Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 423 I am justice (for subscription)

TPC headquarters.

Red warning lights flashed.

The staff all panicked.

The siren of the monster attack has already resounded throughout the base.

The victorious team members ran to the combat assembly room as quickly as possible.

Zong Fang, who has now become the captain, walked in quickly from the position at the door.

His expression is very serious.

Ever since Captain Jujianhui disappeared, he never showed any smiles.

He walked up to the assembled team members and said.

"Monsters have appeared in the magic city. The situation is very urgent. The victory team is dispatched. It is the same as before."



The team members saluted one after another, and then ran out quickly.

Computer genius Nozui is in charge of supporting the base.

Dagu and Xincheng took Feiyan No. 1, while Horii and Lina took Feiyan No. 2.

Zong Fang is responsible for ground command, coordinating personnel evacuation and artillery support.

They are fast.

In less than half an hour, they rushed from the base to the place where the monsters were raging.

A giant beast tens of meters high is raging in the city, turning the bustling streets into ruins.

Its body was stout and huge, and its brown skin looked as hard as iron, covered with cracks and uneven lines.

The head is broad and thick, and the two huge scarlet eyes are like blood moons, exuding a fierce aura.

When roaring, the long and sharp teeth can be clearly seen.

Giant beasts wantonly destroy the city.

People screamed in terror and ran in all directions.

The streets of the city trembled with the heavy footsteps of the monster, windows burst all around, and shards of glass were thrown in all directions, hitting dust-covered cars.

The monster's strong limbs easily smashed a building with more than 30 floors.

Those who failed to escape in time were smashed by the flying gravel and their bones were broken and their heads were bleeding.

A little girl in a princess dress is hugged and run away by her mother.

Because of the monster's attack, the mother's clothes were disheveled and her hair was disheveled.

The mother's figure is very good, protruding forward and backward, and she doesn't seem to have given birth to a child at all.

The delicate facial features constitute a very beautiful face.

Even compared with those actresses who rely on their appearance to make their debut, she is not necessarily inferior.

The little girl is carved with jade, and her round face is extremely cute.

Put it in the crowd, there will definitely be many people who can't help pinching that little face.

"Mom, it's so itchy."

The little girl hugged her mother's slender neck, smelled the unique fragrance, and felt unprecedentedly at ease. Even if the monster was behind her, she would not cry or make a fuss. It's just that it was itchy to be scratched by mother's soft hair, and she kept brushing away those hairs with immature, white and fat hands.


The little girl didn't use her immature voice to finish shouting her favorite two words.

She was hit in the head by a fist-sized flying rock.

The immature, smooth head bloomed instantly, and the whole thing was cracked open.

The warm red blood splashed on the mother's body.

What a brutal and bloody scene that was.

A mother looks desperately at her daughter in her arms.

The little head that was often stuffed into her arms was blown open.

For her, time seemed to have stood still.

Countless fleeing people passed by her, and she couldn't feel it.

Her mind stopped running for a moment because of the unimaginable grief, and she subconsciously let out a desperate scream.

In the next second, the poor woman was trampled into mud by the monster.

When the monster raised its foot, there was only a lump of rotten meat mixed with broken bones and brains.

It was impossible to see that it was a beautiful young woman and a simple and lovely little girl.

Monsters wantonly destroy the city.

Those human beings were trampled to death like ants, crushed to death by collapsing ruins, smashed to death by flying gravel, and burned to ashes by the energy beams ejected by monsters.

The members of the winning team rushed over.

Feiyan No. 1 and No. 2 launched an attack directly.

Ground troops support fire against them.

The monster's skin is rough and thick, and the human's attack is not painful at all, but it makes it more violent.

Feiyan No. 1 was also hit by the monster's light beam and exploded in the air.

"Dagu, Xincheng." Lina cried out in pain.

At this time, a strong light appeared in the sky.

A mighty giant appeared on the battlefield.

Seeing the appearance of the giant, the people who were in a panic and fled around all cheered excitedly.

"Ultraman Tiga."

"Ultraman Tiga."

"Tiga is here, we are saved."

People cheered.

Seeing the appearance of Ultraman Tiga, they seemed to have taken a reassurance.

Ultraman will definitely come to save them.

Humans can always trust Ultraman.

At this time, a huge projection screen appeared in the sky of Modu.

An alien with a head like a locust appeared on the screen.

"Stupid human beings, you think that with a Tiga Ultra fighter, you can stop the most powerful fighters under our great Dark Universe Emperor!!"

"Let you idiots feel what despair is. Submit yourself at the feet of the great emperor of the dark universe."

With the flash of light, two more monsters appeared.

Tiga was fighting the first monster, and was rushed by two monsters.

One-on-three, the originally evenly matched scene was immediately broken.

The huge monster slammed into Di Jia like a giant mountain, knocking Di Jia into the air, and crushing a building.

Just as Dijia was about to stand up and fight back, another monster attacked again.

Obviously the so-called emperor of the dark universe came prepared.

All of a sudden, he took out three monsters and beat Ultraman Tiga with no power to fight back.

Unless he seeks the help of Ultraman from other planets, Tiga will definitely lose in the siege.

"Despicable and shameless." Horii cursed.

Lina clenched her fists, and she manipulated Feiyan No. 2 to continue the attack.

"Using more to bully the less, we must help Di Jia."

Ground troops also opened fire,

However, the injury is really touching, and it is all scraping.

Many people were very angry when they saw the three-headed monster beating Dijia.

Enemies are too mean.

To use such means to win.

As if hearing human voices, the alien on the projection screen sneered.

"Weak ants, this is not despicable and shameless, this is the power of the Ampera star. Cry, tremble. Kneel down and beg the emperor of the dark universe for mercy, human beings."

"Look at this poor Ultra warrior, it's about to fail. Haha, despair."

The three-headed monster beat Di Jia violently, making him helpless to fight back.

"We won, fools."

The aliens just wanted to declare victory.

A louder voice overcame it.

"Excite, howl, my fellow citizens, the great Keigo Masaki has come to save you with the will of the Holy Emperor. All enemies shall weep and tremble before humanity. Come forth, my warriors."

Following this sound, eight rays of light descended from the sky.

Eight Ultra fighters stepped out of the light.

The projection screen above the city of the floating magic city, the aliens inside also showed an unbelievably shocked expression.

How could there be eight Ultramans! !

Checked it out before! !

There are obviously not so many Ultramans on this planet! !

There are only two at most.

I brought three monsters here. To humans, they are flying dragons riding on faces. Apart from posing for them to conquer at will, there is no chance of a comeback.

"How come there are so many Ultraman?"

"what happened?"

It wasn't just the aliens who were stunned.

The members of the victory team, the fleeing citizens, and all the netizens who used the live broadcast to follow the monster incident in the magic city were also stunned.

Nine Ultraman appear on a battlefield! !

What a concept! !

Incarnation of Dijia, Dagu, who was pressed to the ground and beaten violently, was also stunned.

How come there are so many companions! !

"In the name of the Holy Emperor, destroy them. Those who offend human beings will be punished even if they are far away."

Masaki Keigo's voice echoed on the battlefield.

The eight Ultraman moved.

The original three-to-one situation changed again and became three-to-nine.

The three-headed monsters were surrounded and beaten violently by nine Ultraman with their fists.

Several Ultraman even pulled up the building that was about to fall down, and smashed it directly on the monster's head.

Their attack methods are also quite different from those of Tiga.

Use whatever you have.

Grab large pieces of building ruins, giant tower cranes and other things, and attack the monster's eyes, mouth and other vulnerable positions.

"Despicable and shameless, bullying the less with the more."

Seeing that the three-headed monster he brought fell into a disadvantage.

Originally very proud, the aliens who wanted to announce that human beings were about to be enslaved became very angry.

"Weak ants, this is not despicable and shameless, this is the power of human beings. Cry, tremble. Kneel down and beg the Holy Emperor for mercy, alien."

"Look at those poor monsters, they can't hold on anymore. Haha, despair."

Masaki Keigo naturally heard the other party's voice, and immediately responded.

The three monsters were pinned to the ground and exploded with hammers.

In the end, he was killed by the beams sent by nine Ultramans.

"You can't run away, dare to invade the human world, be ready to accept the wrath of revenge."

Masaki Keigo issued a war declaration to the alien.

Before the alien could reply, its projection screen was cut off.

Can only rage impotently somewhere far away.

Di Jia wanted to fly away, and then find a place where no one was around, and change back to the appearance of a human body.

However, he discovered that the other eight Ultramans had no intention of flying away.

They stood in place and immediately turned into human bodies, exposing their faces in front of the camera.

Let the audience watching the live broadcast can see their appearance clearly.

This behavior made him look incredible.

Don't easily expose your identity to the public, it should be the consensus of every human body, why these guys don't care about it.

Di Jia didn't have time to think too much.

He can only fly away alone, and then become a human body, he still does not want to expose his identity in front of the team members and the public.

When he ran back again, the eight human beings were already in the sea of ​​people.

A man named Keigo Masaki stood in front of the human body and spoke to the people.

"This is the embodiment of the great power of the empire. Look at these Ultraman, this power has been in our hands. The glorious era of mankind will be led by the Holy Emperor to glory and to a bright future."

"Humans must join the empire. Only by joining the empire can they have a better life and live in a world without monsters."

"Sing allegiance to the Holy Emperor, we will get the future, everything we have ever dreamed of, the entire universe will belong to humans, and there will never be an alien coming to you again, telling you that humans are ants, Something like that will never happen again.”

The members of the victory team were separated by the security personnel of Sotek Company. The two sides were at war with each other, and they felt like they would draw their guns and shoot at each other if they disagreed.

The Empire is a dangerous organization identified by the TPC.

It is on the same level as those evil cosmic beings.

Captain Jie Jianhui was also taken away by those who claimed to be from the Empire when he was investigating the Empire.

Needless to say, the victorious team's attitude towards Masaki Keigo, who publicly promotes the empire.

Zong Fang wanted to directly bring the other party back to the TPC headquarters base for review.

Who would have thought that the security personnel of Sotek were so crazy that they dared to confront them.

"Do you know what this is? Openly confront TPC." Zong Fang said with a gloomy face, "I will sue you for the crime of obstructing public affairs, and the sentence will start at least five years."

"You can sue us, let's talk about it. TPC, it sounds scary." A security guard from Sotek said disdainfully.

Many people in Sotec are hawks.

They are a bunch of human supremacists.

When the empire offers an olive branch, they have absolutely no possibility of rejecting it.

From today onwards, the world will be turned upside down.

The old power and order will undergo unprecedented changes.

TPC supported by various countries? ?

Maybe it won't exist tomorrow.

The toughness of the opponent made Zong Fang clenched his fists.

Behind Keigo Masaki stood eight human bodies of Ultraman, and this power could indeed subvert many things.

Some of the things that TPC executives were worried about still happened.

The power of Ultra was in the hands of the wrong person and became a tool for the other party to realize their ambitions.

The live broadcast continued without being cut off.

The exposure of eight Ultraman's human bodies, what a concept! !

Any news media will not miss such a grand event.

Masaki Keigo used those media to speak to people all over the world.

Inciting people to join the human empire with provocative language, promising them the starry sky, the future, and life and death.

"What are we going to do?" Horii asked, "Shall we do it?"

"Take a look." The security guard standing at the front pulled out a laser gun and pointed it at Horii.

The act of drawing a gun directly caused both groups of people to raise their weapons.

This seemingly rushing appearance caused panic among many people.

People ran away from the area.

"Don't be so angry, everyone is fighting for the well-being of mankind." Masaki Keigo's voice came, stopping the conflict that was about to erupt.

Security guards cut a path for him as he parted the crowd.

Masaki Keigo brought the eight human bodies to the victory team.

"Unexpectedly, the president of a top company, the helm of a wealthy chaebol, and the leading figure in the scientific research field turned out to be an imperial traitor." Zong Fang suppressed his anger.

He finally knew why the TPC executives did not allow them to investigate Captain Jianhui's affairs in depth.

The empire's infiltration is horrible.

How many people have turned to that terrible organization.

"This is too ugly. I am just a citizen of the empire, a servant of the holy emperor." Masaki Keigo said with a smile.

"Put away your demagogues, any of your plans will not succeed." Zong Fang said: "Evil will never defeat justice."

"Captain Zongfang, I agree with your words." Masaki Keigo joked, "Soon, you will see how the righteous me foiled your evil plot to stop the empire."

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