Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 442 Constantine: We Are a Serious Team (Subscribe)

The Chesters are an ancient family of witchers.

I don't know from which generation, they have embarked on the road to fight against demons in the name of God.

They live in a desolate manor on the edge of Gotham City.

The manor is very dark, shrouded in haze all day long.

It was too lonely, and the air was filled with disturbing breath.

People don't like dealing with them.

I'm afraid that this ancient and weird family will bring them a curse.

People in the Chester family also don't like wasting time in the mundane world.

They have more important things to do.

That is to fulfill the mission of generations, to hunt those devils and evil spirits who dare to enter the world, and to complete the tasks assigned to them by God.

At the same time, they have to guard the seal according to the legacy of their ancestors.

The ancestors did not bluntly say what was sealed.

It's just that there's a terrible devil sealed under the Chester family mansion.

The peaceful life continued like this for generations.

Until tonight was completely broken.

Bruce Wayne attacked here and used their blood to break the seal.

When the last ray of light in the sky disappeared into the sky.

Darkness, impenetrable even to light, enveloped the ancient mansion.

Members of the Chester family felt an unparalleled evil attack.

They have faced many terrifying monsters, but never felt such evil.

A member of the Chester family shouted the name of God and wanted to exorcise demons, but Bruce Wayne cut off his limbs.

He was like a monster in the shadows, a cursed ghost.

Cruel, bloodthirsty.

Like a terrifying nightmare entity of a madman, it came to this world with the help of a body named Bruce Wayne.

Desperate screams rang through every ancient room of the ancient mansion.

Desolate cries wafted through the gloomy manor.

But no outsider could hear the Chester family's cries for help.

The Dark Knight of yesteryear has been twisted into a horror.

Turned the manor into his own killing field.

Some of his equally dark and evil companions call him the Laughing Bat.

Because he has the cunning of Batman and the madness and terror of the Joker.

Without any moral bottom line, the level of evil is far beyond that of the clown, and even the devil will be frightened by his evil.

After Bruce Wayne got the truth of the universe from the mouth of the tortured monitor, he gave up his last conscience.

The horrible truth makes everything lose its original color.

He is just one of the pathetic poultry to which morality means nothing.

Everything in the world is manipulated.

Fate and truth are but tools in the hands of the shepherd.

In this evil and crazy world, all morality, all good qualities are deceitful.

The truth is scarier than a laughing virus made by a clown.

Bruce Wayne allowed his mind to be distorted by the truth, and allowed himself to fall into the endless abyss.

He wandered through the old mansion of the Chesta family.

Listening to the screams of this demon hunting family.

Showing a smile crazier than a clown.

Killing made him feel excited and joyful.

After his Catwoman and Robin died, it was the only way he could feel alive.

The dark red blood flowed on the ancient stone slabs, and the sweet smell filled the entire mansion.

The last Chester was slowly slit throat by Bruce Wayne under the gaze of many portraits of ancestors, and died with despair.

Before that, he killed the poor father's child and wife in front of him.

Let the other party watch his wife and children have their throats slit like chickens and ducks, lying on the ground and twitching.

Let the husband look at his wife's helpless eyes a little bit lax.

Let this father watch his child cry and call his father while covering the blood gushing from his throat.

What a wonderful death it was.

The stronger the bond between them, the more terrible the pain of death will be for them.

The excitement brought to Bruce Wayne became stronger.

Bruce Wayne tasted his despair from the impotent rage of the last Chester.

Sweet and haunting.

He couldn't help but want to resurrect these guys, and do such a bloody massacre again.

After solving the Chester family who guarded the seal, Bruce Wayne entered the ground along the secret passage that had never been opened before.

Footsteps echoed in the dark and silent corridor.

The underground temple where Barbatos fragments are sealed is dark and humid, and the air is dull.

Every time you take a step, you can clearly hear the echo.

The enhanced vision can see that the walls of the corridor are covered with green slimy moss, and there is a faint dampness.

Ancient statues stand at corners of corridors or in carved niches.

They are like monsters in the abyss, standing with hands down or holding weapons.

The existence of these sculptures adds a touch of gloom and loneliness to this gloomy underground temple.

They have been neglected for hundreds of years.

There is no light source in the underground passage, and the darkness swallows everything.

There is no sound.

Not even the whispers of ghosts exist.

Bruce Wayne enjoyed this environment very much. The closer he bonded with Barbatos, the more he liked the darkness.

Following the guidance in his heart, he went deep all the way, easily got rid of the influence of the runes set by those mages to confuse intruders, and stood in front of a giant iron gate.

The iron gate stands in the darkness, and the weight of the iron gate can be felt from the huge rivets.

Runes exuding magic power are engraved on the surface of the iron gate.

There is a special arrangement among those runes, formed by strict mages with symbolic lines and shapes.

As Bruce Wayne approached, it shimmered slightly, surging with mysterious power, exuding a palpitating aura.

It sensed the evilness of Bruce Wayne, and resisted his approach.

However, it is just a seal after all, not some powerful treasure.

Bruce, who got the power of Barbatos and possessed many powerful artifacts, easily destroyed those ancient runes.

The iron door was opened, and Bruce Wayne felt that his strength was instantly enhanced.

One step closer to his ultimate goal.

One day, he will have the power to crush the empire.

Bruce Wayne turned and left.

The matter of this parallel universe has been completed again.

It's that easy and simple.

All that's left to do is see if there's someone suitable, have some fun, and 03512's trip to the parallel universe is over.

It doesn't make any sense to stay here.

Empire will be here soon.

They won't have any new routines.

Kill those who dare to resist, promise a future to those who are docile, and then reform, let those who remain accept the rule of the dictator.

Nothing new.

Bruce Wayne was leaving before they arrived.

Otherwise, Constantine's team is like a dog's skin plaster, which cannot be shaken off.

Just after he came out of the ground, Bruce Wayne met an interesting person.

That is Bruce Wayne from the 03512 parallel universe.

A hollowed-out car body that is full of ribs, equipped with huge wings and tail fins, is flying over the clouds.

The Batman of universe 03512 sits firmly in the cockpit as if sitting on a throne.

A black cloak covers the tall body, and the mouth exposed under the bat mask on the head also outlines a serious expression.

When passing by the mansion of the Chester family, the Batman of the 03512 universe jumped out of the air and landed on the battlefield full of stumps and broken arms.

"Is it you who created such a sensational corpse case?"

Bruce Wayne stared at the other party, the familiar outfit stunned him for a moment, and then he felt disgusted with himself in the past.

How stupid.

Wearing a half-covered mask and a set of high-tech equipment, he thought he could become a messenger of justice.

The whole world is fucking garbage.

Justice is the garbage of garbage.

Justice for a herd of domestic animals.

Hahaha, justice to livestock.

Bruce Wayne laughed out loud.

That weird laugh was like a crazy lunatic.

Batman in Parallel Universe No. 03512 looked at this weird enemy and became vigilant unavoidably.

The appearance of the other party reminded him of that crazy clown.

"Put down your arms, and you will accept the judgment and punishment of the law." Batman 03512 said.

"It's all nonsense." After Bruce Wayne said this sentence coldly, he fell into a state of crying and laughing again.

He threw himself on Bruce in this parallel universe like a madman.

He is full of madness and malice.

The existence of the other party is a kind of humiliation and mockery to him.

He couldn't accept how ignorant and stupid he was before.

In the detector of 03512 Batman's helmet, the speed of that strange enemy is so fast.

He just raised his fist when the opponent was already in front of him.

That pale face is like a skeleton, terrifying and frightening.

The opponent grabbed his fist immediately.

With a specially trained strong body and the addition of the bat armor, he couldn't break free from the opponent's control.

"You are really ridiculous, Bruce Wayne."

The demented voice was full of self-deprecation and resentment.

With hatred and anxiety.

All should die.

This sad world.

"How did you know who I am?"

Batman No. 03512's tone was terrified. He had always hidden himself very well. He didn't know how the other party knew his identity.

"Do you think I'm just talking about you? Idiot." Bruce Wayne laughed maniacally: "It's meaningless, you poor Gotham king, an ant, a trash being fooled by people. You are so fucking Stupid, Batman, Bruce Wayne."

While crying and laughing, he yelled like a lunatic, while twisting the arm of Batman No. 03512, and the crisp bone cracking sound came from the opponent's body.

Batman No. 03512 swung his other hand, which was also firmly blocked by the opponent.

The opponent's arm was like cast from molten iron, no matter how hard he tried, it would not move.

The smile on Bruce Wayne's face became more ferocious.

He twisted off the hands of Batman No. 03512 alive, and twisted the batman's armor together into twists.

Armor fragments pierced the opponent's flesh and blood.

Bright red blood spurted out.

Batman #03512 lets out a scream of pain.

He was helpless in the opponent's hands.

Suddenly, he saw a very familiar face.

The other party's weird outfit carried his own shadow, as if he was completely reproduced by a weird mirror.

"Remember, you're just a pathetic poultry."

Bruce Wayne lifted it up, as if lifting his own past, and then slammed it down.

The sound of 03512 Batman's spine and armor cracking was like a memory from the past being shattered.

Bruce Wayne's face showed pain and despair, as well as a perverted joyful smile.

What a wonderful feeling to have your past shattered.

Embrace the abyss of darkness, corruption and evil with all your heart.

Bruce Wayne lifted the Batman in parallel universe No. 03512 again, and then fell down until the other person was lying on the ground waiting to die like a dead dog, before he finally stopped.

He didn't kill the other party, but let the other party linger, recalling his sad life.

"Who the hell are you?" Batman 03512 asked with the last of his strength.

Bruce Wayne showed a cruel smile.

He turned around and walked away from the other party's gradually lax eyes, leaving only one sentence.

"I'm also Bruce Wayne, a pathetic poultry."

Batman #03512 was left to die.

When he just fell into a disadvantage, his butler called the Justice League of the parallel universe No. 03512, hoping that they could rush to the rescue.

Superman in red armor arrived the fastest.

In this parallel universe, he is called the Son of the People.

As long as people ask for something, he will appear, work hard and never complain.

When he landed, he saw a scene of heartbreak.

The best friend was lying on the ground, his battle armor was broken, his eyes were blurred, and he was in his final dying moment.

"No" Superman rushed over, holding his best friend in his arms, "Bruce Wayne, who hurt you like this?"

Batman #03512 coughs, blood clogging his windpipe.

"Bruce Wayne."

He said every word.

"Who hurt you like this?" Superman asked again: "Cheer up, I'll take you back to the headquarters for treatment immediately."

"Bruce Wei..." Batman No. 03512 hadn't spoken yet, and he was already out of breath.

"No!!" Superman yelled in grief, trying to save his friend's life.

In the first few hours, they also exchanged messages, asking each other how they were doing.

Now Bruce Wayne died in his arms.

He couldn't accept such a sudden thing, nor was he willing to accept it.

Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and others from parallel universe 03512 also came one by one.

They are different from other parallel universes.

In this parallel universe, they all wear red armor.

"Immediately call out all the surveillance cameras and find the brother as quickly as possible. We want to avenge Batman." Sea King said to Cyborg.

Cyborg nodded, he used his special ability to connect to the Internet and retrieve nearby cameras.

The murderer had nothing to hide.

Just like that in front of the camera.

Through the video captured by the surveillance camera, everyone in the Justice League saw with their own eyes how the other party broke Batman's hands, and how they threw Batman to the ground again and again until Batman couldn't get up.

"The method is so cruel, we can't let him go." Wonder Woman stood up and said: "For the people, for Bruce, we must eliminate him."

"Where is he?" Superman said, holding back his anger.

"Still in Gotham, heading towards the Arkham Asylum," Steel Bone said.

Superman took a deep breath, suppressing his terrible anger.

He flew high into the sky, heading towards the downtown area of ​​Gotham City, preparing to catch that damned murderer himself.

Accompanied by a sphere with a diameter of five meters, a mixture of blue light and electric arc appeared.

A group of guys mixed with men, women and children appeared in Gotham City in the 03512 parallel universe.

If Bruce Wayne was here, he would definitely grit his teeth.

Because, it was Constantine's team that came.

They are carrying out special missions in accordance with the empire's parallel crossing plan.

"Let me reiterate that we are a formal organization and abide by the laws and regulations of the empire. Remember that you can't bully men and women, you can't take other people's stitches, and you can't blackmail ancient gods and superpowers. Tell Let me tell you, what is our slogan?"

Constantine stood on a high place, shouting.

"Do your duty for the Empire."

"Do your duty for the Empire."

Many Constantine yelled scatteredly, the most active of which was Lori Constantine.

Constantine nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let's get started."

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