Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 278 Primarch Gathering? (seeking subscription)

Before officially starting the banquet, Guilliman showed Jaghatai many more plans.

Every single one of this program is amazing.

The construction of the alien universe tunnel, the genetic modification of purebred humans, the re-upgrade of the heart of the empire, the new reform of the legion, the research and development of demon-killing weapons, and even the small universe research project.

Every project can be described as shocking.

Ordinary people who can complete one of them are enough to leave their own names in the magnificent history of mankind.

Now, these things are all conceived and planned by Guilliman.

Even if only half of the plan is completed, Guilliman's achievements will probably surpass the Emperor's.

Chagatai, who learned about these planned projects, tried not to show his shocked expression.

Even if his heart was already as turbulent as the ocean under the storm, he still concealed it very well.

He didn't show any gaffe.

"This war is not so easy to fight. We don't know anything about other universes."

Hearing what Jaghatai said, Guilliman laughed it off.

With the swipe of his finger, many magnificent fleets reappeared on the floating screen.

Those huge celestial-class warships are particularly conspicuous among them.

"So what if we don't understand at all? When the ancestors of mankind first set foot on the starry sky, how much did they know about the starry sky? Collecting poor information from the poorly-defined optical telescopes can only use so-called theories to guess The situation of other civilizations, but they have the courage to take the first step resolutely."

Guilliman pointed to the fleet of information windows like a general counting his troops.

"We have a stronger army and technology than them, but don't we dare to take an unknown step?? As the emperor's creation, the strongest human beings in history, can't we compare with those with weak bodies? Mortal??"

"Has the courage of our ancestors disappeared in our bodies? Has all our courage been wiped out in the war against the gods? Only cowardice is left?"

"The crisis brought about by marching into other universes is very likely to plunge the empire into a new crisis. The gods are watching. If we provoke a strong enemy again, we will be alone. We will be wiped out in the two-front battle." Chagatai He said worriedly: "The most important thing is to run the Galaxy well. Only when we are well prepared can we continue to expand outward."

"When will you be ready? Chaghatai, you and I both know that no victory in this world is won when you are fully prepared. There will always be accidents. During the Great Crusade, I really appreciate your Strategy, that is to win in offense, not lose in defense. During the siege of Terra, the enemy controlled the entire airspace of Terra, controlled the low-Earth orbit, and launched an attack on the walls of the palace like a tide. Round after round of crazy offensive. Donne chose to defend, but your approach is to take the initiative to fight offense with offense."

"The same is true for the current empire. We are surrounded by gods, and their minions are all over every universe, possessing unimaginable terrifying power. Should we be trapped in the Milky Way?? Waiting for them to accumulate strength and pry open our teeth??"

Guilliman opened many pictures sent back from the No. 1 Alternative Universe Exploration Base, showing the corruption of the entire universe to Chagatai.

"See, this is the corruption of a universe, and this universe is only one controlled by the gods. Can you imagine how many universes in the endless multiverse have been completely polluted by them?"

"The enemy's foundation is so strong, controlling so many universes, do you think we can win if we stick to the human empire?"

Chagatai stared at the picture in the information window.

Wriggling stars radiate malevolence.

The rotting tentacles with giant eyes crowded in the sky like a group of snakes, entangled and crawled.

Countless monsters wandered in those demonic worlds, howling in desperation and despair that could never be relieved.

Only those creatures who sell their souls can survive in those weird worlds.

Chagatai imagined that one day, the human empire would face such a situation, and shuddered.

"Even if you want to launch a war across the universe, what are your chances of winning, and how do you plan to fight?"

"We only need to control the road to different universes to be invincible, to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend. We have enough depth and opportunities for comeback. We can't be so narrow and focus on this small The Milky Way, the empire needs a larger territory, more people, stronger equipment, and we need every star we can find."

Guilliman opened his arms, speaking impassionedly about future plans.

In this case, anyone who changes someone will be sent directly to the mental hospital, where the mechanical priest will perform electric shock therapy.

But such words are convincing when said by the regent of the empire.

Think he's really capable of doing that.

Looking at Guilliman in this state, Chagatai had a strong sense of déjà vu, which overlapped with the picture in his memory.

When the emperor had just found him, on the flagship in the low-earth orbit of the planet Chogoris, he berated Fang Qiu in the same way, pointing the country, and wanted to bring the stars into his pocket and create an unprecedented prosperity.

So is Guilliman now.

Let's hope the tragedies of the past don't repeat themselves.

"With so many plans, maybe you should be more cautious. You must know that haste makes waste. If you move too fast, you may not be able to see the traps ahead." Chagatai said.

"That's why I need your help, Chagatai, sit on one side, deter the enemy, let those gods see their doomsday come but can't do anything, let them die slowly in fear."

Guilliman took two steps forward and opened another information window.

"After the enthronement ceremony, I hope you can lead the project of the different universe, Jaghatai." Guilliman said his well-thought-out plan.

The different universe tunnel project is related to the retreat and future of human beings.

It can be said to be the most important thing.

If there is no way to save this universe from the hands of the gods, leaving becomes the best choice.

If you can gain an absolute advantage, you can use the different universe channel to go to other universes.

Harvest resources wantonly and occupy territory.

All the heavens and the universe are all kingdoms.

All the heavens and all spirits are all kings and ministers.

The different universe tunnel project is related to whether the empire can complete the sublimation and become a truly free race.

Chagatai is the best candidate to be in charge of this project.

He's not like the other Primarchs.

Sanguinius, Dorne, Russ, Ryan and others, being loyal to the Emperor is being loyal to the Emperor.

The reason Jaghatai remained loyal to the Emperor was because Chaos was worse for humans.

If the Emperor were worse than Chaos, he might have backhanded Horus.

As the khan of Chogoris, he knew what it was to be a ruler.

For this reason, he never considered the question of loyalty.

It's about which path is best for humanity.

It is undoubtedly the safest thing to hand over the different universe project to him.

If you keep the passage to another universe, you will keep the way out, and you will keep the future.

Chagatai has been fighting in the depths of subspace these years, and his experience is far richer than others.

It can handle various crises well.

The perfect candidate.

"Is it too rash to entrust such a task to me?" Chagatai heard Guilliman's words, and stared at the information in the window again, frowning slightly.

At any rate, he also commanded the White Scars Legion and was one of the founders of the empire.

Chagatai can naturally see the importance of the interstellar tunnel project to human beings.

"I have absolute confidence in you. Chagatai, I know you can definitely complete this task. The different universe tunnel project requires a strong mobile force that can support any place in the tunnel 24 hours a day. Chogoris' white The Scars are the fastest troops in the Empire, and you built them. I know that you will be able to build a defense emergency force strong enough and fast enough again."

Hearing what Guilliman said to this extent, Chagatai also knew that if he refused to continue, he would appear a little cowardly and dare not take responsibility.

"Then I will take over this mission." Chagatai said.

"You can accept this task, and I feel a lot more at ease." Guilliman smiled.

The banquet welcoming Chagatai was held in the banquet hall inside the palace as planned.

Many important figures of the empire were also present.

A rough estimate is that there are 20,000 people, all of whom are powerful people.

"We are looking for everything that was lost." Guilliman raised his wine glass and said, "Humanity has suffered a lot, but everything has passed. We will create brilliance and create the future. Today we welcome back the hope of another emperor." Son, Eagle of Chogoris, my dear friend, blood brother, Jaghatai."

Many officials in fine attire also raised their wine glasses.

Imperial Chancellor Penny.

Custodian Marshal Valano.

Brava, director of the Astronomical Court.

Warlords with high-level positions, high-ranking officials and councilors of Terra's government affairs department, as well as astropaths, many fleets, representatives of Mechanicus, Titan Legion, Knights, and Battle Sisters are all here.

Even the Sisters of Silence were represented by a Major Sister.

Each of them is a high and powerful existence of the empire.

They hold the lifeblood of the empire and the future of mankind.

He wields unimaginable power.

But at this time, they all showed excitement like ordinary people in the market.

It is self-evident what the return of Chagatai represents.

"To the eternal existence of the empire, to the savior of mankind, my brother, Guilliman." Chaghatai also raised his glass and delivered a speech.

The two drank it all in one gulp, as did the others.

After the speech was finished, the music sounded immediately, and a flood of machine servants rushed out from behind, presenting the first dish of many dishes.

Guilliman sat in the main seat, next to Jaghatai, and the others took their seats according to their respective status.

The lighting ball is suspended in the banquet hall, and the candlesticks flickering above the head are arranged on the long table. The combination of the two fills the hall with a golden light.

This made many guests who were honored to participate in the banquet recall the extraordinary halo that belonged to the emperor they had witnessed.

I just picked up the tableware in my hand and wanted to taste the food.

An officer in military uniform hurried in and whispered in Guilliman's ear.

Jaghatai watched Guilliman's expression turn from calm to joyful, and it was obvious that something great had happened again.

Ordinary things are not enough to make my brother show such an expression.

Guilliman whispered the order in the official's ear.

The other party nodded and hurried out.

"What happened, my lord?" asked the Imperial Chancellor Petunia.

"It seems that this banquet will take a long time, and we have to clean up the dust for the next distinguished guest." Guilliman put down the tableware in his hand and said with a smile.

Chagatai stared at his brother, "Is another brother ready?"

"Yes, the master of the First Legion, our blood brother Ryan's fleet has jumped out of the subspace. If there is no accident, we will see him in half an hour." Guilliman said with a smile.

"Unprecedented prosperity." Brava, who was dressed in a star language uniform and had only the whites of his eyes, smiled and raised his wine glass.

So did the crowd, all raising their glasses to celebrate the return of another Primarch to Terra.

The lost heroes will all return.

The lost glory must also be regained.

[Guide the spaceship into the preset route]

【Entering route】

[Authorities request verification of sailing permit]

【Permission to sail has been confirmed】

[Inspection officials and navigators are preparing to board the ship, please be ready for inspection]

The sound wave came from the automatic speaker, washing the eardrums of many staff members of the Giant Stone Fortress.

Wearing black Monolith uniforms, they bustled about at the console.

Monitoring the operation of various systems of the huge megalithic fortress.

"We have arrived at the sacred solar system." Azrael grasped the railing with his armor-covered palm, and his brows stretched out. You must know that there are two rebel primarchs on the Megalith Fortress.

If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if there are lions in charge, it is difficult to ensure the safety of the Megalith Fortress.

By the Emperor, they successfully completed their warp journey and came to the sacred solar system.

"Data Update."

"Docking with the solar system security department."

On the main deck of the platform below Azrael, the bridge personnel with many posts connected to each other talked with each other, sharing and updating the data of the physical space with the fastest speed allowed by their respective mechanical parts.

"Grand Mentor, the Great Rock Fortress can only stay outside the solar system." The captain on the side reported to Azrael, the dim light reflected on the opponent's silver-gray mechanical prosthetic eye, and the nerve damage paralyzed the captain's face up.

He hadn't shown any expression for more than ten years, but Azrael could feel the excitement and excitement in his tone.

Yes, who can face this situation without being excited and excited.

On the outskirts of the solar system, one after another huge celestial-class warships are suspended in the void.

Like giant monsters in mythology one after another, the continuous steel ridges are like ant nests, where densely packed troops are stationed.

Those huge muzzles extend from the steel ground into the void, and every shot will tear apart pieces of warships.

Their main bodies are extremely huge, dragging a huge glow, just like imprisoning a sun.

In addition to the celestial-class warships, there are countless ships, all of which are suspended in the void, like a swarm of bees surrounding the solar system, densely packed, almost blocking the starry sky.

Azrael had never seen such an exaggerated scene.

He believed that even in those years when the Emperor was still walking among the stars, there could not have been such a glorious and magnificent scene.

There are various magnificent steel platforms all over the solar system, as huge as a giant city.

The huge muzzle is black, as huge as a continuous mountain range, once it is fired, any alien ship will be reduced to dust under its terrifying attack.

Densely dense mines were laid in those forbidden void areas, and each one of them looked like a polished metal skull.

The giant ship belonging to the state religion wandered in the dark sky, sailing according to the established track, and completed the pilgrimage.

Inside the Ark of Penitence and the Sun Shrine, which are hundreds of kilometers long, are filled with sculptures belonging to the Emperor and the heroes of the Empire.

Inside the brightly lit hall, there are devout believers and ascetics prostrate on the ground.

Scourge himself day and night, in honor of the Emperor.

A large number of surveillance ships are patrolling back and forth in space non-stop, maintaining a high level of vigilance without sleep, like a swarm of conscientious bees, guarding their nests.

On the road from the outer reaches of the solar system to Terra, a giant fortress comparable in size to Mars is deployed at intervals.

They use force field devices to maintain their positions in the solar system, moving with the movement of the stars.

These fortresses bear the responsibility of protection, defending against the attacks of the real universe, as well as the attacks from the subspace.

Their existence guaranteed that Horus' old tactics of crossing the outer defense line and entering the interior of the solar system would no longer be effective.

It will also become extremely difficult for the gods to use the blood sacrifice ceremony to cast minions on Terra, and the price to be paid is countless times that of the past.

Any enemy who wants to attack the solar system can only gnaw in from the periphery.

Throughout the universe, no civilization can do such things.

These fortresses are also used as nodes, using large-scale force field devices to form a force field in the entire solar system, and have a detection network.

Any enemy ship that does not follow the established trajectory and tries to sneak in by using the feature of the vastness of the starry sky will be discovered immediately.

To meet the fate of those trying to infiltrate the ship, for whatever purpose, is total destruction.

Any plan to take the fortress from within is pure desperation.

Inside each fortress is stationed a large-scale army that is absolutely loyal to the empire.

Both body and soul are branded with the stencil of absolute loyalty.

Every once in a while, there will be a special person to conduct cross-checks.

Any traitor who wants to get away with it is impossible to lurk in it.

The extremely strict defense measures ensure that the sacred homeland of mankind is absolutely impossible to fall like it did at the beginning.

"My lord." Azrael looked at Ryan, who was sitting on the shadowed throne, "We have to change the ship. The Stone Fortress and the fleet are not allowed to enter the solar system."

Ryan sat on the huge seat dedicated to the Primarch, and when he opened his eyes, the amber pupils lit up in the dark.

He smiled.

"It seems that Guilliman has managed this place perfectly, much more perfectly than when our father was here. It's hard to imagine what kind of strength it takes to crush such a defense."

Ryan also had to admit that even if he wanted to break through such a tight defense system, he would have to pay a price that even the gods could not bear.

"The regent of the empire has extraordinary talent." Azrael said, "He is the best in the empire just like you."

Azrael's words, before he could speak, were interrupted by Ryan waving his hand.

"Such words are meaningless, Azrael. Remember what I told you once, the campaign to wipe out the Tau is the last time I command you, and now, the Dark Angels are in your charge, this is the power that the empire has given you, It is also the power my brother gave you. Use it well and don't let people down."

"But you are the Primarch of the Dark Angel, our father of creation, and the Dark Angel should be loyal to you." Azrael said unwillingly.

"I have more important things to do. It's not ten thousand years ago. Today's wars don't need the Primarch to command the Legion to win. The Primarch is not indispensable to the Empire. Without me , Have you been doing nothing for ten thousand years?" Ryan calmly refuted Azrael's words, "We all have new roles to play and new missions to complete."

Ryan stood up, his majestic body cast a huge shadow.

His words were firm and strong, and Azrael could not refuse.

"Remember who you are, Azrael, don't get stuck in the past. Nothing lasts forever. The ancient kings said one by one that they wanted to create an eternal dynasty, but who can really achieve it?? I once Leading the Dark Angels participated in the creation of the entire empire, but I can't lead you forever, we all have to look forward."

Azrael stared at Ryan, he knew that the other party would never be shaken.

"I understand." Azrael said with his head bowed.

Ryan didn't look at the disappointed expression of his son.

"My lord, the security department allows us to directly use the teleportation device to enter Terra. They have opened a special channel." An officer said: "The requirement is that it is limited to ten people and the prisoners we transported."

"I see." Ryan nodded, "It seems that my brother can't wait to see me."

Ryan's teleportation location was placed on a giant platform on the wall of the palace.

Accompanied by the dazzling light, the Lord of the First Legion stepped out of the light.

Behind him are Azrael, Ezekiel, Boris and other important members of the Dark Angels.

There are also two huge cages that have been teleported, and they are surrounded by force fields.

Inside are Magnus and Curze respectively.

Ryan was wearing the gray-black armor as always, with a white cloak flying behind him.

The oppressive feeling of the mountains makes it difficult for others to breathe. Standing beside the lion, it feels like suffocation.

A noble face is like a perfect work of art in the world.

Many officials trembled under the gaze of those eyes, just the eyes were enough to make them feel that everything about themselves was seen through.

Guilliman stepped forward, and the two embraced.

Later, Ryan also hugged Chagatai.

"On behalf of the entire empire, I would like to express my gratitude to you, brother." Guilliman looked at the imprisoned Magnus and Curze, and the imperial guards immediately surrounded them. There are more than enough prisoners.

In addition to the forbidden army, the gray knights in the palace also rushed over.

Against demons, they are the strongest.

The officials gazed at the two fearsome Daemon Primarchs, fear evident on their faces.

Every time these terrible guys appeared, they caused massive casualties and losses.

Who would have thought that one day, these terrible sources of evil would be locked in cages and sent back to Terra.

"These two bastards will be punished," Guilliman added.

"Excellent, brother." Ryan said: "I captured Curz, and Magnus was captured jointly by the two brothers Sanguinius and Russ. You must not let all the credit go. on me."

"Even if only one person is caught, it is a feat worthy of praise by the world. They have been poisoned for thousands of years, and they are so rampant that they want to destroy the entire civilization. Their crimes are unforgivable." Guilliman affirmed Ryan's credit undeniably, "not to mention , You also fought a beautiful war of annihilation on the Far East frontier, eliminating those arrogant alien races that tried to replace humans for the empire."

"That's what I should do," Ryan said.

Guilliman nodded. "You have never disappointed, Lion. There are still important challenges ahead, and you still have a lot to do."

"I have never been afraid of challenges." Ryan said, "As long as I can share your worries, I will feel at ease. I know that you, who are about to become the new emperor of the empire, will face much greater pressure than us."

In the past, Ryan might be dissatisfied.

But after going through the battle of Terra and Caliban thousands of years ago, I witnessed the methods of those evil gods, and witnessed the corruption and transformation of countless human beings.

Ryan knew that his ability was not enough to fight against those weird existences.

The Emperor has failed.

Lion did not feel that his abilities surpassed the Emperor's.

The lord of mankind, the emperor of the empire is not like those ancient kings.

This position represents not the pinnacle of power, not the pinnacle of honor.

It is infinite responsibility, and a long, even endless confrontation.

It is responsible for the life and death of the entire human race.

Just thinking about the crisis contained in it is enough to suffocate.

Even the Primarch couldn't guarantee that he could withstand such a great pressure.

"This is my mission, and someone has to take care of everything." Guilliman said with a smile, "However, with your all-out help, I think it will be a lot easier."

"I will swear allegiance to you, brother." Ryan said: "I will be the sword in your hand, your general, your soldier, and your staff. I will be the shield that protects the empire, and the spear that pierces the darkness. .Please believe in my loyalty to you, brother."

Guilliman smiled, "I believe, Ryan. Let's go, the banquet is starting, we will have a good drink and talk, and then I will give you the most important task."

"What kind of mission." Ryan asked.

"I need a marshal who will fight against aliens, brother. Necrons, orcs, Zerg, they are all eyeing, but I can't fight every battle, I need a man who can control the whole field, have infinite loyalty to the empire and to mankind General." Guilliman said: "You will lead an unprecedented army and sweep the galaxy."

"It's a great honor," Ryan said. "I gladly accept this appointment."

Guilliman held Jaghatai with one arm and Lion with the other.

"Let's go, brother, the banquet is underway, and we will have a long talk tonight to plan the future of this great empire."

"Guilliman." Magnus' voice came out of the cage, with unimaginable anger suppressed in his words.

Guilliman turned his head to look at Magnus, puzzled in his eyes.

This expression made Magnus even angrier.

Such slights.

Is his position already so humble? ?

The other party didn't even say a cruel word to him! !

Just like an insignificant little character, he doesn't exist at all in the other party's eyes.

"You can be complacent. Soon, you won't be able to laugh." Magnus growled: "The entire galaxy will become a plaything in the hands of the Lord of Change. Soon, very soon, the entire human race will After completing the sublimation and becoming a psychic race, I would like to see if you can still laugh."

"Yes, I see." Guilliman nodded.

Hearing this, Magnus immediately felt a punch hit the cotton.

There was a sweetness in the throat, and blood was almost spurted out.

Labor and management have worked so hard to plan for so long, made so many sacrifices, and worked so hard to preside over the nine-storied pagoda ceremony to transform the entire human race into a psionic race.

This is your reaction? ?

What about furious?

Are you angry?

Why only I know! !

Such an understatement? ?

Don't you want to save mankind? Isn't it to defeat the gods?

This is how you react to such an important matter? ?

"Humanity will be destroyed." Magnus yelled madly. "Their souls will shine in the subspace and become hunted creatures. Cry, Guilliman, you can't undo anything."

"Yeah, I really know, you don't need to repeat it again." After Guilliman finished speaking, he looked at Chagatai and Ryan again, "Come on, tonight, let's plan the future. You are my most important thing." Reliable brothers, as long as we are united, we will be invincible."

"Can't you hear what I'm saying?? Guilliman." Magnus' eyes were red, and his huge fist was beating the indestructible force field.

This guy must have done it on purpose.

I must be terrified to death.

It's a bluff here, pretending to show those mortals.

As human beings become a psychic race, the number of mutants and psykers will inevitably increase dramatically. At that time, the long night crisis of the past will repeat itself.

"I'm not interested in knowing about your little tricks. I'm not your father, Magnus. You don't have to tell me what you did, because I don't care." Guilliman said word by word: "I don't Care about anything you do, because in my eyes, nothing you do will affect me. You are just a wretch, a wretch blinded by superficial knowledge. You are not even a real scholar, because you Not looking for knowledge from the perspective of knowledge.”

"You are like a pathetic aristocrat studying ten thousand uses of cutlery, and then smugly declaring yourself the most learned scholar. Your tricks are useless. When you bow your knees at the feet of evil gods, you are just Poor bastard who studies how to use the power of evil gods, I don't care what you do, because I know that all your knowledge and power come from your master, as long as I concentrate on dealing with your master, you will have no source The flood has dissipated before hitting the dam. You are stupid and arrogant, do you really think that you can defeat me by using the power of those evil gods?"

"No, you're lying, you're just bluffing." Magnus growled. "My plan is bound to hurt you."

"Then just wait and see. Soon, you will know how much trouble your plan has caused me. I hope you won't make me laugh." After Guilliman finished speaking casually, he waved his hand and signaled the Imperial Army and the Gray Knights to take him away. to the prison.

Let this idiot stay in jail.

Coz didn't say a word.

After being beaten up by Ryan and having his spine broken, he crouched silently in a corner of the cage, his eyes dazed.

Ryan's blow to him was twofold.

On the one hand, it is his body, and on the other hand, it is the belief he has always adhered to.

"Let's go, don't be in a bad mood for these traitors." Guilliman held the arms of the two Primarch brothers, "Tonight, we will have a long talk all night to plan the future of the empire."

Half a month later.

The three brothers stood side by side on the walls of the palace.

They welcomed another brother.

That is the Lord of Fire Dragons from Nocturne, Vulcan.

Amidst the sound of the horn, a huge door of light was opened.

A giant whose stature was comparable to that of the Trinity Primarch stepped out of the light.

Furnace-like heat swept the courage around him, and Vulkan in green armor looked at the three brothers in front of him and smiled.

The light of the force field that distorts space faded from his face, revealing that resolute and noble face. The shining cloak made of brown scales was tightly clasped on the giant dragon skull on his shoulders.

His skin was dark as midnight and smooth as polished obsidian.

One of his eyes was as red as the sunset after the bloody battle, and the other was as transparent as emerald.

In one hand, he held a huge war hammer made of steel and bronze, and in the other hand, he held a box with exquisite and noble patterns.

"Vulkan." Guilliman was the first to go up to him, hugging his brother tightly, the heavy armor collided with each other, and sparks burst out.

"Guilliman, the new emperor of the empire." Vulcan said with a smile, "Please forgive me for holding something in my hand, and I cannot hug your noble body."

"This is an unforgivable crime, Vulkan, I have to get someone from the Law Enforcement Department to come over." Guilliman joked.

When the bystanders heard this, they all smiled.

Chaghatai and Ryan also embraced Vulkan in turn.

"Nice to see you again, brother." Ryan said sincerely.

"Me too, Ryan, the lion of Caliban is still majestic today." Vulcan said.

"It's hard to express my excitement in words, brother." Chagatai also said in a sincere tone.

"Chogoris' war eagle can say that, and I can't help myself." Vulkan said.

"What is this?" Ryan asked, looking at the beautifully decorated box in Vulcan's hand.

"Naturally, it's a gift for our new Majesty. I haven't caught any traitors, but I can't come empty-handed." Vulcan opened the box, and the shining golden eagle and laurel leaf crown appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone who saw the laurels gasped in awe.

Such a perfect creation is definitely not made by mortals, only the craftsman of God who masters the mysteries of all things can forge it.

"It's perfect. I'm indeed the most outstanding master craftsman among our many brothers. Even if I spend my whole life, I may not be able to create such a perfect creation." Guilliman praised.

"That's true, and this material is also extraordinary, not an ordinary thing." Chagatai's eyes are sharp, and he can see the material that casts the kingdom and the real universe.

"The material of the crown is formed by the pure essence of the loyal heroic spirits of the empire. When it encounters a disloyal person, it will warn the wearer and even initiate an attack." Vulcan said: "This is what I can think of Best gift, brother. Only a true lord of humanity can wear it and wield its power."

"This characteristic is simply perfect to the extreme." Ryan said, "Vulkan, your gift far exceeds what we brought."

"No, your gifts are all equally valuable." Guilliman said, "Your support for me is already more important than all gifts."

The crown was handed over to the imperial army for safekeeping, and it could only be worn at the enthronement ceremony.

Terra gathered the four Primarchs, and the unprecedented grand occasion made people look forward to the upcoming enthronement ceremony even more.

However, this is not the end.

A month later, Sanguinius and Russ brought back Angron, who had been expelled from the domain of Khorne, according to the established plan.

If you ignore the power of extreme evil gods, it is much easier than dealing with ordinary people.

Khorne is always in extreme rage, and any plans and compromises do not exist on it.

Angron dared to strike at it, and Khorne, angry for whatever reason, would drive it out.

It is even possible to destroy it directly.

There is no doubt about Angron's strength, but facing the two loyal Primarchs with a powerful army, they were still pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other for a while.

Even the pair of wings burning with scarlet flames were torn apart by the combined efforts of the two.

The spine was also broken alive, and finally dragged into the prison force field, locked up and brought back to the solar system.

Sanguinius and Russ have just returned to the solar system.

Guilliman got a system prompt.

[The third stage, the task of gathering all the living Primarchs to Terra has been completed, and the third stage database has been unlocked]

This sudden reminder made Guilliman stunned.

"Aren't there two Primarchs of the Alpha Legion and Ferrus? Auxiliary elves?"

[The system has detected that all the Primarchs are in Terra, even if they are not in the same dimension, the mission is considered complete. Alpharius and Omega have also detected that the other party is in Terra, so the mission is completed, the host. 】

As soon as these words came out, Guilliman suddenly felt a little bad.

Tyra's recent scrutiny is so strict, and those two guys also got in? ?

"Can you know where they are?" Guilliman asked.

[Sorry, the system does not have such a function. The task detection module is composed of the principle of fate observation, and cannot accurately locate the opponent's position]

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