Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 261 The New Emperor of the Empire (Subscribe)

"Who?" Valanor turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from, clenched the weapon in his hand tightly, and watched the surroundings inch by inch with falcon-like eyes, in case of accidents.

A hooded figure stepped out of the darkness and walked to the side of the Marshal of the Custodian Army.

The scarlet robe was dragged on the muddy ground, but it wasn't stained with any dirt.

The other party's physique is thin, like an old man wearing a loose robe.

Normal clothes are worn under the robe.

A shiny silver ring was worn on the finger of his right hand.

It is engraved with delicate guardian marks.

Valanor looked at the old man vigilantly. Although he didn't feel any threat from him, it still made him nervous.

This is by no means a simple dream.

Any laxity may bring death crisis.

"Who are you?" Valano asked with a frown: "The minion of the gods? Or those aliens who claim to have the truth? What do you want to say for them? Tempt me? Give up such stupid decisions, I will never Will compromise."

"You serve me, but you don't know my name?" There was a hint of sarcasm in the other party's tone.

"Impossible." Valanor said, "He hasn't given us orders for ten thousand years."

The visitor slowly stretched out his hand and pulled down the hood, revealing a face full of wind and frost, depicting the years.

That face looked ordinary, but there were no pupils in his eyes, but a golden light radiated from them, which made his identity self-evident.

"Isn't it a pity that you serve me but you can't recognize my identity? Valanor," said the old man.

The old man's words made Valanor startled, and then, realizing what a mistake he had made, Valanor sobbed.

"No, my lord, forgive my crime."

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army knelt down in front of the old man, begging for forgiveness.

What a fool he is.

If the power of the evil god can lure his loyal guards in the holy palace, how can the entire empire stand for thousands of years.

The only one who can manifest in the throne room is that one.

"Get up, it's been a long time since I conveyed my will to the Ten Thousand Fus." The old man said: "It's normal for you to forget me."

"No, my lord, no one has forgotten you. Every citizen of the empire is waiting for your return, and they look forward to your being able to lead the empire again." Valano said with a sincere tone.

"What you remember is a symbol of faith called the Emperor, not the real me." The old man looked at the place where the corpse was buried, his tone was flat, and he could not detect any sadness or joy.

"My lord." Valanor didn't stand up, but still knelt in front of the old man on one knee, his eyes were pious and full of hope. "Why, in the past ten thousand years, you have never responded to us positively?"

"Stand up, Valanor." The old man asked Varanor to stand up, and then continued: "In the past ten thousand years, the things that conveyed your will to you. Horus has caused too much damage. Only I almost died, Valanor. The veil of reality blocked the gods and me, and the beliefs of all beings almost crushed me. If I communicate with you at that time, I will only In a moment, the soul of any member of the Ten Thousand Orders will be burned..."

"Then you now?" Valano asked with a confused face.

"The Great Rift allowed the gods to expand their influence, and I was able to gain more freedom. The success of No. 13 also relieved part of the pressure, allowing me to communicate in a way that doesn't hurt you so much."

The old man's words lifted Valano's spirit.

If they can communicate normally, doesn't it mean that the emperor may return to the empire in the near future.

"Wan Fu Tuan, I am waiting for your return, my lord." Varano said happily: "We have been looking forward to fighting side by side with you again for 10,000 years. A strong blade."

The old man smiled, but quickly disappeared.

He walked to the place where the body was buried, bent down and grabbed a handful of damp soil, sinking into the memories of the past.

After a while, the old man looked at Valanor again.

"As the head of the ten thousand husbands, you have to know some things. Valano, only in this way can you make the right choice in the future."

"The Ten Thousand Husbands will always be loyal to the Emperor." Valanor said firmly: "Loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon, and we will never live up to the old oath. We will eventually..."

"No, you should be loyal to the emperor of the empire." The old man interrupted Valano.

"Different statements point to the same person, isn't you the emperor of the empire?" Valano said, "This will not change."

"No, Valanor, everything will change." The old man said: "Humanity needs a new emperor, and I have reached the end of the curtain. If you hold on to the past, you can only endure the poison of the past forever. Only by letting go can we embrace the future. As the Empire is, so are you. The Age of Emperors is over, and a new age is coming, and the Ten Thousand Orders will find their place in that age."

"No!" Valanor said, his eyes were full of surprise, looking at the old man, he even doubted the identity of the other party: "It shouldn't be like this, the empire should be led by you, the great emperor?"

"The doubts I see in your eyes, Valanor." The old man said: "This is why you came here!! The supreme ruler of the human empire represents power in the eyes of those pedantic mortals. Only Those who know the truth know that this position has never represented power and wealth. Whoever sits in this position will face the crisis brought by the gods."

The old man stretched out his hand holding the dirt, and showed the dirt to Valanor. There was still a faint smell of blood on the dirt, "Do you know what happened just now?"

"A murder?" Valano tried to answer.

"Yes, a murder." The old man said with sadness in his tone, "Brother murders brother, the beginning of betrayal, the beginning of a journey of despair. The curse of mankind, the mourning of mankind, and the end of mankind are also in this murder Born in the world. If human beings want to go beyond, they must first get rid of its curse."

"Its name is the first murder. The entire human race has been bound to it. I was born to fight against it. On the day my father was murdered by my uncle, I awakened. And became the first to fight against it." a murderer,

"I don't understand, my lord, what are you trying to express?" Valano said. "I know about the first murder, but it has long since disappeared."

"Do you think it no longer poses a threat?" The old man looked at Valanor, his golden eyes filled with exploration.

"No one can resist your power, my lord, the Ten Thousand Husbands are willing to fight according to your will." Valanor said: "I will die, even in the face of the gods."

"It doesn't make sense, I lost. Ten thousand years of planning, fell short. Horus' ignorance ruined everything, and the bright road I once thought no longer exists." The old man said, "The first murder occurred at the end of the Webroad War. time, it hit me hard. It takes sacrifice to kill it."

"That's just a temporary defeat." Valanor said: "You are the lord of mankind, what power can resist you? As long as you return again, the Wanfu will be united by your side, and we can wipe out all enemies , to reintegrate humanity."

"Nothing lasts forever. My mission is over, Valanor." The old man said, "Human beings cannot live under my protection. In that case, this race will surely go to destruction. The young eagles will fly high, This is fate. The old must die to make room for the new.”

"My lord." Valanor shouted, "If human beings do not have your guidance, where will those confused people go?"

"I understand your loyalty, Valanor. Come with me." The old man said: "If you see the truth of everything, you will understand that in the face of a real crisis, ignorant loyalty will only bring unimaginable harm to this race." Disasters will be used by people with a heart to subvert the entire empire."

"Look to the future, Valanor, and see how difficult the road for mankind to take in the future. You will understand how to choose."

Darkness covered Valanor, starlight emerged, and thousands of planets unfolded in front of him.

A terrible war that he never imagined unfolded before him.

Countless majestic warships flew across the sky, and the smallest one was as huge as a planet.

Densely arranged in the starry sky, releasing deadly light beams.

The galaxy shattered and everything was destroyed.

Time and space are changed, and countless time flows form a closed loop independent of the universe, causing chaotic law conflicts.

Countless creatures died in the war.

Desperate souls screamed in the warp, setting off a storm that could overturn a universe.

Countless worlds were reduced to waste and thrown into the Warp in a frantic battle.

Valano watched the battles in horror.

Every civilization that participated in the war is extremely powerful, controlling the stars and the laws of physics, like gods in mythology, omnipotent.

They attacked each other crazily, trying to kill the enemy like wild wolves.

Compared with these ancient civilizations, today's human empire is like a newborn child.

Hiding in the galaxy in a daze, holding a wooden stick to fight against the threat of those man-eating wolves.

"What is this?" Valanor's hands were trembling, and he could only hold the halberd in his hand tightly to relieve the tension in his heart.

"Belongs to the first battle of civilization in our universe. That battle changed this universe forever, and cursed all life born after that. We are also one of them. The first murder is our curse." The voice of the old man sounded, "Whether it is the subsequent battle of heaven, the iron man rebellion is nothing but the aftermath of that grand battle."

"How sad our race is. Trapped in such a small star field, we can never get out of it. We can only fall into the struggle with those evil gods day after day. We must solve them, get rid of the restraint of the subspace, and move towards The real future."

"If this is the case, shouldn't you be more in control of the empire? Only you can free mankind from the subspace and defeat the gods." Varanor said.

"Any victory requires a price. Someone must solve the first murder and the evil god. One generation can only do what one generation does." The old man said: "Valanor, the Wanfu has faithfully fulfilled its mission. Now, You have a new mission."

"My lord."

"The palace needs a new master. Number 13 will take over my duties in the real universe. Protect him, Valanor, and be loyal to him as you are loyal to me." The old man looked at Valanor, his thin body exuding The golden light burned the mortal body. Only the golden sun stood in front of Valanor, making him feel the unparalleled pressure, "Don't let him down. If you do that, you will let down the whole human race and me."

"My lord," Valanor yelled.

The darkness faded, and the Custodian Marshal stood in the webway of the humming machinery.

Looking up at the throne, golden light shrouded there.

Beneath the golden helmet, tears streamed down his resolute face.

He understands that this is His will and command.

Thirteenth will be the new emperor of the empire.

The Ten Thousand obey the Emperor, as always.

This is true regardless of the order.

There were footsteps, and an imperial guard walked in from outside.

"My lord, the Imperial Prime Minister Petunia asked to see you." The guard said, "Do you want to refuse her?"

"No." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army shook his head and said, "We have rejected her many times, now we have to meet her."

In the palace.

The reception room dedicated to the imperial army.

Penny looked a little uneasy, and was pacing back and forth.

The Custodians are the Emperor's loyal bodyguards.

The Custodian Marshal has been refusing to see Petunia ever since the two factions started fighting on Terra.

This is not a good sign, and it will convey bad speculation to the outside world.

As the Emperor's loyal guard, the Marshal of the Imperial Army rejected the Imperial Chancellor appointed by the Imperial Regent. What kind of concept is this? ?

Politics is such a delicate thing.

The statement of any big man will determine the changes in the situation of the empire.

The attitude of the Marshal of the Imperial Army has become a source of confidence for some royalists, who believe that the Marshal of the Imperial Army is on their side.

Penny's request to meet this time was already a last resort.

The Imperial Regent is about to return to Terra.

If the struggle between the two factions cannot be bridged in time, it will inevitably bring about an unimaginable terrorist crisis.

The Imperial Regency is in an extremely awkward position.

If repressive measures are taken to suppress the royalists, it will inevitably lead to strong opposition.

The original neutrals would also think that the Regent of the Empire wanted to seize the throne of the Emperor from the beginning to the end, and saving mankind was just to make up for his reputation of taking the throne.

From ancient times to the present, those rulers who are not in the right position will try to do some meritorious deeds to cover up their faults.

If repressive measures are not taken, the royalists will inevitably push forward and ask the imperial regent to explain why they did not support Terra in time ten thousand years ago.

At that point, whatever interpretation the Imperial Regent gave was immaterial.

Any explanation will be considered to be that the imperial regent is concealing the truth and concealing his own wolfish ambitions.

The human heart is like this.

People never care about the explanations of the parties, they will only agree with the version they think is the most reasonable.

Petunia paced back and forth, she was getting ready.

An army absolutely loyal to Guilliman is on standby.

If the Marshal of the Forbidden Army still doesn't want to see her this time, don't blame her for being radical.

The faction that supports Guilliman controls the dominance of the army, economy, industry, etc.

As long as she ordered the suppression, Terra's royalists would be immediately disabled and completely suppressed.

At that time, as long as the imperial regent announces that this matter is his own initiative, executes himself, and then publicly appeases the people, and cooperates with the propaganda of the public opinion machine, the influence of this matter can be suppressed to a minimum.

Bearing her own infamy and becoming an executioner despised by the world, it was the last thing Petunia could do to free the Regent of the Empire from the negative impact of this incident.

A Custodian servant walks in and salutes the Imperial Chancellor, Penny.

The other party's appearance made Penny's heart tense.

A few times ago, the other party asked a servant to dismiss her like this.

"I understand." Petunia took a deep breath, trying to maintain her demeanor, before the other party could speak, she spoke. "Please tell Marshal of the Forbidden Army. Since I don't want to meet, I will solve the problem by my own means. I hope that the Forbidden Army will not be involved."

The imperial servant was stunned for a moment before hastily opening his mouth to explain.

"No, no, Lord Prime Minister, Lord Valano wants you to meet in his private reception room."

ps: The overwhelming negative reviews made me have to update overnight, killing a few brain cells, and angering the people.

Get ready to work overtime to turn the regent of the great empire into a new emperor, and justifiably the new lord of mankind.

The two factions are mixed together, Celestine and Marbo are living saints, Fadik, and the imperial guards all obey Guilliman because of their loyalty to the emperor.

People like Teresa are in the mix.

Guilliman was destined to make peace with the Royalists.

The Men in Black are the organization that monitors the entire empire.

But I write as if the first stencil of the men in black is loyalty to humanity.

Now let me reiterate.

I just write the plot according to the plot, so I don't have to worry about it as much as I think.

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