Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 307 Beautiful? cruel? (seeking subscription)

Even if you get off the transport spaceship dedicated to the Forbidden Army.

Fulgrim was also forced to kneel all the time.

After entering the port of the starship attached to the Supreme, the flagship of the Imperial Emperor, Valanor used his authority as the Marshal of the Custodian Forces to call in an anti-gravity hovering airship.

Let the clone of Fulgrim kneel on the platform of the airship, so that the port and the officials and people along the way can see it clearly.

The cloned Fulgrim was shaking with rage.

What a shame.

As a Primarch, such an act was worse than killing him.

The perfect body writhed in grief and pain, and those eyes full of hatred seemed to pierce Valanor's body in gold armor, take out the opponent's heart and crush it.

Valanor didn't care, and even enjoyed the vicious gaze.

Compared with the heinous crimes Fulgrim once committed, what he did is not worth mentioning.

Even if the other party is just a clone, it still has original sin.

The blood of the traitor is flowing in the body, if in the past, this alone was enough to be executed.

It is impossible to be sent to the emperor.

Fulgrim's disgrace lasted until he was delivered to Guilliman's throne.

On the mechanical throne several kilometers high, the new emperor of the empire looked down at the criminals under his feet.

The cloned Fulgrim watched the scene dumbfounded.

The former king of the five hundred worlds has now become the supreme monarch ruling the empire.

And he, the Phoenician who used to boast that he was stronger, more perfect, and more beloved by the Emperor than Guilliman.

Now the status of the two sides is very different.

One is already the supreme emperor, mastering thousands of worlds, and a single thought can make the galaxy tremble.

One was reduced to a prisoner, bowing his knees, suffering all kinds of humiliation and blank stares.

The cloned Fulgrim inherited the primarch's great physical strength and intelligence.

Guilliman looked down at the Fulgrim clone, silent.

The Clone Fulgrim was created by Fabius and given to Tralasin the Infinity.

Some evidence given by Tralassin suggests that the clone Primarch was not tainted by Chaos.

He once swore that he would never betray his body like his main body, and would never point the blade at his brother.

Of course, Guilliman would not judge a person by these things.

The other party is still a copy of the original body, possessing powerful power, and the damage it can cause is unmatched by other creatures.

Fulgrim's crimes can never be forgiven.

Those of humanity who have suffered because of the Emperor's Children and him are bloody debts to be paid.

"Guilliman," the clone Fulgrim yelled angrily.

"It seems that you have memories about him." Guilliman's tone was indifferent, and his face did not change from the beginning to the end.

"How dare you humiliate me like this? You stole father's supreme power, do you still want to kill all loyal people?"

"The Loyalist?" Guilliman laughed. "A clone made of the blood of a sinner deserves to be called a Loyalist. If not, you still have some uses. The only thing that can come here is your head, sinner." .”

"That's the crime of my predecessor. I never threw myself into Chaos. Why should I be called a sinner?" Fulgrim the clone shouted.

"The blood of sinners flows on your body." Guilliman said without a word: "Your only value is to be executed in front of the palace and in front of countless publics on Terra. Warning to all people in this world , What a heavy price to pay for betraying mankind."

"You can't do this!" Clone Fulgrim's face became extremely ugly when he heard this.

The reason why the empire didn't kill him on the front line was to pull Terra back and kill him in front of countless people.

Such an ending was something he couldn't accept.

He would rather have his head cut off by Ryan the moment the seal was unblocked.

And absolutely unwilling to accept such an ending.

It was the ontology who betrayed, why did he have to accept the punishment! !

It's not fair.


"I can do this, and no one can stop me. I hold such power in my hands. It only takes one thought of mine to decide your life and death." Guilliman said cruelly: "You will die without honor , is like a wild dog that bites people by the side of the road and is beaten to death, and is cast aside by people and becomes a topic of conversation after dinner."

"You can't do this!!" roared the cloned Fulgrim, "You bloody bastard, how could you treat your brother like this? Even though I'm just a copy, didn't you also be born from a laboratory Is it?? Why do you treat me like this?"

"Brother? You are just a useless clone. Your predecessor will betray you, and so will you. Executing you is the best solution." A trace of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Guilliman's mouth, showing a mocking and sarcastic expression.

"Loyalty to the emperor is only a temporary illusion. Your heart still longs for the power of the gods. I can even smell the disgusting soul rotting and emitting a stench. Even if it is not eye-catching now, it has already signs."

"You are slandering me. You can't treat me like this and judge me for a crime I haven't committed."

Facing the yelling and madness of the Fulgrim clone, Guilliman's face was extremely calm, without any waves.

He waited patiently for the other to stop.

Language is a very subtle art.

If you want to make people work for you, you have to use this art well.

Just executing Fulgrim's clones is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

But the subtle identity of the other party is also doomed not to recruit the other party in an ordinary way.

Otherwise, what will be shaken is the foundation of the entire empire.

Guilliman wanted to use this clone to hunt down those traitors who were still wandering and not executed.

Especially that Lucius who escaped from the empire's siege several times by chance.

That guy is the same bastard as Erebus, the guy with the most twisted heart in the center of the galaxy.

On the three-star planet of Isstvan, Horus, Fulgrim, and Angron set out to clean up the royalists of the Legion.

Lucius was originally on the side of the royalists, but he betrayed the loyalists, causing the loyalists' defenses to collapse.

After the Horus Heresy ended, Lucius fled to the Eye of Terror.

This guy has been blessed by the Prince of Pleasure. Anyone who feels joy when killing Lucius will be taken away by Lucius.

Lucius was captured by the empire several times, but escaped because of his strange ability.

The empire even lost several loyal warriors.

Let the clone hunt this guy, the scene must be very exciting.

"Admit it, there is corruption and depravity hidden in your heart, as long as a few small lies can deceive you and make you walk on the path of depravity."

Guilliman did not speak until the Fulgrim clone stopped in exhaustion.

"I will never." Those purple eyes flashed with anger, "I will never be him, I will not kill my brother, and I will not betray my father."

"That's because you think those actions are not perfect. As long as you think that a certain path can lead you to perfection, you will not hesitate to abandon your past vows and promises. You and the main body have the same essence, and you yearn for perfection. Make it more important than anything else.”

The Fulgrim clone looked startled. He opened his mouth, trying to say something to contradict Guilliman's words, but he couldn't.

Guilliman saw through everything as if he had a pair of insightful eyes.

For the first time the Fulgrim clone was spoken silently.

Guilliman also remained silent, watching the clone.

"I am loyal, I am the emperor's son, the purple phoenix of the empire, not the plaything of the gods of chaos." The clone was pale, and said every word, tears streaming from his eyes, "I am loyal , you can kill me, but you can’t slander me with a crime I didn’t commit.”

"What's the difference?? Anyway, you're bound to make a mistake."

"I won't."

Guilliman didn't speak, and the sarcasm he showed was the greatest sarcasm for a clone.

"I'm not a traitor, and I'm not a plaything of the Chaos Gods." The clone roared in despair, as if this would atone for his inherent crimes.

"When you put perfection above your innate mission, your loyalty to mankind, and your love for your father, you are doomed to be a traitor." Guilliman never Said mercilessly, "No matter how much you quibble, you can't deny this."

In a scream of rage, the clone stood up, and he rushed to Valanor who was beside him.

The reaction speed of the imperial army was very fast, and the halberd in his hand was raised instantly, the mixed brilliance of arcane magic and force field reflected on the almost perfect face of the clone.

Valano's halberd pierced the clone's eyes, trying to crush the other's head.

Guilliman stopped him.

On an unquantifiably minute timescale, Guilliman steps down from his throne and grabs Valanor's halberd, preventing him from killing the clone.

The damage caused was irreparable, a shocking wound was left on the handsome face of the clone, and one eye had burst out.

The halberd in Valanor's hands has arcane properties that specifically target subspace creatures, and such wounds cannot be repaired.

Even the Primarch couldn't use his extraordinary physique to repair it, so he could only endure the pain caused by the wound.

"You shouldn't actively seek death." Guilliman looked down at the bloody, hideous clone.

"I would rather die than endure your humiliation. I was born from the genes of my body, but I did not commit those crimes. Could it be that your body has the same blood as those sinners? Then you have Is it the same crime?? Is it your fault that your father committed the fault??"

"Smart words." Valanor withdrew his halberd. He couldn't be presumptuous in front of the emperor, but he was very displeased to see that the clone was still saying that he was innocent.

"What I said was the truth."

"Words are powerless, only actions can prove it." Guilliman smiled, "Seeing your pathetic appearance, I can choose to give you a chance. Five hundred goals, five hundred blessed by the gods The first level of this goal, if you can complete it, I can consider rectifying your name."

Guilliman walked slowly around the clone, giving him a goal.

There are many traitors who betrayed the empire, but there are very few strong individuals who can be blessed by the gods, which can be described as rare.

Hunting and killing five hundred individuals blessed by the gods is undoubtedly an extremely difficult goal to accomplish.

The clone's eyes widened.

Those individuals who have been blessed, not to mention their individual strength, often have powerful military power.

It can be said that hunting five hundred is as difficult as climbing the sky.

"It's hard, isn't it?" Guilliman said: "A true loyalist is one who is desperate for the future but still loyal. Such a task will make you die under the wrath of the gods. You can choose to give up , accept your identity as a traitor, and be executed, at least you won’t be so powerless, and you won’t inevitably go to the despair of failure after fighting hard.”

Guilliman climbed up the platform step by step, when he took the third step.

"I do." The clone's voice sounded.

Guilliman didn't look back, but smiled.

That's how it should be.

When he turned his head, the smile on his face disappeared and returned to that peaceful face.

"Are you sure??"

"Yes, I'm sure." The clone raised its head, and the broken face showed determination.

"Don't let me down, and don't dream of escaping from the empire, or you will be reduced to ashes."

Feeling a burning pain, the clone lowered its head and found a golden blue flame emblem on the back of its hand.

"A small insurance measure, I hope it won't be useful one day. Valanor, take him to see his body, let this guy know what kind of price he will pay for betraying the empire."

The clone was taken away by Valanor, go to Terra, see how those guys in Heroes Square are treated now.

Guilliman sat back in his seat, the clone was a trivial matter.

The reason for such scheming is nothing more than using a loyal Fulgrim clone to attack those fleeing traitors of the empire again.

Compared with the great cause of the empire, the role of clones is minimal.

The Imperial Firewall terminal system is slowly gaining popularity.

A more glorious era is beginning.

However, the development of civilization is like a circle, the more it expands and develops, the more unknown it comes into contact with.

Exploration teams in every universe have sent back messages.

Many terrifying forces that appear in movies and novels are being watched by the Empire.

Many of them are not like the Four Gods.

However, it is difficult to say whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Divide the entire universe into different regions, create parallel universes, and keep those civilizations and creatures in captivity.

Those different parallel universes develop according to the plot set by the creator.

Constantly create all kinds of big events, let people die, despair, cry, and howl, in order to harvest.

This kind of method seems to be much gentler than that of the Four Gods, but it is actually extremely vicious.

The cruelty can only be discovered by those who have a deep understanding.

Those parallel universes that did not meet the requirements were ruthlessly destroyed by the creators, and all the lives in them were also wiped out.

In the eyes of those creators, those lives are no longer life, but the food they grow.

ps "I owe 40,000 yuan, and I will postpone it for two days, everyone.

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