Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 422 1V6, what you want is gang fights (please subscribe)

Masaki Keigo's words were full of ridicule and teasing.

If it weren't for worrying that he would offend the forces behind those human bodies, he wouldn't get enough support after the empire came.

He wanted to say something to those human bodies.

"I'm not targeting anyone, I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish."

Don't ask why you are so rampant and arrogant.

It's so rampant and arrogant.

As he pressed the start button, the machine rumbled loudly like a sleeping giant.

The jumping arcs shone with strong light, jumping between the reaction columns wrapped around the conductor lines, like dancing elves.

They are sucked into the device's flask, forming a charged lightning ball.

Distorted as if alive.

Meters are beating, and pistons are reciprocating, driving huge mechanical devices.

The entire laboratory trembled slightly with the activated machinery.

Under the stimulation of the machine, Ultraman Rosso's transformation device burst into a strong light.

The light was collected by the device designed by Keigo Masaki and mixed with the light of the machine in the flask, and irradiated on the soldiers through the emitter.

Their bodies have been injected with the genes of super ancient warriors using the technology of the empire, allowing them to use the power of Ultra.

What is missing now is just an opportunity.

It is different from the identified human body.

These soldiers need to rely on their will to drive the power of Ultra.

The gap during the period is like a man conquering a young, lovely, beautiful, tsundere widow with a widow who lost her husband when she was just married by virtue of her wealth and billions and the handsomeness of driving a Ferrari with one hand.

The other is widow が bald head で evening food に entertain さ れ た hou, that girl は ジュゲン に 梦中になりました.

Soldiers must use their strong will to tame the power of Ultra and let them be used by them.

This method requires a willpower countless times stronger than that of a human body, and it also requires suffering unimaginable pain for ordinary people, in order to complete the first transformation and obtain their own transformation device.

Facing the upcoming test, each of them is fearless and resolute.

Each of them has a heavy past.

The beauty and pain of the past have shaped their diamond-like hard hearts.

Let their hearts be extremely firm.

It is their biggest dream to create a world where there are no monsters and where everyone can live in peace.

In order to guarantee 100% success.

They did not hesitate to bear the ideological stamp provided by the empire, and were prepared to give everything.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.

Never compromise, never give up.

The light mixed with the transformation device shone on the six people.

As the light shines, they reveal a look of pain.

The veins popped up, as terrifying as being possessed by a ghost.

Every cell, every inch of bone seems to be crushed and reshaped.

Unimaginable pain tortured them, making them feel like a knife was slicing their throat and nerves with every breath.

Unprecedented suffering made them feel like they were in hell.


Scarier than hell.

Hell can only be endured passively.

And they can choose to leave.

Not only to endure the pain, but also to endure the temptation to get rid of the pain by leaving.

Both heart and body suffer the same pain.

"The more the body hurts, the stronger the will; the breath is still there, never give up."

A soldier growled.

"The more the body hurts, the stronger the will; the breath is still there, never give up."

"The more the body hurts, the stronger the will; the breath is still there, never give up."

The other five people also shouted.

They come from all over the world and are shaped by different cultures and languages.

But at this moment, their choices are the same.

Their persistence is a symbol of human never giving up.

Even if fate has never been sympathetic, even if they are as humble as ants, even if they suffer all kinds of hardships, they will never give up.

For human beings, for a world without monsters.

When the light reaches its strongest, their pain also reaches its extreme.

In extreme pain, their bodies turned into light particles and flew towards the stone statues.

Just as the soldiers turned into light and entered the stone statue, Minao Huohai and Minato Yonghai rushed in.

Several security guards outside have been knocked down by them.

Selected by the power of Ultra, they also got some enhancements.

As soon as they entered the laboratory, they saw roaring machines and transforming devices.

Ultraman Rosso's transforming device is constantly releasing light.

Obviously, something like this happened because of what this guy did.

It is unforgivable for this arrogant guy to take away someone else's transformation device without being certified and try to control the power of Ultra.

"Stop your wrongdoing, you arrogant bastard." Yukai Minato yelled angrily, and he took out the shape changer.

Facing an ambitious man who knows the existence of Ultraman and tries to seize the power of Ultraman, he has no need to cover up.

"You guys came just in time." Masaki Keigo was stunned for a moment when he saw Minato Yonghai also had a transformation device, and then felt a little jealous.

This pair of stunned young brothers can be recognized by the power of Ultra, and can freely transform into Ultraman.

He was not recognized as such an outstanding human elite.

Is he not as good as these two stupefied young men? ?

In terms of fraternity, he has worked so hard to prevent mankind from going to the end. Isn't this considered great love?

In terms of ability, he is a leader in many scientific research fields, and he also founded the Sotek Business Group, which is among the top few rich people.

But when I think that I have been recognized by the empire, I will soon become the usher of a new era.

He is balanced again.

People always have gains and losses.

Although he was not recognized by the power of Ultra, he was recognized by the empire and protected by the Holy Emperor.

Such an honor is enough to explain everything.

Without fear, he looked confidently at the two Minato brothers and smiled.

"You will witness the opening of an era. Human society will usher in a new round of changes, and we will unite as never before to create a new glory."

"Imagine that human beings not only conquer this universe, but also conquer all the universes they can touch. The worlds you can imagine, the worlds you can't imagine, will be ruled by human beings. This is the power of human beings. Everything, All must obey the will of mankind."

Masaki Keigo's words were full of fanaticism.

He was so excited that he even wanted to cry.

What a grand vision.

If it can be realized, what a splendor and glory it would be.

The Holy Emperor, a dazzling and resplendent leader of humanity.

His mind and ambition are enough to convince countless people.

Masaki Keigo never really admired anyone.

Even those Ultraman, he is fearless.

Even designed several mechanical monsters to deal with Ultraman.

But facing the future planned by the Holy Emperor, he felt so small for the first time.

As humble as sand and dust.

He is still planning to seize the power of Ultra, and lead those stupid compatriots to fight against the so-called dark doomsday.

The Holy Emperor has issued a declaration of conquest to the universe.

All the heavens and myriad realms are the borders of the empire.

The vast sky is the land of mankind.

"Madman." Minato Huohai said: "It is precisely because there are too many lunatics like you that this world is full of chaos and evil."

"Give up your evil plans." Minato Yukai put the transforming device on his waist and transformed into Ultraman Blue.

Accompanied by a bright light, a blue, silver and black Ultraman appeared in the laboratory.

In order to adapt to the battle here, Minato Yukai has automatically become smaller, only human height.

But his strength has not weakened in any way, it is still so strong.

Masaki Keigo glanced at the display screen, which indicated that the fusion progress had reached 100%.

"There is an old saying in the East that is very good. As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are the best. I advise you not to be obsessed."

Hearing Masaki Keigo's words, Minato Yukai laughed.

He also advised me not to be stubborn.

I really don't know how to live or die.

"Today I will teach you a lesson to let you know how powerful Ultraman is."

Yukai Minato assumes a fighting pose, ready to destroy the laboratory and take back his brother's transformation device.

He condensed a ball of water-attributed energy with one hand-knife gesture, and flew out with lightning speed.

Just when Minato Yonghai was full of confidence, thinking that he could easily deal with this arrogant careerist by transforming himself.

The ball of light that just flew out was bounced back, knocking Ultraman Buso flying and hitting the wall.

This sudden suddenness made the two brothers of the Cou family a little confused.

what happened! !

Transformed into an Ultraman, he was blown away with a swish! !

Under their astonished, bewildered eyes.

Six Ultramans with different images appeared in front of them.

Each exudes a palpitating breath.

Ultraman's temperament is determined according to the human body.

The stronger the human body and the tougher the will, the stronger they are.

The human bodies of the six Ultramans are all tempered and forged into steel-like soldiers.

Their aura is naturally sharp and decisive, more oppressive than when the two brothers of the Cou family transformed.

The six Ultramans all have their own characteristics, the only thing in common is that they all have a double-headed eagle emblem on their chests.

It looks like a trained army.

"How come there are six Ultramans!!" Minato Hoi said incredulously.

"Hahaha, I just like the exclamation of an ignorant and short-sighted guy like you." Masaki Keigo said triumphantly, "This is the new era of mankind. I will unify the entire mankind, and then represent everyone to the sacred The emperor gave his loyalty and participated in the great crusade, and the name of Masaki Keigo will resound in every universe."

"Are you kidding me?" Ultraman Blue, who was incarnated by Minato Yonghai, let out a roar using his mental power. He got up and rushed up again.

I want to tell this arrogant careerist with my own courage and strength.

The power of Ultra will never be dominated by the wrong heart.

Only those who are recognized can properly use this power to bring happiness to mankind.

What happened next was so cruel that it was unbearable to look directly at.

The six have practiced hard for many years, and after undergoing ideological stamping and genetic fine-tuning, they can hold down a gold belt boxing champion with fighting skills in three seconds, and a soldier who can kill special forces in seconds beats an otaku. One can imagine what it is like Condition.

Absolute brutality, absolute cruelty.

Altman Blu who rushed up was thrown over his shoulder and fell to the ground.

Then the six Ultramans rushed up together, punching and kicking, and used all kinds of fighting skills.

One of them grabbed Altman Blue's arm and broke it hard to see if he could break the bone.

This move made Ultraman Buso, who was incarnated by Minato Yongkai, scream again and again.

If it weren't for the strengthening after transforming into Ultraman, Ultraman Blu would have been beaten to a fracture in half a minute, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

But after some fighting, Minato Yonghai was also tossed a lot.

As the red light came on, he was immediately beaten back to his human form.

Keigo Masaki turned off the machine, took out Ultraman Rosso's transformation device, and walked in front of the two brothers.

Six soldiers who transformed from Ultraman back to human stood behind him.

They've got their own shapeshifters.

They all have different shapes, the only thing they have in common is that they all have the double-headed eagle emblem.

The first transformation has been completed, and they can continue to become Ultraman without having to endure the previous pain.

"Now, you have two choices. The first is to join the empire like me, to serve the Holy Emperor, to fight to protect human beings, and to strive to make human beings the most powerful race in the universe. The second is to take you away Transformer, let you go back to that poor clothing store and remain anonymous for the rest of your life."

Masaki Keigo looked at the two of them, "Make a good choice. If you make a choice, you will become famous and become heroes of mankind. Even if you step back and make clothes in the future, you will be sought after by thousands of people. The other choice is that you can only A lifetime of obscurity, making clothes for others, may not even own a brand of your own."

"Do you think we'll give in?" Minato said.

"Actually, brother, what he said is not unreasonable. This may also be an opportunity to realize our ambition." Minato Yonghai, who was lying on the ground, said that he had already experienced the experience of being besieged by six Ultramans.

Imagine, if when a monster appeared, a bunch of Ultraman rushed up and beat them up, what monster could hold it? ?

"How can you say that, Yong Hai." Ju Huo Hai looked at his younger brother in disbelief. He was angry just now, and he wanted to teach him a lesson, but now he became soft.

"His idea is right. No one can fight against the times. If you insist on going your own way, you will only follow the trend and become unknown. Join the empire and serve the Holy Emperor, and you will have greater ambitions. Think about it, are you really willing? Your own Those inventions and creations, no one agrees, no one cares. To live in obscurity for a lifetime, is that really what you pursue, Yong Hai."

Masaki Keigo has the charisma of a leader.

His words were full of bewitchment and power.

A few words can hit people's weakness.

Minato Yonghai has been obsessed with various inventions and creations since he was a child, but no one has ever recognized him.

Even the monster detector not long ago, my brother and father thought he was messing around and doing nothing.

Masaki Keigo knew exactly how to deal with such a person.

"We can't beat them. Instead of being deprived of the transforming device, it's better to pretend to be a snake." Cou Yonghai changed his rhetoric to persuade his brother.

If you act rough now, you will only suffer.

"Okay, I agree with your terms. Then can you return the transformation device to me?" Minato Hai stood up and said.

Minato Huohai doesn't really believe that the transformation device that the other party took away with so much effort will be returned to him.

He wants his younger brother to see clearly that such a person cannot be trusted.

But what Minato Huohai didn't expect was that Masaki Keigo directly gave him the transformation device in his hand.

He was about to say something.

A piercing siren sounded.

Monsters appeared on Earth again.

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