Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 395 The Basic Strategic Policy of the Empire (Subscribe)

"I witnessed the emperor's unification of Terra, the fall of those technological warlords, and the first flame of the rebirth of human civilization from the ashes."

"I also witnessed the betrayal of Horus, the moment when the Emperor's foundation collapsed, and the day when Terra was drowned in blood."

"My name is Sagittarius, a poor wretch buried in a sarcophagus."

This sentence comes from the memoirs of Sagittarius, a veteran of the Shield Guard Battalion of the Imperial Army during the Great Crusade.

Just write it on the first page, the first line.

This is the memoir of a Custodian who participated in the Terra Unification War and the Great Crusade.

The story of this Custodian is very rich.

He accompanies the Emperor to rise, and is eventually entombed in the Dreadnought Sarcophagus in battle.

After the Siege of Terra, the Emperor sat on the Golden Throne, and he left this memoir to record stories that should not be forgotten.

The book has been kept in the Custodian's library.

After the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, the scholars responsible for the study of history had access to these hidden materials, thus compiling a copy for the world.

The memoirs left behind have also become important historical materials for people to study the beginning of the empire.

Let people really see the end of those heroes, those shameful betrayals.

His story has been buried in the long river of history.

Then it was excavated by people, put in the history museum of the empire, and continued to be sung.

This story is destined not to be forgotten.

It will go on and on until the universe is destroyed, all things decay, and even the gods disappear in that unpredictable and imaginary immensity, and the story will go on.

What Constantine wants to tell is the story left by the Custodian.

The story isn't the best.

But it is the most comprehensive.

The story tells of the rise of the Emperor, the founding of the Imperium, and the war between the Primarch and the Space Marines from the perspective of the Custodians.

After the horrific omnic war that caused mankind to completely fall to the dominant position of the ruler of the galaxy, the Eternal Night Crisis followed.

The glory of human civilization marching towards the Milky Way quickly came to an end and became fragmented.

The Eternal Night Crisis lasted for more than five thousand years.

All worlds colonized by humans have been cut off by violent warp storms, making interstellar travel impossible.

Terra was cut off from all colonies.

Countless human worlds across the galaxy are caught in chaotic wars.

The struggle for power between various forces and nations has torn humanity apart.

And in some worlds where governments have completely collapsed and are controlled by psykers and mutants, some bizarre and terrifying events have also occurred.

Groups of inanimate beings crossed the boundary between reality and fantasy, and entered the real universe.

Those monsters spewed out of the subspace in groups, harvesting and sacrificing the entire planet, causing countless unimaginable and terrible killings.

It was an unimaginable dark age.

Countless powerful technologies have been forgotten.

The virtues and progress of the past are abandoned.

All that's left is constant chaos and killing each other.

The once noble humans have turned into a pack of savage beasts.

Crazy psykers and religious demagogues wage war incessantly.

Human civilization is destroyed as quickly as a collapsing tower.

Just when mankind is about to usher in the final destruction.

A great character has emerged.

He is the Father of the Holy Emperor, the Great Emperor, the Founder of the Empire, the Guardian of Mankind, and the Warrior against the Gods.

From the moment he stepped onto the stage, until ten thousand years into the future, the Emperor's name will be sung countless times.

In the Era of Long Night, Terra became a wasteland contested by technological overlords, mutants, and psykers.

The land turned into scorched earth.

The oceans have also dried up.

People are living in the wasteland like beasts.

Murder and villainy are everywhere.

They do whatever it takes to survive, and lose all their noble qualities as human beings.

To reverse all this, the Emperor raised his legions, Thunder Warriors and Custodians, from the ruins.

The former is his army that fights in all directions to frighten the enemies.

The latter is the bodyguard sworn to give his life and soul for him.

Those weak warlords and forces were defeated by him, and all the population and supplies were absorbed.

Like a snowball, the Emperor's power grew stronger and stronger.

Moranson's Pope was the first hard bone he encountered.

He established a huge religious country in the wasteland in the name of God.

Pride and fear are at the heart of religion. ,

People are always afraid of death, fear of ups and downs, fear of the cruel power of the universe, fear of the coming extinction, fear of their own powerlessness in the face of fate.

Pope Moranson established a religious force maintained by fear by means of propagating doomsday theory.

This force is extremely cruel and bloody.

A mass grave full of bones.

Pagans were crucified and sacrificed everywhere.

Blood and cruelty are the hallmarks of Pope Moranson's forces.

In the beginning, the Pope was just a priest giving out water and food.

Those gods noticed him and tortured him in the name of faith, making his life rough and suffering.

When he prayed, those gods blessed in a very real way.

By such means, the pastor became more and more convinced of his God, calling himself the Shepherd of God.

Under the order of God, he ordered those people who followed him to dedicate themselves to the evil machines left over from the ancient long night, cloned ferocious remodeled soldiers to conquer the city for him, and brought "liberation" to those people in the name of God.

One by one gathering places were captured by him, and more refugees were collected by him.

In order to achieve God's will, they are so depraved, committing appalling atrocities for so-called justice.

Superstition and ignorance made them sink deeper and deeper.

In order to verify their beliefs, they killed those pagan captives again and again, and piled up the corpses to form mass graves.

Those crimes were so horrific, so unforgivable.

The Emperor led Thunder Warriors and Custodians to attack them.

Pope Moranson has well preserved many advanced technologies in his hands, and he also has the mysterious subspace power.

He knows how to stir up the ignorant.

Tribal wildlings and fanatics swore to defend their faith and their future.

They wear crude power armor, wrapped in the fur of cloned animals to protect against the cold wind.

The bulky, slim, muscular, genetically modified flesh is covered in countless religious symbols and scars.

The first large-scale war broke out soon.

The nuclear bomb landed, setting off a deafening explosion and a mushroom cloud that was clearly visible tens of kilometers away.

Fighters from both sides held up various banners and fought in the ruins of the city full of white bones.

Cries of battle and screams of death echoed in the radiated blast.

Terrible cannons and engines blazed with scorching flames and deafening noises.

In the killing of the Thunder Warriors and the Forbidden Army, Pope Moranson's defeat was inevitable.

In order to restore his great cause, he performed a terrible witchcraft.

With the outbreak of war, all the mysterious magic was released by the pope.

A dense swarm of insects like a torrential rain, covering the sky and the sun, swept towards the Emperor's army.

Block the air intake, muzzle, goggles, nose, ears and eyes.

The drinking water boiled out of thin air, the engines overheated and overloaded, and burned one after another.

Many soldiers either became hard stone statues, or became soft and boneless, or their flesh rotted and fell off.

Some fell into madness, roaring hysterically.

Others turned into demons and killed each other.

The swarms crawled everywhere, spreading madly.

People are covered with abscesses, and then undergo catastrophic physical and mental changes, turning into unspeakable monsters to attack their companions and chew their bloody corpses.

In this moment of despair, the Emperor appeared like the rising sun, and the power of those sorceries melted away like spring snow.

And his personal guards took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward, rushed into the fortress, captured that guy alive, and ended this terrible battle.

Pope Moranson was eventually executed, and his people were absorbed into the nascent empire.

The Emperor brutally destroyed all the temples built by the Pope, and reduced to ashes all the poems and books that recorded those gods.

Using a violent method, all traces of the existence of gods were erased.

The failure of Pope Moranson laid the foundation for the unification of the emperor.

Since then, the pan-pacific tyrant-Dum, the brutal gene lord-Bishop Tang, Akkad who rules the central region of Asia and Europe, and the Nofi lord who masters the Ecindio-class combat robot developed in the golden age, etc., are also taking over. Lost in the battle to go down.

Their brutal reign was ended by the Emperor.

Some were imprisoned in Terra's prisons, while others were banished for good.

The Emperor conquered Terra and rebuilt human civilization from the ruins.

He initiated many social reforms. Fear and superstition were driven out, and practicality and rationality followed.

Astronomical torches for interstellar FTL travel were built.

A star language hall for interstellar FTL communication was also established.

The Emperor used various genetic experiments to stabilize the population and reshape the human species back to what it was before the Warp Storm.

Under the persuasion of the Emperor, the Genetic Church of the Moon and the Mechanical Church of Mars finally chose to surrender to the Emperor.

With the help of the two, the Emperor shaped the predecessor of the Primaris Warriors - the Space Marines, and built a large number of ships, kicking off the glorious Great Crusade.

The Emperor sets out with his Legions of Space Marines on a great quest to free all of humanity from the xenos and monsters of the warp.

One world after another was reclaimed.

The alien enemies are scattered or wiped out in a series of battles.

A world polluted by warp space, decontaminated by virus missiles and cyclone torpedoes unleashed during orbital bombardment.

During the battle, he also retrieved the Primarchs who were flung to other planets by the Chaos God one by one, allowing them to lead the space fighters created with them as anchors according to the original plan.

The Primarch was fashioned from the Emperor's own gene pool.

Every bit has been tweaked.

Shaped into the leader of humanity, General.

The Space Marines were also divided into eighteen Legions, corresponding to the eighteen Primarchs scattered throughout the galaxy.

These Primarchs were supposed to grow by the Emperor's side.

As a result, traitors who strayed into the chaotic time stream and the machinations of the Chaos Gods caused the Primarchs, who were still in their infant state, to be scattered throughout the galaxy and grow up far away from the Emperor.

After launching the Great Crusade, the Emperor joined up with the Primarchs one after another.

The Primarch galloped like a god on the battlefield of the Great Crusade, reclaiming one world after another for the Empire.

Under the leadership of the Primarch, the Space Marines have achieved great development.

The progress of the Great Crusade was also accelerated by the return of the Primarch.

Every world that is liberated is swiftly armed.

Just like a snowball, the empire's expeditionary forces became larger and larger.

After a series of brilliant victories in the Great Crusade.

The Emperor felt the time had come to return to Terra for the next phase of his grand plan to save humanity.

He believes that the Primarch he created will replace him in subsequent campaigns.

The Primarchs have proven themselves time and again, and will soon wipe out the xenomorphs and other threats to humanity once and for all.

Horus was the first Primarch to return and the Emperor's greatest champion.

In the campaign to wipe out the alien empire, he gained recognition.

The Emperor entrusted the Great Crusade to him, making him Warmaster.

There's nothing special about storytelling, but it's not that simple when it comes to telling stories that people love.

Constantine has precisely this ability.

Many people think he is cynical and a liar who can only play tricks.

But people have to admit that lip service is often an enviable skill.

In many cases, this skill only belongs to people with extraordinary talents, and it is by no means something that can be achieved by later transformation and strengthening.

For a story to be moving enough, the speaker must have the ability to empathize with others.

The transformation technology of the empire can give a person a strong body and quick thinking, but it cannot give a person the ability to empathize.

This ability is an absolute gift.

People are fascinated by the history of the empire told by Constantine.

A history book of the empire written by countless people with their lives and courage slowly unfolded in front of them.

Let them get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes story of a powerful empire with countless advanced technologies and a massive army.

The existence of the Empire is a miracle.

But it is not a miracle created by God.

It is a miracle created by countless heroes who exchanged their lives for human survival.

People listened quietly to the past of the empire.

The last trace of resistance to the empire in my heart also disappeared.

The empire is not some unimaginable god, nor is it some unfathomable supreme existence.

It is made up of ordinary human beings one by one.

The establishment of an empire is not as easy and ordinary as God's creation of the world in seven days.

Nor did the creator of empires create the world with a few words.

It was after countless setbacks and countless battles that he led mankind out of the predicament and established an empire in the ruins and desolation.

The existence of the empire praises not the gods, but the human beings themselves.

The people sitting together put themselves into this story, imagining themselves in the grand and magnificent expedition.

What a grand plan that is.

"This kind of story can satisfy those who are in the second grade, but it is far from making people cry." Lucifer, who was wiping the wine glass, looked up and said.

Constantine drank his glass of wine and smiled.

"This story is just the beginning. If it is just like this, I will never cry uncontrollably. The cruelest thing in the world is no different from showing the beauty in front of you, and then smashing it completely. You have already I have witnessed a king's expectations for his own race, witnessed the great grand plan outlined by the first human lord for human beings, and what follows is the cruel part of this story."

"You are my son, Horus. We have fought side by side the longest, and you are the one who knows my dreams and goals best. Now, the time has come for me to retire from Terra, and my duty as a warrior has come. It will end here, and the next battle will be handed over to you. I give you the title of Warmaster. From now on, all my troops and generals will obey your orders, as if the order was issued by me personally, Take my trust to save those lost compatriots."

Horus became Warmaster and gained control of all armies.

The Emperor returned to Terra to begin the next phase of his plan.

If this plan is successful, human beings will be truly liberated and able to live happily, and the dark long night will never happen again.

In order to better coordinate the resources of the various regions, the Emperor established the Council of Terra to handle the affairs of Terra's government, as well as establish and maintain the laws of the Empire throughout the countless Imperial worlds.

The Emperor's departure caused a lot of trouble to people.

After the formation of the Terran Council, the Primarchs who did not get a seat felt that they had been abandoned.

They openly questioned Horus' orders, ignored his commands, or twisted them for personal ends.

Horus felt the pressure.

He had to do everything in his power to maintain the balance and fight for victory in order to maintain his identity and status.

Horus desperately needed honor to prove himself worthy of the title of Warmaster.

Any offense to reputation was intolerable to Horus at the time.

And those enemies hidden in the dark just took advantage of this.

The Emperor launched this war not to create an empire under his control, but for the true detachment of mankind, so that mankind can escape the fate of ultimate destruction.

And the enemies of the emperor are those original destroyers. Some people call them gods, and some call them omnipotent beings, but no matter what the sayings and names are, it can be seen that those guys are powerful and terrifying.

When the Emperor was powerful, they hid.

They came to life when the Emperor was forced to leave his sons, secretly looking for opportunities to corrupt the Emperor's children.

As the warp storm loomed, the Emperor's time was running out.

Before the arrival of the new warp space storm, he must create a super-light speed road that does not depend on the warp space, and maintain the communication and navigation of the empire.

The arrival of the storm weakened the links between the empire's domains.

Even with the guidance of the astronomical torch, subspace navigation is slowly becoming dangerous.

The connection between the empire and Terra is slowly weakening.

Humanity must find a way to circumvent its dependence on the warp, otherwise the nascent empire will be destroyed in a new round of storms.

If it fails this time, mankind will never have the chance to rebuild civilization.

The Chaos Gods will completely control the real universe, just like those corrupted universes, becoming a paradise for the lifeless.

The Empire will once again be fragmented, and human civilization will be destroyed.

The Emperor must hurry up to carry out his plans and get all the work done.

This plan is so critical.

So much so that he can only share it with the few people who have been with him all the time.

Not even the Primarchs know the details.

When the arrogant and ignorant primarchs were out of the Emperor's care, they were corrupted by the primordial beings who deliberately wanted to enslave mankind and control the real universe.

The first Corruptor was Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers Chapter.

He adored those of great power and built enough temples for the Emperor.

In Zeal, he committed many unforgivable crimes in the Emperor's name.

Imagine taking the religious wars of the Middle Ages into space.

Planet after planet was burned as heretics for refusing to listen to Lorgar's religious theories.

Make the whole world smell like barbecue.

During the Great Crusade, Lorgar launched countless religious massacres.

Many innocents have been ordered to exterminate for not accepting the Word Bearers' preaching.

The emperor didn't like Lorgar's approach, and he reprimanded him many times, and asked him to learn from the Holy Emperor-Guilliman.

Out of jealousy, this guy turned to worship the power to destroy the world.

He and his minions secretly planned the Devon incident.

Stealing a fearsome weapon of warp evil from a human civilization scattered across the stars, tricking Horus into their trap, allowing a traitor on the planet Devon to use it hurt Horus.

Debilitated by physical trauma, coupled with doubts about the Emperor's cause, the evil gods eventually broke through Horus' defenses.

Horus has no idea what the Emperor is doing in the dungeon! !

Nor is it clear that humanity is already facing an unprecedented crisis of extinction.

A super-large-scale subspace storm will tear up the fragile human civilization and turn the entire real universe into a hell.

All he felt was that he had been abandoned by his father, and that his Primarch brothers were unwilling to follow his lead.

In deceit and lies, Horus made a sinful pact with the gods of Chaos.

"Give us the Emperor, and you will be the true Lord of the Galaxy, Horus."

The Chaos gods tricked Horus into thinking that his father was the source of the chaos.

He wants to save mankind from the hand of his father.

Those Primarchs who were already corrupt and disgruntled with the Emperor were quickly won over by him.

Even the Space Marines were quickly drawn into their side.

The Primarch's influence on the Legion is great.

The Space Marines regard the Primarch as their father and mentor, and are willing to fight to the death for the Primarch.

Of course, there are also some Space Marines who are not in the same boat.

They regard the future of humanity as more important than the Primarch.

Firmly believe that only the Emperor can lead the future of mankind.

A sad betrayal soon erupts.

Horus used his power to send away those Space Marine Legions who could not be loyal to him, and twisted the Emperor's order, causing the Space Wolves and the Thousand Sons Wizards to fight bloody.

On Istvan 3 planet, Horus planned another big cleansing event.

And set a trap in Isstvan, ambush the three loyal Primarchs together with those Primarchs who had betrayed but not exposed.

In the end, the Iron Hand-Primarch Ferrus was killed, the Salamander-Primitive Vulkan was captured, and the Raven Guard-Primarch Corax was rescued after a long guerrilla, but his subordinates suffered heavy casualties as a result. .

Constantine lowered his voice, and the holographic ball in his hand was also broadcasting the sorted out video and audio.

Those heroes howled in betrayal and despair.

They never thought that their companions would betray them.

The images of one war after another have been recorded.

The battle of Isstvan, the betrayal of Calth, the massacre of five hundred worlds, Beta Garmon, etc., wars based on galaxies continued to break out.

Tens of billions of human beings die each time.

People's mood is also slowly sinking.

The glory of a human civilization is covered with a faint haze.

The drinkers took their places in silence.

The past of the empire is so tragic.

Saddens everyone who listens.

"I have a life full of honor and a little regret, traitor, dare you say that?"

"For everything we've ever created."

"The steppes and mountains of Chogoris are so beautiful that I can't see them any more."

"Never fail the blood of Sanguinius."

"The Iron Hand never surrenders."

"Even if Vulkan is dead, Salamander will never compromise."

"Fenris forged our unyielding will."

"I want to sing your stories for future generations, but unfortunately I can't."

"Remember my name, devil, my name is Orr, and I will forever spurn you and your master."

When Constantine told about the siege of Terra, about those heroes who once fought for mankind among the stars and died one after another to defend the future of mankind.

Mortals took up arms against the ghastly monsters.

Use your thin body to fight against those minions of evil gods.

Relying on each other in the dark, for that poor little courage.

Someone is already in tears.

Just because what the empire sang was not the story of superheroes, but the stories of countless ordinary people defending their hard-won homeland.

They took up arms because of the destruction of their homeland, against unimaginable monsters, against traitors who turned to the gods.

There are no heroes in tights, and no miracles performed by the gods.

Only countless human beings have survived in exchange for blood and courage.

"The battle between the loyalists and the rebels was extremely fierce. They competed for one palace wall after another, and corpses piled up like mountains. Those war vehicles stepped forward, and what they trampled were corpses and ashes. The war soon reached its climax. After a long war, loyalists and traitors alike have reached their limits."

"The Loyalists are driven to the last wall. With no tactics, no strategy, and no hope, those horrible monsters manifest at will, slaughtering every human being. The sky of Terra is covered with countless horrors. The mountain-like giant eye , Huge tentacles like Mount Everest slapping the rotten ground, everything is so terrifying, the whole world is pulled into the abyss. If Terra falls, human beings will have no hope at all.”

"The emperor came out of the underground palace where he had been hiding all the time scarred. Those warriors and scholars who followed the emperor into the underground palace for the future of mankind have also shed their last blood. His plan - can be used for FTL communication and the sailing Webway failed by the folly of his son, Magnus of the Thousand Sons."

"For the sake of the human beings he guards, and to allow this stupid and short-sighted race to continue to exist, he has already decided to fight his son of betrayal, even if this decision will cost him his life, he will not hesitate. For humanity, the Emperor would give anything."

"When the Emperor was preparing for the decisive battle with Horus, the Loyalist reinforcements were only a few hours away from Terra. The Loyalists rushed to Terra desperately. As long as their army entered the battlefield, the battle situation There will be earth-shaking changes. The loyalists will crush the damned traitors."

"In the end, did the loyalists arrive in time to defeat the traitors headed by Horus?" said a drinker whose eyes were already red.

The end of the hero, the sad song of the king.

In order to win the future of mankind, how many people have paid the price of their lives.

Reinforcements can reach the battlefield in only a few hours.

As long as the defenders persist, they can defeat those damned traitors and make them pay the heaviest price.

That's a nice ending to the story, too.

Constantine looked around at the people listening to the story, and saw that they all expressed hope that the story would have a good ending, and suddenly showed a cruel smile.

Reality is not a fairy tale.

Otherwise, how could the empire become so ruthless, wanting to exterminate those gods who do not want to submit to the empire.

"Horus blocked all external news channels on Terra, and the defenders didn't know the arrival of reinforcements. What was even more terrifying was that Terra had been polluted by the power of the warp at that time, time had been controlled, and it no longer flowed freely. If the Emperor does not act to deal with Horus, he risks forever controlling time, keeping the battle at a stalemate."

"The duel between the emperor and Horus is something that the gods have been pushing forward, and it was something that humans at that time could not stop. Whether they are loyal fighters or those despicable traitors, they are just pawns in the hands of evil gods. In the eyes of evil gods, civil wars that cost humans huge casualties are just a rare entertainment."

"The webway project backfired on the emperor, making him distracted all the time to seal and suppress the entrance of the webway, unable to leave the underground palace. His friend who has been with him and his subordinate, the hero Malcador, sacrificed his life to temporarily replace him Control the seal and suppress the webway. The emperor was able to leave the underground palace and drag his tired body to fight Horus."

"Horus, blessed by the gods, is extremely powerful. He also used various schemes to weaken the warriors who boarded the ship with the emperor, and even manipulated them to attack the emperor."

"When the Emperor got rid of those enemies and took the remaining Custodians to the place where Horus was, the other party had already killed a Primarch who boarded the ship-Sanguinius. The noble, who fought for mankind until now The last Primarch fell to the floor, its snow-white wings reddened with blood."

"The Emperor was horrified at how fallen Horus had become, and he hoped to awaken the son's spirit, but the result was sad.

Horus has been completely depraved and can no longer be redeemed. He seriously injured the Emperor and killed the Emperor's bodyguard and an immortal who came all the way. The immortal had parted ways with the emperor. However, for the future of mankind, he resolutely chose to return. After blocking the fatal blow for the emperor, he sent his remaining power to the seriously injured emperor, giving him the power to fight back. "

"After realizing that it was impossible for him to save Horus, the emperor released a psychic thunderbolt capable of destroying stars. Even with the blessing of the evil god, Horus could hardly resist the psychic thunderbolt, and was knocked down to the ground, mournfully Howling and screaming."

"After expelling the power of the gods, Horus was able to regain some sanity, and he shed tears of regret when he realized what he had done. Horus asked his father to kill him. He had no way to resist the gods. .”

"Horus was slain at last, and the Emperor fell from his wounds. Humanity, though not freed, survived."

All the drinkers had tears in their eyes, and those who were more emotional were even more sobbing.

The Emperor built an unprecedented feat, possessing great power and immortal life.

But he didn't covet enjoyment, and gave everything for the weak mortals.

Think about it, how many people in this world have a little power in their hands and want to maximize the use of it to seek their own interests.

Officials who are as big as sesame and mung bean want to make money and engage in women.

With two cents in my pocket, I just think about spending time and drinking, doing nothing.

And the founder of an empire of stars does not have a 30,000 harem, nor does he have hundreds of thousands of concubines. Instead, he devotes himself to fighting and striving for the interests of mankind.

Numerous human heroes have thus united by his side.

I thought there would be a happy ending, but it turned out to be so sad.

Those Chaos Gods became the biggest winners.

Human beings suffered countless casualties in the civil war, nourishing those hateful monsters.

Constantine glanced around at these people, and drank the wine that Lucifer poured him.

Wherever they went, these people couldn't control their tears.

More exciting things are yet to come.

It will definitely make these people gnash their teeth for it.

Emperor Supreme.

Guilliman, who came out of the top-secret laboratory, was handling some important government affairs during the interval between waiting for the chief sage-Belisarius Kaul to come to see him.

"The issue of taxation needs to be discussed in detail. Some trans-universe colonies do not have enough sense of identity with the empire, and some worlds have not yet recovered from war, reconstruction and transformation. The burden is too great. It is recommended to use a softer indirect tax means."

"It is necessary to strengthen supervision in various places to prevent people from using their power and wealth to undermine local democratic elections. If such people are caught, they will be sent to punishment camps. If they have family members, they will be sent in together with their families. There are also requirements The officials of the star districts and sub-star district governments should not always think of perfunctory work, but should work hard to do practical things and strictly implement the various standards and requirements of Terra."

"Let the directors of the Empire Daily and the Stars Report these public opinion organizations come up with effective methods and measures to strengthen the management of local branches, do a good job in guiding the thoughts of the people of the empire, and deal with the greed for pleasure and excessive personal freedom. Criticize resolutely, and establish and maintain the three-view cognition that human beings are a whole civilization."

"The trial court should conduct a thorough investigation and investigation of the bureaucratic system in various places, resolutely implement the line of those who are capable, and resolutely put an end to all behaviors that go through the back door and talk about friendship, and severely punish them without mercy. Don't talk about making any contributions, and friendship will be enough. Break the bottom line of the empire at will. Break this one, break that one, and it will all be messed up later. The sacrifices made for the empire are worth remembering and rewarding. On this point, the empire cannot be stingy. But this kind of reward is not It should be inherited by the younger generations, using power for personal gain, trying to consolidate the so-called bloodline behavior is extremely short-sighted, and ultimately poisons the entire empire and the entire civilization."

"Assassin's methods should be more secretive and management should be strengthened, as far as possible to be as invisible as possible. For those who have meritorious achievements and great influence, but lack of ideological awareness, they always feel that the empire owes him an iron rice bowl passed down from generation to generation. His descendants can be masters. When there is no way to use normal means, the assassins should be used to deal with those unruly guys at the lowest cost. The business scope of the Assassin family should also be larger. This There is no perfect system in the world, there are always people who want to walk on the edge of the law, take advantage of loopholes, and harm the collective interests of the empire to feed themselves, such people must be cleaned up in time."

Guilliman reviewed government affairs very quickly.

Of course, many details are handed over to the Terra Council headed by the Prime Minister of the Empire.

Guilliman is only responsible for controlling the big context.

Using assassins to assassinate those who are always walking around the edge of the law and exploiting loopholes in the rules, Guilliman has no moral burden at all.

That's what assassins do.

The parliament always let assassins assassinate those so-called political fighters.

What pursuit of peace!

Use all the funds for people's livelihood!

To absolute democracy and freedom.

Advocate the abolition of the cloning act and return to the human small family model.

There are also people who advocate justice and peace, the complete abolition of classes, and the creation of a real utopia.

There is also agitation for the repeal of inheritance taxes and interest checks that are so expensive that heirs get nothing.

Inheritance taxes in the empire were very high.

Even if the parents are rich and powerful, the successors often don't get much.

Using other means to transfer property and wealth, as long as the existence of criminal facts is confirmed after investigation and evidence collection, it will be considered tax evasion and tax evasion. Not only will it pay inheritance tax, but also pay huge fines, and face prison.

It is not difficult to investigate such a matter. The empire has a variety of methods to detect lie, and can also check memory. For this reason, it is almost impossible to escape the inspection of the tax department.

The interest review act, if a promoted imperial official finds out that there are multiple interested people visiting the same institution, it will attract the inspection of the judge.

Such relationships include, but are not limited to, fellow students, teachers and students, home colleges, or unofficially certified small groups, etc.

It is a taboo of the empire to link and transfer interests, and to establish factions privately.

Violators are either punishment camps or machine slaves.

Many people have been calling for the abolition of this bill, claiming that the punishment is too severe and does not conform to the establishment of a democratic and humane society.

For these guys who can't find anything to commit a crime and get in the way.

Guilliman is directly physical removal.

Playing is a black heart.

In fact, Guilliman has no choice but to modify the system again.

There are only so many cakes.

Either you take it or he takes it.

Empires are now an unfair class model with no inheritance.

Class divisions are clearly defined.

The treatment of scholars and frontline troops who can produce scientific research results is the best.

The higher the level, the better the resources and treatment enjoyed by people.

Under the same rules and the same starting point, everyone competes fairly.

How much cake you can eat is up to you.

If you can climb to that position, it means your ability to reach that position.

Your enjoyment is in line with that position.

Some people say that such a system cannot inspire people's enthusiasm for defending the empire.

Everything created by oneself cannot be left to future generations, so why do you have to work hard! !

Guilliman scoffed at the notion.

It's as if those wronged species who died before have descendants to stay.

Don't they all have no wives, no sons, no money, no power, and don't understand anything? They are sent to death to defend those powerful and powerful guys who have something to leave for future generations! !

Guilliman's attitude is that whoever dares to play four generations and three princes in the imperial system he has painstakingly rebuilt, and the interests are linked.

He can guarantee that even the big belly woman of that family will go to the punishment camp.

In today's imperial system, the most important word is justice.

Everyone can only fight themselves.

Linking interests is absolutely not allowed.

That would bring down the entire empire.

You have the ability, you eat well and drink hot.

You don't have much ability, but if you dare to fight and join the army to fight for your future, you are also popular and hot.

If you are incompetent and not hard enough, then you can only eat and wait to die.

Guilliman dealt with a few more decrees about military transfers, and then he heard the servant report that the chief sage had arrived.

"Let him come directly."

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