Warship of Great Power

Chapter 839: Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival, proud

  Everything is over, the sun is setting, Qin Tao and Wu Shengli are walking on the way home together.

   "Taozi, what do you think of the prospect of this 155mm gun?"

   "Dad, the prospect of this depends on the progress of our electromagnetic gun." Qin Tao said: "If our electromagnetic gun is developed, then this kind of gun will be useless."

   Just like the steam catapult, the relevant domestic departments put great effort into developing it, but the electromagnetic catapult has also come out. Comparing the two sides, you can immediately find the tastelessness of the steam catapult. As a result, the research and development has lost any meaning. The navy's aircraft carrier decided to install the electromagnetic catapult.

  According to the plan, the caliber of the current electromagnetic gun is also 155 mm, with a range of 400 kilometers. Even if the 155 mm gun of 713 is developed, the range will definitely not reach 200 kilometers.

   "So, how long will the electromagnetic gun come out?" Wu Shengli continued to ask.

   "I don't know about this." Qin Tao said: "Of course we hope that the sooner the better, but this thing is not based on our will, and I don't know how long it will take for the technology to make a breakthrough."

   "The research and development of Institute 713 is worthwhile. Anyway, our navy doesn't need to pay for it." Wu Shengli was full of enthusiasm.

   Development to the present, Qin Tao can't say what will happen next. After all, electromagnetic guns have not been equipped with the navy before he came to this world. Although Qin Tao has promoted the rapid development of naval equipment in this world, he still cannot draw conclusions about these unknown things.

  However, in the world he came to, the 155mm naval gun was not developed, the main reason being that there was no demand.

  The 155mm naval gun is mainly used as the fire support force of the amphibious expeditionary strike group. You can see that the DDG-1000 is equipped with two 155mm naval guns. It has more than one artillery battalion in terms of ground strikes, and it can catch up with an artillery brigade!

  The Yankees have the need for this kind of ground attack, because they want to deploy globally and interfere with the situation in a certain country at any time. However, the Americans are not capable of doing this kind of thing well, because the price they make is too expensive! It is obviously a naval gun, and the shells fired can match the price of missiles!

  The East does not have this kind of demand. Even if there is a need for combat across the strait, many weapons can be obtained here. There is no need to install naval guns of this caliber on warships.

   Even if there is such a demand in the future, with the strength of the Eastern Navy, it is still difficult to say whether it can be close to a certain continent to fire artillery shells at a distance of one or two hundred kilometers.

  For the navy, it is good to have one more choice, since it does not need to spend money on itself anyway.

  Qin Tao was a little speechless to the old man's statement.

   "Dad, the navy's money must be allocated to our shipyard quickly, otherwise the aircraft carrier will stop working." Qin Tao said.

   "The process is already going through, and the funds will be allocated recently. Don't worry, the construction funds for the aircraft carrier will definitely not be a problem. This is the Navy's top priority."

  The two were talking, and they had already reached the gate of the courtyard house. From a distance, Qin Tao heard a retching sound, so he walked in quickly.

   "Xiao Ling, how are you?" Qin Tao asked his wife crouching under a tree and retching.

   "It's okay, and it's not the first time." Zhao Ling said, "But when I was pregnant with Haiyang, I didn't have such troubles. This time I don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

  Zhao Ling didn't go out with Qin Tao recently, of course because of the inconvenience. Ever since Qin Haiyang was born, Zhao Ling's stomach hasn't bulged anymore.

  The reaction this time was bigger than last time, Zhao Ling could only stay at home to recuperate, and could no longer run around with Qin Tao.

   "Hmph, dare to torment my wife like this. I'll spank him when he comes out." Qin Tao said, patting his wife on the back.

  Wu Shengli didn't interrupt, and went straight into the house.

   "Brother Tao, recently Vitalia has found all the people she promised, and the booth of the Glory Years Security Company on the Rainbow Country can almost support itself." Zhao Ling was still talking about work.

   "Well, Xiaoling, if you feel uncomfortable, you don't need to interfere with this, anyway, there is Zhengyang."

   "People also have families." Zhao Ling said: "He Qian is also pregnant, so he spends more time with his wife."

   "Really? Seeing that our family is happy, I still get his credit." Qin Tao murmured: "If I knew this, I would have facilitated a marriage for Zhengyang earlier."

   "It depends on fate." Zhao Ling felt much better, and she looked at Qin Tao with a smile: "You came back early today, do you want to pick up the child?"


  Qin Tao is enjoying the warmth of his family, but there are many people who do not have the opportunity to enjoy this kind of happiness, such as a certain country's naval fleet running on the ocean.

  A large warship appeared in the Red Sea. Its messy mast looks very old, but on the bridge below the mast, four hexagonal flat-panel antennas represent its advanced.

  This kind of flat-panel antenna forms a 45-degree angle with the central axis of the warship, which is exactly staggered from the previous layout of front, rear, left, and right. There is still a large area of ​​space in front of the bridge. If you look down from the sky, you can see the vertical launch device like a chocolate cube.

  It is the famous Arleigh Burke-class destroyer! It is like General Arleigh Burke, fast, flexible, and courageous!

  This destroyer is equipped with the famous Aegis system. After changing the layout of the antenna, the search capability is stronger. With the 90-unit vertical launcher, it has sufficient anti-saturation strike capability.

  In 1991, the first Arleigh Burke-class destroyer entered service. After that, this destroyer was like a dumpling, and it was launched into service in large quantities. At this time, the bow of this destroyer was sprayed with the DDG-17 logo. It is the 17th destroyer of the Arleigh-Burke class destroyer. It was incorporated into the Atlantic Fleet in 1996 and was named Cole.

  In the sequence of their navy, although warships are often named after people, the USS Cole is not the name of an officer, but a Marine soldier Darrell Samuel Cole who was killed on Iwo Jima in World War II. That makes it a little bit special.

  The only thing special is the name. Its combat effectiveness is the same as other Burke-class destroyers. It is very powerful. Its full load displacement is 9,000 tons, and it has a large number of anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, and anti-ship missiles. At this time, Captain Liebold stood on the bridge and watched the warship pass through the Mandeb Strait. He let out a long breath: "Boys, come on, we will stop at the port of Aden to refuel. You can have four hours of activity, and then we should go to the most dangerous sea area to patrol Logical."

   "Yes!" The subordinates were very excited.

   "Captain, according to the requirements of the Fifth Fleet, we need to implement a second-level alert after docking, and arrange for the duty personnel to use binoculars to observe the nearby waters. All duty personnel need to carry weapons."

   "Really? Bill, then you will be responsible for implementing the second-level security." Liebold said.

  Bill was taken aback, himself? If you perform this kind of task by yourself, can't you go down and relax?

  They have been living on the warship for several months. After this docking to complete the replenishment, there will be another few months of patrol missions. It can be said that this docking is the only time they have docked. Everyone wants to relax.

   As for the second level of security of the fleet? Who dares to attack the warship? pirate?

  So, Bill didn't take it seriously, and hastily issued the order. When he arrived at the sailor who was carrying out the task, he had already ignored the task.

  Aden port, calm and calm, several cargo ships docked at the port to unload, several rubber boats shuttled among them, one rubber boat drove to the side of the Cole, and helped them send some sailors ashore.

  However, not all sailors will go ashore, and some sailors stay on the warship. Several of them stand in the middle of the hull, bathing in the warm sunshine, watching the huge fuel pipeline gurgling to deliver fuel, and they light cigarettes. This is the most leisurely time.

  In the distance, the rubber boat moved again, and the roar echoed on the sea.

  They looked over and saw that there were only two sailors on the rubber boat, but the back was full of packages.

  What is this rubber boat here for?

   Is it for delivery? What's in those packages?

   "Do you think there are naked women in there?" said a sailor.

   "Women? You know women all day long! Did you know that? Just put two sponges in a glass and you'll get what you need, for free."

   "Something's wrong, why did it come here at full speed?"

   "Hey, slow down!"

  Just as the sailors on the bow shouted, the rubber boat slammed into the middle of their port side.


  A huge explosion sounded, and the air waves hit. All the sailors guarding the oil pipeline flew into the sky in the explosion.

   On the building a few hundred meters away, the glass windows made a rattling sound, none of them remained intact, and all of them fell into pieces!

   People on a nearby cargo ship could see clearly that the port side of the Cole was blown open a big hole! That hole is big enough to accommodate a bus!

   What's more critical is that part of it is still below the waterline. At this time, a large amount of seawater is pouring in from this hole!

   This warship is probably going to sink!

   "Quick, rescue our warship immediately!" Bill shouted loudly, because he suggested that personnel should be left to implement the second-level alert, so Liebold took a lot of people down to enjoy it, and he was still on the warship.

   Rescue the warship!

  The rest of the sailors took action and implemented strict damage control measures in the warship. However, the water entered too fast, and their main engine was also flooded and could not be started. They could only use buckets...

   At this critical moment, Liebold rushed back with his people. They snatched the fire pump on the port, quickly received it on the warship, emptied the sea water, and rescued the warship!

  The explosion that happened in the morning, they tossed until night fell, watching the crooked warship finally get rid of the danger of sinking, everyone lay on the ground as if they had been drained of strength.

  The attack on the Cole spread quickly around the world, shocking the world.

  A super battleship with a displacement of 9,000 tons was attacked by a small boat when it was in the port, and it almost sank! Although it was rescued in the end, a big hole was blown out of the Cole. Even if the entire warship was not scrapped, it had to be sent back to the shipyard for repairs. At the same time, 17 people died on the spot and 35 were injured!

   This is simply a typical tactic of Unrestricted Warfare!

   White house.

   "We must find out the facts as soon as possible and arrest all those involved in the operation! This is simply slapping us in the face!"

   "These people are the same people who flew the passenger plane last time. Up to now, our warships are still neglecting their duties. They don't even know what they are facing. If they are prepared in advance, how can they let that kind of small boat approach?"

   "Fortunately, when this incident comes out, NASA's dark history will be forgotten."

   "Everyone, do you know? There is a book called Unrestricted Warfare, which has described this asymmetric strike in detail. When giving an example, it even gave the example of using a small boat to sink a warship!"

   "Really? Are they guiding these people?"


   Zhang Zhong said the show.

  "Dear viewers in front of the TV, a major incident has happened in the past few days. The Burke-class destroyer Cole was attacked by a small boat while refueling in the port of Aden. Although the warship did not sink, it posed a huge threat to the Cole." Zhang Zhong was very excited: "What does this mean? The times have changed. The previous war between two maritime powers will no longer occur. In the future, this kind of asymmetrical attack should often appear. These, in my military book "Unrestricted Warfare" There is a lot of analysis. In fact, this tactic is not a big deal. After all, on the Vietnam battlefield, Vietnamese frogmen did it. It is said that they learned a lot from a fall, but the navy of a certain country is self-righteous and thinks that no one dares to provoke it. There is a saying that is very good. Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival, but arrogance is! As long as it is used well, the weak will also win."

  There is nothing to cover up. "Unrestricted Warfare" is the most famous military book in the world. It describes the future war situation: there will be no confrontation between two superpowers at sea, but some weak forces use some special means to attack the superpower.

   You must change, you must arm yourself with new military thinking, and actively participate in this kind of war against weak forces!

  Who dares to accuse Zhang Zhong's teacher of those people? This book also explains what the strong should do, but some people don't read, listen or learn! What happened this time was not taught by Zhang Zhongjiao. At the beginning, the Vietnamese frogman hung explosives under the American warship. The Americans did not reflect on the summary. Who is to blame?

  Every episode of Zhang Zhong said that he can grasp the key points and attract attention. This time the program still maintains a high standard.

   "Actually, it is very simple to deal with this kind of attack. You just need to put Laoganma on the side of the warship and send sentries to guard it, so that the surface speedboats will not have a chance to approach."

   "Old Ganma? Military fans should know that this Laoganma is not hot sauce. I hope the audience in front of the TV will not misunderstand that bringing Laoganma hot sauce will not prevent this kind of attack. The Laoganma I am talking about is the M2 heavy machine gun. Although this heavy machine gun is antique equipment and is older than me, it is very popular in the army. It is called MaDeuce by the soldiers. When we translate it, it is Laoganma."

  After the recording was over, Zhang Zhong left the studio and saw Qin Tao standing outside.

   "Boss Qin, you haven't left yet?"

   "Yeah, watching your recording show is getting more and more mature, and you've gone through it over and over again, and you've also used what I said."

   "Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival, but arrogance is? This sentence is really good, Mr. Qin, your words are getting more and more incisive. I have to study hard. If you said this sentence earlier, I can add it to the book "Unrestricted Warfare." Zhang Zhong said.

  Qin Tao smiled, this sentence was plagiarized, and he likes it very much. When news of the bombing of the Cole was reported this time, Qin Tao happened to be in the capital, so he came to Zhang Zhong to talk about the idea of ​​this program. Zhang Zhong remembered this sentence casually.

   We must let those people know that we are harmless rabbits to humans and animals, don’t take us as a target, look at those who made the explosions, they are your worst enemies!

   This is also the reason why Qin Tao came to Zhang Zhong. He had to give Zhang Zhong an idea and let his show have a main line.

  The catalog of this episode is still very good, and Qin Tao is very satisfied after watching it.

   "It's not too late, this incident has stirred up your book again, and it will definitely be sold in large quantities in the future. When it is printed next time, just add this sentence." Qin Tao said: "Let's go, let's go to dinner. You guys who make TV shows, why do you like to record in the middle of the night?"

   "Because the silent night makes us think. However, it is not too late, you can see, there are still many people outside."

  The capital is very bustling. In the middle of the night, there are still many cars and people outside.

  This is our motherland, the motherland that our military workers work hard to protect. I hope that the motherland can seize the development opportunities time and time again and continue to grow!

  In faraway Europe, two warships are breaking through the waves and overcoming obstacles.

   "The wind and waves here have always been very strong, which is a good opportunity for us to train our troops!" On No. 167, Wu Fu said to Li Chun who was on the side.

   "This kind of storm can't stop us at all." Li Chun said: "We have confidence in our warship! If there is a war, we must be able to fight under this kind of storm!"

   "Radar report, a warship is found ahead!"

   "Tune the radio to the public channel." Wu Fu picked up the intercom and pressed the switch: "This is the formation of the Eastern Visit to Europe, here is the formation of the Eastern Visit to Europe, salute the warships ahead!"

   "This is the destroyer D97 of the Royal Navy. You are welcome to visit the UK."

  Amidst the big waves, a military family came swaying from side to side. The big ball on the top of the bridge and the sea javelin missiles in front of the bridge were very conspicuous. This is the current main force of the British Navy's Type 42 destroyer.

  At this time, on the destroyer D97, the sailors of the Royal Navy looked at the modern warship, at the four small shields on the top of the main mast, and at the large rotating shield on the hangar behind, their eyes were full of envy.

  The Type 45 destroyer of the Royal Navy can also reach this level, and it will definitely be stronger than the Eastern one!

  Captain Philip had a complex expression on his face, they could only send this warship over to greet him, but the result was outmatched! If I knew it earlier, I should have sent an invincible aircraft carrier over!

   Just when he was feeling emotional, the first officer ran over: "A new order came from the No. 16 data link, asking us to change course immediately and go to the waters of Gibraltar to intercept an Anxi oil tanker. The task of welcoming the Eastern Fleet will be undertaken by a frigate!"

   "Okay, report to the fleet, we will execute the order immediately."

  The Type 42 destroyer and No. 167 passed by, and the two sides did not form a formation. This made everyone on No. 167 curious: "What's wrong with them?"

   "Is it embarrassing to form a formation with us? Such a comparison will result in losing face."

   "This is too rude."

  Wu Fu looked at the direction the warship was leaving, and frowned.

  The situation is not peaceful recently. A Burke-class 2 destroyer was bombed. Next, they will definitely retaliate. Could it be that this Royal Navy warship also went to perform special missions?

   Forget it, it has nothing to do with me, as long as my side completes the task well.

   Half an hour later, a Type 23 frigate braved the wind and waves and came to meet it.

  Starting from the Type 22, the frigates of the Royal Navy began to be built bigger and bigger. Although they are called frigates, their displacement is similar to that of a destroyer. Although a larger hull is very helpful for sea resistance, seaworthiness and continuous combat power, it will also increase the cost. When the Type 22 was built, the cost was actually higher than that of the Type 42 destroyer.

   Later, when the Type 23 was built, the displacement of the frigates was slightly reduced, but the cost was still not under control. When these frigates were built, the Falklands War had ended, so they learned some experience from the Falklands War, such as paying attention to damage management, such as fully using steel and abandoning aluminum alloys, etc.

  The biggest feature of this kind of frigate is that the anti-ship missiles are poked in the front, which looks a bit nondescript and easy to recognize at a glance.

   "A Type 23 came. It seems that they have broken the tank." Li Chun said with a smile: "We are standing side by side with us. I don't know how they feel. When their Type 45 comes out, we probably have a large 10,000-ton drive."

   "Twilight of the Empire?" The first mate glanced outside, and it was already sunset.

  The port is still full of people. Just like in Germany and France, many Chinese and overseas Chinese living in the UK came to see the style of the motherland's warships.

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