Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 318 The Diary Recording the Truth (Subscribe)

Exchange the knowledge of the Black Library with chips for rescuing Aisha and Reaper.

Definitely a bargain.

Even if this transaction is likely to sacrifice many people.

Politics is so nasty and dirty.

Some people have to be sacrificed for the whole.

Guilliman had a deeper appreciation for the dirty hands of politicians.

This is original sin.

The world is fair.

Nothing comes without a price.

For mankind as a whole, obtaining the knowledge of the black library is the most important thing.

Transforming all that knowledge into productivity and combat effectiveness will benefit the empire a lot.

The benefits it brings far exceed the batch of imperial soldiers who sacrificed in order to conclude the deal.

Attacking the domains of Slaanesh and Nurgle can also accumulate some experience.

Prepare the empire for the complete destruction of the Chaos God, and more importantly, it can also strengthen Guilliman's power.

There are two kinds of power.

One is to use genetic modification or leverage the power of the subspace, which belongs to the individual.

So-called magic, comprehension, superpowers, etc., all belong to this category.

Another kind of power is the power obtained after using social rules to restrain groups.

The former is more free and can do whatever he wants, but a person's power has a limit after all.

Even if more power can be leveraged, there is only one person after all.

In the case of the latter, the power that can be leveraged is far greater than that of the former, and the responsibilities that can be assumed are also more, bound by rules.

You have to consider the interests of the whole, and you can't do whatever you want.

Guilliman's power belongs to the latter. Whether it is inheriting the power of the emperor or the power of domination, it is closely related to the human race.

The stronger the race and the larger the population, the stronger the power he can control.

There is no limit to this improvement.

As the population increases, power increases.

There is no need for self-cultivation and training.

As the power brought by the faith of the human race increases, civilization will also provide another power.

Simply put, it is power.

Many people think that things like power are inferior to magic, or personal power.

It's just because their perception of power is not clear enough.

In the imperial bureaucratic system, an official with military power only needs to sign a war document to completely destroy a planet.

This is also a kind of strength.

Sometimes, it even overwhelms those existences with individual strength.

Strengthening the entire empire would do more good than harm to Guilliman.

He can become stronger.

Let him do many unimaginable and unimaginable things like a god.

Guilliman wanted humans to gain more knowledge.

In addition to the knowledge provided by the system, the knowledge of other civilizations must also be absorbed.

The system is strong, and it helped Guilliman get out of trouble early on.

Even so, Guilliman could not completely trust the existence of the system.

Nor can he put all his chips in one basket.

To put it in an ugly way, an honest man who stays alone in a boat is either driven off the boat or thrown into the river to drown.

A scumbag who rides on a hundred boats can often find the best boat to reach the other side.

Putting one's future in the hands of others is undoubtedly the most stupid thing.

The initiative should always be in your own hands.

Guilliman checked the database of the fourth stage, and the knowledge in it was already very advanced, involving concepts such as the rules of the universe and mathematical laws.

If all the knowledge is thoroughly understood, the empire can even forcibly distort the mathematical rules of an area and cut off the development path of a civilization.

It can also redefine the dimension of space like stacking blocks and shape it into what you want.

The empire will undoubtedly be reborn again, and it will become easier when attacking other universes.

After absorbing the database of the fourth stage, those so-called miracles will be trivial projects for the empire.

Those gods in the eyes of mortals are ants in front of the empire, and they will be easily crushed to death.

After reading it and getting a general understanding, Guilliman closed the database.

It will take some time for the knowledge of the third stage to be fully digested.

It is the best way to slowly release this knowledge after the empire's personal terminal system is fully promoted.

For the future of the empire, Guilliman already had a detailed plan.

In terms of administration and economy, it must rely on the spiritual network formed by every human being, that is, the subspace firewall against the gods.

This spiritual network will open a super-information age, which will allow human beings to communicate conveniently, upload and download information, and build a spiritually interconnected information world.

The lighthouse system will also continue to be optimized, striving to be miniaturized and even implanted.

In this way, even if the local lighthouse system is destroyed, it can still be connected.

In terms of military, Guilliman plans to use the characteristics of the heart of the empire to build an intranet dedicated to the military for communication in military warfare.

The most important point is to ensure that the soldiers of the expedition can return to the firewall network built by humans after death, so as to avoid falling into the hands of evil gods or other hostile existences.

Calgar's soul was almost snatched last time.

That incident set off alarm bells for Guilliman.

Calgar is still in the galaxy, and he can still rescue and expel the other party.

The empire's future battlefields must be in different universes and extragalactic galaxies, which are hundreds or tens of millions of light-years away from the empire.

On such a scale, many technologies can be said to be useless.

When a crisis like that of Calgar breaks out, Guilliman also has confusion and doubts about whether he can rescue in time.

Strengthening such construction should also be included in the empire's next century strategic plan.

Some necessary and harmless genetic adjustments and nano-engineering to enhance survivability should also be included in the system of universal protection.

Human fragility is palpable.

Diseases and accidents always make many people lose the ability to continue working. Even after some treatment, the sequelae continue to torture them and greatly reduce their work efficiency.

It is also very important to let human beings have a certain self-healing ability, which can automatically repair hidden diseases of the body, and enable them to resist most of the discovered disease sources.

Absorb the database knowledge of the fourth stage.

Build the military intranet and optimize the lighthouse system.

Try to use genetic optimization to upgrade the flesh and blood of all human beings, and implant nano-repair systems into newborns to enhance their survivability.

Encourage fertility, increase the population of the empire, and colonize other galaxies.

Let the different universe exploration team strengthen their exploration efforts to find multi-level forces that can declare war in an all-round way.

Prepare to wage an all-out campaign against the Eye of Terror.

Establish a controllable subspace intelligence organization.

Strengthen the development of personal terminal systems and enhance the ability of ordinary people to obtain information.

Completely unify the galaxy, so that there is only one unified civilization in the galaxy.

Those aliens who can be absorbed as allies are temporarily vassals of the empire.

Those who are not qualified will be destroyed.

Guilliman listed all the relevant matters.

As the ruler of mankind, many things do not require him to do it himself.

As long as he proposes an idea, a large number of officials will come up with proposals.

It's just that some things need to be concealed, and other plans need to be used to complement and cover up.

For this reason, some thought must be spent to ensure that the people under him will not guess their true purpose.

Red Leaf Mental Hospital.

Darkness has always shrouded this eerie place.

Darkness has become the norm in this world.

In the darkness of the invisible, countless strange things squirm.

Like the misty world, this is also a world invaded by weirdness and darkness.

The sun radiates black light, and sometimes shows a weird smiling face.

The two moons radiate blood-colored light, and sometimes show ferocious crying faces.

Ominous and weird have become the norm in this world.

The reincarnation game sends players here, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as a trial, but more like a sacrifice.

Players who fail will be sacrificed to Hongye Mental Hospital.

Sitting on the roof of three hospitals, an oil lamp has been lit.

If you look closer, you can see that the wick of the oil lamp is made of dry human skin, and the lamp oil is sticky blood that exudes a pungent bloody smell.

The light of the oil lamp is very stable, and it is particularly conspicuous in the dark Hongye Mental Hospital.

Qiu Chen, who was wearing a hospital gown, was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of steaming black tea in his hand, with his legs crossed, sipping the tea leisurely.

Under his chair, a howling ghost exuding a pungent bloody smell was firmly suppressed.

The weird curse pattern centered on the ghost, spread in all directions, but was suppressed within a small range.

There were ominous bloodstains all over the ground, and there were still hideous scratches on the floor, and only the remaining flesh and blood tissue could be seen.

The evil ghost's eyes were extremely scarlet, and it made a strange sound.

But it was difficult to break free from Qiu Chen's control.

"Why can't this thing be thrown away?"

A terrified voice sounded.

Desperate, terrified.

With a bang, a floor of the 4th building next to the 3rd building exploded directly.

A woman rushed out wearing a transparent cover.

His face twisted in horror.

Countless scarlet lines spread out from behind him, exuding a decayed and dilapidated atmosphere, rushing towards the escaped player.

"It's wonderful, a mental hospital is like this."

Qiu Chen took a sip of black tea and immediately felt warm all over his body.

The ghost under the chair kept trying to erode Qiu Chen by using the curse lines, but was blocked by an invisible force.

With his keen senses, the player noticed the abnormality.

When he looked up, he found another player sitting on the roof of Building 3.

The other party was tasting tea, and when the eyes of the two met, the other party raised the teacup and said hello.

This scene made the female player shrink her eyes, Hongye Mental Hospital is a B-level dungeon.

The ghosts among them are even more weird, possessing the regular ability to instantly kill B-level players.

Why can the other party be so calm and relaxed! !

A stab of pain brought her back to reality.

Countless strange patterns came together to form a scarlet spear that pierced through her shoulder.

The gushing blood pooled together and intertwined into a ghost whose body was rotten and half of his head was smashed.

The female player was very decisive, directly cut off her shoulders and even her entire hand, and turned around and rushed to the roof of the 3rd building with the help of thin air.

Those weird lines change with the player's flight trajectory as if they were alive.

"Save me." The female player shouted, "I can pay any price."

Qiu Chen looked at the other party.

The outrageously large hospital gown, under the high-speed movement of the female player, set off the proud figure.

The face looks very small, like a cute loli.

The majestic mountains are about to emerge.

Obviously there was nothing in the hospital gown.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have this perception.

The exposed fragrant shoulders are round and smooth, and the skin can be broken by blowing.

Excessive blood loss made the already fair face even paler, and the messy hair had an impulse to make people feel affectionate.

The shaved arm squirmed with granulation.

Obviously, the woman has some special props on her body that can restore her arm.

"Excellent, really excellent." Qiu Chen gave the highest evaluation based on his years of experience.

"Save me." The female player shouted again, "I can promise everything you ask for."

In the hearts of players, in order to survive, there is no moral bottom line that cannot be broken, and there is nothing that cannot be traded.

Body, game points, props, dignity, loyalty, everything has a price.

As long as the price is right, you can sell it without hesitation, just to survive.

To be alive is everything, to be able to enjoy the life of a master and great power.

When you die, there is nothing left.

"Then do you know the divine light, the omniscient and omnipotent savior of the world?" Qiu Chen took a sip of black tea and asked slowly: "Are you willing to follow him, spread his teachings to the ignorant world, and follow his instructions to make more progress?" Contribute to a great cause, even at the cost of your life."

The female player froze for a moment when she heard this.

Looking at Qiu Chen in hospital gown, he felt a strange sense of absurdity.

It is unbelievable that a player still believes in religion.

Gods are nothing but creatures with great power.

The reincarnation game has infinite possibilities, and those advanced players even have a way to become a god.

"I can give you props and game points." The female player said, "I don't believe in any gods."

Strange patterns kept attacking the female player's shield.

The shimmering protective cover has begun to corrode.

Numerous curse patterns surfaced on it.

"I don't lack such things." Qiu Chen said: "I only want to spread the teachings of the Lord. He is the Lord of the Savior, and He is the light of hope. By reciting his name and accepting his brand, you can gain his protection. "

The female player looked at Qiu Chen and felt that the other party was a lunatic.

Spread the teachings of bullshit in the reincarnation game.

She looked back, the source of countless strange lines.

When she was in Building 4, she stole a key item and provoked this ghost.

The two fought for a long time, and when she realized that she could not win, she fled.

But looking at Li Gui's appearance, it is obvious that he does not intend to let him go.

Li Gui's limbs twisted at an anti-human angle, like a reptile, with its head up and its back back, quickly crawling along the wall.

high speed.

In a few breaths, he had already climbed to the same height as himself.

Scarlet, strange curse emanating from it, like a flood, intertwined, forming a terrible net, trying to catch the female player.

The female player glanced at Li Gui, and then at Qiu Chen.

It seems that there is no way to convince the other party.

Unless he becomes a follower of that shitty savior and accepts the brand, the other party will never save him.

Who knows what that savior is.

Maybe it was a trap set by some advanced players, using faith to perform some weird forbidden techniques.

When there is no danger, use some small favors to bribe people's hearts.

When it comes to critical moments, sacrifice directly.

Seeing the ghost being controlled by the opponent under the chair, the female player hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took out a blood-stained concentric lock prop.

This is an A-level regular item that she spent a lot of time borrowing from the faction she belongs to. It can bind the lives of two players together and share the damage together.

"Sorry, I don't want to be that so-called believer. But our cooperation can be carried out in another way."

The concentric lock released two rune chains, connecting Qiuchen and himself.

"Help me through this crisis, and I can pay you a satisfactory reward." The female player said: "Otherwise, the concentric lock will transfer the damage I received to you."

"I don't like to buy and sell by force." Qiu Chen looked at the female player and said calmly, "You are beautiful, that's the only reason I recruited you, and what you are doing now makes me completely disappointed in you .”

[Target: Reincarnation game player, B-level, name: Elena. Possessed props: dust-free shield (B-level), strange concentric lock (A-level), doll puppet (B-level), dark hymn (B-level), jumping pocket watch (C-level)]

[Target camp detection: chaotic neutral, with serious violent tendencies, no dedication to others, so it is not recommended to recruit. 】

The reason why Qiu Chen recruited the other party was because of his good looks.

The Salvation Society also needs a decent face or two.

Appearance is also a scarce resource.

Unfortunately, the other party didn't appreciate it.

He also tried to use props to tie the two together and coerce him into taking action.

Holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire, as an excellent front-line worker of the empire, how can he accept the coercion of these ants who are unwilling to believe in the great emperor and the emperor of the empire.

"I'm sorry, but I will make it up to you." After Elena finished speaking, she even licked her tongue, the seduction was self-evident.

"There is no need to make up, in the name of the Lord, you can make up for your mistakes as long as you die." When Qiu Chen said this, his figure became blurred.

When he reappeared, one hand had already sunk into Elena's chest, and when he pulled it out, a heart was also taken out.

There was disbelief in Elena's beautiful eyes, she looked down at her chest, there was no wound, but her heart had already disappeared.

The protective shield and many defensive props did not respond, and her heart was taken away.

Ignoring defense, is it a space talent? ?

Why? ?

She is so beautiful and has such a good figure.

Isn't the man in front of you a little bit moved? ?

You must know that those so-called high-level players in the past would choose to help her for a night of spring dinner.

Why is this guy so ruthless! !

"No matter how beautiful a woman is, the heart is so ugly, and the despair before dying is so consistent." Qiu Chen casually threw the heart to the spreading curse lines, and witnessed it being swallowed quickly, only a little blood fall to the ground.

Elena's eyes became crazy, "You will die too, your life and mine are bound together."

"This thing is useless." Qiu Chen took out the concentric lock that was still in the woman's hand just now, and it burst with a light pinch.

It exploded.

The woman watched this scene dumbfounded.

The mouth is opened wide.

In the next second, his eyes went dark, and his fiery body became limp.

Even a B-rank player can't live without a heart.

Being able to last for so long is already the reason why the player's physique is far superior to ordinary people, and there is also the auxiliary effect of props.

Halfway down, the corpse was rolled up by intertwined lines of curses.

Li Gui used the broken tool to see the head of the white brain turned to Qiu Chen's direction, and he was shocked when he saw that the other party was looking at him with great interest.

At a faster speed, he climbed back along the original road.

The rule killing of the game mechanism has ended with the death of the female player.

If you stay any longer, you will be asking for a dead end.

Facing this powerful player, it can only use its own strength.

Those intertwined lines of curses retracted 4 buildings like frightened tentacles.

The broken wall also squirmed, repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, there was no trace of the damaged place.

Even the gravel bricks that fell to the ground disappeared without a trace.

Qiu Chen landed beside his chair.

The ghost that was trapped by him just now has escaped.

Qiu Chen didn't care about Li Gui's escape, he took out two props obtained from killing the female player, and put them into his storage space.

There is also a customs clearance item belonging to the reincarnation game - the diary of the crazy dean (exclusive to the game copy, and the copy cannot be taken out).

Qiu Chen sat on his chair and flipped through the diary.

July 8, 2016.

I became an intern in Hongye Mental Hospital, which is really a happy thing. This mental hospital is the only mental hospital in the city, and the treatment is said to be much better than other hospitals. I will try my best to find a way to stay, my biggest threat is that Zhao Dong, I will not be worse than him.

July 15, 2016.

Damn, I heard that the list of regulars has already been decided by default.

Zhao Dong has a relative who has connections in Hongye, and he has already helped him talk about getting better and becoming a regular.

Labor and management are just passing through the motions.

Damn, this kind of blatant black box operation.

There is still fairness in this world! !

One day, with the power in hand, he will kill all the backdoor dogs in the world.

August 10, 2016.

Hahaha, I didn't expect Zhao Dong to be a scumbag, who would abandon a girl from beginning to end, he is simply a scum. Even if someone asks for hundreds of thousands of dowry gifts and needs a garage, you shouldn't abandon them. In order to assert justice, I anonymously directed his girlfriend to go to the hospital to make trouble. Such a scumbag should not end well. This unlucky guy was dismissed by the hospital, and my job as a regular worker has been stabilized.

September 8, 2016.

, There is something wrong with this hospital. People from the government often go in and out, and there is a huge underground space that connects five buildings. There must be a big secret hidden. Thinking about it makes me a little excited. Work harder, maybe I can participate in the secret experiment of the government like in the novel. Maybe even get super powers.

January 3, 2017.

Are these guys crazy? ? Damn, this is not a mental sanatorium at all, this is a research institute, they are using the alien space of those psychiatric research bullshit.

As a righteous person with a high moral bottom line, I will never go with these guys.

I'm going to gather evidence and get ready to expose this hospital.

Supporting justice is our responsibility

March 9, 2017.

What the dean said made sense. For the sake of human scientific research, what's the point of sacrificing these people?

They have no way to survive in human society.

Now, just let them have a little spare time.

Tomorrow, I will be able to receive the director's exclusive office and house. I am really happy. I have been promoted to the director after only one year.

Hongye is my home, everyone loves it.

June 7, 2018.

Hehe, the life of the director is comfortable.

A new intern asked me to help her become a full-time employee, hehe, I'm not afraid of you begging, but I'm afraid you won't beg, little sister.

June 17, 2018.

Damn, that stupid boy, it's none of your business to help that little girl become a full-time worker.

To be fair, why don't you go to your mother to ask for justice, shit.

Labor and management climbed to this position to uphold justice for you! !

A thing with an underdeveloped brain stem.

Make so many things happen.

If it weren't for helping the dean with so many things over the years, I'm afraid it would be over.

There are benefits to being a dog.

At critical moments, someone can help.

The dean is my own father.

March 6, 2019.

The public opinion was very noisy, and some details of the experiment were leaked.

When the damn dean was in a meeting, he said that someone should take responsibility. What does this bastard mean by looking at me all the time? ?

Does he want me to take the blame?

I knew there was something wrong with this bastard.

I want to strike first.

April 12, 2019.

I anonymously sent some dean's corruption and bribery records to a reporter named Mo Xiaoxiao.

Old stuff, let's see who is more ruthless.

April 16, 2019.

The dean is dead.

He was hit by a truck at an intersection and his body was shattered to pieces.

The outside world said that he committed suicide in fear of crime.


Money is really a good thing.

May 7, 2019.

It was settled, and after spending so much money on me, it was finally OK. From now on, Laozi will be Hongye's dean.

Old man, you may rest in peace.

I will manage Hongye well.

June 8, 2020.

My goodness, there really are souls.

Those mental illnesses have made great contributions to scientific experiments.

The test was successful.

If labor and capital want to be famous, they will be prosperous.

September 7, 2020.

The project is confidential and cannot be disclosed to the public. It seems that the dream of success and fame is broken.

The government wants us to continue research to see if we can weaponize souls.

What a bunch of lunatics.

However, I also took this opportunity to meet many bigwigs and established a network of relationships.

Hehe, even if I fail to gain fame, I will be as stable as Mount Tai in the future.

December 9, 2020.

Something went wrong, and something was following those souls, and they were approaching our world.

Several colleagues in charge of the research died, as if they were torn apart by something.

Those patients who participated in the study also appeared abnormal, crazy, and some weird behaviors.

You have to find a way to fool those family members.

January 6, 2021.

More and more people died, there was a problem with the experiment, it had to be stopped, but the military was unwilling to stop, they felt that the monsters following the dead were the weapons they wanted.

Someone noticed something unusual about Hongye.

There are reporters following me.

February 18, 2021.

, Those bastards are now looking for a scapegoat, and the New Times Daily has already targeted Hongye. They want to kill me and make me a scapegoat.

I knew it would be like this.

They're all a bunch of heartless bastards.

Just wait and see, I can't live, everyone has to die together.

March 29, 2021.

File an investigation and want to mess with me? Dream it and die together.

I'm going to open that gap tonight.

I'm having a bad time, so please leave it alone.

Qiuchen looked all the way down until the time reminder popped up on his watch.

It shows that it's time for him to take his medicine.

Qiu Chen took the notebook back.

Now, he is still a patient and needs to take medicine for three meals a day.

This is the rule of the game.

If it is violated, it will attract the ghost's rule to kill.

Killing according to the rules can't help Qiuchen.

The problem is that if it is too prominent, it is very likely to be flagged by the game.

Before he suppressed Li Gui, it was all without triggering the opponent's rule to kill.

Many players can do it.

It's just a matter of time.

Otherwise, if the ghost comes out, there will be no solution, so which player can clear the instance of Hongye Mental Hospital.

The game of reincarnation is to cut leeks for the greatest benefit, not to dig out the roots.

The female player made herself so embarrassed because she took the diary and triggered the rule kill.

Qiu Chen put away the chair and oil lamp and walked towards the entrance of the stairs on the top of the building.

His ward is on the top floor of Building 3.

Just walk down the stairs from the top of the building.

The corridor was in a mess, with scattered medical carts and blood-stained medical sheets everywhere.

The mottled walls gave off a faint stench.

When they walked to the exclusive ward, the scratches on the door were clearly visible.

It's hard to imagine how crazy it is to scratch such marks with claws.

Qiu Chen just opened the door and walked in.

A strange voice sounded.

"It's time to take medicine."

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