Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 306 Fulgrim's clone.

The power of the Empire Heart runs to maximum.

Countless data danced in Titus' mind.

He could vaguely see the flowing data deep in his pupils.

The gift from Guilliman, the holy and almighty great emperor, made Titus infinitely closer to the so-called gods in mythology.

The power long sword in his hand buzzed, and the pleased machine soul maximized the power of the power field, and the pulsating electric arcs were fine and countless.

"For my father." Titus's heart became colder and firmer, "For the honor and survival of the empire."

His speed is as fast as lightning, and the heart of the empire uses computing power to break through the space for him, quickly moving the space coordinates, reaching extreme speed.

Mera, who was still trying to avenge her husband, couldn't react at all.

Her weapon was split, and the protective shield created by the Red Lantern Ring was shattered in one blow.

The bumpy, sexy body set off by the armor was cut by Titus' long sword.

When Meera regained consciousness, her head was already flying in the air.

The undilated pupils saw his headless corpse gushing blood.

He fell powerlessly in a pool of blood and smoke.

And after the huge steel giant beheaded himself, he continued to attack Wonder Woman expressionlessly.

In full view, the Queen of the Kingdom of Atlantis died.

died on the battlefield.

The sassy and beautiful woman became a headless corpse.

The battlefield is so cruel, it will never weaken the slightest bit of cruelty because of someone's beauty and status.

Mera's death aroused the wrath of the Atlantean warriors.

The magic warship rushed to the empire, unleashed attacks on the soldiers, and fought with the fighters in the sky.

The gorgeous beams and old-fashioned artillery have terrible destructive power.

The fighter plane made of alloy was destroyed under the attack of the magic ship.

Paradise Island was completely turned into scorched earth, those magnificent buildings were turned into ruins, and there were scorched black wreckage and broken arms everywhere.

Modern warplanes mixed with imperial technology and Atlantis' magic warships fought together.

From time to time, fighter planes and warships landed, fell to the ground and burst into flames.

There are wreckage and corpses everywhere, and the battlefield is like hell.

A series of brown and black smoke pillars rose from the ground and went straight to the sky.

Each explosion shook the earth.

At the moment when the turmoil stopped, scorched earth was scattered all over the sky with unabated excitement.

The sky was full of beacon fire, and the hell-like artillery fire reflected the ruins. The light of the guns danced in the air, like elves incarnate of death, harvesting those lives.

The sound of the fighter plane echoed in the air, low and low, like rolling thunder.

Primaris warriors wearing armor weighing several tons slaughtered wantonly on the battlefield of Paradise Island like demon gods who came out of hell.

Wonder Woman let out a roar, and the radiance released by the Excalibur in her hand became brighter and brighter.

His eyes were about to split, almost mad.

But her anger didn't change anything.

Titus's attacks became more and more ferocious, with deadly strokes.

The leaping arc of the power sword in his hand crackled.

Wonder Woman was caught off guard, and Titus' blade slashed across her shoulder, chopping off her entire arm.

Yin Hong spurted out divine blood, Wonder Woman let out a cry of pain, her beautiful face turned pale.

The sword in his hand became weaker and weaker.

A moment later, Titus's sharp sword pierced her body, and with a sharp upward stroke, it tore Wonder Woman's entire body apart.

The surviving Amazons and Atlantean warriors witnessed the sacrifice of Mera and Wonder Woman, and fear and despair seized their hearts and nearly suffocated them.

The demon god in steel was merciless. Even though both of them were first-class beauties, they didn't get the slightest preferential treatment and were ruthlessly destroyed by him.


With Mera and Wonder Woman dead, the outcome of the battle is decided.

The rest of the heroic spirits, female warriors and Atlantis warriors, were brutally slaughtered by the empire.

A bloody massacre unfolded in front of the world.

An army composed of ordinary people such as Maolong is still landing on Paradise Island, attacking the Temple of Zeus guarded by Queen Hippolyta.

After suffering huge losses, the survivors of Atlantis were forced to withdraw from the battlefield, leaving burning warships and countless corpses.

They were powerless to avenge Queen Mera, and they were powerless to turn the tide of battle.

If you continue to stay, you will only suffer greater losses, and Atlantis will be devastated.

As for the allies, anyone can see that Queen Hippolyta's defeat is doomed, and the fall and destruction of Paradise Island has become an established reality.

It is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to sacrifice for an outcome that cannot be changed.

They swore to avenge their queen and allies.

But such an oath is useless.

Atlantis has thoroughly offended the Empire.

The crisis of destruction hangs over the head like the sword of Damocles.

The strongest hero of Paradise Island died in battle, and the allies were forced to evacuate.

Queen Hippolyta fell into deep despair.

Her guards were loyal and resisted to the last moment.

Relying on the power of the temple to fight against the technology of the empire.

It wasn't until Titus led people to attack that he completely broke through the magic defense and broke through the temple.

Screams and desperate cries sounded in the temple.

The bright red blood soaked the majestic temple.

Titus led people to break through the magic-protected temple and killed the recalcitrant female warriors.

Holding a scepter, Queen Hippolyta standing in front of the tall statue of Zeus looks extremely small.

She had a bitter face, her eyes fixed on the intruder who came in.

"You ruined this place, demons, ruined a beautiful place." Queen Hippolyta's tone was filled with uncontrollable pain and despair.

"You could have had a better choice." Titus walked towards Queen Hippolyta step by step, "To the empire, to the embrace of the great emperor, you would not have to endure such suffering."

The collision between the heavy iron boots and the floor made the hall reverberate with crisp crashing sounds.

"Your choice is to plunge us into the abyss," cried Queen Hippolyta. "The gods have protected the world, and we will never forsake them. Your emperor is but an executioner, a murderer, a longing A tyrant who rules over every star he can see."

"Your folly is astounding." Titus' voice came from behind the gridded visor. "The only blessing of the gods is to make men accustomed to suffering and despair, who create false hope just to live forever. Fool the world. Only cowards follow them blindly and feel that God is everything to them."

"Blasphemers." Queen Hippolyta shouted, "Stop your filthy and evil talk. Those who betray the gods will be punished by the gods. You will not end well."

"Let them come, then, and see if they can punish me," said Titus. "Your so-called gods will soon die, in their temples. There is never a good end for fools of men. "

"Such heresy, you will pay for your arrogance."

"It won't be those self-proclaimed liars who will make us pay the price."

Titus walked up to Queen Hippolyta and stared at the frail woman.

"The empire will never let go of those who betray humanity."

Titus grabbed Queen Hippolyta's slender throat, and the opponent's struggle was extremely futile and insignificant.

With just a little effort, Paradise Island will be destroyed.

Titus didn't kill him, he watched the struggle, and looked at his Queen Hippolyta with hatred.

He made another decision.

Killing a fanatic is never the best option.

They are not afraid of death.

It is the cruelest thing in this world to let the other party watch their beliefs being destroyed.

When Zeus, the king of gods, wailed and died, how desperate were those eyes full of hatred.

"Look at her." Titus handed Queen Hippolyta to his subordinates, looked at the statue of Zeus, "Destroy this place."

After speaking, he turned and left, and the soldiers in charge of the blasting filed in.

With the bang of the explosion, the temple of Zeus collapsed, and the tumbling dust filled the entire sky.

Constantine and Zatana are standing on the empire's fighter plane at the moment, and they are watching the whole war.

The cold-bloodedness and cruelty of the empire are displayed to the extreme.

The mysterious place that has been circulating in the magic world - Paradise Island has been destroyed.

The bodies of the dead lay in the ruins of the buildings.

The temples of the gods were destroyed, and the statues of the gods were overthrown.

Sorcerers in the service of the Empire are looking for their way into the realm of Olympus.

The real goal of the empire is the god behind it.

That kind of madness makes people palpitate.

Constantine felt suffocated.

This is the first time he has witnessed the cruelty and coldness of the empire.

"Is this the emperor's will??" Zatanna said to herself: "Is it really right for us to choose to help them??"

"I don't know." Constantine said in a daze, "They seem to be a group of war lunatics."

The empire's research on the subspace has become more and more in-depth. Although Titus and others are far away from the empire, they have never severed contact with the empire, and they can still get technical and personnel support.

It is not very difficult to find a way in the realm of illusion.

With the beeping sound of the detection instrument, a subspace road hidden in the holy place of the Paradise Island Trial was discovered.

Due to the particularity of this universe, every planet with life has its own pantheon.

The gods of all races live in the pantheon.

The existence of the domain of the Pantheon is very special, it does not belong to the non-material universe, nor does it belong to the material universe, but an independent space.

It is also called the fourth-dimensional world by some scientists.

The fourth dimensional world is divided into eight parts, Dreamland, Netherland, Apocalypse, Demon Realm, Nightmare, Heaven Realm, Creation Star and Heaven.

The gods are located in the heavenly world, which is the home of the gods.

Every protoss has its own holy mountain.

Destroying the gods of Olympus means that the empire needs to attack the heavens.

Enemies in other regions will certainly not stand idly by, which means that the empire will most likely need to destroy the entire fourth-dimensional world in order to resolve all these battles.

It is worth mentioning that the magic power of Constantine and others does not come from subspace.

Rather, it is from the fourth dimension.

For this reason, their magic is used at will without fear of prying eyes from the living.

The price is that their magical powers are weak compared to the Librarian's psychic powers.

In terms of will, compared with think tanks, it is even more of a world.

Constantine had dealings with many gods.

He will be the guide of the imperial army, leading Titus and others through the complicated area, going straight to the heavens, and eliminating all the gods.

Witnessing the atrocities committed by the empire against Paradise Island, Constantine regretted accepting the commission from the empire.

But he had no other choice.

He has heard about the fate of betraying the empire.

Death, which everyone fears, is the most relaxing of the many tortures in the empire.

Machine slaves whose lobotomies have been removed and used as a hybrid of humans and machines, or mice who have been thrown into laboratories as experiments, no matter which one is extremely hopeless and sad.

Under the watchful eyes of many imperial troops, Constantine showed a wry smile when he saw the light gate in front of him, and then walked in.

As soon as Titus waved his hand, the ready-to-go imperial troops began to advance slowly and entered the light gate.

solar system.

The power of the empire made this the safest place.

Dorn's war in the webway, Terra's last hidden danger will also disappear.

Witnessing the countless miracles brought about by Guilliman, Varanor, who had long been numb, thought that he would not be surprised by anything anymore.

But when he saw the spoils brought back by the expeditionary army, the strong and powerful heart still betrayed him, beating fast, making his blood rush to his limbs at a faster speed than usual.

"Damn traitor." Valano said in a deep voice, "Even if you are just a copy of him, you are still damned."

I am not a traitor. Clone Fulgrim tried to break free from the guards controlling him, but the prison ring on his neck made him powerless, and he could only make an angry voice to protest the other party's humiliating speech to him.

Valanor frowned, and the end of the halberd in his hand slammed at the opponent.

Thanks to the strength of the Primarch's body, Valyrian's blow was enough to break the steel, but it could only make the clone Fulgrim lose a few teeth.

"Be honest, if the emperor didn't want to see you, your head would be cut off and hung on the city wall." Valanor said in a low voice.

Fulgrim's clone struggled violently, throwing a fist and trying to hit the opponent.

However, he was firmly controlled by the forbidden army behind him, and he was directly pressed to the ground.

"You'd better be honest. The emperor only said that he wanted to see you, but he didn't say that he wanted to ensure that you were intact." Valano kicked the opponent again, and then ordered someone to pull him up.

The Fulgrim clone was furious.

Even a small forbidden army dared to treat him like this, dared to humiliate him like this.

But he can only be indignant and can't do anything.

The Forbidden Army has been strengthened several times, and subduing a Primarch who has been put on a prison ring and suppressed his strength is as simple as crushing an ant to death.

The battleship responsible for transporting Fulgrim's clones docked at a port outside the solar system and was escorted by the Custodians to the emperor's place.

Valanor didn't have any mercy on this so-called clone, and asked his subordinates to force him to kneel on the ground all the time to humiliate him.

ps: I owe 30,000 words, please allow me two more days, and I will make it up.

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