Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 426 Titan Mech Summoning Technology 1/4 (Subscribe)

Chapter 426 Titan Mech Summoning Technique 14 (Subscribe)

The appearance and testimony of Jujian Hui reversed the original remarks against Masaki Keigo and the empire.

People pointed the finger of public opinion at Director Sawai from Masaki Keigo.

As the former captain of the victory team, Ju Jianhui is quite prestigious.

In the minds of all the big political figures, Sawai and Jujianhui are basically equated.

Now Jujianhui has come forward to testify publicly, saying that his former boss, Sawai, has anti-human tendencies.

How serious is such an accusation.

Sawai also stared dumbfounded at Ju Jianhui showing the so-called evidence in front of representatives from various countries.

He could see that much of the evidence was false.

But delegations could not see that.

They have no idea whether the evidence is true or false.

Only so-called technical experts can see whether it is fake.

This is a premeditated planting.

The arrival of Jujian Hui and the evidence she provided made this hearing against the Empire and Masaki Keigo a trial for Sawai.

After consultations with representatives of various countries, he was deprived of all political power and put in prison until everything was thoroughly investigated.

TPC headquarters.

Victory Room Combat Conference Room.

"How could this happen!" Lina watched as the Secretary-General of the United Nations stood on the podium, announcing the decisions made by representatives of various countries.

Watching Director Sawai being handcuffed by the legal staff and escorted down.

All these changes came so suddenly.

It's too fast to accept.

It's as if fate is a poor plot written by a third-rate screenwriter.

Zong Fang was also stunned.

He never imagined that the former Captain Jujian Hui would testify against Director Sawai for crimes against humanity.

This kind of thing can be described as bizarre.

He's out of his mind.

I can't figure out why Captain Junjian Hui said that Director Sawai is an anti-human being! !

So as to help Masaki Keigo get rid of the crime! !

What kind of secret is there in it?

Captain Jujian Hui was clearly taken away by the empire, why is she now on the side of the empire again! !

The hearing ended in an unexpected way.

This result made everyone in the winning team feel uncomfortable.

"I must investigate this matter clearly." Zong Fang stood up and said, "I don't believe Captain Ju Jianhui will make such a choice."

"I'll go with you, I don't believe it either."

"Let's go together, we're going to ask why the captain behaves like this!!"

Everyone in the winning team stood up.

Even Dagu stood up.

They must investigate to find out the truth. They must know what happened to captain Jian Hui during this period of time? ?

How could there be such a big change? ?

United Nations temporary detention facility.

It is empty here, only a handful of prisoners are held here.

Even the prison guards guarding the prisoners sat loosely in the monitoring room, unwilling to enter it to patrol.

There is basically no need for patrols.

It's just a temporary care here.

In a few days, these prisoners will be transferred to other places.

The United Nations is a place where human countries negotiate problems and conflicts, and it is also a prototype for human beings to unite in the future. It naturally has a kind of sanctity.

Escaping from a temporary detention center, or launching any terrorist attack, will be attacked tacitly by all countries.

The detainees in temporary detention centers are generally war criminals tried by international courts.

After those war criminals are sentenced, they will be sent to other prisons.

The period at the end of World War II can be said to be the glorious moment of this prison.

Inmates filled every cell.

Those notorious war criminals were held here until the trial was over.

Director Sawai was also temporarily detained here.

A little light filtered through the dirty, dusty glass windows.

The environment in the reception room was a bit gloomy and cold. Under the beating of countless anxious fingers, greasy white spots appeared on the originally white and flat wall.

The wooden floor was badly worn from pacing back and forth.

The air system responsible for ventilation is roaring lowly, pumping out the dull air and replacing it with fresh air.

Sawai lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Parts of the ceiling had come off, exposing the mottled wall behind it.

He knew he was done.

Even if it is ultimately proven innocent.

His political career was also over.

The hawks will do anything they can to undermine the political ecology of the doves.

That's why they want to send themselves to prison.

What he thought was still too simple.

I thought that getting some evidence of the empire would make people wake up and recognize the essence of the empire.

Who would have thought that Ju Jianhui would stand on the side of the empire and give false testimony.

Put yourself in jail and create opportunities for the hawks to gain power.

They will use the fastest means to pass the act of joining the empire, and then everything will be done.

At that time, even if he is acquitted, no one will care.

This is a typical hacking method.

Footsteps sounded.

Director Sawai followed the voice and saw Ju Jianhui standing in front of his cell.

A woman and two men followed behind her.

Ju Jianhui's eyes were full of pity and sympathy, as well as a trace of hidden guilt.

A woman and two men standing behind her looked a little arrogant, their eyes made no secret of their contempt for Sawai.

Director Sawai is a seasoned politician.

His ability to read words and expressions is excellent.

It only takes one look and he can see that Ji Jianhui feels a little guilty about his current situation.

But behind her, there is a stronger spiritual force supporting her to do that! !

What kind of thing can make a person violate his principles! !

"Why did you do this?" Director Sawai suppressed his anger and asked calmly, "Why do you help those dictators who want to rule the world?? You have forgotten that the original intention of the Victory Team is to protect human society from harm ?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten." Captain Ju Jianhui said: "But you are in the way, Sawai. You have become a hidden danger and threat to human beings."

"Is it because I blocked the way of the empire?" Sawai grasped the crux of the problem, "So you have to pull me out and let the Hawk faction completely take power."

Ju Jianhui didn't answer directly, but it could be seen from her eyes that this was the reason.

"The empire is no different from those cosmic beings. They all want to rule us. Think about it, how many such conspiracies have you thwarted? Now you believe in an empire." Sawai said, he wanted to awaken the conscience deep in the middle Hui, It is extremely dangerous for a dictator to control the human world.

Ju Jianhui was indifferent to this.

She has already been enlightened, she has obtained the truth.

Compared with dictators, it is the most hopeless thing to plunge human beings into an eternal and endless dark abyss.

"It can give more to human beings." Ju Jianhui said a plausible reason, then turned and left.

The three who followed her also left.

Just walked out of the United Nations Temporary Detention Center.

Ju Jianhui was surrounded by the Victory Team who rushed over.

They came to see Director Sawai and to question why Junjian Hui did that.

"Captain." The moment he saw Jujianhui, Dagu couldn't help shouting out.

It is conceivable that even if Zong Fang was appointed the captain of the victory team.

In the hearts of the team members, they still think that Ju Jianhui is the real captain.

"Captain, why did you treat Director Sawai like that? You clearly know that Director Sawai is a good person, and he will never betray mankind. Why use those non-existing evidence to frame him?" Lina asked.

"The authenticity of those evidences is not something you can question at will." Ju Jianhui looked at the players of the Victory Team, suppressed the unbearable feeling in his heart, and said, "I'm just fulfilling my duty."

"Team." Zong Fang wanted to say something else.

Ju Jianhui interrupted him directly.

"I'm no longer the captain of the Victory Team, please don't call me that. If you want to see Sawai, he's in there, you can do what you want."

The cruelty revealed in this sentence stunned several team members.

I never imagined that Captain Jianhui, who has always regarded them as family members, would say such a thing! !

Ju Jianhui ignored the disappointed expressions on their faces, but directly walked away from them, looking extremely indifferent.

"Forget it, let's go inside and go see Director Sawai." Zongfang endured himself to question why the other party had such an urge to change.

Making trouble here can easily attract criticism from TPC.

Members of the victory team walked into the temporary detention center with disappointed expressions.

Dagu looked back at Captain Jujianhui who was going away, and once he clenched his fist, he turned and ran towards Jujianhui, he must ask an answer.

Their whole team cares so much about her and treats her like family.

When she disappeared, they all tried their best to find her without thinking about food or tea.

Now back, but so indifferent! !

Why? ?

Dagu didn't want to care about what kind of place it was.

He just wants an answer.

"Captain." Panting, Dagu ran to the front of Captain Jianhui again, and said, "Why?"

Ju Jianhui looked at Da Gu, who was just like his younger brother, and felt like a sister.

But she quickly pressed down again.

It is the best choice for the victorious team not to have a glimmer of hope and to let them understand that the coming of the empire is inevitable.

It is also the best way to put Director Sawai in prison.

After the empire comes, society will usher in unprecedented changes.

The battle between hawks and doves could soon intensify.

Throughout the ages, have any civilizations and countries merged peacefully?

Even in the current United Nations, there are many contradictions among countries, and fringe political conflicts continue to emerge.

Even colonies like Mars have undercurrents.

From time to time friction incidents erupt.

The enemies that the empire has to face are too terrifying, and there is not much time for them, so it is necessary to use some drastic methods.

Ideological unity, political ecology unity, and economic unity allow a colony to feed back the empire instead of the empire's continuous blood transfusion.

To achieve this, it is impossible to achieve without some strong means.

Some people are destined to be sacrificed as a price.

Kill one person and save tens of thousands.

There is no right or wrong, and there is no right or wrong.

"I'm not your captain." Ju Jianhui said coldly, "Dagu, the Victory Team already has a new captain."

"But in my heart, you will always be my captain. As you said, the winning team is a family, and we will take care of any problems together." Dagu said sincerely: "I will always be the captain of you. As a family member, tell me, why did you make such a decision?"

Ju Jianhui looked at Dagu, and she learned from the hands of Sage Sigma that the other party was the human body of Ultraman Tiga.

Those who have a truly kind heart and a protective heart will be recognized by the power of Ultraman and become Ultraman.

"One day, you will have to make a choice, Dagu. At that time, you will have to choose to stand on the side of justice and kindness, or the side of cruelty and justice. Sometimes, kindness and justice are a good thing, It doesn’t mean that this world can do everything by relying on these two. Human kindness and justice are meaningless to the universe, and some sins must be borne by someone in order to protect this race and continue to move forward.”

After leaving these words, Ju Jianhui walked away.

Dagu wanted to stop him.

But it was blocked by three people behind Jun Jianhui.

The three are Camila, Hitler, and Durham.

They were sealed in the ruins before.

Until the Sage of Sigmar took them away and unsealed them using Imperial technology.

After the three of them were beaten up by the Yuanzhu warrior, they were assigned to Jujian Hui as his subordinates.

The strength of the empire made them unable to resist.

Powerful Primaris warriors wield almost godly powers, capable of bending rules and reshaping reality with ease.

Although the three of Camila have an immortal body and mighty power beyond mortals, the empire possesses a weapon to kill immortality.

"Tiga." Camilla is now wearing an ancient witch costume.

Full body, slender waist.

A pair of white as snow, slender and beautiful legs protruded from the hem of the priestess' clothes.

The surface of the skin is faintly radiant, as smooth as pearls.

Dagu showed a shocked expression, and the other party revealed his identity in one gulp.

For a moment, he forgot to chase Captain Jianhui.

I froze in place.

"Who are you?"

"Debt collector." Camila showed a cruel smile, "We have a debt from 30 million years ago that needs to be settled. What a joke, 30 million years ago, you betrayed us for your pity. Now However, You Lian's reincarnation is on our side."

"What do you mean?" Dagu asked, "What does this matter have to do with that machine?"

The projection released by that machine is You Lian.

She always said in super ancient language that Dagu should be turned into light in order to save the world that is about to fall into darkness.

As for the rest of the words, I couldn't finish it.

It may be because the machine has been stored for too long, some words have been slurred and cannot be heard clearly.

"You'll know, but not now." Camilla turned to leave.

Hitler and Durham also showed mocking and teasing expressions, and turned to leave.

This time, they are the ones representing justice.

The line between light and darkness is blurred.

Dagu watched the three of them leave, and he could feel the familiar aura from the three of them.

They are all human beings.

The three subordinates who follow Ju Jianhui are all human bodies, what kind of concept is this! !

Is the power of the empire so strong?

Masaki Keigo currently has eight Ultraman supporters, and Jujian Hui has three more, adding up to twelve.

Counting Ultraman and himself in other colonies in the solar system, there is no half the number of empires.

The Empire has crushed them by force.



The team members rushed over. Just now, Dagu suddenly chased Captain Jianhui, which made them all stunned. They only rushed over now.

"You kid, you always act arbitrarily." Xincheng said, "It's really reckless."

"Forget it, Dako also cares about Captain Jujianhui." Horii came out as a peacemaker.

"We don't know what happened to Captain Jujianhui? But we will definitely investigate clearly, and we will definitely find out why he did this." Zongfang said: "Now everyone go to visit Director Sawai first, and then go back to discuss countermeasures .”

The team members nodded, and Dagu did the same. At this time, he was very nervous and uneasy.

The empire seems to know his identity well.

Masaki Keigo, Captain Jujianhui, and those three people just now.

What kind of organization is the empire?

Is it the same as the dark empire built by those cosmic beings?

Countless mysteries are growing in Dagu's heart, making him wonder what to do! !

He felt like he was in an unprecedented vortex.

Even if he has the power of Tiga, this vortex makes him feel extremely small and makes him unable to control himself.

In the void far from the brilliance of the stars.

A magnificent exploratory Celestial-class ship is hidden in a dimension between reality and fantasy.

On the Celestial Class battleship.

Countless magnificent buildings stand erect.

Departments sit like ant colonies in huge rooms.

They are using various advanced equipment to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the entire Ultraman universe.

Countless data models are floating in huge halls.

Imperial technicians conduct various tests and simulations around these models.

Countless silver cherubs and servo skulls shuttled through those buildings with complex structures, and handed over the documents and research data they carried to designated people.

In one of the most magnificent halls.

The sage of Sigma stood in front of a high platform, and behind him was a row of Titan captains who had been trained by the Imperial Academy and had passed the battle test.

His face, which was constructed of machinery and gears, showed a rare human joy.

in this unprecedented moment

Belisarius Kaur is nothing but mediocre.

Keren is also just a crappy research idiot.

Regula is nothing but a complete idiot.

The Great Sage of Sigmar is the most outstanding, intelligent, and scientifically capable sage under the command of the Holy Emperor, and he is also the most qualified seeker to stand in the Hall of Truth.

The age of Sigma is coming.

"Let's get started, captains. Summon your own Titan mecha." Regula fixed the time and made a voice, "This will be a subversive phase. Humans will no longer need to transport that huge mech. A, just let you carry summoners with you."

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