Warship of Great Power

Chapter 968: Zalayev's return home

With the help of the Mingzhou Group, the Damao Navy finally regained its vitality. In recent years, they have been constantly eliminating old warships, but no new surface ships have been added. Now, they finally have an old ship. After the transformation, he rejoined the navy and became a giant ship of more than 20,000 tons!

This warship was of great significance to Lao Maozi. Just after the successful target shooting, Stanislav signed the modification agreement, which meant that the modification had been successfully completed. Then, early the next morning, he commanded Lao Maozi to The cruiser Admiral Zaev immediately embarked on the return journey.

Time waits for no one. Their navy really needs this warship to go to town. Now that it has been refitted and tested, of course it is time to embark on the return journey.

The huge warship slowly sailed away from the outfitting dock of Mingzhou Group. On the shore, countless people were waving their arms to bid farewell to the warship.

“If we complete the modification work so far ahead of schedule, will it arouse Lao Maozi’s suspicion?” Zhao Ling asked Qin Tao.

"Yes, our original plan was to delay the completion of the transformation for one or two years, but the situation waits for no one." Qin Tao sighed: "Our navy is getting stronger and stronger, which has aroused the fear of some people. Now At this time, we must support Lao Maozi, make Lao Maozi's navy stronger, and continue to let Lao Maozi attract firepower. After we refit this Admiral Razaev, several other ships will also be refitted. In this way, Lao Maozi's naval strength will increase rapidly, and their mentality will also expand."

This is not just a matter of opening and outfitting the dock, but also a more important strategic consideration, so I can't worry about that much. Besides, trees are being cut down very quickly in the Far East, and the money is almost enough. You have to do things with the money. ah.

“Well, next, they should be more confident in handing over the amphibious assault ship contract to us.” Zhao Ling said.

“They should choose us. If they choose other suppliers, they will end up with a mixed bag.”

Stanislav, who was sailing at sea, did not hear these words. He was completely immersed in joy. When they operated this warship and sailed on the ocean, they were so proud. Unfortunately, within a few years, the Red Empire collapsed. This giant ship is also in a state of slump. After so many years of suffering, it can finally regain its vitality. How can it be unhappy?

With a smile on Stanislav's face, and his men behind him also in excitement, they sailed all the way north, from morning to afternoon.

“Report, an air target was found, speed 250, altitude 500, heading northeast.” At this time, the radar officer reported.

This kind of low-altitude and low-speed target is definitely not a fighter jet, but a helicopter. It is flying over from the northeast. It is obvious that it is a helicopter sent by the island country.

 “Attention, full speed ahead!” said Stanislav.

Two 40-megawatt gas turbines began to work at full speed, and the surging power drove the giant ship faster and faster.

 Twenty verses, twenty-five verses, thirty verses!

In terms of speed, it was tested last time. Although the power is not as strong as the original combination of heavy oil boiler and nuclear power system, it can still reach a speed of 30 knots. Damao is not dissatisfied. The key is that this gas turbine is more mature. It is not like the previous boilers, which always had problems from time to time, and it is still powered by electricity. This is definitely the most advanced technology.

The Admiral Razaev successfully reached thirty knots, and rode the wind and waves like no other on the sea. They wanted to leave this sea area as soon as possible and get rid of those **** gummy-like supervisors.

“It’s a pity that we didn’t bring a helicopter.” Stanislav said: “Otherwise, our helicopter would have gone up and fought with them.”

After all, this warship is here to be refitted. There is no need to bring a helicopter. Moreover, since it was laid down, the helicopter has flown to the land base. There is no helicopter dedicated to it.

 “Target distance is fifty!”

 “Target distance is thirty!”

 “The target is five kilometers away!”

At this time, everyone could already see the helicopter flying over from the clear sky. It was a civilian helicopter, a single-rotor Bell-212. The NTV logo was spray-painted on the side of the helicopter. At this time, , on the plane, Mitsuo Shibata pointed his camera at the warship in the distance, while still muttering to himself: "Frunze, I'm here again, you look different from before."

As the most famous master of aerial photography in the island country, Shibata Mitsuo, who is only in his fifties this year, is still on the front line of photography. Of course, he could not let go of this opportunity and got the Admiral Razaev After hearing the news that the ship was coming, he immediately made preparations. Now, his telephoto camera could capture the huge warship. Looking at the brand new mast on the warship, he couldn't help but murmured.

"Helicopters in the air, listen, this is the cruiser Admiral Razaev. Please don't continue to get closer, otherwise we will consider it a threat and defend ourselves!" At this moment, a threatening message came from the radio The voice spoke English with a tinge of flair.

“This is a civilian helicopter of the NTV company. We are filming at sea. This is the high seas and we have the right to fly freely.” The pilot replied immediately, with a strange tone that could be heard in English.

There is no way. For the whole world, it is the most difficult for islanders to learn English because the language system is completely different. Japanese vowels are pronounced clearly, while English has many consonants. In Japanese dialect, none of the fifty-syllable diagrams are rolled. It is a tongue sound, so that the tongue can no longer curl, for example, "r" will be pronounced as "lu". All words with "r" in English will produce non-standard pronunciation.

This time, there was a communication problem. When talking about free flight, the island pilot said "liberty", but his pronunciation was weird, and when transmitted through the radio, the sound was blurred.

 “What did he say?” Stanislav asked.

"I didn't hear it clearly. He seemed to mean least? It should be that he said they have the highest power of flight."

 Free flight has thus become the highest right of flight.

Hearing this, Stanislav became angry: "Tell them, if they get closer again, don't blame us for being rude! Use radar to lock them for me!"

“Report, if they are really civilian aircraft, they do not have radar warning receivers, and our radar has locked on them and there is no point in expelling them.”

In air confrontation, radar locking is a very important part. The radar usually works in the scanning state, and the beam is very weak and will not trigger the alarm receiver. When it changes from scanning to locking, it will emit a large number of continuous waves, especially semi-circular waves. Actively guided missiles need to be equipped with a special target illumination radar that continuously emits electromagnetic waves at the target, which will trigger the warning receiver. In this way, a high-decibel warning sound will sound in the earphones of the target pilot.

 Modern missiles have advanced performance. If locked, ordinary pilots really can't escape. At this time, the opponent may jump over the wall and attack the side that locked him. This will cause the conflict to escalate.

Such things have happened before. For example, in the Gulf, the pilot of an F-16 fighter jet was surprised to find that he was locked by a Patriot missile on the ground. He immediately took the initiative and launched a Ham anti-radiation missile. , blow up the radar of the Patriot missile, otherwise you will be finished.

Since radar locking can cause disputes, it will not be used unless it is a last resort. However, for Lao Maozi, even if a passenger plane dares to shoot down a passenger plane, he is naturally not afraid of this. But now, they cannot use it because if the target is a civilian aircraft, I don’t feel the fear of being targeted by radar at all.

"Then put our guns up! Aim them for me!" Stanislav said.

 “Which naval gun is it?”

 This is a huge warship, and naturally there are many weapons installed on it. For air defense, it should be the AK630 naval gun, right? However, this thing is too small. Even if it is aimed at the other party, the other party may not know it.

“Put up the 130mm naval gun on the bow of the ship!”


The first ship of the Type 1144 cruiser is equipped with two 100 mm single-barreled naval guns, one at the bow and one at the stern. However, starting from the second ship, a 130 mm AK-130DP multi-purpose double-barreled naval gun is installed. This This type of naval gun has a large caliber, great power, and a long range, but its rate of fire is not fast. Even so, in addition to ground attack, it can occasionally perform air defense missions.

 Especially now, erecting the naval guns can threaten the opponent even more.


 After receiving the order, the sailors immediately got busy, and the ship's bow gun made a creaking sound. Although it lacked lubricating oil, it could still operate. This is the characteristic of Lao Maozi.

“Three kilometers away!” the radar officer reported again.

The helicopter was only three kilometers away from the huge cruiser. Under the telephoto lens, the entire warship was clearly visible. While filming, Mitsuo Kishida said with emotion: "When I first photographed it, it had its gun barrel raised, indicating that it was harmless. By passing, it seems, they meant for us to continue filming, we are just flying freely, and as long as we don’t fly over it, we are safe.”

 There was a misunderstanding here again!

 “The helicopter is still approaching!”

Here, on the bridge, Stanislav was furious. What kind of brains do these island people have? Are they so unafraid of death? He had already aimed his cannon at them, but they still dared to continue getting closer.

 Provocation, this is definitely a provocation. Do you think you dare not fire?

“Aim right in front of them and fire for me, a high-explosive bomb!” Stanislav gritted his teeth and said.


 A flame burst from the muzzle, and a shell flew into the sky. At this moment, the helicopter pilot was dumbfounded. What's going on? What's going on? The other party actually opened fire?

What does it mean?

Just before he could react, the airspace in front of him suddenly exploded with a bang!

Countless fragments flew around, and one of the fragments flew towards the engine room.

 “The left engine failed!”

Looking at the red warning light on the instrument panel in front of him, the pilot shouted nervously. Fortunately, the right engine was intact and immediately ran over power, outputting 900 horsepower to ensure that the aircraft continued to cruise. He turned around and flew nearby. landing in the islands.

"Damn it, how could they do this!" Mitsuo Shibata said angrily: "They actually opened fire on us. This is a declaration of war, this is a declaration of war! I just took a photo of the moment of the firing, and I want to tell the world! "

 “They flew away.” On the bridge, the radar man said to Stanislav.

Without a radar report, you can just see it with your eyes. The scene of the helicopter turning around and escaping was swaying, and the engine seemed to be still smoking.

“Hmph, you have to give them something powerful.” Stanislav said: “These guys are not good people. They will not shed tears until they see the coffin. You have to stretch out your fist and hit them hard twice!”

"Report to Captain, what should we do now?" The helicopter seemed to have been damaged by them.

“What else can we do, keep moving forward!” Stanislav said: “We must return to Vladivostok as soon as possible and rebuild.”

The crooked helicopter struggled to land on the Eastern Islands, and the news was quickly reported back. After receiving the news, the islanders instantly became angry.

Lao Maozi can no longer be strong. As soon as they regain their strength a little, they start to yell. This time is an example! How dare they fire at their own civilian helicopters!

 This is a bad precedent and they absolutely cannot accept it. For example, they want to ask for an explanation!

"Send out the Murasame-class destroyers!" said an officer: "We must let Damao know that the 90th Fleet of our Maritime Self-Defense Force is not a vegetarian."

“No, the Murasame class is not enough. We must send out our Kongo class. Our Kongo class is also a 10,000-ton battleship!”

 “It’s better to send our Osumi class there.”

 Everyone was very angry and demanded that the latest warships be sent out to let Da Mao know how powerful they were. At this time, it seemed that not many people could stay awake.

  Shibata Mitsuo is the most famous photographer in the island country. When word spreads that he was attacked on a helicopter, domestic anger will erupt. If they do nothing, it will look a bit too weak.

“Should we notify the Americans?” Only one person raised the question.

"No, if the Americans are notified, we may not be able to do anything. We are just on a routine cruise. No, we are sending a new batch of fleets to fight against pirates, and they will just meet Lao Maozi's warships!" Finally, they made up their mind. Got the idea.

 Early the next morning, drizzle began to fall in the sky.

“The radar produced by Dongfang is really good. It can work stably no matter what the circumstances.” The radar officer looked at the radar screen in front of him with satisfaction on his face.

Although their own roof-mounted radar will also work in thunderstorms, the search distance will be greatly reduced. Now the radar performance remains unchanged, which shows how powerful Dongfang’s technical strength is.

"Yes, this radar is really good." Stanislav nodded: "The power system is also good. It will be fine if it keeps running at full speed."

Although he did not regret opening fire yesterday, he also knew that opening fire would make the islanders unhappy, so since yesterday evening, they have been operating at a maximum speed of thirty knots. The power system has continued to operate at high speed and has always been normal. , it can be regarded as accepting a new test.

 As for whether sailing like this will consume more fuel? This is not what they have to consider. Lao Maozi lacks many things, but he does not lack oil. They don't care about the fuel consumption.

“Report, two bright spots found, approaching us!”

Although the search range of Dongfang's imitation roof radar is longer, it is also an air search. The sea surface is affected by the curvature of the earth, and the search distance is limited. They saw the target when it just appeared from the sea level.

 “Maybe it’s a merchant ship.”

 “No, there is no shipping route for merchant ships in that direction.”

 Merchant ships follow fixed routes and do not wander around.

 “That’s the fishing boat.”

“No, judging from the radar reflection area, the target may be a 10,000-ton giant ship. Is there such a big fishing boat?”

Of course there is, but such large fishing boats are generally ocean-going fishing boats. They will only appear in that sea area when they return or go to sea. Isn't this too coincidental?

 Stanislav frowned: "Order the entire ship to prepare for battle!"

 “But we have no weapons.”

Their warship came out of the repair shop. It had been lying around all the time. The naval gun had a few shells in stock. That was because the navy soldiers thought it was difficult to move the shells, and the shells were not valuable, and missiles and so on. They just don't have it.

Their warship is equipped with powerful P-700 anti-ship missiles, but now they don’t have any on their warships. Those missiles are only hoisted when they are used. In order to avoid being stolen by the Easterners, they sent them to When we came here for renovation, even if there were any, they had to be removed.

At present, there is an S-300F and a Shikili. These are just two missiles. If used together, they can also attack ships, but their power cannot be compared with professional anti-ship missiles, let alone Sink a 10,000-ton warship.

"Huh, if they dare to go against us, our hull is the biggest weapon!" Stanislav said.

 More than an hour later.

The drizzle is still falling, and the visibility is not high. Only the bright spots on the radar screen are getting closer and closer.

“It’s five kilometers away, but unfortunately we can’t detect it visually yet,” Stanislav said. “However, this situation is good for us.”

 After all, they are the one who wants to fish in troubled waters, and the other side is the one who wants to block it.

At this moment, a voice came from the public radio channel again.

“Ships ahead, listen, this is the frigate King Kong. Your navigation is occupying our route. Please get out of the way immediately. Please get out of the way immediately!”

 King Kong?

 The world’s first Aegis destroyer is the American Arleigh Burke-class, and the second is the island nation’s Kong-class. Except for the different masts, the two warships are almost replicas.

With a displacement of nearly 10,000 tons, it was the most powerful destroyer in the island country before 2007. Of course, due to the influence of the constitution, the islanders did not call this warship a destroyer, but still called it a frigate.

 The King Kong frigate is the elite of the island country’s navy’s ninety fleet!

Now, the islanders have sent this kind of warship over, hoping to give the Admiral Razaev a showdown. Stanislav had contempt on his face: "Tell them that they have occupied our waterway and sail according to normal maritime navigation." The rule is, the small boat gives way to the big boat!”

 Small boats have better maneuverability, so they are more suitable for avoidance. Large ships have a large displacement on their own and will not suffer any loss if they are hit, so they generally do not give way.

Opposite, Captain Kitaro of the Kongo glanced at the opposite side angrily: "Damn it, do you want to take advantage of the larger displacement? Tell them that this is our territorial waters!"

“Huh, what are you talking about? You can’t even speak English well.” Stanislav said contemptuously, and then gave the order: “Turn off the radio! It’s making a lot of noise.”

He didn't believe it anymore, and the other party dared not to avoid it.

 The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

 Two kilometers, one kilometer, five hundred meters!

Although it was raining, the outline of the huge warship still appeared in front of him. When he saw that the other party still did not give way, Kitaro said angrily: "Baga, they don't give way, and neither do we! Look who it is The warships are stronger!"


 Click, wipe, wipe!

If you compare it to impact, even though the King Kong class is named King Kong, it does not have the physique of King Kong at all!

After World War II, the era of armored giant ships ended. In order to reduce displacement, various countries used high-strength steel on warships, but the thickness was not high. When Lao Maozi built the Kirov class, he considered that this was a A giant ship of more than 20,000 tons uses more steel and is thicker.

 So, as soon as the two sides collide, the superiority and inferiority can be distinguished immediately.

The bow of the King Kong-class ship is lower, and it would have been easier to get under the bow of the Kirov-class ship, thus bringing about a better impact effect. However, Lao Maozi's product had enough materials, and when the two collided, the King Kong-class ship The head shrank immediately.

That's right, it was deflated, and the big nose of the ship's bow was immediately hit back. Everyone on the warship screamed and fell to the ground under the impact, but the huge Kirov class remained motionless!

 “Right rudder one!” Stanislav ordered.

 Just teach them a lesson. If their warship is rammed and sunk, it will easily escalate the conflict. It is not appropriate for them to make a big fuss here.

“Right full rudder, right full rudder!” Kitaro shouted loudly.

 The sailor got up from the ground and turned the wheel quickly.

 Click, wipe, wipe!

The huge scraping sound continued, and the sides of the two warships were scraping together. Sparks could be seen even on rainy days. At this moment, every sailor from the island country was terrified, fearing that his warship would be capsized.

When the rubbing was over, they finally let out a long breath. Fortunately, they didn't turn over!

 “Damage Control Report!”

“The entire port side was squeezed back, more than ten centimeters!”

 “No leaks!”

The King Kong class is not designed according to any stealth principle. The hull is floating outwards, and the deck is the widest part of the entire ship. Now, the entire port side has been squeezed back by more than ten centimeters!

The Kirov-class did not suffer any damage, and continued to move forward at high speed, disappearing into the rain.

 For Lao Maozi, this is a common occurrence, but for the islanders, this is definitely a huge humiliation!

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