Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 402 Daughter of the Dragon Emperor - Miaoying (for subscription)

Cathay has a very long history.

Before the arrival of the Old Sage, the Dragon Emperor and his companion Yue Hou had already lived in this world.

At that time, the world was still a frozen wasteland.

Only those powerful beings can live here.

When the Old Ones came, they transformed the planet to make it suitable for life.

At the same time, other races were created to make this world vibrant.

Dragon Emperor also learned how to change into human form at that time.

Summon savage tribes to join your ranks.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

The Old Ones lost their battle with Chaos and were forced to flee the world.

The star gate collapsed, and chaos poured into this world.

In the apocalypse, many tribes began to seek the protection of the Dragon Emperor in order to survive.

The Dragon Emperor is kind and generous, he managed to save those people and united them against Chaos.

After a long campaign and hard work, Dragon Emperor established Cathay with the help of his wife and children.

It took a lot of time and resources to gather the most outstanding craftsmen at that time, and let them use collective magic and casting techniques to build the long wall of Sinian, and also made a large number of terracotta soldiers to defend, so that people gained peace.

The Dragon Emperor and his children ruled this ancient kingdom.

They taught the people of Cathay to use the power of peace.

Let them learn to live in harmony with nature and the land around them, and find their place in the world.

With such thoughts and strength, the people of Cathay have been living smoothly. , Diligently creating wealth.

The Dragon Emperor and his wife had a total of nine sons, four of whom disappeared, and the remaining five sons ruled the east, west, north, south, and middle of Cathay respectively.

Miaoying is responsible for guarding the northern border.

She is the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, the ruler and one of the provincial generals of Cathay.

Possesses the form of a human being, and can also turn into a giant dragon at a critical moment, unleashing an attack capable of destroying everything.

A dragon is scary.

The wild savages and cultists of Chaos north of the Longwall have received the dragon's wrath countless times.

Miaoying has been stationed in the northern border of Cathay for hundreds of years, and has experienced countless battles.

The enemies killed can even fill a huge city.

During this long time, Miaoying has met many people who tried to cross the long wall and enter Cathay.

There are barbarians from the Chaos Wastes and the northern wastes, and occasionally travelers from the west.

The former will often become her ghost under the sword.

Some of the latter will be eligible to enter Cathay for trading, and some people with bad intentions will be expelled.

But the team that came today made Miao Ying, who had killed countless Beastmen and Chaos Warriors, terrified.

That's a huge fleet.

Consisting entirely of magically powered airships.

Each airship is huge, like a mountain.

They are like moving giant mountains, moving in the air.

The two-headed eagle emblem is depicted on both sides of the hull, and a large number of artillery are deployed.

Cathay also has its own spaceship.

The spaceship of Kong Ming designed by the famous weapon master - Shi Hong.

Those spaceships are suspended by a number of sky lanterns, covered with thick armor, bows and arrows, and the evil magic of the Chaos Cultists are difficult to break through its defenses.

However, compared with the airship owned by the special fleet from the Eastern Plains, the Kongming spacecraft is as simple as a child's toy, and it is not at the same level at all.

Those mysterious people did not know how to integrate supernatural runes and steel into one, so that the power of magic could act on the hull.

With the power of magic, the huge airship can fly in the sky.

Such skill can be called ingenious.

"My name is Valyrian. I come from a foreign land. I am under the order of the Holy Emperor to save and guide the human beings in this world. We have no malice."

Valyrian stood on the bow of the airship and stretched out his empty hands to the spaceships suspended by sky lanterns, signaling that he had no weapons and came for peace.

He didn't look angry in any way.

Valyrian can be regarded as one of the more talkative people in the Forbidden Army.

Even if he is a mortal, he will have a pleasant face.

Unlike other Custodians, they never liked to communicate with weak and incompetent mortals.

When they encounter this kind of thing, they tend to take it as an offense.

Several Kongming spaceships approached the airship.

The Cathay soldiers threw out the zip line, fixed the space between their ship and the airship, and then built a simple passage with a piece of wood.

A group of soldiers in bright armor, armed with halberds, crossbows, long knives and other weapons walked over along the wooden plank.

Those soldiers were strong and powerful, exuding a murderous aura that only veterans of hundreds of battles would have.

Many people are not aware of this breath.

I just subconsciously fear those people.

The soldiers held up a huge dragon flag.

His eyes were full of vigilance.

Muscles tense, ready to fight.

Once there is any problem when boarding the ship, they will take action without hesitation.

At the same time, the Kongming spaceship that has already been on standby will open fire immediately.

Valyrian did not want to fight Cathay.

That would be pointless and would only make the gods laugh.

He gave an order that the crew on the airship could only cooperate with those Cathay soldiers.

The crew members raised their hands and leaned their backs against the wall, signaling that they were not a threat.

A beautiful female general appeared in front of Valyrian with the support of those boarding soldiers.

She wears a well-crafted dragon armor covered with countless tiny runes.

One hand wears dark silver armor.

The other hand is wearing iron claw armor with scale-like armor overlapping each other, and even the palm is wrapped.

The female general has long white hair and wears a horned crown on her head.

In the center of the crown is a priceless purple gemstone without any impurities, which forms a symmetry with the slightly smaller purple gemstone at the bottom of the two corners, which naturally makes people feel noble and not to be profaned.

Her eyes are also pure white, without any impurities like beautiful jade.

The face is beautiful, the skin is as white as snow, delicate and smooth.

"Stranger, why do you want to enter Zhendan?" Miaoying's voice was extremely sweet, but without any emotion, it was very cold, repelling people thousands of miles away.

"Come to unite humanity," said Valyrian. "The threat of Chaos is at hand. All humanity unite."

"Zhendan can resist Chaos alone." Miao Ying said: "We have enough power."

"That's not enough. What you faced before was just an unintentional joke of the gods. They just want to get fun from you, not destroy you. This is just a game, so you can rely on this majestic city wall to hold on But if one day, they decide to destroy you, believe me, you will never be able to face such a catastrophe.”

Valyrian said in a sincere tone, "Let us unite together. Only in this way can we fight against Chaos. Please also inform the Supreme Ruler of Cathay that we have come with enough sincerity."

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