Warship of Great Power

Chapter 251: My son-in-law got it back!

  Chapter 251 My son-in-law got it back!

  I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen such stupid people, who actually use this kind of thing to fool people!

   Mikhail's heart was full of anger. His fists were clenched, and the veins on his arms were bulging. His eyes radiated anger, as if he wanted to kill someone.

   Trotting all the way out of the office, he calmed down a little when he entered the workshop. If someone saw this state, they would definitely know that he had encountered something unpleasant.

  Although I was tricked, I can't say such things.

   Mikhail took a deep breath, then walked in slowly.

   At this time, Qin Tao and Wang Lao, led by Sergey, were slowly inspecting the workshop and saw the last plane on board.

   This is an ordinary Il-76 transport plane, which has just begun to be assembled. Someone is installing the sky-blue instrument panel.

"I heard that the West has already started to make glass cockpits." Qin Tao said: "Advanced data bus is used to transmit data. There are only a few monitors in the cockpit, which looks very neat. Soviet technology is advanced. Is there such a thing?" A similar remodeled aircraft?"

   Data bus, only a few displays?

  Sergey who was present was a little embarrassed. This technology is of course advanced, but it is still far away from Lao Maozi's electronic technology!

   Fortunately, Mikhail came over without him needing to answer, with a smile on his face: "Qin, the Soviet is gone."

   "Yeah, it's gone. I always talk about this country unconsciously. Alas." Qin Tao sighed.

  Actually, the people present more or less felt the same sigh in their hearts.

   For those ambitious people, of course they want to separate their families and live their lives. Their countries are all strong, and they have to drag weak countries. For Platinum Country, it is equivalent to taking advantage.

   If there is no Red Empire, can they build a modern aircraft factory here? Just think about it and you'll know it's impossible.

   Now, the Red Empire is gone, and their current aircraft factory can only continue to produce aircraft according to the original technology. Want to improve?

  The Ilyushin Design Bureau is far away in Moscow, how could it be possible to send them the improved drawings for free? It will inevitably involve a lot of interests. If they want to continue to cooperate, just negotiating is enough to make people speechless.

As the person in charge of the factory, Mikhail naturally thought more, and now he sighed: "I heard that the heavy aircraft cruiser Ulyanovsk has been dismantled at the Black Sea Shipyard. Come out of the shipyard to build ocean-going ships for the Norwegian company. That powerful warship is already turning into scrap iron."


  Qin Tao felt a burst of surprise in his heart. It seemed that he had to travel a few more places on this trip.

This old Maozi's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has also experienced ups and downs. It could have become the most powerful aircraft carrier in the Red Empire, but it died before it was launched. Under the cooperation of the company, it was dismantled on the berth, and the last penny was not earned.

   This is the throes of transitioning from a planned economy to a market economy. The old men have no experience in signing contracts with foreign customers, and they don’t even have liquidated damages.

Even if Qin Tao wants to take the empty shell of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier back to China, he has no such opportunity. After all, the West regards that aircraft carrier as a thorn in their side, so why would they watch Qin Tao give it to him? Drag it back.

Now, the aircraft carrier has been dismantled into scrap iron. Qin Tao, an international tycoon, can buy some scrap steel. The price of 500 US dollars per ton offered by the Yankees is too high. , Fifty dollars per ton is quite a lot.

  How many tons is that thing? It seems to be close to 30,000 tons of steel, right? One and a half million dollars, collecting a pile of scrap iron is already giving Ermao a lot of face.

  Qin Tao is already thinking about the next itinerary.

   "Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin!" Mr. Wang pushed Qin Tao.

  Qin Tao finally realized that his thoughts had already flown into the sky!

   "Qin, Uncle Mikhail invited us to see the completed Il-76 and Il-78." Alexander said beside him.

   "Okay, let's go and have a look together!"

  Originally when Qin Tao made this request, he was slapped by Mikhail. Now, Mikhail took the initiative to invite them to come over, obviously he has made up his mind!

   It seems that what he just said was going to the bathroom, but he actually ran back to look at the contents of the suitcase, hehehe, if the third brother was in front of him at this time, he would probably be beaten up by him with his fists, right?

  Thinking of this, Qin Tao is very proud. This matter was done beautifully.

The finished aircraft, of course, were pushed out of the workshop directly to make room for them. Those aircraft were parked on the open air apron, and the side of the aircraft could even be seen from a distance. sign.

  It's a pity that that powerful country has disappeared, and now things are changing, which makes people feel emotional.

"Currently, we have a total of six Il-78 air tankers and four Il-76 transport aircraft." Mikhail said: "These aircraft have been assembled recently, but their original owners It's gone, so we have the authority to dispose of these planes in our factory."

  Qin Tao nodded: "Mr. Mikhail, can you accompany us in to have a look?"


   Mikhail just thought that Qin Tao wanted to go inside the plane, so he didn't think too much. He led Qin Tao, opened the tail hatch of a transport plane, and went straight up.

  However, just after he walked in with Qin Tao, Qin Tao whispered to him.

"Mr. Mikhail, let's give you the bottom line. We all want these planes. Our base price is 15 million US dollars each. If you can help us lower the price, then the reduced amount will be all It's yours." Qin Tao said: "For example, if you can sign a contract with us for 10 million US dollars, then your account will have an extra 50 million!"

  How much did Ah San give Mikhail?

   Two hundred thousand dollars! At most, he promised 200,000 after the event, but Mikhail could only earn 400,000!

What now? Qin Tao can give Mikhail a hundred times the rebate!

  When Qin Tao mentioned the price of 15 million US dollars each, Mikhail wanted to shake his head subconsciously. This is impossible! These are strategic transport aircraft! A Western medium-sized transport aircraft C-130 can sell for 40 million U.S. dollars, a strategic-level one can sell for hundreds of millions, and your own can sell for 15 million?

   Mikhail originally wanted to refuse, he felt insulted, but when he heard the following words, his heart began to tremble.

  As long as the price can be lowered, the money saved will belong to Mikhail!

  If each can save 5 million, then 10 can save 50 million, and all the money will go into Mikhail's account!

  Fifty million, if there is such a sum of money, he can go to the West to live the life he wants after the transaction is completed. Who else will hold him accountable?

   Insult me, insult me ​​with money! At this moment, deep in Mikhail's heart, the greedy devil was making this call. This is a one-shot deal, as long as it is completed, he will have everything for the rest of his life.

Mikhail swallowed and spit: "But, you also know, these planes are not up to me. Ten million dollars per plane is too cheap. Even if I agree, the government will not agree." of."

   Ideals are beautiful, but it depends on reality!

In reality, their Chkalov Aircraft Factory is the economic support of the Platinum Country. The money from the sale of these ten manufactured aircraft is an important income for the treasury. If they want to sell it at a low price, the relevant government departments will not agree. yes!

"Mr. Mikhail, I will also give you one million dollars in activity funds. You use these funds to lobby relevant government leaders." Qin Tao has long known the difficulties Mikhail is facing, so he also gave him Figured out a way.

"As for these planes, you can make some moves. For example, the apron caught fire and these planes were burned. For example, the parts provided by some big hairs on the planes were substandard. These planes have become waste products. For example, suddenly There was a lightning strike, these planes were struck by lightning, all the circuits on the planes needed to be replaced, etc. In short, these planes are no longer finished planes, they are just scraps.”

   Mikhail's eyes slowly brightened.

  If he is given two million dollars to lobby, he believes that he can persuade those government leaders, and in addition, there is a problem with the plane here. In this way, his problem will be completely solved.

  There is already a road, how to choose?

"Mr. Mikhail, the Red Empire is gone. Although there is an organization called the Commonwealth of Independent States, it is too loose." Qin Tao said: "In the future, the life of small countries will not be easy, so let's take your aircraft factory. Say, you need a large number of parts provided by Da Mao to assemble the aircraft. Do you think Da Mao is willing to provide the parts to you? Or open a new production line in their own aircraft factory to assemble Il- What about 76?"

  Mikhail has thought about all these things, and now, Qin Tao pointed it out, and he also knows what the ending will be.

  Why does Da Mao want to benefit them? Wouldn't it be better for Da Mao to take it all by himself?

"So, don't look at the current Chkalov Aircraft Factory is still thriving. When the parts in stock are used up, it will soon fall into crisis, and the final fate is bankruptcy. Therefore, you should seize the opportunity now. , Pave a way for yourself." Qin Tao continued to fool around.

   From Mikhail's eyes, Qin Tao saw greed.

"The two million activity funds we gave you were transferred through the Moscow International Commercial Bank. Alexander can guarantee the authenticity of those dollars. As for the subsequent kickbacks, we will directly deposit them into the Swiss bank account." Qin Tao said: " Please rest assured that as long as the contract is signed and before the plane flies away, we will pay for it."

   Mikhail swallowed again, and then said: "I will try my best."

  Getting off the plane, Mikhail looked at the sky, the bright sun was shining on him, the rainy weather had passed, and from now on, his every day would be full of sunshine!

   On the way back.

  Old Wang asked Qin Tao cautiously: "Mr. Qin, are we all done?"

   "Well, it's all settled. The ten planes are all ours. The signing of the contract is estimated to take about a week. We'll just wait here." Qin Tao said.

   It's all done!

  President Qin entered the plane, talked to Mikhail for a few words, and it was settled? Mr. Qin is too awesome, isn't he? Ten planes!

   "These ten planes are expensive, right?" Wang Lao asked.

"Yeah, 15 million planes is quite expensive. If we buy back these ten planes and add the activity expenses paid, the liquidity in our group's account will bottom out." Qin Tao Said.

What? Fifteen million one? This is the price of cabbage, okay? Elder Wang was shocked again.

  Alexander was very calm, because he had seen Qin Tao's ability a long time ago. Now, he said lightly, "The two hundred thousand is yours."

   "No, no, that won't work." Qin Tao said, "You and Dalia did it. It has nothing to do with me. You don't get paid for nothing. Those are all yours."

   "But you planned it for us, how about it, we are half of us, if you don't want it, then you look down on us."

"All right."

  Qin Tao readily accepted.

   Rajna and Abhinandan back at the hotel, very happy.

"We have already negotiated the terms. This transaction will definitely go smoothly." Rajna is very satisfied: "The Red Empire has disappeared, these people will only stuff benefits into their pockets, as long as they are fed , they will definitely agree to our request, even if they sell their country, there is no problem."

   "Yes, Mikhail was bought with only 200,000 yuan." Abhinandan was also very happy: "This time our activity fund is 1 million, so the rest..."

  When you come out to do shopping, you have to get some benefits for your own pocket. Even if they need to bribe the other party, they have to keep some for themselves. For Ah San, this is already a habit.

   "I will give you ten thousand dollars, and when you go back, don't talk nonsense." Rajna said.

   Only ten thousand?

   Abhinandan was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, Rajna was his boss. If Rajna hadn't brought him out this time, he wouldn't have had this opportunity.

   "Okay, next, let's go out and have fun, the women here are so beautiful!"

   Rajna said this, and Abhinandan became excited again. Although he can only get 10,000 dollars, it is not bad to play with a few beautiful women here.

   When the two came out, they met several people head-on.

   "Why does it look familiar?" Rajna couldn't help being a little suspicious, as if he had seen it somewhere?

  However, the figure flashed by, and he didn't continue to think about it. Anyway, his task has been completed, and the next step is to enjoy it happily, there is no need to make trouble for himself.

   That evening.

   Click, click!

  Several thunderstorms fell from the sky, illuminating the night sky of the city. After the thunderstorms, a heavy rain fell.

  In the history of Tashkent, this kind of heavy rain is quite rare. It seems that this year's climate is really special.

  The next day, a few people went to the restaurant for dinner, and the morning news was playing on the TV in the restaurant.

  Qin Tao glanced at it subconsciously, and felt that the flashing pictures on the TV were very familiar, so he couldn't help asking: "Daria, what is the news talking about?"

  Daria is a multi-faceted role. In addition to serving as Alexander's secretary and handling various life and work matters, she is also a temporary translator for several of them.

Hearing Qin Tao's question, Dalia immediately replied: "What I was reporting just now was yesterday's thunderstorm. Several thunderstorms hit the tarmac of the Chkalov Aircraft Factory. The planes parked there, Severe damage occurred due to lack of lightning protection measures."

  When he heard the news, Qin Tao couldn't help laughing, it really went well, and it was God's good luck that he was thundered just right!

In fact, when any aircraft is designed, lightning protection needs to be considered. However, even so, it is occasionally seen that an aircraft is struck by lightning when it passes through a thunderstorm area, and then there is news of an accident. For aircraft lightning protection, this is a difficult problem.

   Even an advanced fighter like the F-35 has mine protection flaws.

  Now, if an aircraft that has not yet left the factory is struck by lightning, the aircraft will have hidden dangers, just like a soaking car, no one knows when and where problems will occur.

   "Thunder Lord and Lightning Mother are really awesome." Qin Tao said: "Now, we don't have any problems with our purchases."

   While several people were talking, in the hotel room, Rajna was sleeping soundly with her arms around a woman who called back last night. After a night of tossing, he was very satisfied, but also very tired.

   (Platinum Kingdom, just after the separation, was still quite open, and then gradually became conservative.)

On the bed next to   , Abhinandan was still venting wantonly, and the sound waves sounded from time to time, and Abhinandan turned up the volume of the TV again.

  Wait, what's in the TV?

   Abhinandan could speak the language here, that's why he was brought by Rajna to stand up together. At this time, Abhinandan stopped moving, and his face became more and more ugly.

  The woman let out a long breath. This guy who had been smeared with Asan's oil had tormented her for a whole night, and now he finally softened.

   "Rajna, Lord Rajna, hurry up, wake up, something has happened!"

An hour later, a Lada sedan roared towards the Chkalov aircraft factory. Rajna and Abhinandan desperately wanted to see Mikhail, but were turned away. It's time to report the situation to the superior!

  How's the plane, how's the plane?

airplane? It is said that those on the tarmac were struck by lightning, and the damage to the electronic equipment inside is unknown.


   The two were dumbfounded.

   Two hundred thousand wasted?

  The plane is broken, what else do they buy? However, it is impossible to get back the 200,000 that was given to Mikhail.

   The two guys were dumbfounded.

   Three days later.

"Our Mingzhou Group is a large group that involves a wide variety of industries. Our transportation company is already a leader in domestic transportation. This time, we will purchase ten of your damaged planes, and after we return, we will repair one Then put it into commercial operation." Qin Tao looked at the government representative opposite, with regret on his face: "Although the price is cheap, but we have to repair it when we go back, we don't know if we will lose money this time."

"Mr. Qin, please rest assured that these aircraft are worth maintaining, but we don't have enough spare parts here. If you need them, you can use a full set of western avionics to improve them at any time." The government representative patted his chest and promised: " You're bound to make money."

   "Well, I hope." Qin Tao said: "I also have to thank your brave test pilots for willing to fly these aircraft with damaged avionics to our domestic airport."

  Even if it is a skilled pilot, it is impossible to fly a variety of aircraft. Each aircraft has different performance characteristics, and it is necessary to go through the necessary modification training before flying the corresponding model.

Now, Platinum Country can't wait to package and sell the plane to Qin Tao, and even deliver it to his door, which moved Qin Tao very much. When the plane returns to China, it has nothing to do with this place. How to modify it is his own business. up.

   "These are as they should be. Our Il-76 adopts a mature and reliable hydraulic operation method. Even if it is struck by lightning, there is no problem flying during the day. As long as it arrives in your airspace, there is a plane to lead it."

   "Of course, we have made all the preparations."

  The agreement was signed, and the two parties shook hands and took a group photo. In the afternoon of that day, ten Il-76s and Il-78s took off from the runway of the Chkalov Aircraft Factory.

  Watching these planes take off, Mr. Wang was extremely excited. With these planes, there will be a suitable platform for early warning aircraft in China!

   "Unfortunately, we have no way to get back the dedicated A-50 early warning aircraft platform." After leaving the aircraft factory, Mr. Wang sighed again.

"What's the difficulty? When the factory goes bankrupt in the future, we have plenty of opportunities. However, by that time, we probably already have advanced large aircraft in our country, and we don't need to buy these junk products. If there are stocks here engine, we can purchase a batch of spares.”

  That night, at an airport in China.

   "Old Lin, let me tell you first, you can have transport planes, but the aerial refueling planes belong to our navy!" Standing on the tarmac of the airport, looking at the sky in the distance, Wu Shengli said cheerfully.

"Six air refueling aircraft, you don't need that many, two is good, our air force, we also need to practice air refueling technology!" Lin Lao said: "We also need to build an air force with both offensive and defensive capabilities. .”

   "Come on, you have a Su-27 with a range of two to three thousand kilometers, and you need to refuel in the air? Where are you going? Are you flying over the Pacific Ocean?"

   "It will happen one day. Anyway, the funds your navy has applied for are limited, so we will purchase according to our respective funds."

   "Hmph, my son-in-law got these planes. Even if you have money, if you don't give it to you, you won't give it to you!" Wu Shengli was very stubborn.

  (end of this chapter)

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