Warship of Great Power

Chapter 938: Two kinds of competition

“What does this **** Takao Saito want to do? To discredit our hydrogen energy vehicles?” Akira said angrily: “Did he take advantage of the Eastern people?”

"Probably not. As the most famous cartoonist in our island country, how could he be bribed by an Oriental." Shiomi Zhengda said: "We have already investigated it. Recently, there has been a gap in the plot of the Skull 13 comic. Saito Takao thought He didn't think about the plot for a long time, and then, a mysterious phone call came and told him the plot. Saito Takao was very excited, so he drew the plot. This issue of Skull 13 was once again a big seller, even surpassing the detective. Conan, it can be seen that the content of this issue is very popular among readers."

"Hmph, grandstanding, this **** guy is stepping on us to grandstand!" Zhang Lang said: "Now, people all over the country are skeptical about our hydrogen energy vehicles. We have been laying the groundwork for so long, and now we are actually It was ruined by a cartoon! It’s too much, it’s too much!”

 Zhang Lang’s irritation is understandable.

They are unswervingly pursuing the hydrogen energy vehicle route, but this route has been questioned by many people, especially if you want to popularize this technology, you will need hydrogen refueling stations. Anyone who wants to build a hydrogen refueling station Everywhere, there will be strong opposition from nearby residents.

 Are you kidding me, you actually want to plant a bomb near us? Protest, protest!

Not to mention hydrogen refueling stations, some people will still be skeptical about ordinary hydrogen energy vehicles. If you see one on the road, you must stay away.

Now, in the comics, a hydrogen energy car can actually blow up a building. Is this really awesome? Which building parking lot will welcome hydrogen energy vehicles in the future? This kind of car will definitely be prevented from parking. How will it be promoted in the future?

 The Toyota team never imagined that they would be defeated by comics!

"Should we file a lawsuit in court against that **** Takao Saito?" Shiomi said: "Let him publicly apologize to us in the comics and admit that the comics he drew are inconsistent with the facts. If he doesn't apologize, then Put him in jail."

Akira shook his head repeatedly: "Of course not. This will have a more terrifying influence and will only make people think that we are guilty of committing crimes. People like Saito Takao will not compromise and will only continue to fight against us, even if he is imprisoned. It won’t change anything, on the contrary, it will make more people hostile to us.”

 Are you kidding me, sending a cartoonist to jail? Isn't this asking for death?

In the island country, cartoonists have a terrible influence that ordinary people can never imagine. Take Skeleton 13 as an example. The first issue was published in 1968 and it has not stopped until now. Thirty-five years later, when I first read The young people who wrote the comics have now grown into middle-aged uncles and are spread across all walks of life in the island country. If these people know that the cartoonist they respect has been sued, why not be furious? What if these people come out to march?

In the island country, cartoonists are more influential than celebrities, especially cartoons that have been updated continuously for decades. Maybe even their leaders are loyal fans of the cartoonists. Such a frontal confrontation is definitely the best way. It is irrational and simply stands on the opposite side of the social group.

 “Then what should we do?”

"Humph, treat others the way they treat others. Don't the Easterners want to use this method to slander our hydrogen energy vehicles? We will use the same method to slander them! Our gas tanks were shot because of bullets It just exploded, and their car will burst into flames after just one car accident, and the power unit with a bunch of stacked batteries is even more of a big bomb!"

“But, the most it would be is a fire, it’s impossible to blow up a building.” Shiomi was still a little puzzled.

"It's enough to catch fire." Zhang Lang said: "Any car owner doesn't want his car to collide and catch fire in the event of a traffic accident, right? The probability of being hit by a bullet in the hydrogen tank is much lower than the probability of a traffic accident. Electric cars are even less safe!”

Since the Orientals want to slander them, they must in turn slander the Orientals, so that the people can regain their confidence.

“Report, a new episode of Oriental’s Zhang Zhongshuo program has been launched. This program is called Zhang Zhongshuo New Energy.”

Zhang Lang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Turn on the TV and let's see what the Orientals are going to do."

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, welcome to this episode of our Zhang Zhong Talks. On the surface, this episode has nothing to do with our military. It is called Zhang Zhong Talks about New Energy, and it is in the field of the automotive industry. But , everyone should know that fossil energy represented by petroleum will eventually be exhausted. Human beings must find alternative energy sources. This is the purpose of new energy vehicles. At the same time, new energy vehicles must be energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Today, we We invited Mr. Wang, the engineer of Golden Sun Electric Vehicle, hello, Mr. Wang!"

The camera turned to the other side, and a figure of an engineer in his forties appeared. He had a bald forehead and wore thick glasses. He looked like an old scholar at first glance.

"Hello everyone in front of the TV, I am Lao Wang." Wang Gong was very enthusiastic: "First of all, I would like to introduce to you that new energy refers to energy that replaces fossil energy. It does not mean that this energy is completely new, whether it is Electric cars, or fuel cell cars, all use energy that existed in the past. When cars first appeared, batteries were used. However, the energy density of batteries at that time was too low, so they were quickly eliminated and gave way to of fossil fuels.”

"Now, with the continuous development of technology, we have more and more new power generation methods, such as wind energy and solar energy. These are clean energy sources." Wang Gong continued: "However, these energy sources have great advantages. , the shortcomings are also big. For example, the supply of these electricity is unstable, wind energy depends on the strength of the wind, and solar energy cannot work on cloudy days. Therefore, the grid does not like this kind of electricity, and it will be difficult to generate electricity on the grid. If If this problem is not solved, our clean energy sources will become useless."

“Wang Gong, after hearing your introduction, I thought about our electric cars. Our electric cars should not require electricity. This kind of wind energy and solar energy can completely power our electric cars.”

"Yes, that's it." Wang Gong said: "As long as there is electricity, no matter how big or small, it can be stored in our electric vehicles. For example, we install solar panels on the top of various buildings in a certain city. Then all the electricity is transported to an electric vehicle charging station. Then, without consuming any additional electricity, just these solar energy can allow our electric vehicles to complete the charging task. It not only solves the problem of solar power generation grid connection, but also allows Electric cars use clean energy. Wind power stations can also use this method, and our electric cars become a storage tool for this energy."

 Zhang Lang's face darkened.

 In Europe, environmental protection has become a political benchmark. Whoever is more environmentally friendly will get greater support. Now, Easterners use this kind of rhetoric to disguise electric cars as environmentally friendly cars!

 Many people criticize electric cars, saying that power generation is still polluting, but now, people in the East have turned to solar and wind energy!

  It not only solves the power source of electric vehicles, but also solves the problem of inconvenient storage of solar and wind energy. How do you like this?

 Hydrogen energy does not have this advantage. No matter how hydrogen is produced, it will cause pollution and consume energy.

"Let's look at hydrogen energy again. In this technical route, the production of hydrogen is a problem. Electrolysis of water consumes a lot of electricity, forming an endless cycle. First use electricity to produce hydrogen, and then use hydrogen to generate electricity. After going through a circle and going back, it is better to use batteries directly, which has a higher conversion efficiency. If gray hydrogen is used, that is, using oil, natural gas and coal to produce hydrogen, it will not only cause great pollution, but also go back. Our new energy Cars are originally designed to solve energy shortages, but in the end they still use original fossil fuels to produce hydrogen. What is the difference between this and using fossil fuels directly?"

 Zhang Lang's face is getting darker and darker. Under their propaganda, hydrogen energy has been considered the most advanced new energy source. However, they have hidden many problems: how to obtain hydrogen.

 At present, the source of hydrogen is mainly gray hydrogen, which is produced from fossil fuels. This has come back again, isn’t it necessary to solve the energy crisis? This clearly uses the original fossil fuel again!

"So, a hydrogen energy fuel cell vehicle is a complete pseudo-new energy source. It uses high-end hydrogen to disguise itself. In essence, it is still a vehicle that uses fossil energy." Zhang Zhong began to summarize: "Moreover, It’s come full circle, which reminds us of a saying.”

 “What is the saying?”

“To take off your pants when you fart, it can be used directly, but you have to go around in a big circle.”

It is a bit too vulgar to say such a sentence in such a serious program, but Wang Gong agrees with it very much.

"Your analogy is very appropriate. When talking about hydrogen energy, everyone will think that it is high-end. In fact, its essence is still an electric vehicle." Wang Gong continued: "There is no dedicated internal combustion engine for hydrogen energy. Hydrogen is still It needs to enter the fuel cell, convert it into electrical energy, and then drive the electric motor to drive the vehicle forward. This is a big circle, and our battery-driven electric vehicle is more direct. "

 Hydrogen can be burned directly, but it is too dangerous to burn. Gasoline vehicles often have problems such as oil leakage. If a hydrogen internal combustion engine leaks, the consequences can be imagined. Even if there is a hydrogen internal combustion engine, it is mixed with some gasoline and burned together, which is safer.

 So, the hydrogen has to enter the fuel cell and be converted into electricity. It would be more vivid to fart and take off your pants.

"What's even more frightening about fuel cells is that they need to use precious metals, such as platinum, palladium and other materials as key materials in the cathode and anode catalysts of fuel cells. Only this material can promote the reaction between fuel and oxygen, thereby increasing the battery power. We As you know, the most advanced fuel cell currently developed by Tiantian has a power of only 25 kilowatts, but the price of this car has reached 100 million yen, which is equivalent to 6.5 million yuan in our yuan. This number shocked me. Our electric No matter how advanced the car is, the price does not exceed one million. Moreover, this material has another flaw, which is that it works well when using pure oxygen, but if it uses air, it is easily contaminated by the thin gases in the air. With our industry It is said to be platinum poisoning. In this case, it needs to be replaced, and the price is even more shocking. Moreover, the platinum reserves that have been discovered so far are only enough to build fuel cells for one million hydrogen energy vehicles at most, and they will be exhausted after that."

"Damn it, slander, it's all slander!" Zhang Lang was extremely angry: "Our fuel cell is not so bad, we will research a replacement!"

These analyses, every word of which is heart-breaking, are all focused on their shortcomings. How could Zhang Lang not be annoyed.

How should they retort? Electric cars also have the risk of catching fire, but they will not explode like hydrogen energy. The batteries of electric cars are expensive, but they will not cause platinum poisoning and do not need to be replaced frequently. These words from the Orientals all hit their weaknesses.

“Conceptually speaking, hydrogen energy is wonderful, but if you analyze it, you will know how useless hydrogen energy is.” Zhang Zhong concluded: “In comparison, our electric vehicles are more promising.”

“Of course, the main doubts about us now are about batteries. On the one hand, we will continue to develop new batteries, and on the other hand, we will develop new technologies to allow our electric vehicles to give up batteries.”

Electric cars don’t use batteries? What to use?

 Zhang Lang and Shiomi Zhengda were both surprised.

"In the future, when our wireless charging technology matures, all our domestic road networks will be laid out for wireless charging. Our electric vehicles driving on them can be charged while driving, or even without charging, and can be driven directly by the power above. Just like our railway locomotives.”

  The two people’s eyes widened.

 Are you kidding, wireless charging?

 It is the dream of many people to not need to be tied down by cables. Many devices are easy to implement, such as wireless keyboards and mice, but many are not easy to implement, such as high-power wireless charging!

Low-power wireless charging will cause about 20% loss, which seems not to be a big deal, but the device is placed directly on the charging pad. If high-power wireless charging is laid on the road, it will consume a lot of energy. It will all be wasted. The actual power used will probably be no more than 10%, and the rest will be wasted!

How luxurious is this?

 Landlords don’t even dare to play like this. "Within five years, we will have laid the world's first wireless charging road. Within ten years, we will have most cities covered with such roads. The future era will definitely belong to electric vehicles. We have this confidence. !”

“Five years, ten years? Orientals are obviously bragging!”

"The Orientals have their own abilities." Shiomi Zhengzheng suddenly looked ugly: "The Orientals' aircraft carriers use electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic interception. They are now testing them frequently and the results are very good. Even the United States has not mastered this technology. They They can all be used easily, and now it is also very easy for them to transplant these technologies into electric vehicles.”

“Humph, no matter how rich the Easterners are, they cannot change the political situation. The West will still welcome our hydrogen energy vehicles. By the way, has the task of building the first hydrogen refueling station in Europe been completed?”

They have gained support from the Western world, and they are building the first hydrogen refueling station in Europe with great ambitions. After all, before there is a hydrogen refueling station, there can be hydrogen energy vehicles to test. Otherwise, how can the vehicle be refueled after being transported? It can only be displayed statically and will definitely become a joke.

“Originally it was planned to open in Germany, but they met with strong opposition.”

Of course the Germans are not willing. What is Germany? That’s the birthplace of the world’s automobiles! Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi are all made in Germany, from Volkswagen to Porsche. You can get whatever car you want. Toyota continues to encroach on the European market, which has made them very annoyed. Now it actually wants to go to Germany to open a hydrogen refueling station?

 No one will welcome it.

 Zhang Lang nodded, understanding this: "What about other countries?"

“We finally found a site in Sweden where the hydrogen refueling station can be located, where environmental protection is the most important.”

Sweden? Zhang Lang frowned. It was the northernmost country in the world. Is the temperature suitable? To go to other European countries from there, you have to take a boat.

"Sweden has a strong interest in environmental protection. They are very supportive of our hydrogen refueling stations and believe that our hydrogen energy is environmentally friendly. As long as we gain a foothold in Sweden, we can slowly expand to the entire Europe." Shiomi Masayoshi said .

 Zhang Lang nodded, now they have no other way, finding a breakthrough is not easy.

"Then go to construction immediately and bring ten of our first batch of hydrogen energy vehicles to their heads of government and environmentalists." Zhang Lang said: "This will help the development of our hydrogen energy vehicles in Europe. "

 This is like the first pioneers after Columbus discovered the New World. They had to make a good first stop.

 Yo Jianzheng nodded: "I'll go right away."

 A few days later, a small town near the Swedish capital.

 A large group of people gathered here, holding homemade small flags with the words environmental protection written on them. Among them, a girl stood out.

Although it is winter now, the temperature near the Swedish capital is not very low, often staying at around zero to minus six degrees. Of course, the temperature in many areas in northern Sweden may be as low as minus 30 or 40 degrees.

 The girl is wearing a green down jacket, a pair of green pants underneath, green shoes on her feet, and even the hat on her head is green.

She is not beautiful. If it weren't for her long blond hair, she would look no different from a man. She is not very tall either, but she has a great influence among these people. She almost always stands In position C.

 “Long live environmental protection!”

 “Humanity has only one earth!”

 “Long live the Paris Agreement!”

 Everyone shouted slogans together.

They are naturally the environmental protection organization here, and this girl is their leader: Lena.

"Ms. Lena, we are here with the sincerity of environmental protection." Shiomi stood aside and said: "We used the fastest speed in the world to complete the construction of this hydrogenation station. Now, we are about to usher in the For the first hydrogen car, we know that the by-product of hydrogen combustion is only water, and it is the purest water. This is a very environmentally friendly energy source."

“Yes, we welcome environmentally friendly cars. From now on, our cars will no longer emit exhaust gas, only water vapor.” Lena said excitedly: “This is a new height for our environmental protection career.”

 A hydrogen refueling station is very complicated. It is absolutely impossible for islanders to complete the construction of a hydrogen refueling station in a short time. However, they have made arrangements in advance.

Generally speaking, the gaseous hydrogen system is the easiest to implement. It includes tube bundle trailers, tube bundles, compressors, storage tanks, gas vending machines and other devices. If it is a gas station, the tank will generally be placed underground to avoid open flames, but For gas, just put it outside.

This is similar to natural gas. The natural gas initially built was CNG, which is pressurized natural gas. Later, it began to transition to LNG, which is liquefied natural gas. Even in the summer, the temperature is many degrees below zero, and the mouth of the gas tank is condensed. The layer of frost makes people look a little chilly.

The key thing in the hydrogenation station is the hydrogen storage system. The hydrogen storage tanks are placed outside. At this time, the container-like device behind them is to store the hydrogen storage tanks. However, for safety, a Shell, there are many holes in the shell.

The real construction is actually just the roof erected above the gas vending machine. Even the office next to it is built directly from the container.

However, this hydrogen refueling station has finally been constructed and is just waiting for its opening.

Woooo! The whistle sounded from the road ahead, and a heavy truck tractor came dragging six gas tanks behind it! Each gas tank is in the shape of a long strip, like an oxygen bottle magnified many times.

 “Coming, coming!” Lena shouted: “Everyone, keep shouting slogans!”

 “Long live hydrogen energy!”

A large number of reporters also came, some with cameras and some with cameras on their shoulders, taking pictures non-stop.

 With their attention, the tow truck drove over.

The first step when a hydrogen refueling station is put into operation is, of course, to unload the gas. Only by loading hydrogen into their gas storage tanks can hydrogen energy vehicles be powered.

Similar to a natural gas filling station, the hydrogen is shipped via trailers. Now, this professional vehicle drives over and stops at a dedicated hydrogen unloading position.

 “Attention, prepare to unload the truck!”

Several employees in steam suits came over, connected the pipe on the unloading column to the outlet gas of the hydrogen tank on the trailer, and then started it.

The sound of ba ba ba ba ba was heard.

 Degassing begins!

The gas tank on the trailer has pressure, which is higher than the pressure of the hydrogen refueling station storage tank, so the pressure difference can be used to remove the hydrogen. After the pressure is balanced, the compressor needs to be started to continue adding the remaining hydrogen. pressure injection.

Although it would be more convenient to turn into liquid hydrogen and flow it in, the temperature of liquid hydrogen is too low, making transportation and storage difficult. Therefore, for a long time, gaseous hydrogen was used as the hydrogen energy source. The pressure of this type of trailer is only about 20 MPa, while the pressure of the on-board gas storage bottle of a hydrogen energy vehicle reaches 25 MPa, and will soon increase to 35 MPa, for which a supercharger must be used.

"Our compressor is specially made. If there is lubricating oil, it may pollute the hydrogen, so the compressor uses an oil-free lubricated compressor and an electric motor is used to drive it." As the gas unloading enters the pressurization stage, Shiomi Zhengda Continue with the introduction.

"The technology of the island country is the most advanced, and we trust the technology of the island country..." Before Lena could finish her words, suddenly, the alarm system of the hydrogen refueling station rang.

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