Warship of Great Power

Chapter 917: Air Police 600 comes on board

The J-32 left the aircraft carrier lightly and then climbed up. Since it was about to land after three turns, Delano simply stopped retracting the landing gear. He started to turn according to the previous routes and circled the aircraft carrier. Half a circle, and then aimed at the tail of the aircraft carrier again, entering the glide line.

 The atmosphere on the aircraft carrier became tense again.

Although the modifications were made after precise calculations, whether the modifications are appropriate or not will only be known through practical testing. They are all worrying about Delano.


 The audition was full of uncertainties, but Delano didn't care about the danger. For him, this was the most exciting and interesting moment.

Like last time, Delano landed very steadily, getting closer and closer. A huge roar sounded. Wang Wei opened his eyes wide and looked at the approaching fighter plane.


The landing gear hit the runway heavily, and the hydraulic cylinder dropped dozens of centimeters. The fighter continued to slide forward, and the landing hook almost rubbed the deck and slid forward. Then it firmly hooked the second blocking rope and continued to move forward. slide.

“Success, success!” Wang Wei became excited.

 The modification was completed with just one adjustment. Calculation and experience played a big role! The landing hook stretched the blocking cable, jumped forward a long way, and finally stopped steadily.

The landing hook was released and the blocking cable was slowly reset. As soon as Delano got out of the cockpit, he saw a large group of people surrounded below.

There were technicians, vests of various colors, and some sailors who were not supposed to be on the deck. They let out excited shouts.

 “Wild Dog, you are awesome!”

 “Long live!”

Delanor was lifted up by the big guy and thrown into the sky.

Delano's face was filled with pride and pride. When he was thrown up, he also shouted: "Long live! Long live the Eastern Navy!"

Zhang Zhen and others also came out of the ship island. Looking at this scene, they felt in their hearts that Delano was already an absolutely reliable Eastern Navy carrier-based aircraft pilot!

Makarov's eyes were red, and he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. He had been looking forward to this day for too long. On this aircraft carrier, he seemed to see the shadow of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that had been dismantled into scrap metal. .

 It is such a blessing to be able to come to the East, where his ideal has finally become a reality!

 This day's test is of great significance. This aircraft carrier has completed the most critical carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing test. It is mature and reliable and will become the most powerful maritime steel wall of the Eastern Navy!

 That evening, the aircraft carrier restaurant.

"Today is a moment worth celebrating. We are not allowed to drink while we are at sea, so now, we can only use juice instead of wine. Now, let me propose a toast to everyone! To Delano, the pilot who took off and landed on the aircraft carrier today, and to everyone on the deck. Staff, here’s to our sailors and shipyard technicians!” Zhang Zhen said: “Cheers to the strength of our navy!”

 “Cheers!” Everyone raised their glasses.

Delano had pride on his face: "Actually, I should be the one to fly the J-15 tomorrow! If I go back now, I can return to Wasteland Village that night. I promise not to delay the landing test tomorrow morning!"

"No." Zhang Zhen immediately shook his head: "If you do this, you will never have a good rest. How can you have the energy to land on the ship tomorrow? What if there is an accident if you don't have enough energy? After eating, you go back to sleep. Tomorrow you will be the landing officer."

Wang Wei nodded: "Yes, the captain is right."

"Delano, you want to take all the credit for yourself. It's a good idea." Qin Tao teased from the side.

 Everyone laughed, and the whole restaurant was filled with a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Before the outfitting was completed, Qin Tao had eaten in the canteen with Wu Shengli and others. At that time, they were still eating box lunches, but now, everyone is eating steaming freshly cooked meals on the aircraft carrier. , looking at the sumptuous dishes, Qin Tao also sighed: "Our 001 aircraft carrier directly trained two sets of personnel, which was of great benefit. Without the chefs trained on the 001 aircraft carrier, we would never have made so many sumptuous dishes. Here comes the food.”

There are usually three to four thousand aircraft carrier personnel. With so many people to eat, the canteen cook must have a very high level of cooking. Only those who have been trained on the 001 aircraft carrier can be qualified for the 002 aircraft carrier.

"We must also thank the Mingzhou Group for sending us a large amount of living supplies the night after the outfitting was completed. Otherwise, we might have to eat field food every day." Zhang Zhen said: "When we sailed back to the 001 aircraft carrier , we didn’t have a fire to cook, so we always relied on dry food.”

 Zhang Zhen mentioned the past events again, and everyone was filled with emotion.

“Come, let’s raise a toast to the bright future of the navy! After the sea trial is over, we can go to our guest house for a big meal!” Qin Tao raised his glass: “We at Mingzhou Group are not short of this entertainment fee.”

This night was very happy. Although he drank only drinks, Qin Tao fell asleep soundly after returning to the cabin. When he woke up the next day, it was already past nine in the morning.

“Zhengyang, why didn’t you wake me up?” Qin Tao said with some complaint.

“Mr. Qin, I called you twice, but you still haven’t woken up. There’s nothing I can do about it,” Xu Zhengyang said.

 Call twice?

Qin Tao looked at Xu Zhengyang in surprise, and Xu Zhengyang continued: "You were still talking in your sleep, what about the Eastern Navy, take off! Use me in the first battle, use me to win, etc. Mr. Qin, what were you dreaming about last night? ?”

Qin Tao smiled sheepishly: "I can't remember clearly. It must have been a war. Our naval aircraft carrier decided the world in one battle and became the overlord of the Pacific. Forget it, let's go to the ship island. Did the J-15 fly over? ?”

 “Landed down ten minutes ago.”

 Landed down? I didn’t catch up! Qin Tao was speechless: "Is there any action today?"

“Yes, Air Police 600 is expected to arrive in ten minutes. Hello, Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin!”

 Qin Tao has already ran out.

The landing of the J-15 is nothing to see. After all, the J-5 is the first carrier-based aircraft of the Eastern Navy. The Eastern Navy has been operating it for many years and is very skilled. The Air Police 600 is different. This early warning aircraft was built for the 002 aircraft carrier and is mainly trained at land bases.

This time, the Air Police 600 is finally landing on the aircraft carrier of the motherland. You must participate in this process!

When Qin Tao came to the island, he happened to see the Air Police 600 carrying a large plate passing over the deck of the aircraft carrier. Looking down from the island, the large plate was particularly clear.

“The first pass was normal!” Wang Wei’s voice was filled with excitement: “Prepare for the second pass, master the flight rules, and try to land today!”

Unlike ordinary carrier-based fighter jets, early warning aircraft have a large plate on top, so the airflow during flight is complicated and difficult to operate, so landing is more difficult.

No matter how many times you train on land, you can never truly simulate the conditions at sea. Today’s landing will definitely be thrilling.

“Should we use a transport plane without a large plate to do the test first?” Zhang Zhen suddenly said from the side.

The airframe platform of the Air Police 600 is specially developed. The Yak 44 plan was used as a reference during the development. Although it is called the Hawkeye Sky, its size is larger than the Hawkeye, so it is naturally more difficult to operate.

At the same time, China is also exploring the potential of the Air Police 600 airframe platform. Carrier-based fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft and carrier-based fixed-wing transport aircraft all use the Air Police 600 airframe. Among them, the transport aircraft is the simplest and does not carry a large tray. It is said that it should It's simpler.

"Yes, the transport plane test is easier, but nothing can be learned from the transport plane test. After all, it feels exactly the same when flying with or without a big plate. There is no problem with the transport plane landing, but it does not mean that there will be no problem with the AWACS landing. We still have to explore the AWACS aircraft. Landing." Wang Wei said: "Now, we have to trust our pilots, they have trained hundreds of landings in Wasteland Village, there will be absolutely no problem."

The early warning aircraft has been built a long time ago. At the earliest, it was just a shell with no equipment installed. It was trained in the wasteland village. It even conducted a flight test of ski jump takeoff, installed the equipment, and conducted another flight in full condition. After a large number of experiments, it can be said that the Air Police 600 has made enough preparations and is just waiting for the final test.

“Isn’t an early warning aircraft like ours heavy?” Qin Tao asked.

"Yes, when it was first developed, our Kongjing-600 had a dead weight of 27 tons, which was greater than the maximum takeoff weight of the American E-2C early warning aircraft, and the total weight reached 33 tons, although it can still function normally It can take off and land, but it is too heavy after all. Later, we used advanced domestic technology to improve the KJ-600, and the empty weight was reduced to 25 tons, and the total weight was reduced to 30 tons." Wang Wei introduced: "The landing weight under normal circumstances is now At 27 tons, it is still the carrier-based aircraft with the largest landing weight."

The greater the landing weight, the greater the risk when falling, not to mention the mushroom disk on the back of the aircraft.

“However, fortunately, our engines are powerful. The two engines use a huge power reserve. Even if the landing fails, there will be no problem in re-flying.” Wang Wei said.

 For the Eastern fighter, the engine is a difficulty. Without an engine, a fighter plane is just a castle in the air. In the past, the engine was a problem for a long time, but now, the engine is finally no longer a problem. Tianjiao Aviation can solve many problems.

When the Air Police 600 was first developed, the engine used was a stock product obtained from Lao Maozi. However, Tianjiao Aviation has now been able to produce the D227 engine normally. This engine is used on many aircraft and has become a Qualified motivation.

 When used on the Air Police 600, it is a large horse-drawn cart.

“Well, I look forward to our Kongjing-600 landing successfully in one go.” Qin Tao said.

The roar sounded, and the AWACS simulated landing for the second time. With the experience of these two times, the pilot on the AWACS finally made a decision.

 “Report from Haipan, requesting to land the ship!”

Hearing this call, Qin Tao was immediately curious. Now, the aviation training is moving closer to the west, and they have begun to call code names, but the nickname of Haipan does sound interesting.

"During the test flight in Huangdi Village, the guys called it Haipan." An officer introduced to Qin Tao: "After all, this is the plate of our navy. The guys called it very affectionately. Later, when calling from the air That’s what it’s called.”

“Attention Haipan, follow the guidance of the landing officer. If you cannot land, go around immediately.” Wang Wei shouted on the radio.

Air Police 600 accurately entered the glide line, and the only voice on the radio was the guidance officer's voice. Delano spoke standard Oriental dialect, and there was no problem in communication.

However, everyone is still sweating.

Compared with the steady descent of the previous aircraft, the oscillation of the Air Police 600 was a bit large. It could almost catch up with the Tomcat fighter jet. There was no way, it was inconvenient to carry a large plate on the top, but it still landed firmly. Lower and lower, lower and lower, on the ship island, you can clearly overlook the early warning aircraft, everyone held their breath, watching the sea plate boarding the ship.


The main landing gear hit the deck, and the sea plate continued to slide on the angled deck. The landing hook at the back scraped against the third arresting cable. I don't know why, but the landing hook suddenly bounced upward. Three blocking ropes passed by, followed by the fourth blocking rope...

Everyone watched with wide eyes as Air Police 600 crossed the fourth blocking cable. However, the blocking cable was not pulled open like a bowstring. At this moment, the atmosphere became tense.

“Haipan, full throttle, go around!” Wang Wei shouted loudly.

 Black smoke was discharged from the tails of the engines on both sides, and the propellers on both sides immediately began to rotate at high speed. Like the MiG-29, because it does not use an advanced combustion chamber, this engine will emit black smoke after suddenly increasing the throttle. However, as the black smoke rises, the power suddenly bursts out, and the Air Police 600 begins to It accelerated on the angled deck, getting faster and faster, and when it was still about twenty meters away from the front end, the wheel left the deck.

 Go-around successful!

This thing depends on luck. If you are not lucky, you may land successfully and fail to hook the blocking rope. Therefore, normally a land-based fighter aircraft would hold down the throttle when landing, while a carrier-based aircraft would hold down the throttle when landing, ready for a go-around at any time.

Everyone was sweating just now, but nothing happened. The well-trained pilot easily operated the Air Police 600 to go around, and then the pilot's voice came over the radio.

 “Haipan calls, begging to land again!”

The scene just now made Qin Tao's heart beat faster. However, the voice of the pilot driving the Haipan remained calm. This was of course due to strict training. He was accustomed to such failed landings and then go-arounds.

 “Haipan, please pay attention, you can land, please pay attention to your posture.”

 “Haipan received.”

The failure of the first landing did not affect the pilot's mood. He flew half a circle around the aircraft carrier, and after turning to the back, he steadily entered the glide line again. This time it seemed even smoother than last time.

 Closer, closer, the big plate is in front of you, you can see that the plate is painted in two different colors, which looks particularly eye-catching.

The landing gear hit the deck heavily again, and the landing hook continued to slide forward against the deck. This time, it successfully hooked the second arresting cable!

The blocking cable was stretched longer and longer, and the speed of the Air Police 600 became smaller and smaller. Finally, it stopped steadily on the angled deck.

 Successful landing!

 “Let’s go down and have a look!” Wang Wei said.

 The third carrier-based fixed-wing aircraft has landed on the aircraft carrier! The J-32 and J-5 were parked in the parking area on one side of the ship island. With the help of the deck tractor, the Air Police-600 quickly parked next to these two aircraft. The length of the fuselage was as long as the two aircraft. It's almost the same, but it's fuller. The engines on both sides are very huge. There are auxiliary air intakes on the top. Several support pillars hold up the large plate. It's thick and powerful. The four vertical tails at the rear look a bit unique.

Since there are only three aircraft, ready to take off at any time, and the space in the deck parking area is relatively large, these aircraft do not have folding wings.

After the plane stopped, the cabin door opened and people came out.

Not only the pilot in front, but also three people in flight suits and flying helmets came down from the back! Looking at the people behind him, Qin Tao was a little surprised: "This is the first time to land on a ship. It is very dangerous. Why do you want to come with us?"

“Because we want to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, we have confidence in the aircraft, the pilots, and the aircraft carrier!” one of them said. She took off her helmet, revealing her short hair and her heroic appearance.

“Team Wang, do we have female comrades on our shipboard early warning aircraft?” Qin Tao was very surprised.

“Why, Mr. Qin, do you look down on us lesbians?”

"Of course not. I also played a role in promoting the navy's recruitment of female soldiers. In the southern waters, I saw female soldiers on the island guards and was very moved." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced at Xu Zhengyang behind him: "I The secretary’s wife is Nanhai Sunflower, how could I look down on lesbians?”

"Lesbians are conscientious and careful, and are better than their male counterparts in many aspects. When we organized the carrier aviation early warning aircraft squadron, we conducted an audition. Comrade Xiang Jing was far ahead in various technical competitions, so she was selected as No. 60001 The crew member is the first female crew member to board the ship, and she is also a CICO."

Qin Tao didn’t understand: “What do you mean?”

"These are completely in accordance with the establishment of the U.S. Navy." Delano said: "The standard crew of this early warning aircraft has five people, including the pilot and co-pilot in the front, and the airborne early warning personnel in the back. The three of them have different divisions of labor. They are Radar Officer RO, Combat Control Officer CICO and Air Traffic Control Officer ACO. CICO is the mission commander of the entire aircraft during the mission and has the highest authority, except for takeoff and landing. ACO is responsible for air control and handles communication systems and satellite connections. The radar officer is the reserve air traffic control officer and the weapons officer on board. The three people serve as backup for each other. If one of them is unable to perform the task, the other personnel will take over."

Qin Tao racked his brains and tricked retired American naval pilots, maintenance personnel, and deck vest personnel into coming over. He had foresight. The carrier aviation of the Eastern Navy started from scratch and matured rapidly. It is inseparable from the experience of these people. At the same time, a large number of regulations are also based on the U.S. Navy. After all, they have been working on it for decades, and these systems are mature and reliable. We don’t have to find new ways, start from scratch, and just use doctrines.

"Yes, she is indeed a woman!" Qin Tao praised and looked at the two pilots. He knew these two people. They were the test pilots when the test flight was carried out in Huangdi Village.

 “We meet again on the aircraft carrier, welcome to you!”

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