Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 262: The Fat Beaten Mortarion (Subscribe)

Hearing this, Petunia showed a moment of astonishment, and then quickly hid her expression.

She had given up all hope of this visit.

Who would have thought that the turn of events would take a turn for the worse, but for some reason, the Marshal of the Forbidden Army changed his mind.

this is a good news.

Maybe there is a better way to solve the current dilemma.

Stop the empire from falling apart and infighting.

Led by the followers of the imperial guards, Petunia entered the depths of the palace.

Walk past the forgotten ancient machinery and enter a room located underground.

This room is the private reception room of Marshal Valano.

Very simple, only a few chairs, a table, no electronic equipment.

Obviously, this is a good place to talk about secrets.

There will be no written records, and the content of the conversation will only exist in each other's minds.

It is hard to imagine that such a humble office belongs to one of the few people with the highest status in the empire.

The Custodian Marshal is independent from all bureaucratic institutions of the Empire and has powers beyond imagination.

Even in the era of high lords, they still have the power to control the life and death of those high lords.

Few are qualified to question the Emperor's closest personal representative.

The entourage brought Penny to the private reception room, then turned and walked out.

"I'm glad you can come here, Prime Minister." The Marshal of the Imperial Army came out from behind the bookshelf. He was wearing that set of golden armor. The only difference was that he didn't have a weapon in his hand.

Petunia knew that, even without a weapon, it would be no more difficult for the Custodian Marshal to kill her than an ant.

"I am also very glad that you can see me, Valanor, I thought you would keep refusing to see me." Petunia did not call Valanor's thousand honorary titles engraved on the phlogopite armor.

Those honors were the medals of the great man's long service.

The Ten Thousand were the brainchild of the Emperor, and each one of them was perfect.

Battlefield strategy, fighting and fighting, noble etiquette are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even their looks are perfect.

Valano's face was covered with scars, with sharp lines, like a sculpture.

He had thin lips, a broad nose, and a muscular neck.

"We can all see the overall situation, at least our information is far superior to others. I know what you are going to do, Prime Minister." Valano's voice became low, and Penny could hear deep thought in it.

"My thoughts are already very clear, so what are your thoughts?? We can all see that there are gods behind this incident that are fueling the flames. What they can't get on the battlefield, they changed their methods , Trying to use those ignorant people to get it. As the emperor's loyal guard, Valanor, you see clearly. Now, it is time for you to make a choice, and mankind must not fall into civil strife."

"You know, the Ten Thousand Brothers are loyal to the Emperor, and we only obey his orders." Valanor stared at Petunia with deep eyes, making it hard to figure out what was behind those eyes.

"Then you should be on our side. Everything created by the Regent of the Empire is exactly what He wants." Petunia made a gesture, trying to strengthen her persuasiveness, "We are creating a new era, the gods want to destroy it all. We need to unite and fight them together, otherwise the tragedy will happen again.”

"The gods have waged war against us, an invisible war, and those ignorant people are mobilized against our construction, using some past, unproven things to slander the redeemer of the empire. Those who have evil intentions wear Loyal skin, trying to steer this situation in a direction beyond our control."

"We have to win this war. If you are willing to cooperate, we can win the war without any damage. If you are not willing, the empire will lose something."

"People's trust and the perfect image of the Regent of the Empire will be destroyed, leaving many things cracked. The foundation of the building is destroyed, leaving wounds and becoming the target of future enemies."

Facing the excited Imperial Prime Minister, Valano remained calm, "You are right, Prime Minister. But all this is meaningless to the Imperial Army. Political matters are handled by politicians, and war matters should be handed over to those who General. These things are not worth mentioning to the Forbidden Army. Wherever the empire goes, the duties of the Forbidden Army are the same as before. There is only one thing that can change us, and that is whether it is His will."

"What about now? What is your decision?" Petunia's voice became serious.

"It's not the decision of the imperial army, but his decision." Valano walked to Penny's side, "The imperial army has received a new order, and the empire needs a new emperor."

When Petunia heard what Valanor said later, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

"This this.."

"Don't be so surprised, this is the best way to solve the best problem, and it is also His will. He has always been committed to letting humans escape from those sufferings, and this point has not changed in the slightest even after ten thousand years." Wa Lan Nuo stared at Penny, "The Wanfu Group never violates His will, even if this order is very unreasonable, we will continue to obey it as always. Then it's your job, Prime Minister. You have to make sure that the thirteen Only then can we perfectly resolve the differences between the two factions. Before that, I will announce to the empire that the imperial army will accept the upgrade of the original casting, so as to release our attitude."

Petunia couldn't believe what she was hearing.

She stared at Valanor dumbfounded for a long time before recovering from the shock.

"Is it really possible?"

Valano nodded, "The imperial army will fully support him, this is the Emperor's will. Only by letting the thirteenth take control of the real power, can we eliminate the current suspicion and prevent such incidents from the source. Happen again. Otherwise, the gods will keep using these things to divide us."

"The high lord council in the past, the royalist movement today. I am afraid that more such things will happen in the future. The gods will continue to provoke us and deliberately cause one struggle after another. The best solution That is, the thirteenth becomes the new emperor of the empire."

Petunia nodded when she heard this.

She can naturally see this clearly.

As long as the empire has both the authority of the emperor and the imperial regent, there will be constant struggle.

A slight disagreement may cause a double struggle of ideology.

The best path for an empire is to have and only have one voice.

But who dares to say it? ?

Now, the window paper is punctured.

Maybe it's a good opportunity to put everything on track.

"I'll make sure everything is ready." Petunia felt happy.

This was a result she hadn't expected.

This crisis was turned into an opportunity, allowing the Empire to truly enter the era of Guilliman.

"Then do it, Prime Minister of the Empire." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army said: "I hope that the thirteenth will not let us down."

Ix Galaxy.

Powerful storms rage through the Warp, and countless nightmares haunt ordinary folk who long for sleep.

Even in the dreamland, they still need to try their best to fight against those terrifying monsters, otherwise they will become slaves of each other.

The dark, cold void boils with endless malice.

Every battleship needs to be protected by the light of faith in order to sail safely.

The God of Plague has completely distorted a large star field centered on Ix.

Ships within light-years of the Ix system are affected by warp forces.

Eerie whispers, creeping darkness, and monsters that live in human minds.

Wrapped in squirming flesh, those lost and destroyed ships had huge eyes growing on their hulls, regaining the ability to sail again.

The power of the evil god brought these warships back to life, becoming the weapons of those traitors and demons against the Empire.

The huge beacon of faith is displayed on the celestial-class warship, bursting out with light like the sun, resisting the will of the gods, and opening a road to the Ix galaxy in the darkness.

In the vast void, the captains steered their ships, fighting against the evil enemies of the subspace, limiting the plague god's poison within a certain range, and preventing the plague from continuing to spread.

However, the place where the battle is decided is not in the void, but on the surface.

Most of those nodes have been destroyed, and Mortarion's plan to corrupt Ultramar has undoubtedly failed.

The power of the Empire has been increased too much.

Mortarion's forces were no match for the Forged Warriors and the newly upgraded Imperial Army.

After Jaghatai, a Primarch of equal strength, entered the battlefield, the traitors were completely deprived of their last advantage.

All they are left with is bitter failure.

Retaking Ix is the final battle.

Ventris, Phikris went to attack the plague factory on the planet Ix according to the plan, destroying the rituals of the Plague God's minions and weakening the power of the demons.

Jaghatai was up against Mortarion, and he had to catch the damned bastard and bring him back to Terra.

With the great hum of bombardment and titans advancing, Imperial forces parachute to the surface.

An all-out attack on the Plague Factory.

The Knights, Skitarii, Star Corps, Sisters, and Primordial Warriors are all charging.

Every troop is part of the Wrath of the Empire.

They opened fire, blasting the hordes of demons to pieces.

Super-heavy tanks rolled in, crushing demons at close range with their formidable cannons.

The thick armor was smeared with clotted gore and the goo of the disintegrated remains of warp creatures.

The knights control the mechs equipped with incinerators, spraying streams of plasma flames that are several kilometers long.

Plasma is heated by high-speed rotation in a magnetic field, and then ejected. The temperature is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary fuel.

The whole sky was scorched with heat waves.

The frantic swarm of flies was sizzling by the flames, exuding a foul smell.

The battle didn't last long, and the ground was covered with blackened flies.

The fighter planes skimmed the air and fought with a huge number of demon engines.

Beams and missiles are all over the sky.

The wreckage fell like raindrops, and the damage on both sides was equally tragic.

Nurgling, armed with weapons, built multiple lines of defense around the plague factory, trying to defend the garden world that already belonged to the plague god.

Phikris and others rushed in all the way, smashed every Nurgling that emerged, and entered the interior of the factory.

"For Guilliman," Pheklis yelled.

The other fighters responded with the same battle cry.

Some people fell on the way to charge, but more people took their places.

Sacrifice is inevitable.

Demons are the fanatical, morbid imaginings of those who have fallen into madness, perversion, loneliness and fear.

Every whim, every sinister longing, every wayward thought, is a seed growing in the turbulent currents of the Warp.

Demons are the curse of civilization, the fear of creatures themselves.

These guys are not so easy to defeat.

Technology only allows humans to have the capital to fight against them, and it is impossible for soldiers to win unscathed.

Cannons aimed and fired, bombers whizzed by, Titans marched forward, Imperial forces marched forward, sacrificed for the advance of victory.

The demons are equally crazy, and those bands with corrupt instruments are still playing music crazily, using various means to prevent the victory of mankind.

Tall deathguard champions, gut-piercing warlords, giant monsters with tentacled mouths, and laughing plague minions.

These guys hold all kinds of rusty and green-spotted weapons to stop the empire's offensive.

Phikris slayed those monsters and strenuously moved towards the interior of the plague factory.

After slashing a howling plaguebringer, Phekris saw a gigantic monster.

"Stupid mortal, I hope you can stop." The monster wobbled and walked in front of Phikris, "I am septicemia, the seventh lord of the Seventh Demon Palace, you have gone too far astray."

"Shut up, demon." Phikris's eyes showed anger, and he activated the second-stage emperor's angel engine to enhance his combat power. "You will usher in the end."

Veterans came from other places and joined the fight.

A great demon is a dire threat to Imperial forces.

Phikris has extraordinary power, but a big demon is not so easy to deal with.

"Your god is a liar, he doesn't speak at all, and responds to all your efforts with the smile of that corpse. Even if you fight to the last moment, you have nothing but death. After that, your existence is Will be completely annihilated in the vast subspace. You now have another choice, surrender to the great father, you will enter the garden of Nurgle. In this way, you can get a completely different ending. The The garden is the paradise that all life longs for, where nothing dies. The tiniest virus to the gigantic behemoth can rise from the muck, where there is no death, no pain. Suffering will be a sweet And lasting happiness, your Lord will not regenerate you, nor give you any hope, why do you fight for him?"

Septic showed his weapons, trying to convince the warriors who were trying to defeat him.

But the result is not very good.

Phikris and the others turned a deaf ear to the blasphemy of septicemia, pulled the trigger at him, and fired the blessed bullet.

They brandished weapons, trying to find ways to leave wounds on each other's bodies.

"Damn it, you've pissed me off." Septicemia yelled, "I want you to know my anger, the anger of a god-favored one, and your souls will be imprisoned by me forever."

"You talk too much, devil." A nun of silence jumped up from the crowd, the weapon in her hand exuded a breath that made the devil fear.

A trace of fear appeared on Septicemia's face.

If he is killed by a soulless person, he may not be able to be resurrected again.

He brandished his weapon, intending to deal with the Soulless first.

Felix's speed was even faster, and in the blink of an eye, his figure appeared in front of the Silent Nun, blocking the blow for her.

Septicemia's big sword was blocked by the block, which made him very angry.

In the next second, dozens of explosive bombs hit his fat and bloated body again.

Those bullets had blessed power and made him feel pain.

Septicemia swung its weapon, splitting a warrior's armor.

The plague quickly killed the warrior.

Small achievements made septicaemia appear a little proud.

He wanted to let these damned humans know what would happen if they angered him.

Pheklis et al responded with more outrage.

Moments later, septicemia killed several fighters, but he had to admit that he couldn't take it anymore.

Its body was full of holes and wounds, its intestines full of maggots dragged on the ground, and the weapon in its hand also had several gaps.

Primaris warriors were still attacking him fiercely.

The knife and the axe have been attacking his vitals all the time.

Several Silent Sisters waited outside. Once the septicemia weakened, they would deliver a fatal blow, making it impossible for the septicemia to revive.

"This is not a good ending." Septicemia muttered, and he took advantage of the gap to scan the battlefield, trying to find some helpers.

All demons are trapped.

The Black Death was shattered by artillery fire, as the Sisters of Silence approached, ready to put an end to it.

The Black Death made a wise decision to cut off his head with his remaining hand, release his soul, and escape back to the warp.

If it is killed by the silent nun, it is a real death.

The Soulless will devour everything.

Septicemia found no helper. It knew that if it continued to fight, only the most terrible end awaited him.

He raised the sword in his hand, trying to give himself an end.

The sound of gold and iron striking each other came, and septicemia did not succeed in committing suicide.

Phikles stopped him again.

"No!" Septicemia, who realized what the other party was about to do, yelled in horror: "You can't do this."

"Don't think about being able to resurrect." Phikris' voice came from under the grille, and when the septicemia wanted to attack him, his body turned into an afterimage again.

"I hate technology." Septic said angrily, "you despicable mortals who use technology, meet my wrath."

Many Primaris warriors swarmed up again, and the Sister of Silence was ready to finish the demon once and for all.

After a while of fighting.

"I admit that the attitude towards you just now was a little too much, maybe we can talk about it." Septicemia tried hard to resist the attacks of the original cast warrior and the nun of silence, and he succumbed.

The attack of the soulless shattered the septicemia's soul.

If it goes on like this, he will literally die.

"Go to hell." Phiks responded simply and simply, he cut off the hand of Septicemia holding the weapon.

A nun of silence rushed up, holding a sword bigger than herself, jumped up, and chopped off the head of the septicemia with one sword.

The Primaris Warrior and the Sister of Silence were sent flying by the death scream of a demon soul.

The huge body of septicemia fell limply.

"Go on." Phikris didn't stop to celebrate the victory. He knew that a more powerful enemy was in the depths of the plague factory. Only by solving Kugas who possessed the crucible of Nurgle could he truly win the victory.

The highest spire location in the center of the Plague Factory.

The two brothers who fought to the death meet again.

Mortarion's every step was calculated by the Empire.

As a Primarch betrayed by his own son and looked down upon, Mortarion was eager to prove himself.

His plans to corrupt Ultramar have been in the works for a long time.

But now, the defeat was like a mountain, and he felt a huge sense of frustration in his heart.

Guilliman made the move himself, and he was also convincingly defeated.

The problem is, Guilliman never showed up from start to finish.

During the whole process, the opponent's two heirs were directing the battle, and he was firmly blocked outside without accomplishing anything.

Chagatai even beat him up in the Pan Duo galaxy, causing him to flee in a panic, only to vent his anger on Typhus.

If he fled back to the subspace, he might become a target ridiculed by the demons.

He was ridiculed before he cast Chaos, but as a Primarch, he failed to unify his home planet.

He voted for Chaos and was severely beaten by his former brothers.

If Typhus was released, I'm afraid he would be ridiculed even more.

The demons of Kugas would look down on him too.

The Ix system was where Mortarion had to come.

Otherwise, even if he survived, it would be difficult to maintain his status in the garden.

No demon would look down on a loser.

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