Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 403 Prosperous Cathay (for Subscription)

Wonderful Shadow studied Valyrian, who had removed his helm.

There was a hint of anger in the white eyes.

Valyrian looked tall in his golden armor.

Ordinary soldiers stood in front of him, as thin as a child.

The face was broad and handsome, with firm and deep eyes, full of the refined wisdom of a bachelor.

There was nothing false about Valyrian's words.

There is only a rather unpleasant sense of arrogance.

He attributed the reason why Cathay survived the war against Chaos to the fact that the gods saw the world as a playground and did not really do anything.

Such words are annoying.

Very arrogant.

"Chendan has enough power to defend its own people." Miaoying reiterated again: "You know nothing about the power of Cathay, stranger. In front of the majestic Changyuan, countless people of Chaos have fallen enemy."

"I don't doubt this, but my words are absolutely not contemptuous. You live in this small world, the information is too closed, and you don't know the true face of chaos. If you can glimpse the truth of chaos, you won't reject me proposal."

Valyrian held out his hand.

A bright silver sphere appeared in the air.

Suspended in front of Miaoying's eyes.

Valyrian was traveling in airships, not Imperial gunships or transports.

There is no holographic projector installed.

The interface that can be summoned is formed by a proton detector.

As the forbidden army, he is also the leader of the cross-universe exploration team.

Valyrian still has the right to use ultra-miniature devices such as proton detectors.

The appearance of the ball made Miaoying immediately put on guard.

"Don't be nervous." Valyrian reassured: "This is just a non-aggressive interface."

The golden double-headed eagle emblem of the Empire flitted across the interface.

Valyrian waved his palm and manipulated the smooth and bright sphere interface, causing it to play a series of pictures from the empire's military war records.

The chaotic war experienced by the empire is not at the same level as the chaotic war experienced by Cathay.

The battle between the holy emperor and the gods determines their life and death.

It is a duel between chess players.

If the Old Ones were still in this world, Valyrian would never dare to say that this was just a game of the gods.

But now, the ancient sages have retreated and fled from this world.

How could it be possible to resist the Chaos Legion with just a group of indigenous creatures who didn't even understand how to use the ancient holy creations.

The gods just see it as a playground.

Time and time again, they pushed the forces of all parties into desperation, and then looked at their dying struggles.

There is no joy in killing an ant.

But if you play with an ant, it will make people so happy that they forget the time.

The picture played on the interface made Miaoying take a step back in fright.

The entire world has been corrupted by Chaos, turning into strange entities.

Countless creatures were distorted and became minions of Chaos.

The scale of those wars was far beyond Miaoying's imagination.

Fight demons on every world of the stars.

At the end and beginning of time and space, the gods are prevented from manipulating fate.

Soldiers are sent out to find every possible real universe, unite every human being who can unite, and launch an offensive against those indescribable things.

A person is very small in those wars, like an ant.

Even a life entity like her with extraordinary power was not an outstanding existence in those wars.

Miaoying can see from those interfaces that the psykers embedded in the transmission cables and amplifiers can release attacks far beyond the dragon's breath.

After playing for more than ten minutes, Miaoying realized that chaos is not that simple.

Valyrian closed the interface with a wave of his hand.

"I came here with a peaceful purpose and absolutely no malice."

Miaoying kept a blank expression.

But in his heart, he was amazed by the other party's miraculous means.

She didn't feel any fluctuations of extraordinary power.

It is completely impossible to see through what method the opponent used to make that silver sphere appear.

As for the pictures played by the silver sphere, Miao Ying has no way to verify it.

Those pictures are too grand.

The entire territory of Cathay was equivalent to a city in those wars.

After careful consideration, Miaoying finally chose to let this mysterious team enter Changyuan.

Report this matter to his father, Haotian Dragon Emperor, and let him make a decision.

Changyuan has the mysterious magic blessing of the Dragon Emperor.

It can prevent any demons and Chaos minions from bypassing the long wall and appearing in the territory of Cathay.

The only way for Chaos to enter Cathay is to break through the Changyuan.

The northern barbarians and the nomads of the grassland controlled and enslaved by Chaos launch an offensive against Changyuan every year.

But every time it fails.

Nothing was found but a large number of dead bodies.

Valyrian smiled when he received the reply from the commander of Cathay that he was allowed to enter the country.

Holy Emperor Asylum.

I hope that the next work can also progress so smoothly.

Let him successfully recover the emperor's soul fragments and complete his mission.

Si Tiancheng, who mastered the way of yin and yang and held a five-element compass, boarded Valyrian's ship.

Their task is to assist this fleet that came from afar to pass through Changyuan and enter the territory of Cathay.

Si Tiancheng is a warlock of Zhendan, who masters the way of yin and yang, and is good at astrology and prediction.

Zhendan pays close attention to the use of extraordinary power.

The number of direct dragon blood like Miaoying is rare.

But in the territory of Zhendan, there are many dragon descendants who contain their blood and hold powerful power.

Part of the dragon descendant is the blood of the dragon son, and the other part is the blood that has been blessed by the Haotian Dragon Emperor.

They are born knowing the way of yin and yang, and if they get the chance, they may be able to successfully transform into dragons.

Dragonborn with powerful talents often join Cathay's military forces, serving as the most dangerous front-line combat missions.

Apart from Dragonborn, Danding Master is also the most common supernatural power user in Cathay.

You can refine all kinds of rare potions and elixirs, and enchant soldiers' weapons with light.

Can also use powerful metal spells.

The Danding Division will often become an important logistical support for the Cathay Army.

One is responsible for the charge and the other is responsible for the logistics support.

As a sorcerer, Si Tiancheng was responsible for reconciling Yin and Yang on the battlefield and laying out the five-element formation.

If you want to enter Changyuan blessed by the power of the Dragon Emperor, you must be led by Si Tiancheng.

And in the territory of Zhendan, Si Tiancheng's figure will appear frequently.

It is also one of their jobs to reconcile the wind and rain and ensure that there will be no major disasters in Cathay.

It is said that in Weijing, the capital of Cathay, there is a giant five-element compass comparable to a magic vortex.

It can control the wind of magic, so that the wind and rain in Cathay will be smooth.

If necessary, the compass can also be used to carry out a devastating blow to a certain place.

Valyrian stared at those Si Tianchengs holding compasses.

Leading the fleet to cross the protective cover of Nagagaki.

Valyrian possesses great knowledge.

He could tell at a glance that those Si Tianchengs had mastered a complete extraordinary system.

If there is no interference from the empire and the development of Zhendan has been allowed to continue like this, this country is likely to evolve into a psychic country.

The people of Cathay can use psionic energy at will to satisfy their daily life just like the Eldar.

The inside and outside of Changyuan are two completely different worlds.

Although the eastern prairie is not as severely corroded as the Chaos Wasteland.

But there are also those horrible dark creatures everywhere.

When Valyrian was sailing, he had also witnessed hordes of mutated and twisted monsters roaring across the grasslands.

He also slaughtered many enemies who tried to besiege the airship that landed for water supply.

Cathay is quite different.

The long wall isolated the chaotic grassland and crossed the majestic city wall with profound magic.

Everyone in the fleet led by Valyrian showed expressions of amazement.

The magnificent and beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers rushes forward.

Can't feel the breath of chaos.

Under the escort of the Cathay army, Valyrian and his party quickly approached the nearest border city - Northwind City

Oriental buildings with completely different styles from castles such as Middenheim and Altdorf are lined up in the prosperous giant city.

Even if it is just a border city, its scale is no less than that of Altdorf.

Beifeng City covers a vast area and was built on the back of a mountain range.

There are eight city gates in total.

There are huge statues of terracotta guards at each city gate.

Those figurine guard statues are not decorations. When chaos breaks through the long wall, those statues can be awakened and used on the battlefield.

Cities are well planned.

Several roads start from the city gate, run through Beifeng City, and reach the palace on the top of the mountain.

Different main roads are connected by different branch roads.

They used to divide different areas, which seemed to be very distinct.

The houses with blue brick and tile houses as the main body are built on both sides of the road, along with the magnificent palace that extends to the center of the mountain top.

Before Valyrian set off, he heard that the people of Cathay pay attention to the harmony of yin and yang, and the order of the five elements.

They must have taken this into consideration when planning the city.

The arrival of the airship has aroused the curiosity of people in Beifeng City.

When I looked down, the street was full of people, their faces were full of surprises, and everyone stretched their necks trying to see better.

Among the crowd, some people were very excited and happy, while others showed worry and fear.

Beifeng City has a special place for Kong Ming's spaceship to park.

However, Valyrian and the others are outsiders after all, and rashly allowing an airship fleet to enter Northwind City, if any accident occurs, it will definitely be disastrous.

The fleet was asked to land outside the city.

The carriage then ushered him into the palace.

Although Beifeng City is a frontier city, it is very lively.

Both sides of the wide green brick road are full of crowded and noisy crowds.

Buildings made of blue bricks and wood can be seen everywhere.

Merchants are trying their best to sell all kinds of goods.

The street jugglers wielded their swords, attracting bursts of applause.

The acrobats amuse the audience with various skills such as spitting knives, spitting fire, changing faces, and jacking poles.

"Master, do you want to come here to play?"

"The girls in Chunfenglou are all talented, it's a pity to miss it for the rest of my life."

"A few little girls have come to Goulan recently, I guarantee you guys will like it."

Putting on light make-up, the women with slender waists stood on the second floor and waved at Valyrian and the others who passed by, flirting with winks, and some bold bodies pulled down the thin veils, revealing a slender, boneless, white The fragrant shoulders like flawless jade have attracted the screams of countless sluts.

Following the road through the bustling commercial and residential areas, they finally entered the palace on the top of the hill.

A group of men and women of high status was already waiting for them at the gate of the palace.

They all wore robes of fine and rich silk, emblazoned with the family crest and the dragon symbol of Cathay.

Dragon is an important cultural symbol in Sinian.

Dragons can be seen in their banners, statues, and various literary works.

Do not speak ill of the dragon in front of a Cathaan, as doing so will arouse their disgust and even lead to war.

Those men and women saluted Wonderful Shadow, made courtesy greetings to Valyrian and others, and then welcomed them into the palace.

The palace is ancient and luxurious, with exquisite murals and ink paintings on the roof and walls.

The roads coming in are all paved with glazed black bricks.

Valyrian, who was wearing armor, made a sound like gold and iron colliding every time he took a step.

There are also stone railings on both sides of the road, and the railings are decorated with cloud dragon and phoenix patterns.

Small lions and dragons hang from the columns of the railing.

Between the pillars and under the statues, railings are installed.

There are images of lotus leaves, birds and animals carved on the railings.

Along the way, we also passed lotus ponds, gardens and rockeries and so on.

The palaces here are quite different from those in the West.

Middenheim also has a palace.

It was left behind by the former electors.

It is built with stone blocks, carved with various exquisite and complex murals, recording those ancient histories.

Magnificent atmosphere, but cold.

Aurora's palaces are about exquisiteness and tranquility.

According to the technology and productivity of this era, the cost of building such a building is definitely not cheap.

Only under the protection of the Great Wall, the Cathay can be built without worrying about the invasion of Chaos.

They are not invaded by Chaos as often as the West.

Altdorf, Middenheim, these large cities have encountered several enemy invasions.

A lot of wealth was lost as a result.

And Zhendan has been accumulating wealth under the protection of Changyuan.

The two are not comparable at all.

They ended up in a large hall.

The main hall is very grand, with several giant pillars gilded with gold.

Under Miaoying's instruction, the ruler of Northwind City held a grand banquet for Valyrian and others.

Even if you have seen the miracle of an industrial city like Middenheim.

The native crew that accompanied Valyrian were still stunned by Cathay's wealth.

The banquet chairs are all carved with intricate patterns, plated with luxurious gold leaf, and inlaid with precious red and sapphires.

The dishes on the side are even more varied and exquisite in workmanship.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, the crew would never have imagined that there are so many delicacies in this world.

Every dish has the taste that a halfling's top chef can only have.

The western food culture is extremely simple, just cook it briefly, which may also be related to the extreme lack of resources in their previous life.

In Aurora, Si Tiancheng is in charge of the Five Elements Compass, ensuring that the weather is smooth and there are no frequent wars. People's living standards are high, so they naturally want to delve into delicacies.

Commoners in the West not only have to farm, but also have to bear heavy taxes. In the event of a war, they must be recruited by the nobles to fight at their own expense.

Without a stable life and sufficient supplies, food is naturally out of the question.

When a society's living materials are abundant, various delicacies will naturally continue to emerge.

Valyrian had no interest in food.

He only has his own mission in his heart.

The emperor's resurrection is the most critical.

But he also knew that there was no rush.

The emperor's soul was shattered into countless pieces, and it was extremely difficult to walk back one by one.

The time required is very likely to take thousands of years, ten thousand years to do it. ,

"The messenger has already set off, and we expect to get the news within half a month. If my father allows, then I will personally take you to Weijing." Miaoying, the daughter of the Dragon Emperor who changed into a casual dress, walked to Valyrian's side. Said.

"Thank you very much," Valyrian said.

"Have the creations of the western countries developed so powerfully?" Miaoying asked pointedly.

According to the news from the caravans that went to sea, the west has been in constant war, and the countries often fall into internal strife.

Civilization technology has not made much progress.

Has been standing still, even backtracking.

Several steam tanks were repaired and continued to be used.

The arrival of Valyrian made Miao Ying feel a crisis.

Even she can't understand the creations that the other party has mastered.

The pictures played by that weird sphere are even more shocking.

She wanted to get some news from the other party to see what happened in the west.

"I am not of the Western Kingdoms," Valyrian said. "I serve the Holy Emperor, and I come from another universe."

"From another universe?" Wonderful Shadow repeated Valyrian's words puzzledly, "Does it mean another world?"

Valyrian shook his head, pointing to the sky.

"Have you ever wondered what is above the sky?"

"Father said it was a cold, lifeless realm of nothingness, and only powerful creatures could pass through the realm of nothingness safely with the help of top-level treasures. My father said that when he crossed the realm of nothingness, he almost died. I saw the pictures you played before, you seem to be able to freely enter and leave the realm of nothingness, and there is still a war with chaos in that realm."

Valyrian knew that the other party should have referred to the void as the so-called realm of nothingness.

"Then do you know what is above the realm of nothingness?"

"I don't know." Miaoying slightly shook her head, she is the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, but she doesn't know everything.

She has always lived in Cathay.

Even Hualong will only fly above the sea of ​​clouds, and will not enter the cold, airless realm of nothingness.

"Then do you know where your power comes from?" Valyrian asked.

"The subspace can also be called the source world. The former is the saying left by the ancient sages, and the latter is the saying of the world where my father originally lived."

"Then call it the warp." Valyrian picked a word he was familiar with.

Miaoying watched the silver ball of light that had appeared before reappear in the air.

Valyrian called up images of the stars.

"We live on the surface of these planets, these planets are surrounded by the realm of nothingness in your mouth, and these countless planets and realms of nothingness make up the universe, and the universe is surrounded by subspace, forming the universe of the heavens. And I come from Another universe, not another world."

"The real chaotic ontology is hidden in the subspace. They are not in the real universe, not in the chaotic wasteland and the chaotic realm, but outside of time and space. We are fighting against them under the leadership of the Holy Emperor, hoping If we can unite all human beings in the universe to fight against chaos, then we will have a chance of victory."

Valyrian wanted to continue explaining the nature of the gods to the other party, but a soldier who hurried to the banquet interrupted the conversation.

"Master Miaoying, the scouts released saw an army composed of northern barbarians and chaotic minions, and they were coming towards the long wall." The soldier said: "The scale is very large. Both."

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