Warship of Great Power

Chapter 840: Qin Tao: I'm not a fan

   "Mr. Qin, there is a special guest who wants to see you." Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao.

   "Special guest? Where is it from?"

   "Anxi, your old friend Qasim."

   "Let's go find him, his identity is not suitable to appear here."

   Soon, Qin Tao came to the hotel and saw Kasim with a sad face.

   "President Qin, do you know what happened recently?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

   "We're in a difficult situation, how do we break it? You're a wise man, so we want to hear from you."

   "My opinion?" Qin Tao asked seriously: "I guess, you already have a solution?"

   "President Qin, we want to hear your analysis."

   "Of course you can boldly do what you have already determined. Don't do to others what you don't want to do to others, and do to others the same way. If they do the first day of the junior high school, you will do the fifteenth!" Qin Tao said: "At this time, you must be tough. If you become weak, the other party may continue to do the same. At that time, all your tankers will be seized. What else can you do?"

  "President Qin, we think your proposal to build an oil pipeline from Gwadar Port to your country is very good, and we hope you can speed up the construction." Kasim continued.

   For a long time, Parthia has been hostile to the West, so they are full of affection for the East. Now what happened this time has made them firm in their belief that doing business with the West is too dangerous, and it is better to do business with the East. Once the oil pipelines of the Easterners are built, then their Parthia oil tankers only need to move around their doorsteps! No matter how powerful the opponent is, it is impossible to come to their door to make trouble.

   "Well, we will speed up the construction, but the situation there is too complicated, and the construction will take several years." Qin Tao said: "So far, we still mainly rely on oil tankers."

   "President Qin, if we do what you say, the conflict will definitely intensify. At that time, they will probably send warships over. At that time, we..."

  Kasim is still worried.

   "You are fighting at home, are you afraid that they won't succeed? You have catamaran missile boats. If they dare to come, you will dispatch missile boats to surround them. If they dare to fire the first shot, you will use missiles to sink their warships. You are afraid of what they will do. You also have advanced Kach and Lightning fighters. When the time comes, they will suddenly appear over their warships and scare those **** to death."

  Xu Zhengyang was a little curious. These ideas brought up by Mr. Qin are all hot fire! President Qin, what does this mean?

  “Once the backbone of a country and nation is bent, it will take several generations to straighten it up. You have already stood up, and you must not bend down again. Otherwise, everything you have now will be lost, and you will become the same as decades ago.”

   "We will never allow this kind of thing to happen again!" Kasim clenched his fists: "President Qin, you are right, we will face this incident with a tough stance! However, we are not yet capable enough to deal with external interference, so we want to get your technical support."

   "Technical support? What do you want?"

   "It's the kind of ballistic missile that can hit warships." Kasim said: "President Qin, since you have this kind of ballistic missile, even the aircraft carrier formation dare not approach you easily. If we also have this kind of weapon, then there is nothing to be afraid of."

  Xu Zhengyang finally understood.

  Kasim came to Qin Tao, not to ask Qin Tao to give them advice. They had to deal with this matter toughly, but they lacked the tools to deal with the reaction from the outside world. They took a fancy to Dongfang's anti-ship ballistic missiles, so they hoped to obtain this technology from Dongfang.

   Just kidding, this technology is the only one in the world, no matter how good the relationship is, I can't sell it to you.

   "Mr. Kasim, I'm very sorry." Sure enough, Qin Tao was about to refuse.

  Kasim stared at Qin Tao nervously: "President Qin, we need this kind of technology, and we are willing to pay any price!"

   "No, no, Kasim, I'm not not giving it to you, I just want to say, in fact, we don't have this technology."

  You don't have any?

  Kasim looked at Qin Tao in surprise, even if you wanted to perfunctory me, it wouldn't be like this, would you? Who doesn't know that you already have mature anti-ship ballistic missiles in the East?

   "At the beginning, we were forced to rush and had no other choice, so we decided to use this trick. This is a plan proposed by the Strategic Deception Bureau, and it doesn't have any actual combat capabilities, but it is good for scaring people. Specifically, it is a well-planned collision..."

  Qin Tao explained the method of the plan, and Kasim's eyes widened when he heard it. He didn't expect it to be like this.

   After finishing speaking, Qin Tao's expression was serious: "Kasim, this is our biggest secret, I hope you can keep it a secret for us, if others know that this anti-ship ballistic missile does not exist, then they will be unscrupulous."

   "Well, I know, thank you Mr. Qin, you told me your secret." Kasim was very moved, did you see it? This is good friends! best friend!

   "However, Mr. Qin, can you provide us with this technology and install it on our Meteor-3 missile, so that we can also obtain this capability? Even if it's just to scare people, it's good."


   "President Qin, we are willing to exchange ten shipments of crude oil!" Kasim said seriously, "Three hundred thousand tons!"

  For Parthia, as long as crude oil can be mined and sold, it is worthwhile to exchange crude oil for a big killer, even if the big killer is just a fool.

  The current price of crude oil is about 30 US dollars per barrel. The price of these ten shipments of crude oil is over 100 million. With such a high price in exchange for technology that scares people, only oil-producing countries dare to spend so much money.

  Xu Zhengyang was excited.

  This technology has long been no secret. After all, our own side already has real technology and has the ability to deploy in actual combat. And these ten ships of crude oil are real wealth, and the Navy will definitely agree. With this money, the navy’s shipbuilding funds for this year will be available, and the aircraft carrier’s arrears will also be made up.

   "Well, I have to go to the navy to lobby. If the navy doesn't agree, then I can't help it."

   "Thank you, Mr. Qin, as long as the navy is willing to provide this technology, we will do whatever it takes." Kasim was very anxious.

  So, Qin Tao left the hotel and hurried to... Kindergarten to pick up Qin Haiyang.

  Qin Tao didn’t go to Mingzhou very much recently, and stayed in the capital to accompany his wife and children. Zhao Ling’s reaction during pregnancy was quite severe, and he had to take care of it. Anyway, the shipyard can operate normally without him. Qin Haiyang is also used to Qin Tao’s coming to pick him up, and he is very excited.

  Kasim waited and waited in the room, waited and waited until midnight.

   "Dong dong!" There was a knock on the door outside.

   "Boss Qin, you are here!" Kasim asked urgently, "How is it?"

   "After several hours of hard work, the navy finally agreed. However, the navy also made a request that we must not be exposed."

   "Don't expose you? Of course, we will definitely not cause trouble for you, but now you are the only ones in the world who have this kind of technology."

   "Same as last time, it's still on Lao Maozi's body. When it's time to show it, you can just make a model public."


   "We will send technicians to help you complete this experiment, and everything will be seamless."

   "Thank you, you are our real good friend!"

  Late at night, Qin Tao came home and saw Wu Shengli sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, which shocked him.

   "Dad, why don't you go to bed so late?"

   "Of course I'm waiting for you." Wu Shengli said, "A deal has been reached?"

"Roughly the same."

   "What about the money?"

   "There is no money, but oil."

   "What about the money from the oil?"

   "Of course it's into the account of our Mingzhou Group, Dad, this money is enough to offset your arrears, what else do you want to do?"

   "There are not so many arrears."

   "Of course the rest is for the next construction funds. You can't always default, you have to pay in advance. In short, the Navy should not embezzle it. This money is hard-won. With this money, our aircraft carrier can almost be launched."

   "Go into the water? Okay!"

  Wu Shengli finally stopped insisting.

   The other side of the world far away.

   "This warship of yours is really backward!" The British naval officers stepped on No. 167 and began to comment on the warship.

   "There is only one type of vertical launcher, which can only launch area air defense missiles, and cannot respond to targets flying at close range. By the way, I heard that the minimum shooting height of your air defense missiles is 500 meters?"

   "Nowadays, missiles flying at ultra-low altitudes and sea-skimming often reach a height of ten meters. This kind of anti-aircraft missile can't be intercepted at all, right?"

   Facing these questions, Li Chun just shook his head: "Sorry, this is our technical secret."

  So, there was a knowing smile on the face of the Englishman opposite, did you see it? I was exposed, and then I was embarrassed!

   "How far is the search distance of your four-sided phased array radar?"

   "That's right, don't look at it as a four-sided phased array, but if the search distance is too close, it doesn't make any sense. Although our Sampson radar is rotating, the search distance is very far, which is more important."

   “The ability to refresh data is also important.”

  A group of British complacently turned this investigation of the Orientals into a criticism of the Orientals. They got a strange pleasure from these words, as if they had really defeated the East.

   Li Chun couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to sneer, Wu Fu patted him on the shoulder: "Remember, we came here with a friendly mission."

  Li Chun could only suppress the anger in his heart, hmph, these guys all look extremely arrogant, but in fact, what do you have? The Type 45 is still under planning, and there is no cutting of steel plates. Although the aircraft carrier has started, the progress is not as good as our aircraft carrier. It is still an old-fashioned aircraft carrier that jumps on the deck. What are you proud of now? Former glory? Those are all in the past.

  However, he didn't say anything, and if he said it, it would become a quarrel. Yes, our side came with a friendly mission, so we must restrain ourselves.

   "Now broadcast the latest news received." At this moment, a voice sounded from the warship's loudspeaker. Just half an hour ago, a British oil tanker was detained by the Anxi Gulf Navy when it passed through Anxi Bay.

  The British officers present were dumbfounded for a moment.

How can it be?

  They did seize an oil tanker from the Parthian country, but the seizure was just a matter of seizure. What can the Parthian people do? This is a kind of revenge for the bombing of the US warship! They are legally seized! Now, the Parthian country dare to hijack their oil tanker?

  The sun never set in the UK back then, and it ran amok around the world. When did it receive such treatment?

   "Damn it, we have to send troops to the Bay of Rest and rescue our tanker!"

   "The Parthian Kingdom is too hateful, we want to implement a new round of sanctions!"

  Looking at how these people pretended to be majestic, Li Chun wanted to laugh, show off the arrogance you just had, and send troops to Anxi Bay? What do you have on hand? The old-fashioned Type 42 and Type 23, or the Queen-class that has just started construction?

  Anxi Kingdom did a good job this time, completely pulling down the fig leaf of the aging empire.

   "Mr. Wu, are you willing to go to the Bay of Rest with us and uphold justice?" One of the British officers shouted to Wu Fu.

  Just now they belittled No. 167 to nothing. In a blink of an eye, they began to hope that No. 167 could help. After all, this is a professional air defense ship with four-sided phased array radar and area air defense missiles. Only this warship can give the entire fleet a sense of security.

   "Yes, we can rescue our tankers together."

   "Sorry, our mission this time is to visit Europe." Wu Fu said: "After visiting your military port, our next stop is Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, where there are still enthusiastic overseas Chinese and Chinese waiting for us."

  Are you kidding, it is legal for you to seize other people’s tankers, and it is hijacking for others to seize your tanker? You are still unsure about sending troops yourself, and want to pull us in? We have nothing to do with you!

   Wu Fu tactfully rejected the British proposal.

  This incident caused an uproar in the UK. When they learned that their oil tanker was actually seized by the Parthian State, they were all outraged. It was almost the same as in 1982. Some people started clamoring to send our fleet over.

  However, this can only be clamoring. When they looked down at their family background, they knew how ridiculous it was.

  Their main force is still the three Invincible-class aircraft carriers. However, the first Invincible has been weathered for more than 20 years and is getting old. The Navy has been thinking about decommissioning it. What can a sea harrier do?

  Navy knows its foundation well and is a little worried.

   "Speed ​​up the construction of our queen class, and when the queen class enters service, we will have sufficient strength to protect our merchant ships and citizens!"

   "That's for the future, what can we do now?"

   "We sent a Type 42 destroyer and a Type 23 destroyer to put pressure on Parthaa in the past. Perhaps, before our warships arrived there, they were already scared. What about releasing our tankers and personnel?"

   "Afraid? People in Parthia have never known what fear is!"

   "Then we have to unite with the U.S. Navy. Anyway, their warship was bombed. They have to do something. Damn it, who came up with the idea to let us detain the oil tanker of the Parthian country? Why didn't the Americans detain it?"

   "The oil tankers of the Parthian country will not go to the United States, and they can only be seized by us. We did the right thing."

  In the messy discussion, they still made up their minds and decided that the two warships would go there.

   Destroyer D97, which once carried out the detention mission, is on the road again. This time, it will go on a long voyage and take the Type 23 frigate through the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, and all the way to the Bay of Rest. Their appearance represents the voice from London!

  However, the people on the warship did not have much confidence.

  Philip had worry in his eyes.

   "During the ship attack war, Parthia exposed a large number of shore-to-ship missiles. Later, they obtained Dongfang's C802 missiles, and it is said that they also got the production line. It will definitely not be like the Falklands War in 1982. The crying country was cut off from the supply of Exocet missiles."

  Their Type 42 destroyers have proved that their survivability in front of the Exocet missiles is very poor. They won the war at first, but because the Weeping Country only had a few Exocet missiles on hand. If there were a few more, the situation would definitely change drastically. Maybe the British fleet would have to go back in despair, and the empire on which the sun never sets would be completely disgraced.

  The performance of the C802 missile is stronger than that of the Exocet missile, and the range is as high as 120 kilometers. So, do their destroyers dare to go there?

   Sea Javelin missiles are difficult to intercept that kind of missiles.

  120 kilometers away from the coastline of Anxi Country? Then they are still a deterrent.

   "Anxi still has a large number of fighters, especially they are still developing their own stealth fighters. When they showed it to the public last time, there was a flash of engine ignition. We have reason to believe that they are using Da Mao's technology to develop their own stealth fighters. If this stealth fighter flies over, will our warships be able to deal with it?"

   "Damn, what kind of mission those guys sent us." Philip said angrily.

   "It was these guys who blocked our budget back then, and now they are the same guys who sent us out to die. Sure enough, politics is the dirtiest."

  The people on the D97 destroyer were not optimistic about this mission, but they had no other choice but to move forward. After all, the world is watching them.

   "Mr. Qin, should our program this episode be about Zhang Zhong talking about the seizure of the tanker?" In a certain hotel box, Zhang Zhong started a discussion with Qin Tao while having dinner.

   "Forget about this, let's not join in the recent popularity, so as not to be watched."

  Zhang Zhong was a little curious: "Is the fire enough?"

   "This has nothing to do with us." Qin Tao said, "Let's stop messing around."

  After all, the people of Anxi are going to make more moves. Qin Tao doesn’t want to be suspected. That kind of thing was provided by Lao Maozi, and we didn’t do anything. If Zhang Zhong is involved here, it may attract attention.

   "Okay." Zhang Zhong nodded: "Then let's not join in the hot spots, Mr. Qin, can you predict what will happen next?"

   "Next? How do I know." Qin Tao said, "It depends on the reaction of the British. They may be frightened directly."

   Just now, Zhang Zhong's cell phone vibrated. He picked it up and looked at the information inside.

   "The British warships have arrived in the Red Sea, where they found a large number of speedboats around them, each of which was filled with explosives." Zhang Zhong was very excited: "I never thought that the Anxi people would be so ruthless!"

  Philip never expected that the nightmare would come so early.

  After passing through the Suez Canal, the sun was setting. They thought that once they crossed the Red Sea, they would be very nervous, so they all hoped to relax before the tension came. Therefore, there were not many people on guard that night. As a result, as soon as the sky dawned, they found that they were surrounded by small boats!

  These small boats are not big, but each one is filled with explosives. It is conceivable how helpless they would be if the small boat rushed over to fight them desperately.

   "Let's kill them all with Phalanx!" said the first officer nervously.

   "We only have two phalanxes, which have the best killing effect on the enemies on both sides of us, but those that can't reach the bow and stern, especially the speedboat at the stern, are completely hidden in our shooting blind spots. If we open fire, as long as there is one fish that slips through the net, it will be enough for us to drink a pot!"

  The destroyer of the US Navy was bombed, it was caught off guard, but now, with so many **** speedboats around them, it is going to be head-to-head! Even if they resisted with all their strength, they might not be able to escape the opponent's grasp.

  Damn, too hateful.

  The Type 42 destroyer does not have many weapons and equipment, and the Phalanx was installed after the Falklands War. According to the experience at that time, anti-ship missiles mainly attacked from the side, so the two Phalanx systems were arranged on the side. There are naval guns at the bow, but there is nothing at the stern.

   "Where's the takeoff helicopter?"

   "As long as we take off the helicopter, they will quickly launch an attack. At that time, we will have no room for relaxation. Damn it, if we listen to that Zhang Zhong said program, we will arrange a few old godmothers around the warship!"

  Although old godmothers are not popular in the UK, there are also weapons of the same type. Five or six seats are enough to deal with enemies rushing from all directions. It will definitely not be as embarrassing as it is now.

   "Don't say those useless things, what should we do now?"

  Philip gritted his teeth: "Go at full speed! Get ready for battle!"

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