Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 394 The Beginning of the Empire's Killing of Gods (Subscribe)

There are many legendary stories in this world.

People also love stories.

From the legends of the gods to those adventurers, the travel notes of knights.

Countless stories circulate in people's daily life.

But among these stories, what kind of story is the most shocking, it is undoubtedly the story of the king.

Caesar who established the Roman Empire, Cyrus the Great who created the Achaemenid Dynasty, Genghis Khan who trampled many civilizations under his feet, Alexander the Macedonian Kingdom, and Qin Shihuang in the East, each of them is ancient and modern, and the establishment is invincible. The king of merit.

Even though time has passed, when talking about these people, people will still faintly reveal expressions of admiration and yearning.

But compared to the current imperial emperor, they are so small that they cannot be seen.

An emperor who brought many mythical figures to their knees.

A supreme lord who controls the stars and wants to rule the multiverse.

It is no longer possible to find suitable words to describe his achievements from human dictionaries.

No matter how majestic the vocabulary, when describing the other party, it seems pale and weak.

No one can imagine whether there is a greater feat in this world than the Holy Emperor.

Nor could anyone think of anyone more ambitious than the Holy Emperor.

The gap between any arrogant person in the world in front of the Holy Emperor is indescribable.

Everyone gathered together, and they walked to Constantine's side.

Looking forward to the other party being able to talk about that mysterious, unimaginable king.

Constantine looked around the crowd and showed a smile.

He is very familiar with such a scene.

Seeing the confused and ignorant eyes of these people always made him feel a little refreshed.

Constantine is not a person who cares about other people's emotions.

They will not use bragging and showing off to raise their social status.

But who can bear the pain of being able to show off but not being able to show off! !

Constantine took out an exquisite holographic ball from his arms, "I naturally saw the holy emperor, and I even had a face-to-face conversation with him."

The holographic ball is extremely smooth, it is a fist-sized ball made of metal.

Following Constantine's actions, the holographic ball was suspended in the air, and amidst the slight inaudible hum of the machine, the upper and lower ends of the machine extended, and the released beams outlined scenes.

The face of a giant appeared in those images.

Noble and perfect, as if carved by a skilled master with perfect knife work.

This portrait is no stranger to everyone in the bar.

The Imperial Daily, the Imperial Military Forum, and many other propaganda organizations with an official background in the Empire will broadcast some news about Terra, and the Holy Emperor often appears on the screen.

"I know the fear in your hearts. Being an empire of a different universe conflicts with the simple race and national consciousness you promote. Many people regard the empire as an invader, thinking that the empire has taken away your homeland, your traditions, and your national consciousness. But you also need to realize that the unity of mankind is inevitable, if we cannot deal with the future crisis as a whole, how far can this race go?"

The voice of Constantine also appears in the picture, but it sounds very bad.

Talking incoherently like a nervous kid, not at all his usual self-confidence.

"It's really shameful." A drinking guest said: "Constantine, you usually talk like a machine gun, and you never stop. Why do you act like a newlywed daughter-in-law who hasn't opened her buds?"

Dante Kang glanced at the other party, and said in a contemptuous tone: "If you go to meet him, I'm afraid you will behave worse than me."

"That's not necessarily the case." The drinker said: "What can the Holy Emperor do! Isn't it also two eyes and one mouth."

Constantine laughed when he heard this.

"Friend. Do you know who He is?? Look at this."

Constantine patted Lucifer who was wiping the glass.

"The great morning star, Lucifer, one of the Satans of hell. He is now buying alcohol in the bar, mixing it for you, and earning you a few imperial credits. Did you dare to think of this kind of treatment before?"

"What do you think made him let go of being the king of hell and sit here bartending drinks instead of ripping open your idiot's brain to see how much water is in there."

"It is because of him, the holy emperor of the empire, that Lord Lucifer can sit here and mix drinks for you in a friendly manner. In front of such a person, do you think you can talk eloquently? Think about it yourself, what qualifications do you have to stand up?" Talking freely in front of the other party, do you have that kind of person who sees the big picture?"

Many drinkers thought about what Constantine said.

It was found that the other party was right.

How could it be possible for people like them to stand in front of such a person and talk freely! !

The drinker was also speechless by Constantine.

Constantine drank the wine in his glass, stood up and looked at the crowd.

"In the deep subspace where the so-called gods and demons such as Lucifer have no choice but dare not even touch, the empire has laid a tunnel there for inter-universe communication, trying to open up all universes. Think about such a handwriting , who can do it with such courage?"

"You people are short-sighted. You can't see the vastness of the universe. You are like those serfs who lived on one acre of land in the age of great exploration. You can't imagine what kind of era is waiting for you. But One day you get the chance to go to other galaxies and other universes, then you will realize how stupid and ignorant you are at this time, and how insignificant everything you have insisted on. Only then will you truly realize a How heavy is the title of the Holy Emperor. He is a huge wave sweeping across the sky, but we are just one of the insignificant waves."

"Compared with what you said, I want to know the history of the empire." Lucifer said, "Is it an ancient empire that lasted forever?"

Constantine scratched his head when he heard this, "It's not, but if you listen to the real history of the empire, you will definitely worship the holy emperor, and you will understand why those crazy imperial people treat their The emperor is so respected, and you will also realize what a truly great king is like. He is so great, so selfless, and only for mankind, only for the empire, and he has given up everything. You will be that great How noble is the man who knows that he wields supreme power not for enjoyment, but for the infinite responsibility and obligation."

"Get your tissues ready, because you're going to cry in the rest of the story, until it's over, and I never have the slightest doubt about that, because someone as heartless and indifferent as I am, hearing those who poured their hearts out Everything, just for the story of survival, I couldn't help crying, human beings can reach such a level of tenacity, fighting with all their strength in the eternal darkness, just for that glimmer of light."

"This story starts from the Great Crusade, from the father of the Holy Emperor, a king who failed but gave everything for mankind. The imperial people called him the Emperor. The most critical of these stories is naturally the Holy Emperor. The Primarchs of the world, and the Astartes they command, are the predecessors of those self-proclaimed Primaris warriors you see. They are a group of creatures stronger than mortals, but weaker than gods."

"Let me think about where to start. Let's start with Pope Moranson, the father of the Holy Emperor - the warlord killed by the Emperor. That's the beginning of the empire's killing of gods."

Constantine opened the curtain of the story with an extremely exaggerated tone.

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