Warship of Great Power

Chapter 916: Sea trials are about discovering and solving problems

This is the biggest role of the electromagnetic arresting cable: charging the electromagnetic ejection system!

On the carrier of the beautiful country, the electromagnetic ejection failure is frequent, and the problem of electromagnetic blocking is larger than the electromagnetic ejection. So, can you give up the electromagnetic blocking and use the original hydraulic blocking device?

It can be replaced, but after it is replaced, the hydraulic arresting device can only hold the carrier-based aircraft, and cannot use the energy of the carrier-based aircraft landing!

In the era of steam catapults, high-pressure steam was required for ejection take-off, and energy was wasted by blocking cables. However, in the era of electromagnetic catapults, electricity was used to eject fighters. Each ejection consumes a lot of energy. If the aircraft carrier itself is used A generator would take a certain amount of time to provide sufficient energy supply to the catapult, but with an electromagnetic arresting cable, the landing energy could be sent directly.

A twenty-ton carrier-based aircraft falls at a speed of eighty meters per second. According to the formula of kinetic energy, which is mass multiplied by the square of the speed and then divided by two, 128 megajoules of energy can be obtained. If consumption is not considered, this energy is enough to complete an ejection of a carrier-based aircraft of the same model and weight!

At this time, Ma Ming was excitedly looking at the data from the electromagnetic interception device.

“The energy is converted into 100 megajoules, all of which are sent to the supercapacitor, and then the supercapacitor is used to store energy in the flywheel. After removing the consumption, the energy from two J-32 landings is enough to support a heavy-load ejection of the J-55!”

Although many tests have been conducted on land, after all, there is no integrated power system on land. This system is directly installed on the aircraft carrier. Only through the experiment of the aircraft carrier's integrated power system can we know how effective this system is. .

During normal training, there will be many carrier-based aircraft landing every day. The energy generated by the landing of these carrier-based aircraft can be fully provided for electromagnetic ejection. At the same time, it can also be integrated into the comprehensive power system to provide power to other electrical devices. Reduce the load on the generator.

“This is the advantage of our medium-voltage DC technology route.” Qin Tao said at the side: “Our technology route eliminates the need for grid-connected AC power generation and is easy to comprehensively distribute.”

The Americans have gone down the wrong route, and they will inevitably face various problems. When their USS Ford aircraft carrier matures, we will already have three or five super aircraft carriers. By then, our navy will not be afraid of any threats. !

“Yes, Mr. Qin, our route has been chosen correctly and we will avoid a lot of detours. We have to thank you for that.” Ma Ming said with emotion.

The route of medium-voltage DC is correct, so they went very smoothly when developing various systems. Take this electromagnetic blocking cable as an example. The electricity it emits is direct current, so it can be directly charged into the supercapacitor. In the entire system , the supercapacitor plays the role of balancing the load, otherwise the energy of the electromagnetic arresting cable can only be used by the electromagnetic catapult in front and cannot be integrated into the power grid.

“Well, this system will also be used in our electric cars. Electric cars can be charged in reverse when going downhill, and they also need supercapacitors.”

These charging stations all have one characteristic in common: they are unstable, just like wind power generation. They turn when there is wind, but do not generate electricity when there is no wind. Therefore, although environmental experts advocate wind power generation and think it is very good, power companies do not like it because it The power supply is unstable and cannot be used.

 With supercapacitors to temporarily store this electrical energy and then release it smoothly, we can provide stable power supply to more electrical equipment.

 After saying this, Qin Tao looked down: "Why are they surrounding the Fresnel light box? What are they doing? Let's go over and take a look."

Qin Tao was very curious. This was the first successful landing on the aircraft carrier. Everyone should be very excited. Those on the deck should pick up the pilot, then lift it up and throw it into the sky, cheering. Now, everyone is actually running away There are Fresnel light boxes around, what is going on?

“Captain Zhang, don’t you go down and have a look?” Qin Tao turned around and looked at Zhang Zhen.

“We are making theoretical calculations to see how far the Fresnel light box needs to be moved up. You can go down first.”

 “Move up? Why?”

“In order to allow the pilot to hook the second or third arresting rope.”

Qin Tao reacted instantly: "Our aircraft carrier has a larger deck area, but the landing assist device has not been adjusted accordingly?"

If it were another medium-sized aircraft carrier, the blocking cable would be installed farther back. In other words, the first blocking cable that Delano hooked should be the position of the second blocking cable on the medium-sized aircraft carrier. In this way , the Fresnel light box is installed accurately and in place.

However, our aircraft carrier has a displacement of 80,000 tons and a larger deck area. Therefore, the positions of the four blocking cables have been moved forward by two or three meters in proportion. This design is to make the landing more safe and redundant. However, the Fresnel light box did not adjust accordingly, so following the guidance of the Fresnel light box, Delano hooked the first blocking rope.

 The sea trial of an aircraft carrier is to discover and solve problems.

 The Fresnel light box according to the installation data of the 001 aircraft carrier can no longer adapt to the current 80,000-ton aircraft carrier and must be adjusted!

 How to adjust?

A large group of people on the ship island were making calculations, and in the position of the stern assist mirror, Delano and others were making direct adjustments based on experience.

"In the previous 001 aircraft carrier, the distance between the first blocking cable and the end of the deck was 36 meters, but now, in our 002 aircraft carrier, the distance between the first blocking cable and the end of the deck is 50 meters, and the distance between each blocking cable is 14 meters. meters, that is to say, the current first blocking rope happens to be the location of the original second blocking rope." After getting off the plane, Delano immediately ran over and introduced his experience: "I used to When flying a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, the distance between the first blocking cable and the end was 51 meters. Therefore, we can completely change the position of the Nimitz Fresnel light box by adjusting the entire light box upward by fifteen centimeters. "

“Should we wait for the calculation data from the ship island?” Wang Wei said.

"Calculate the data? The current installation position is what they have calculated, right? In many cases, calculation is useless. It is better to confirm it by flying. Let's adjust the light box first, and I will fly it again."

 Fly again?

Wang Wei shook his head repeatedly: "No, our catapult is only a light-load test. It is risky to directly launch the J-32. We still have to wait for a professional test car."

"How can that be done? Tomorrow there will be J-15 fighters and Air Police 600. If this landing problem is not solved, those planes will not dare to land. Now that we have made adjustments, we can definitely fly once before dark. If it can be perfect Solved, they will be able to fly here on time tomorrow, otherwise we have to wait until the day after tomorrow. We must do it as quickly as possible. What if someone comes to make trouble tomorrow? I believe that our catapult has not been tested after so many tests on land. There will be no problem now.”

Wang Wei hesitated, and the voice from the bridge came from the earphones: "The ship island is calling the landing guidance officer. The new data has been calculated. The light box has been adjusted upward by fourteen centimeters!"

Wang Wei looked at Delano with complicated eyes. This person was very powerful and awesome. The data he casually mentioned based on his experience were almost the same as his own precise calculations!

so amazing.

“Yes, we will adjust immediately. Wild Dog requires a second test before dark. Can it be done?”

 “Contact us after debugging is completed.”

At this time, Qin Tao and others walked out of the ship island and planned to walk towards the angled deck where the carrier-based aircraft would land. The exposed part of each blocking cable on the deck was only about thirty meters. However, when the ship was landed, After the hook is hooked, the part of the blocking cable below the deck will be quickly pulled out, forming an isosceles triangle. Each side is pulled out 130 to 40 meters, and the fighter plane also lands one hundred meters in front of the blocking cable. The distance to the left and right, plus the fifty meters at the rear, is equivalent to about one hundred and fifty meters at the stern of the ship, and there are still seventy or eighty meters left to the front of the angled deck. (These data are all from Baidu. Please forgive me if there are any errors. Hero of East China found some pictures and felt that the fighter plane only stretched out 70 or 80 meters.)

The ejection position on the angled deck is behind it, and the two ejection positions on the bow deck are on the right front of it. In this way, the aircraft carrier's usual dispatch of carrier-based aircraft is relatively convenient. For example, it can be easily towed to the ship. The side of the island or the parking areas at the front and rear can also be dragged to the take-off position at the bow of the ship to take off again. There is no need to operate back and forth, it is almost a straight line.

The larger the deck, the easier it will be to dispatch carrier-based aircraft. This is why aircraft carriers are getting bigger and bigger. The Americans have tasted the sweetness. Only when they are deceiving people will they say that this kind of aircraft carrier is not easy to use.

At this time, looking at the first J-32 landing, Qin Tao was still very excited. The aircraft carrier was built by himself, and so was the carrier-based aircraft!

Just before Qin Tao reached the aircraft carrier, Delano had already shouted at the Fresnel light box: "Quick, push my plane to the take-off position. When the Fresnel light box is adjusted, I need to Take off and test again!”

This guy is really a hard-working guy!

Because this test was relatively hasty, many things were not ready. For example, the deck tractor was still in the hangar below and had not yet been put into use. At this time, I heard Delano's greeting and various vests They ran over and started pushing the plane.

 What has been tested so far is the catapult on the angled deck, so the fighter needs to be pushed to the take-off position on the angled deck. This is not difficult, as long as it is pushed back twenty or thirty meters.

 In addition to various vests, several technicians also ran over. The vests pushed more smoothly. When they reached the take-off position, they turned to look at the technicians wearing shipyard work clothes: "Thank you, brother!"


They opened their eyes wide in surprise. It was not just ordinary technicians who were helping. Mr. Qin was also among them. Just now, Mr. Qin was also helping to push the plane!

"Mr. Qin, how can you do such dirty work?" The blue vests were very embarrassed: "It's enough for us to do it."

"Why can't I?" Qin Tao said: "I am no more delicate than you. When I just graduated from college, I held a welding torch and welded ships with the workers. What kind of dirty work have I never done? An aircraft like ours How about it?"

This is the first time Qin Tao has had close contact with them.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, a red vest said: "The design of the J-32 is much better than that of the J-5. During the deck operation stage, especially when loading bombs, the J-32 is very easy."

The J-15 comes from the Su-27, which is a heavy fighter. This kind of aircraft has high landing gear and high wings. Therefore, the personnel in the red vest responsible for hanging bombs must be tall, and then, four or five tall people Together, they carried an air-to-air missile and shouted slogans together, just like the special forces training to carry logs, and hung the missile on the wing pylon of the J-5.

  Why not use a bomb truck? Isn’t it true?

Of course, there are bomb-mounted trucks, but bomb-mounted trucks are also relatively cumbersome. Only large missiles, such as anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles, need to be lifted slowly by a bomb-mounted truck. For a small air-to-air missile, it is easier for everyone to lift it high and lift the missile above their heads to mount it.

In comparison, the American Hornet's pylon is very low, making the task of hanging bombs very simple. Of course, this is not something I would envy. After all, the Hornet was developed as a carrier-based aircraft, while the J-5 is a land-based aircraft. Improved fighter jets.

What about the J-32? This kind of stealth aircraft uses a belly bomb bay. There is no need to lift the missile above the head and just hold the load. Therefore, the red vest specifically responsible for hanging the bomb will be very relaxed.

“In addition to hanging bombs, the design of the fuel port is also very reasonable.” Another man in a red vest said.

 Everyone has started complaining about the J-15.

Fighters like the J-15 do not need auxiliary fuel tanks, which saves a lot of trouble, but it is also very inconvenient to refuel the internal fuel tanks. It has two refueling ports, one of which is located in the front landing gear bay and is a standard refueling port. , or because this fighter is relatively tall, the ground crew needs to stand on the ladder and wait until their companions carry the refueling pipe over, then they can work together to connect the refueling pipe. Moreover, the fuel tank mouth is downward, and the refueling pipe needs to be poked upward. , in order to connect, this work is very laborious.

The other refueling port is under the trailing edge of the right wing. Generally speaking, carrier-based aircraft are parked with the tail facing outward. After all, the deck tractor tows the front wheel, and in order to reduce the deck area, some aircraft The tail may be hanging in the air. When the red vest uses this refueling port, it means working at the edge of the deck, which is very dangerous.

As the big guy talked, he continued to work, raising the tail flame deflector and fixing the front wheel on the ejection slider. By the time all this was done, Delano had already strode up.

 “How are you, are you ready?” Delano asked.

 “Okay, you can take off at any time.”

Delano nodded: "Hang up the gangway, I'll be on standby at any time."

 After he finished speaking, he noticed Qin Tao. At this time, Qin Tao's hands were dirty and his clothes were stained in several places, just like other vests.

“Mr. Qin, why are you here? How can you do these things?”

"Why, why can't I do this?" Qin Tao said with a smile: "I also have credit for the ejection of the first carrier-based fighter jet of our aircraft carrier."

“Yes, Mr. Qin, it’s time for you to go to a safe area. This place is not suitable for you.”

If it is a regular aircraft carrier after entering service, you must wear a helmet and vest if you want to go on the deck. Even if you are a guest visiting, you must wear a special visitor vest. Only during the sea trials, naval soldiers and technicians mixed in Together, this will happen.

“Okay, can I go to the ship island?”

“No, the engine is too noisy, you’d better go inside the bridge.”

“Is it okay to wear earmuffs? Zhengyang, find me some earmuffs.”

Xu Zhengyang has always been with Qin Tao. Of course he knows the dangers of working on an aircraft carrier. If he is not careful, in the blink of an eye, the person is gone. If he looks for it again, the sea is vast and there is no way to find him. There are even special lookout posts on some aircraft carriers. They are always vigilant and can detect as soon as a crew member falls into the water.

Therefore, Xu Zhengyang has been paying attention to Qin Tao and not letting him get close to the edge of the deck. When he saw Qin Tao asking for earmuffs, of course he couldn't agree: "Mr. Qin, let's go to the ship island. It's safer there. Besides, this aircraft The aircraft comes down as soon as it goes up. Ejection and takeoff are not the purpose. The focus is to check the landing, which can be seen clearly on the ship island."

"All right."

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon. The sun cast golden light on the sea, making the whole sea sparkle. On the bridge, Zhang Zhen hesitated several times and finally made up his mind: "Attention, prepare to eject!"

If we don't test it today, it will delay the landing of other fighter planes tomorrow, and everyone will have to sleep poorly all night. Anyway, it's still very early before dark, so we might as well test it again.

 “The speed has been reached at thirty knots!”

 “The electromagnetic ejection system energy storage is completed!”

 “The ejection position is in place.”

 Two yellow vests were already standing in front of the right side of the fighter plane, waiting for the final instructions.


The yellow vests squatted down and pointed their right hands straight ahead. They had the experience of training on the 001 aircraft carrier. They were already very skilled, but this time it was different from before. The fighter planes no longer relied on their own power to take off, and there was also ejection below. device!

 A huge pushing feeling came from my back, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Every time you pass a module, there will be a momentary interruption of thrust. At the beginning, the speed is slow, and this feeling will be more obvious, just like riding on a bouncy car.

 Delano experienced the feeling coming from his back, and his face was full of excitement.

 It’s cool, it’s cool!

The scenery on both sides was retreating rapidly, the deck in front was shortening rapidly, and then disappeared. With a whoosh, the J-32 ejected from the angled deck!

 The setting sun shines on the hatch cover, and the golden light is reflected there, which looks so dazzling.

The first ejection of the Eastern Navy’s carrier-based fighter jet was successfully carried out!

Having experience on land, ejection from the aircraft carrier will certainly not be a problem. On the ship island, countless people looked at the fighter jets ejecting and took off, feeling excited.

Since then, the Eastern Navy has had an advanced electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier, and its overall combat effectiveness has reached the world's top level!

“Ho ho…” Delano’s excited voice came from the radio: “I finally realized what it felt like back then! It was like riding on a raging bull just now!”

Although there is a 001 aircraft carrier in the East, and Delano has taken off and landed on it countless times, the feeling of ski jump takeoff is completely different from ejection takeoff. He finally ejected from the aircraft carrier again!

 The era of maritime power belonging to the East has arrived!

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