Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 425 Captain - The Return of Jujianhui

The war came sooner than all Ultraman imagined.

The detection instruments deployed near the Kingdom of Light have detected strong fluctuations in the antimatter universe.

They sent the sorted information data back to the headquarters of the Space Guard, triggering an alarm.

The ear-piercing sound resounded throughout the Kingdom of Light in just a few seconds.

Echoes in those beautiful, magnificent buildings.

It reverberated in the huge Ultra city like a mountain.

The city of the Kingdom of Light is very majestic, not only stretching to the sky, but also stretching to the ground.

Cities underground are as majestic as those above.

Residents of the Kingdom of Light are conducting scientific research and training on this planet.

Sirens sounded from every corner.

In the huge training ground, in the light test center, in the residential area.

Sirens echoed all over.

The Ultra fighters ran out one after another, holding their weapons, to stick to their combat positions

On the super-giant orbital space station, Seven, Ace, Taro and other Ultraman stared at the vast void.

Dots of light appeared in the distant place.

It was ashes and flames.

Here they come.

Those evil and twisted symbols.

Those enforcers of chaos.

Destroyer of civilization.

Countless monsters and cosmic beings poured out from the torn space-time rift.

Their battleships cover the sky and the sun, covering up the brilliance of the starry sky.

Those terrifying monsters looked at the past at a glance, and there was no end to it.

Following them is the endless black tide, those terrible demon gods hiding in the darkness.

Pairs of cruel eyes glowed in the black mist, staring at the Kingdom of Light.

They are full of hatred for this country that has blocked them for hundreds of thousands of years.

Today they will destroy everything.

As the siren sounded, every Ultra fighter was ready for battle.

They don't encourage each other, and there isn't much romance.

Silence is their epitaph and also represents their perseverance.

This will be an era destined to lose a lot.

The father of Ultra flew out from the Kingdom of Light and stood in front of many Ultra warriors.

His arrival has added more confidence to the Altmans.

"For hope." The spirit of Ultra's father conveyed such a sentence.

Like the horn of war.

Countless Ultra fighters rushed into the sky.

They turned into light and rushed towards the vast group of monsters.

It's like a praying mantis charging into the rumbling traffic.

The honor of the first kill was won by Ace. He wielded a long blade made of the materialization of Ultramania and light energy, and waved an Ace cutting blade, splitting a monster in two.

Headed by the six Ultra brothers, many Ultraman entered the group of monsters and battleships.

They released beams of light to destroy those enemies.

The battle soon started across the starry sky.

Sero also joins the fight.

With a swipe of his hands in the void, he outlined a shimmering shield, blocking all the salvos from the battleship.

Then a rebound returned all those light beams.

Accompanied by a silent explosion, those battleships exploded in the void, and countless fragments were engulfed in flames and rushed in all directions.

The corpses of those spacemen were thrown out by the shattered warships, frozen into ice sculptures in the void, and drifted along with the shattered wreckage.

Occasionally, Ultraman was defeated, the light on their bodies disappeared, turned into stone statues, and were blown to pieces in the enemy's concentrated fire attack.

Beria let Leonix and tens of thousands of monsters following it launch the first wave of attacks.

Leonix is ​​not a race, but a collective force with certain characteristics.

The all-knowing and all-powerful Leyblad star people spread their genes widely throughout the universe, and the earthlings or cosmic people who have obtained their genetic genes or been infected by their spirit can all be called Leonix.

They can summon their own monsters using the battle instrument.

Leonix has no racial barriers, among them the strongest is respected.

Beria is the strongest of this generation.

He changed the previous style of Leonix killing each other, just to determine the strongest.

Gather all the Leonixes and form an unprecedented army.

With this great army, he could continue to conquer other races and drive them to fight against the Kingdom of Light.

The Baite, Babar, Abela, Dark Lops, and the most mysterious Absoluts all participated in the war led by Beria to capture the Kingdom of Light.

This alliance is extremely fragile, and many forces have their own thoughts.

They will not obey each other. If there is not the existence of the common enemy of the Kingdom of Light, an unprecedented war may break out between them.

With Beria's hard work, they can gather together to launch an attack.

Ultraman Zero rushed around in the monster group, crushing those monsters with his powerful strength.

During these years of fighting, he has activated the corona form and luna form.

These two forms have extraordinary combat power.

Many monsters have no way to block Zero's blow.

Not long after, a large number of warship fragments and monster corpses were suspended beside Sero.

However, the enemies are seemingly endless.

What they eliminated was only cannon fodder.

Those more powerful beings are consuming the power of the Ultra warriors.

When the Ultra fighters are almost consumed, they will appear on the stage one by one.

The father of Ultra is guarded by the six Ultra brothers.

Many monsters kept rushing towards them, trying to kill the father of Ultra and extinguish the hope of Ultraman.

Father of Ultra, on the other hand, was fearless.

He held the Ultra Holy Sword in his hand, beheading those monsters.

The holy sword is extremely sharp and contains power beyond imagination.

With just one blow, a monster with rough skin and thick flesh and a height of tens of meters can be hacked to death.

However, no matter how many monsters the Ultra Brothers and Father Ultra kill.

There are a steady stream of monsters to fill up.

It's like there's no end to it.

When the time was right, Beria and his allies appeared.

Each one is an extremely powerful dark demon god.

Some are even more notorious, having destroyed countless worlds.

The first is the super-dimensional demon god Aitarga.

Legend has it that he is the owner of Time and Space City, with a very cruel personality.

Was once defeated by Cyro and was blown to pieces.

It's a pity that the demon gods don't really die.

They have merged with the darkness.

After long years and Beria's hard work, it was finally revived and joined the battle to destroy the Kingdom of Light.

The second place is Ultraman Torregia, who is also a fallen Ultraman.

He used to be a friend of Ultraman Taro, but eventually became black for some reason.

Become the mortal enemy of Kingdom of Light.

More dark demon gods emerged behind Belia.

Each head exudes an aura of despair and horror.

No force can completely destroy them.

Even if it is killed, it will be resurrected again and again.

This is why the Kingdom of Light built the monster cemetery, to trap these revived demon gods so that they can no longer do evil.

The war intensified.

No matter how strong the Ultra fighters are, it will be difficult for them to last long in the face of endless waves of monsters.

Ultraman continued to fall, turned into stone statues, and then smashed to pieces.

The battle was too fierce, and countless rays of light burst out in the icy universe.

The monster was torn apart, the battleship was blown up, and Ultraman was turned into stone statue fragments.

Facing the turbulent and endless enemies, the Ultra fighters had to retreat little by little, shrinking the line of defense.

"Kane, I thought you would hide behind those children." Beria taunted Otto's father, "Today is the day of the Kingdom of Light's destruction."

"Belia." The tone of Otto's father was full of anger, "You bloody traitor."

"Haha." Beria laughed loudly, "Whatever you say, Kane, today is your day of death."

"It's not that simple to kill me," Otto's father said.

The Ott brothers were stopped by the demon god beside Beria.

And this pair of good brothers in the past also began to settle their grievances.

The father of Ultra has awakened the power of truth, and is blessed with the Bell of Ultra and the Holy Sword of Ultra, so his strength is naturally impressive.

When Beria entered the battlefield, he directly activated his holy glory state.

The whole body is shrouded in light.

It is like a sun suspended in the void.

Countless monsters felt an unprecedented sense of oppression and fled from the area where Father of Ultra was.

Beria showed sarcasm, and also released his ultimate form.

The darkness spread like a tide, submerging him completely, and suppressing the light released by the father of Ultra.

"Today we should be done with everything."

Beria, who was in the ultimate form, spoke indifferently, with an indescribably cruel expression, and a tall body like a black mountain.

The terrible dark atmosphere overwhelmed many Ultramans.

The battle between the two sides is on the verge of breaking out.

They were brothers who grew up together.

The path chosen in the end was quite different.

Beria waved the battle instrument, released all his strength, and rushed towards the father of Ultra

The father of Ultra waved the holy sword of Ultra to meet the enemy.

Light and darkness, protection and destruction.

The two forces collided together.

Soon, it decided the winner.

Beria, who had already fused countless dark powers, shattered the light of Ultra's father.

Under the watchful eyes of countless Ultramen, the Ultra Holy Sword in the hands of Ultra's father was broken, and a huge gap was blasted in his chest.

The light faded from his body, revealing a pale stone body.

Unreconciled and unyielding gazes emerged from the eyes of Ultra's father.

However, all efforts in absolute power are of no avail.

Otto's father was killed and turned into a stone statue.

"I told you I'll kill you today." Beria looked at the stone statue of Otto's father and smashed it into pieces with a wave of his combat instrument.

Countless fragments mixed with the wreckage and flew into the depths of the universe.

A generation of heroes who once guarded hope and light left.

The six Ultra brothers screamed in despair, but they were each entangled by their opponents, and could only watch the father of Ultra die in front of them.

There is no Ultraman who does not show a look of grief and indignation.

However, their anger was useless.

In front of Beria, any resistance is meaningless.

He was holding a combat instrument, and the Ultraman standing in front of him was killed one after another.

There is no power to fight back, just like a weak ant being crushed to death.

It wasn't until the six Ultra brothers fused their lights together to form a brand new Shining Ultraman that they barely broke free from their opponents and blocked Beria from continuing to kill other Ultramans.

"Siro, fulfill your mission."

A voice sounded in the heart of the grief-stricken Ultraman Zero.

Ultraman Ace, who was integrated with the other Ultra brothers, spoke to him with spiritual power.

"The Plasma Spark Tower is the power source of the Kingdom of Light, take it away."

Sai Luo just wanted to object.

How could he leave the battlefield! !

"My child, it takes courage to continue fighting, and it takes courage to leave." Seven has already guessed his child's thoughts, "Ultraman was born to protect, this is the belief of the Kingdom of Light. Death is not terrible, what is terrible is Nothing remains of what we guarded. Do you wish this world to be plunged into eternal darkness?"

"Go, there is still hope in this universe. The sleeping Ultra King and other mysterious Sanao have not been defeated, and there is still light in other places in the universe."

Seven's words made Sai Luo let out a roar with his mental strength, then turned and left, flying to the Kingdom of Light.

The digital new generation Ultraman also turned and withdrew from the battlefield.

Otto's father died.

The King of Ultra hadn't recovered from the wound he suffered in the last battle.

The number of enemies is so huge.

The Kingdom of Light's failure is already certain.

When Zero landed on the surface of Ultrastar, the Plasma Spark Tower had already been moved into the Dimensional Cube.

Otto's father had already anticipated the ending, and he had people make preparations in advance.

Mother of Ultra handed the Dimensional Cube to Zero.

"Go, Sai Luo, to find a place with light."

"Please leave with us." Sero said to Mother of Ultra.

"No, I have my own mission." Mother of Ultra said: "Go, take the new generation away. From now on, you will be their leader. Remember, don't be rash again."

Seeing the mother of Ultra's resoluteness, Sai Luo's face was painful, but he turned around and flew into the void with many new generations of Ultraman.

The other Ultramans are struggling to prevent Beria and other enemies from intercepting the new generation of Ultramans.

Until those new generation Ultraman tore the crack of the antimatter universe, rushed into it and disappeared.

The combined power of the six Ultra brothers is extremely powerful, no less than that of Ultra's father.

Belia's power is too strong.

In addition to the all-knowing and omnipotent Rayblad star, there are other dark powers, and even the legendary Heart of Darkness that condenses the dark and evil power of the entire universe has been swallowed by him.

The six Ultra brothers quickly followed the ending of Ultra's father.

The light disappeared from their bodies, and the bodies of the stone statues were smashed to pieces.

The Kingdom of Light has fallen.

A dark tide engulfed that world.

Storms and flashes of energy vortex slowly consume it.

The pitch-black void is stretched like overextended muscles and bones, allowing tentacles comparable to planets to overflow outward.

The Kingdom of Light was destroyed.

The greatest obstacle to the Dark Wave has also been removed.

It was as if the flood had lost control of the levee.

It will pour out and flood the entire universe.

"The era of light is over." Beria said indifferently as he witnessed the kingdom of light being swallowed by darkness.

The world will soon be consumed.

into eternal darkness.

"The Plasma Spark Tower has been taken away, my lord." A cosmic being reported to Belial.

"Go and get them back." Beria said to the giant of darkness - Ultra Dark Killer.

Ultra Dark Killer is a dark giant born out of the resentment of monsters and aliens defeated by Ultraman.

It has the ability to resurrect like other demon gods.

It can also capture the light energy of Ultra heroes.

It is the existence that specifically restrains Ultraman.

The Ultra Dark Killer nodded, and led a few powerful demon gods and a group of monsters to chase in the direction in which the new generation of Ultraman fled.

TPC headquarters.

"These things are enough to prove the horror of the empire." Ye Rui fiddled with the console and released pictures one after another.

These days, members of the Victory Team have used Masaki Keigo as a clue to investigate the empire.

Hard work pays off.

They eventually investigated some important leads.

The Empire is an invading force from another universe.

Ruled by a cruel, terrifying emperor.

It can be seen from the computers and various mechanical equipment they use.

A human brain computer immersed in a nutrition jar.

A naked human body bound to the mech by steel thorns and connected by countless metal cables.

There are shadowy skull marks everywhere.

Others who disobeyed their orders were secretly executed.

Lobotomized and programmed to make a puppet.

When Director Sawai saw these evidences, he immediately beamed with joy.

With these, we can use this to let people recognize the true face of the empire.

The Empire is not the savior of mankind, it is just a terrorist organization.

"Thank you for your hard work." Director Sawai said to everyone in the victory team: "These evidences are enough to let all countries know that the empire is cruel and untrustworthy."

"These are what we should do. The Victory Team will never let those damned guys fool the public like this." Zong Fang said.

Zei nodded.

Without further ado.

He immediately sent some photos to the media, sparking public opinion, and asked countries to hold hearings.

These horrific photos are enough to calm down the nations.

Realized from Masaki Keigo's deception that the empire was not as good as it was advertised.

As a seasoned politician, Director Sawai has great connections and influence.

A day later, the whole world set off a storm of public opinion because of those photos.

Who would have thought that the empire that was shaped so well and the machines used in daily life would be so terrifying! !

Hearings in various countries were held soon.

Masaki Keigo was also asked to be present to explain the photos.

At the headquarters of the United Nations Building.

Representatives from various countries held the sensational hearing in the joint parliamentary hall.

The media of various countries also broadcast the hearing live.

"I have nothing to say about these words. These are just slander and photographs with ulterior motives. The empire does rely on biotechnology, but there is absolutely no horror shown in the photos." Masaki Keigo said to the representatives of various countries: "The empire is to protect mankind And was born."

"Could it be that guardianship means lobotomizing people and turning them into machine slaves?" Director Sawai asked.

"Those who are convicted, they betrayed humanity, this is their punishment. The enemies of the Empire are more terrible than we want, and anyone who betrays humanity has the potential to cause unimaginable casualties, for which such punishment Extremely serious. The empire has complete and advanced biotechnology, they don't need to use living people to manufacture those machines, but through petri dishes. This is because the empire has experienced intelligence rebellion, and they firmly believe that the human brain has a human soul , will not rebel against the human race itself,"

"Such a statement is simply absurd." Director Sawai said.

"Director Sawai, before questioning these, why don't you explain your identity as a traitor." Masaki Keigo asked back: "I got a report, you are a staunch anti-humanist."

"Ridiculous, you are blatantly slandering." Director Sawai said.

"I have evidence and witnesses. You are the real traitor to humanity." Keigo Masaki turned to the representatives of various countries and said, "I request my witness to come on stage."

"Yes, I testify. Sawai has been planning actions against humanity."

A gentle female voice came from outside the joint conference hall.

That voice was very familiar.

Let Zei look confused, and after seeing the real person, he was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

The visitor also caused many members of the Victory Team who were paying attention to the hearing to show astonishment and exclaimed.

Because the person who came out was none other than their long-lost captain, Ju Jianhui.

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