Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 443 Do you want to hear her scream? 1/4 (seeking subscription)

Chapter 443 Do you want to hear her scream? 14 (for subscription)

Penguin leans on a cane and sits in a remote box at the Iceberg restaurant, which is loved by people in Gotham City.

His real name was Oswald Chesterfield Copperpot.

He is a descendant of the Copperpot family, one of the four major families in Gotham City.

Known for birds and umbrellas as symbols of his underworld dealings.

Penguin is small in stature, but scheming and very good at taming birds.

Any bird can be easily tamed by him.

These birds are distributed in every corner of Gotham City, and even all over the world, becoming his eyes and ears for transmitting information and collecting intelligence.

Because his father died of pneumonia in the rain when he was a child, he never left his umbrella.

And the umbrella he uses hides a variety of deadly weapons and equipment.

Make opponents hard to guard against.

He also trained in martial arts and excelled in judo techniques.

Anyone who's been into Gotham's gangsters for the first time will know that Penguin is one of the most ruthless gangsters in Gotham City.

The usual Penguin pretends to be a gentleman.

I am always used to wearing a tuxedo, a top hat, and a pair of monocular gentleman glasses from the 1980s.

Always have an umbrella in hand.

Inside the umbrellas hide a variety of terrifying and deadly weapons and equipment.

Many enemies have been defeated by him because they don't know enough about his umbrella.

There are not many customers in the iceberg restaurant.

This is a high-end restaurant, and there are very few people who can come here to eat.

In addition, it was the afternoon time period.

There are even fewer people.

Penguin doesn't care about the flow of people in the restaurant, because he doesn't rely on the restaurant to make money, but uses the restaurant as a cover to help the underground world launder money.

A cute loli wearing a cloak and a muscular giant came in from outside.

There is an inexplicable similarity between the two.

It was as if the same soul had been put into different bodies.

The contrasting combination of the two caused many people to whisper.

Some gangsters looked at the cute loli, wondering how many twisted bosses or powerful people would bid.

Loli looked around and pinched her waist with her hands, showing an arrogant and rampant look.

"Let you take care of things and come out."

Loli's voice is not small.

Enough for everyone in the Iceberg restaurant to hear clearly.

What an arrogant look.

Some guests with underworld background whispered.

Dare to make trouble in the penguin's territory, this loli must have lost her mind and went crazy! !

Aren't you afraid to be the protagonist of the story who is dragged into a small dark room by big guys for three days and two nights?

Penguin's face was slightly gloomy.

It seems that some people's tutors are not very good.

They need to let Penguin teach them how to make their children well-behaved and obedient.

A waiter walked up with a smile on his face.

"May I ask what the two guests want?"

Loli watched the waiter come over, grabbed the other's wrist as soon as she stretched out her hand, and then snapped it violently, causing the other party to scream in pain.

"I said to find the supervisor, are you deaf?"

This action made the eyelids of many guests twitch.

My heart skipped a beat.

It's crazy.

Get your hands on it right at Penguin's restaurant.

I haven't seen such a reckless person for a long time.

Although a cute, pretty loli in a fluffy princess dress, the guests didn't think anything good would happen to her! !

It seems that those dignitaries or bigwigs will have an extra cute toy.

A man in a supervisor's uniform walked over quickly, shouting loudly.

"Please stop immediately, do you know whose property this is? Who ordered you to come here?"

"Damn! Everyone is deaf, right?" The loli raised her foot abruptly.

Wearing white stockings, the slender feet of the flat shoes kicked out.

That little foot is full and can be grasped, looks weak and boneless, and has no strength.

The kicked executive's face turned pale, and then he flew out, knocking over many seats.

The crisp bone cracking sound was clearly visible and rang in the ears of every guest.

The sturdy supervisor lay there directly, unable to stand up.

This move completely dumbfounded all the guests who wanted to watch the excitement just now, and they were stunned for a while.

This loli is so violent! !

With one kick, a giant man who was 1.8 meters tall was sent flying.

"You know, you know, do you know whose restaurant this is?" A waiter's voice trembled.

That loli stepped on the back of the first waiter, and said with an old-fashioned look.

"I don't care who he is, anyway, there is no boss behind me. Did you see this?"

The loli revealed a golden double-headed eagle emblem.

"Sensible, tell your boss to get out. If you have a better attitude, we won't touch him."

"Two friends." Penguin's subordinates opened a way for their boss in the crowd.

The Penguin walked over step by step, holding back his anger, and was about to find out where these two guys came from.

He has never seen the emblem of the golden double-headed eagle. Could it be that forces from other places are planning to invade Gotham City? ?

Loli looked Penguin up and down.

"That's how it looks, even if it's another parallel universe, it's still so familiar."

After saying such an inexplicable sentence, the loli jumped up, pushed her knees forward, and performed a head-hugging and knee-kicking with a standard action.

Then he fell over his shoulder and smashed the opponent to the ground.

The whole process is smooth and flowing.

It was as if it had been rehearsed many times.

Before Penguin could take precautions, he was directly subdued by Lolita, and he was pinned to the ground in front of the public.

Seeing this scene, his subordinates rushed up one after another.

A brilliant whip in the hand of the giant man who had been silent just now danced in the air, sending all those guys flying, flying back at a faster speed than rushing up, hitting the tables, chairs and benches superior.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Penguin's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, he had broken at least seven or eight ribs just now.

It hurts like hell to catch my breath now.

"Don't worry, my boss is going to ask you to do something now." Lori said, "My name is Constantine. Now, just listen to me, is there any problem?"

"That's not the rule on this road."

ah! ! !

Before the penguin could speak, he screamed in pain.

Lori Constantine's sudden force nearly broke his bones.

"I listen, I listen."

The penguin was in so much pain that he couldn't get angry at all.

Lori Constantine let go of Penguin's hand.

"Then the next thing will be easy."

Unexpectedly, Penguin stood up and opened the umbrella, cursing viciously.

"Go to hell, bastard."

Gunshots rang out, followed by screams of pain.

Penguin knelt on the ground in pain.

He was shot in the shoulder, but the two men escaped unscathed.

The bullet flew out of the barrel of the umbrella frame, circled around and hit his shoulder again.

"I really don't know how to live or die." Lori Constantine walked up to Penguin, and slapped her white and slender hand.

Penguin's head was turned sideways by that slap, and a few teeth flew out mixed with blood.

"Next time, screw your head off."

The Penguin didn't know the background of the giant man and loli.

But after going through the few times just now, he knew that the other party was someone he couldn't afford.

"Isn't it good for us to do this?" The giant Konstantin looked at Lori Konstantin sitting on the huge, soft and luxurious sofa of the Penguin.

The small body sank completely into the sofa.

The whole person is about to be wrapped up.

In front of him are Penguin's savings over the years, a large amount of US dollar bills and gold, as well as various jewelry and treasures, which are properly rich.

"What's wrong??" Lori Constance looked at the giant Constance in confusion, "They only said they don't want other people's stitches, but they didn't say that they are not allowed to take other people's gold and silver treasures. "

After talking to the giant Constantine, Lolita Constantine turned her head to look at the penguin standing beside him bleeding from distress.

"Did I take a stitch from you?"

Penguin: ? ? ?

Is this sentence understood in this way? ?

Even though I'm a gangster, you can't fool me like this! !

Looking at the other person's eyes, the penguin had tears in his eyes and shook his head, "You didn't take a needle from me."

"Isn't that right?" Lori Constantine smiled excitedly, and put her little feet on the table, showing a domineering and old-fashioned look. "That's it. We are law-abiding and beloved imperial envoys."

The Penguin groaned.

The giant Constantine patted his forehead, showing a helpless expression.

"Get down to business first."

"Yes, I still have to work. Otherwise, when the time comes, I will be punished when I go back." Lori Constantine sat up straight, "Just follow the previous method, divide the Justice League, catch those gods, and then promote the truth teach."

The giant Constantine nodded, "Let's do it that way, follow the procedures we are familiar with. Others have already gone to other cities. In Gotham City in the parallel universe No. 03512, the most important thing is Batman and those Gangsters, and the Barbatos shards sealed beneath Gotham City."

Lori Constantine turned to look at the Penguin, "Little Penguin, your job is coming. Now find a way to spread the news that Batman is Bruce Wayne, saying that Bruce Wayne deliberately created suffering, and let Secretly become a superhero yourself."

Penguin froze for a moment.

How did they know Batman's true identity? ?

And these two guys are suspicious too!

What parallel universe, what process!

Doesn't it feel like they're doing this for the first time? ?

"What are you doing in a daze, go to work." Lori Konstantin's tone turned cold.

Penguin didn't dare to waste any more time thinking about it, so he said yes again and again, then turned and walked out.

Now the strength of these two people is too terrifying and weird.

They can't fight in close combat, but if they hold guns, the two of them have strange abilities.

If you shoot, you will only hurt yourself.

Forbear it for the time being, wait until the opportunity arises, and then rise up to regain your power and wealth, and trample these two idiots under your feet.

Penguin endured being humiliated by the other party, filling his heart with more motivation for revenge.

I plan to follow the other party's orders to engage Batman first, and then secretly reveal clues for Batman to deal with these two guys.

Cobbot, you're a goddamn genius, Penguin grinned cruelly at the thought.

In this dark city, Penguin was able to stand in this position after defeating countless powerful enemies.

He is not a deadbeat.

Wisdom, viciousness, despicableness, he has it all.

As soon as he walked to the door, a younger brother ran over in a panic.

While running, but also yelling.

"Something has happened."

Penguin showed a trace of dissatisfaction, and he couldn't even bear his emotions. He was really a waste, unlike himself who had experienced so many storms.

He has already been able to achieve the state of putting a gun to his forehead without changing his face.

"What is it, such a sudden surprise." The penguin looked at his little brother.

"Dead, dead." The little brother yelled.

"Who is dead?" Penguin looked at the little brother.

"Batman is dead." The kid yelled. "He's dead. A monster came into Gotham and killed Batman. He also killed Wonder Woman and Cyborg. Aquaman was nailed to the ground with his own trident. Wayne Tower. Everyone in the Justice League is dead except Superman."

These words made Penguin's expression change drastically.

The power of the Justice League is terrifying.

How could they be killed by monsters! ! !

How strong must that monster be!

"Is this true?" The Penguin looked at the little brother with sternness in his eyes. If he dared to play tricks on him, he would throw the idiot into the sea to feed the fish.

"Really, there will be news coming out soon, and this is the first-hand photo." The younger brother took out a few photos.

The Penguin snatched it away.

Batman's head drooped to the side, the entire head and armor were shattered, and the bones of the back spine were misaligned, protruding, and piercing into the flesh and blood.

Wonder Woman was stabbed in the chest by her Excalibur, and half of her body was cut open. The scene was extremely terrifying.

People who love Wonder Woman are even more sad.

Wonder Woman's appearance is very popular with people, but now she is directly dismembered.

It was as if a rare work of art had been smashed to pieces.

All the cables on Steel Bone's body were ripped out and wrapped around his neck. The whole body was torn apart, and engine oil and blood flowed out together.

Lying on the ground like that, there was still a lingering despair in those slack eyes.

The last photo shows Aquaman being crucified with his own trident in the Wayne Building.

These things are so horrific that the news media dare not report it casually.

The Justice League is an organization recognized by official institutions.

Those who can go inside are all superheroes with abilities and backgrounds behind them.

Now, the four giants of the Justice League are dead like this, Gotham City, no, the whole world is about to usher in a tsunami.

The monster that can kill the four giants is definitely an unbelievable horror.

Maybe no one in Gotham can escape.

"It's not good, something serious happened." Penguin staggered back.

That loli looks awesome, such a thing should be handed over to the other party.

There is no boss behind her, now is the time to test her status as a boss.

Penguin felt that if the other party's boss could, he could consider being a younger brother again.

Eerie laughter echoed in the air.

"No!!" Gotham's Dark Lord-Joker made a desperate voice, "Please, don't do that."

His crying and begging did not get any mercy from the other party.

Just because the guy standing in front of him is a monster with a completely dark heart, no redemption at all, and a thousand times, ten thousand times more terrifying monster than a demon.

The Joker's most loyal fan girl, Harley, was nailed to the wall.

She has a very good figure, with protruding front and back, big breasts and round buttocks. I don't know how many gangsters drool.

Now, she was tied up, that beautiful face with exquisite facial features, her complexion was as white as snow, and half of her gentle jade face was peeled off, drooping on her face.

In the chest, which was once the position of the Xiongao mountain peak, a big mouth was opened, and a beating heart could be seen.

The entire skull was cut open with surgical precision and lifted up.

She was dying, but not completely dead.

The torturer didn't mean to let her die, but let her suffer while alive.

Halle isn't the only one.

On the walls, there are more people.

They were all tortured so badly that the other party tried every means to torture them between life and death.

Restrained by kryptonite, Superman, who has no power at all, has to suffer for their tragic experience even though he hates those people's evil deeds in the past.

He looked at the torturer with hatred in his eyes. The other party killed his companion and tortured those poor people in front of him.

The crazy clown in the past is now crying into tears.

All he wants to challenge is the darkness of human nature, exposing the hypocrisy of those so-called heroes.

I want to tell the world that everyone is the same bad embryo, and it only takes a few suitable opportunities for people to reveal their true nature.

Even if he is evil, he is still within the scope of human beings.

But the evil of the other party is completely inhuman.

Even from hell, such a twisted and terrifying existence cannot be found.

Existing only to cause pain, despair and crying.

"Why are you crying?? Isn't this exactly what you want to be?" Bruce Wayne's tone was filled with madness and a smile, and the twisted, pale face showed both crying and smiling strangely at the same time Emotions.

"Everything in this world is meaningless. I understand this, and understand it more deeply than you. Your emotions and persistence are meaningless, you know!! This is the truth, this is the eternal truth."

Shouting frantically, Bruce Wayne looked at Superman who hated him.

Even if he is wearing a red armor, with the mark on his chest that cannot be told, Superman is as kind as ever.

In this parallel universe, Superman is no longer a reporter.

But guardians of a great nation, sons of the people.

Assist humans to make breakthroughs in aerospace technology, biology and other fields.

The speed of human development in this parallel world is much faster than that of Bruce Wayne.

After the arrival of Superman, the son of the people, human beings began to stride into the universe.

Bruce Wayne showed a cruel smile.

If people see Superman killing people, it will destroy the faith in their hearts.

"Kill the clown, and I'll let those guys go."

As Bruce Wayne spoke, he used his sharp, pitch-black nails to peel off a piece of skin from Harry's body.

This action made Harry extremely painful, twitching and screaming.

His nails bear the evil power of Barbatos, which magnifies the suffering of those who suffer.

"Kill me." The clown's psychological defenses also collapsed. The terrible deaths experienced by those little brothers, Harley's screams, and the madness of this freak in front of him completely broke his heart.

The clown cried out in despair.

The pain made him twitch involuntarily, triggering his gag, making him laugh uncontrollably.

But the tears flowing from his eyes can make people feel his despair and pain.

"Yes, that's what it looks like." Bruce Wayne said when he saw the clown crying and laughing.

"You lunatic." Superman yelled with all his strength. If the kryptonite hadn't suppressed his power, he would have beaten him up severely. Even if he wanted to kill someone, he would have killed the lunatic in front of him. .

This out-and-out lunatic.

Bruce Wayne didn't care about Superman's screams. He stuffed a bat dart into Superman's hand, "Slit the clown's throat, and you can save these poor, tortured people."

"Kill me." The clown jumped at Superman, reached out and grabbed Superman's hand, letting him cut his throat.

"No." Superman tried his best to break free from the clown's hand, "I will not kill you, you will be judged by the people, not punished by me."

Bruce Wayne looked at Superman's persistence, and felt a little angry in his heart.

How can you be kind in this dark, cruel universe.

You should be as geek as I am.

Everyone is just domestic animals, why are you still kind! !

Bruce Wayne clapped his hands, and after a while, five or six trembling gang members came over.

They control a young couple and a little girl who already looks terrified.

Bring this unlucky family to Bruce Wayne.

"It would be nice to peel off her skin, you want to hear her scream, my beloved Superman."

Bruce Wayne walked to the side of the little girl, and with his sharp fingertips, left a faint bloodstain on the little girl's delicate face.

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