go to the end. Life is evolving, the universe is evolving, how long can you remain omniscient. Fuck Go back to your world and leave here, otherwise, you will pay the price."

Guilliman swung his long sword, and the golden light swept away, like thousands of suns, reflecting the terrifying appearance.

Wriggling tentacles, twisted body, and malicious pupils.

Those corrupted worlds are consumed by it.

Those stupid creatures are fooled by it and become food.

An evil god who is hateful and will never be accepted by mankind.

The eternal enemy of mankind.

The space in front of Guilliman was shattered, and countless rays of light flooded everything.

An angry scream echoed in his ears.

The ancient god swore to make Guilliman pay the heaviest price.

No one can humiliate an Almighty who is above all.

Any creature that does that has a sad end in the end.

The scene from the Vengeful Spirit replayed before Guilliman's eyes.

He didn't defeat that terrifying existence.

It just cut off the opponent's channel and blocked the opponent from the universe.

The power of that evil god is unimaginable, beyond the limit that all living beings can imagine.

But this universe has its own rules.

It projected a portion of its power, but that portion was cut off by Guilliman.

Just like no matter how much water there is in a river, it also depends on the thickness of the pipes to ensure the flow of water.

Erebus' pipe is too thin.

After truncation, the opponent loses influence.

It's like two countries. The president of the other country is very strong and has full control. No one can mess with him.

But no matter how strong his control over his own country is, he has no ability to deal with the humiliation of another country's citizens.

Only through diplomatic influence, organizations loyal to his country can influence and punish those criminals who humiliate him.

If there is no diplomatic influence and no organization loyal to his country, then no matter how the other party humiliates him, he will be powerless unless he captures the whole country.

Guilliman cut off the opponent's influence.

This is also the reason.

Unless the other party corrupts the entire universe or cultivates his own organization, otherwise, he can only be incompetent and furious.

After finishing all this, Guilliman stared at the battlefield.

Erebus and Abaddon were so frightened that they froze in place.

The same goes for the Chaos traitors with twisted limbs and bone spurs, afraid to speak.

Calgar, who was almost dead, looked excited.

The bleakness of the Vengeful Spirit was swept away, and the weeping souls and squirming shadows had long since disappeared.

Guilliman stood there, tall and majestic, like a living sculpture.

He stared at the traitors, the flames in his eyes receded, but they were still full of anger.

"Father." Calgar shouted, he got up from the ground, stood behind Guilliman, and also looked at Abaddon, who was extremely arrogant just now.

"It's not true." Erebus screamed in terror.

He didn't believe it.

How could this be possible.

That ancient evil god is so powerful.


Why did you lose to Guilliman! !

"You can't be a god." Erebus screamed like he was insane. If Guilliman was a god, what did they do before?

God should be unique, be one, be eternal.

Guilliman is just a Primarch created.

He may have some of the power of the Warp, but he can't be a god either.

It can't be God.

"Only the cowardly will beg the gods, and only the ignorant will aspire to be gods. Erebus, you think you have seen the truth and think that the world should be controlled by the gods, but you don't know that there is still The truth, peeking at a corner and imagining the whole situation, this is the most stupid thing you traitors do."

"In the infinite evolution, even the truth has its end, and even the gods have their limits. The clansmen you have abandoned have infinite possibilities, but you have chosen those stupid, self-righteous remnants of the old age."

Guilliman watched the men.

Just standing there, those Chaos traitors felt unprecedented pressure.

No one dared to raise a sword to him.

The Vengeful Spirit has many renegade veterans who were active 10,000 years ago.

Their whole bodies were trembling at this moment, and at this moment, they felt the majesty and oppression of the Emperor again.

Guilliman inherited his will and power, destined to be invincible.

"No!" Abaddon snarled. He raised his magic sword and stabbed at Guilliman, but was swung away by the Emperor's Sword in his hand.

"You get some false power, do you think you will rule the entire galaxy? Abaddon?" Guilliman looked at Abaddon, who was about to attack him, with a mocking look, "Those illusory things make you crazy If you are drunk, the sense of superiority is overwhelming, so that you have a huge sense of mission, which makes you proud and complacent."

"Abadon, look what you have become? A sad wretch, what have you obtained from the hands of Chaos? Have you obtained the power to destroy the world? Have you obtained eternal life, or have you obtained the fate of being fooled?"

Accompanied by the roar of the magic sword Drachanion, Abaddon charged forward again.

Guilliman swung away the magic sword again with one blow, and then kicked Abaddon away with one kick.

There was a rumbling sound from the thick walls.

Abaddon was so kicked by Guilliman that he couldn't stand up.

If he hadn't wanted to catch this guy and go back to show the public, Guilliman would have kicked him to death with one kick.

"The game is over, idiot." Guilliman stared at Abaddon. "You will be imprisoned on Terra, hanging from the highest tower. I will not let you die, you will live, warn those who want to Those who betrayed the empire, let him know the terrible end of betraying mankind. You will endure humiliation and reviling forever."

Calgar and others stepped forward, but the Chaos warriors who had already lost their courage dared not fight again, they turned and fled.

Facing a Primarch, they knew very well what their end would be, and the battle ushered in only death.

No power can defeat a Primarch.

When Guilliman appeared on the battlefield, the ending was already sealed.

Humanity triumphs.

Nothing can destroy him.

At least not yet.

Calgar walked towards Abaddon, who was beaten to death.

Before it got close, it was blown away by a terrifying force.

A huge black hole appeared behind the Warmaster, and countless tentacles appeared in the black hole, dragging Abaddon into it.

When Calgar rushed over, the black hole had disappeared, and so had the tentacles.

Guilliman stood at the spot where the Primarch valued Abaddon's disappearance, revealing a hint of thought.

"Arrogant mortal, you will realize your own insignificance one day. In the face of eternal existence, even death itself will decay, what are you? Your empire will be destroyed, your The foundation will be erased by history. Remember my name, Yogg Sothoth, the Unified One, will definitely obtain the existence of your soul."

The voice was eerie and ethereal, as if it came through an infinite world.

"Father?" Calgar looked at Guilliman, and then at the position where Abaddon was just now.

"Don't worry about it, there will always be some self-righteous gods who think they are eternal. One day, they realize that in the evolving universe, nothing is constant. Drag the Vengeful Spirit away, We'll have to spend some time looking for Sanguinius' soul shard."

After saying this, Guilliman turned and left, leaving everything to Calgar to deal with.

One-Yogg Sothoth.

Guilliman could naturally find the existence corresponding to this name from his memory.

A terrible evil god.

A terrifying existence no less than the Four Gods.

It is said that the body of this evil god is an unimaginably terrifying existence outside the multidimensional universe.

Possesses countless knowledge.

If someone is lucky enough to find the ultimate gate, he will be able to meet that existence and get a reward.

"Headache!" Guilliman sighed secretly, offending such an existence, things became more and more complicated.

From the confrontation just now, Guilliman knew very clearly that Yogg Sothoth is really a creature that exists outside the multidimensional universe.

The space where the other party is located is distorted, very special, and all rules are formed by the other party's will.

If you have to learn fantasy and assign a level to this kind of existence, then you will be the omniscient, omnipotent, super invincible mythical Luo who runs through all timelines.

Of course, Guilliman wouldn't be too scared to sleep.

At best, it's distressing, just add another goal on the basis of the four gods.

Only ignorant and unwilling creatures to think for themselves can fear the gods.

Yogg Sotos is terrifying. He possesses unimaginable knowledge and has achieved the so-called omniscience in the world.

But this omniscience has its limits.

Because the path of truth has no end.

Even if there is an end, it is temporary.

Civilization can continue to forge a path from the end and continue to move forward.

Those so-called omniscients know all known truths, so does He know truths that have not been created? ?

Any civilization and gods who claim that truth has an end are only walking on the road of self-destruction and castration.

It is as if a farmer living in the agricultural era declared that the grain yield of an acre of wheat field is only 500 catties at most, and everyone thinks this is the end of the truth.

No matter how much energy and financial resources are spent, it is impossible to break through the output of 500 catties.

But in the industrial age, the development of genetic engineering has made people scoff at the truth about the yield of five hundred catties in a wheat field, and say something about the uneducated ancients.

For example, the evolution of life, from single cells, multi cells, vertebrates, mammals.

Could it be that evolution is over at the level of human beings?

Are humans the end of biological evolution?

No, humans will continue to evolve as well.

From the technological changes of human beings, the examples of biological evolution are pushed to the universe.

Is the truth of the universe fixed at once? ?

People who think this way about the universe are like believers in the creation myth.

Believers believe that the earth was created all at once, and humans were created all at once.

All animals and animal habits were created at once.

Human weddings, customs, habits of all kinds are created all at once, from nothing, with no middle ground.

In their naive worldview, the universe was also created all at once.

Immediately there is power, the four major forces, stellar gravity, and so on.

What is the difference between those who believe in the truth of the universe and those who believe in the creation of the gods? ?

Believers worship a personified god.

Physicists worship an impersonal universe.

In the real multiverse, nothing is inherent.

Everything has to go through the process of coming into being from nothing.

Just like the evolution of animals, from unicellular to multicellular, and then to vertebrates and mammals, organisms will diversify.

A dog or an antelope that people see is the result of hundreds of millions of years of evolution in the biosphere.

It takes hundreds of millions of years of evolution for a dog to be born.

Then why can an exquisite cosmic system appear out of thin air? ?

Isn't this self-deception? ?

Don't use the setting of evil gods to confuse me, I won't admit it at all.

One of the most important laws in this book is the theory of cosmic evolution.

The Cthulhu only achieved omniscience at a certain point.

Just like the previous mathematical physics.

Some people learned the physics of that period and achieved omniscience.

But new mathematical laws were also researched.

The knowledge system will be updated again.

Truth and the universe are the same

The universe evolved from a humble universe.

The Big Bang was its birth, and the end of the universe was its death.

The next universe is more perfect than the last one,

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