Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 391 The past thirty million years ago (for subscription)

Camilla's rage was so staggering.

He was ready to pour out all the hatred in his heart in front of this woman in front of him.

Let the other party suffer the cruelest torture in this world.

Think back then, what a good couple she and Tiga were.

They would have loved each other and then ruled the whole world.

As a result, Di Jia was bewitched by You Lian and abandoned her and her two companions.

He also assisted You Lian to seal them up.

All of this is You Lian's fault.

If she hadn't bewitched Di Jia, Di Jia would not have betrayed.

Tiga will not betray, they will love each other together.

They will rule the world and have children of their own.

What a beautiful thing that is.

And it was all ruined.

Destroyed by You Lian.

Camilla just woke up, unaware that thirty million years have passed.

But Ju Jianhui is too similar to the former priestess-Phantom.

Even the breath is about the same.

It's normal for Camilla not to be able to tell the difference.

She stretched out her huge hand to block the light from the lumen.

Grabbed towards Junjian Hui on the platform.

Camila felt the revenge pleasure that had been suppressed for a long time, but now spewed out.

However, in the next second, Camilla screamed in pain.

She didn't speak, but the powerful spirit echoed in everyone's minds, making people realize that she was screaming.

A weapon with a flashing arc slashed at her hand, bursting out with flames, making her scream uncontrollably.

Camilla withdrew her hand, and a surprising wound appeared on the solid and immortal giant's body.

A weapon too bulky for mortals sank into her palm.

The leaping electric arc destroyed the body of the immortal giant.

Ju Jianhui, who was frightened out of his wits and limp on the ground, was also protected behind by a guy in iron armor who was much bigger than a human being.

Camilla looked at the wound in her hand, that weapon was not suitable for ordinary people.

That weapon was too big, even a strong samurai would have trouble wielding a weapon of this size.

But for a dark giant with a height of 50 meters and a weight of 39,000 tons, that weapon is like an embroidery needle of a few centimeters, insignificant.

However, that weapon was leaping with faint blue arcs.

Those arcs possess a strange power.

Tearing Camilla's wound.

Bring it a heart-pounding pain.

She couldn't help but growl angrily.


She stretched out her hand to pull out the weapon, but it was extremely painful, as if countless roots had sprouted, closely connected with her flesh and blood.

Any attempt to pull it out made her feel heart-piercing pain.

After trying several times, Camilla finally gave up because of the severe pain.

She looked at the Iron Man on the platform.

The opponent is unusually strong, tall and strong, and ordinary people are like babies in front of him.

Wearing thick gray and white armor.

On the shoulder armor there is a shark emblem with the head and tail at the same level.

The front chest is decorated with a golden double-headed eagle.

The eyepieces at the position of the eyes revealed a faint red light.

"Do you know who you've offended?" Camilla's anger almost turned into substance.

"Kill them." Dalam next to him clasped his five fingers together into a fist.

The power of darkness surged on his body, and the evil aura was unscrupulously revealed.

Durham wanted to smash the damn lab with one punch.

Let the world know they're back.

All humanity will recall the fear of being ruled by a dark giant.

This time, all human beings will finally bow at their feet.

After a flash of bright light, Durham let out a howl.

Painful and desolate.

It was like a young, beautiful, young and ignorant girl being tricked into seeing a goldfish by a huge uncle who had watched her grow up.

Just from the screams, one can hear many emotions such as fear, surprise, fear, and the astonishment subverted by common sense.

Durham, who was about to teach those humans a lesson just now, knelt on the ground, twitching uncontrollably.

Tiny arcs of electricity that never dissipated danced and crackled in the air.

There was also a smell of ionized ozone.

Ju Jianhui, who tried to stand up, stared at what happened in front of him in a daze.

The interval between Camila's attack on her and another dark giant kneeling on the ground was only a few tens of seconds.

It all happened so quickly.

It made her brain unable to react.

Just when Durham was about to throw a punch, a thick electric current split down his head.

The lightning flashed with frightening intensity.

It was as bright as the first cosmic thunder released during the big bang of the singularity.

Both Camilla and Hitler moved their heads subconsciously to avoid damage to their eyes.

The bolt of lightning was thick and big, violently penetrating into the depths of Durham's body.

It made him feel the pain that his body was almost torn apart.

The Sage of Sigmar stood on the platform, his smooth metal face showed no emotion.

The thoughts in her heart can be seen from her rotating electronic mechanical eyes.

Undoubtedly, she showed contempt for the three dark Ultraman who couldn't figure out the situation.

Sages of Sigmar are greedy.

Even the eyes and the tone of the voice reveal a naked longing for the secret of the giant's power.

But she wouldn't be so stupid that she didn't even take protective measures, and dared to let Ju Jianhui unseal the three-headed dark Ultraman.

The level of specifications in this laboratory is so high that a native like Ju Jianhui cannot understand it.

Even detaining gods or great demons in human mythology will not have the slightest problem.

This laboratory is underground in the Himalayas.

However, the silver gate that Ju Jianhui passed was a fixed dimension entrance.

In other words, they are not in the real universe at this time.

At least not the real universe that ordinary people think.

But in the gap of space.

This is also the power that Sage Sigma dared to unlock the three-headed Dark Ultraman.

Once the situation is not right, those dark Ultraman will be thrown directly into the space-time gap without time and space.

They will get lost in it.

Even if a way back could be found, it would be in the distant future.

There is a high probability that they will never come back.

The mere three-headed Ultraman, of course, possesses powerful power, which can bring huge troubles to the conquest of the empire.

But in the face of the empire's cutting-edge technology, they are still as weak as ants.

It is the power of giants that really makes the empire afraid, and it is the creator of the power of giants.

That thunder and lightning was nothing more than a small punishment.

No one can deny the power of Altman.

But they are not invincible.

same will be hurt.

Camilla looked at her companion kneeling on the ground, showing fear and anxiety.

It wasn't until this moment that she was betrayed by Di Jia, and she was so angry that she lost her mind when she saw Ju Jianhui, who was similar to You Lian, and she calmed down and observed her surroundings.

Huge shiny metal panels were inlaid on the four walls.

Huge steel-framed mechanical booms are arranged on rails all over the wall, with complex piston, hydraulic, and gear structures.

Levitating skull-like craft with eerie mechanical tentacles flew beside their gigantic bodies.

Cables of different colors and the size of an ordinary person's head snaked from the ceiling to the wall like a giant snake.

The creatures that were integrated with the mechanical metal stood on the floating platforms one after another, operating the consoles in front of them.

The armored warrior who seriously injured her just now was not without companions.

Those armored warriors were scattered on various platforms.

All have the same emblem.

A shark whose shoulder armor is at the same level as its head and tail.

Golden double-headed eagle on breastplate.

The weapons in their hands also danced with brilliance.

Camilla's heart sank.

Once a conflict breaks out, the weapons in the hands of those armored warriors alone are a huge threat.

The weapon piercing her palm was still causing her excruciating pain.

"Who are you?" Camila stared at the few humans in front of her and asked mentally.

She suppressed her anger.

These humans hold power that can harm them.

Acting rashly will only make them suffer a lot.

"I remember that Ultraman is in the form of a human body." Sage Sigma said with a cold mechanical voice: "There is no need to use such a huge body to talk."

Shar stretched out his hand, and the weapon that Camilla couldn't pull out turned into dots of light and dissipated in the air.

In his hand, the light condensed and turned into the weapon he used again.

It was a small act of kindness.

It is also another deterrent and warning.

Camila, Hitler, and Durham who stood up with difficulty looked at each other.

In spiritual communication, a tacit understanding was reached.

Remove giant form.

returned to human form.

Camilla's human body is also an extremely glamorous beauty, wearing a black ancient robe.

Protruding forward and backward, her proud figure is even more exaggerated than that of Ju Jianhui, a married woman who has given birth, lining up her loose robe.

There is a ring made of gold on the neck, inlaid with a huge black gemstone.

The other two giants looked like ancient warriors.

Durham is stronger, while Hitler looks leaner.

"I have no ill intentions towards you."

Seeing the three Ultraman human bodies appearing on the platform, Sage Sigma said, "The conflict just now was just a small accident."

There was a hint of resentment on Durham's face, he clenched his fists and looked at the guy whose body and machinery were integrated.

The thunder and lightning just now made him kneel down without dignity.

Now say no malice! !

Anger was anger, and Dalam didn't dare to make a move.

The warrior in iron armor was full of oppression, just standing there gave off a huge sense of oppression.

"What do you want to do?" Camilla asked.

"I want to know the secret of the giant's power." Sage Sigma stated his purpose directly without any obscurity.

Hearing this, the trio showed a mocking expression.

Another greedy person.

"Want the power of a giant??" Camilla pointed to Zhong Hui: "If you kill her, I'll tell you."

Jian Hui's face changed slightly.

She didn't know why the other party hated herself so much! !

"Perhaps you misunderstood something." Sage Sigmar said: "I am not discussing with you. The will of the Holy Emperor, every human being has the obligation to assist mechanical scholars in their research."

"Your tone is really arrogant," Camilla said. "Either kill her, or don't try to know the giant's secret."

"He still wants to threaten us. We haven't seen any scenes." Hitler said in a mocking tone.

"Let you bullshit king." Durham was straightforward, and just wanted to say a few harsh words to prove that the three dark giants were not easy to mess with.

Before he could say the last word emperor, he rose into the air.

Fragmented facial bone pierced his mouth, mixed with fallen teeth.

When it landed, it rolled more than a dozen times, and didn't stop until it hit the railing of the platform.

Half of Durham's face collapsed into it.

Bloody and bloody, horrible.

If he wasn't the human body of Dark Ultraman, his body would have been strengthened.

I'm afraid that slap can directly kill him.

The iron-clad giant who was standing in front of Jujianhui did not know when he stood where Dalam was just now.

Neither Camilla nor Hitler reacted.

The opponent's speed is too fast.

It's as if it just appeared out of nowhere.

A trace of panic appeared in their hearts. If they were the ones being beaten, they might not be able to react.

If the opponent is holding a weapon...

"This is a lesson, don't show any disrespect to the holy majesty." Shar stared at the human body that could not get up, and said in a cold tone: "Let me hear any words that humiliate your majesty, and you will see yourself How the headless body of the man fell down."

Since becoming the Dark Ultraman, when has Durham been wronged like this.

The face that was smashed in public.

It's just that he said something nonsense.

These damn humans are so overbearing.

"I'm sorry, this is a small accident and episode." Sage Sigma said: Let's continue the topic just now. I hope you can fulfill the obligations stipulated by the Holy Emperor and provide assistance for the research of Mechanicus. "

"We will do our best," Hitler said.

With one slap, a human body was sent flying.

I have never seen this scene before! !

Sage Sigmar said: "To the glory of the Holy Emperor, our cooperation will be very pleasant."

Durham, Hitler, and Camilla hold the power of the dark giant.

In the description of the seal, it is indicated that they are failures, a manifestation of a wrong heart being controlled by power.

However, after a series of tests and conversations, it was found that the power of the dark Ultraman is stronger than those self-proclaimed bright Ultraman.

In the Ultraman War that broke out during the ultra-ancient civilization 30 million years ago, Dark Ultraman once had an advantage.

Ultraman, who claims to be righteous, was once reduced to the target of massacre.

That means they are just defined failures, not real failures.

The sage of Sigma was examining the bodies of the dark trio, while stealing the secrets of the power of the giant, while asking about the ultra-ancient civilization 30 million years ago.

Ju Jianhui was also able to understand that ancient past.

The ultra-ancient civilization once developed to an extremely brilliant level, and has already immigrated to the stars.

Just when human beings are ambitious, trying to conquer the stars and the universe.

Darkness has fallen.

Countless horrific monsters appear all over the universe, wreaking havoc on human cities.

Civilization once reached a precarious point.

Desperation and fear hang over every human being, even every civilization.

At that time, many civilizations were trying to save themselves.

Some civilizations use their skills to control barbarians and create monsters to fight against monsters.

Some civilizations also abandoned their hometowns and chose to escape.

At one time, human beings suffered heavy casualties.

It wasn't until someone realized the power of light and was able to become an Ultraman to fight against monsters that a turning point came.

With powerful technology, the ultra-ancient civilization created more Ultraman by studying the power of light.

With their powerful strength, the Ultraman repelled the monsters and let people regain a peaceful life.

The good times didn't last long, and these individuals who wielded great power had differences.

These differences eventually led to the Ultraman Wars.

That war resulted in the death of many Ultramans and civilizations, and became the dust of history.

The Ultraman tomb that Sigma and others saw before was the masterpiece of that war.

Dark Tiga, Camila, Hitler, and Durham are in the dark camp. They travel among the stars, slaughtering and destroying civilization.

Even if Ultraman from other camps wanted to block them, they were still defeated by the powerful force.

The group of four went all the way to the earth, the origin of human beings.

At that time, there were two Ultramen in the Earth Guard, one was Soluka and the other was Daya.

In addition, there is an unnamed Ultraman who came from other places to support him with a monster.

I thought it would easily destroy this world.

As a result, Dark Tiga was persuaded by You Lian and chose to betray the group of four, sealing Camila and others.

Combined with the information You Lian said, it is also possible to infer the following things.

The reason why the human beings saved by Qi Jiehua were not saved may also be because the casualties caused by the war were too painful, so they were restricted and no longer allowed to interfere with the choices of normal society.

Tiga left behind his fighting body and returned to his homeland in Orion.

But the blood of him and other ultra-ancient fighters has been passed down.

Descendants with blood can still become light and fight as giants.

Of course, this is just a one-sided guess.

The Sage of Sigma is not very interested in this period of history, and the reason why he is willing to piece it together is simply to find clues.

It is learned that the ultra-ancient civilization once possessed the technology to manufacture Ultraman.

Sages of Sigmar think they may have gained some technological knowledge about the civilization that created the power of the Titans.

To create Ultraman.

But he also faintly felt that something was wrong.

The dark frenzy appeared, and the technology and method of creating Ultraman were discovered.

In the end, it failed to prevent the destruction of the ultra-ancient civilization.

Even let many races and civilizations in the universe come to a big cleansing.

There must be something to do with it.

Nowadays, the number of Ultraman has also increased with the intensity of the dark invasion.

Does it indicate something again! !

Just as he was about to press for more information, Sage Sigmar was rewarded by his servant.

It is said that the local Aboriginal supporters hope to be able to interview the sage himself.

"You continue to do experiments." Sage Sigma explained to his subordinates, and then left the laboratory to meet the local aborigines.

Before the empire officially came, these natives could play a huge role.

Some appeasement and rewards are necessary to make them serve the empire more wholeheartedly.

Emperor Supreme.

Guilliman, who was staying in his secret laboratory, ushered in the opening task of the fifth stage.

The database knowledge gained in the first four phases has transformed the empire and even gained the upper hand in local inter-universe conflicts.

The database of the fifth stage will definitely bring him, and even the empire, more surprises.

For this reason, Guilliman received news from the auxiliary elves.

He put down his work and clicked on the system interface to see what is the task of opening the database in the fifth stage?

ps: The location of the super ancient giant war was changed from the earth to the battle among the stars. Otherwise, a group of giants fought on the earth, and the earth did not explode. Opening five, it can kill the mysterious Siao, and then elaborate on the super ancient things,

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