Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 440 The Laughing Bat 2/3 (Subscribe)

Chapter 440 The Laughing Bat 23 (Subscribe)

If Sanguinius' words were heard by those watchers, they would definitely be angered by his arrogance.

To drag out the Supreme God and kill him like a wild dog.

How arrogant, how arrogant.

In this case, the dog can bear it, but the watcher cannot bear it.

They have controlled this universe for countless ages.

A group of human beings who don't even have a fraction of their history have come here.

It is necessary to kill their master, the Supreme God, like wild dogs.

Look down on an all-knowing and omnipotent supreme power, and look down on these minions who work for the Supreme God.

Too bad none of the watchers are here, they're all dead.

Primaris warriors slew every xenomorph, smashing their heads and bodies to pieces, leaving them among the remains of the Empire's conquest.

Everything inside the fort was taken away, even those special crystals were cut away.

Human technology and the path of the Overseer are not the same.

But the resources they left can still be used by the empire.

Those crystals with special powers and those psionic materials extracted from the warp by machines are extremely precious.

Overseers have their own methods.

When the echoes of those beings' grief and despair appear in the subspace, they will be collected by them in a special way.

Those echoes can create demons.

Now they are all collected by the monitors with special means.

Sanguinius ordered people to take all the things away to see if humans could master the same method through research.

In that case, human beings will have one more means of saving their lives in the face of demons.

After demolishing the buildings left by the enemy, the engineering troops of the Empire will build human buildings in their original positions.

The Watcher's Bastion is at an important time-space juncture.

This node allows the user to travel to different regions of the universe faster.

It can also adjust the flow direction of the ether ocean current to ensure the harvest of parallel universes.

If the empire can build a webway in this universe and build a fortress to interfere with the subspace storm.

It can effectively prevent the invasion of the empire's territory by the Supreme God.

The more powerful subspace beings are, the greater the price they will have to pay if they want to operate in the real universe.

Although the Supreme God is powerful, the means it can deal with the empire are actually extremely limited.

Or let its agents wage war on the Empire.

Either go into battle in person and stir up the subspace storm to make humans look good.

No matter which method is used, it is inseparable from subspace.

As long as the empire controls the nodes, it can weaken the Supreme God's offensive against the empire.

The situation in the subspace is complex and changeable.

Some safe waterways and space-time nodes are particularly critical.

Building a fortress there can get twice the result with half the effort.

With a very small amount of troops, a large starry sky can be defended.

Sanguinius doesn't need to worry about these things.

The rest of the work will be left to professionals.

They will evaluate the gains from this victory and make adjustments.

At the same time, allocate resources and build a giant fortress belonging to the empire.

When the fortress is actually completed, this starry sky territory will completely belong to humans.

If you want to take it back, the Supreme God can only send a spokesperson to launch a war and repel the empire.

The fall of the Overseer's Bastion gave Sanguinius a short break.

He was able to return to his exclusive domain for a rest.

Out of the noble status of Sanguinius, the captain of the Expedition specially built a living area for the Primarch alone.

Sanguinius always hated this kind of privileged behavior, and he insisted on only having a garden, a study and a lounge.

The blood-stained armor was taken off and handed over to a dedicated maintenance slave worker.

Sanguinius, who returned to the rest area, only wore a loose white robe to cover his strong, sculpted muscles and perfect body contours.

He has always liked to stay in the study, to enrich himself as much as possible within a limited time.

As a Primarch, his study was huge.

It has a better collection than most libraries.

Some are human, and some belong to other races.

Under the high dome of the study room, the bookshelves stick to the wall and extend from the ground to a height of 70 meters.

Servo-skulls hovered within, maintaining the books, delivering them to Sanguinius at his command, or returning read books to their original places.

At a table surrounded by a high wall of bookshelves, Sanguinius squandered his scarce discretionary time.

Beside him is a finely crafted harp and an unfinished fine blanket.

The blanket was made of exquisite materials, and the loyal Primarch and the Emperor were tattooed on it.

They gathered together, surrounded by their father and most outstanding brother.

If any mortals were here, they would be amazed.

How could a Primarch born for war have these around him! !

Few people know that Sanguinius, who was good at war, was equally superb in art.

He can play most of the imperial music, and he can also tattoo works of art that can be passed down through the ages like the most powerful female worker in the empire.

That blanket was his masterpiece.

He took time out to embroider it during his busy schedule.

Ready to give to his brothers at just the right time.

He will not favor one over another, and each brother will get a blanket embroidered by himself.

The whole process will never be in the hands of others.

At the moment, Sanguinius is reading a book written by a thinker, "To the Dream of Empire. "

There is no lack of extremes in the words, and the author does not hide his respect for the Primarch and the worship of the Holy Emperor.

Sanguinius is a little impatient with the lame opinions and fanaticism in the book.

But he was still patient and read on slowly.

Human beings have their own flaws as well as their own virtues.

The task of the Primarchs is to understand their thoughts deeply and guide them appropriately so that they don't go astray.

Reading books is the best way to understand those mortals. Mouth can lie, but words can't.

The data crystals placed on the table flickered, releasing holographic projections one by one.

There were military chiefs' introductions to the battle situation, and some speakers encouraged the wounded.

Sanguinius has extraordinary wisdom, he can receive these information at the same time, and draw his own judgment.

After reading the book in his hand, Sanguinius stood up and moved his body.

He opened the information crystal pillar placed on the desktop and activated the military main interface.

In the shortest time, he browsed through the messages sent to him by those officials and the commander.

After confirming that there was nothing important, Sanguinius decided to rest for a while.

Going out along the study room is a viewing platform where you can gaze into the void.

The remains of the battlefield are still there.

Those weird cracks are full of terrifying aura, twisted tentacles and hateful eyeballs are floating in the etheric ocean.

The people of the empire have been taught about the warp, letting them know that those taboos cannot be touched.

Those knowledge were taboo in the past, because of the particularity of subspace creatures, the more they are believed to exist, the stronger they will be.

It is in your best interest to ignore them.

The Inquisition has spent the past 10,000 years doing everything in its power to prevent that knowledge from being acquired by ordinary people.

Many innocent people paid with their lives for learning the truth by accident.

Such behavior is very barbaric and rough.

But the Inquisition had no choice, and the knowledge of those terrible truths was enough to poison people's souls.

All this was not lifted until the Holy Emperor established a firewall.

Relying on their belief in the Holy Emperor and their loyalty to the empire, people were able to enjoy the protection of the firewall, and the knowledge of the subspace was lifted, allowing ordinary people to understand what a horrible world they live in.

The huge mechanical ark was docked at a carefully calculated position.

Countless rescue ships came and went, sailing from the Ark's harbor.

Use their robotic arms to retrieve the wreckage and corpses, rescuing those not yet slain by the void and the leaked aether.

Swarms of unmaintained machines are working like insects under the control of the God-brained thinkers.

A gigantic structure of the Imperial Double-headed Eagle is being erected under the direction of the Mechanicus.

That is a device specially used to repair the cracks in time and space.

Several completely pitch-black giant warships cruised back and forth, deterring those subspace creatures and guarding against possible corruption events.

Those black ships are controlled by soulless people, and there are an astonishing number of soul-killing weapons on them.

The Sisters of Silence formed teams to hunt down those demons who dared to enter the real universe, making them feel what absolute death is.

Sanguinius gazed at the scenes, gazing fearlessly into those ghastly chasms.

Those horrible things made harsh noises.

Attempts to bewitch and corrupt Sanguinius' mind.

Sanguinius didn't care. He had fought in the subspace for so long, and he had already seen the true colors of those indescribable things.

What he saw in those indescribable things was tragedy.

A tragedy that lasted for an unknown number of billions of years.

Everything humans do is insignificant.

For as long as this war has existed, not even a single heartbeat counts.

There was a touch of melancholy and grief on his face.

At this time, he was not like the terrifying God of War on the battlefield, but more like an old man who sympathized with the world.

"How much more do we have to give to get what we want," Sanguinius thought. "We are suffering for things that have long since been abandoned."

A mechanical sound interrupted Sanguinius's meditation.

The Chapter Masters Titus and Cleto begged to see him.

Sanguinius had no reason to refuse to see the two men.

Under his order, the personal guards of Glory brought two people in from the outside.

They bowed to Sanguinius without kneeling.

This courtesy is out of respect for Sanguinius.

Their jobs are pretty much the same.

Chapters founded by Primaris warriors serve the Holy Emperor and then the Chapter Master.

Sanguinius is the commander in chief of this expeditionary force, but he is not the only one.

It's just that they can talk more, plus prestige or something.

He understood Guilliman's concern.

The Horus Rebellion will come again, and it will not be the Milky Way that is burning.

There is really no hope for the future of mankind.

Titus and Cleto were wearing armor, and they still had a faint smell of blood on their bodies.

Like those descendants thousands of years ago, they longed for glory and victory.

Consider wearing armor as an honor and a symbol.

Sanguinius didn't comment too much on this, he just showed a smile, greeted the two commanders, and motioned for them to sit at the table in his study.

"We have obtained the right to rule 1,365 parallel universes." Titus considered his words for a while, "The problem is that they add up to a range slightly larger than the Milky Way."

"Those enemies exist to protect the output of these parallel universes. They have to offer enough harvests for their masters. That is to say, what we are facing is not the opponent's regular army, but just a group of people with the ability to protect themselves farmer."

"This metaphor is very appropriate." Sanguinius nodded, their victory was not so brilliant and worth showing off.

"Our expedition is too slow, Lord Sanguinius," Titus pointed out bluntly. "We cannot rejoice in obtaining such a small place."

Such words made Sanguinius sigh slightly.

At the beginning, the Emperor brought nineteen Primarchs, but he failed to get a complete galaxy.

Now, two chapter leaders told him that a galaxy is just a tiny place.

What an exaggerated description.

If Zefeng, Amit, and Radulon could survive to this day, they would definitely be frightened by the tone of these juniors.

Thinking of his former heir, Sanguinius' melancholy became even more intense.

When he woke up, he deliberately went to understand the fate of those children.

Zefeng was finally troubled by black anger and entered the death company.

Amit became the first Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers.

Radron became Chapter Master of the Blood Angels after his own death.

Suppressing the grief in his heart, Sanguinius listened to the words of Titus and Crato.

They came looking for Sanguinius to break the Primaris into pieces and attack the Watcher's lair, paralyzing and killing them as best they could.

Sanguinius fell silent.

But he finally allowed the two to carry out such a risky plan.

It is indeed a bit too wasteful to let the original cast warriors deal with those ignorant natives.

The current approach of the Expeditionary Force is still steady and steady, trying to make the empire take root in Universe 02 and stand firm.

In order to prevent the enemy from making a comeback and shake the rule of the empire.

The Empire has imperialized each parallel universe.

Such an approach naturally minimized the rebellion.

But it also slowed down the pace of the empire's expedition.

Their main enemies are the minions of the Supreme God, not those superheroes who have been fooled, and they should not waste too much time on those idiots.

The Empire can break the Supreme God's hold on Universe 02 by hunting down the Watchers.

Such beings are overly dependent on the feeding of biological emotions.

Just as Khorne needs war and Slaanesh needs pleasure.

Destroying the watcher's fortress is almost like cutting off the opponent's food.

When there are fewer creatures they can harvest, they will inevitably increase the harvest of the controlled area.

They won't even use such a gentle method to raise them in captivity, but just like the four gods, they don't hesitate to use up the water to fish.

Such behavior will inevitably arouse the resistance of those so-called heroes, and at that time, it may still have a miraculous effect.

"Then do as you imagined." Sanguinius said to Titus and Cleto: "Your plan is very good, I will stay and sit here. Preventing the enemy's counterattack is also for You provide some of the necessary logistics."

Cleto and Titus' guerrilla plan must be based on a well-founded situation.

Without logistical supplies, it is easy to fall into the predicament of lack of supplies, and may be besieged by the opponent and lose the entrance to this universe.

The Primarch and the two Chapter Masters deliberated over some of the problems and solutions of the guerrilla plan.

Sanguinius sits in the territory already controlled by the empire, while Titus and others break up into pieces and enter the enemy's rear to wreak havoc.

For example, destroy the walls of origin that separate different parallel universes, send empire traversers to different parallel universes, let them develop religions, confuse local creatures to rise up to resist, or directly transfer to the empire.

If possible, let them build a shielding tower directly to ensure that the Supreme God can no longer get a grain of grain from his farmland.

After confirming the relevant plan details, the two chapter leaders went to prepare.

This is the result of preliminary discussions and cannot be implemented immediately.

Proposed by Titus and Cleto, Sanguinius helped to perfect it.

If it is carried out, an expedition meeting will have to be held.

Because of Sanguinius' unique identity, convincing him actually also convinced other people.

As long as Sanguinius supports it, unless the Holy Emperor or another Primarch suddenly opposes it, it can pass.

Now that the Holy Emperor is in the local universe, the other Primarchs are also busy with their own affairs! !

This proposal can be said to be passed.

Just after meeting with the two chapter masters, Sanguinius just wanted to do something when he got a new report. Several captains wanted to find him.

He felt a little helpless.

But thinking of Guilliman, as the emperor of the empire, the other party is probably much busier than him.

A moment of peace is a luxury.

"Let them come over." Sanguinius said, "If you have any suggestions, please let them bring the data pad."

Parallel universe number 03512.

This is a special parallel universe.

The history of this universe is somewhat different from what Bruce Wayne who fled here knows.

This world has Batman, Justice League, Superman.

The only difference is that the Batman of this world did not inherit the so-called Wayne Corporation.

There are no multinational corporations in this world.

Instead, there are families with strong political influence.

It is the Bruce family that controls Gotham City.

At the helm of the Bruce family - Batman controls everything in Gotham.

He is the uncrowned king of the city.

The clown is there too.

Characters who have appeared in other parallel universes can find the same here.

It just looks different.

Bruce Wayne easily sneaked into this world and Gotham with his own ability.

He travels through multiple parallel universes and has collected many powerful artifacts.

Every time he goes to a parallel universe, he will complete the task given to him by Barbatos to lift the seal that imprisoned the demon.

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