Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 461 The First Battle of Assas (Subscribe)

Chapter 461 The First Battle of Assas (Subscribe)

Teclis is the most powerful master of magic among the high elves today.

In terms of using magic, sensing the opponent's mental power, and subspace projection, he will never make mistakes.

The guy in the clown mask is a real god.

Even if he didn't emit frightening soul fluctuations, he could still feel that the other party's soul was shining like the sun.

Compared with the other party, his soul is like a firefly.

Besides the masked guy, another visitor caught Teclis' attention.

The opponent was wrapped in an armor with intricate patterns, and a slender sword hung from his waist.

Teclis couldn't see the opponent's face clearly, but he could feel a terrible power of death hidden under the armor.

It is not surprising that it is the earthly embodiment of death.

Sensing that someone was watching him, the other person raised his head and met Teclis' gaze.

Those dark eyes were like an abyss.

Will suck people's souls into the lightless world.

Teclis suppressed the fear of turning and running.

become silent.

Instead of being filled with righteous indignation like the beginning, you have to yell and kill uninvited guys.

Tyrion hadn't changed much.

Those eyes were full of anger.

If the Phoenix King is not around, I'm afraid he will draw his sword to see the opponent's level.

The arrival of the Spirit Clan caught Phoenix King and his party by surprise.

Who would have thought that the human empire dominated by the Holy Emperor already had the existence of elves.

There is a slight difference in the name.

They call themselves High Elves.

The other party claimed to be the Spirit Race.

But the Phoenix King could tell at a glance that these sharp-eared self-proclaimed spirit races were definitely their own race.

That kind of arrogance is definitely something that other races don't have.

Numerous envoys from the Spirit Race were welcomed into the palace.

Elderal and others came to meet the Phoenix King and his party, not to negotiate, nor to persuade these backward compatriots.

but to declare their dominion over the High Elves.

When they just sat down, the Great Prophet Eldrar spoke.

"For the greater benefit of our family, you must obey our rule." Eldelal said: "Only in this way can our family be unified and our family become stronger."

"I don't understand the meaning of your words, compatriots." The horror in Phoenix King-Fenuba's heart is still as difficult to calm down as a storm, but as a king, he still shows unimaginable calmness, "We Have been here, living happily for many years. What right do you have to announce that we will accept your rule as soon as you come?"

"This is the best choice." Eldrar said: "The fragmented Eldar will only weaken our right to speak in the empire, which will be a huge damage to the interests of our family."

"Have you joined the empire? And become a part of them?" Fenuba immediately grasped the key point in the other party's words. These fellows from the empire universe have become part of the empire.

Elderal didn't have the idea of ​​denying it, he nodded.

"The Holy Emperor has countless armies. His influence has radiated the entire galaxy group and expanded to other universes. We, the Eldar, are his most important allies. This is why you have not been subjected to imperial violence. The reason for the invasion is because they want to abide by the old covenant. A united Eldar will help us gain more voice."

"The human empire does not dare to invade Ulthuan with violence. We are strong enough, not from your charity." Tyrion stood up and said, in his opinion, Eldraar's words were a bit humiliating.

Ulthuan, by virtue of his own power, makes the human empire fearful.

Rather than relying on a fellow clan that cannot be beaten by eight poles, it was not invaded.

Tyrion's words made several Eldar prophets couldn't help laughing.

It was disrespectful, and it was a terrible sin to laugh at backward and ignorant compatriots, but they couldn't help laughing anyway.

A backward and barbaric force that occupies a large island, saying that they can fear the holy emperor of mankind.

If those races that have already stepped out of the planet and become interstellar civilizations hear this sentence, they will probably get up and see who is so arrogant and dares to say such big words.

"Are you laughing?" Tyrion became angry. "You don't know anything about Ulthuan's power. You are weak and submit to the feet of humans, but it doesn't mean we will be weak too."

"But you don't know anything about the Holy Emperor." Eldrar said: "If someone from Middenheim issues an order to exterminate this world, the report does not need to be handed over to the Terra bureaucrats who serve the Holy Emperor before."

"Then let the so-called Holy Emperor try it." Tyrion stood up, and he drew his sword.

But in the next second, he flew out.

With a wave of Eldrar's hand, the powerful high elf warrior was thrown into the air and hit the wall behind.

The huge impact cracked the wall.

Tyrion levitated with Elderal's hand.

In this way, the potential candidate for Kane was firmly controlled by invisible forces.

His limbs were tightly locked inside his armor, trembling uncontrollably.

Teclis raised his staff, wanting to strike for his brother.

A dazzling light flashed across the silent air.

A sword of lightning arced across Teclis' scepter, splitting it in two.

The tip of the sharp sword was placed at the opponent's throat.

An Eldar warrior wearing the armor of the Reaper Army stood in front of Teclis.

The hilt of the blade was gripped tightly in his hand.

Under the helmet, the threat in those eyes was obvious.

If there is another change, it will be Killing Unforgiven.

Elderal threw Tyrion aside again before looking at Phoenix King Fenubah.

"Only relying on our strength, we can easily massacre you. What's more, the empire, you will not even have a chance to fight, and you will be wiped out by terrible artillery fire. Dealing with you is not even a good thing. A battle, more like an insignificant warm-up.”

The strength displayed by the people of the Spirit Race can be called crushing.

Even if they killed all the princes and the strong men of the high elves, it would not be difficult for them.

Phoenix King - Finnuba's complexion turned pale.

He knew very well that he had no choice.

It is already an ultimatum for the human empire to let these same races from different universes come forward.

If they don't know the fun again, I'm afraid there will be no next time.

These alien races will definitely kill them and take over the elves.

Whether dark elves, high elves, or wood elves, these emissaries of the Eldar use savage and effective means to conquer and rule.

"If you can represent the interests of the elves, then Ulthuan will obey your rule." Phoenix King - Finnubar said: "But I have something to say first, if you and humans come to usurp our interests, then the high elves Will never sit idly by."

"No Eldar is foolish enough to snatch bread from a beggar's bowl." Eldral said an old Eldar proverb.

The first negotiation between fellow beings from different universes was a complete success.

"You have come from a long distance, you must have been exhausted, please let the servants take you to the guest room to rest, there will be a banquet to welcome you tonight." Phoenix King - Finnuba tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and tried his best to maintain an elegant demeanor.

In the negotiation with the other party, the other party's words were full of arrogance and rudeness.

For the first time, Finnuba felt how annoying the elf-style arrogance that has been criticized by other forces is.

After the Eldar mission has been settled, and some details of the evening banquet have been finalized.

Eternal Queen - Alarielle went to visit the injured Tyrion.

They survived for a long time.

Until all the anger in Tyrion's heart was vented on Alarielle.

The two didn't stop their movements until they were out of breath and exhausted.

Alarielle's noble appearance in the past has disappeared at this time, her handsome and flawless face is very flushed, and her long soft golden hair is very messy.

A lot of hair even stuck to his forehead due to sweat.

There were traces of sweat all over the soft quilt.

There is an air of extravagance in the air.

"Fenubar's cowardice makes me angry." Tyrion looked at the Eternal Queen in his arms, "He shouldn't bow down to those envoys like that. He is the Phoenix King, the spiritual leader of the high elves."

"Fenubar has his own considerations." Alarielle said: "We can't accuse him like this. As the Phoenix King, we have to consider the overall interests of the high elves. If we go to war with the empire, can we really win? "

"But that shouldn't be so weak." Tyrion said: "Even if it fails, we must let those in the empire know that we have backbone and will not let them handle it."

"But what if those humans don't care? They can't see the backbone of the high elves, they only think that the high elves have resisted them, then what kind of measures will they take to deal with us? Just like they did to the ratmen, to the rats Do you want to bomb the wasteland and completely destroy everything? Kill every influential leader to ensure that this race has no hope of turning around?"

"Do you think they can't do it? Look at those same races from different universes, don't you feel their cruelty and coldness? What terrible killing and cruelty are hidden in the words of peace, destroying a world, destroying a Race is not a psychological burden for them."

"All creations of the Old Ones can do this, not to mention humans. Among those messengers, several are as powerful as the gods of the elves, and even far surpassed. You are not sensitive to magic, perhaps not I noticed it. But I and your younger brother both felt it. They are the human incarnations of gods and possess unimaginable power. They were all forced to submit to the so-called holy emperor. It is conceivable what power the other party has mastered .”

Alarielle's words silenced Tyrion.

This kind of thing is something he didn't consider.

He was too impulsive.

"If those spirit race envoys are really thinking about our interests, then we will be fine. If they think they can oppress the high elves together with those damned humans, then they will think too much, even if they risk their lives, I will fight back to the end."

Alarielle didn't continue talking.

Instead, he rose from Tyrion's arms.

Counting the time, the dinner party has almost begun.

The Phoenix King and Everqueen are symbols and titular companions of the High Elves.

Naturally, she couldn't miss such an important banquet.

"Take good care of your wounds first." After leaving such a sentence, Alara, with the help of the maid, put on the clothes with intricate patterns and left.

Only Tyrion remained.

The departure of his beloved reminded Tyrion, who was alone, of how he was easily defeated by the emissaries of the Spirit Race when he met with them.

A desire for power surged in his heart.

The call of Kane's sword echoed in my ears again.

That voice echoed in his head.

As long as the sword of Kane is drawn, he will be invincible and invincible.

The undead army gathered this time is unprecedentedly terrifying and powerful.

Under the terrifying power of Nagash, those powerful Tomb Kings were once again enslaved and manipulated.

The burial legions of the Tomb Kings, and the dead transformed over the years, have become Nagash's minions.

In addition, there are a large number of vampires, gargoyles and ghosts.

From the perspective of mortals, this legion is shockingly large.

They march forward mightily, and wherever they go, black clouds roll, as if the doomsday is coming.

The dead move on like a torrent.

All that passes is death.

Manfred is the commander of this huge legion, and many necromancers and high-level vampires gather around him.

Nagash resurrected many former minions.

It is planned for them to lead the undead army to conquer the world.

The first target is naturally humans.

I thought it would be a smooth battle.

Manfred set off proudly.

He swore to take Middenheim for Nagash, and to bring all men to his master's feet.

Such a huge undead army, even if Sigma is resurrected, it is absolutely impossible to stop them.

But fate is so dramatic.

When the undead army entered the wilderness.

A huge fleet of airships appeared.

They just floated in the high sky in the wilderness, as if they were waiting for the approach of the undead army.

Manfred got the archers and necromancers ready.

Prepare to give humans a little shock from the army of undead.

Just when he was using his talent as a commander to mobilize various troops with extremely high efficiency.

A piercing whistling sound came from the sky.

A spindle-like object the size of a house and made of steel fell into the middle of the undead army.

No necromancer or vampire knew what it was.

until it explodes.

The terrifying explosion seemed to tear the earth apart.

With the landing as the center, everything in a radius of several kilometers disappeared.

Even the rocks melted under the high temperature, the flowers, plants and trees were carbonized, and were completely torn apart by the turbulent air waves.

If Manfred hadn't stood a little behind and hid in a natural ravine several meters deep at the first moment of the explosion, he might have been turned into fly ash by the aftermath of the explosion.

Accompanied by the rise of a giant mushroom cloud up to several thousand meters.

Countless undead and vampires seemed to see their long-departed grandma.

The bright glare was like the sun suddenly appearing on the earth, and everything was like daytime.

After ten minutes, the shaking ended.

A distraught Manfred crawled out of hiding.

He thought that the sea of ​​undead bones that could destroy all enemies in the world had been beaten to pieces.

Some undead who were far away and possessed good strength survived. Although they were in a state of distress, they did not collapse under the enemy's first wave of offensive.

He finally knew how his father, Vlad, had failed.

Facing such an enemy, no amount of undead, no amount of vampires will help.

That is simply God's punishment, it is God's punishment.

It is the power that can only be mastered by God.

Those airships lined up neatly and flew over from the horizon.

The artillery fires continuously, strangling those who survive the orbital bombardment.

On one of the airships, the group of five is in it.

Looking at the scorched wilderness, their faces were filled with the same shock as other soldiers.

Just a random blow from those magnificent warships solved a crisis that was enough to destroy the world in their opinion.

Destroying Nagashiza might just be a matter of another shot.

Manfred realized that the game was doomed.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

Before even a battle started, he had already lost.

He decisively ordered the withdrawal of Nagashiza.

Of course, in order to slow down the enemy's offensive, he ordered the undead troops to disperse and flee.

Some fled to the densely populated plains, forcing the human army to give up pursuing them in order to protect the civilians.

This strategy has worked wonders.

Even with an airship, humans can't catch up with the high-level undead army including Manfred.

From time to time, they have to drive away the undead who want to flee to the city of the living to ensure that these monsters will not cause any trouble to the people of the empire.

Of course, the imperial army did not care about the escape of Manfred and others.

They will clean up Nagash's minions little by little, capture the most powerful necromancer ever, and send them to the sage's laboratory as a research sample.

In low earth orbit in the medieval world.

On a battleship named Imperial Light.

Arthas stood in front of the hologram.

He witnessed the entire process of this orbital bombing, and witnessed the destruction of the huge undead army.

The supreme commander took this opportunity to teach these new recruits a hard lesson.

Let them know how to deal with those enemies who dare to defy the Emperor of the Empire.

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