Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 460 Meeting of the Same Race from Different Universes (Subscribe)

Chapter 460 Meeting of the Same Race from Different Universes (Subscribe)

At the beginning of the creation of the world, the ancient sage who came to the medieval world first created the lizardman as a helper.

Stabilized the subspace energy and created vitality.

The Old Ones created the race of elves.

The elves quickly grew up with their outstanding magical talent and entered the golden age.

Cities were established all over the world.

Until Chaos invaded, the Old Sage ran away.

The great hero Aenarion pulls out the sword of Kane, creates a magic vortex, and defeats the first Chaos invasion.

Then, there is the war of division.

As the heir of the original Phoenix King, Malekith poisoned the Phoenix King at that time in order to seize the position of Phoenix King, which eventually led to a great war.

Seriously injured, Malekith and his followers were banished to a new continent, where they became members of the dark elves.

The remaining elves are called high elves.

After losing the war with the dwarves.

All the high elves withdrew to Ulthuan, and some of the remaining high elves became wood elves.

Due to the low fertility rate, the overall population of the High Elves is small.

The main reason is the long birth cycle, coupled with the constant wars, the population has been unable to increase.

But they are all masters of magic and have dragon allies.

Strong enough to protect them.

But those things can't stop a powerful god.

Selego, Eldrar, Thousand Faces, Death Incarnation and other powerful Eldars headed for Ulthuan on a hovering airship.

The Laughing God was sorry for what was about to happen, but he had to do it for the good of the Eldar as a whole.

Reaper's awakening is crucial.

Will be the most beneficial weapon against Slaanesh.

With the Crone's Sword and the extermination of the surviving Eldar, neither path is sustainable.

They had only one last path, and that was to follow Guilliman's guidance.

Complete the Eldar death concept.

And bring back its concept fragments, complete them, and complete the gestation and birth of the death god of the spirit race.

The speed of the airship is very fast, shuttling through the clouds, and the flying eagles and dragons are hard to compare with it.

Selego, wearing a clown mask, stands on the bow of the airship, looking at this backward but beautiful world.

The Old Ones were once in this world.

Selego had no idea what they were doing in this world.

Probably the same thing they do in other universes, sort out the chaotic warp energy, and try to rebuild the civilization of this world.

Selego didn't quite understand the purpose of the Old Ones.

When he awakened as an Eldar god.

The Old Ones are already very powerful.

They built various wonder structures to balance the energies of the Warp.

Among them is the webway.

Their interest is to rebuild every world that has been corrupted and polluted, and to fish out of time those races that have turned to dust.

Unfortunately, they ultimately failed.

were forced to flee their hometown.

Their work in this world had only completed the most basic point, and it was destroyed by the Chaos Gods who followed.

Selego did not know what had become of the Old Ones.

Perhaps they escaped again, farther away, or perhaps they were all eaten by the Chaos Gods.

No one knows what happened to them.

Selego thinks maybe in the distant future.

As the Empire expands, he will get news of the Old Ones.

The overall terrain of Ulthuan is circular.

In the center is Undead Island where the Great Vortex is located.

The chaotic subspace energy is absorbed here, and then transformed into the magic eight winds through the great vortex, becoming the source of magic power in this world.

The high elves who are closest to the great vortex naturally have the strongest magic power.

Ulthuan is always nourished by magical power, allowing those high elves to easily release various powerful spells.

Ulthuan has many city-states and is divided into ten kingdoms.

The higher leaders of the Ten Kingdoms are the Phoenix King and the Everqueen.

Originally, Ulthuan was only hereditaryly ruled by the Eternal Queen, but after Chaos invaded, a macho man named Aenarion rescued the Eternal Queen at that time and married her.

So there is a system of co-governance between the Phoenix King and the Eternal Queen.

In addition to coordinating the political disputes of various countries and defending the interests of the elves, the Phoenix King's most important duty is to give birth to an eternal queen with the current eternal queen who is sexy, hot and noble.

If it cannot be born, it will continue to be born.

Ulthuan is protected by a giant magic circle.

The magic circle is powered by the undead island in the center of the circle.

Not only can it provide magical protection, but it can also control weather changes so that it is like spring all year round and the weather is smooth.

In addition to magical protection, they also built huge fortress portals in the mountains to prevent the invasion of their distant relatives - the dark elves.

Many city-states of the high elves are prosperous and beautiful.

It's hard to describe in words.

Those crystal-polished and piled-up temples are magnificent and magnificent, reflecting a faint golden glow under the golden light of the setting sun, sacred and solemn.

The most beautiful place among them is Avalon, the spiritual center of Ulthuan.

Avalon is the seat of the court of the Everqueen.

Many legendary creatures roam here.

Giant eagles nest on the sunlit hills of Avalon.

Unicorns take a walk in the enchanted forest.

The most powerful ally of the elves, the dragon, also sleeps in the towering mountains of Avalon.

Aside from its many magical animals, Avalon is a city of magnificence.

It shone beautifully in golden light under the sun.

The walls, temples, and colonnades are all made of stone materials with complex patterns, inlaid with precious magic crystals.

Wide squares and fragrant gardens are filled with magical fountains that emit beams of multicolored light.

The wide streets are lined with precious, beautiful magical plants.

Shiny ivory statues dot the city

Every building contains the infinite painstaking efforts of elf designers to ensure that they are perfect.

Even a piece of brick and tile has been carefully selected to ensure the most perfect visual experience.

In the magnificent palace.

The Eternal Queen, Phoenix King and many high elves are discussing about human beings.

The current Phoenix King is Finnubar.

He's eleventh so far.

Finnubar is the prince of Itain, one of the Ten Kingdoms.

When he was young, he was sent to travel in the old world and established contact with many races.

Finnubar is a leader with a tolerant heart.

He abolished the sea ban issued by the previous Phoenix King, and began to revive the trade of the high elves.

Make the High Elves rich again and have enough resources to build their cities and military spending.

But nowadays, human beings are developing too fast, and they have shown their ambition to rule the whole world.

Emissaries from Middenheim have visited Ulthuan several times, hoping that they will join the human-dominated empire.

Letting the noble high elves succumb to the command of humans is something that many high elves find difficult to accept.

But if a war is started rashly, the high elves may not have enough power to fight against humans.

Humans have a huge number of steam machines and airships, and they can attack enemies in any corner of the world.

The sea and the mountains are no longer an obstacle.

The Skaven Empire is a thing of the past, and the dwarves of the Mountain Kingdom have chosen to submit to humans.

According to some rumors, the ancient kingdom of Cathay in the far east has also agreed to form an alliance with the human empire.

Finnubar didn't know how to choose.

If war broke out, would the high elves have the power to fight against humans?

But now the situation has reached a situation where a decision must be made.

Humanity will not allow a powerful force that does not want to obey them to be active in their territory.

In the name of the Holy Emperor, they have unilaterally declared that Ulthuan is the sacred and inviolable territory of the empire since ancient times.

Anyone can see that this is a naked robbery.

But the strength of the human empire is there, even if you don't say anything, Ursuan can take it if you want.

"The sanctity of Ulthuan cannot be touched by humans." As a legendary hero, Tyrion said to many high-level high elves who participated in the meeting: "We must defend the honor of the high elves and let humans know that Ulthuan is not A place where they can do evil."

Tyrion was of an ancient high elf family.

Has considerable family wealth.

His martial arts are very strong, and he has an excellent talent for commanding the army.

Once defeated the invasion of the dark elves.

Now he is the capable general of the Phoenix King, responsible for commanding the coalition forces of various countries, and also a good girlfriend of the Eternal Queen.

"Then what can we do to defeat them?" began a prince, his fine clothes bearing the ancient family crest, he was the ruler of the ancient kingdom of Itain.

Itain is the most powerful country among the kingdoms of Ulthuan, and they defend the Emerald Gate, one of the five strongholds of Ulthuan.

Their capital - Lothern is also the royal court of the Phoenix Kings of all dynasties.

Even the current Phoenix King, Fenubba, used to be the prince of Itain.

They wield considerable political influence.

The opinions expressed are that the princes of various countries and many high-ranking elves need to take it into consideration.

"Use our magic and our swords." The Prince of Charis stood up. He was not as thin as the other princes, more like a warrior than a mage.

The realms of Charis are generally the wild lands of Enlei and the Rugged Mountains.

The inhabitants there learned how to survive in the harsh environment.

They are both skilled hunters and the best fighters.

The White Lion Guard of Charis has long been famous among the elves, and is also the kin guard of the Phoenix King.

"That will only make us all die at the hands of those humans. Have you read the news brought back by those travelers? They can easily burn a city and destroy a kingdom. The dragon is as weak as a bug in front of them , were killed indiscriminately."

A prince objected.

"I will not risk the lives of my people for useless tradition and glory." Another prince also said.

As long as it is politics, there will be differences of opinion.

will quarrel.

Everyone wants to convince the other.

Everyone thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong.

This has nothing to do with race or system.

"To tell you the truth, this is shameful cowardice." Teclis, who was the supreme mage, looked around at the elf princes who said they would give up fighting with force, and mocked in a sarcasm.

Teclis is Tyrion's twin brother.

Unlike his elder brother Tyrion, who was born to wield a sword and become a mighty warrior, Teclis was weak from birth.

Not only does it need round-the-clock care from a doctor, but it also needs a staff from Lilith, the goddess of magic, to stand and walk.

But don't underestimate Teclis just because of this.

He has unparalleled magical talent.

He is one of the most powerful magicians in the medieval world.

Once when Chaos and Dark Elves invaded, they beat the former two violently, and had a terrifying and legendary record that countless elves sang.

"This is not cowardice, this is a necessary compromise to protect the people." A prince said coldly: "Humans have promised good enough conditions, we can continue to live in Ulthuan, maintain our traditions, Enjoy the benefits of their steam technology. The only demands made by humans are to pay the imperial fealty and tithes, and send our soldiers to fight when needed."

"Their promises can't change any fact, that is, the great high elves have become vassals of humans. This great race has a glorious history of thousands of years, and humans are just a new upstart. You really make me feel unbearable to sell the dignity and honor of your own race." Teclis's tone of contempt reached the extreme, causing several elf princes to be furious.

If it wasn't for Tyrion being here, they would all want to yell at him directly, you sick bastard, why are you pretending! !

Tyrion's strength is unmatched among the High Elves.

Beating people never looked at the occasion and the identity of the other party.

Every guy who dared to humiliate him and his brother would be beaten black and blue by him, and even incontinent.

"I will provide all support except military strength." A prince said coldly: "Since Morion's twins are so confident, let's attack the Human Empire."

"Coward," said Tyrion coldly.

Seeing the high elves who were about to break up unhappy, Phoenix King Fenubah also had a headache.

He stopped the quarrel between the two sides.

"Our responsibility is to protect the high elves. This is the most important purpose of our gathering here. It is not in our interests to have a war with humans rashly. It will kill countless high elves. Letting so many people die for the sake of actual honor, then we are not qualified guardians. But the high elves with a long history and brilliant culture will never just become vassals of humans."

"I will gather a negotiating delegation to fight for more interests for us, safeguard the honor and autonomy of the high elves, and seek a suitable path that does not require war."

Phoenix King Fenubah's words made Tiggs feel a little dissatisfied.

In his opinion, such an approach is undoubtedly a symbol of weakness and incompetence.

The high elves should be equal to humans, and even enjoy privileges.

They are great, old High Elves.

He is the most orthodox master of the world and the main force against the Chaos Demon Army.

Tyrion was also dissatisfied.

He has Aenarion's curse on him.

It is said that Aenarion drew the sword of Kane in order to win the victory. This sword cursed Aenarion so that all his descendants would become slaves of the sword of Kane.

This curse reached its peak in Tyrion.

Possessing powerful force and tyranny, he has an uncertain mood, just like the incarnation of Kane.

Tyrion thirsts for war and blood.

He felt like there was a huge hole in his heart, and it would take countless blood and killings to fill it.

"I think." As soon as Tyrion spoke, a guard in armor hurried over.

The guards brought news that shocked many of the High Elves.

"The human airship is hovering above Avalon at this moment."

When they walked out of the palace, they saw several magnificent airships floating in the sky.

The golden double-headed eagle emblem shining in the sun announces the identity of the comer.

"They crossed our magic barrier just like that? And we didn't have the slightest warning?" An elf prince said with lingering fear: "If there is a war, what will we use to fight them?"

"You should think from another angle. They ignored us and trespassed on our territory without any notice. Has Ulthuan already become the territory of humans? Do they come and go when they want? Teclis said angrily: "They are so unscrupulous before the covenant is established. If the covenant is established, wouldn't it be their home and they can come in and out at will?"

"We should protest to them immediately and ask them to leave." Tyrion said: "The dignity of the high elves must not be offended."

"Please be patient." Finnuba comforted the twins, and asked the mage under his command to communicate, and asked the guard of honor to come over as soon as possible.

But to the surprise of many high elves, the people who got off the airship were not human beings.

It's a creature that looks exactly like them, wearing a strange armor.

The appearance of both of them is so similar.

The only difference is the armor on their bodies and the weapons in their hands.

Teclis, Tyrion, the Eternal Queen, and even the Phoenix King and other high elves all watched this scene dumbfounded.

Surprise spread like waves on the faces of many high elves.

Could it be that there are high elves lost elsewhere? ?

Why are they so alike.

"Who are you?" Phoenix King - Finnuba tried his best to keep himself calm, and asked without losing his grace.

"We come from the spirit race of the imperial universe. We have the same creator as you, the Old Sage." Elderal was at the front and was in charge of speaking, "From the perspective of biology and genetics, we should belong to the same race."

Selego is surrounded by many prophets.

His status is noble, and he should not be responsible for such cumbersome affairs.

Several high elf mages including Teclis immediately looked at him.

From under the body wearing the clown mask, they felt a terrifying force like a vast ocean.

Something hidden in the bloodline awakened with the gaze of the other party's eyes.

That is a god! !

Horror appeared on Teclis's face, and he made his own judgment.

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