Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 319 Alliance (for Subscription)

At the position of the door, a strange black figure stood there.

A black mist filled the air.

Qiu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw the other party's appearance clearly.

A sexy and hot nurse with blood stains on her clothes.

If you don't look at the head, it's okay to glue.

Her head swelled like a balloon ready to burst.

Wrapped in bloody bandages.

No human facial features can be seen at all.

The only facial features are the bloody jaw and teeth.

From time to time, their bodies would twitch and writhe violently, as if every joint had an independent consciousness and wanted to break free from this body.

The part below the skull is astonishingly beautiful, full of primordial hormonal allure.

The low-cut nurse uniform exposed her towering snow-white chest.

The nurse's skirt was only up to the thighs, and her slender, fair legs were exposed to the air.

The sexy and hot figure is set off by the tight clothing at a glance.

The voice of Yujie makes people think about it.

The monsters in Hongye Mental Asylum all have this characteristic of coexistence of madness and sexiness.

Tease the most primitive emotions of human beings.

Fear and sex.

They are the embodiment of our most essential fears and desires.

The nurse pushed the rusty medicine trolley, on which there were various medicines with their labels torn off, blood-stained cotton swabs, needles dripping with blood, and a garbage bag oozing black blood.

Qiu Chen didn't see the monster's face, only the bandages, but he could feel the prying eyes.

"You came on time." Qiu Chen chose to place his gaze below the opponent's head.

"Your medicine." The nurse did not answer Qiu Chen's question.

Instead numbly pull out a tray.

There is a glass of cloudy water and a few moldy medicines on it.

"Take medicine every day, when can I leave the hospital?"

Qiu Chen took it over and took the medicine on the spot in front of the nurse.

The nurse watched Qiu Chen's every move closely, and didn't find any problems.

Only then pushed the car to the next ward.

Did not answer any of Qiu Chen's questions.

Qiu Chen shrugged, turned and closed the door.

The medicine and water that he had swallowed just now were thrown into a corner of the ward.

The action of taking the medicine just now was just a simple misplaced trick.

After confirming that the nurse had left, the notebook he got from that unlucky player just now appeared in Qiuchen's hand.

Opening the diary from the mark left just now, I found the place I saw.

With the help of flickering lights and an oil lamp that used blood as kerosene, Qiu Chen continued to read the diary.

April 3, 2021.

Haha, those fools are regretting it now, thinking that they can decide my fate because they are superior, what kind of big shit, go eat shit. Now that everyone is dead together, the crack has been opened, no matter who you are, everyone will die, and no one can escape.

April 8, 2021.

That damn reporter, she stole my research diary, looks like she's trying to get into a mental hospital to close the rift.

She won't make it.

Because I will stop her.

I'll tear that bitch apart, bone by bone.

Let this world be buried with me.

Who told you to mess with me.

I just want to be a master, what's wrong with me.

Qiu Chen checked the diary, and in the end it was all messy, distorted and chaotic handwriting.

Filled with obedience, true God, wonderful, new world and other words.

Beyond that, there are some weird symbols and numbers.

For other players, reading Dean's diary must be very confusing.

The clues in the notes weren't enough for them to piece together the truth.

However, Qiu Chen already knew what happened to this copy of the game.

Empire's guidance to front-line staff is still in place.

There are not only daily training of various high-tech equipment, but also learning of theoretical knowledge.

Common sense including the subspace is also within the scope of learning.

Hongye Mental Hospital has been conducting so-called soul experiments. They discovered the existence of souls and opened a special space.

Qiuchen guessed that they should have opened the subspace crack.

Human souls will return to the warp after death, be accepted by the vast etheric ocean, and become a part of it.

Individuals with faith may be attracted by their gods, become part of the nourishment of the gods, or become heroic spirits or something.

The souls of the people of the empire will be recovered by the emperor, and they will sleep, waiting to be awakened again.

In the absence of a clear understanding of the subspace, the experiment of the subspace hastily started, and the end of the Hongye Mental Hospital is inevitable.

Being invaded by weirdness, distorting the rules of real space.

The living are transformed or devoured by monsters from the Warp.

The inanimate will never let go of such a good opportunity.

As the most vigilant enemy of the empire.

The destructive ability of the inanimate is extremely terrifying, and it can easily cause the entire world to collapse, distort everyone's cognition, and transform all life.

Those ghosts are likely to come from this way.

The species of the inanimate born from the nightmares of sentient beings is innumerable.

Demons, ghosts, false gods, etc.

And so on.

With the help of the information revealed in the diary, Qiuchen analyzed the mission of the Hongye Mental Hospital.

Explore the truth, find the dead reporter, and escape.

These three tasks are not separate, but continuous.

Only when we know the truth can we know where the dead reporter went.

Only by finding the reporter can we use the knowledge in the other party's hands to close the so-called crack and escape.

After reading the diary, Qiu Chen casually threw it on the bed, not caring whether it was an important prop for customs clearance.

Getting the diary was just an accident.

Qiuchen's mission is to recruit people into his gang, not to enter the game to decrypt it.

Things like customs clearance must be cheating.

The hard work of hundreds of thousands of researchers in the empire.

If you don't need it, how can you be worthy of their hard work.

If the female player hadn't tried to trick him, Qiu Chen wouldn't have killed her, let alone get the diary.

[Relevant data of Hongye Mental Hospital have been successfully stolen, and a task analysis model has been established. 】

[Please follow the prompts to complete the customs clearance. 】

[Detecting that the host has successfully obtained the diary, and knowing the ins and outs of the Hongye Mental Hospital, he is skipping the pre-selection and entering the second stage. 】

[Please keep the diary well, go to building 5, and use the attending physician's authorization card to enter the laboratory. 】

A series of reminders sounded in Qiuchen's mind, guiding him how to pass the level.

Qiu Chen picked up the diary, but thought of something, and asked in his heart.

"Stop calling me host all the time, I'm not interested, can I change my name?"

[The title of the host is the default title, which can be reset. 】

"As an agent lurking in the enemy camp to collect intelligence, please call me 007."

Qiu Chen remembered an old stalker, and made a handsome character horoscope with his thumb and index finger on his chin.

[The user's new name has been successfully entered, 007. 】

"Perfect." Qiu Chen nodded silently in his heart.

After solving this trivial matter, Qiu Chen focused on his own business.

He found a good seedling.

This time the mission was quite satisfactory.

Sometimes, clearing a copy may not find a suitable target.

Those players have been corrupted too much.

Their thoughts and values ​​have been completely distorted by the reincarnation game.

Just like that female player.

Falling, falling endlessly.

The dark abyss has no end.

It represents sin, sin that will never be forgiven.

Falling endlessly, Davin fell into a room.

The woman's scream echoed in the dark room.

The mob's panting and lewd laughter were mixed with the woman's bitter cry.

The thugs chopped up the man on the chopping board with a kitchen knife and disemboweled him in front of his wife and daughter.

The most frightening thing is that the man is still alive.

Being hanged by strange props.

Seeing himself being cut into pieces bit by bit, the pair of desperate eyes made the perpetrator laugh out loud.

Davin screamed like a madman.

He rushed forward to push down the perpetrators, but the kitchen knife was still chopping there.

The desperate man looked at Davin and questioned him painfully.

"Why didn't you cut off the relationship?? Why did you let us suffer like this?"

The mother, who was entangled in the wire, was dripping with blood.

Gathered together to form pools of blood.

She wept helplessly.

Not only for himself, but also for the humiliated daughter and the tragic death of her husband.

She muttered to herself, her weeping eyes fixed on Davin's soul.

"Why didn't you cut off the relationship?? Why did you let us suffer like this?"

The humiliated woman begged the mercy of the mob.

Beg them to spare themselves and their families.

What they got in return was endless humiliation and tyranny.

Dawen saw her lying naked in a pool of blood, her once beautiful and innocent eyes revealed a monstrous hatred.

Those eyes looked at Davin and shut him inside.

Countless screaming voices questioned Davin.

"Why didn't you cut off the relationship?? Why did you let us suffer like this?"

With a scream, Davin suddenly sat up.

That room has disappeared.

He is still lying in the ward of Hongye Mental Hospital.

The rancid smell flooded his nostrils.

Even though he was in a hospital where ghosts were rampant, Dawen cried as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

He would rather be buried in the mouths of those ghosts than to relive the nightmare just now.

The cruelest thing in this world is not death.

Instead, it will give you countless beautiful things, and tear them up in front of you bit by bit, revealing the cruel nature.

Pain and annoyance are like black holes of nothingness, devouring you bit by bit.

Make every day of your life worse than death.

But had to live.

If he could choose again, Davin would never choose to be a player, let alone be greedy and arrogant.

In the world of reincarnation games, players' emotions are a weakness.

No matter how powerful it is, emotion is a luxury for them.

Every player will decisively choose to sever the previous kinship.

Make family members worthless.

Such an approach is heartless, but it allows them to live well.

Davin also knew this rule.

And he arrogantly thought that he could subvert this rule.

People always have a sense of illusion.

I feel that I am the protagonist in the novel and can hold everything.

Davin's methods are also very cruel, and he arrogantly threatens those players who are about to move.

To touch his family is to touch his nilin, and he will do everything possible to make their life worse than death.

Davin thought that as long as he was strong enough, he could make his family live a better life.

to protect them from being violated.

But reality taught him a wonderful lesson.

No matter how strong he is, it's useless.

Those players have already become crazy in the game.

The words used to ridicule the capitalists are also very correct in the reincarnation game.

If there is a fifty percent profit, the player will take the risk.

With 100% profit, players dare to trample on all rules.

With a profit of one thousand percent, he would dare to commit all crimes, and he would not have any fear of crushing his soul.

In a world where hierarchies are strict, women are treated as reproductive machines, and men are treated as cheap consumables.

There will still be people who bravely break the rules and choose to fall in love because of the throbbing in their hearts.

Davin is the crystallization of the love between his father and mother.

In order to improve the efficiency of social operation, some non-player men and women who stand out will be able to get rid of that sad fate and enjoy some superior treatment and the privilege of not having children.

Davin's mother was such a woman.

With her talent for physics, she managed to escape the sad fate of a reproductive machine.

Then, the mother met the father who was a maintenance worker.

In order to keep society functioning, non-players who stand out are often deprived of the right to reproduce.

In a dark, society without human rights and fairness.

Players have great power and occupy all resources.

But their control over society is not as good as those ordinary people.

In countless corners there are seeds of resistance to them.

Mother and father fell in love, and unbeknownst to them, Davin and his sister were born.

This is something against the rules.

However, no one paid attention to it.

The two children grew up smoothly, and Davin even became a player.

Darwin is very talented.

Has the potential to be a strong player.

There are some rules among the players that bind them and prevent them from killing each other.

Avoid weakening the overall strength of a world.

But these regulations are too weak for a group of desperadoes who have today but no tomorrow and who still have powerful combat power.

Dawen's promotion speed was fast, and he obtained several very good props in a row, becoming the top group of players.

Most importantly, he hasn't cut ties with his family yet.

Nostalgia for those so-called kinship.

Who wouldn't want to take a bite of such a fat sheep.

How bad could it be? ?

It's dead anyway, so why not give it a try.

If you get game points and props, you might be able to survive in the next dungeon trial.

After getting the ransom, he left this world directly, immigrated to other worlds, and still had a good time.

No matter how strong Davin is, can he turn over the entire reincarnation game? ?

His father was dismembered by the most cruel means, and put in a box and delivered to Davin, asking him to pay the ransom for his mother and sister.

As a player, Davin naturally knew that he could not compromise with the other party.

He threatened the other party and raised a ransom.

After locking the coordinates, kill the opponent directly, let the opponent feel the feeling that life is worse than death.

In the end, the mother was tortured to death and the younger sister died naked in her arms.

They didn't plan to release him at all, but planned to tear up the ticket and run away after getting the ransom.

Davin massacred as many players as he could catch.

But what's the point of that? ?

There is no way to save the lives of his family members by killing those lunatics.

This is the cruelty of reincarnation game, it subverts everything.

Players are like lunatics, doing whatever it takes to survive.

Looking at the dead bodies of his family members, Dawen once wondered if he was wrong.

It was his arrogance and his greed for family affection that led to the tragic death of his family.

If he broke off the relationship according to the rules, they could still live on.

Davin wanted to die.

Use death to atone for your sins.

But because there are still a few players who escaped without being punished, he has no way to choose to commit suicide.

He can only suffer in pain and despair, looking for the murderer who killed his family.

Every day that nightmare would torment him.

Repeatedly in front of him the appearance of family members dying and their questioning.

Guilt drove him almost insane.

Pushing him to the edge of the abyss, bewitching him to use killing and madness to vent the hatred and pain in his heart.

When he first entered the game, he was thinking whether he should be a little crazy.

That might not make you feel so uncomfortable.

A man found him at this time.

"What is wrong is not you, but this world. What is wrong is not our desire to pursue beauty and happiness, but our fate played by the game of reincarnation. It wants to deprive us of all good things and make us its slaves. Bread, kneeling at its feet, begging for the poor gift."

"You still feel pain for the death of your family members, and you are still doubting whether it is worth it, then you still have hope. The time to resist has come, friend, are you still willing to sink into this world?? Let That game plays with your life and your future."

"Embrace the arms of the divine light, the all-knowing and omnipotent savior, raise the banner of resistance, and speak out to those monsters who try to distort it. If you are born as a human, then you are free, not their plaything."

At that time, Davin looked at each other as if he was looking at a lunatic.

The other party didn't pester him too much.

"It seems that you are still not firm enough. It will take some time to clear the customs. At that time, you can reply to me again."

After saying this, the other party left.

Davin stared at the decayed, moldy ceiling.

Thinking about what the other person said.

He didn't know if the other party was a lunatic or a big man who really had the ability to change everything.

Think of the things that only gods can do in reincarnation games.

He leans more towards the former.

What kind of existence can resist the game of reincarnation? ?

That guy may have lost his mind.

He imagined a so-called savior to keep himself going.

Thinking of his nightmare, Davin became confused again.

Maybe it's good to have a belief.

I have already lost everything, and it seems that there is no harm in resisting the reincarnation game.

Thinking of this, Dawen thought that he didn't seem to have the other party's contact information either.

At tomorrow's event, if you can still see each other, go ask again.

At this time, the sound of ticking water came from the old and dilapidated bathroom.

The sound of high heels walking echoed outside.

Dim lights flickered.

Blood with a pungent smell seeped in from the crack in the door.

Countless weird patterns covered the walls like shadows.

Dawen was startled by the strange voice, and an obscure gossip mirror with scratches appeared in his hand.

A photo of the position of the door reveals the scene outside.

A terrifying monster stood behind the door.

The slender, skinless legs wore a pair of scarlet high heels.

The upper body is a combination of worms and snakes, with unevenness. If it is covered with a layer of white and smooth human skin, it must be a sexy beauty.

The head has no facial features, and is full of densely entangled maggots.

Davin's face changed a few times.

Judging from the other person's size, he looked like a nurse delivering medicine.

Davin seemed to have thought of something, and raised his hand to look at his watch. It was almost morning.

After completing the exploration and setting up the defense, he fell asleep.

After falling into a nightmare, I never woke up and forgot to take my medicine on time.

As an old player, such a novice-level mistake shouldn't be made. It seems that I still haven't been able to adjust well.

For those obedient patients, the ward is absolutely safe.

Don't hang out during breaks.

Thinking of these two hospital rules, Dawen's expression changed.

Since he didn't take the medicine, he obviously didn't meet the condition of an obedient patient.

It is already early morning, and it happens to be rest time.

Wards can't stay, and can't hang out.

Isn't this a dead end? ?

He took out a stand-in doll, wrote his name with his own blood, and put it back in his pocket.

A strange wind blew in the sealed room.

The sound of the bathroom ticking getting louder.

The blood slowly trickled in, as did the weird lines.

The room also became cold.

The red rope that Dawen wrapped around the room became tense, and the copper coins hanging on the rope became hot.

The rope became more and more tense, and then reached a critical point, making a sound of being overwhelmed.

The tight rope broke directly.

With a bang, the door was also opened.

The monster showed a cold smile, stood at the door, and looked at Davin like that.

A howl sounded, and he rushed in suddenly.

The sound of melee continued for a moment.

Davin was grabbed and tore his arm.

The sharp claws pierced his chest, crushing his internal organs.

In just a few breaths, a man's body was torn apart by the monster.

But after a while, the monster sensed something was wrong again.

Looking down at the shattered corpse, it turned into a large rag doll again.

And the target it hunted has disappeared without a trace.

Dawen, who appeared 300 meters away from the room, immediately covered his mouth and nose to prevent himself from screaming.

His one-time prop doll has the effect of surrogate death, and will also send himself to the nearest safe location.

But the pain will not weaken in the slightest, and will be fed back to him.

The pain of heart-digging, tearing to pieces, and crushing bones all fed back on his body.

Dawen, who was hiding in the dark, held his breath, not daring to make a sound.

For fear of attracting the ghost just now.

[It seems that you are in trouble. 】

A line of words suddenly appeared in Dawen's eyes, as if suspended in the air.

Davin was taken aback.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in the air, but he didn't feel anything, and the words didn't change in any way.

It's like not interacting with the world.

【You look surprised! Don't be surprised, this is just a small prop. Let me tell you, several ghosts are coming towards your coordinates, you have to get out of there. 】

[If you don't want to die because of triggering the rules, just listen to me. 】

"Who are you?" Davin lowered his frightened voice.

This weird handwriting appeared in such a terrifying and gloomy environment, it was difficult for him to keep calm and think.

[I am the one who recruited you today, you have been watched by the great savior, listen to me, you can safely escape the crisis caused by the trigger rules. 】

Davin couldn't hide his shock.

He once thought that the other party was a lunatic.

It now appears that this so-called salvation organization is full of mystery.

To be able to use this method in the reincarnation game is simply unimaginable.

Could it be that there is a supreme power hidden behind them?

"Okay, what should I do?" Davin didn't have a choice, he made such a low-level mistake and put himself in a dead end.

[After the countdown is over, rush out, rush to the corridor on the right, run according to the arrow I gave you, don't look back]

After the words in the retina dissipated, a big 5 appeared.

Followed by 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Davin had no time to think about it, and without taking the medicine, he was already in a dead end.

Now it's just a matter of fighting.

He rushed out of his hiding place and down the corridor to the right.

An arrow appeared in front of him, like a floating 3D hologram.

The monster's scream sounded, hurting Davin's eardrums.

But he didn't dare to stop at all, but rushed along the arrow.

It's just right every time.

As soon as he ran over, the monster rushed out from the corridor or room beside him.

Davin rushed out of the building he was in, and rushed to the three buildings in the middle.

The eerie moon with a smiling face floats in the sky.

The mist and the scarlet light intertwine together, making it look extremely strange.

Whispers sounded in the dark corner.

Hateful visions occasionally appeared in Davin's path.

The windows of Building 3 are dilapidated, like the entrance to hell, filled with endless deep darkness.

Davin could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

When I went inside, I was surprised to find that the inside was not as dark as it looked outside.

Flickering lights provide dim illumination.

Davin didn't dare to stop for a moment, but continued to run along the arrow.

The posture of the arrow has become a little weird, not just a straight line, but a little curved.

Davin, who followed the arrow, didn't feel that he was going back, but went all the way forward, which made him feel very confused.

It's as if the information received by the eyes and other senses conflicts.

When he reached the top floor, Davin was directly pulled into the room by a hand.

Strangely, there was another Davin running in the corridor.

The ghosts also followed it to the other side, and ran out from Building 3 again.

Davin, who was dragged into the room, was almost frightened until his heart stopped beating.

If the other party hadn't firmly grabbed his hand and prevented him from using the props, I'm afraid he would have thrown the props out all at once.

It's scary.

As he was running, he was pulled in by someone.

Davin once thought that he was going to be torn to pieces by the ghost.

Knowing that he saw the face of the other party, he was able to calm down a little.

It was the strange man who recruited him today.

"Take a deep breath." Qiu Chen said, "Don't think about anything, take a deep breath."

"Yes, take a deep breath and let it out slowly."


Davin took a few deep breaths in accordance with the other party's gestures and words, before the trembling of his body subsided.

The players of reincarnation games are not as strong as people think.

Facing those emergencies, they will also fall into extreme fear.

"Your psychological quality needs to be strengthened." Qiu Chen said calmly.

"Come and try it. I ran here from Building 1, and then you dragged me here. It would be nice if I could still move around. If I'm timid, I'm afraid you'll scare me to death."

Davin retorted subconsciously.

It's not that he was timid, it was mainly because he was too sudden.

No one's heart can be tossed like this.

"Who are you?" Davin asked the question he wanted to know the answer to.

"I'm just a poor person who serves the savior of the world." Qiu Chen said, "You have passed the review and are qualified to be my companion."

"I don't want to serve the savior of the world, I'm not interested in him." Davin said, "It sounds too much like a pyramid scheme to deceive people."

Such an evaluation is too hurtful.

Qiu Chen suddenly felt powerless to complain.

You are not interested.

In fact, the Emperor of the Empire is not interested in you either, he probably won't even know who you are.

"The Salvation Society is not a pyramid scheme. Its purpose is to save us who are sinking in hell."

"I've heard of many player organizations, but I've never heard of a Salvation Society." Davin thought it must be an organization founded by a certain player, and felt a little disappointed.

The move just now gave him the illusion that the other party was a hidden boss.

Now it looks like a pyramid scheme.

Forced to drop ah.

"It's normal that you haven't heard. This organization is newly established. Our mission is to collect information for the divine light, the all-knowing and all-powerful savior, and make preparations for his coming. We have no time to delay. The Salvation Society has already prepared Invite you to be one of them."

"Davin, you have to make a choice, whether to continue living in a daze, or bravely raise the banner of resistance."

"Do you think we can resist?? For a game that can pull us into this weird space at will, can we really resist?" Davin looked at the other party and asked word by word.

"That's why we need the help of the divinely bright, omnipotent, benevolent and great savior. We will fight in His name until the moment we die. This world will eventually be redeemed, as long as we don't give up fighting."

Davin tried to see some hypocrisy and confusion in the other party's eyes.

But nothing.

The opponent is very firm.

Not a trace of confusion and self-doubt can be seen.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Qiuchen asked again: "Isn't the death of your parents and sister enough to make you resist?? You still have to put the fault on yourself, hate yourself for being powerless, hate yourself for not giving up Is this distorted world compromising? Torturing yourself with the death of your loved ones, telling yourself over and over again that you are wrong, not the world?"

Hearing this, Davin fell silent.

After a while, he looked at Qiu Chen.

"Show me your abilities. Overthrowing this dark world cannot be accomplished with passion. If I don't have enough strength, why should I follow you to do such a thing?"

"Are those just now not enough?" Qiu Chen asked.

"not enough."

"Unfortunately, I have no way to show more to non-organization members, which will increase the probability of exposure. I am only responsible for intelligence work, not combat. But I assure you, joining the Salvation Society is definitely the most correct choice for you. "

Seeing Qiuchen's appearance, Dawen fell silent.

Even if it is wrong, it is nothing more than joining a player organization.

What does this matter!

Thinking of this, Davin nodded, "Okay, I am willing to join. If this organization goes against my original intention, don't think about the sacrifices I will make."

Qiu Chen showed a smile.

"When you understand the true meaning of this organization, you will regret what you said today. You are welcome to join, Davin."

After the voice fell, the pattern of flames lit up on Davin's hand.

A double-headed eagle made of golden and blue patterns appeared on his hand, and quickly disappeared.

"Don't leak any information about the organization, otherwise, you will die. This proton detector is handed over to you. It can help you do many things, provide more vision, and make your customs clearance easier. Out of the game , you slowly study its benefits. Your task is to collect everything about the game, develop offline, strengthen the organization, and promote the anti-game concept. Everything you do will be rewarded with points according to the degree of contribution, and you can exchange them for corresponding rewards. Of course there are some rewards that can only be given to you through in-game methods.”

Qiu Chen talked about the purpose of the Salvation Society.

It is to develop members and collect intelligence without revealing one's identity.

"Assist in customs clearance? Redeem rewards." It sounded like another reincarnation game, and Davin felt as if he was involved in some extraordinary incident.

Will he witness the war between two reincarnation game forces? ?

That would be too unbelievable.

Out of hatred for the enemy, Davin has a feeling of disgust towards the whole reincarnation game.

If the reincarnation game crashes, what kind of expressions will those high-ranking reincarnation players have.

It must be very exciting.

"Let's go, it's time to clear the customs, we can't waste time here."

After explaining all this, Qiu Chen was about to open the door and leave.

"Do you have a way to clear the level?" Davin asked.

"This is also one of the benefits of being a member of the Salvation Society. We can use cheats to pass the level. After all, our task is to develop offline and collect intelligence, not to really clear the level."

Qiu Chen's words gave Dawen a little more confidence, who just thought that the Salvation Society was like a pyramid scheme.

Being able to cheat in the reincarnation game, even if the strength of the Salvation Society is weaker than the reincarnation game, it will not be so weak.

Enter the 5th building with the diary, and enter the underground laboratory along the secret passage of the 5th building.

The body of the missing frontline reporter Mo Xiaoxiao was found in the underground laboratory.

The other party has become a spirit body, but it is a kind of spirit body that is friendly to humans.

Under the guidance of Mo Xiaoxiao, they found the switch and saw the strange monster incarnated by the crazy dean.

Lead the dean away, turn on the switch, close the crack, and another passage will appear.

Davin was dumbfounded the whole time.

It's like clearing a level with a guide.

Just follow the prompts to run and get things.

Easy, no difficulty.

Qiuchen and Dawen completed the customs clearance, waiting for the fate of the remaining players to be sacrificed.

Of course, before that, Hongye Mental Hospital will still squeeze them to the end.

When the surviving players realize that no matter how hard they try, they can't pass the level. They are just playthings of the courtyard and fall into despair. This is the best harvesting moment.

These things have nothing to do with Qiuchen and Dawen who left.

Such is the nature of reincarnation games.

The purpose of its construction is not to allow players to obtain props and abilities, but to simply squeeze them and harvest them as leeks.

The task of conquering a different universe is destined to be a long-term investment that will not pay off in the short term.

The process of galactic unification is very gratifying.

After the fall of the Sotek Dynasty where the Storm King belonged.

Only the head of the Trinity Council - the King of Silence - remained.

Even unite the remaining space undead who want to resist humans, and face that terrifying legion.

The Silent King didn't have any confidence in his heart.

The surrender of the Nether Dragon made many of the Necromancer's killing moves useless.

The bright star map, the star matrix, the dimension bomb and other mass killers have all been cracked by humans.

Relying on conventional forces to fight against the human empire is also doomed to failure.

The Sotai dynasty has mastered the control agreements of many dynasties, and they are on the side of humans.

The offensive formed by these traitors alone is already very difficult, not to mention that there are humans involved.

To win, unless a miracle happens.

At this time, Marvell, the top executive of the Cancer Legion, suddenly came from the subspace to visit the Silent King to discuss the alliance.

Calgar, who suffered a great loss, mobilized a force far exceeding several times that of the Cancerous Legion to carry out a large-scale siege, and every cancerous planet was exterminated and purified.

More recently, a Primarch named Dorne joined the siege and attempted to capture the stronghold of Cadia that fell to the Eye of Terror.

Once the stronghold of Cadia is recovered, the Imperium of Man will likely take this opportunity to repair the great rift that runs across the galaxy.

After Yogg Sotos suffered a loss in the hands of Guilliman last time, he also realized that the avatar could not win the opponent.

It is possible to crush Guilliman only when the main body is dispatched.

But that is an impossible thing.

The body traverses the endless universe.

It is impossible to come to this universe for a battle that cannot reach the level of the galaxy.

The behavior of sending a large number of soldiers from the cancerous universe to this universe also requires a price, and the price is not small.

Under Calgar's comprehensive siege and extermination purification.

The expedition's Cancer Corps didn't benefit at all, and almost lost money to grandma's house. It has always been a loss-making business.

This also forced the original cancerous legion to adjust its strategy, preparing to unite the natives to kill the human empire first, and then expand the intensity of erosion to eat the entire universe.

In addition to the space undead, the green-skinned orcs, the top forces in the galaxy, and even the expelled Tyranids, and those small alien civilizations, they all sent people to discuss alliances.

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