Warship of Great Power

Chapter 252: Ulyanovsk Scrap Iron

  Chapter 252 Ulyanovsk Scrap Iron

  Qin Tao didn't know about these small episodes in the country. As long as he could receive money, add necessary activity funds, and help the development of the navy and air force at the same time, it was his duty.

He originally planned that if the superior appropriation was not in place, he would first operate it himself and set up an air transportation company. How could he have thought that with such support from the superior, he would give a special appropriation, and the funds would soon be transferred to the account of Mingzhou Shipbuilding Industry Group superior.

   No matter how poor you are, if you tighten your belt, you must get these planes. The price of cabbage is ah!

  Qin Tao left Platinum Kingdom and embarked on the road to the Black Sea Shipyard.

(After the collapse of the Red Empire, the Nikolayev Shipyard, also known as the 444th Shipyard, was also officially renamed as the Chernomyrdsky Shipyard. This is a transliteration. If it is translated, it is the Black Sea Shipyard. , so, the name Black Sea Shipyard will be used below.)

  Unable to bear the fatigue of the journey, Mr. Wang got into the Il-76 transport plane and went back. However, Qin Tao was not alone, he went on the road with Alexander.

  Alexander was very interested when he heard about Qin Tao's next itinerary. Anyway, the branch office was already operating normally, so he went with Qin Tao as a tourist.

  However, in Qin Tao's eyes, Alexander, a playboy, is clearly tired of Daria and is planning to find a new partner.

   "Qin, I remembered our leisure time on the Crimea Peninsula again. By the way, how is Zhao? Why didn't she come with you?" On the way, Alexander was very excited.

   "Yeah, it was a leisurely time, now, we are all very busy. Zhao is fine, thank you for your greeting."

   "Qin, I suddenly discovered that oriental women are more beautiful. Can you introduce me to an oriental woman like Zhao?"

   This guy is too thick-skinned, right?

  Qin Tao was very helpless, he shook his head: "I'm sorry, no."


   "Because we oriental women will only love one person in our life." Qin Tao said: "If you choose an oriental woman, you must be with her forever."

"Well, I give up, let me stay by one woman's side all my life, I can't do it." Alexander said frankly: "There are too many beautiful and delicate flowers in this world, and I want to pick them off. I won’t stay in front of a flower for too long. Later, when I’m tired from playing, maybe I’ll find an oriental woman to marry.”

  The topic of discussion between Qin Tao and Alexander was very relaxed, but at the Black Sea Shipyard, the atmosphere was very tense.

"You **** capitalists, are you trying to play us like monkeys? Are you kidding about credit? At the beginning, you patted your chest and said that your steel company was willing to buy us Ulyanovsk for five hundred dollars a ton The ship is made of steel!" Makarov stood up and looked angrily at the person in front of him: "Now, this warship has been dismantled into scrap iron, and you guys don't execute the contract?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Makarov." The American on the opposite side was still very calm: "It was the vice president of our company who made the acquisition plan at the time. After calculation by our president, we found that the price was too high. If our company is purchased at this price, it will go bankrupt! This matter is all the personal behavior of the vice president, and our company has no limit. Now, the company has fired him."

   "Even the vice president represents your company!"

   "I'm sorry, he can't represent our company. I am here to formally notify you on behalf of the company. After careful consideration by the company, our contract this time is invalid."

   "Damn it, if you say it's invalid, it's invalid? Why didn't you inform us before we dismantled it? Now, that warship has become a scrap metal! What you did is too much, too hateful!"

   Makarov was extremely angry, he stood up suddenly, and grabbed the opponent's collar in the past: "You bastards! I will kill you!"

  "Mr. Makarov, please calm down. I am an American. If I am killed here, my motherland will uphold justice for me." Although he was caught by the collar, the representative remained calm.

   "Factory Director, Factory Director, don't do anything."

  People around him also came to persuade Makarov.

  Makarov finally let go of his hand, and he sat back on the chair again. The muscles on his face began to tremble.

That powerful country has disappeared, and his career has come to an end. He was very reluctant to dismantle the Ulyanovsk by himself, but he did not expect that all of this was actually a scam by the Americans .

  Five hundred dollars a ton, why did I trust the other party so easily back then? Why didn't I ask for a deposit in advance?

   "Director Makarov, there are people from Da Mao who want to see the Varyag."

   "Look? Let them see for themselves!" Makarov had no strength left.

   "Factory Manager, it is Your Excellency Nicholas who came here, and he said that he is here to investigate on behalf of the Damao Navy."


   Makarov supported the back of the chair with both hands, and he tried twice to support his body.

   During this period of time, people kept coming to see Varyag, and Makarov didn't bother to receive them, because it was almost impossible to build this aircraft carrier.

  However, after all, Nicholas is a senior official of the Pacific Fleet. He has been here many times before and has a good relationship. He has to give this face.

   Makarov walked out. It was raining lightly outside, and his mood, like the rain, was full of melancholy and bewilderment.

   "Director Makarov, are you alright?" Nikolai shouted with a smile from afar.

good? good what good?

   Makarov shook his head with a wry smile.

   "I just saw a large amount of scrap iron on the No. 0 berth. Why is the Ulyanovsk missing?" Nikolai asked curiously.

   Which pot does not open and which pot to lift, it is dedicated to exposing the scars of others, and sprinkle a handful of salt! At this moment, Makarov felt his heart beating violently again, and his blood surged up.

   "Your Excellency Nikolai, that warship has been dismantled. The scrap iron you saw belonged to the Ulyanovsk." Makarov's deputy replied.

"So that's the case." Nicholas nodded: "By the way, are those scrap irons still useful? If you plan to sell scrap iron, I can contact you with a buyer, Qin who was here last time. He likes to collect junk, you didn’t sell it last time, what about this time?”

  Of course Nikolai knew that the scrap iron was dismantled from the Ulyanovsk. No one else knew about this, but they, as the navy, of course knew it clearly.

   That is the first nuclear-powered heavy aircraft cruiser of the Red Empire! Moreover, it is also planned to use a steam catapult with a full load displacement of 80,000 tons. If that warship can be built, it can confront the American aircraft carrier head-on!

  It's a pity that that powerful country is gone, and after the separation, it's in disarray. It's absolutely impossible to continue building the warship that was only 30% built.

  So, if you dismantle it, you can dismantle it, and you can sell scrap iron after dismantling it.

  Nicolas is very interesting, and he still wants to win business for Qin Tao.

   "Can you contact the buyer?" The deputy was delighted: "That would be great, we've just been…"

   "Forget it, don't talk about it, let's go and see the Varyag."

The light rain is still pattering down, falling on the Varyag. It won't be long before the warship that hasn't been painted will rust, but that's okay. Makarov has confidence in the steel of the aircraft carrier. Remove the floating rust, and the bottom will be bright.

   "As of November last year, 68% of the construction of Order 106 has been completed." As the factory director, Makarov still likes to call this warship Order 106, which is the number of their factory.

"But after that, the whole construction stopped completely until now." Makarov knew the construction of the entire warship well, because he would turn around on it every day. Now, when Makarov said this, his tone Down and full of sadness.

  He didn't have an umbrella, so he let the light rain fall from the top of his head. He walked in the rain like this, talking while walking.

   "We are willing to pay the remaining 32% until it is finished outfitting and joining our naval sequence." Nikolai said.

   Makarov stopped. At this time, they had already walked to the front of the ship island. Looking up, they could see the large hole exposed on the ship island. It was the base part of the Sky Sentinel radar that had not yet been hoisted.

   "Nicholas, is this what you personally mean, or what is meant by your navy?"

   "Of course it means the navy."

"Your thinking is wrong." Makarov was depressed and his voice was not high, but his words were still very firm: "The former Red Empire has disappeared, and this order No. 106 is already ours. property, if you want it, you have to pay the full cost of it, not just the remaining thirty-two percent. You pay one-third of the price and want to drive it away. Impossible, would cause damage to our national property, and to us, it would be a crime."

   Makarov is such a character. In his eyes, there has always been a country. It used to be the Red Empire, but now it is their two hairs. He will not be flexible at all.

Nicholas nodded: "Makarov, you are right, but you have to know that at present, it is impossible for your navy to want such a huge ship, and you can't find another one in the whole world. If the country comes to buy it, you can only sell it to our Da Mao Navy. We will pay the remaining 32%, and you can also let your shipyard continue to operate. If you insist on paying the full amount, then you can only Let this warship rot here."

In the past, there were also Da Mao’s naval officers who came to inspect, but their ranks were relatively low. Nikolai was the first Da Mao’s high-ranking naval officer. Nikolai’s visit was a formal contact, and now he even proposed a joint construction plan. .

   Da Mao is only willing to pay the remaining 32%, and even this is just a promise. It is still unknown whether Da Mao can allocate this money from the state finances.

   Pay the full amount? Just dream, Ermao thought this warship was a golden lump?

  The current situation of the Black Sea Shipyard is not optimistic. All the projects have stopped, and the huge shipyard has stopped operating, and it will soon be in trouble.

"Even if it's rotten, you have to pay the full amount." Makarov was very firm: "We can't give you the state property for free, otherwise it would be a crime. You drove away the order 105. This one, Absolutely not!"

   Well, this is really a stubborn guy!

   At this moment, the roar of the engine sounded from the outfitting dock, and a high-end car drove over.

  In the car, Qin Tao was very emotional: "This is a place where warships are built. We only gave the guard one ruble, and he let us in. It's incredible!"

   In the past, if you wanted to come here, you had to go through layers of investigations, and the secrecy measures were very strict. What about now? Of course it's because their high-end car is a status symbol, but the guard is too loose, right?

   "Now, any factory after division is like this." Alexander said: "Those guards probably haven't received their wages for a long time. One ruble can take several days."

  Other factories are like this, Qin Tao believes, but this is the famous Black Sea Shipyard! Factory manager Makarov has always been a rigid person, his factory management has always been very strict!

   While speaking, the car stopped.

   "Okay, here we are, let's go up and have a look first, hey, there seems to be someone up there?"

   "Nicolas?" Qin Tao was also surprised. He didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here!

   When we meet again, things are different.

   Last time, Nicholas was a senior naval officer of the Red Empire, and now he has become a naval officer of Da Mao.

Although it seems that there is no change, such as his fleet station, the scale has not changed, but in fact, the changes are still very big. has changed.

   "Qin?" Nicholas was also very happy: "Why are you here?"

   "I heard that there are a lot of scrap iron here, so come and have a look. If the price is right, I will buy a batch back." Qin Tao answered directly.

   This point of view has been instilled several times, so at this time, Makarov has begun to accept it in his heart. He looked at Qin Tao: "Excuse me, at what price can you buy our scrap iron?"

   "International standard price, fifty dollars a ton." Faced with Makarov, no means are available, and the person in front of him is of a very high level. Just pick the truth.

  Fifty dollars a ton of scrap steel, the absolute price of cabbage, why doesn't the old man use it himself?

   Lao Maozi really doesn't need it.

  After all, the steel scrap is directly returned to the furnace, and the steel that comes out is low-grade steel. It is necessary to classify the steel scrap and smelt it separately to make the steel scrap valuable. However, this requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

  For Lao Maozi, some are iron ore, some are coal, and direct smelting is faster than scrap steel recycling.

  Therefore, in the various cemeteries of Lao Maozi, there are a lot of scrap iron, tanks, planes and cannons. They would rather let these scrap iron rot than go back to the furnace for smelting. It is completely thankless.

  So, if the Black Sea Shipyard wants to process scrap steel, it can only sell it to international thieves.

  The price was reduced from five hundred to fifty, which is unacceptable.

Qin Tao continued: "If it is a whole ship, such as the Varyag under our feet, it is convenient for us to pull it back. We only need to hire a tugboat. In this way, the purchase price can be higher. The one on the berth over there , has been disassembled into scrap iron, after we buy it, we have to hire a ship to transport it back, we have to take the cost of transportation into account, if it exceeds fifty dollars, it will lose money, it’s not worth it.”

  Qin Tao is not lying. Along the way, the cost of transportation is estimated to be higher than the cost of scrap steel itself. If the purchase price is too high, it will not be worthwhile at all.

"However, these are scrap steel removed from our heavy-duty aircraft cruiser. These steel materials have good performance. For example, the hull uses CXJI and AK series steel types, among which there is a large amount of 590 MPa AK-25 steel. Another part uses 700MPa steel, as for the deck..." Makarov's deputy couldn't help but said.

   Isn’t this nonsense, if it weren’t for the good performance of your steel products, I would come to buy them? Qin Tao secretly smiled in his heart.

  Ordinary steel scrap, Qin Tao no longer likes it, he doesn't want to bring foreign garbage back to China, he has ideals and pursuits.

  Even if Qin Tao came here a few months ago, it would be impossible to drag the hull of the Ulyanovsk back, because the West is watching! Qin Tao didn't have such a big deal to do, so he wasn't in a hurry at all.

  Now, the 80,000-ton heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser has become a pile of scrap iron, and the US Steel Company, which was to be acquired for $500 a ton, has also slapped its **** and left. Qin Tao came to the door. This is a timely gift!

  Plus that Nicholas is here and helps to say a few good words, and this matter will be settled.

After these scrap irons are brought back, they are still the same as before. They are divided into different categories, the bottom, the side, the deck, and the island. They are put into the steelmaking furnace separately. After they come out, they are all good steel, especially the steel for the flight deck. After re-smelting, using it on the Siamese aircraft carrier will definitely make the other party laugh from ear to ear.

  Our own side can also analyze and study the composition of these steels, and then develop corresponding high-strength nickel-chromium alloy steels to prepare for the future construction of aircraft carriers.

   "I'm here to buy scrap steel. No matter how strong it is, I go back and enter our steelmaking furnace. What comes out is all construction steel." Qin Tao interrupted the words of his deputy. Do you think these are treasures? In my eyes, these are scrap steel, scrap steel!

  Wait, why is this Makarov's face so ugly? Am I talking too hard?

  Qin Tao looked at Makarov in surprise, only to see that Makarov's face was livid and his tone was low.

   "Qin, the warship under our feet is not scrap iron."

   It turned out that he was angry at what he said just now! Qin Tao finally understands, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention!

  Qin Tao feels a little wronged, I am not wrong, your Varyag is just scrap iron, do you think it is a finished product after 70% of the construction progress? Next, it is impossible to complete the construction, because that powerful country no longer exists.

  The current Makarov probably hasn’t realized the reality. Do you want to help him?

"Makarov, I don't think Qin's words are wrong." Nicholas had already begun to fan the flames: "If this warship doesn't follow our way, it won't be built at all, and it will still become scrap iron in the future. "

"No, no, it is the most powerful warship built by our shipyard, and it will not become scrap iron!" Makarov suddenly roared: "Our shipyard will definitely find a way to complete it , if customers want to buy, they must pay the full amount!"

  Qin Tao sighed helplessly: "Mr. Makarov, what do you need to complete the construction?"

   "Money is needed, the operation of the factory needs money!" Makarov said: "This **** market economy is completely different from the previous era. There are **** capitalists everywhere!"

"No, you are wrong." Qin Tao is very serious: "To complete the construction of this warship, the Soviet Union, the Party Central Committee, the State Planning Commission, the Military Industry Commission, and nine defense industry ministries, 600 related majors, and 8,000 Supporting manufacturers, it takes a great country to complete him."

   Makarov froze suddenly.

  Is it about money?

  That's right, the problem of money, what he and Nicholas are talking about now is money, but this is definitely not just a problem of money.

They build warships, but only for final assembly. Many parts on warships come from other manufacturers. With the changes of the times, some manufacturers have run into difficulties, and some have even gone bankrupt. Even if they are rich, they may not be able to When purchasing certain parts, even if they have money, they can place orders with those supporting manufacturers, but can those manufacturers produce corresponding parts for them?

  They gave money to the supporting manufacturers. Will those manufacturers pay the workers in the factory first?

   There must be comprehensive coordination, and there must be a strong country!

  However, this powerful country is gone.

   Makarov lowered his head in pain, his body was shaking, his tears mixed with the rain.

  Qin Tao felt a little bit guilty, the man did not flick his tears easily, just because he hadn't reached the point of sadness!

   Now it can be regarded as poking at Makarov's sad place. That powerful country is gone, and the old horse is very sad.

   "Mr. Makarov, Mr. Makarov!" the deputy shouted.

   Makarov staggered forward. In the drizzle, Makarov's figure looked so haggard.

   "Did I say something wrong?" Qin Tao felt a little regretful.

   "No, you're right. Only by breaking his confidence can he sell this warship to us cheaply." Nicholas said.

Qin Tao glanced at Nicholas: "My friend, you should wake up too. This warship can't be built at all. Even if you drive it back, it's useless. Give it a full ship. It will cost a lot of money to start it up. I guess it will be difficult for you to maintain the current equipment? Is the Minsk going to be decommissioned?"

   PS: After 14:00 today, there will be ten more updates.

   Thanks to book friends l599xl, haoyisxl, Tiantian Feifei and other friends for their rewards, thank you all book friends for subscribing and voting!



  (end of this chapter)

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