Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 396 Conquering Universe No. 04 (for Subscription)

Many people are moving around Guilliman, carrying out his will and carrying out his orders.

To ensure that the empire is run according to his will.

Countless armies and heroes are fighting war outside.

With courage and sacrifice, the immortal glory of the empire is forged, and the way for mankind to move towards the future and the heavens is sought.

In a sense, the various departments on the Emperor Supreme are also facing a war.

Bureaucrats fight paperwork, data, and the like.

From the few words of the report, get the data about the front line, and evaluate whether they need the troops and supplies in the report.

Empire resources are precious.

But the grand plan of the Holy Emperor is so huge.

Can not be wasted at will.

It is imperative to ensure that resources are spent on the tip of the knife.

Men and women in various uniforms shuttled back and forth in several huge strategic halls.

Floating servo skulls and information windows follow them.

They are the lubricant and the heart of this huge empire, ensuring the operation of the empire.

Without them, the Holy Emperor would not be able to effectively control the empire.

Kaul weaves his way through the clerical staff.

He didn't come alone.

But with a team.

Walking at the forefront, the mechanical priest in a red robe held a flag and sprinkled holy oil on the road ahead.

Sages from various professions surrounded Kaul, forming a well-defined and orderly team.

The servitors who serve them exude the aroma of oily smoke and the rhythmic rhythm of data transmission, and the speeding angels in jars chirp and say binary blessings.

Imperial bureaucrats along the way paid homage to the Chief Sage.

Kaur's reputation is extremely high.

It took him ten thousand years to bring the Holy Emperor back from his coma.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid that human beings would have quickly perished after Abaddon destroyed Cadia.

His merits are enough to make it into the historical books of the empire, and leave a strong mark.

Currently, he is also the most important helper of the Holy Emperor.

Kaul turned a blind eye to the multitude of saluting clerks and bureaucrats.

At his status and status, there is no need to participate in those wasteful human contacts and political struggles.

He led the team straight through the inner corridor with no outer windows.

Walk past the beautifully carpeted corridors that house large machinery.

Priceless golden sculptures are embedded in shrines of cable coils.

Murals depicting the Eight Heroic Primarchs and the Holy Emperor, as well as numerous heroes of the Empire, were carved into the polished metal surfaces.

Some mechanical personnel are busy back and forth, maintaining and repairing the operation of those machines.

Kaul and others arrived at the huge vaulted vestibule.

Sicarius and Marshal Valanor were there.

Above their heads, crystal chandeliers shone brightly.

Beneath their feet, carpets were intricately woven and intricately designed.

"Master Chief Sage." Sicarius walked to Kaul's side.

"Where's Your Majesty?" Call asked.

"I'm dealing with some urgent government affairs in his study, please follow me."

Valanor wore a tall, conical helmet that hid his face.

Through the visor of his helmet, Valanor watched the sage's procession in silence.

Only when Kaur passed by did he nod to him.

The status of the Marshal of the Guards who governs the Order of the Guards is no less than that of the Chief Sage.

For this, there is no need to salute like others.

Valano is always vigilant about everything.

His helm scans the sages.

Several sages are marked with red outlines, showing that they are extremely dangerous.

Data labels flash a small amount of data about them.

Cawl's ranks of sages include powerful figures from the many major orders of the Mechanicum.

They have all carried out crazy mechanical transformations and genetic upgrades on themselves.

The power of a sage is not only manifested in his knowledge, but also in his force.

Many sages will embed world-killing weapons into their bodies.

Valano assessed the threat from these men.

Think about how long it will take you to kill them all.

This is the duty of the Custodian.

The Wan Fu Gang must eliminate all threats to the Holy Emperor.

Power struggles are everywhere.

The achievements of the empire have inspired countless people.

But the greed and selfishness of those bad embryos can never be satisfied, and they don't care what the empire has achieved, but put their short-sightedness on their own interests.

Killing the Holy Emperor and messing things up gets them even more.

There are also some people who are in high positions but forget their original intentions.

They were enslaved by desire and power, and secretly engaged in various illegal activities that were not allowed by the laws of the empire.

Eager to restore the old system, pass on their despicable genes forever, and poison the human empire.

And the existence of the Holy Emperor is destined to make their ideas impossible to realize.

Only by killing the Holy Emperor can we mobilize enough power to abolish the current system and restore them to their former noble status.

Kaul's entourage waited in place.

The Chief Sage himself followed Sicarius to Guilliman's private study.

The huge gilded door opened slowly.

Kaur entered with reverent form.

It was a room with a high dome, cold, without any warmth or luxury at all.

Light came from lumens on the roof, illuminating the huge study.

"Your Majesty." Call saluted Guilliman behind the desk.

"You go out first, Sicarius." Guilliman said softly.

The door closed after Sicarius walked out.

Block out the loud noises outside.

Silence enveloped the room.

Only the slight hum of the data device echoed through the room.

"How is the various research work going?" Guilliman put down the data crystal in his hand and rubbed his forehead to relieve the fatigue caused by work.

"Everything is on the right track. Several sages who have explored outside have brought us a lot of new ideas and technical directions. Sage Sigma has entered a world that can use emotional power to incarnate giants. She is trying to analyze those powers. The principle of operation, if it can be used, this technology will be available to us soon."

"Your brothers, Master Primarchs Ferrus and Vulkan have also made outstanding achievements. The small universe miniaturization project proposed by Lord Ferrus has achieved a theoretical breakthrough. The only thing that is lacking is how to transform this theory into Practical technology. Master Vulcan has obtained a new application in weapons. The regular products collected in the interstellar tunnels have given him new inspiration. He plans to manufacture a batch of weapons that can distort the rules. If successful, the Transspace Expeditionary Force can use this batch of weapons to gain a greater advantage."

"For universe 04, the background analysis of universe 05 has obtained preliminary results. One is the ruined universe left over from the extraordinary civilization, and the other may be a data-based experimental universe created by other civilizations."

Guilliman listened to Caul's report.

The sages are currently working hard to update all the technologies needed from the cross-space expeditionary force to the economy and politics of the empire.

Research and develop special restraint technologies for various enemies encountered by the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

Guilliman integrated this information, thinking about which technologies would require more resources to ensure that they would give the Empire a greater advantage in the wars to come.

The empire needs to rule a universe, so he can get the database of the fifth stage.

The best choice is naturally the local universe.

But the threat of the four gods made Guilliman feel a little worried.

He defeated the opponent's minions and the traitors who defected to the opponent.

But these are nothing more than game pieces out of control for the Chaos Gods, far from threatening their own foundation.

Guilliman was worried that when the time came, he would invest too much in the local universe, but the Four Gods would take advantage of the loopholes and repeat the Great Rebellion, which would be great fun.

For this reason, after careful consideration, he decided to center the task of conquering a universe on universe 04.

That is the ruined universe left behind after the collapse of an extraordinary civilization.

Less difficult compared to other universes.

Universe 01 is a pure corruption universe, and the empire has to conquer and cleanse those worlds before they can colonize them.

In universe 02, only superheroes in captivity and members of the pantheon bred by civilizational beliefs have appeared and confronted the empire.

The real mastermind behind the scenes, that is, the so-called first cause - the minion of the Supreme God has not yet appeared.

If you want to conquer that universe, you have to face an all-knowing and all-powerful being on the same level as Yogsothoth.

From the data read from the background of the universe and the mouths of some captured observers, it can be known that the Supreme God is the ultimate existence of the No. 02 universe, and is the creator of that multiverse.

Behind universe 03 is the creator of the reincarnation game, and it is also a terrifying existence that keeps countless players in captivity. If the empire wants to rule that universe, it must fight against the opponent.

These three universes Guilliman does not want to give up rescue and conquest, but to prioritize.

The current main task is to obtain the database of the fifth stage, so that human beings can obtain stronger technology.

It is a good thing to devote energy and resources to the abandoned Universe 04.

The civilizations in universe 04 are all extraordinary civilizations built with subspace technology as the leading factor, and they have collapsed at present.

The cause of the crash is currently unknown.

For most of the detected worlds, the technological level is only the level of the agricultural feudal era.

The local aborigines preserved certain ancient skills and mastered spiritual power through practice.

They call it practice.

The more important point is that the scale of universe 04 is not as large as other universes.

It may be that some war broke out in those civilizations at their peak, which caused the scale of the universe to shrink.

According to the calculations of Mechanicum, it may only have a diameter of more than 300 trillion light years.

The empire was able to quickly control universe 04 and meet the mission requirements of the fifth stage.

It can also stay away from the four gods and leave a follow-up base for human beings, which can be said to be the best solution at present.

Guilliman didn't speak his purpose until Kaul finished speaking.

"The reason I summoned you is that I hope to establish a scientific research project for universe 04. The empire's conquest focus will be on this universe."

"With all due respect, universe 04 is not a universe worth choosing. It is a ruined universe left over from an extraordinary civilization. Its strength is the worst, but its resources are also the worst."

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