Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 418 Hunting Players (on)

Every time he teleports, Su Xiao has a very strange feeling.

It was like stepping into a vacuum of time.

Both body and soul are wrapped in the unopened darkness of chaos.

The flow rate of time has returned to zero, or there is no more time.

He loses his sense of time while teleporting.

In its place is a sense of transcendence, of transcending everything beyond everything.

It was a wonderful state of being neither alive nor dead.

He felt himself one step away from those eternal truths, the ultimate mysteries of all things.

As long as he opens his eyes, everything will be displayed in front of him.

As the strength increases, this feeling becomes stronger and stronger.

Su Xiao tried many times to see if he could open his eyes during teleportation.

He wants to see the world as it really is.

Want to understand the mysteries of this universe, want to know the basic logic that constitutes all things.

Unfortunately, every time he teleported, he failed to do so.

When he recovered from the glare, he was already standing in the ruins of a city.

The remains of tall buildings were charred black, and rubble and rubble could be seen everywhere.

Traces of magic and technology are everywhere in the ruins.

The war of empires and reincarnation games has destroyed this place.

The society built around the player is completely destroyed.

Su Xiao glanced around.

It is confirmed that this should be the wreckage left by a weird dungeon called Revenge of the Undead.

This copy tells the story of a young wife who became a widow after her husband died, and was treated as a public wife by the men in the village, humiliated and violated endlessly, and finally rose up to resist and destroy the entire village.

Players who enter this dungeon can participate in it, choose to assist the widow who has turned into a ghost to complete revenge, and conquer the widow.

Or help the villagers unravel the Widow's Revenge and conquer the Widow.

No matter which camp you choose, players only need to complete the mission to pass the level and leave.

Of course, only one side can win in this process, after all there is only one widow.

Any camp can have multiple players.

Players who failed to clear the level were naturally treated as sacrifices.

However, behind this matter is not so simple.

Su Xiao had been analyzed by the Empire's intelligence.

Behind this dungeon is a monster that feeds on lust and extreme desires.

After the player chooses to help the widow, Li Gui will turn into a young woman in a kimono with a pure appearance and a soft-spoken voice.

She will use subtle means to encourage players to massacre villagers.

She doesn't speak out, but shows her past scars through physical temptation and tenderness.

As long as that player thinks that he is domineering and can't stand his woman being treated like that, he becomes a beauty in anger.

The purpose of the monster has been achieved.

A drama of lust and hatred is enough to feed it.

Even if the player chooses the camp of the villagers, as long as they show a little lust, they will be attracted by the ubiquitous temptation.

When in the camp of the villagers, the player will find that the family ethics of those villagers have collapsed during the investigation, and the moral level is equivalent to non-existent.

After all, how much morality can a village that can bully a widow have! !

In a simple summary, this dungeon is full of villains.

As long as players can spend a little money or waste a little time to do some tasks, they can enjoy a variety of high-end experiences such as sisters, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, brothers, etc.

Both male and female players can enjoy themselves.

Don't think that in a life-and-death crisis, people can resist vulgar physical desires.

Facts have proved that unless there is an immediate life-and-death crisis, people will not give up their physical desires.

From time to time, players will be immersed in it, and sometimes it is not hesitating to delay the progress of the task.

Such players are generally eliminated, but it does not affect their indulgence while they are alive.

Because players have been wandering on the edge of life and death for a long time, their venting methods are often strange.

Don't doubt the player's hobbies.

Only ordinary people can't think of it, and they can't do it without them.

After entering the ruins of the copy, Su Xiao took a deep breath.

Use breathing techniques to adjust your state.

Turn yourself into an emotionless killing machine.

Now it is no longer the previous task trial mode, but a real war.

There will be no restrictions on tasks and rules, as long as it can kill the enemy, any means are allowed.

From the ruins came the stench of corpses and the smell of shelling.

The main resistance force of the reincarnation game has been destroyed.

The copy of this world was also simply erased by the Empire.

The creature had been slain by the Primaris Warrior.

Its blood and death pollute the world.

It is not suitable for large-scale colonization and needs to be completely purified before it can become a standard imperial world.

Such a world is the most embarrassing.

Its problem is not big, the empire will not invest its troops in such a world.

The weirdness and pollution left over are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Most of the tasks of the empire players are just these.

Apart from the pollution left by the monster that was killed, there are also guerrillas formed by reincarnation game players wandering here.

Su Xiao's mission is to come here to eliminate the reincarnation game player who continuously sniped and killed the players of the empire.

With breathing, lines exuding a strange aura appeared on Su Xiao's body surface.

covered his whole body.

The curse lines were densely intertwined, causing him to undergo a certain transformation.

The breath is getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, I couldn't even breathe at all.

When Su Xiao opened those eyes, his eyes were completely dark.

She lost all human features, not even body temperature and breath.

The crisis on Sacrificial Island made him almost die, but he also got some benefits.

Ghosting is one of the special abilities.

This ability allows him to sneak into many places, and even with an infrared detector, he cannot see his existence.

It's a pity that such strength is still not enough to deal with the intelligence chief of the empire - Qiu Chen.

The bastard who once left himself to die.

Su Xiao will never forget what motivated him to climb out of hell.

He will never let go of anyone who has bullied him.

With the addition of ghosting and dark Zeus bloodline.

Su Xiao shuttled through the ruins. He expanded his psychic touch to a range of three kilometers, probing for information, and carefully poking through the grass like a hunter, looking for his prey.

There are many kinds of copy worlds.

Some worlds are divided into areas of different sizes, forming different dungeons. There is no living life there, only NPCs created by reincarnation games for dungeons.

The other is a world made up of certain creatures, just like the vampire world that Clovis wiped out before.

The blood race acts as the NPC of the trial copy.

Complete sacrifices through game after game, offering tribute to their gods.

There is another kind that was born in those worlds that joined the reincarnation game. The reincarnation game established an image area by some means to serve as a copy.

In addition to this, there are many more copies of different types.

The copy of Revenge of the Undead is the third type.

It is a copy parasitic in the real world.

Players enter the copy through the reincarnation game, and after the end, the restrictions on the copy will disappear.

At this time, players can choose to return directly to the reincarnation space or stay there for a period of time.

Bad money drives out good money is a rule that can be applied in any world that joins the reincarnation game.

The original social order will collapse under the impact of players.

A mean player will do better than a benevolent player.

The more vicious and shameless players tend to live longer.

All worlds that join the reincarnation game will become a player-oriented world, which is an inevitable trend under the rules of the reincarnation game.

This world is no exception.

The arrival of the empire can be said to be a kind of salvation.

People can get rid of the player's oppression and rebuild a relatively peaceful and mutual respect order.

It is a pity that such beauty did not come as promised by the empire.

At least so far, it has not appeared, and it has also caused some people to be dissatisfied with the empire.

They clearly promised the future, but did not deliver.

Many people regard it as deception, and even secretly miss the player era.

At least they still have a seemingly normal life.

The people who survived the war wandered among the ruins, relying on the supplies distributed by the empire to eke out a living.

The empire has established a preliminary order here, which is maintained by some players who receive quests.

There are many players, each with their own strengths.

Not everyone is good at combat missions.

Some players are good at scientific research.

Some players are better at farming.

The empire also launched the task of managing and purifying this polluted land for these players.

Sadly, these initiatives have not made life better for the survivors.

People in this world are still living in dire straits.

Some reincarnation game players are hidden among those survivors.

They are very cunning, using various means to avoid the empire's encirclement and suppression, and looking for opportunities to launch a counterattack against the empire.

Not only will it destroy those important production buildings, but it will also seek opportunities to severely damage those farming players.

He wants to use the strategy of guerrilla warfare to plunge the empire into an unbearably troublesome law and order war, thereby dragging down the invader.

To be honest, Su Xiao can't understand the behavior of the Holy Mother of the Empire.

Since you can't tell who is the enemy, then don't tell the difference, just erase them all.

As long as they mobilize one of those battleships, it only takes a few hours to complete the cleanup work, and there will be absolutely no problem in making the world clean! !

Why bother! !

The defamed Su Xiao has no plans to show up.

He chose to hide in the dark, searching for traces of the enemy.

This task is very important to him.

If it goes well, he will be a SSSS player in a short time.

This is a height he never imagined.

War is definitely the best means for individuals to improve their social status and strength.

As long as you are ruthless, willing to fight, and a little bit of luck, you can easily obtain unimaginable wealth in peacetime.

Su Xiao is very clear that it is the war between the empire and the reincarnation game that made him.

A group of people are resting in a building that is still intact.

They took an empty chemical oil drum and built a fire with wood inside.

There are many empty wine bottles scattered around.

Apparently, these guys are numbing themselves with low-quality alcohol.

"Recently those tumors have started to move again."

"Be quiet, they're going to kill you. Those people are rebels."

"Huh, the rebels. They are just a group of wild dogs driven by the empire. They want to make us lack food and food, and they are coerced by them to resist the empire."

"I disagree with you. You have been deceived by the empire's propaganda. They are invaders, and this universe does not belong to them."

"Then who does this universe belong to? Does it belong to the guy who has no clothes on and is crucified?"

"Belongs to us, this universe belongs to us, and the empire is the invader."

"First bless you so that you won't be raped by a passing player, then break your neck, and then say that this universe belongs to you!!"

"You are full of misunderstandings about the player group. There are good people and bad people among them. Some players are still working hard to defend this universe and are still fighting bravely. They are heroes."

"Your brain is stuffed with dung. I have seen a lot of atrocities of those players. Sometimes they can't be called human beings."

"That's the empire's smearing of them. Do you have photos and videos to prove this?? The empire claimed to save us, but let us live in ruins, relying on the poor supplies every day. Even if it was previously No matter how bad the player's rule is, can it be worse than it is now? Listen to those damn imperial people, although your homeland has been destroyed, you have already got the opportunity to enter a new era? Is this the new era they advocate? lingering in a ruined world of dead men."

"You can at least choose to die freely, without worrying about being bound by someone's soul, becoming a puppet and a plaything. Don't tell me anything good about the player era. That kind of world is a beast and a world of slaves. You look beautiful, but you What is substituted is the vision of the players, they are aloof and enjoying a good life, so they naturally feel that such an era is worth remembering."

Those people gathered together and argued with red faces.

Alcohol makes them impulsive, easily irritated and out of control like primitive animals.

Su Xiao was bored by their argument.

Such an argument meant nothing to him.

No matter which position he stands on, his evaluation of this is a big fool*.

Only the weak will depend on others, the real strong will always walk alone.

No matter which era we are in, the strong will always find a chance to become stronger, and only the weak will feel sorry for themselves.

Su Xiao hides in the dark.

Gather the information you need from what those idiots are talking about.

The young girl who has been defending the player era has caught Su Xiao's attention.

He is not interested in empire.

But for ordinary people, the empire is definitely a better choice than the player era.

A non-player is firmly on the player's side.

There must be something wrong.

The corner of Su Xiao's mouth raised slightly, it seemed that he had found the thread.

Now it's time to consider how to unravel the cocoon.

Even if the back of the opponent is not the target he is looking for.

But as long as those guerrilla players are caught, that's also a credit.

After waiting for a long time, the refugees ended their argument.

The girl ran out angrily.

Obviously, she was angry because of the prejudice of her parents.

They support the invaders of the empire, and they are unwilling to support those local players.

She walked somewhere in the ruins and entered along an underground tunnel.

Finally came to a secret room.

There was a very handsome man there.

His appearance is astonishingly handsome, his face is as sharp as a sculpture, and there is a bewitching petal-shaped mark on his forehead.

The straight nose looks tough in the dim light.

Wearing a slightly tight black dress, the figure set off is perfect.

Such a man can be called the killer of countless women.

Just relying on a face is enough to make those idiots scream.

There are many women in the room.

Their age generally looks not very old, they are all in their teens.

Even when the player controls the era, they still enjoy the protection of the family.

Thanks to the enhanced productivity of the technology brought back from the reincarnation space by the reincarnation game players, they have a natural filter for viewing the world without experiencing the darkness of society and the horrible crimes committed by players.

The player's crimes don't make it into the newspapers, news or something.

Any criticism of the player base can be direly dangerous.

Even if all lives in a city were slaughtered by furious players, there would never be any reports.

Anyone who protests, who tries to expose the truth, who accuses the killer ends up in an extremely sad end.

Those societies that have entered the era of industrialization and have media news praise and praise those lawless players more, and flatter them in every possible way.

Even if hundreds of living people were burned to mummified corpses by players in a plaza where everyone could see, according to the media, it was a necessary move by players in order to maintain the existing order and based on the interests of the public.

The propaganda of public opinion can often deceive those who do not know the truth.

They won't wake up until they feel the terror of the player in person.

"I'm so angry, how could uncles and uncles accuse my brother like this!! How could my brother be a bad guy because he is so good-looking." The girl entered the secret room and waved her hand angrily.

The man was about to say something when his face suddenly changed.

Under the stunned gaze of those girls, Su Xiao, who had been following him all the time, became violent.

The bronze sword was tightly held in his hand.

The weird curse pattern completely covered him, making his whole body exude a terrifying cold aura.

"Empire player!" The extremely handsome man shouted in horror.

He took out a prop and shouted: "The wooden knight's shield."

A shield with countless complicated runes carved on its surface appeared in front of Su Xiao, trying to stop his attack.

The bronze sword in Su Xiao's hand erupted with sharp sword light, and directly broke through the wooden shield.

He cut off the handsome man's arm with lightning speed, and put the blade of the sword at his throat while the other party was screaming.

"I ask, you answer. As long as you give a wrong answer, I will slit your throat."

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