Warship of Great Power

Chapter 939: The hydrogen refueling station exploded

Yo Jianzheng frowned, what's going on?

With so many friends from the media at the scene, their hydrogen refueling station was started for the first time. How could something go wrong?

Environmentalists have also changed their faces.

“Don’t worry, everyone, it’s our test during the hydrogenation process. The alarm is normal.” Shiomi shouted.

“Yes, there will be no problem with the technology of island countries.”

 “Long live environmental protection!”

While they continued to shout slogans, a staff member hurried over and wanted to report something, but Shiomi stopped him: "It's no big deal, keep venting, we were just testing."

The staff member looked ugly. Looking at so many people present, he gritted his teeth and said, "Report, the hydrogen pressure on the trailer is decreasing, but our storage tank pressure has not increased."

"What? Why didn't you report it earlier?" Yan Jianzheng's face changed.

 “What’s wrong?” Lena asked.

“It’s okay, the compressor may have some minor faults.”

“Sir Shiomi, for the sake of safety, I think we should evacuate as soon as possible...”

"Baga!" Shiomi was annoyed. Thanks to these people who couldn't understand the island's dialect, they didn't know what was going on. But if these people were to be evacuated, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?

 He must not let this happen.

Lena's eyes were filled with doubts. She listened to Shiomi's eager exchanges with the staff and saw that the camera lens had moved away. She took out a small comb from her pocket and took off her cuckold. Start combing your hair. As a public figure, you must pay attention to your image.

Crack, crackle, crackle... the sound was very small, but Shiomi's face changed suddenly, and he looked over with horrified eyes. The friction between the plastic comb and the dry hair produced sparks that were difficult to see during the day!

Needless to say, hydrogen refueling stations, even gas stations, will have special measures to deal with static electricity. However, these people are not staff and do not understand what a small spark means!

  Shiomi opened his eyes wide with fear. Before he could stop him, he saw a ball of flame suddenly appear on the girl's head!

"Ah..." Lena screamed, but the fireball expanded rapidly and spread in all directions, just like a bomb exploding.

 It’s over!

They were eager for success, so the equipment was not debugged properly. The compressor without lubricant did not pump the remaining hydrogen into the hydrogen storage tank of the hydrogen refueling station. It must have leaked!

 In an open place, it won’t be a big problem to leak some. Hydrogen is the lightest gas in the world and will quickly diffuse into the air without gathering.

 However, while spreading, I ran into this idiot who was combing his hair and causing frictional electrification!


The flames quickly turned into a big fireball and enveloped Lena, a girl who shouted environmental slogans. She shouted loudly: "Save me, save me!"

Before she could finish her words, the expanding fireball enveloped her.

Others ran outside, but no one could escape. The flames spread so fast that they quickly enveloped the entire hydrogenation station almost instantly.


The explosion sounded the next second, and the violent combustion would inevitably lead to an explosion. The air wave generated by the explosion destroyed the hydrogen tank, forming a second, more violent explosion.


 Lands collapsed and the ground cracked, and the earth shook.

For this small town, today is the most desperate day. They felt the earthquake first, and before they left their homes, the terrible shock wave hit. Their window glass was broken one after another, and their eardrums seemed to be ruptured. When he looked outside with horrified eyes, he saw a terrifying fireball, as if an arsenal exploded!

 The next moment, the roof collapsed.

 There was no one left at the explosion site. Everyone was cremated at the moment of the explosion. One-third of the houses in the town collapsed, and the remaining people ran around like frightened animals, screaming in despair.

To make matters worse, there are woods near their small town!

 The flames were driven by the wind and headed towards the woods. Soon, a bigger flame burned!

The firefighters arrived ten minutes later and found that they were helpless. Even ten fire brigades were not enough to deal with this terrible fire!

 This is a terrible accident! The incident spread throughout the world that day.

When the news reached the island country, it was night here and everyone was sleeping. Zhang Lang was woken up in his sleep, his face full of anger: "Baga! What woke me up?"

 “The hydrogen refueling station exploded.”


 He suddenly lost all sleep.

  Exploded? How could it explode?

There are also several hydrogen refueling stations on the mainland of the island country, and we have always been very careful. This kind of thing has never happened before.

 What's going on?

Of course they know that hydrogen is flammable and explosive, so safety measures are in place. In order to improve safety in the station, their gas unloading columns, compressors, fixed gas storage tanks and hydrogenation machines are all very close to each other. , there is also a special security monitoring system to prevent hydrogen from exploding in open flames to ensure safety. It has been running for several years without any problems. Why did it go to Sweden and not survive for a day?

 “I don’t know, everyone at the scene has already…”

 “Did the locals get hurt?” Zhang Lang’s eyelids twitched violently again.

"have no idea."

“Hurry, book your flight ticket immediately, I want to go there in person!”

  Toyota’s first hydrogen refueling station in Europe had a terrible explosion when it was unloading gas for the first time! The entire hydrogen refueling station and everyone inside was blown to pieces. Half of the houses in the nearby town collapsed, killing and injuring hundreds of people!

 This news is so exciting.

After receiving the news, Saito Takao pondered for a long time: "Our vision is still not enough. We only considered the explosion of the car and did not think of the explosion of the hydrogen refueling station. This is what really attracts attention!"

He picked up the paintbrush in his hand: "However, this also just escalates the plot. Last time we bombed a car, this time we bombed a hydrogen refueling station! We can continue to promote the development of the plot!"

 His hands moved quickly on the drawing paper.

Akira arrived at the scene of the explosion. Seeing the horrific scene, he bowed and saluted on the spot. He lasted for a minute before getting up. The bow was very standard and showed the sincerity of the islanders. In normal times, this gesture would definitely arouse everyone's favor. :Did you see that? The island country is so cultured, and the apology was very sincere! As for after apologizing, naturally we should do what we should do.

Now, this apology is of no use, everyone is looking at them with cold eyes.

"Please believe us, this is just an accident." Zhang Lang spoke to the Swedish officials at the scene. Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

“The production and transportation of hydrogen face many problems. Hydrogen refueling stations are even more dangerous. We must re-evaluate our new energy routes.” The official left these words and turned to leave.

  Previous criticisms can be said to be slander, but now, the explosion at the hydrogen refueling station is real! In the future, any place that wants to build a hydrogen refueling station will be opposed by local residents! Hydrogen refueling stations should be located far away from big cities and away from inhabited places, but this will lose convenience.

  After all, cars are mainly used in cities. When driving in cities and running out of fuel, you have to drive dozens of kilometers out of the city to refill fuel. Ordinary people will never accept that. In this way, the soil for hydrogen energy vehicles to survive is gone!

 Sweden, which is most supportive of the hydrogen energy route, has begun to change its stance.

“Please believe us, the technology will definitely mature. Isn’t there natural gas in the city? Since you are not afraid of natural gas, why do you reject hydrogen?”

“Can natural gas blow up the ground like this?”

 Zhang Lang’s face was serious. He had a premonition of the next fate of hydrogen energy.

 Germany stood up second.

"We believe that there are many uncertainties in the hydrogen energy route, especially safety issues. Therefore, we must reconsider the new energy route. Perhaps electric vehicles are also a good direction. We also encourage domestic companies to actively Transform and develop advanced new energy vehicles.”

 Germany also has technology accumulation in fuel cells. Their AIP submarines use fuel cells, so they are also well aware of the shortcomings of this technical route: the safety requirements are too high! If it is placed on a submarine and operated by professionally trained technicians, it can only guarantee safety. But if it is placed on a car and used by ordinary people, the risk is too high!

 Hence, the Germans were originally worried about hydrogen energy, and this explosion was a wake-up call, making everyone fear hydrogen energy.

 Although the batteries of electric vehicles also have risks, they are unlikely to affect so many people.

  Fuel cars will still spontaneously ignite, and the comparison between the two should be about the same.

Following Germany's stance, other countries in Europe have also begun to consider whether it is too hasty to rashly focus on hydrogen energy. The characteristics of hydrogen determine its danger!

Just when everyone was hesitant, news came from the east that shocked them.

"We at Golden Sun are willing to make our own contribution to global energy conservation and emission reduction. We provide customers with a complete set of electric vehicle solutions. We can provide battery packs, motors, controllers and other parts, so that customers can quickly use our accessories. Complete the research and development of electric vehicles. Let us jointly contribute to reducing carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality!"

 Orientals are actually willing to take out these things and provide them with matching items! A traditional internal combustion engine company can quickly transition to a new energy vehicle company!

This news immediately touched many people.


With the end of the first phase of the aircraft carrier test, Ma Ming also went ashore. After returning, he hurried to the capital. On the one hand, he reported on the situation of electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic interception. On the other hand, he also wanted to meet with President Qin. .

"Mr. Qin, we have already led the way in the field of electric vehicles. At this time, if we use this method, many car companies will catch up with us." Ma Ming expressed his worries: "We are doing this because for what?"

"We want to eat alone, but others have to overturn the table." Qin Tao said: "It's my fault for not thinking carefully. We must now release some meat for others to eat together, so that we can jointly expand the electric vehicle market To grow bigger, as for the current technology being copied by others... I think you should be prepared, right?"

Everyone says that AT gearboxes are good, but domestic car companies only equip them with few. This is mainly because the price is too expensive, and the price is high because of patent rights. Other industrial countries rely on their foresight to register many patents. Then you can lie on it and sleep.

Electric vehicles are a good opportunity to overtake in corners. Dongfang can finally stand on the same starting line as other car companies, and then seize various patent peaks by itself. This has advantages and disadvantages. It wants to be alone, but others do not follow up. In the end, I'm left to perform alone.

More people must be brought onto the road of electric vehicles!

“Well, we are prepared. Our motors specially designed for electric vehicles have been patented, and there are advanced chips on the controller and battery modules. These chips are all developed by ourselves.”

The motor is a mechanical structure that can be seen when it is disassembled, so these must be protected by patents. As for the motor controller and power supply, there are a large number of chips in them. Chips do not need patent protection and there is no need to worry about someone copying them. , because others simply don’t know the internal structure of the chip.

The purpose of providing electric vehicle parts and allowing other car companies to quickly follow up is to jointly expand the market. At the same time, it can also lock in the technology of electric vehicles. From then on, other car companies can only import these devices from Mingzhou Group. .

“Also, it would be best to separate a company specifically for export.” Qin Tao continued.

“Separate grades for personal use and export?” Ma Ming’s eyes lit up.

"Well, it's not just about separating grades, but also about avoiding monopoly." Qin Tao said: "We are the only electric vehicle giant in the world. Maybe one day we will be concocted by a certain force to conduct an anti-monopoly investigation and bite us severely. We said, although we don’t mind litigating with them, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive and unnecessary, so we should make these plans in advance.”

 “Yeah.” Ma Ming nodded.

Mr. Qin is always planning a big game of chess. Although Ma Ming is just one of the chess pieces, he plays a key role. Of course, he has to obey Mr. Qin's arrangements, and these arrangements are also very far-sighted. .

“In order to achieve carbon neutrality, we will vigorously develop electric vehicles in the future.” Qin Tao said: “We do this for the sake of environmental protection around the world.”

 “Carbon neutrality is bullshit.” At this moment, a voice came from outside.

Qin Tao looked at the people coming in from outside: "Dad, you are wrong to say that. This is the consensus of the whole world. We only have one earth. We must care for the earth and reduce carbon emissions. What is wrong with this?" "

"Don't play this roundabout game with me." Wu Shengli rolled his eyes at him: "London became a foggy city back then. Why didn't they talk about carbon neutrality at that time? They Western countries have perfected their industry, and now they have to pass this This is a way to lock down the progress space of developing countries, and then use this kind of nonsense moral kidnapping!"

 In a popular saying, Western countries are equivalent to the accumulation of three generations of ancestors and grandchildren, while the East is equivalent to ten years of hard study. How can this be surpassed?

The earth belongs to everyone. It is not developing countries that emit the most carbon dioxide, but those in Europe and the United States that emit the most carbon dioxide during their industrialization process. Now that they are developed, they have begun to engage in this kind of moral kidnapping: We don’t emit emissions, and you can’t emit them either!

"Our country's economy is still dominated by manufacturing. Developed countries are all dominated by high-tech fields. London, the foggy city, is now engaged in the financial industry. Now they are proposing carbon neutrality. It is clear who they are playing. .”

Qin Tao smiled, of course what his father-in-law said is correct, but as we have no other way, we have to keep up. We can't be like the Americans and quit the group if we don't agree. We have been targeted everywhere. If we don't cooperate, we will be isolated easily.

“Dad, why are you so angry today?”

"It's not because of some people." Wu Shengli said: "Every day we shout about environmental protection, but our navy is actually hit on the head, asking us to postpone the construction of the next aircraft carrier and various warships, and use the money to They are engaged in environmental protection, and his grandma’s family really can’t let people like this have enough to eat. If we go back to the old days of digging wood to make fire, it would be extremely environmentally friendly.”

 Qin Tao realized it at this moment. No wonder the old man was so angry that he snatched meat from his own mouth and no one would be satisfied.

 “The superiors probably won’t agree.”

"Of course. Without a strong army, who will protect the motherland? They shout about environmental protection every day, and they are so full that they feel so idle." When Wu Shengli said this, he suddenly thought of something: "What happened to the explosion at the hydrogen refueling station? thing?"

"Hydrogen is a colorless and odorless gas with very low density and fast molecular motion. Although the ignition point is 574 degrees, the energy required for ignition is very small. Even a tiny static spark may ignite." Qin Tao said: "So, an explosion at a hydrogen refueling station is inevitable, and there is no safety at all."

Looking at Wu Shengli's suspicious eyes, Qin Tao was speechless: "Dad, you don't doubt that I did it, do you? My hand didn't stretch that long."

Wu Shengli smiled and was about to say what have you done recently when there was a knock on the door outside.

"Mr. Qin, we just received an application from Asanta Tata Motors." Xu Zhengyang walked in: "They asked us to sell them the supporting three-electric system. They want to develop electric vehicles."

This plan launched by Qin Tao was of course intended to attract European car companies to take the bait. Unexpectedly, a miscellaneous fish came along!

"Ah San? What are they here for?" Wu Shengli said: "They probably want to imitate our three-power system, right? Those people know nothing but copycats, and they clamor to be better than us every day. Recently, our sea We were trying out the aircraft carrier, but they were so greedy that they shouted to them every day that Ah San was the number one navy in Asia and had decades of experience in operating aircraft carriers.”

Ma Ming also became serious: "Mr. Qin, our target is the European market. Their purchasing power is too low and they are not our potential customers at all."

“Yes, they are just here to fish in troubled waters, but if we reject them, others will gossip about us.” Qin Tao said, “Let’s go and take a look.”

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