Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 401 The Cathay Dynasty (for Subscription)

All airships are suspended in the port next to the industrial area.

It was a huge building.

There are many towers standing there.

Airships use tall towers to unload and carry away passengers and cargo.

Those airships without missions turned off their power furnaces and docked on the ground for maintenance and renovation.

Airships with transportation tasks have been kept in operation.

When Gotrek and others stood in the port where people came and went.

Only then did I realize how huge this huge building used for airship transfer is.

Covers a vast area.

All kinds of buildings are magnificent.

They are like tiny ants standing in front of giant buildings.

An automatic elevator made of steam engines and giant metal cables was running non-stop.

Under the leadership of Udi, the team took the elevator to the giant tower where the airship was located.

The airship hovers at the end of the tunnel, waiting for its passengers.

It looks like a large sailing ship moored at the port, ready to set sail.

Fix marveled at what he saw.

Before entering Middenheim, I watched those airships from a distance, so I didn't feel much.

But when you look closely, you will find the hugeness of those airships.

It was even more majestic than the sailing ships he had seen in the ocean port cities.

The emblem of the double-headed eagle hangs on the bow and sides of the airship,

There are also double-headed eagle flags flying in the sky.

On the side of the airship facing the boarding platform extending from the giant tower, there are also gold-plated characters the size of a human head with a hard texture.

【The Holy Emperor protects his people】

Walking towards the airship is like walking towards a mountain floating in the air.

The crew on the airship ran back and forth, working hard at their respective posts.

The core power furnace has been activated.

With a slight tremor, the surging power is transmitted to all parts of the airship.

"All preparations have been completed and ready to sail at any time."

A mechanical maintenance worker wearing a goggle observation device and various mechanical equipment installed on his body shouted.

"No balloons, no jets, how did they make such a huge ship fly!!" Gotrek muttered next to his friend, "This is incredible."

"I felt the power of magic. They injected magic into this ship and used it as power."

Fix hadn't spoken yet.

The mage Harris on the side spoke.

His hand stroked the bulkhead of the airship.

Feel the surging magical power.

Obscure magical rune lines are embedded in the hull and sealed with a special transparent glass material.

He could only touch the smooth glass, not the runes that surged with magical energy.

"This is an outstanding work of the sages of the Empire." Udi explained to them, "They said there was a better creation that would allow us to travel the entire world in a few hours. But this world lacks some kind of Substances, so they can only use this method to replace."

Gotrek and Harris couldn't help but slander when they heard this.

That's not fast enough! !

Such an airship is already a miracle, and what could be more superior than these miracles.

Before the members of the team researched more secrets of the airship.

A bell rang somewhere in the airship.

The boarding ladder placed was recovered by the crew, and the hatch was closed and locked.

The tremors from the furnace intensified.

The crew quickly walked through the corridors in an orderly manner.

"May the great God of Myriad Opportunities protect us, it is His might that allows us to soar in the sky."

A crew member's voice blared from speakers throughout the ship.

Many crew members shouted the same words.

Like some kind of ritual.

Everyone in the team felt the movement coming from under their feet.

Looking out through the transparent porthole, one can clearly feel that they are taking off.

Looking out from the porthole in the corridor, you can see that the buildings on the surface are getting smaller and smaller.

Soon, everyone witnessed the ship crossing the clouds and sailing on the tumbling sea of ​​clouds.

"Go to your lounge according to your number plate." Udi ordered a few words, and went to the main control cabin of the airship.

The remaining four looked at each other.

They did not go to the cabin, but walked up a welded metal staircase to the open deck of the airship.

There wasn't as much wind as they had imagined on deck.

A layer of indistinct protective cover blocked the gust of wind outside.

They can only feel a little breeze blowing.

Walking to both sides of the ship's side, the four members of the team couldn't help showing fear.

Their position is too high.

The creatures and buildings on the ground can no longer be seen.

At most, you can only tell where is the forest and where is the lake.

Can't see any details.

They had been on the cabin deck for a long time.

Feel the brand-new flying experience brought to them by Imperial Industries.

Those mysterious people from the empire relied on their unique and unknown skills to send such a huge ship to the sky.

Such technology is too powerful.

Even Gotrek had to admit that the gap between the dwarves and the empire was like heaven.

No one knows where the limits of the empire lie.

They are so mysterious.

The people of the world only know that they rescued those suffering compatriots in the name of the holy emperor, and liberated one world after another from being devastated by the gods of chaos.

After Gotrek and the others got tired of looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds and the vast land surface from a high altitude, they returned to their cabins.

There are complete living facilities on the airship.

Carrying a large amount of supplies and energy stones, enough to meet the needs of the voyage.

The airship not only has a kitchen, but also has a huge cabin that is enough for hundreds of people to eat.

Apart from the five-member team preparing to execute the beheading mission, there are hundreds of people staying on the airship.

All of them are trained fighters.

When it's time to evacuate, these people will assist them in escaping from the insane rat swarm.

The journey to Mount Bafeng took them two days.

Udi took this opportunity to hand Gotrek and the others their imperial weapons and teach them how to use them.

The reason why it was not given before is because weapons are rarer than armor.

The expedition team did not bring many weapons suitable for ordinary people.

If Gotrek and the others were careless or reckless, they broke their weapons or used their weapons to break their armor.

Udy didn't have spare weapons and spare armor.

Imperial weapons with power fields are a dimensionality reduction blow to this world.

The use of these powerful weapons is no different from the melee weapons used by Gotrek and others.

The in-depth knowledge of a kinetic weapon is reflected in the process of forging it.

rather than through complex operations.

It is absolutely stupid to make the use of a thing extremely complicated and consider it high-end.

Wait until the morning of the third day.

The lookout of the airship saw the majestic eight peaks surrounded by the telescope.

The driver who got the message pulled the control lever.

Slowly lower the altitude of the spaceship, and turn on the anti-magic detection and optical invisibility capabilities to ensure that the airship will not be detected by the enemy.

The invisible airship landed in a clearing.

Huge shadows cast across the surface.

If there were living people here, they would definitely scream in fright.

They could only see the twisted air, casting shadows on the ground, but nothing.

It must be thought that there are some weird giant ghosts moving in the sun.

The airship lowered to a certain height, and a door on the side was opened.

The airlift was thrown down.

Udi and others followed the ladder to the ground.

After lowering its passengers, the airship raised altitude again.

The airship will hang around until a member of the squad sends them a message, and will pick them up.

Bafeng Mountain is vast and huge.

It is by no means easy to find the Ratman's lair and the Thirteenth Council.

Gotrek did know something about Mount Eight Peaks.

After all, this is the territory of the dwarves.

After the dwarves lost Eight Peaks, they tried several times to get it back, but none of them succeeded.

There are still some dwarves who are active in the Eight Peaks Mountain, fighting the enemy in the name of their ancestors.

Under Gotrek's leadership, the team soon reached a dwarf city that was in ruins and abandoned.

The dwarven cities are built in the mountains, ancient and strong.

They enter from the bottom of the valley.

There stands a tall and majestic city wall.

It is built by stacking huge stone blocks one after another.

It has been abandoned for an unknown amount of time, and green moss is already all over it.

A town of no small size sits behind the walls.

The low walls in the town are criss-crossed, and weeds are overgrown in the middle.

Walk a few steps and you will see gray and white bones.

Traces of cannon fire and knives and axes can be seen on some of the low walls.

Obviously, the dwarves had fought a desperate battle with the invaders.

Just from the remaining traces, we can see how intense the tragic situation was at that time.

Gray clouds of smoke enveloped this once glorious but declining city.

With a sad face, Gotrek told the rest of the team about the past glory and tragic end of Mount Eight Peaks.

"We built this impregnable city and thought we were on top of the world, but fate made the dwarves a joke. While we were busy fighting the elves, the skaven and goblins I am accumulating strength, waiting to push the dwarves into the abyss of destruction."

"But you won the victory against the elves, didn't you! You got all the territory of the elves. The land from the mountains on the edge of the world to the vast ocean belongs to you." The mage in the team - Harris, a pedant said in a tone.

"It was the beginning of sadness. We didn't get any joy from that victory. More than two-thirds of our soldiers died in that bitter battle. Before we had time to enjoy the fruits of victory, we were frequently attacked by geology Calamity has driven back our cities. In that desperate time, vile goblins and skavens have poured in along the mines where we have mined our riches, trying to take our homes and our riches."

"So how did you deal with it?" Harris asked.

Gotrek scanned his companion's face.

"What can we do? Take up arms and fight them, of course. Our wars with the elves take place in the jungle and on the ground. The wars with the Skaven and the goblins take place in narrow, dark underground passages. "

"The horrific weapons and tragic casualties exceeded my imagination. The beams and columns collapsed, and flame bombs were thrown everywhere in the corridor. The tunnel was flooded with floods and poisonous gas, and the companion in charge of the defense died horribly."

"Our enemies are cunning and cruel. They use all kinds of evil witchcraft or summoned demons to ravage the dwarven kingdom and pollute our water and food. We have exhausted all resources, weapons and courage to fight the enemy, but we still fail and lose of our homeland.”

"We can no longer defend these cities in the future. We are forced to use sophisticated instruments and ancient runes to hide the tombs and precious treasures of our ancestors, and then give up the entire city to our enemies."

Gotrek's tone was filled with unending sadness.

Everyone can imagine those ancient dwarves.

Fell back at the greed of the skaven and green orcs.

They fought desperately, only to suffer bitter defeat in the end.

Survivors left their homes in pain.

The squad moves through the city.

It's like being destroyed by those chaotic demons here.

Collapsed houses lined the streets.

A mildewy, rotten smell emanates from it as soon as you get close.

Evil-looking crows chirp ominously over the wreckage of an ancient chimney.

Some scrawny black birds were flying over their heads.

They are all alert to those enemies that may appear at any time.

The city has long since fallen, and has become the domain of the Skaven and Orcs.

Now that they can't be seen, it doesn't mean that the danger doesn't exist.

Led by Gotrek, the team entered the mountain through a dilapidated gate.

Suddenly, twenty strong, armored orcs rushed out of the dark tunnel leading a large number of goblins.

When they saw Udi and the others, they roared deafeningly, revealing bloodthirsty tyranny.

Gotrek activated the battle ax in his hand according to the method Udi taught him,

Jumping electric arcs appeared on the surface of the ax blade, and faint blue light appeared in the dark tunnel.

"I felt great power." Gotrek's previous weapon was an ancient dwarven rune master, Valek's artifact-the Great Ax of Destruction.

But at this moment, from the weapon in his hand, he felt a power far more terrifying than that of the giant axe of destruction.

Infinite power surged in the ax blade.

He felt like he could split everything in this world.

Perhaps, that is not a feeling, but a reality.

Gotrek swung the ax and severed the orc's weapon, splitting the armored orc in two.

It's as easy and comfortable as cutting tofu, without any difficulty.

"How is it possible!!" Gotrek's face showed a look of shock, even if those imperial armors were hard, the imperial weapons were also so sharp.

Gotrek looked at the weapon in his hand, a little confused.

What kind of enemy would be able to use such armor and weapons.

If he had such equipment, he would dare to kill through the terrifying Chaos Wasteland alone.

Perhaps, I can find the glorious death I long for in the mysterious empire.

The orcs were slaughtered by the small team in just a short while.

Their weapons are far more powerful than those of the enemy.

It's like killing an enemy with a wooden sword with a hair-cut sword.

Even if the enemy has tenacious perseverance and courage, they cannot make up the gap between weapons and equipment.

"I've never used such a powerful and sharp weapon." Fix, who had ended the battle, looked at the blue radiant long sword in his hand, and also let out a voice of amazement.

With just one sword, the strong orc was split in two.

How many terrible secrets are hidden in the empire behind those explorers.

"who are you?"

The battle had just ended, and the few people hadn't had time to do anything.

Several dwarves came out of the darkness with crossbows in hand.

Obviously, they heard the roar of the orcs and rushed over.

They wore heavy iron armor, and carried away a helmet with cheek pads and wings on the sides.

A crossbow is held in a strong, powerful hand, and a warhammer or great ax is slung from his back.

The dwarf in the lead had a thin face with sharp edges and corners, and his eyes were shining with fiery eyes.

The beard is dark and long, with a few strands of silver mixed in the middle.

"I'm Gotrek," Gotrek yelled.

A whisper broke out among the dwarves as Gotrek pronounced his name.

Gotrek and Fix have been to Eight Peaks and dealt with the dwarves here.

A dwarven frontier royal named Belegard launched an expedition to retake some of the Eight Peaks.

Today's Eight Peaks Mountain is a place where dwarves, skaven and green orcs fight together.

Of course, the dwarves are the least powerful.

Gotrek experienced an adventure here, killed a terrible Chaos troll, rescued his ancestors, and took away a holy sword left here.

The dwarves here are very impressed with him and the human Fix who has been following him.

After chatting for a few words, I stated my purpose.

The dwarves took the beheading party to meet their lord.

Udi has no objection to this. If he can get the assistance of the local dwarves, the mission may go more smoothly.

After passing through several tunnels, they entered a grand hall with tattered banners.

The hall is located in the mountain, and the light depends on the chandelier on the dome.

There are shining gems on it.

Beileja, the leader of the dwarves of Mount Eight Peaks, sat on an ivory throne inlaid with gold, flanked by rows of dwarves in heavy armor and blue shirts.

A female dwarf in a purple robe with an iron book hanging around her thick neck stood beside her.

Gotrek scanned the kin.

Their situation was significantly worse than the last time they came here.

Some dwarves had battle marks all over their armor, and their eyes couldn't hide the tiredness.

When I came last time, there were more than 150 dwarves here.

Looking at it now, it seems to be in the early 100s.

It should be attacked by Skaven and orcs, and many people were lost.

"What are you doing here again? Bringing new humans and halflings with you." Bellegar's voice was low, haughty, and irritable.

"We are the members of the Thirteenth Council who came to deal with the Skavens. They escaped from the abandoned capital of the Rats and hid in the Pillar City under the Eight Peaks Mountain."

Bellagar looked suspicious at Gotrek's words.

"Those rats escaped from the abandoned city? How did you know?"

Gotrek pointed to Udi, "He is one of the human officers who captured the abandoned capital, and he was ordered to solve the Thirteenth Council."

"Hahaha." Bellegar, who was sitting on the throne, laughed out loud, as if hearing some funny joke.

"We don't have much contact with the outside world, but are you kidding me? Gotrek, humans can capture the Rat Waste City, why don't you tell me that Sigma and the Succubus gave birth to a big fat boy. The latter's Credibility can be much higher than the former."

"The abandoned city has indeed fallen." Udi stood up and said: "Your news is too closed, and you don't know the changes outside."

"Be more respectful." Bellegar said, "This is not your human territory."

"In the name of the Holy Emperor, this is the territory of the empire." Udi stared into the eyes of the dwarves, "If you don't know, I can tell you that several dwarf kings have agreed to become vassals of the human empire. The territory of the dwarves That is the territory of the empire."

"Are you courting death by saying such things?" Bellegar couldn't hide her anger in her tone.

The dwarf king succumbed and was willing to become a vassal of humans. Such a thing is completely impossible to happen.

Bellegar had only one thought.

The human in front of him was talking nonsense, undermining the dignity of the dwarves.

"What he said is true." Gotrek stood up and said: "The covenant has already been signed, maybe Bafeng Mountain is too remote, and we haven't received any news yet."

Bellegar's eyes darkened.

Gotrek is a famous butcher and dwarven hero.

There is no possibility of lying about a dwarf's honor.

What happened outside?

Let those dwarf kings willingly give up their honor and become vassals of humans.

"It is a disgrace," said Bellegar. "They have betrayed the honor of their ancestors."

"Living in the past is never a wise choice." Udi had no intention of arguing with the other party on some irrelevant issues, and directly stated his purpose: "We are here to completely solve the problem of the Skavens. Losing the most important abandoned capital, if the members of the Thirteenth Council can be eliminated, the morale of the Skaven will collapse, and their empire will also collapse."

"Even if what you said is true, do you know how many ratmen live at the foot of this area?? If they all surge to the surface and can fill the valley of Bafeng Mountain, I will accompany the five of you. Killing the members of the Thirteenth Council among the Ratmen is absolutely a dream."

Bellegar looked around at the team of five people.

A weak mage, a halfling no taller than a dwarf.

Those three humans seemed to have some fighting power.

But with such a combination, they want to enter Pillar City and eliminate the Thirteenth Council.

Might as well pray for Sigma to come quickly.

"We are very confident." Udi said: "You can choose to assist us. When the Skavens are defeated, we will also eliminate the local goblins. At that time, the dwarves will be able to return to Eight Peaks Mountain to live."

"If you are willing to die, I don't have any opinions." Bellegar said in a mocking tone: "Members of the Thirteenth Council should all stay under the Temple of the Horned Rat, and I once led a team to enter Pillar City, as an aid, I can give you a map that I left behind."

"Remember not to go too deep, there are even more terrifying things under the Pillar City. My words are a bit redundant, you may not even see the Pillar City, and you will die in the rat tide. How can I There will be the absurd idea that you can enter the underground of Pillar City."

Bellegar is outraged by Udi's rudeness.

But he didn't embarrass them, and provided the map left by the original expedition team.

It may be that they think that Udi and others entering Pillar City are definitely asking for a dead end.

I don't want to argue with these dead people.

Udi and the others did not stay too long. After replenishing their physical strength with the high-energy food they carried with them, they entered the deep underground along the portals and tunnels left by the ancestors of the dwarves with the help of Bellegar's map.

Dwarven cities are magnificent.

What is exposed to the ground is only an insignificant part.

Like an iceberg, what is hidden under the sea level is the subject.

The scale of the underground city far exceeds that of any human city before, and only Middenheim, which is supported by the Empire's technology, can match it.

Judging from those wide tunnels and halls, Eight Peaks Mountain may have been hollowed out by dwarves.

Witnessing those splendid buildings, Gotrek couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

That was the lost glory of the dwarves.

They may never get back to that peak.

The number of dwarves is decreasing every year.

Without enough population, there will not be enough craftsmen, and they will no longer be able to build such a splendid city.

The era of dwarves is over, they are hiding in the fortress left by their ancestors, waiting for the end of the world.

At this moment, Gotrek somewhat understood the feelings of those dwarf kings signing a contract with the human empire.

Clinging to the honor of their ancestors will only bring the dwarves to their doom.

In another way, it may be possible to prevent the fate of dwarves from disappearing from this world.

Many underground tunnels have collapsed and many roads have been blocked.

The tunnels left by the dwarves intersected with the tunnels dug by the ratmen and orcs.

The underground environment is complex.

Even with a map, finding the right way is not an easy task.

The halfling thief-Theresa walked in the front, his movements were quick and silent, like a ghost.

The following people set aside a certain distance from him, and proceeded according to the mark he left.

The first enemy the party encounters is an ogre leading a pack of goblins blocking the tunnel ahead.

It was taller than everyone in the team and had two heads.

The big head was hideous and terrifying, and wore an ugly crown.

The gauntlets had huge spikes, and held a terrifying long scythe in one hand and a crude staff in the other.

There was a whole ratman chewing in the thing's mouth.

As it moved, blood dripped from the corner of its mouth.

The Ratman was still alive at first, kicking his legs like hell, trying to stay alive.

But the ogre's sharp iron teeth easily crushed the rat man's bones, and the sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing came out of his mouth.

The ogre and its goblins did not find Udi and others.

"Maybe we should go around these enemies, so that we can sneak in quietly." The halfling thief Teresa who returned to the side said.

Gotrek took out his battle-axe and said in a low voice, "Kill them all, so that they can't report, and we can sneak in quietly."

Teresa was stunned for a moment when she heard Gotrek's violent stealth method. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be the same reason.

Udi took the latter approach.

He planned to get closer and eliminate all the enemies as much as possible, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by the fleeing enemies.

Just about to fight, everyone found a group of orcs coming out of another tunnel.

Before they could react, a brutal fight broke out between the orcs and the ogres.

"They belong to different factions," Gotrek said. "We have to hurry up, or their battle will attract more enemies. If it turns into a big melee, it will be very bad for our actions."

Five people surrounded from different directions and rushed out.

Their weapons shone with arcs that ripped apart the armor of their enemies with ease.

This is a naked massacre.

The resistance of the enemy means nothing to them.

The ogre's sickle slashed on Udi's armor, and it could only draw countless sparks, but could not leave any traces.

Instead, Udi chopped off his head with a sword.

Harris, a mage, was also slashing with his sword.

The lethality of the magic he released was touching, and the goblin who was hit by three fireballs was still alive and kicking, screaming.

Luckily, Fix and Gotrek were by his side, helping him deal with those missed enemies.

After a while, the enemies of the two different factions were all killed by Udi and others.

All that was left was the wreckage everywhere.

"Let's go." Udi, who had dealt with the last enemy, signaled his team members to move on.

Next, they encountered several waves of enemies.

There are orcs and ratmen.

Teresa can always find them in advance and give early warning to Udi and others.

The enemies encountered by the team were dealt with directly, leaving no one alive.

They are not violent and mindless.

Kill them all directly, but the possibility of exposure will be greatly reduced.

In these underground tunnels, countless conflicts break out every day.

Even leaving a corpse would not attract the attention of those ratmen and orcs.

If the stealth is discovered by goblins or ratmen and reports, their actions are very likely to go to waste.

With the help of Teresa, an excellent thief scout, they reached the edge of the ratman city smoothly.

No matter which ratman city it is, it is a terrifying hell.

The main body of Pillar City is the mine vein that the dwarves once hollowed out.

Weird, ugly, and disgusting ratman buildings are built in intricate tunnels and foul-smelling underground spaces.

Countless ratman slaves worked under the whip of the overseer, wailing in despair.

The slaves dug tunnels day and night, expanding this huge underground kingdom.

Huge stone pillars support the hollowed out strata.

Both the dome and the walls are inlaid with a large amount of warpstone, which is used to provide light.

A strong chaotic atmosphere surged in this underground city.

Harris used his spells to spy on the city.

His combat strength is not strong, but his ability to peep and escape is definitely the top existence in this world.

Harris's purpose in learning magic is for a reason that cannot be put on the table.

Using excellent spying spells, Harris quickly locked the location of the members of the Thirteenth Council.

They hid in a building left by the dwarves, arguing and perfecting plans for revenge against humans.

Didn't stay under the Temple of the Horned Rat.

If they launch an attack simply and rudely, the mission may fail.

Harris cast an invisibility magic on Udi and others, which not only can hide the figure, but also restrain all the breath.

"As long as you don't do it, this magic will not be discovered." Harris said: "I have used this magic to sneak into many important places. Even the heavily guarded wizard academy, I have also used this spell to easily enter. Mouse The human city is in chaos, and there are dimension stones. As long as we don't take the initiative, they will never find us."

Hearing Harris' self-showing words, everyone's eyes were a little subtle.

Harris has vision spells and invisibility spells that are difficult for the top magic masters to match.

Attack spells are a mess.

Goblins survived three fireballs and were still alive and kicking.

What is this guy learning magic for?

"I just want to enjoy the beauty quietly." Harris explained: "I swear that I have never done anything to force or hurt others. They don't know anything about me, and they have never realized that I am The presence."

Everyone did not criticize what Harris had done before.

After simple preparations, he sneaked into the Ratman's city.

Skaven never imagined that anyone would infiltrate their city.

Even the Ratmen assassins from the Aixin clan didn't find any trace of Udi and the others.

Their attention is focused on the Ratmen, and they are always ready to use the most cruel means to suppress the rebellion caused by the Ratmen at the bottom, and assassinate those Ratmen who dare to criticize the Thirteenth Council.

Unaware that an enemy has sneaked into the city, preparing to assassinate members of the Thirteenth Council.

After all, nothing like that has ever happened.

From the day the Ratman received the gift of the Horned Rat and established an underground empire, the Ratman city had never been infiltrated.

Udi and the others sneaked into the vicinity of the dwarven building where the members of the Thirteenth Council were, only to be accidentally discovered by an assassin from the Aixin family.

The halfling directly stabbed the guy to death with a dagger, but it was still a step too late.

The alarm sounded, attracting the attention of countless ratmen.

The elite Stormrat Guard sprang into action, trying to protect the safety of the members of the Thirteenth Council.

However, such a short distance is enough for Udi and others to complete the task.

A powerful bomb prepared long ago was thrown into the building.

Deafening explosions swept through the four directions with terrible shock waves.

The entire stone building turned into scarlet under the tremendous power, exuding hot lava.

The gigantic explosion shook even the very foundations of the Skaven city.

The tunnel collapsed, and the gravel from the dome continued to fall, making the Ratmen squeal and scream.

Eleven of the members of the Thirteenth Council were killed by the explosion, and only one survived because he wore an amulet infused with the power of several powerful Gray Seers.

Unfortunately, before it escaped, it was discovered by the sharp-eyed Gotrek, who charged through the rat man who wanted to rescue it, and chopped off the head of the corrupt lord.

All members of the Thirteenth Council were killed.

They also plan a full-scale revenge on human beings.

Unexpectedly, before it could be implemented, it was already solved by humans.

The angry Ratmen swarmed towards the five of them as if they had exploded.

But Udi and others withdrew according to the plan, relying on the powerful equipment and weapons in their hands to kill a bloody road.

When they reached the edge of the Ratman city, they drank the speed potion they had prepared.

Under the blessing of the potion, they ran all the way without any reluctance to fight.

Just concentrate on sprinting, unless the road ahead is blocked, otherwise you can't do it if you can.

A huge wave of ratmen was chasing after them.

Every skaven went mad.

Their scarlet eyes gleam with a desire to tear these men apart.

If he was dragged into the rat swarm, even with the protection of the imperial armor, it would be difficult to leave a whole body behind.

Udi and others detonated the bombs they carried one after another, and used the collapsed tunnel to bury the ratman who was chasing close, and finally managed to escape along the original road, sending an evacuation signal to the airship.

The dwarf lord Bellegar who had mocked Udi and his party before saw the head on Gotrek's waist, and his shocked expression was the same as seeing the dwarf god Grimmnir falling in love with the elf goddess Lilith. It's like giving birth to a big fat boy.

There was only one thought in Bellecard's mind.

How is such a thing possible! !

It must be a lie! ! The five really killed all members of the Thirteenth Council of the Skaven Empire.

If it weren't for the crazy ratmen pouring out from all directions, Bellegar might have been able to maintain that shocked look for a whole year.

The members of the team and the dwarves of Bafeng Mountain evacuated while fighting against the rat tide.

The airship that arrived carried out saturation bombing on the ground, creating conditions for Udi's team to evacuate, and took the surviving dwarves out by the way.

The Ratmen watched the human airship soaring into the sky, unable to do anything but be impotent and furious.

The members of the Thirteenth Council were killed and the abandoned capital was captured.

The Skaven were bound to fall into disunity and endless civil war.

The demise of the Skaven Empire is certain.

The timing of demise only depends on how quickly the human beings are cleaned.

On the deck of the airship, Bellegar held the head of one of the members of the Thirteenth Council, his short body trembling with excitement.

At the beginning, the dwarves suffered heavy casualties when the Skaven used poisonous gas and warp stone creations, and finally retreated. Only a hundred or so dwarves were able to evacuate from Bafeng Mountain.

Now that members of the Thirteenth Council were killed, it was undoubtedly revenge for the dwarves who died in the Battle of Eight Peaks.

"I offer you my sincerest apologies. You avenged our dead ancestors, and in return you will be friends of the dwarves forever."

The dwarf lord, Bellegar, apologized for his arrogant attitude towards Udi and others.

It was he who was stubborn and unaware that a brand new era had arrived.

"All of this is just the will of the Holy Emperor." Udi said: "We fight for him and are committed to saving the world. If you want to be grateful, thank him. The Holy Emperor is the salvation of all of us."

The ancient eastern empire - Cathay, has always been a mysterious, powerful, and rich legendary land.

It is said that there are countless gold and treasures there, and everyone wears silk that nobles regard as treasures.

Such rumors have aroused many people's excitement, and they want to go to that fantastic country one after another.

Vlad, the vampire lord captured by Valyrian in Middenheim, has been to Cathay.

According to him, Cathay is not as beautiful and rich as in the legends, but it is also a huge existence far surpassing many kingdoms.

Relying on the Great Wall, they resisted the invasion of the chaotic forces from the eastern prairie, and established a peaceful country.

Prosperous and prosperous, with a unique culture.

With enough information, Valyrian made plans to travel to Cathay to retrieve the Emperor's Fragment.

From Middenheim to Cathay, there are two ways.

Travel across the edge of the world, through the dark lands, through the kingdom of ogres, and finally to the empire of Cathay.

Or across the eastern steppes that connect the Chaos Wastelands to the northern wastelands, all the way to the Great Wall of the Cathay Empire.

After consideration, Valyrian chose the road from the eastern grassland.

That road is more dangerous.

But that road is closer and saves more time.

As for the enemies of the Chaos Wastes and the Northern Wastes, they pose little danger.

The Gods of Chaos who poured into the world with the Old Ones saw the world as their game and board.

Behind Corvalyrian is an empire ruled by the Holy Emperor.

If the gods wanted to see him as a pawn on the chessboard, they would have to be prepared to pay the price.

Valyrian set off from Middenheim with a fleet of airships.

They fly at high altitudes, only occasionally descending to replenish water sources when they need to descend.

Not many conflicts broke out for this.

Occasionally soldiers from northern barbarian tribes would appear and plunder them in the name of the gods.

They were all killed by Valyrian and others.

The airship fleet finally stopped in front of the city wall blessed with many magics.

The reason why they didn't cross that city wall was because they had reached the territory of Sinian in the past.

And Cathay is protected by a giant protection spell.

Valyrian felt the power of the Emperor in it.

As an imperial guard, he had served in the palace for many years and was summoned by the emperor, and he still had a fragment of the emperor's soul on his body.

Valyrian would never be wrong about the Emperor's breath.

Inside the Great Wall, Cathay also has various spaceships and anti-aircraft firepower that use thermals.

In order to avoid war and enter Cathay in peace, Valyrian could only order the fleet to lower its altitude and let his airship go alone to negotiate.

Soon, dozens of ships flying with dragon flags and using thermal air flow slowly approached Valyrian's airship.

The Cathayans pushed a dragon-mouth cannon out of the ship's muzzle and aimed it at Valyrian's airship.

As long as there is a slight movement, they will open fire without hesitation.

"I am the governor of the northern border, the lord of the hurricane gale, and the eldest daughter of the Haotian Dragon Emperor. Report your name and purpose, strangers, or you will be torn apart by the artillery fire of the Changyuan defenders."

A voice reached Valyrian.

ps: I have always promised book friends to write Miaoying, and I have agreed to it not long after the book was opened, and I have not appeared until now, so it must not be the heroine. As for those book lovers who don't like it, just skip it. Anyway, there are so many branches, just find what you like to read. Thank you very much for the support of book friends, for this reason I will read your comments. This is also the reason why the middle ancient line and the Ultraman line are opened.

Someone mentioned it, so I wrote it first.

Books are such things that make people happy and vent.

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