Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 397 This female mouse is so sexy (please subscribe)

The empire has launched forceful raids on multiple universes, established outposts, and strived to put eggs in multiple baskets.

In this way, even if the imperial struggle fails, there is still a way out.

Never underestimate your enemies.

Even if it is a pig, it has its own tusks, which can stab the hunter who tries to kill it.

Not to mention the gods.

They have been blocked in the subspace at this time.

Doesn't mean they're harmless.

Dividing the empire's plate among the various universes is the best way Guilliman can imagine.

When things can't be done, at least they can leave.

"The resources of universe 04 are indeed the worst, but I have assessed that if the empire rules the entire universe, the resources extracted from the ruins are enough to maintain its own operation, and the empire will also build that place to make it more suitable Humanity survives." Guilliman said: "We have to control a universe completely belonging to the empire, our homeland is too harsh, and the information sent back by many extragalactic exploration teams shows that the outside is also a mess, except for the Tyranids. Well, the ghost knows how many disaster creations those ancient civilizations have left in this universe. If we choose this as the first control target, then we have to take huge risks."

"With the help of the watchers, the Dark Angels gradually cleared up some ancient civilization relics on the periphery of the galaxy. Those guys hide a lot of things inside, which are powerful and full of threats. If someone with a heart gets it, it is very likely that the foundation of the empire will be shaken."

When Guilliman mentioned this aspect, he thought of the weapon in Abaddon's hand.

First he hurt himself, and later he seriously injured Calgar, so that he still hasn't recovered yet.

Calgar is still lying on the hospital bed.

If he hadn't personally rescued him, he might not be able to wake up now.

And that weapon was created by an ancient civilization.

There is also the Tyranid Zerg, and Guilliman also has reason to suspect that it is not a species that evolved naturally.

It is very likely that, like the orcs, they were used as biological weapons by a certain civilization.

After losing control, it became what it is now.

It is extremely difficult for Guilliman to unify this universe. The various disaster creations left over from the ancient civilizations are enough for him to eat a pot.

There are also shit-stirring sticks like Sishen.

To rule the universe, it can really be said that the benefits are small and the sacrifices are big.

It's an easy thing to lose money on.

It's better to shift the target to the ruins of No. 04.

The civilization there has declined, and there are no overly powerful evil gods.

Get rid of those natives and seize important node areas, and you will be able to control the entire universe.

Let the empire have a super large inter-universe colony as a backup for the empire.

It can also be regarded as multiple accomplishments.

"If you insist on doing that, I will try my best to do it." Kaur said respectfully.

"Then help me finish it. I need the deconstruction report of universe 04. The total conquest will be launched when the assessment report comes out. We need to seize a universe as soon as possible." Guilliman said.

No one knows how long it takes to take over a universe.

Even if Universe 04 has shrunk significantly.

But there are still more than 30 billion light-years.

It was an unimaginably distant place, and it was a territory so vast that it was far beyond the control of any regime in the past.

Whether it will take a hundred years or a thousand years is impossible to estimate.

This will be a long journey.

The empire will have countless soldiers thrown into this battle.

Some soldiers spend their entire lives on that.

If a universe can be successfully obtained, the empire will also enter a new stage.

After chatting for a while, and discussing some of the shortcomings of the empire today, Kaul stood up and left.

Call exited the study and returned to his ranks under the gaze of the tall warriors.

The sages receive instructions from the hands of Kaur regarding the Holy Emperor.

Each of them held high positions in the Empire.

But it is still very difficult to meet the emperor.

The empire is too large, and its government affairs are too many to imagine.

For Guilliman, every minute is precious.

It is impossible to summon every sage and official.

It was only when they made major breakthroughs or achievements that Guilliman personally summoned them and honored them for rewarding reasons.

After Call left, Guilliman also walked out of his study.

"How is Calgar?" Guilliman asked.

"There is no serious problem, and he is still recovering." Sicarius said, "The doctor said that the blow almost killed him."

Guilliman did not speak.

He had seen firsthand the power of that weapon.

In the Battle of Cadia, he almost overturned.

If it weren't for Lord Cypher who was lurking beside Abaddon, the empire would probably have to usher in their third emperor now.

Yogg Sothos, who made him suffer a lot, was finally solved by the weapon in Abaddon's hand.

The projection clone of an all-knowing and omnipotent fell just like that.

"Let him recuperate well, and wait until the situation is completely improved before making the next plan." Guilliman said.

"I understand." Sicarius nodded.

Guilliman looked at Valanor and asked about Abaddon and others.

Many traitors have been imprisoned at the Apostle of Redemption, guarded by upgraded Custodians.

"Vashtor is willing to serve you, Your Majesty." Valanor talked about the subspace creature who has been sealed until now.

The other party is an out-and-out speculator.

Realizing that Abaddon had no future, he decisively chose to join the Empire's side.

The reputation of the Holy Emperor in the subspace is no less than that of the Four Gods.

Some desperate demons will choose to join the empire, just to continue their own existence.

Warp competition is equally fierce and brutal.

Demons certainly have an immortal lifespan, but many days are not easy for them.

will be tortured by endless hunger and thirst.

It is extremely easy to become slaves and puppets of demons stronger than them, and even be eaten.

The warp is the mirror of reality.

All emotions and dreams manifest in the Warp.

Every rising civilization and country has its own myths, horror legends and even history.

These elements are the foundation upon which life in the warp is born.

All fantasies and dreams of people will reverberate in the subspace.

Echoes formed those immortal beings.

From this comes the pantheon of every race, every world.

However, the day when everything dies, no matter how glorious civilizations are, they will perish, and those subspace gods attached to civilizations will naturally become pitiful demons.

When the name of a god is forgotten, it will also go crazy in eternal hunger, thirst and torment, and eventually either become a slave similar to the gods of chaos, or become a wandering subspace lifeless, driven by hunger and thirst, Use all means to cheat flesh and soul to fill your insatiable hunger.

"What is he worth?" Guilliman asked.

"He said that he was willing to provide the scientific and technological knowledge of those ancient civilizations and the hidden relic locations." Valano said.

"Grandpa Ring, the empire version!!"

Guilliman felt somewhat familiar with this plot.

The suppressed protagonist gets the help of the old man with the remnant soul unexpectedly, and finally counterattacks all the way, hangs and beats the enemy, reaches the pinnacle of life, and marries his childhood sweetheart, Bai Fumei, and the little sister next door.

Abaddon is undoubtedly the man who got his grandfather, but unfortunately his life was not good, and he was beaten and abolished by the empire before he rose.

"Give it to Corax." Guilliman said, "Let's see how much valuable things can be revealed."

"I'll give orders immediately."

Guilliman nodded.

This time, he had been out of the laboratory for a long enough time, so he could be considered relaxed.

I have to go back and continue to prepare the plan for the recovery of the heroic spirit.

This matter will be the most important thing for him in the next period of time.

"I am Keril Hindman, Chief Preacher of the Sixty-third Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade, and I was there when Horus was appointed Warmaster at Ullanor; I was there when lies deceived and abandoned the Emperor's love; I was there when the Luna Wolves began to degenerate from within; I was there when brothers fought each other on Isstvan III; I was there when Horus died. I witnessed the glorious rise, I witnessed the shameful betrayal. I witnessed the glory of the empire, and I also witnessed the shattering of human dreams."

This passage is recorded in the archives of the Inquisition Court, the last words left by Inquisitor Veritus who was poisoned by the Grand Mentor of the Assassin Court, Van Gerich.

Hindman was a recorder of knowledge, reason, and tolerance, striving to leave a historical record of the Great Crusade for mankind, gathering knowledge that had long been lost.

In the end he became the founder of the Inquisition, which blocked knowledge and hindered progress.

Fate is like a drama full of irony, which makes everyone fall into it, unable to extricate themselves and break free.

The speeches of Constantine in the tavern became more and more fascinating.

The drinkers were also happy or sad with his words, unable to control themselves.

With Horus' Heresy, the glory days of the Great Crusade came to an end.

The future that the emperor sought for mankind also went bankrupt. After being seriously injured, he sat on the golden throne to maintain the seal and the astronomical torch, and never spoke again.

The galaxy was in ruins, littered with the remains of the rebellion.

Brothers in the past have now become undying enemies.

In the following years, the loyal Primarchs left one by one, either disappeared or were injured and entered the stasis field.

That precious dream, the future full of infinite brightness, went bankrupt and died like this.

The silent king sat alone on his throne and began a long journey of suffering.

"Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire, the blood of the martyrs is the fire of the empire, and only death is the end of obligations. Losing the Primarch, losing the Emperor, mankind has fallen into a long dark age. Countless warriors have devoted themselves to the battlefield, but silently Died without a name, spilling the blood of his enemies and himself on countless battlefields."

"Humans are constantly sacrificing themselves. Sacrifice allows the blood of mankind to continue, one generation, one generation, and another generation. People don't have a great ideal, because sacrifice itself is greater than any ideal. The life of an individual is meaningless, and the ashes of the dead fill Every inch of space is filled with the gears of history."

"In the face of the unimaginable darkness and horror, men and women struggled to love each other and raised their children as best they could. When despair came, they clung to each other tightly, bearing all the unbearable weight."

Constantine's description made everyone cry.

As he said at the beginning.

Those who pride themselves on being strong also mourn the Empire's past.

From the glorious expedition to the glorious end, it slowly entered the dark age.

It's all so sad.

What a pity.

They are only one step away from redemption.

But it failed because of human nature.

The Guardians who had sworn to give humanity a bright future became the biggest destroyers.

They think that the empire they created should be ruled by themselves.

Lucifer wiped his wine glass and listened silently to the story told by Constantine.

Such a magnificent epic of time, even he is somewhat yearning for it.

That was an experience he had never felt before.

A lot of people think Lucifer the Morning Star is a big shot.

That kind of thinking is just a lack of understanding of the heavens.

Imagine how many fairy tales have appeared in human history.

And he's just the one being remembered for the moment.

Just like those stars, when he became popular, everyone felt that his future was limitless.

But in a few years, who will still remember the other party.

Those magnificent imperial histories are a life he has never imagined.

But after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea again.

Judging from the description of the Great Crusade, religious symbols like him are the first to be brought down.

Constantine went on to describe to the world what he had learned from his journey to the Empire.

The Horus Heresy, the Emperor sat on the Golden Throne, and the Primarch withdrew from the stage of history.

The human empire moved forward according to the inertia of history and gained a period of glory.

However, decline is inevitable.

The mortals of the Terra Council cannot escape their own limitations, and greed and selfishness are dragging human beings into the abyss.

It was the Beast Wars that first exposed the weakness of the Empire.

Those orcs who were once wiped out by the empire rose again, and a war broke out that almost destroyed the human empire.

The Imperial Fists, responsible for guarding Terra, encountered a surprise attack from the Orc Moon when they wiped out the Luoxing people, and the navy fleet was wiped out. Only the commander of the second wall company - Sunlight survived.

He promulgated the High Wall Agreement, requiring the Imperial Fists to gather to deal with the rising orcs.

The Council of Terra was outraged by this and demanded that Kurland disband the assembled Space Marines.

The assembled Astartes have threatened their position.

Even though the Orcs' battle moon had hovered over Terra, they insisted on safeguarding their own interests and not allowing the Space Marines to assemble.

Kurland used threatening means, coupled with the joint efforts of several supreme lords who dedicated themselves to mankind, was able to ensure that the High Wall Agreement did not tear the empire apart and cause civil war.

Kurland was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the empire, responsible for destroying the rising orcs.

However, the lords such as the Mechanic Order and the National Church have repeatedly sabotaged the plan for their own interests, resulting in many unnecessary sacrifices.

Kurland eventually died in the Second Battle of Ullano, and was replaced by Maximus Theon as the Commander-in-Chief of the Empire.

He led and launched the third Ulano war, and resolved the imminent orc crisis.

Grand Master of the Order of Assassins - Van Gerich is tired of the incompetence and intrigue of the Lords of Terra.

He launched the assassination, replaced all the high lords with puppets, and established a dictatorship.

A hundred years later, the Grand Mentor of the Assassin Court, Van Gerich, fell into madness due to the huge government affairs of the empire, and Maximus Theon returned to kill him, ending the dictatorship.

Van Gerich's tragedy proved that mortals cannot rule such a huge country.

With the end of the Beast Wars, the short period of prosperity for the Empire came to an end.

Those traitors who fled to the Eye of Terror because of the failed Horus Heresy have also accumulated strength over a long period of time.

Under the orders of the gods, they once again launched a dark crusade against the Empire.

Since then, the Dark Crusade will break out every once in a while.

Greatly weakened and endangered the foundations of the empire.

Abaddon continued to spread fear and despair across the galaxy.

After the Beast War was resolved, the Twin Empires Crisis emerged.

The Council of Earl, located in the Pacific Starfield, declared independence due to political disputes.

This crisis of division lasted for millennia, causing countless conflicts and wars.

After the separatist crisis is over.

The 361st interior supreme lord Van Dier overthrew Pope Paul Rees III and became the supreme lord who simultaneously served as the Ministry of the Interior and the State Church. He became the most powerful imperial official and opened the dark era of bloody rule, also known as For the age of apostasy.

The crisis of apostasy was the most brutal massacre and turmoil with the largest number of casualties after the Horus Rebellion.

The harm caused is second only to the Horus Rebellion, and even worse in some aspects.

Van Dier established a huge espionage system, and put all those who tried to disobey him into prisons, where they were tortured and tortured.

During that period, it was not allowed to even talk about the name Van Dier casually.

If you criticize his policies, there will be assassins coming to the court to send warmth.

Some planets were slaughtered by extermination orders, and billions of people were executed simply because he snubbed the delegation he used to promote his exploits.

In some worlds, large-scale fire racks were set up, and countless so-called heretics were executed in the name of religion.

Van Dier doesn't care about the future of the Empire or all of humanity.

All he wants is more power.

The resources of the empire are wasted by him at will.

The wealth accumulated over the years was consumed by him.

Many advanced technologies were destroyed in unwarranted names and lost in internal fighting.

Countless prosperous worlds have declined under the ravages of this lunatic, and countless people are dissatisfied with such a brutal rule of the empire, planting the seeds for future rebellions.

With the efforts of various forces, Van Dier was finally killed by the emperor's daughter - the predecessor of the battle nun - the emperor's bride, whom he single-handedly supported.

Get rid of Van Dier, and the empire can never return to its former form.

The aftermath of the bloody reign still poisons humanity.

The renegade Bishop Bucaris set off a very vicious separatist rebellion.

Using the raging subspace storm to deceive his followers, he established his small kingdom.

War was even waged against the Space Wolves of Fenris, with a three-year siege of Fangkeep.

Due to its brutal rule, eventually Bucaris was torn to pieces by the uprising populace.

Because of the cleansing of the lackeys of Van Dier in the era of apostasy, and the success of the state church saint-Balius has a great reputation.

There is a special purification force to strangle for him those enemies he considers heretics.

After a warp storm, he condemned thirty Space Marine Chapters to lack of faith and potential corruption.

These guilty warbands must then choose between the two.

Die or enter the Eye of Terror on a crusade of redemption.

All warbands chose the latter.

Later generations recorded this expedition as the Abyss Expedition.

It turned out to be a colossal disaster.

A large number of soldiers and supplies were sent to Chaos.

It also weakened the overall strength of the empire.

Every Chapter that took part in this crusade ended in doom.

The Iron Wurms were transformed into the Plague Warbands of the Gray Death.

The Sentinels were corrupted into the Slaanesh warbands of the flesh-eating Corpus Fraternities.

The Fortitude Brothers were corrupted into the Lava Hounds Warband while fighting the Demon Engine.

Captured by Dark Eldar raiders while searching for lost ancient technology in the remaining ruins of the Eldar Empire, the Brotherhood of the Anvil were tortured for years in the gladiatorial arena of the Comoros as they escaped the After the Dark City, everyone has become lunatics.

It was not until eight hundred years later that the surviving Chapter of the Piercing Swords returned to the Empire.

The Anglican saint whom they were sent to die, Barius, is dead, and is still sanctified by ignorant people.

The Chapter Master of the Piercing Swords exposed Barius as a traitor to Chaos, and with the support of the High Lord, executed all his followers and threw their bodies into the stars.

Without the protection of the firewall, it is impossible to resist the Whispers of Chaos in the Eye of Terror except with absolute faith and perseverance.

More than 20,000 Space Marines were corrupted.

Even the mortal auxiliaries and servants who serve those Chapters are tainted by Chaos.

The Abyssal Expedition has strengthened the traitor's power.

Chaos began to attack the Empire frequently and continuously thereafter.

Chaos again and again brought the empire into decline.

Under the invasion of aliens, chaos, and civil strife, the situation of the empire is becoming more and more critical.

Light is dragged into darkness, hope turns to despair, and the painful lessons of the past hold humanity back.

Superstition and dogma are spread like the Gospel, blind obedience is highly praised, and free thought is regarded as suspect and spurned.

Harsh domination replaces the hope of enlightenment.

Its bureaucracy keeps growing, becoming bloated, inefficient,

The corrupt High Lord and his many councilors are steeped in power struggles in the name of humanity and the Emperor.

For the continuation of the race, there is no mercy.

Sacrifice and regardless of the cost have also become the practice.

The empire was plunged into darkness, tottering in the wind and rain.

With the Thirteenth Crusade launched by the Traitors, the Empire is truly at the end of its rope.

A large rift appeared, and a warp storm raged.

Traveling faster than light has never been more dangerous.

Numerous subspace cracks spread on an unprecedented scale.

All kinds of monsters that are so terrifying that they should only exist in nightmares have appeared one after another, eroding human reason.

The entire star area is under the invasion of darkness.

The coveted alien invaded the empire's borders.

Tens of billions of cultists and villainous psykers raised the banner of rebellion.

The galaxy is in a raging war, and no world has been spared.

Constantine spoke of the coming of the dark age in a mournful tone.

All hope is lost for the Empire.

Everyone in the bar was immersed in it.

How harrowing it is to go from the glorious Great Crusade to the Dark Ages.

Human persistence and hard work are so powerless in the face of cruel fate.

Constantine didn't speak until everyone was worried about the dark fate of the empire.

"The fall of Cadia plunged the human empire into an unprecedented dark age, but the emergence of a ray of light gave desperate humans a glimmer of hope. The great holy emperor was awakened, and he was rescued by his traitor brother - Fulgrim Defrauded by disgraceful means, after being seriously injured and entering the stasis field, he returned again."

"He returned like the sun, piercing the darkness that shrouded human civilization. He made a solemn oath to the people of the empire, vowing to do his best to save them. The unyielding crusade representing the unyielding of mankind from Macragge Initiated, countless soldiers and space fighters who are willing to sacrifice their lives for mankind and the empire gathered beside him."

"Epic wars broke out one after another. He brought back those long-lost technologies for the empire, allowing the dying empire to be reborn. The enemy retreated before his wrath, and one world after another was taken back. Expedition."

"He introduced a new system, reformed the bloated and inefficient imperial government, and pulled the suffering people out of hell. New technology, new warriors, and a new future."

"The new glory was created after the Holy Emperor. He abolished the original hereditary system and liberated the productive forces suppressed by chaos and superstition. He defeated the resistance of the old interest groups and successfully established a brand new empire. He is everywhere. Conquer, destroy the mighty xenos and traitors of Chaos, and set about restoring the Great Rift that runs through the galaxy."

"The Great Rift is the darkness before dawn, and the Holy Emperor is the rising sun piercing through this darkness. Nothing can stop His rise and growth. No matter what enemies, their end is doomed, that is failure."

"He is the destined lord of the heavens and worlds, the true lord of mankind. One day, mankind will become a true one under His rule. Cheer, my fellow citizens, we will witness the rise of the empire .If you can do something, then when you go away, you can proudly tell your children that you have witnessed the rise of a great king, and you have participated in it. Small, but you have a part in it .”

"When they stand in the future, stand in the era of the peak of human glory, and wait and see the past, he will be proud of this. His ancestors have made contributions and efforts for this prosperous age."

As expected of Constantine, who can deceive even gods.

He's definitely an excellent storyteller.

After listening to Beast Wars, Age of Apostasy, Age of Atonement, and Dark Ages, people's grief and tears were swept away by his impassioned ending.

Constantine raised the wine glass in his hand.

"To the holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire, cheers."

Those drinkers who had already accumulated countless emotions also raised their glasses one after another.

Shouted at the top of his voice.

"To the holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire, cheers."

"To the holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire, cheers."

"To the holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire, cheers."

They no longer felt any resistance to the imperial dictatorship of Guilliman.

There was never any enjoyment in that position.

An empire so vast that it would overwhelm any mortal mind.

The ending of the first Lord of the Empire is embarrassing.

If they are replaced, they will go crazy in a few days.

The emperor of the empire was very different from the dictators of the past.

That is not the enjoyment of power.

Rather, unlimited responsibility and obligation.

Only those who have endless love for human beings can resolutely sit in that position.

The story ended and people left after cheering.

They will tell this story to more people.

Miracles under the banner of the Imperial Double-headed Eagle have been created by countless mortals.

It interprets the courage and tenacity of human beings in the midst of darkness and despair.

And now they are in it.

A glorious era will be created by them.

Even if they are just an insignificant part.

But it was the insignificant existences that created this unimaginable brilliance.

Constantine sat next to the bar and put the empty wine glass in front of Lucifer.

"Look, they can't control their tears like children."

"It's a very good story, and it's also an unimaginable miracle. It's really amazing to reshape the human empire in such a short period of time and achieve such brilliant achievements." Lucifer said in a low voice.

Compared with the Holy Emperor, Lucifer has a sense of himself, and even the characters in many fairy tales are waste.

They have been fighting each other for so long, and even the beliefs of humans on earth cannot be unified.

And they have already unified a huge empire and waged wars against other universes.

"It's not only amazing, it's like a fortress, okay? Have you ever seen such a fortress?"

Lucifer shook his head.

Just wanted to say something.

A news anchor suddenly jumped out of the holographic projection screen suspended above the bar.

"The empire sent back a message from the front line. The empire's troops encountered unprecedented resistance in the parallel universe No. 045. A man named Sandman led many gods and heroes to attack the empire, trying to prevent the empire from saving mankind."

"Many superheroes who were once killed by the empire also appeared in this army against the empire, which further proves that there are behind-the-scenes people who are raising human civilization in captivity, and are constantly harvesting human beings by manipulating fate and time."

With the news reporter playing.

Some pictures also flashed on the screen.

Individuals with supernatural powers such as Dr. Manhattan and Dr. Fate who had been killed reappeared on the battlefield.

They are individuals from another parallel universe.

It's like another farm.

Those individuals in this parallel universe have indeed died.

But this universe has long been divided into countless parallel universes by the behind-the-scenes.

Those parallel universes are like mirrors, engraving their lives according to the flow of fate.

Lucifer and Constantine glanced at each other, narrowing their eyes slightly.

This is undoubtedly an extremely challenging self-cognition thing.

Who can accept that he is not unique, but an assembly line product that can be seen everywhere in the factory.

They have the same life, and the younger brother may be the same length.

Life can feel momentarily meaningless.

"Sandman." Constantine said boredly: "A poor new god, it seems that he is doing well in other parallel universes, not becoming a prisoner of a certain magician, but also becoming the leader of those rebels. "

Sandman, like Heavenly Father, Darkmond and others, is a member of the New God and belongs to the endless family.

According to the empire, it is a god created by the behind-the-scenes using the fluctuations of the subspace.

There are seven members in the endless family.

It is the personification of the seven basic forces of the universe itself in parallel universes.

Fate, death, dreams, destruction, desire, despair, delirium, Daniel Hall.

The Sandman is the personification of dreams.

When beings from the first parallel universe dreamed, it was born.

As long as someone has been dreaming, he will always exist.

If you compare the empire's research on subspace creatures, it is obvious that there is no difference between Sandman and subspace creatures.

Take the End of the Empire, the demon that once wounded the Emperor badly.

It originated from the first murder of human beings.

Only when human beings are destroyed and become the ashes of the universe will they come to an end.

The Sandman is one such creature.

Some scholars who study the No. 02 universe have made guesses.

If there is no one behind the scenes, the members of the endless family have a certain opportunity to grow into new, unimaginable existences.

However, the behind-the-scenes is extremely clever, splitting these seven forces, creating countless endless families, making it impossible for them to truly use the seven forces, cutting off the possibility of their growth, and making them become managers. The gardener of the parallel universe.

There is another way of saying that these seven forces are the embodiment of the behind-the-scenes.

The Endless Family may also be a fragment of it.

Like demons are fragments of gods.

The endless family maintains the operation of parallel universes, allowing each parallel universe to operate according to the established line of destiny, creating enough nutrients to give back to the creator, and at the same time ensuring that the universe will not collapse due to excessive squeezing.

The fate of the endless family is the supreme concept of the universe, and it is also the eldest brother and elder in the endless family.

The book of fate in his hand records the past, present and future of the parallel universe.

Responsible for correcting the thread of destiny in the universe.

In many myths, there are also many gods who hold the authority of fate, such as the three sisters of fate under Odin, and other pantheons also have their own gods of fate.

However, those Gods of Destiny can only see the direction of fate, but are unable to modify it, and the scope is extremely limited.

The God of Destiny, who was born in human mythology, only observes the largest area of ​​human activity, and has no way to control the whole.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant. Many destiny gods control destiny, but they can't see the overall situation.

The fate of the endless family can glimpse the fate of the entire parallel universe.

When other parallel universes invade, he will immediately notice the other party's change of fate and take action to stop it.

The death of the Endless Family is the most powerful of the Endless Family. Whether it is mortals, gods, or ultimate concepts such as the Endless Family, no matter how long they exist, they cannot exceed the length of the universe.

Death awaits them at the end of all things.

Constantine learned some secrets from the sages of the empire.

Death could be the key to resetting the parallel universe.

After the parallel universe came to an end, death buried all living beings, and then restarted the parallel universe.

The concept of dreams is equally powerful.

It defines reality, and all gods are born in the dreams of the living.

For this reason, the Sandman also holds great power.

Every member of the endless family is an ultimate concept, and their existence is above everything else.

It is the personified embodiment of the essential power of the universe.

Constantine had dealings with several of them.

As the incarnation of dreams, the Sandman was once imprisoned by the human magician Roderick.

The opponent originally wanted to summon Death, but unexpectedly summoned Sandman.

The Sandman was controlled by the mage's seal, lost the power to resist, and was deprived of his magic tools, which were sandbags, rubies and helmets.

Constantine even played with the opponent's helmet.

The endless families of this universe were also destroyed by the imperial army when the heavens were destroyed.

The Sandman was also killed.

The Great Firewall of the Empire has taken back all human rights in the Warp.

The human dream is fulfilled in the realm of the divine emperor.

Their emotions, fantasies, nightmares are all accommodated by the Holy Emperor.

For this reason, even if the endless family and gods are lost, there will be no great loss for human beings, and more subspace entities will not be created.

The seven members of the endless family are merely personifications of the essential forces of the universe, not without them.

Just like the president of a country, he is very important, but he is not necessary.

The country can change its political system, no longer needs a president, and change to a parliamentary system, or it can choose to merge with other countries, become a provincial capital, and accept the rule of another country.

Nothing is immutable.

Lucifer checked the news.

"It looks like there is another fierce battle, will you go to the front line?"

"Maybe, I might see myself in another parallel universe." Constantine drank the wine and said with a smile: "Thinking about it, I feel that this world is nonsense, parallel universe, infinite self Haha, I want to go to the battlefield and kill myself. Reality is always more absurd than all fantasy works, the universe has no logic at all."

"In such a world, we are all pathetic ants." Lucifer said, "It's just an object mocked by fate. If you go to the battlefield, if you have a chance, please say hello to yourself in another parallel universe for me."

Constantine smiled.

"Don't worry, if I can see him, I will definitely say hello."

Devil Rat waste capital.

"This female assassin mouse is in good shape. Take her to my tent and interrogate her."

Dax looked at the protruding, turbulent, precarious, slender, sexy and hot assassin female mouse in front of him, who only wrapped a few strips of cloth around his smooth body, revealing a large snow-white skin, and felt nauseated and nauseated .

He knows something inside.

Skavens use sexy female rats to seduce the elite of humanity.

Use the excellent genes of those human elites to improve the offspring of the rat people, and lure those human elites to stand in the rat people's camp.

Not to mention, such lures are often very useful.

These female rats, trained in brutal conditions, have skills and obedience that surpass those of human women.

There are always some idiots who think these sexy and obedient rat girls are their true love, and then stand against human beings for love without hesitation.

After a scene, human beings just lose the right to survive, and what those people lose is their lives, but what I want to defend is the bloody drama of love.

For this kind of love brain, Dax has always found one and killed one.

Fuck your uncle's love.

"My lord, will this be too harsh?" The guard on the side looked at Dax in shock, "Are you really going to send your tent?"

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