Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 392 The Cruelty of the Empire (Subscribe)

[You have successfully activated the fifth stage certification task, task requirements: Please obtain the dominion right of a universe. 】

[After completing the task requirements, the system will automatically verify and open the knowledge database of the fifth stage. 】

Look at the prompts on the system interface.

Guilliman frowned slightly.

Gain complete dominion over a universe.

The requirements of this task are not low.

Don't look at the empire fighting around, it looks powerful.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, you can see the problem.

The empire is just a taste of each universe, without in-depth development, and has not gained any absolute advantage.

The No. 01 Misty Universe and the No. 02 DC Universe have only occupied a small part of the entire universe.

It is equivalent to the conquest of other people's small border villages by the regular army of the empire.

It has not yet reached the point where the two forces are really at war.

The only one that has officially declared war is the reincarnation game universe.

Guilliman also played tricks.

The status of the other party is obviously not online.

At present, it is only some players and low-level characters who are fighting against the empire.

Speaking of players, Guilliman has to admire the mastermind who came up with this harvesting method.

This kind of method can be called the pinnacle, it thoroughly understands the greed, selfishness, arrogance and many other emotions of real creatures, and uses them reasonably.

Players are a group with low requirements. They will find ways to solve problems by themselves. They can harvest souls and flesh and blood, and they will take up arms to defend their identity as captive livestock.

Occasionally, one or two idiots can be heard yelling from the perspective of the beneficiary class that there will be no regrets in this life, and they will be players in the next life.

Guilliman was shocked when he saw the report from the front.

Very good at playing.

Playing with people's hearts in a simple way, itching into the bone marrow.

Guilliman paced back and forth in his private laboratory.

The task of conquering a universe is a huge test for the empire, for him, and even for everyone.

The size of the universe is guaranteed to be more than 90 billion light-years.

This is only the distance that can be observed.

When the space-time structure is large enough, it will bend, causing a steep, inevitable collapse.

When people stand by the sea and look over, the sea level that can be observed is limited.

From the human eye to the place where the sea and the sky connect is the observable distance.

This is because the earth is curved and light is straight.

The same is true in the universe.

The overly large three-dimensional space-time structure bends at angles that ordinary people cannot imagine.

For this reason, there is also the farthest observation distance, which does not mean that the universe is only this big!

The Empire has yet to conquer even the Local Group.

It will be an unimaginably long time to conquer the universe.

"Isn't this task too difficult!! Assisting the elves?" Guilliman asked: "One civilization rules a universe, such a thing, even I dare not breed such ambitions."

[As long as you have the heart, there is nothing difficult in the world, host, come on, (*^▽^*)]

"Um, do you know what it means to rule a universe!!" Guilliman said, "With tens of billions of light-years of time and space, even a god would feel small and powerless."

【come on. The host, the more powerful the civilization, the wider its radiation range, and the stronger its control over the universe itself. The small and fine model is not realistic for civilization. 】

"Can't you change the mission?" Guilliman asked helplessly.

[All verification tasks are based on the best choices made by human civilization itself. If it is impossible to rule a universe, it is a good thing for human beings not to open the database of the fifth stage. Without enough time and space resources, manpower, and material resources, rushing into the ranks of high-level civilizations is actually a disaster. 】

[Letting human beings master star-destroying weapons in the industrial age will only destroy civilization, and even lead to the destruction of their homeland, and there will be no chance to start again. 】

[The host is requested to complete the trial task to ensure that human civilization is capable enough to accept those technologies. 】

Guilliman was left speechless by the helper elves.

After closing the system interface, he sighed melancholy.

All kinds of mechanical equipment buzzed around him.

The machinery moves with rhythms that mortals cannot comprehend.

The brooders trembled as they processed the vast amount of data.

Various suspended light and shadow models are located in the air of the laboratory.

Paper and data chips are stacked on several sleek tables.

The printed schematic is attached to the metal plate.

The plan to resurrect ancient heroes is still steadily advancing.

If it is the resurrection of a single hero, it is not difficult.

But his plan is to break the boundary between life and death, so that those heroes can be resurrected automatically.

It's like the resurrection mechanism of the game.

Doing so has completely disrupted the cycle of birth and death in the universe.

The difficulty is extremely exaggerated and terrifying.

It is a difficulty that ordinary people can't imagine.

Guilliman walked towards the door, took off his overalls for working in high-risk environments, and put on a corset for leisure.

The task of conquering the universe is somewhat difficult, and he has to go through his thoughts to see how he can speed up the process.

At present, the empire has only carried out exploration and conquest wars on the large and small Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda Nebula.

And these are just a part of the local group of galaxies.

And there are a hundred such groups or clusters of galaxies in the Virgo Supernova Cluster.

The Local Group of galaxies is just one of the fringes, with its center 60 million light-years away from Tara.

In addition to the Wotan alliance encountered in Andromeda, other nebulae also have enemies.

Damn Tyranids are also in those signs of nebula activity.

Exploration and conquest fleets have come into contact with the Tyranid tentacles, and skirmishes have erupted.

Guilliman had reason to believe that there were a huge number of Zergs floating in the void, and the battle between humans and the Tyranids would definitely unfold on an unimaginable scale in the future.

"I have to talk to Kaul, and I have to find some ways to speed up the empire's conquest." Guilliman said as he walked out of his laboratory: "If we want to learn their methods from other universes, we must To speed up the learning of all kinds of knowledge, the knowledge of the black library must be obtained as soon as possible, and we must find a way to rescue the gods of the spirit race."

A series of disturbing things came to Guilliman's mind.

More and more difficulties were placed before him.

Promoting the development of a civilization is by no means an easy task.

Guilliman felt that he was very likely to be in danger of dying from overwork.

Walking out of the top-secret laboratory, the personal guards and imperial guards headed by Sicarius and others are on duty outside.

They were absolutely respectful as Guilliman stepped out.

Guilliman smiled at them.

"Inform the prime minister and let them prepare to report to me the latest situation of the empire, and one more thing, let Kaul come to see me."

Guilliman walked, giving orders everywhere he went.

Soon several broke away from the ranks to read Guilliman's orders.

The whole bureaucracy is in quick motion.

Universe 02.

Lucifer sat behind the bar in his bar, wiping his glass.

There was nobody in the bar.

All he can do is wipe the wine glass.

For an individual with supernatural power, he is the one who has the most insight into the truth and the future.

The empire has the last mercy for the gods and demons born in human mythology, allowing them to surrender and become ordinary citizens of the empire.

As for the mythic quests of other races, they are less benevolent.

Reports of Godslayer appear every few days.

Whether it is the new god or the old god, they have all become victims of the empire's butcher knife.

Except for the unseen holy emperor, the empire no longer allows any other beliefs.

If someone stubbornly wants to believe in those gods, the empire's approach will always be simple and rude.

In addition to the practices of previous rulers, the empire will also hunt down and kill the individual who dares to confuse human beings to offer their beliefs to it.

Before those heretics were sentenced to death, they often saw how their gods were killed.

God has become synonymous with sin and waste of resources in this age.

It is an object that must be defeated.

Each world has its own pantheon.

Wherever civilization breeds, so will the Pantheon.

The Empire sees gods as parasites on the way of civilization.

It's like there will always be insect eggs in the soil where you take home to grow flowers.

Lucifer could do nothing to slander them like this.

Just surviving is already a matter of consuming all the effort.

When the empire kills the gods, there will never be any hesitation.

Those who dare to question the empire are either dead or dead.

Not long ago, someone came to tell him that Duckmond was dead.

The strongest new god, like the other heavenly fathers who rebelled against the empire, had his head cut off.

Even his temple and race were destroyed.

The Empire has dealt an extermination strike on Darkmond's homeworld.

Someone went there, leaving only ruins and charred bodies.

Footsteps were heard, and a man walked into the bar.

He was wearing a windbreaker and sat opposite Lucifer.

"Have a drink, old friend."

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