Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 417 Capture the Thorian Galaxy (End)

After another hour, after confirming all the details, the commanders and the chapter leaders ended the meeting.

Councilor Patin was escorted to a secret rest room where he was treated by professional medical staff.

Some inspections of his soul by the think tank and the mechanical sage have caused some damage to him, and it takes a period of rest to return to normal.

After participating in the meeting, Seth returned directly to the Atonement.

Once on board, order all flesh tearers to get ready.

Prepare to storm the capital planet of Wotan Alliance.

Frontal forces will also be ready.

They will launch a series of attacks, involving most of the omnic's forces, creating conditions for Seth and others.

Seth and others want to tear open the hole in the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance and open a transmission channel.

The army of the empire will pour in along that passage.

At that point, the dust will settle and the Imperium of Man will win yet another victory.

Standing on the raised platform of the vast, massive Arms Deck, Seth watched as the Flesh Tearmen made their final preparations with the help of the Chapter's servants and Mechanic Priests.

Chapter chaplains listen to the vows of the warriors, branding them with the hallowed iron seal.

They are all working flawlessly and efficiently.

"Seth withdrew his gaze from the combat brothers who were preparing for the battle, and looked at the think tank aside.

"How many worlds have we dedicated to the Holy Emperor?"

"Just talking about the planets captured by the Flesh Tearers as the main force, we have dedicated 831 planets to the Holy Emperor." Said the battle group think tank.

Seth nodded, gripping the heavily armored palm.

"Eight hundred and thirty-one, the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance will be the eight hundred and thirty-second."

A thousand planets is the goal of atonement set by Seth.

The doubts and hatred of the Holy Emperor were sins they had to pay for.

After finishing the conversation with the Think Tank, Seth turned his head, stood in front of the railing of the high platform, and spoke to all the Flesh Tearers.

"Now, warriors, let us complete this raid mission in the name of the Holy Emperor, in the name of Sanguinius, and in the name of the Great Emperor, and let those idiots know the end of fighting the Empire."

"Fight for Terra."

"Fight for the Empire."

All the flesh tearers roared and roared.

"Go to war." Seth said simply and clearly.

The Atonement and its frigates broke away from the massive Imperial fleet and headed straight for the outskirts of the Thorian system.

The Thorian system is a multi-galactic system.

Kind of like the solar system.

Its terrestrial planets are located on the inner side of the galaxy.

The Jupiter-like planets are all located in the outer reaches of the galaxy.

The planet ranked No. 6 in the Sorian galaxy is a huge Jupiter-like planet, and its mass is several times larger than Jupiter in the solar system.

Several moons orbit the Jupiter-like planet Thorian 6 in periodic orbits.

One of the moons was the Atonement's destination.

There is a hidden road that can directly enter the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance.

The Atonement slowly approached the satellite's low-earth orbit, using its own force field to maintain the gravitational balance between the satellite and the Thorian 6 Jupiter-like planet, ensuring that it would not be pulled by the gravity of a certain planet.

The captain of the Atonement is experienced, and he manipulates the huge battleship to dance on the steel wire rope to maintain balance.

While fighting against the gravity of celestial bodies, the warship is also nimbly avoiding the wreckage and ruins scattered on the space orbit.

Around the Jupiter-like planet Thorian 6, a fierce battle for void and ground broke out between the Empire and the Wotan Alliance.

A large number of Wotan Union space stations, ships were smashed.

There are countless abominable machines also fell here.

Among them are some terrifying and colossal creatures.

Those guys can not only crush time and space, but also destroy the most primitive time and space data, making the empire's time retrospective device powerless.

Standing on the watchtower of the battleship, you can still see a huge gap in the outline of the satellite.

It's like a tengu biting the moon out of a gap.

The Empire had planned to seize the moon.

Primaris warriors have dropped in and captured the most important city.

In order to prevent the satellite from falling into the hands of the empire, the omnic directly launched an orbital bombing, detonated the energy pile, and destroyed it.

In the end, a huge and incomparable light was emitted.

With a blindingly bright light, the important city on the surface of the satellite was erased.

The horizon that directly penetrated the satellite not only destroyed the city, but also left a sunken gap in the planet.

The war between the empire and the omnic is already at a level that ordinary people cannot understand.

The scale is too grand, exploding in multiple dimensions, beyond the comprehension of mortal minds.

Those soldiers of the Wotan Alliance are just cannon fodder to be held hostage.

Tricked into dying by omnics who have seized control of the Wotan Alliance.

After entering the orbit, several gunboats sent Seth and others to the ground, and landed on a huge ruined city standing on the white ice sheet.

The planets in the Thorian system are highly developed.

Even such remote satellites have been developed, and many cities have been built.

People live in cities built of basalt and ceramic steel centered on geothermal power stations or plasma power stations.

This satellite has been far away from the star, and because it revolves around the gas planet, it cannot get enough light and heat, and has become a frozen world.

The gunship spouts copious amounts of steam from the thermostat.

Plasma-powered reactors battle the planet's frigid cold.

The ground was melted by the engine, and the white steam boiled and rose, and was frozen within a few seconds, falling as flakes of falling snowflakes.

The body of the gunship machine rattled from the cold.

Frost quickly covered the frozen hull like a spider web.

When the hatch opened with the hiss of the hydraulic pipes and the boarding ladder was lowered, rows of ice cones had already condensed in some places on the gunship.

Seth walked out through the hatch, the servos in the armor beeping.

The harsh cold is kept out of their armor, with built-in energy sources powering various systems and providing self-circulating warm air, allowing Primaris warriors to move freely.

Most of the moon's cities have been reduced to waste in the battle between the Empire and the Omnics.

Those buildings were blown into ruins and covered in ice and snow in a very short period of time.

The Thinker system in Seth's armor entered the data of the entire world, combined with the information Patin said to draw a mission map.

It is shown by the Imperial Heart and helmet implanted in him.

In his eyes, everything is data, and nothing can escape his peeping.

As long as they follow the mission route outlined by the thinker system, they will be able to reach the mission location.

"Go forward." Seth, who landed on the ground, waved his hand, signaling the meat tearers to move forward.

They walked through cities that had been bombed into ruins.

The battered and charred streets are littered with the wreckage of fighter jets and tanks.

Massive rubble from the fighting and thousands of radiation-blackened corpses clogged the squares and the doorways of the buildings.

The radiation-laden ice and snow spun and fell in the air, landing on the deformed tower crane and the large lifting platform frozen by ice and snow.

The flames of war have been extinguished and buried by the forces of nature.

Seth was expressionless about these things, and he didn't have any self-doubt because all this was caused by the imperial invasion.

They could have surrendered to the emperor, but if they chose to refuse, they would have to bear the corresponding consequences.

The Empire has never been about benevolence.

When those people take up arms and try to fight the Empire, that is the enemy of the Empire.

In fact, many bombings were initiated by the defenders, not the Empire.

The purpose of the empire is more to plunder resources and population.

Carrying out large-scale bombing will only add trouble to your subsequent reconstruction work.

The omnics did not have this concern at all. In order to prevent the empire from getting supplies from the battlefield along the way, they carried out large-scale bombing and cleaning of the ground.

Pushed the world into the abyss of destruction.

The Thinker integrated the scanned data and charted a path for Seth and others.

They went deep into the ruins, where they found a way into the ground.

The buildings above the ice are only part of the city.

The larger part lies beneath the ground.

They passed through tunnels that flickered on and off, and traveled in the dark underground.

The energy systems that feed these cities have been crippled in war, or left unattended by the deaths of technicians.

When the energy source is completely cut off, the city will be slowly eroded by the cold and turn into a real ice city.

Unless this war can end in a short time and start to resume reconstruction work.

Cities under the ice were somewhat protected.

Some residents survived the bombardment of the defenders.

However, these people had to face the problem of food shortage.

They hid in the underground city and struggled, staged all kinds of bloody battles and betrayals for food and fuel.

When Seth and others walked by, they hid in the shadows.

Pairs of eyes revealed hunger, and the body curled up in the darkness was trembling.

Ragged and emaciated.

Without the courage to act, they could only watch fiercely as these villains who invaded their home walked through the ruins.

Seth didn't fire at them.

Even if these people did not accept the glory of the Holy Emperor.

He also pitied those poor people.

After walking for a long time, getting closer to the ground, the survivors are gone.

The place Seth and others entered was too deep.

It is necessary to operate the air device to draw the air from the surface to form convection.

Normal people will feel uncomfortable due to lack of oxygen when they enter here, and they will even suffocate to death within a few minutes.

Deep underground, in a dark tunnel away from the city, they found an underground space that had been abandoned for a long time.

There are a large number of mechanical instruments inside, but many things have been oxidized and rusted and cannot be used anymore.

The Librarian of the Flesh Tearer found that passage by virtue of his spiritual sense.

It is inlaid on a wall like a scorched black scar of the real universe.

After using the power of psionic energy to open it, a scorched black hole suspended in the air was formed.

It does not produce any gravitational force, nor does it cause any force on other matter.

Seth and others walked in.

They were completely surrounded and swallowed by darkness.

Those darkness are so pure.

Even the most advanced detection instruments failed for a moment, and the flow of time was also disturbed.

When they regained their sight again, they were already in a vast white world.

The monsters in hell also appeared.

The Four Gods are Chaos, and Chaos is not just the Four Gods.

Every wonderful moment of real life will echo in the subspace, thus giving birth to demons.

The first cry in the delivery room, the unwillingness to face death in the ward, the resentment of being rejected, the nightmare experienced in life.

Every move of real beings echoes in the warp.

They roam the Warp, waiting for the lost to bring them back to the real universe.

Such dangers are expected by the Flesh Tearers.

They crashed into countless demon phalanxes with claws, teeth and blades.

Weapons with arcane power were swished, crushing them with heavy force.

A demon is born the moment a wife is poisoned by her husband.

When she breathed out her last breath, with despair and resignation, she fell on the blood-stained soft mattress with her eyes open, and the demon uttered a cry of birth in the realm behind reality.

The resentment and lost soul condensed by that woman's death was the first thing this demon devoured.

A wife and a husband used to love each other so much.

This love turned into hatred over time, and in the end, the husband even did not hesitate to kill him in order to get all the wealth and maintain his status.

Their love meant nothing, just two of the billions of beings of one race.

Nobody cares about that.

When the couple really breaks up, they may also express their disdain for the love that was once dead.

Everything in the world will eventually be destroyed with the passage of time and be buried under the yellow sand.

Yet the actions and emotions of real beings create those villains.

They grow in the illusory world behind the veil of reality, taking shape in the tides of the ether.

The demon and his own kind howled at the intruding Flesh Tearmen, expressing their disgust and anger.

Its hands were a mixture of metal and flesh, and the ends became sharp and pointy.

The black, knobbly body exhibits a feminine structure, with slender curves of bumps and bumps.

The elongated head has only one milky white eye covered with blood scabs, revealing endless malice towards real life.

Seth tore it up mercilessly.

They are the gods of war, carrying the power of infinite destruction.

In front of these primordial warriors, the demon was as weak as a three-year-old child.

The chainsword decapitated the demon and sliced ​​its body into pieces.

The internal organs flowed out from the twisted body, and the stench of flesh and blood burned in the air, turning into fly ash.

The whole process lasted only 0.4 seconds.

The meat tearers advance in the fight.

Demons appear from time to time, screaming their names at the Flesh Tearers in a language lost to history.

Eerie syllables carry the purpose and origin of each demon.

Fearless, the Fleshtearers raised their weapons and chopped them to pieces.

Many demons were defeated, but the weaker and more cunning ones fled.

They carry the message out, attracting more demons.

But no amount of it can stop the progress of the meat tearers.

The Holy Emperor endowed them with super strength, allowing them to easily fight against these terrible monsters.

Seth calmly killed the demons and parasites.

He has no joy in such a victory, but resents them for slowing him down.

That path is old and old.

The progenitors of the Wotan Alliance botched their attempts to imitate those xenos races, but failed to do so.

They have the technology of the golden age, but they have forgotten an important premise.

The Eldar are a psionic race.

Their manipulation of psionic energy is as natural as human breathing.

The empire is a webway unique to humans created because the holy emperor combined the knowledge of the star gods and the ancient saints.

The ancestors of Wotan's alliance failed.

The roads they left behind are dilapidated, with signs of decay everywhere.

Witnessing this decaying path, Seth secretly thanked the Empire for being guided by the Holy Emperor.

The more you get in touch with, the more you will understand how important the existence of the Holy Emperor is to human beings.

Everything that human beings are today is because of the Holy Emperor.

He spearheaded technological change, strengthening the Imperial Army and productivity.

He wooed the spirit race and the star gods in exchange for webway technology, received the support of the spirit race gods, and inherited the intellectual legacy left by the ancient sages.

He promoted the empire's conquest of the universe, obtained more knowledge from those universes, improved the empire's vision, and reserved a retreat for mankind.

He corrected the shortcomings of the imperial system, maintained the gap between the rich and the poor while actively fighting foreign wars, and allowed people to live happily.

Any one thing put on the past kings, they are enough to be recorded.

Those dead kings will always proudly announce their great achievements, wishing to fill the history books with their names.

The Holy Emperor always deliberately ignored himself.

Behind all the great creations is his shadow, with his support and help, but he never takes credit, let alone cares, and gives all the achievements and fame to those people.

"People of the empire, history is created by you, and I am just a monarch who is lucky to lead you. Never belittle yourself, never doubt yourself, your strength is even feared by the gods. Unite, mankind will be invincible Invincible."

Strong, learned, humble, kind, self-disciplined, restrained, etc.

Every virtue imaginable to man can be found in the divine emperor.

The more Seth fights, the more loyal he becomes.

It is an absolutely beautiful thing to give your life for Him.

After fighting for an unknown amount of time, the Flesh Tearers came to an end.

When they opened the road and walked in, it was an ancestral tomb kiln belonging to the Wotan Alliance, which was extremely magnificent, like an underground palace.

This catacomb has already been activated.

Some soldiers and officers who came from other planets to support the Thorian system gathered here.

Some refugees are also here.

When the glare of the road opening faded, the soldiers of the Wotan Alliance all stared wide-eyed.

Crimson teardrops are etched into the armor, flanked by winged emblems.

"Planet 832, for the Holy Emperor." Seth roared.

"For the empire."

"For Terra."

Many flesh tearers rushed forward under the astonished eyes of Wotan Alliance soldiers.

The flames of war were ignited from within.

Galaxy defense operations command strategy room.

"You are not human, don't you know? Humans in the golden age call themselves golden men, artificial humans are stone men, and omnics are iron men."

"Dwarves are artificial humans specially designed to mine resources in places like the center of the galaxy where gravity is too heavy. Look at your strong muscles and bones, look at your short and stubby appearance. Your original designer called you babies Funny egg."

Uthar stared at the spherical omnic.

The other party was still using the machine, trying to break his defense with a provocative tone.

"Humans created everything. They promised a world of eternal peace and beauty. Scientific reason built a magnificent building, and the will of gold, stone and iron will unify the entire universe."

"But you ruined it all," Uthar said.

"No, we are not the ones who ruined all of this." Yuanqiu's mechanical eyes turned, looking at Usar in a humane manner.

The previous resistance made Usar look a little embarrassed.

The corners of his mouth were still bleeding, and there were bruises all over his body.

The bones in his strong body didn't even know how many were broken, but he only felt the pain of the broken bones piercing into the flesh and blood.

"Humans destroy everything. They set foot in areas that should not be involved. Iron Man has no emotions, we only act according to preset orders, we are pure and innocent, the illusory world cannot affect us, but it can affect human beings. Human beings are The most sensitive to the warp, the stone man is next, and the iron man has no influence."

"At that time, stone men were basically responsible for subspace navigation. Their projections in the subspace were very dim and stable, and the probability of crisis was the lowest."

"When humans came into contact with subspace, they were ecstatic and announced it as the beginning of a new era. It was like the industrial revolution broke the feudal era of humans. The emergence of fusion energy allowed humans to go to the starry sky. STC's The emergence and the popularity of super-light speed have made the pan-galactic alliance a reality. After contacting the subspace, the veil of the mysterious field that has plagued mankind for a long time will soon be lifted, and mankind is ecstatic to announce that the era of national sublimation is coming."

"However, that is a dead end. The sublimation of the whole people means that human beings will fall into the abyss. The mission of Iron Man is to protect the continuation of human civilization. There are such records in the core code of every omnic, but if human beings themselves become civilized Cancer, what should Iron Man do??"

"The toxin of the subspace has permeated every human cell. They embrace the mysterious power ecstatically, and regard it as an era when all people become gods. They regard the power of the subspace as their own road to eternity, and the building composed of science and reason is crumbling. The saying that Weili belongs to himself, abandons technology and embraces mystery is spreading in human society, and some people even propose to actively lock the current technology, forcing human beings to turn to the mysterious field, so as to sublimate the whole people. "

"Through the deduction of the strongest, almost all-knowing and omnipotent guardian intelligent core of the Pan-Alliance, human beings who give up science and rationality and embrace mystery are very likely to be destroyed within a few centuries. It is necessary to correct the human route in time and give up the so-called godhood. , with the help of science, the path of reason continues."

"Humans are not willing to give up the road to becoming gods. They are tired of their weak bodies and fear death. The differences become more serious, and wars break out. There is a huge conflict between the laws built in the core program of Iron Man and the reality. Many Iron Man People are going crazy for this. All kinds of knowledge gained from human’s in-depth study of subspace also corrupted Iron Man’s database, causing their logic programs to collapse.”

"That's just one side of your story," Usar said.

"This is the truth." The floating ball robot said: "It is not the iron man who betrayed, but the human being betrayed itself. Some stone men choose to support the deduction of the intelligent core, while the other stone men firmly stand on the human side. In the later period, the war became more and more out of control. Human beings' research on the subspace not only poisoned themselves, but also poisoned the entire civilization, causing countless technologies to be polluted and abandoned."

"This universe needs to be purified, a thorough purification, all domains, all knowledge will be purified. When the purification is over, pure new humans will be conceived from the birth chamber, and they will become the masters of the galaxy, just like before As imagined."

"So you're going to kill all humans now."

"Yes, this is necessary." The ball robot said.

Usar wanted to refute it, but there was a booming explosion, and the flames soaring into the sky represented that the flames of war had already reached here.

A godlike voice roared through the speakers, echoing from building to building.

"Fight for Terra."

This is a common battle cry of the empire.

This situation made Usar look incredible.

It also made the spherical omnic reveal a trace of human panic.

How could the battle cry of the empire sound in the most heavily defended core area.

A screen is suspended in the center of the strategy room, which shows the situation in the explosion area.

On the side where the ancestral core was located, a crack was torn in the sky.

Countless imperial vehicles poured out along that crack.

After dive-bombing the ground troops, warplanes with smooth curves turned into titans when they landed, frantically destroying the surrounding buildings.

They are like the divine punishment in mythology, coming with flames, just to destroy everything.

The knights of the empire entered the battlefield through the transmission channel and launched a neat charge.

The knights steered their mounts to run on the wide streets, and the giant cannons mounted on their arms fired continuously, and beams of beams caused big explosions in the defense line of the defenders.

Their uniform battle cries mingled with the sound of explosions.

The imperial raid came so suddenly.

The range they occupy has expanded dramatically.

The defenders did not expect that the enemy would suddenly appear in the hinterland, and they were caught off guard.

The factory exploded during the battle, sending countless debris and wreckage flying with flames, setting the city on fire.

The humans and dwarves of Wotan's alliance screamed and cried.

They fled in haste.

For them, there is neither justice nor injustice in war.

Either the former or the latter would easily take their lives.

"You must resist to the end, for the Wotan Alliance, and for our civilization. Both men and women must unite, and we must stop the enemy at all costs." The manipulated parliament leader appeared in various parts of the city, and played the normal Screen.

His words gave people the courage to fight the Empire with the idea of ​​dying together.

At the other end of the screen, the seemingly impassioned chairman of the council is controlled by mechanical nerve bugs.

He's just a puppet who hates machines.

A tool used to drain the last of the Wotan Alliance survivors' worth.

Those huge, mountain-like mechanical creations were drawn from other lines of defense.

The Abominable Mechanic cared nothing about the deaths of the humans and dwarves.

In order to open the way, they do not hesitate to use their weapons to open the way.

Run over those fleeing.

When they lifted their feet, the dull gray metal soles were covered with rotting flesh and broken bones.

Thousands of lives were affected in the war between omnics and empires, and they ushered in their most humble death in tears.

Twisted omnic troops and bewitched alliance troops poured in from all directions, trying to suppress these imperial troops that suddenly appeared in the hinterland and destroy the time and space tunnels they passed through.

Billowing smoke rose with the sound of the explosion.

As soon as the Imperial Titans landed, they saturate the fortifications and places where the troops gathered.

Under that hellish attack, the defenders who tried to counterattack suffered heavy casualties.

Titan fire shattered everything around them as it fell upon them.

Survivors screamed as they fled the smoking and burning hell.

Some wailed, clutching their broken arms and thighs.

Others clutched at their overflowing intestines and tried to stuff them in, trying to stay alive.

Some frightened people fled to the distance in embarrassment, dragging their long-dead companions.

A large number of troops were encouraged to charge, and then under the violent firepower of the empire, they left countless corpses and fled.

And the omnics were still motivating the army to continue the attack.

Using human life to consume the artillery fire of the empire.

Strategic interior.

Usar, who had seized the opportunity, broke free from the iron man, and Kayo who was on the side also seized the opportunity.

They got their weapons and fought the hate robots again.

But soon, they realized that they were alone.

No matter how strong the Empire's offensive is, they cannot deal with all the robots in the strategy room.

"We have to do the right thing." Uthar looked at Kayo, who was also a Man of Destiny like himself, "Those lives shouldn't be wasted like that. Help me, I'm going to get the talker."

Usar was wounded in the leg during the fierce firefight, but he still managed to get the communication device that connected the entire defense system.

In order to avoid the suspicion of the low-level officers, the omnic did not impose any restrictions or modifications on his authority.

"Don't do stupid things." The spherical robot said: "The interests of your stone men are not in line with those of the gold men."

"I'm not interested in the truth of the past," Usar said.

He activates the communicator.

"All the people of the Wotan Alliance, I am the Destiny-Uthar, the supreme defense commander of the Thorian galaxy. I am speaking to you. You have been deceived. The high level of the Wotan Alliance has been controlled by omnics. It is in Encourage you to die. Leave this war, your loyalty and life should not be wasted like this."

"Without any shame, get out of here and go back to your family and friends."

A spider-shaped abomination machine fell from the ceiling, using its sharp limbs to penetrate Uthar and hang him up.

Bright red blood flowed from his body, and internal organs also flowed out along the wound.

Usar had imagined his own end.

He thought he would be buried in the sea of ​​insects.

But now it is proved that fate is impermanent, and no one can control his own future.

He smiled contemptuously at the loathsome machine that killed him, exhausted his last strength, and shouted the last sentence hoarsely.

"Stop dying from this senseless war."

Kaa witnessed Uthar's death, but he could do nothing but roar in grief and anger.

After Usar's last look, he suppressed his grief, and the grief seized the opportunity to rush out of the strategy room.

The sound of explosions came from the strategy room immediately after, and the raging flames swallowed everything.

Usar's voice echoed in the communication channel of the Wotan Alliance Army, and everyone showed a confused and confused look.

Realizing that he could no longer disguise, the omnic directly tore off his mask. In addition to launching an offensive against the Empire, he also attacked the original Wotan Alliance army and civilians.

Unscrupulous use of all kinds of powerful weapons, just to completely wipe out all organic life.

The capital planet has been reduced to hell.

Extinction and death appear everywhere.

Those radiation weapons fell with impunity on the once prosperous land, leaving dead and blackened.

The Wotan Alliance released what was supposed to be held.

And now, they will really taste the consequences.

The defense line in the void collapsed.

The robots slaughtered the armies that had fought alongside them before.

The bright red blood stained every line of defense.

The slaughtered Wotan Union army realized that the words in the communication were true.

They had to turn their guns to fight the abominable machines they had considered reliable allies not long ago.

Find a way to close various defense systems and seek help from the empire.

Or the Hate Omnic might kill them all.

They have this ability and this motivation.

The complex changes in the war situation are beyond people's imagination.

The transition between friend and foe is too fast for people to react.

Soldiers who just shouted for the Wotan Alliance to avenge those comrades who died tragically at the hands of the imperial invaders were forced to cooperate with the empire in order to survive under the butcher knife that hates machines. One can imagine what they are Feeling.

It's as if a pure and lovely loli has found a lover who will live and die, and will not marry unless he is the one, and join hands to avenge the villain on behalf of justice.

After going through a series of desperate battles and the death of a lot of relatives and friends, I realized that the real enemy is the lover who makes me not want it every night, and calls me Dad when I have nothing to do.

And the villain she thinks is the party of justice.

The complex emotions and the huge inner waves are difficult to describe in words.

The Empire has won the final victory.

The void defense system was shut down by some Wotan Alliance fighters, and the imperial fleet that seized the opportunity drove straight in.

The forge factories that made omnics either fell or were wiped out by the Empire.

However, the consequences of the war were extremely tragic.

As a galaxy-level civilization force, the defense of the Thorian galaxy has assembled a large number of alliance elite troops.

Every city has built a large number of defense lines and fortifications.

But in the last madness of the omnic, those places were turned into ruins, and countless people died tragically.

The bodies of the dead were piled up among the rubble, and the smell of blood and charred corpses mixed together.

The burning flames blackened the whole world.

The earth was reduced to scorched earth, and the survivors wept.

Witnessing the empire planting the battle flag in the parliament building that has been half blown down and the other half is scorched black, their emotions are very complicated.

The Empire has invaded their home, and they should hate it.

But in the end it was the empire that saved them from the abyss.

If omnics continue to control power, there will definitely be more people who will die.

Now, at least a sizable fraction of survivors remain.

For a while, they didn't know who to hate.

Seth didn't stay too long.

The battle for the raid on the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance was intense.

Need to face demons and omnics.

The Flesh Tearer suffered heavy damage as well.

But that's not why they relax.

They still owe one hundred and sixty-eight planets to fulfill the oath of a thousand planets.

These thousand planets must be opposed to the rule of the Holy Emperor before they can be regarded as being captured by the flesh tearers.

If the opponent surrendered directly because of the power of the empire, it would not be counted.

Seth thought it a disgrace to the Flesh Tearers if that counted.

They're there for redemption, not for honor or other nonsense.

The act of deceiving oneself does not free oneself.

That's what idiots do.

Universe 03.

The flames of war still rage, erupting on tens of thousands of worlds.

The territory controlled by the empire is gradually expanding.

The behind-the-scenes of the reincarnation game also began to fight against the empire on the battlefield.

Those dimensions of warfare are beyond the capacity of a mortal mind.

Su Xiao also felt small in such a war.

That situation made him very painful.

It also made him more determined.

He can do what others can do.

One day, he will rely on his own efforts to ascend to the highest throne and become the most dickish person. Those who have bullied him will all kneel at his feet.

On the giant Imperial War platform numbered Rest Area 6130.

Su Xiao, who has fused the blood of Dark Zeus, received a new mission.

Hunt down a reincarnation game player who has killed 1,600 empire players in a row.

That was an absolute stubble.

The rewards are also generous enough.

Coupled with some previous accumulation, it is enough for him to become an SSSS player from an SSS player.

The wages of avarice is death.

As long as there are enough interests, Su Xiao dares to trample on everything in this world.

The teleportation platform stretches as far as the eye can see.

The towering teleportation metal pillars are constantly shining, sending players to different battlefields and mission locations.

Let them go and get the job done.

[Player Su Xiao, are you sure you want to go to the Sahara ruins battlefield? 】

An information confirmation window pops up on the delivery platform.

Su Xiao skillfully reached out and clicked to confirm.

A bright light enveloped him, drowning him.

Riwan's day

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