Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 441 The Confrontation Between Batmen 3/3 (Subscribe)

Chapter 441 The Confrontation Between Batmen 33 (Subscribe)

Barbatos and Bruce Wayne have become one, regardless of each other.

To free Barbatos is to empower yourself.

This is also the motivation for Bruce Wayne to do this.

Barbatos was defeated long ago, smashed to pieces.

Those fragments were sealed in different parallel universes to prevent its resurrection.

Bruce Wayne travels through parallel universes, and hasn't appeared in front of the empire for such a long time.

It is to lift the seal of Barbatos and gain the opponent's power.

With the lifting of the seal of Barbatos.

Bruce Wayne's power has also become stronger and stronger.

At this time, he is completely different from before.

You can tell a thing or two just from the external decoration.

His helmet is decorated with sharp knives as bat ears.

Under the influence of Barbatos, his eyes have been fused with a ring goggle with iron spikes.

His face was as pale as a ghost.

The teeth are long and sharp like a vampire.

Wearing a black dress.

The mouth is ripped open like a clown.

The blood-colored lips are extremely coquettish.

There is also a red tie knot on the chest.

When he laughed, that gloomy voice was like coming from hell, it was definitely not something that normal people could make.

If anyone looked directly into his eyes for too long, they would see a twisted black monster within.

During this time, Bruce Wayne travels through different parallel universes.

Try to implement your plan.

He was careful to avoid the minions sent by the empire.

Constantine is an out-and-out traitor.

This guy has been hunting himself, thinking of catching him in exchange for rewards from the empire.

At the beginning, Constantine was not his opponent, and he was almost killed by him several times, but as the number of fights increased, Constantine had more and more people.

This guy also recruited a group of Constantines from other parallel universes who were as vile and shameless as him.

Even with the blessing of Barbatos, Batman is outnumbered.

Has been hunted several times by Constantine.

Bruce Wayne couldn't figure out why someone like Constantine would choose to hang out with the Empire! !

That bastard looked obviously heartless. He had invited the other party to join the Justice League before, but the other party dismissed it.

Now he is running around like a licking dog, helping the empire hunt down those rebels.

Of course, Bruce Wayne has never forgotten his original intention to fight against the empire.

The Empire took everything from him, and he will take everything from the Empire.

Let those guys taste the pain they once felt.

When Bruce Wayne lifted the seal of Barbatos, he was also looking for those superheroes who were willing to fight side by side with him.

His gains are not small.

Some twisted heroes join his side.

They formed a dark version of the Multivariate Justice League.

In addition, he also established the Dark Knights composed of seven Batmen, including him.

The highest mission of this knight order is to destroy all creatures who dare to stop Batman.

Batman will definitely win in the end.

This is the law.

Anyone who violates this law will be wiped out cleanly by the Dark Knights.

During this time, with the help of Barbatos, Bruce Wayne traveled through multiple dark parallel universes and learned the truth of many universes.

Several single monitors were tortured to death by him, and a lot of information about the monitor family was obtained from those guys, and it was clear that this universe was the captive field of the Supreme God.

Even if he knew the truth, Bruce Wayne didn't think that what the Empire did was right.

For him, the Empire is as much an obstacle in Batman's way as the Supreme God, the one who takes everything from him.

They took his Gotham, pulled down and destroyed his statue and sign, and killed Catwoman, Robin Hood, and more.

Propagate to everyone that the existence of the Wayne Group and the Justice League is the reason why the bottom people are tortured.

Just like that, the Empire disavowed all of Batman's exploits and dismissed him as just another Joker.

Whenever he thinks of these, Bruce Wayne's heart is filled with hatred.

One day, he will tear apart the creator of the empire.

Hang the head of that goddamn emperor on his statue.

Tell all the Imperials that this is what happens when you mess with Batman.

Even a god would have to pay the price for provoking Batman.

Before that, he will endure and continue to accumulate strength.

When the time is right, he will choose the opportunity to launch revenge, let the whole empire burn in despair and flames, and hang the emperor's head on his palace.

Bruce Wayne sneaked into Gotham City in the 03512 parallel universe.

The Gotham City here is very different from the Gotham City in his memory, and it can even be said to be completely different.

After all, in Gotham City, where he grew up, there were no red and black banners hung in every household, nor were there such a large number of heads of state sculptures.

Fortunately, the fragment of Barbatos is still sealed there.

The poor god of darkness was smashed to pieces by the creator of the world and used as fertilizer.

Its evil will sneak in the cracks in the hearts of those creatures, using words and visions to lure them into the abyss.

Barbatos' presence is like fertilizer.

Create more chaos, more bloodshed and more pain.

The more pieces of Barbatos he absorbs, the more Bruce Wayne hates the so-called Supreme God.

He secretly vowed to take the cruelest revenge on him.

The same goes for Empire.

None of those guys will end well.

They angered Batman.

This will be the most regrettable thing in their lives.

Barbatos gave Bruce Wayne the ability to change reality, and he used this ability to enter Gotham City with another identity.

Avoid running afoul of heroes who are hopelessly stupid.

His mission is to sneak into Gotham, take the pieces of Barbatos, and then go to the next parallel universe.

If there is a suitable person, he will consider letting him join his Dark Justice League.

The organization is still growing.

They are all trying their best to travel through different parallel universes and win over those reliable people.

Bruce Wayne used Superboy-Prime to take away the emotional spectrum and lantern-carrying technology of the Oua Stars, the creators of the Green Lantern Corps and self-proclaimed guardians of the universe.

The Empire's massacre of those superheroes caused fluctuations in the antimatter universe.

The emotional spectrum and the power of the lantern are stronger than ever.

With the help of the Supreme Superboy, they plundered the emotional spectrum, life equation and other artifacts of those parallel universes.

To be honest, the Dark Justice League established by Bruce Wayne this time should be the strongest superhero organization ever.

The artifacts they possess can easily destroy any superhero.

He has been planning to find an opportunity to attack the dimensional space where the Watchers live.

Wrest some special technology from their hands.

The Overseers hold weapons capable of fighting the Empire.

This is crucial.

Bruce himself is also very clear that no matter how strong his Dark Justice League is, it will be a chicken and a dog in front of the empire.

Only with the power of the Watchers, or even the creators of the Watchers, is it possible to win the Empire.

The Watchers are the shepherds of the High God.

They don't make deals with their own lambs.

Grab is the fastest way.

Gotham City is as chaotic as ever.

Within an hour of Bruce Wayne entering Gotham City, he witnessed three robberies, one shooting, and several violations of law enforcement and acceptance of bribes.

The city is beyond repair.

Before sneaking into Gotham City, Bruce Wayne investigated some history about this world.

The development of history deviated after World War II.

Superman became the son of the Red Empire.

The Batman in this world controls unimaginable resources because of the power of the family.

The origins of the other heroes are also more or less different.

Parallel Universe No. 03512 is a parallel universe where capitalism is almost dead and power and dictators are in control.

But the world is not much better for it! !

Gotham City is also rampant with corruption, and the unemployment rate at the bottom has skyrocketed every year.

Each parallel universe is under the control of the Monitor, and their purpose is to make people suffer, not to create some beautiful utopia.

Those unemployed people can be seen everywhere in Gotham City.

They formed the ecology of the dark world, and established gangs of evil forces that would be severely cracked down upon exposure.

Those guys had dark eyes.

When they saw Bruce's unfamiliar face, they all grinned and showed terrifying smiles.

Before the empire came, Bruce Wayne lived a good life and belonged to the upper class.

He will naturally exude that rich man's quality.

Even if his clothes are ordinary, people will subconsciously think that he is a rich man.

A rich man, in Gotham City in the early morning, isn't that a big fat sheep moving? ?

When Bruce Wayne walked into a dark alley.

Members of several gangs looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to them, and then walked in.

But with a few screams, those gang members who walked in never came out again.

When the troubled person walked into the darkness, he couldn't help but screamed.

What happened in the alley was too scary.

Those gang members have been mutilated.

Like a pig entering a slaughterhouse, it was neatly divided into dozens of pieces.

What's even more frightening is that those fragments were artificially placed together to form a bat mark.

The incident in the alley caused a stir.

And the instigator of everything has already left, heading for the seal of Barbatos in this parallel universe.

The homicide quickly attracted the attention of Batman, the parallel universe No. 03512.

The opponent was so arrogant and arrogant, not only tore the corpse into pieces, but also put it in the shape of a bat symbol.

Such behavior is simply unforgivable.

Batman #03512's parents also died when he was a child.

He was shot dead by a hired killer.

Batman #03512 was raised under the tutelage of his steward.

He is outstanding.

At a young age, he has used the inheritance left by his parents to obtain an unimaginable status and avenged his parents.

In this world, power is the most important thing.

As long as there is power, money is a string of random numbers.

The law is even more useless to it.

After maturity, No. 03512 Bruce Wayne realized how to save Gotham, so he turned into Batman and walked in the dark.

"Tell them, don't report any negative news about this matter." No. 03512 Bruce Wayne said to his butler.

"Understood, master." The housekeeper said.

The words of Bruce Wayne on 03512 made the news media in Gotham City choose to turn a blind eye to this horrific massacre.

No discussion of this horrific massacre is allowed.

Anyone who dares to mention relevant words will be immediately warned by relevant agencies and banned.

One sentence solves the problem of those people talking casually and causing damage to Batman's image.

03512 Bruce Wayne decided to investigate the matter himself.

If he had waited for the bloated and inefficient police station to investigate, the other party might have already fled.

Dare to do such a thing, is it when the uncrowned king of Gotham does not exist?

One piece was banned, and after it was changed, it was broken. In order to get back, I changed a lot.

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