Seeing this reply from the system, Guilliman felt even more frightened.

The principle of fate observation? ?

Knowing that the other party has arrived in Terra, but not knowing the other party's location! !

This system is more or less a bit.

"Are you fooling me!! Auxiliary elves." Guilliman said in a deep voice.

[The host should not think too much, the system adopts the principle of non-interference fate observation, which can minimize the risk of being discovered. At the level of the multiverse, the reversible law of detection is always in effect. If the system detects other life, it is inevitable that other life will discover it, and it is only a matter of time. 】

[( ), in order to ensure that the inherited knowledge is not stolen, the system adopts the highest level of security measures, and the survival of the host will be guaranteed only when the knowledge is passed on first.]

"It's so cruel, that is to say, if there is a severe test of knowledge loss, I will be abandoned." Guilliman silently despised me.

[In the current situation, the probability of such a crisis is infinitely close to zero. Unless the multi-level life form uses the ontology to control the host and check the host's soul, the hidden function of the system is enough to ensure the security of the database. 】

"What if such a crisis really happens??" Guilliman asked, "Will you abandon me?"

[It is recommended that the host first consider whether he can survive such a crisis. 】

"That means you will betray me??" Guilliman said.

[This system only carries the inheritance of database knowledge, and does not have any ability to protect the host. Saving the database from the host is the best choice]

"Sure enough, you have to do it yourself to save your life." Guilliman rarely complained in his heart.

The three-stage database is opened, and the knowledge inside has already involved the shallow structure of time and the deep structure of space.

There is also about subspace, an illusory domain without the concept of time and space.

If it is successfully digested and completed, sub-universes, time anchors and other projects can make substantial progress.

To fight the gods, the application of time and space is indispensable.

Even if it is not fighting against the gods, it is necessary to use the knowledge of time to fight against the space undead.

Even the metal skeletons of the Necrons have time technology in their hands.

For example, the Overlord of the Necrons, Orikan, with a 100% predicted success rate.

If the prediction is wrong, go back directly to ensure that the prediction result is correct.

Just imagine, if human beings want to deal with such an enemy, it is not enough to rely on long guns and short cannons, and they must have some unusual gadgets.

In order to have an equal dialogue with the star gods and destroy the Necrons, time and space must be dabbled in, otherwise they will be fooled by them.

Guilliman checked the lore, then turned to the most immediate threat.

The war against the Necrons has not yet been fully launched, so don't worry too much.

The most important thing now is how to solve the potential threat brought by the twins.

The Alpha Legion was the most special legion during the Great Crusade.

This Legion has twin Primarchs.

One is Alpharius and the other is Omega.

One light and one dark are also called twins.

It could also be schizophrenia.

After all, no one has actually seen two Primarchs appearing at the same time.

There is too much fog surrounding the twins.

Guilliman had no way to get the real answer by relying on the existing clues.

Regarding the twins, he actually doesn't know much.

Alpharius was the first Primarch to return to the Emperor's embrace.

Earlier than Horus.

When Horus was taken to the warship by the Emperor, Alpharius hid in the crowd and watched his brother's return.

He witnessed the historic moment when most of the Primarchs returned to the Emperor's arms, and carefully concealed his identity until he thought it was time for him to appear on the stage, so he came to the stage dramatically.

The Four Gods cast the Primarch into different worlds.

The Emperor was surprised to find that Alpharius had fallen on Terra.

He quickly brought it back to his secret place, and killed the wanderers who saw Alpharius, cleaning the memory of his men.

The return of Alpharius is known only to a select few.

Many believe that Alpharius is the last Primarch to return.

But only the Emperor, the Marshal of the Custodian Army at that time, and the Prime Minister of the Empire - Malcador knew that Alpharius had never left his father.

Alpharius also knew about many things that the Primarch did not know about Chaos, and even had a very good understanding of it.

Imperial Prime Minister Malcador himself taught him how to hide secrets in order to succeed, and even become secrets themselves.

Alpharius was once regarded as the biggest secret by the empire.

To study and live hidden from the eyes of the world, to avoid being hurt again by the minions of the gods.

The loss of the Primarch made the Emperor aware that the gods were still running the game within the Veil.

Only by concealing it can the growth of Alpharius be protected.

If you want to fight against the gods, you need to hide your own cards and find a way to figure out their cards.

Unfortunately, the Emperor lost.

No matter how superb the card skills are, they will not be able to withstand the teamwork of the gods.

Gamblers do not end well.

Thinking of this, Guilliman reminded himself again.

Don't play the same game as the gods.

They play their own, and they play their own.

Don't be led by the nose.

When the opponent plays chess, he will turn the chessboard.

If the opponent cheats, you have to grab the card.

If the opponent is playing the game, they have to directly pick out the guys and shoot them in the head.

Playing tricks with the gods is too tiring, and the harm outweighs the benefits.

In the opponent's field, no matter how you play, you will lose your life.

The best way not to lose is not to gamble.

It may be the reason for Alpharius, the Alpha Legion's latent ability is the most powerful among many warbands.

Both the Raven Guard and the already traitorous Night Lords are good at stealth and infiltration.

But they can't hide, disguise, or infiltrate this field beyond the Alpha Legion.

They really did who am I? Who am I? The highest potential realm.

During the siege of Terra, there were still quite a few Alphas active inside the palace, so one can imagine how terrifying these guys are! !

This simple yet impossible thing to do.

Guilliman remembered a famous saying.

You will never know if there is an Alpha standing next to you.

They are like the hydra in ancient mythology.

Cut off one head and two will grow back.

Endless, impossible to kill completely.

Guilliman considered whether to be in the palace or not. No one was allowed to wear helmets, so they all showed their faces.

Think about it, forget it.

This method is not very practical either. Alpharius and Omega, two Primarchs who are good at lurking, must have means to evade inspection.

Making such a decision will only bring unnecessary panic to everyone in the palace.

"What are you going to do!!" Guilliman whispered, "Are you going to save the traitor primarchs?? Or are you here to assassinate the Emperor, or me??"

During the Horus Heresy, the Alpha Legion was like a schizophrenic.

Jump back and forth between loyalty and betrayal.

Rescuing Corax and backhand destroying the opponent's legion rebuilding plan.

Chase and kill the Space Wolves, and secretly help the White Scars stay away from danger.

Help Horus steal the defense data of the solar system, but lead the soldiers of the Alpha Legion to withdraw from the battlefield.

It's just like a mystery operation.

The loyalists couldn't understand it, and the rebels couldn't understand it even more.

Guilliman had some guesses.

It may be related to Alpharius' contact with secret religion.

The Emperor had told Alpharius many secrets.

As the leader of Hydra, Alpharius knew even more than Lion.

The secret of the Empire's founding, the Emperor's true enemy.

Even the existence of the gods is clear to him.

Alpharius was both disloyal to the gods and interfering with the Emperor's plans.

Its purpose is very likely to make the emperor sit on the golden throne and become a god.

The pursuit may be pure destruction.

Let the emperor gain the faith of mankind, and finally form a crisis similar to the eye of fear.

Use a massive human fall to completely end the crisis in the subspace.

Guilliman did not make such a guess without basis.

After witnessing the power of the gods, some like Erebus and others chose to submit, and some like Khan, Sanguinius and others chose to fight to win a way out for mankind.

In the former case, a universe ruled by gods will inevitably be created.

People get the so-called "eternity" in endless suffering.

The latter will bring a very difficult road of resistance. It is too difficult to defeat the gods with the power of human beings.

What's more, the power of the gods also comes from human suffering.

If you want to win, the road of resistance is too difficult and too difficult.

There are still some people who choose another method. Human beings cannot defeat the gods, so let the gods defeat the gods.

These people used various means to try to make the emperor really die, and then become gods in human belief.

These people are behind the rise of the state religion.

In addition to Alpharius, Lord Cypher, and some heroes who were active in the empire in the early days may be doing similar things.

Abaddon was able to obtain the magic sword-Drachanian, not only relying on his ability.

Many people pushed for him to obtain the magic sword, and even planned thirteen expeditions.

The fall of Cadia's fortress cost the Empire blood, but it also revitalized the Emperor like never before.

The Legion of the Cursed is on the move.

"The truth is like a ball of thread hidden in the dark night. You can't see it clearly, and it's still a mess. Forget it." Guilliman sighed, and gave up the stupid decision of learning the reasoning method from Holmes as a teacher, and finding the truth.

The truth only matters to those who need it.

A true ruler does not need the truth.

All a ruler needs is control.

Truth is not the most important thing, it is to serve for control.

If the ball of thread cannot be untied, split it.

For a ruler, solving the problem is the key, and the means are just a consideration of weighing the cost.

Guilliman wanted to see how long Omega and Alpharius could hide.

He will catch them.

A game of peek-a-boo is not that fun.

Guilliman withheld the news that the Primarch Twins had arrived on Terra.

Only when their prey think they are still hunters will they go deep into the forest and into the trap.

Otherwise, they will run away and run far away.

While thinking about how to catch the twins, Guilliman stood up from his seat and walked out of his own meditation room.

Sanguinius and Ruth have also arrived.

He had to go and welcome him in person.

As soon as he reached the door, his plan was interrupted by the sound of a mechanical buzzing start.

The cherub who was silent on the bookshelf flapped its wings and flew over.

Sicarius' voice came from the brass sounder at its throat.

"Lord Vulkan wishes to meet you, Your Majesty."

"Where is he?" Guilliman asked.

"Currently waiting in Hall 1, do you want to summon him?"

"No, I'll go see him in person." Guilliman said after thinking for a moment, "Please inform the Imperial Army and the Gray Knights to receive Angron's cage, and let the imperial media publicize that Sanguinius and Russ The return of the Primarch."

Calculating the time, Guilliman felt that after seeing Vulkan, he should be able to catch up with the welcome party for Sanguinius and Russ.

As the supreme ruler of the empire, Guilliman's life was not as comfortable as the world imagined.

His work is very busy.

All affairs of the entire empire were entrusted to him.

He has to look over the details of the battles of the Milky Way, big and small.

If a mortal came to sit in this position, he would probably go crazy within a month.

The whole empire is too big.

It's not something a mortal mind can control.

In order to save more time to deal with government affairs, Guilliman's meditation room is located in the Council Building in the palace.

Going out is a wide corridor.

The guards saluted Guilliman.

"Your Majesty." Sicarius saluted Guilliman who came out of the meditation room.

Guilliman nodded, not paying attention to the words of Sicarius' greeting.

His enthronement ceremony will be held soon.

Changing the word beforehand also helps with their later addressing.

Guilliman walked towards the administration hall to meet his brother.

The government building is very grand.

It is a marvel of civil engineering with a central view of the palace complex.

It is the core area of ​​the empire and the concentration of imperial power, which determines the life and death of millions of colonies.

Located in the depths of the palace.

The building covers a vast area, in which millions of administrative personnel are active.

They were all recruited to handle administrative paperwork.

The building has millions of rooms, and corridors run like veins through its bones.

From the plain cubicles of piles, the dull offices of the clerical staff, to the halls built of marble and gold.

Walking in the brightly lit corridor, Guilliman could see the great art treasures of generations on display on both sides.

Thousands of robed scribes and clerks hurried through the crowd, accompanied by servitors carrying papers and scurrying attendants.

The officials of the empire handle the affairs of countless departments here.

The Yizheng Building is no longer the stale and inefficient look of the past.

Scribes are no longer immersed in cramped workshops that smell of ink and musty paper.

The pulsating information window moves with their movement, except for the necessary documents and information that need to be recorded by the machine slaves behind them with paper, most of their work is carried out in the information window.

"A battle report came from the Targus sector."

"Prices on Terra are not stable enough. Too many people come. We have urgently dispatched supplies to fifty agricultural planets, but they still cannot meet all the needs. We need more supplies."

"The test reports of the staff involved in the ceremony came out, and some of them found something wrong, let them go down, even if the problem is not serious, we must make sure nothing goes wrong."

Guilliman's keen senses could hear all sounds.

The entire political building is in operation, like a mind in a body, undertaking complex coordination work.

Sicarius and other honor guards and several imperial guards guarded Guilliman.

Assassins with cloaking devices lurked in the shadows, wary of any rogues trying to gain access to the Imperial Regent.

Vulkan was waiting for him in the hall.

When Guilliman entered, the armored Dragonlord was looking at a painting of the Emperor and the Primarchs on a starship.

Standing behind the Emperor, the Primarchs were all portrayed vividly.

In front of the emperor is a floating star map.

The powerful fleet in the void can be seen from the porthole next to it.

Those ships all bear the emblem of the golden double-headed eagle.

"That is the imagination of the people of later generations about the Great Crusade. They thought that we were united and established the empire in this way at that time, and we followed the emperor's side all the time, launching wars to destroy the enemy."

When Guilliman walked in, he spoke.

, "If I let them know the real situation, they will definitely be disappointed. We basically do our own things, and Chagatai is even more eccentric." Vulkan turned his head and smiled.

"People always like to beautify something, and a proper romance can boost their morale, so I put this painting here." Guilliman said.

"You are superior to all our brothers. Just the fact that you are close to mortals is enough to make us feel inferior."

"I have never dared to forget why I fought, and I will never forget why I was created." Guilliman walked to the side of the Fire Dragon Lord and stared at the painting in front of him together.

"Me too," Vulcan said.

Guilliman put a hand on Vulkan's shoulder armor, "I never doubted this, tell me now, what's the matter?? I asked you to come here personally to meet me."

Speaking of this, Vulkan turned to Guilliman, eyes of scarlet and emerald on his brother.

"I just want to inquire about your mission arrangements for me. I heard that you have arranged missions for Chagatai, Dorn and others."

"Do you think I'm snubbing you??" Guilliman smiled.

"Don't dare to have such an idea, I'm just confused." Vulcan said: "Maybe I'm not as good as them, so you didn't assign me a task."

"No, brother, no one can be better than you. Your outstanding talent makes me have to carefully consider your position, Vulcan. There are several tasks that are suitable for you, so I think about which task is more worthy of you. Be responsible." Guilliman said, "We don't have much time, and these tasks will take a long time, so I have to think carefully."

Vulcan said decisively: "Then leave it all to me, I have enough ability and confidence to complete them."

"The amount of mental energy that would be consumed like that is unimaginable, and each one is related to the future of mankind. Are you sure you want to bear such a great pressure? Vulcan."

"The son of the fire dragon born on Nocturne has never been afraid of challenges. When I was created, I wanted to bear the burden that others could not bear."

Guilliman stared at the resolute Vulkan, "I know that the immortal Vulkan will always live to challenge the unbearable burden. If you really want to, then bear it, Vulkan. I need someone to go Supervising the project of forging demon-killing weapons requires someone to supervise the construction of sub-universes. The former is an important project for humans to fight against demons and regain the Eye of Terror, and the latter is the trump card for whether humans can escape the war of the gods. Such work is not so There are many honors, but they are more important than war, and they are of greater significance to mankind, are you willing to accept such a task, Vulcan."

"I never lived for honor," Vulcan said.

During the siege of Terra, Vulkan was always in Terra, but he was protecting the emperor beside the throne, which was the last trump card of the Webway War.

When Magnus sneaked into the palace, intending to assassinate the Emperor, it was Vulkan who blocked Magnus' blow.

His achievements are equally outstanding, not inferior to those of the Primarchs who guarded the palace, but the world knows little about it.

But Vulcan didn't care.

Dragonborn is never bothered by honor or anything like that.

They fight and fight for the flame in their hearts.

Guilliman stared at Vulkan, "I know, I read you right, Vulcan. You will be my favorite support, and those traitors will cry like a fart because of your return , they will be desperate to find out that I have received the full assistance of a dear friend, brother and sister."

"Let's go, now, let's welcome the return of Sanguinius and Russ. I hope Russ won't blame us for our negligence. He is our most irritable brother."

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